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Darren-M edited this page Oct 21, 2011 · 17 revisions

#mafia @


Hello there! We’re a mafia channel, where we pretend to murder each other and then try to find the culprit. Unlike forums like Mafiascum, our games happen in real-time, so they can be very fast paced and tend to last between 10 minutes and an hour. We also have over 800 different roles, and a variety of setups from mountainous (a setup featuring no power roles) to chaos (a setup where anything is possible) and a fair chunk of everything inbetween.

Operators are users with either a green dot, gold star or @ sign (depending on your client). These users are the channel moderators, and are responsible for the channels day-to-day running. This ranges from enforcing the rules to helping new players. A full list of ops is below. Ops in BOLD are ones who focus on channel management and are therefore more likely to be able to answer any questions you have.

Owner: Xyl

Co-owner: Tanarin

Managers: Daz, demonspork, DrCoconut, Fox, Neruz, Phayt, Uprising


Failing to follow these rules may result in being modkilled or banned.

Operators may also use their discretion in managing the channel for areas not covered by these rules.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, PM an Operator (@). If you think you have been unfairly banned or wish to appeal against a decision, please contact Xyl.

  1. You may only communicate privately with a player if it is night and they are part of the same scum/mason group as you.

  2. You may not quote any messages you receive privately from the bot. You may paraphrase if you want.

  3. You may not impersonate a user unless you are replacing them into the current game.

  4. You must attempt to fulfill your win condition in all games. You may not intentionally delay a certain win.

  5. You may not bring outside information or vendettas into the current game. This does not include meta-plays or bot knowledge.

  6. Do not join games you cannot complete. If you need to leave, say so and '/nick YourNewNick' before you go.

  7. Server and bot abuse will be dealt with appropriately. You may also not use fakevotes that contain non-standard characters.

  8. Do not spam the channel or use excessive caps. Multiple bot commands should be done in PM. Large pastes should use pastebin.

  9. Do not discriminate based on sexuality, gender, or race. Excessive abuse will also not be tolerated.

Basic commands

Commands in BOLD must be submitted publicly in the channel. All other commands may be submitted publicly or privately (through /msg xylbot)

  • !help rules - displays the channel rules (shown above)

  • !xmafia help [topic] - Displays the help on a particular topic.

  • !xmafia special - Displays a list of available setups.

  • !xmafia start [setup] - Starts a game of a particular setup. If no setup is given, Normal will be started.

  • !xmafia in - Joins a game currently in the signup phase

  • !xmafia out - Removes your signup for a game currently in the signup phase

  • !xmafia go - Closes signups for a game early.

  • !help role - Shows you your current role.

  • !xmafia testsetup [setup] [players] - Shows you a possible game. For example, ‘!xmafia testsetup normal 4’ could display ‘-XylBot- [normal] mafia: Mafioso; town: Doctor, Townie (x2)’

  • !xmafia rank [player] [setup/team] - Displays a rank, based on number and type of wins and losses. Can be used without either the [player] or [setup/team].

  • !vote [player] - Votes for a specific player during the day phase.

  • !unvote - Clears your vote. You do not need to unvote before changing your vote.

  • !xmafia votes - Displays a votecount.

Actions & Roles

Actions are submitted through the format of /msg xylbot [action] [target].

Actions with (day) preceding them can only be submitted during day phases.

Actions with (x) preceding them can be submitted during either night phases or day phases.

It is not necessary to type the modifiers before an action - to use (day)kill on George, you would type /msg xylbot kill George.

If you do not wish to submit an action during a night phase, send /msg XylBot none.

Your role will be sent to you by XylBot. This text may appear in #mafia, or in a PM with XylBot, but is private to you. The following are examples of the basic role PMs for each common alignment.


-XylBot- Role: Townie (town). You win when all the bad guys are gone.

-XylBot- Role: Cop (town). You can inspect another player to learn their alignment. Your results are not guaranteed to be accurate. You win when all the bad guys are gone. -XylBot- Abilities: inspect

-XylBot- Role: Doctor (town). You can protect other players from kills. Each protection stops one kill, and lasts for one night. You win when all the bad guys are gone. -XylBot- Abilities: protect

-XylBot- Role: Vigilante (town). You can kill other players. You win when all the bad guys are gone. -XylBot- Abilities: kill


-XylBot- Role: Survivor (survivor). You win if you are alive at the end of the game.

Serial Killer

-XylBot- Role: Serial Killer (sk). You kill other players. You win when you are in the final two and there are no other killers.

-XylBot- Abilities: kill


-XylBot- Role: Mafioso (mafia). You win when you have majority and there are no other killers.

-XylBot- Group abilities: mafiakill

Gameplay & Mechanics

Games in mafia have two phases: day and night. During the night, actions such as kills and inspects are used. These actions all occur at the end of night. During the day, players vote to lynch (kill) a player.

The aim as mafia or sk (commonly called ‘scum’) is to eliminate other players until you have a majority - there are the same number of players on your team as there are on all opposing teams. In addition, scum cannot win while there is another killer alive - this could be another scum, or a vigilante.

The aim as town is to remove all scum from the game. This is usually done through voting. Voting requires a majority of all players alive to decide a lynch. For example, if there are 5 players alive then it requires 3 votes to lynch somebody. The town is an uninformed majority and do not know the alignments of anybody other than themselves, and so they must attempt to work out who the scum is. This can be done through discussion during the day, or with the help of certain roles such as cops during the nighttime.

A common tool used is a massclaim (MC). This involves a player counting down from a number until they reach 0. When 0 is reached, everybody will say their role, anything they’ve done, and anything that happened to them. An example claim here is ‘Cop, inspected George N0, got town’. This means that our player is a cop, chose to inspect George on night zero, and was told that George is town by XylBot.

Obviously, if scum claim Mafioso then town are going to have an easy win. For this reason, scum ‘fakeclaim’. This means that scum will claim a role used by members of the town, such as Townie or Doctor. Scum should be careful however, as some roles have minimum player requirements (such as Doctor only appearing if there are 4 or more players). To see information on a role, type !xmafia help [rolename].

Common terms

LYLO - LYLO, or Lynch or Lose, is a situation where the town must correctly lynch a scum player in order to preserve their chances of winning. This typically occurs at 5p (with multiple scum) or 3p (where only one scum is left).

MC - MC stands for massclaim, and involves a player counting down from a number until they reach 0. When 0 is reached, everybody will say their role, anything they’ve done, and anything that happened to them.

MYLO - Mylo, or Mislynch and Lose, is a situation that states that if the town were to choose to lynch a player instead of nolynching, the player must be scum in order for town to still be able to win. This typically occurs at 6p (with 2 scum) or 4p (with one scum left).

N0, D3 - These are shorthands to refer to phases of the game. N0 stands for Night 0, and means the first night of a setup. Likewise, D3 means Day 3 - or the third day phase. Note that N0 precedes D1, which precedes N1. Therefore, if the setup begins at day, there will be no N0.

NL - NL, or nolynch, means that the town chooses to end the day with no lynch happening, and the day proceeds to night with no death. A nolynch occurs when half of the players (rounded up) are voting for it.

Scum - A generic name for teams that must be eliminated in order for town to win. Includes Mafia, Serial Killer, and Cult.

SK - This stands for Serial Killer, which is an anti-town alignment. Sometimes called scum.

Surv - Short for Survivor, a neutral alignment.

WIFOM - WIFOM, or Wine In front Of Me, is a thought process. In simple terms, it is the interaction between you and another player based on what you know of them. You think you have a good understanding of what they might do, but do they know that you know and if so, would they change their play because of it? This is not a particularly useful tool, as it repeats ad infinitum.