This directory contains some of the PyModel documentation. See also the README files in each directory, the slides and papers in the talks directory, and the web pages in the www directory.
These are the files in this notes directory, in a recommended reading order:
- concepts and vocabulary
commands.txt: PyModel commands and how to use them. Also, pma.txt, pmg.txt, pmt.txt, and pmv.txt on each command.
samples.txt: where to find the samples and how to run them. See also the README in the samples directory and in each sample subdirectory.
models.txt: how to write and use model programs, FSMs, and test suites
composition.txt: how and why to use composition to combine models
strategy.txt: how to select or write an optional strategy to guide test runs
stepper.txt: how to write the test harness needed to test an implementation
test.txt: how to script and run tests on the PyModel software itself
advice.txt: miscellaneous tips and advice
socket_experiments.txt: steppers and other files in the socket sample that are not discussed in its README
releases.txt: release history
release-0.85.txt: release notes
release-0.9.txt: release notes
release-1.0.txt: release notes
Revised May 2013