if install_packages :
!pip install - - upgrade numpy
!pip install - - upgrade numba
!pip install - - upgrade swifter
!pip install - - upgrade scikit - learn
!pip install - - upgrade scipy
!pip install - - upgrade pandas
!pip install - - upgrade uncertainties
!pip install - - upgrade s3fs
!pip install - - upgrade joblib
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install 'more_itertools'
!pip install git + https :// github .com / gbolmier / funk - svd
!pip install tqdm
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install seaborn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from joblib import Parallel , delayed
from scipy .sparse import csr_matrix , coo_matrix
from funk_svd import SVD
from sklearn .metrics import mean_absolute_error , mean_squared_error
from sklearn .neighbors import NearestNeighbors , KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn .base import BaseEstimator , RegressorMixin
from sklearn .model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn .svm import SVR
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn .decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import swifter
import re
import experiment_runner
import z_utilities
import importlib
importlib .reload (experiment_runner )
importlib .reload (z_utilities )
from experiment_runner import run_experiments
from z_utilities import stack_dfs_common_column , df_to_matix
pd .set_option ('display.max_rows' , 1000 )
pd .set_option ('max_colwidth' , 150 )
bucket = '045879944372-sagemaker-ml-dev'
df_ratings = pd .read_csv ( filepath_or_buffer = 's3://{}/{}' .format (bucket , 'klascement_ratings_05_filtered10.csv' ),
dtype = {
'res_cid' : 'int32' ,
'user_cid' : 'int32' ,
'eng_score' : 'int8' ,
filenames = [ 'users_courses' , 'users_edutypes' , 'resources_courses' , 'resources_edutypes' , 'resources_keywords' ,
'course_desc' , 'educ_type_desc' , 'keywords_desc' , 'user_cids' , 'res_cids' , 'resources_title' ]
dfs = {}
for df_name in filenames :
data_location = 's3://{}/{}' .format (bucket , df_name )
if 'desc' or 'title' in df_name : dfs [df_name ] = pd .read_csv ( data_location + '.csv' , encoding = 'utf-8' )
else : dfs [df_name ] = pd .read_csv ( data_location + '.csv' , encoding = 'utf-8' , dtype = 'int32' )
users_courses_df = dfs ['users_courses' ]
users_edutypes_df = dfs ['users_edutypes' ]
resources_courses_df = dfs ['resources_courses' ]
resources_edutypes_df = dfs ['resources_edutypes' ]
resources_keywords_df = dfs ['resources_keywords' ]
course_desc_df = dfs ['course_desc' ]
edutype_desc_df = dfs ['educ_type_desc' ]
keywords_desc_df = dfs ['keywords_desc' ]
user_cids_df = dfs ['user_cids' ]
res_cids_df = dfs ['res_cids' ]
res_title_df = dfs ['resources_title' ]
course_desc_df .set_index ('course_id' , inplace = True , drop = False )
edutype_desc_df .set_index ('edutype_id' , inplace = True , drop = False )
df_ratings_small = df_ratings .sample (n = 500000 ).reset_index (inplace = False , drop = True )
df_ratings_med = df_ratings .sample (n = 1500000 ).reset_index (inplace = False , drop = True )
df_ratings_large = df_ratings .sample (n = 7000000 ).reset_index (inplace = False , drop = True )
df_ratings_full = df_ratings .sample (frac = 1.0 , random_state = 4 ).reset_index (inplace = False , drop = True )
print ('df_ratings_small = {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_small .shape [0 ] ) ) ) )
print ('df_ratings_med = {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_med .shape [0 ] ) ) ) )
print ('df_ratings_large = {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings_large .shape [0 ] ) ) ) )
print ('df_ratings_full = {:,}' .format ( int ( float ('%.3g' % df_ratings .shape [0 ] ) ) ) )
if create_fake_df :
poss_vals_probs = pd .DataFrame ( {'prob' : df_ratings .groupby ('eng_score' )['eng_score' ].count ()} ).reset_index (drop = False )
poss_vals_probs ['prob' ] /= df_ratings .shape [0 ]
eng_vals = poss_vals_probs ['eng_score' ].values .tolist ()
eng_probs = poss_vals_probs ['prob' ].values .tolist ()
df_ratings_fake = df_ratings .copy ()
df_ratings_fake ['eng_score' ] = np .random .choice (a = eng_vals , size = df_ratings_fake .shape [0 ], replace = True , p = eng_probs )
display (df_ratings_fake .head (n = 2 ))
Define train test split split function
def train_test_split_aug (df , test_size ):
train , test = train_test_split (df , test_size = test_size )
train .reset_index (inplace = True , drop = True )
test .reset_index (inplace = True , drop = True )
assert (test .shape [0 ] >= 1 )
assert (train .shape [0 ] >= 1 )
return train , test
def funk_algorithm (dataset , metrics_dict , learning_rate , regularization , n_epochs , n_factors , u_id = 'user_cid' , i_id = 'res_cid' , rating = 'eng_score' , return_model = False , test_size = 0.1 ):
rn_dataset_df = dataset .rename (columns = {u_id :'u_id' , i_id :'i_id' , rating :'rating' } )
if not return_model :
train_df , test_df = train_test_split_aug (rn_dataset_df , test_size = test_size )
else :
_ , test_df = train_test_split_aug (rn_dataset_df , test_size = test_size )
train_df = rn_dataset_df
svd = SVD (learning_rate = learning_rate , regularization = regularization , n_epochs = n_epochs , n_factors = n_factors , min_rating = 0 , max_rating = 5 )
svd .fit (X = train_df , early_stopping = False , shuffle = False )
test_pred = svd .predict (test_df )
metrics_res = { metric_name : metric_fn (test_pred , test_df ['rating' ]) for metric_name , metric_fn in metrics_dict .items () }
if return_model : return {'svd' : svd , 'train_df' : train_df .rename (columns = {'u_id' :u_id , 'i_id' :i_id , 'rating' :rating } ), 'metrics_res' : metrics_res }
else : return metrics_res
Add embedding dimensions to data
def create_embedded_df (df_in , test_size = 0.05 ):
learning_rate = 0.005
regularization = 0.0
n_epochs = 60
n_factors = 3
assert 0.0 < test_size < 1.0
df = df_in .copy ()
# ------------------------------------
provisional_test_size = 1.1 * test_size
df ['initial_testset' ] = np .random .choice ([0 ,1 ], size = df .shape [0 ], p = [1.0 - provisional_test_size , provisional_test_size ]).astype ('bool' )
testtable_users_df = pd .DataFrame ( {'can_test_user' : df .groupby ('user_cid' )['initial_testset' ].agg (lambda x : not (all (x )) )} ).reset_index (drop = False )
testable_res_df = pd .DataFrame ( {'can_test_res' : df .groupby ('res_cid' )['initial_testset' ].agg (lambda x : not (all (x )) )} ).reset_index (drop = False )
df = df .merge (testtable_users_df , on = 'user_cid' , how = 'left' ).merge (testable_res_df , on = 'res_cid' , how = 'left' )
df ['testset' ] = df ['initial_testset' ] & df ['can_test_user' ] & df ['can_test_res' ]
del df ['initial_testset' ]
del df ['can_test_user' ]
del df ['can_test_res' ]
# ------------------------------------
mr_dic = funk_algorithm (dataset = df [df ['testset' ] == False ] ,
metrics_dict = { 'mae' : mean_absolute_error } ,
learning_rate = learning_rate ,
regularization = regularization ,
n_epochs = n_epochs ,
n_factors = n_factors ,
return_model = True , )
metrics_res = mr_dic ['metrics_res' ]
print (f'metric_result = { metrics_res } ' )
model = mr_dic ['svd' ]
assert n_factors == model .pu .shape [1 ] == model .qi .shape [1 ]
users_emb_df = pd .DataFrame ({** {'user_cid' :list (model .user_dict .keys ())} , ** {'f_svd_user' + str (i ) : model .pu [:,i ].astype ('float32' ) for i in range (n_factors ) }, ** {'f_bias_user' : (model .bu ).astype ('float32' )} })
res_emb_df = pd .DataFrame ({** {'res_cid' :list (model .item_dict .keys ())} , ** {'f_svd_res' + str (i ) : model .qi [:,i ].astype ('float32' ) for i in range (n_factors ) }, ** {'f_bias_res' : (model .bi ).astype ('float32' )} })
df = df .merge (users_emb_df , on = 'user_cid' , how = 'left' ).merge (res_emb_df , on = 'res_cid' , how = 'left' )
for i in range (n_factors ): df ['f_svd_user' + str (i )+ '_x_res' + str (i )] = df ['f_svd_user' + str (i )]* df ['f_svd_res' + str (i )]
df = (lambda d , cols_2_end : d .reindex (columns = [c for c in d .columns .tolist () if c not in cols_2_end ] + cols_2_end )) (df , ['f_bias_user' , 'f_bias_res' , 'eng_score' ])
return df
use_full_dataset_for_aug = True
if use_full_dataset_for_aug :
augmented_df = create_embedded_df (df_ratings_full )
else :
augmented_df = create_embedded_df (df_ratings_small )
augmented_df = augmented_df .sort_values (by = ['res_cid' , 'user_cid' ], axis = 0 , inplace = False ).reset_index (inplace = False , drop = True ).set_index (['res_cid' , 'user_cid' ])
Save the Dataframe with useful features
def create_features_df (u_r ):
assert u_r in ['user' , 'res' ]
r_u = 'user' if u_r == 'res' else 'res'
return augmented_df .filter (regex = '(f_svd_' + u_r + '[0-9]*$|f_bias_' + u_r + ')' , axis = 1 ).reset_index (drop = False ).copy ()\
.drop (columns = [r_u + '_cid' ])\
.drop_duplicates (subset = [u_r + '_cid' ], ignore_index = True )\
.sort_values ( by = [u_r + '_cid' ], axis = 0 , ascending = True )\
.reset_index (drop = True )\
.astype ({u_r + '_cid' :'int32' })
features_dfs ['user' ] = create_features_df ('user' )
features_dfs ['res' ] = create_features_df ('res' )
display (features_dfs ['user' ].head (n = 2 ))
display (features_dfs ['res' ].head (n = 2 ))
if save_features_dfs :
for u_r in ['user' , 'res' ]:
filename = 'klascement_' + u_r + '_features_df'
data_location = 's3://{}/{}' .format (bucket , filename )
features_dfs [u_r ].to_csv (data_location + '.csv' , encoding = 'utf-8' , index = False , float_format = '%.5f' )
else :
print ("nothing saved, since save_features_dfs = False" )
Train a linear model on the embedding features
def train_linear_model (df_data , feature_regex ):
print ('predicting with the following features::: ' + str ( df_data .head (n = 0 ).filter (regex = feature_regex , axis = 1 ).columns .tolist () ) )
def feats (df ): return df .filter (regex = feature_regex , axis = 1 )
def targ (df ): return df ['eng_score' ].ravel ()
train_df_X , train_y , test_df_X , test_y = (lambda tr , te : ( feats (tr ) , targ (tr ), feats (te ) , targ (te ) ) ) ( * ( lambda d : ( d [d ['testset' ]== False ] , d [d ['testset' ]== True ] ) )( df_data ) )
ols = linear_model .LinearRegression (n_jobs = - 1 )
ols .fit (X = train_df_X , y = train_y )
pred_y = ols .predict ( test_df_X )
return { 'mean_absolute_error' : mean_absolute_error (pred_y , test_y ) , 'model' : ols }
% % time
train_linear_model (augmented_df , feature_regex = 'f_bias_res.*' )
% % time
train_linear_model (augmented_df , feature_regex = 'f_bias.*' )
% % time
res_best = train_linear_model (augmented_df , feature_regex = 'f_(bias|svd.*_x_.*)' )
print (res_best ['mean_absolute_error' ])
best_model = res_best ['model' ]
best_model_coeffs_dict = dict ( zip ( augmented_df .head (n = 0 ).filter (regex = 'f_(bias|svd.*_x_.*)' , axis = 1 ).columns .tolist (), best_model .coef_ .tolist () ) )