We welcome contributions to Dasty! If you would like to contribute to the project, please follow these guidelines to help ensure a smooth process for both contributors and maintainers.
- Check the Issue Tracker: Before creating a new issue, please check the issue tracker to avoid duplicates.
- Describe the Bug: When reporting a bug, include as much detail as possible. Mention the steps to reproduce the bug, the expected outcome, and the actual result. Attach logs, screenshots, or any relevant information.
- Check Existing Requests: Look through the issues to see if the feature has already been requested.
- Provide Detailed Information: When requesting a feature, explain why it would be beneficial, and how it should ideally work.
- Fork the Repository: Fork the Dasty repository and clone your fork.
- Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
- Make Your Changes: Make the changes in your branch. Ensure your code follows the project's coding style and include tests if applicable.
- Commit Your Changes: Use clear and concise commit messages.
- Pull Request: Submit a pull request against the main Dasty branch. Describe your changes and link any relevant issues.
- Code Style: Follow the coding style used throughout the project.
- Testing: Add tests for new features or fixes to ensure stability and prevent regressions.
- Documentation: Update documentation accordingly if you're adding a feature or changing existing functionality.
- Respectful Communication: Treat community members with respect. No harassment, discrimination, or offensive comments will be tolerated.
- Constructive Feedback: Provide helpful and constructive feedback in discussions.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the project maintainers.
Thank you for contributing to Dasty!