Welcome, The project has just started.
I'll update the readme.md
with instructions as soon as i finish the configuration of the repository.
Please, be patient.
PS.: The Brazilian Portuguese files are in the
Hello Slay the Spire translators! This is a helpful guide to try and aid your translation efforts.
- As the files to translate are all JSON documents, fields do not need to be translated. In fact, the game won't run if the fields are renamed. EXAMPLE: Only the fields under "NAMES" and "TEXT" needs to be translated. (Marked with <- This!)
"Ironclad": {
"NAMES": [
"The Ironclad" <- This!
"TEXT": [
"The remaining soldier of the Ironclads. NL Sold his soul to harness demonic energies." <- This!
Formatting Quirks: -Text is colored to highlight keywords and other important concepts. Colors are as follows: #y, #r, #g, #b, #p. These colors are Gold, Red, Green, Blue, Purple (Only in events) EXAMPLE: "#yI'm #yGolden!"
-For events and dialogs, if a word is surrounded by ~ or @, they are wavy or shaky in game. EXAMPLE: "@This@ @is@ @shaky.@" "~This~ ~is~ ~wavy.~"
-Colors and text effects can be combined. However, the color must always come before the effect. EXAMPLE: "#y@CLANG@ #y@CLANG@"
-Cards utilize dynamic values. These are !D!, !B!, !M!. They stand for Damage, Block, and Misc. EXAMPLE: "Deal !D! damage." EXAMPLE: "Gain !B! Block." EXAMPLE2: "Draw !M! cards."
-Keywords found in keywords.json must be capitalized when they are shown on a card, power, or relic description. EXAMPLE: "Apply 2 Vulnerable."
-NL stands for new line. New lines are added to make the text feel easier to read or separates two distinct sentences or quotes. There must be a space on either side for the new line to be appended. EXAMPLE: "Hello. NL I am Bob."
-Sometimes descriptions will be disjointed. This is because we need to insert dynamic values into some text. EXAMPLE: "I ate #b", " pies." Would look like: "I ate #b6 pies." in the game
Lore Quirks The animal references in Slay the Spire are misspelled because the animals aren't the same as the ones in our world, Earth- as the game doesn't take place anywhere near our time and place. Frog -> Phrog. Crane -> Krane. Bird -> Byrd are notable examples in the game.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us in the #localization channel on Discord. Don't forget to collaborate with others that are working on your language.
How to test localization for Slay the Spire:
- Create a backup of desktop-1.0.jar (copy/paste -> desktop-1.0.backup)
- Locate and extract the desktop-1.0.jar file (just like a ZIP file! We recommend using 7z)
- Choose and modify the language you wish to translate (Example: localization/eng/ui.json)
- Rename desktop-1.0.jar to desktop-1.0.zip
- Add your edited content into the zip, replacing the original contents.
- Rename desktop-1.0.zip to desktop-1.0.jar
- Run the game through SlayTheSpire.exe
- View your changes in-game! Wow!
Thanks, Anthony and Casey
- Paulo "SilverTape" Hauck
- Gustavo "KomKlave" Duarte