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OpenCL interoperability


In certain scenarios OpenCL is used for compute, while another API is used for graphics, and interoperability between two APIs becomes important in this case. For example, in AR applications graphics rendering is often combined with machine learning workloads, which can be executed using OpenCL. In such cases we need zero-copy data sharing and efficient workload synchronization to achieve the best performance.

While there are no dedicated extensions for direct Vulkan - OpenCL interoperability at the moment, both APIs provide generic sharing mechanism that can be used to achieve it. This sample demonstrates an approach for zero-copy data sharing using Android Hardware Buffers and corresponding extensions for Vulkan and OpenCL.

Data sharing

Zero-copy assumes that both APIs use the same region of memory for an image or a buffer. In case of OpenCL and Vulkan we can use extensions to share data using:

  • Android Hardware Buffers

  • dma_buf

  • Host memory

This sample covers one of these options, which is more relevant to mobile developers working with Vulkan: Android Hardware Buffers.

Android Hardware Buffers

Native hardware buffers on Android represent a region of memory which can be bound to Vulkan, OpenGL ES or OpenCL primitives. This allows us to reuse it with two different APIs:


Support by Vulkan API

In Vulkan hardware buffers can be imported or exported using VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer extension. AHardwareBuffer can be bound to a VkDeviceMemory object, which serves as an allocation for objects of type VkImage or VkBuffer.

If we need to use an image backed by an AHardwareBuffer, we must specify while creating the image. It is done by assigning a pointer to the following structure to pNext field of VkImageCreateInfo:

VkExternalMemoryImageCreateInfo external_memory_image_create_info;
external_memory_image_create_info.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO;
external_memory_image_create_info.pNext = nullptr;

This image (or buffer) must be specified as target during memory allocation. Below you can see, how the image object which is supposed to be shared with OpenCL is assigned to the image field of VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo, while buffer field is assigned with VK_NULL_HANDLE:

VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo dedicated_allocate_info;
dedicated_allocate_info.pNext = nullptr;
dedicated_allocate_info.buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
dedicated_allocate_info.image = shared_image;

Export from Vulkan API

A pointer to dedicated_allocate_info is provided as pNext of VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo.

VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo export_memory_allocate_Info;
export_memory_allocate_Info.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXPORT_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO;
export_memory_allocate_Info.pNext = &dedicated_allocate_info;

This is specified as pNext of VkMemoryAllocateInfo, while allocationSize is set to 0. You can find more info on this in the specification.

Once the memory is allocated and bound to the image (or buffer), we can export a handle of type AHardwareBuffer:

VkMemoryGetAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID info;
info.pNext = nullptr;
info.memory = shared_memory;
vkGetMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID(device, &info, &hardware_buffer);

Import to Vulkan API

In this case AHardwareBuffer is created first and then used for VkDeviceMemory allocation.

there are certain restrictions on image or buffer format and usage. You can find the list of Android Hardware Buffer formats and their Vulkan counterparts in this table.

A pointer to dedicated_allocate_info is provided as pNext of VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID. Also the hardware buffer we want to import must be provided during this stage:

VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID import_info;
import_info.pNext = &dedicated_allocate_info;
import_info.buffer = hardware_buffer;

We need to specify this data as pNext in VkMemoryAllocateInfo. In case of import, allocationSize and memoryTypeIndex should be based on the results of vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID:

VkAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID buffer_properties;
buffer_properties.pNext = nullptr;
vkGetAndroidHardwareBufferPropertiesANDROID(device, hardware_buffer, &buffer_properties);

Then the memory is allocated and bound to the image as usual.

Support by OpenCL

On Arm devices Android hardware buffers (as well as dma_buf and host memory) can be imported to OpenCL using cl_arm_import_memory extension.

cl_mem object is retrieved in the following way:

const cl_import_properties_arm import_properties[3] = {

cl_int result = CL_SUCCESS;
cl_mem shared_cl_mem = clImportMemoryARM(context,

In cl_import_properties_arm array the types and values of the properties are listed one by one with a 0 as a terminator in the end.

We need to specify the type of the imported object in this list (in our case it’s CL_IMPORT_TYPE_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_ARM).

The sample

In this sample a simple OpenCL kernel is executed in the beginning of each frame to fill a cl_mem object backed by an AHardwareBuffer with a simple pattern (this pattern changes over time). This AHardwareBuffer is exported from a VkDeviceMemory object which is bound to a texture. After the OpenCL kernel is executed, the filled texture is displayed.

The texture is displayed as a quad using the approach and shaders from Texture Loading sample.

The sample uses only one shared texture for simplicity, but in real applications it’s worth having as many shared textures as there are framebuffers. This way the OpenCL kernel would be executed for the current frame, while the previous frame is being rendered and displayed (double buffering).

Synchronization between APIs is performed on host:

  • OpenCL queue is flushed before rendering

  • A VkFence object is used to make sure the rendering is finished



Both OpenCL and Vulkan extensions allow us to import or export certain handle types, which represent a region of memory. These memory regions can be used to achieve zero-copy data sharing. In this sample one of such handle types is demonstrated: Android Hardware Buffers.

The extensions used in this case are: