Aircraft Type Designation: AMPEL-360-QSerie
Total Weight: 72,500 kg
Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW): 85,000 kg
The AMPEL360XWLRGA is a next-generation quantum-propelled aircraft designed for high-efficiency atmospheric travel. Key features include:
- Quantum Propulsion System (Q-01): Utilizes quantum entanglement and vacuum energy harvesting for thrust generation.
- Atmospheric Energy Harvesting & Conversion System (AEHCS): Primary power source leveraging renewable atmospheric energy.
- Advanced Avionics Suite: Integrated flight control, navigation, and communication systems.
- Environmental Control System (ECS): Optimized cabin climate management.
- Range: 18,500 km
- Cruise Speed: 1,250 km/h
- Payload Capacity: 25,000 kg
This section provides a hierarchical breakdown of the AMPEL360XWLRGA aircraft, organized as a product tree. Each level represents subassemblies or components, complete with Part Numbers (P/N), descriptions, and technical details.
Weight: 72,500 kg
Unique Identifier: GAIA-AMPEL-360-Q-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
Weight: 12,000 kg
Unique Identifier: FUS-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-001
Weight: 300 kg
Unique Identifier: FUS-001-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-001-001
Description: Aerodynamic forward fairing that protects sensors.
Unique Identifier: ANC-001
Material: Carbon Fiber Composite (Toray T700)
Supplier: Composite Solutions Inc., P/N: CSI-NC-101
Lead Time: 6 weeks
Weight: 2.5 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $8,500
CAD Model: View Documentation
Assembly Instructions: Assembly Procedure
Manufacturing Processes: UV-resistant coating, CNC machining, Composite layup
Environmental Impact: Recyclable carbon fiber; low-VOC coating
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Notes: Surface finish requires specialized UV-resistant coating; inspect for delamination after machining.
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-001-002
Description: Composite structure that serves as a radar antenna cover and is weather resistant.
Unique Identifier: RDM-001
Material: Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
Supplier: Radome Technologies, P/N: RT-100
Lead Time: 4 weeks
Weight: 1.8 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $6,200
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
Environmental Impact: FRP components are recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-001-003
Description: Primary structural frame that supports cockpit components in the nose section.
Unique Identifier: NCS-001
Material: Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6
Supplier: MetalCraft Inc., P/N: MC-FS-001
Lead Time: 8 weeks
Weight: 150 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $25,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Aluminum is highly recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
- Bolt, M8 x 25, High-Strength Steel, P/N: FAST-001, Quantity: 100
- Nut, M8, High-Strength Steel, P/N: FAST-002, Quantity: 100
- Washer, M8, P/N: FAST-003, Quantity: 200
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-001-100-ASSY
Description: Integrated sensor package including radar, IR, and optical sensors.
Unique Identifier: NSS-001
Material: Various (Electronics, Optics, Metals)
Supplier: SensorTech Systems, P/N: STS-NAV-001
Lead Time: 12 weeks
Weight: 12 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: Yes
Cost: $120,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Electronic assembly, Optical alignment
Environmental Impact: Electronics use recyclable components
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
- Connector, MIL-DTL-38999 Series III, P/N: CONN-001, Quantity: 3
- Cable Assembly, Shielded, P/N: CABL-001, Quantity: 3
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-53-002
Weight: 2,500 kg
Unique Identifier: FFS-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-25-001-ASSY
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-25-001-001
Description: Integrated display system, flight data, and controls interface.
Unique Identifier: IP-001
Material: Composite Laminates
Supplier: DisplayTech, P/N: DT-IP-001
Lead Time: 10 weeks
Weight: 25 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $35,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Composite molding, Electronic assembly
Environmental Impact: Composite materials with recyclable content
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-25-001-002
Description: Ergonomic, adjustable pilot and co-pilot seating units.
Unique Identifier: PS-001
Material: Carbon Fiber, Leather
Supplier: AeroComfort, P/N: AC-PS-001
Lead Time: 6 weeks
Weight: 15 kg (per seat)
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $12,000 (per seat)
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Carbon fiber molding, Leather upholstery
Environmental Impact: Carbon fiber is recyclable; leather sourced sustainably
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 2
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-25-001-003
Description: Primary flight control inputs, fly-by-quantum controls.
Unique Identifier: CY-001
Material: Aluminum Alloy, Composite Grips
Supplier: FlightControl Systems, P/N: FCS-CY-001
Lead Time: 8 weeks
Weight: 3 kg (per yoke)
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $4,000 (per yoke)
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Composite molding
Environmental Impact: Aluminum is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 2
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-24-001-ASSY
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-27-001
Description: Primary FCC managing flight surfaces and stability.
Unique Identifier: FCC-001
Material: Aluminum Alloy, Electronics
Supplier: FlightControl Systems, P/N: FCS-FCC-001
Lead Time: 16 weeks
Weight: 10 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: Yes
Cost: $80,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Electronic assembly, CNC machining
Environmental Impact: Uses recyclable electronic components
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 12,000 kg
Unique Identifier: WNG-P-001
Overall Dimensions: Span: 35 m, Chord: 4.5 m, Thickness: 0.6 m
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-57-001
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-57-001-001
Description: Forward primary load-bearing wing spars, high-strength alloy.
Unique Identifier: WSP-001-F-P
Material: Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V
Supplier: MetalCraft Inc., P/N: MC-WING-001
Lead Time: 12 weeks
Weight: 500 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $75,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Titanium is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-57-001-002
Description: Rear primary load-bearing wing spars, high-strength alloy.
Unique Identifier: WSP-002-R-P
Material: Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V
Supplier: MetalCraft Inc., P/N: MC-WING-002
Lead Time: 12 weeks
Weight: 450 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $70,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Titanium is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-57-001-003
Description: Airfoil shape formers, internal wing structure support members.
Unique Identifier: WRB-001-P
Material: Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6
Supplier: MetalCraft Inc., P/N: MC-WING-003
Lead Time: 8 weeks
Weight: 80 kg (per rib)
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $10,000 (per rib)
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Aluminum is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 20
Weight: 3,500 kg
Unique Identifier: EMP-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-55-001
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-55-001-001
Description: Vertical control surface, yaw control, aerodynamic hinge.
Unique Identifier: RDR-001
Material: Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6
Supplier: MetalCraft Inc., P/N: MC-RDR-001
Lead Time: 8 weeks
Weight: 150 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $25,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Aluminum is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 4,500 kg
Unique Identifier: LG-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-32-001-L
Description: Left main landing gear assembly, including shock strut, wheel, and brake.
Function: Supports the aircraft during ground operations (left side). Provides shock absorption during landing and taxiing.
Material Principal: High-strength steel, with titanium alloy components.
Weight: 1,500 kg
CAD Model: View Documentation
Supplier: LandingGear Innovations, P/N: LGI-MLG-001
Lead Time: 16 weeks
Cost (USD): $120,000
Life Cycle State: Prototype
AMM: [Placeholder - Link to AMM Data Module]
IPB: [Placeholder - Link to IPB Data Module]
TSM: [Placeholder - Link to TSM Data Module]
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Quantity: 1
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-32-001-001-L
Description: Shock-absorbing strut for the left main landing gear.
Function: Provides primary load-bearing support and absorbs impact forces during landing.
Material: High-Strength Steel (e.g., 300M)
Weight: 800 kg
CAD Model: View Documentation
Supplier: LandingGear Innovations, P/N: LGI-STRUT-001
Lead Time: 12 weeks
Cost (USD): $80,000
Life Cycle State: Prototype
AMM: [Placeholder - Link to AMM Data Module]
IPB: [Placeholder - Link to IPB Data Module]
TSM: [Placeholder - Link to TSM Data Module]
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Quantity: 1
Weight: 800 kg
Unique Identifier: DRS-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-52-001-001-FP
Description: Forward passenger entry door, Port side.
Unique Identifier: PDO-002-FP
Material: Aluminum Alloy 7075-T6
Supplier: DoorCraft Ltd., P/N: DC-PD-001
Lead Time: 8 weeks
Weight: 120 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $18,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: CNC machining, Welding
Environmental Impact: Aluminum is recyclable
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 450 kg
Unique Identifier: WND-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-56-001-ASSY
Description: Multi-layer, heated cockpit window assemblies, forward visibility.
Unique Identifier: CWND-001
Material: Polycarbonate with Anti-Ice Coating
Supplier: GlassTech Aerospace, P/N: GTA-CWND-001
Lead Time: 10 weeks
Weight: 150 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $50,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Polycarbonate molding, Anti-Ice coating application
Environmental Impact: Polycarbonate is recyclable with specialized processes
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 1,200 kg
Unique Identifier: ELEC-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-24-001-ASSY
Description: Atmospheric Energy Harvesting and Conversion System – primary power source.
Unique Identifier: AEHCS-001
Material: Photovoltaic Cells, Quantum Photodetectors
Supplier: EnergyHarvest Tech, P/N: EHT-AEH-001
Lead Time: 14 weeks
Weight: 800 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $250,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Photovoltaic cell assembly, Quantum photodetector integration
Environmental Impact: Renewable energy source, minimal environmental impact
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 10,000 kg
Unique Identifier: PROP-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-72-001-ASSY
Description: Core of the Quantum Propulsion System, using quantum entanglement for thrust.
Unique Identifier: QEE-001
Material: Isotopic Materials, Superconductors
Supplier: QuantumPropulsion Ltd., P/N: QPL-QEE-001
Lead Time: 20 weeks
Weight: 8,000 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: Yes
Cost: $1,200,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Quantum entanglement device fabrication, superconductor winding
Environmental Impact: Minimal emissions, recyclable isotopic materials
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Weight: 2,000 kg
Unique Identifier: FLCNTL-001
Date of Last Revision: 2025-03-09
Configuration: { "Type": "Basic" }
P/N: GPAM-AMPEL-0201-27-001-ASSY
Description: Actuators and hydraulic systems for moving flight control surfaces.
Unique Identifier: FCA-001
Material: High-Strength Steel, Aluminum Alloy
Supplier: FlightControl Systems, P/N: FCS-FCA-001
Lead Time: 12 weeks
Weight: 1,000 kg
Compliance: RoHS Compliant: Yes; ITAR Controlled: No
Cost: $150,000
CAD Model: View Documentation
Manufacturing Processes: Hydraulic actuator assembly, electronic integration
Environmental Impact: Recyclable metals, minimal hazardous substances
FMEA Reference: View FMEA Documentation
Quantity: 1
Version | Date | Description | Author/Team |
1.0 | 2025-02-20 | Initial Product Tree Breakdown for AMPEL360XWLRGA | Amedeo Pelliccia & AI Collaboration |
1.1 | 2025-02-25 | Added detail to Q-01 Propulsion System | Amedeo Pelliccia & AI Collaboration |
1.2 | 2025-03-01 | Added S1000D references and updated FMEA links | Amedeo Pelliccia & AI Collaboration |
1.3 | 2025-03-05 | Included new sections: Fasteners, Interconnects, Env. Impact | Amedeo Pelliccia & AI Collaboration |
1.4 | 2025-03-09 | Final extended version with full BOM integration and PLM fields | Amedeo Pelliccia & AI Collaboration |
- P/N: Part Number - Unique identifier for each component and assembly.
- PLM: Product Lifecycle Management - System used to manage product data and lifecycle.
- Q-01: The Quantum Propulsion System.
- FADEC: Flight-Adaptive Digital Engine Control.
- TMS: Thermal Management System.
- CMS: Central Maintenance System.
- DMC: Data Module Code.
- FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.
- AEHCS: Atmospheric Energy Harvesting & Conversion System.
- QEE: Quantum Entanglement Engine.
- QSM: Quantum State Modulator.
- TVS: Thrust Vectoring System.
- FCC: Flight Control Computer.
- CMU: Communication Management Unit.
- ECS: Environmental Control System.
- VPS: Vacuum Pump System.
- CRU: Cryogenic Refrigerator Unit.
- PLM Integration:
- The entire document is structured for direct import or synchronization with a PLM tool (e.g., Teamcenter, Windchill). Each block corresponds to a node or item in the product breakdown structure.
- Cross-Referencing and FMEA Tracking:
- Each component references relevant FMEA documentation, ensuring quick access to risk assessments and failure modes. Hyperlinks are provided where possible.
- Environmental and Compliance Fields:
- Each subassembly includes Environmental Impact and Compliance fields to meet sustainability and regulatory requirements.
- Fasteners and Interconnects:
- Sections detailing Fasteners and Interconnects specify part numbers, quantities, and references for manufacturing and assembly teams.
- Revision Control:
- CAD Model Revision and Date of Last Revision fields facilitate version tracking. Further revision or release notes can be appended in a dedicated revision log or via the PLM system.
- Data Consistency & Updates:
- Verify that the BOM remains consistent with recent engineering changes, particularly in high-innovation areas like the Quantum Propulsion and AEHCS.
- PLM & Revision Control:
- Consider implementing a CI/CD pipeline for the BOM to ensure changes are peer-reviewed, validated, and versioned in your PLM repository.
- FMEA Integration:
- Confirm that all FMEA links remain valid and up-to-date with the latest risk assessments.
- Regulatory Compliance:
- Ensure references to FAA, EASA, or MIL-STD standards are fully documented for certification audits.
- Security & Export Controls:
- Secure handling of ITAR-controlled materials (e.g., isotopic sources) is required. Restrict access as per organizational protocols.
End of Document
The AMPEL360XWLRGA Aircraft BOM is now compiled with full detail, consistency in formatting, and readiness for PLM integration. Review, approve, and proceed with final integration steps according to your organization’s configuration management procedures.
Let me know if further refinements or expansions are needed! 🚀