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Assignment 4: Programmable Networks

Due: Wednesday, May 1st

This assignment includes 2 exercises: Access Control List (ACL) and Load Balancing. Both exercises assume that you possess basic networking knowledge and some familiarity with the P4 language. Please take a look at the P4 language spec. We use P4_16 in this assignment.

  • Access Control List asks you to write a P4 program to implement an ACL on a switch.
  • Load Balancing asks you to write a P4 program to implement a simple load balancer on a switch.

This assignment can be done individually or in groups of 2 students. You are only required to implement either access control list or load balancing. If you implement both, you can get a bonus of two points.

Obtaining required software

We provide a new VM for this assignment. The vagrantfile is under course-net-assignment/assignment4/.

To build the virtual machine:

  • Use git pull to get the latest course-net-assignment repo.
  • Use cd course-net-assignment/assignment4/ to enter the assignment directory that contains the configuration of the new VM.
  • Use vagrant up to provision the VM and install the necessary dependencies. This will take about 1 hour or even longer.
  • Similar to previous assignments, you can use vagrant ssh to enter the VM and vagrant suspend to suspend the VM.

Before you start this assignment, review the lecture slides on programmable switches. In addition, the P4 tutorial and cheatsheet are also helpful for this assignment.

Exercise 1: Access Control List

Place yourself in the course-net-assignment/assignment4/exercises/acl directory.

Step 1: Run the (incomplete) starter code

We provide a skeleton P4 program, acl.p4, which initially forwards all packets. Your job is to extend this skeleton program to properly implement an ACL with two following rules:

  • drop all the UDP packets with dstPort=80
  • drop all the packets with dstIP=

Before that, let's compile the incomplete acl.p4 and bring up a switch in Mininet to test its behavior.

  1. In your shell, run:

    make run

    This will:

    • compile acl.p4, and
    • start a Mininet instance with one switch (s1) connected to four hosts (h1, h2, h3 and h4). Mininet is a network simulator that can simulate a virtual network in the VM.
    • The hosts are assigned with IP addresses of,, and The output of this command line may be useful when you debug.
  2. You should now see a Mininet command prompt. Open two terminals for h1 and h2, respectively:

    mininet> xterm h1 h2
  3. Each host includes a small Python-based messaging client and server. In h2's xterm, go to the current exercise folder (cd exercises/acl) and start the server with the listening port:

    ./ 80
  4. In h1's xterm, go to the current exercise folder (cd exercises/acl) and send a message to h2:

    ./ UDP 80 "P4 IS COOL"

    The command line means h1 will send a message to with udp.dstport=80. The message will be received and displayed in h2.

  5. Type exit to leave each xterm and the Mininet command line. Then, to stop mininet:

    make stop

    And to delete all pcaps, build files, and logs:

    make clean

A note about the control plane

A P4 program defines a packet-processing pipeline, but the rules within each table are inserted by the control plane. When a rule matches a packet, its action is invoked with parameters supplied by the control plane as part of the rule.

As part of bringing up the Mininet instance, the make run command will install packet-processing rules in the tables of each switch. These are defined in the s1-acl.json files.

Important: We use P4Runtime to install the control plane rules. The content of files s1-acl.json refer to specific names of tables, keys, and actions, as defined in the P4Info file produced by the compiler (look for the file build/acl.p4info after executing make run). Any changes in the P4 program that add or rename tables, keys, or actions will need to be reflected in these s1-acl.json files.

Step 2: Implement ACL

The acl.p4 file contains a skeleton P4 program with key pieces of logic replaced by TODO comments. Your implementation should follow the structure given in this file---replace each TODO with logic implementing the missing piece.

A complete acl.p4 will contain the following components:

  1. Header type definitions for Ethernet (ethernet_t), IPv4 (ipv4_t), TCP (tcp_t) and UDP (udp_t).
  2. Parsers for Ethernet, IPv4, TCP or UDP headers.
  3. An action drop() to drop a packet, using mark_to_drop().
  4. An action (called ipv4_forward) that:
    1. Sets the egress port for the next hop.
    2. Updates the ethernet destination address with the address of the next hop.
    3. Updates the ethernet source address with the address of the switch.
    4. Decrements the TTL.
  5. TODO: A control that:
    1. Defines a table that will match IP dstAddr and UDP dstPort, and invoke either drop or NoAction.
    2. An apply block that applies the table.
    3. Rules added to s1-acl.json that denies all the UDP packets with dstPort=80 or dstAddr=
  6. A package instantiation supplied with the parser, control, and deparser.

    In general, a package also requires instances of checksum verification and recomputation controls. These are not necessary for this assignment and are replaced with instantiations of empty controls.

Step 3: Run your solution

Follow the instructions from Step 1. This time, your message from h1 should not be delivered to h4 and any message with a udp.dstPort=80 will be dropped by the switch.

Exercise 2: Load Balance

Place yourself in the assignment4/exercises/load_balance directory.

In this exercise, you will implement a simple load balancer on a switch. The switch you will implement will use two tables to forward packets to one of two destination hosts at random. The first table will use a hash function (applied to a 5-tuple consisting of the source and destination IP addresses, IP protocol, and source and destination TCP ports) to select one of two hosts. The second table will use the computed hash value to forward the packet to the selected host.

Step 1: Run the (incomplete) starter code

The directory with this README also contains a skeleton P4 program, load_balance.p4, which initially drops all packets. Your job is to extend it to properly forward packets.

Before that, let's compile the incomplete load_balance.p4 and bring up a switch in Mininet to test its behavior.

  1. In your shell, run:

    make run

    This will:

    • compile load_balance.p4, and
    • start a Mininet instance with one switch (s1) connected to four hosts (h1, h2, h3 and h4).
    • The hosts are assigned IPs of,, and
    • We use the IP address to indicate traffic that should be load balanced between h2 and h3.
  2. You should now see a Mininet command prompt. Open three terminals for h1, h2 and h3, respectively:

    mininet> xterm h1 h2 h3
  3. Each host includes a small Python-based messaging client and server. In h2 and h3's XTerms, go to the current exercise folder (cd exercises/load_balance) and start the servers with listening port:

    ./ 1234

    You may need to run chmod +x to make your python script executable.

  4. In h1's XTerm, go to the current exercise folder (cd exercises/load_balance) and send a message from the client:

    ./ "P4 IS COOL"

    Run the above command line several times. The message will not be received by h2 or h3.

  5. Type exit to leave each XTerm and the Mininet command line. Then, to stop mininet:

    make stop

    And to delete all pcaps, build files, and logs:

    make clean

The message was not received because each switch is programmed with load_balance.p4, which drops all packets on arrival. Your job is to extend this file.

Step 2: Implement Load Balancing

The load_balance.p4 file contains a skeleton P4 program with key pieces of logic replaced by TODO comments. These should guide your implementation---replace each TODO with logic implementing the missing piece.

A complete load_balance.p4 will contain the following components:

  1. Header type definitions for Ethernet (ethernet_t), IPv4 (ipv4_t), TCP (tcp_t) and UDP (udp_t)..
  2. Parsers for Ethernet, IPv4, TCP or UDP headers.
  3. An action drop() to drop a packet, using mark_to_drop().
  4. TODO: Two tables, which will respectively:
    1. Select the next hop
    2. Set the dstip and egress port
  5. TODO: A control that applies the two tables in step 4.
  6. A package instantiation supplied with the parser, control, and deparser.

    In general, a package also requires instances of checksum verification and recomputation controls. These are not necessary for this assignment and are replaced with instantiations of empty controls.

Step 3: Run your solution

Follow the instructions from Step 1. This time, your message from h1 should be delivered to h2 or h3. If you send several messages, they should be spread between h2 and h3.

Important notes

  • The bash script will run all the exercises with your own implementations. You can also pass "acl" or "lb" as an argument to (e.g. acl) to test only one exercise.
  • Do remember to run make stop and make clean every time before you relaunch your program.

Submission and Grading

You must submit:

  • Put your source code for one of the two exercises, in a folder called acl or load_balance, and submit in file. Make sure to submit both the p4 code and the corresponding json file that configures the table entries.
  • Bonus: If you submit both acl and load_balance and they pass all the tests, you can get a bonus of 2 points, in addition to the 10 points of this assignment.
  • Submit the assignment by uploading your files to Gradescope. Join the course with entry code 95KRDN.

As always, start early and feel free to ask questions on Piazza and in office hours.

Additional Challenges

For students that find this assignment not challenging enough, you can read NetCache and NetChain, implement them by yourselves, and think about new applications that can be built with programmable switches.