- About the project
- How to run
- Built with
- I am pleased with
- Further development
- Perfrormance & Known issues
- References
In this coding exercise, I am creating a static page where a user enters any positive N number bigger than 1 in an input form and receives N x N size multiplication table of prime numbers.
To run the application locally npm and nodejs are neccessary! Please follow the link to see the installation: npm and nodejs installation.
Please run following commands in terminal to run the code on your device:
- clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RihardsJ/prime-multiplication-table.git
- enter the folder
cd prime-multiplication-table/
- install all dependencies
npm i
- to view test results for prime numbers algorithm and see N size list of prime numbers:
npm run testPrimeNumbers
- to view all tests as well as test coverage report
npm run test
- to use the multiplication table function
npm start
and open linkhttp://localhost:3000
in your browser
Alternatively, you can view prime multiplication table live on netlify: DEMO
Jest, GitHub Actions, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Figma, VScode, Babel, Netlify, NodeJS
- Creating a recursive algorithm which finds prime numbers
- Integration of Babel and connecting ES6 modules with Jest in Node environment
- The progress that I have made.
- Managed to successfully setup workflow
Consider performance improvement for primeNumbers algorithm. Different table types can be created such as: simple multiplication table, even number multiplication table etc. Add velocity calculations to issues and compare with estimates. Add error handling. Test for accessibility and make corrections to help assisting technologies to recognize DOM elements correctly.
Does not perform well with N >= 100000 values - testing
Does not perform well with N > 1000 values - browser