import * as hex from "";
* @param {string} payload hex-encoded BLE manufacturer data
export function process(payload) {
const view = hex.decode(payload);
if (view.getUint16(0) !== 0x4c00 || view.getUint16(2) !== 0x0215) {
throw new Error("not ibeacon payload");
const uuid = hex.encode(view.buffer.slice(4, 20));
const major = view.getUint16(20);
const minor = view.getUint16(22);
const rssi = view.getInt8(24);
return { uuid, major, minor, rssi };
* @test payload "4c00021500112233445566778899aabbccddeeff01234567fc"
data type | endianness | byte offset | |
lat | float32 | big | 0 |
lon | float32 | big | 4 |
* @param {string} payload base64-encoded [lat,lon]
export function process(payload) {
const view = ric.base64.decode(payload);
const lat = view.getFloat32(0);
const lon = view.getFloat32(4);
return { lat, lon };
* @test payload "Ql8Z6EIWn/M="
with js-base64
import { toUint8Array } from "";
* @param {string} payload base64-encoded [lat,lon]
export function process(payload) {
const view = new DataView(toUint8Array(payload).buffer);
const lat = view.getFloat32(0);
const lon = view.getFloat32(4);
return { lat, lon };
* @test payload "Ql8Z6EIWn/M="
with binary-parser
import { Parser as BinaryParser } from "[email protected]";
// slightly shortened example from library's readme
const IpHeaderShort = new BinaryParser()
* @param {string} payload base64 ip header payload
export function process(payload) {
const view = ric.base64.decode(payload);
const { version, tos, id } = IpHeaderShort.parse(view);
return { version, tos, id };
* @test payload "RQACxZOZAAAsBu+YrcJPbIUBhtE="
* @param {string} payload malformed json
export function process(payload) {
const { x, y } = eval(`(${payload})`);
return { x, y };
* @test payload "{x:10, y:'20',}"
import JSON5 from "[email protected]/dist/index.min.mjs";
* @param {string} payload malformed json
export function process(payload) {
const { x, y } = JSON5.parse(payload);
return { x, y };
* @test payload "{x:10, y:'20',}"
with fast-xml-parser
import Parser from "[email protected]/src/xmlparser/XMLParser.js";
export function process() {
const xml = new Parser();
const res = xml.parse(`
const { x, y } = res.pos;
return { x, y };
with @msgpack/msgpack
import { decode } from "[email protected]/dist.es5+esm/decode.mjs";
* @param {string} payload msgpack-encoded [x,y]
export function process(payload) {
const { buffer } = ric.base64.decode(payload);
const { x, y } = decode(buffer);
return { x, y };
* @test payload "gqF4CqF5FA=="