ICON is a software for training a neural network for for image segmentation tasks. It supports MLP, CNN, and UNET. The UNET is not fully implemented in this version of the code.
The UI runs on a web browser while the classifiers runs on a server with GPU
cython h5py hdf5 jpeg keras libpng libtiff mahotas matplotlib numpy opencv pandas pil pillow scikit-image scikit-learn scipy sqlite theano tornado
Run install.sh once, to setup the system (This should be done on a linux system)
Start the web server by running: sh web.sh
Start the training thread by running: sh train.sh
Start the segmentation thread by running: sh segment.sh
Access the UI by launching the following URL on a browser: http://localhost:8888/browse
Then select a project from the drop down list. Press the start button to activate a project or stop to deactivate. Only one project can be active at a time.