Reindexer command line tool is an client utility to work with database.
- Backup whole database into text file or console.
- Make queries to database
- Modify documents and DB metadata
- Both standalone and embeded(builtin) modes are supported
reindexer_tool {OPTIONS}
-d[DSN], --dsn=[DSN] DSN to 'reindexer', like 'cproto://' or 'builtin:///var/lib/reindexer/dbname'
-f[FILENAME], --filename=[FILENAME] Execute commands from file, then exit
-c[COMMAND], --command=[COMMAND] Run only single command (SQL or internal) and exit
-o[FILENAME], --output=[FILENAME] Send query results to file
-l[INT=1..5], --log=[INT=1..5] Reindexer logging level
-C[INT], --connections=[INT] Number of simulateonous connections to db
-t[INT], --threads=[INT] Number of threads used by db connector (used only for bench)
--createdb Enable created database if missed
--dump-mode=[DUMP_MODE] Dump mode for sharded databases: 'full_node' (default), 'sharded_only', 'local_only'
\upsert <namespace> <document>
\upsert books {"id":5,"name":"xx"}
\delete <namespace> <document>
\delete books {"id":5}
\dump [namespace1 [namespace2]...]
There are few different dump modes to interract with sharded databases:
- full_node - Default mode. Dumps all data of chosen node, including sharded namespaces. However, does not dump data from other shards.
- sharded_only - Dumps data from sharded namespaces only (including the data from all other shards). May be usefull for resharding.
- local_only - Dumps data from local namespaces, excluding sharded namespaces.
Dump mode is saved in the output file and will be used during restoration process.
\namespaces add <name> <definition>
Add new namespace
\namespaces list
List available namespaces
\namespaces drop <namespace>
Drop namespace
List of available databases
\databases list
Switching to existing database
\databases use <namespace>
\meta put <namespace> <key> <value>
Put metadata key value
\meta list
List all metadata in name
\set output <format>
Format can be one of the following:
Unformatted JSONpretty
Pretty printed JSONtable
Table view (with lines and columns)
\bench <time>
Run benchmark for `<time>` seconds
Backup whole database into single backup file:
reindexer_tool --dsn cproto:// --command '\dump' --output mydb.rxdump
Restore database from backup file:
reindexer_tool --dsn cproto:// --filename mydb.rxdump
Backup only sharded namespaces from all of the shards into single backup file:
reindexer_tool --dsn cproto:// --command '\dump' --dump-mode=sharded_only --output mydb.rxdump