diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 66f04d9..6d62928 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Respo: A virtual DOM library in ClojureScript [![Respo](https://img.shields.io/clojars/v/respo/respo.svg)](https://clojars.org/respo/respo) ```clojure -[respo "0.8.2"] +[respo "0.8.3"] ``` * Home http://respo.site diff --git a/build.boot b/build.boot index 82d15fe..98b09fe 100644 --- a/build.boot +++ b/build.boot @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ :username "jiyinyiyong" :password (read-password "Clojars password: ")}])) -(def +version+ "0.8.2") +(def +version+ "0.8.3") (deftask deploy [] (comp diff --git a/coir.edn b/coir.edn index c059b5c..c635e52 100644 --- a/coir.edn +++ b/coir.edn @@ -1 +1 @@ -{:ir {:package "respo", :root {:ns "app.core", :def "render-app!"}, :files {"respo.app.style.widget" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "HyNcXgGlOY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyH5Xgfeut0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy8cmxMg_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.style.widget"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJP9mxGgdFAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1u9XxGe_YAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkYcmlGg_KCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1cqQlGxdtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1s9QxzluFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S139QlMeutAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyacQeGedtCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ05mxMg_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJsmxMx_tRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"input" {:type :expr, :id "H1WiXxGg_YRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJzjQefl_YAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, 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"Sk93mlGldFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1i37lzeuKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "94"}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "Hkn2mlfeuKRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1p37gGl_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":border"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry0nQgGxdYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":none"}}}}}}}, "button" {:type :expr, :id "HJ16QlfgOYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJxTQgGxOKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skba7gMlut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "button"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1fT7ezldK0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Q67xzg_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "B1WJNlzg_Y0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJfk4efluF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":line-height"}, "j" 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1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJCp7gzldtCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":cursor"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJJRXeMx_YCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":pointer"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1qaQezldtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyiTXxze_YRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-family"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1haQeGxOKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|Avenir,Verdana"}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "HkARXlGguYAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1J1VxGeutCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":height"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkeJEefedFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "28"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJDa7eMxutRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk_aQxfldFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":padding"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryFp7gGxOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|0 6px 0 6px"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SJeC7eMxOtCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ZR7xzgOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":background-color"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJMR7eMx_K0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B17RQeMl_KAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry4CXlzxdK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyrRmeGedFAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "80"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rk8RmlfxOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "70"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H1eomgGlutAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.wrap" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SJaeXMxdKCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRxmGldKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkJbQzeutAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.wrap"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505301328166, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505301331033, :text ":require", :id "H1OU7cUqZ"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SklJnwhpTZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1QZXMldKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ4ZQMeuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1505301023785, :text "respo.macros"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkH-XfluFRKW", :author "root", :time 1508915113987, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1IZ7MldFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyPWXzguYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJu-QfgdtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJKbXzlOYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}}}}}}, :id "H1x_I75L5W"}}}, :defs {"comp-wrap" {:type :expr, :id "SkNf7GgutCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryHG7fgOF0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By8MmfguF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-wrap"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkPMQzlOtCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Oz7MlutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BytzXGgOtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r15M7zxdKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkjGQGl_Y0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hzQzgutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ6MXzluKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H17f7zg_YCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.container" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SJ-gJxGxdt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Gl1xMluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SymgyxzldtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.container"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkW-JxGeOYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zWyxMg_FCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy5-yxzx_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bks-JxGl_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyhbkefluFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.todolist"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkp-kgGxOY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S10Z1lGxOY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1yMkeGxOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sylf1ezl_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-todolist"}}}}}, "f" {:type :expr, :id "BJT_w3TpW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJwgylzlOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJdgJlGgdF0tb", 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJHzkeMxuFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkLGJlMluKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJDGklMgdYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJOM1xfxOF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":padding"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Kz1lfg_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "8"}}}}}}}, "comp-container" {:type :expr, :id "Bk9zklMluK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryiz1ezluFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S13GJgze_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry6z1lfedKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10z1xfl_KCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkJmJezlOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxmylzx_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1WmJlMgOK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByfQJxMxdKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXm1gGxOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H14X1efxuKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1S71efxutCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJUXJgMguYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByvmyxfgdK0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1O71eMedKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyYXkeMeutAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By9Q1gfgOK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkjQygGgOYRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rynmklGxdFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJT7kezgdtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-global"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkCmygfeOFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkNkeMguYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor->"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyg4kxGldKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":todolist"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJb4JeMx_FCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-todolist"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJGEJgGxuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "S1RlBXcCb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyV41lzeuKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBEJezxdYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByINkeMl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyvEJeGxuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" 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"style-global" {:type :expr, :id "SJIrJlfgdtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkwH1efl_tAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkOSJgMgdtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-global"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJFryxfeOF0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycHyxzldYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJsBJlzxdt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhBJxGlOFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-family"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S16S1xGx_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|Avenir,Verdana"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1Wf1xGgOFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.html" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1cGl-gOFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjGgbeOY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkhzeZxOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.html"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1aMlZx_K0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryAMx-lOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJyQx-lOK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlQlbedYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWmg-xOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkM7lZg_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7QebgdY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkEQxbedKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrQxbgdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkUmxbeutRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfeOK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" 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"S1iGl_F0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2MlOt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpMxdYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1AGgdKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ry1lzlOFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgxzeOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ZgGxdF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.expand"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkMxMeuKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkmeMlut0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1NlGgut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1SxfxOF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"style->string" {:type :expr, :id "S1zdGlutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, 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"B1yKflOtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJeFGedtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJWFMx_FCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1MKMxuFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJmtzgOKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryEFMldtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1BFMgOtRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H18tMeOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPFMgdKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1dYze_KAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryYKfluKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJqKzgutCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1oYMl_KRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" 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"B1_czldK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyK5zxdFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "escape-html"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkcqMxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1oqfguKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1h9zxuY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6czgdFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1AqGgutAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|;"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJksGlutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sklifg_FAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string/join"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1boGlOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}}}}}, "element->string" {:type :expr, :id "rJfiGl_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry7izldtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" 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"Hyc7gfedF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "| "}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJomlfgdY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "BkHEezgdK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}, "yv" {:type :leaf, :id "SyPVeMldtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|>"}}}}}}}, "make-string" {:type :expr, :id "ryONgMedKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKEeze_K0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1cVgGe_FRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-string"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryoVlzxOFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BynVlzx_FRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tree"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Sy6ExMxdFAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByCNlGldt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rykSlGldtRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, 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:time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJZOeGxdFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string/join"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkGOxGluF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "| "}}}}}}}, "escape-html" {:type :expr, :id "HJmuxzg_K0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJEOefe_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJBOxzl_KRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "escape-html"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkIdlfldtCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1wdeMlOKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "text"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356884509, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rk_Oxzl_YAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkYOgGg_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1qdgMluKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "text"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1odxGldYAK-", :time 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1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyCYgGeutRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kceGeOY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkl5ezedYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkb5xGe_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzceGguK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkQqgfg_FRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyN9xMldK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1BqlfguFRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk85xfxOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop->attr"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkw5efg_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy_cefeOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkYqezlOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H15clflOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|="}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJoceMeuFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r12cefgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkaqgGgOt0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRqgGx_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1508599040218, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599040686, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkkjlzeOt0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyljxfluFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyWjxMguKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzsgzldFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1b2ZS1KTZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4ixzgOYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkSsxMeOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}}, :id "BkYbHkFp-"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599021605, :data {"L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599023893, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599026215, :text "boolean?", :id "SyzPxBkKaW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599027170, :text "v", :id "BkjeHJKTW"}}, :id "HJ_xSkY6b"}, "P" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599029941, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599030568, :text "str", :id "ryxagB1K6W"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599031475, :text "v", :id "Hkx1ZBJY6b"}}, :id "BJAlB1Y6b"}}, :id "BkLlSkKab"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599049536, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599050945, :text ":else", :id "BJfzryYpbleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599161467, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599051449, :text "v", :id "Sk4XGryYab"}, "D" {:type :leaf, 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:id "HJ_xSkY6b"}, "P" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599029941, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599134552, :text "name", :id "ryxagB1K6W"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599031475, :text "v", :id "Hkx1ZBJY6b"}}, :id "BJAlB1Y6b"}}, :id "Syg-DHkt6Z"}, "wj" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599159698, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599163749, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599165979, :text "string?", :id "HJlKB1tableaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599166869, :text "v", :id "r1vtr1KTW"}}, :id "HkVKHJtpW"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599234789, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599169148, :text "v", :id "rJlYKS1Y6b"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599235651, :text "escape-html", :id "HkZopByYTb"}}, :id "Syej6SJKpb"}}, :id "HJlKB1tab"}}}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJLxGe_FRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.main" {:ns 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"clear-cache!", :id "Byb84pwugM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714101816, :text "*changes-logger", :id "SkKEawdef"}}, :id "SJ7H4aDdlG"}}, :id "HyQWNavOlM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714103176, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714104935, :text "cljs.reader", :id "BJeyB6PdlGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714105596, :text ":refer", :id "Bk7bH6DOxz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714106224, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714106640, :text "[]", :id "B1ezBaD_gz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714108290, :text "read-string", :id "SybXHpvulM"}}, :id "r1bMBpwuxf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714111319, :text "[]", :id "SJDB6wOgf"}}, :id "BJeyB6PdlG"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714112837, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714113862, :text "[]", :id "ryxYBpwdgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714115981, :text "respo.app.core", :id "HJz5BpPdxG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117106, :text ":refer", :id "By73rpvdxM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117398, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117609, :text "[]", :id "S1BaBpD_eG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714120365, :text "render-app!", :id "BkZRBpvOlM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714122091, :text "*store", :id "BJZLTv_lf"}}, :id "rJIarpDdlf"}}, :id "ryxYBpwdgf"}}, :id "HJOX6w_gz"}}, :id "Byx6ZpPugf"}, :defs {"mount-target" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714063789, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714126882, :text "def", :id "ByZdGTv_ef"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714063789, :text "mount-target", :id "SJz_GaDuef"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714063789, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714131169, :text ".querySelector", :id "SyuUTPdeM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714135296, :text "js/document", :id "Hk28pwdgM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714138171, :text "|.app", :id "r1lkvaPOxG"}}, :id "rJXuGawOgM"}}, :id "BylOMpwOez"}, "main!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714064801, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714147703, :text "defn", :id "HJbYzaPdgf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714064801, :text "main!", :id "BkfKzTw_gz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714064801, :data {}, :id "BkmYMTwOxf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151201, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151642, :text "let", :id "B1ekO6DdgGleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151901, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714152077, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714159309, :text "raw", :id "HJ-xuavOxz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714159624, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714160896, :text ".getItem", :id "HJSvOTDOxM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714167059, :text "js/window.localStorage", :id "Hk7FupD_lM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714168600, :text "|respo", :id "B1xtTv_xf"}}, :id "Hkdd6vuez"}}, :id "B1mluTDdgz"}}, :id "ryzldpDOxf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714171488, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714172059, :text "if", :id "BylmtTPulzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714172408, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714173139, :text "some?", :id "Sk-EYaDulM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714174088, :text "raw", :id "BJNSYTvulz"}}, :id "B1z4YawdxG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714174658, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714175868, :text "swap!", :id "H1wKTP_xfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714177637, :text "*store", :id "S1gdKTwOez"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714178943, :text "assoc", :id "SkWqYTvuxG"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714180772, :text ":tasks", :id "rJ7iYTwdxM"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714181319, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714184225, :text "read-string", :id "H1M6t6Puxz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714185238, :text "raw", :id "S1Igc6w_eG"}}, :id "Skm6FTw_xM"}}, :id "H1wKTP_xf"}}, :id "BylmtTPulz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714188800, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714191933, :text "render-app!", :id "ryHq6PulGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714194378, :text "mount-target", :id "BJ-uc6wueG"}}, :id "ryHq6PulG"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714210559, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714197749, :text "add-watch", :id "H1rcqpDuef"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714217070, :text "*store", :id "S1e2avdgG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714219489, :text ":rerender", :id "HyNb2pv_lM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714220597, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714238088, :text "#()", :id "By4nTPOgG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714232501, :text "render-app!", :id "HJlhnaw_gG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714235679, :text "mount-target", :id "S1faaD_gz"}}, :id "rkS2pv_gG"}}, :id "H1oo6v_xz"}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714240706, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714243683, :text "reset!", :id "rJFTTD_eGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714251576, :text "*changes-logger", :id "Skln6TwdgM"}, "r" 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1511714272165, :text "changes", :id "B1PJAPdef"}}, :id "H1S10Pdef"}}, :id "B1G1Av_eG"}}, :id "SkSCaP_gf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714734746, :text ";", :id "HyHhyO_eG"}}, :id "rJFTTD_eG"}, "yT" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714274084, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714275046, :text "println", :id "B15JAPdgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714279547, :text "|Loaded.", :id "H1rjJRP_lG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714280283, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714280985, :text ".now", :id "HJxleRPOxz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714286951, :text "js/performance", :id "SyXZeCwugf"}}, :id "Bk-lgCv_xf"}}, :id "B15JAPdgf"}}, :id "B1ekO6DdgG"}}, :id "HkxFzTDOez"}, "save-store!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :text "defn", :id "Byb0fpwuxf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :text "save-store!", :id "r1fAMawuxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :data {}, :id "S1QRzTwuxf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714357501, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714361234, :text ".setItem", :id "SJaERw_xMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714368950, :text "js/window.localStorage", :id "SkzHCwueG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714372338, :text "|respo", :id "ryxoH0PueM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714373782, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714375633, :text "pr-str", :id "B1arCD_xz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714376733, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714377407, :text ":tasks", :id "ByWlLADdgM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714380697, :text "@*store", :id "rkM8Aw_xz"}}, :id "HJbURDOgG"}}, :id "HJCHAPugf"}}, :id "SJaERw_xM"}}, :id "SylRGTvOxf"}, "reload!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :text "defn", :id "H1ZNX6DOez"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :text "reload!", :id "SkGEQ6DdxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :data {}, :id "HkXVQ6Pulf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714293542, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714296695, :text "clear-cache!", :id "S1RxCvugzleaf"}}, :id "S1RxCvugz"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714297341, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714299850, :text "render-app!", :id "r1--b0Ddgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714301998, :text "mount-target", :id "HJgE-RDdef"}}, :id "r1--b0Ddgf"}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714302367, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714303053, :text ".log", :id "BJ48-Cwdxzleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714304564, :text "js/console", :id "BkmDWRwdxf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714306996, :text "|code updated.", :id "S1ltZADulf"}}, :id "BJ48-Cwdxz"}}, :id "HJxN76wuef"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714315065, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714053436, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714644321, :text "set!", :id "HyWSGCDdlz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714323174, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714325797, :text ".-onload", :id "SkiGRwdef"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714328098, :text "js/window", :id "H1XCz0POeM"}}, :id "SkliM0w_xz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714331174, :text "main!", :id "H1Gm0vugz"}}, :id "BympWaPdxG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714332080, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714647172, :text "set!", :id "S1eEXCPOxGleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714343253, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714344947, :text "js/window", :id "HkjmCw_xf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714350051, :text ".-onbeforeunload", :id "B1GVCw_gz"}}, :id "rJyNAwOez"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714354028, :text "save-store!", :id "HyOVRPdxz"}}, :id "S1eEXCPOxG"}}, :id "HJQM0DdxG"}}, "respo.util.format" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rk7b6fl_KAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByNWaze_tAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBZ6zxuKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyLW6MeuYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1DW6fgOFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1uZ6fgdY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1FbTfgOYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ9Z6feOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkoZaGgdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy3W6GlOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bka-pfldFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJCZpGguKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ1G6zedtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxGpzgdtRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rybfpMg_YAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyMMazldKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy7GTfx_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H14M6GedFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"prop->attr" {:type :expr, :id "rJIGTzlOtRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvzTGgdtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyuG6flOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop->attr"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJFG6fxdYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1qGTzgOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByozTfguFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syhz6zldFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "case"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryTfaMeOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1AG6MxOF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJymafxutCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|class-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eXpGeut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|class"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1W7TflOYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1f7TGl_F0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|tab-index"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy7mazgutCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|tabindex"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EXpGx_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "w" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508595954898, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508595961204, :text "|read-only", :id "HJeoeF0Oa-leaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508595964339, :text "|readonly", :id "r1zWKROaW"}}, :id "HJeoeF0Oa-"}}}}}, "event->prop" {:type :expr, :id "B1BQpGg_YCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk8XaMxuKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPXpfguY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1Om6GldY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type 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:id "SJBe0GxuYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UlRMluY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-type"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJPgAGxdtAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1507356443151, :text ":msg", :id "SJxmX1lLh-"}}, :id "SJl1QygU2Z"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "Hy_ATGxdKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkYCazlutRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|change"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sk9R6fxuFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oA6zxuYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1507356414848, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2CpfedYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":type"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1507356419468, :text ":change", :id "SyejWyx8hZ"}}, :id "SygPWygI2Z"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1507356422422, :data {"T" {:type 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"BkWy7lzx_FCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1GJmgzgut0YW", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712590571, :text ".createElement"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQyXxGgOFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}, "b" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712593524, :text "js/document", :id "HylwLwv_ef"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "By417eMeutRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByB1Xefx_KAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S18kmeGgOtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJDJ7xfxOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkuy7xGgOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJFyXxflOtRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rycJmxzxutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hyjk7gMe_KCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" 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"r1yzQlfeuKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rklz7gzluYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505374986462, :text "if", :id "HyzMX2DqW"}, "L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505374987219, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505374988848, :text "some?", :id "SJQz7hv5-"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505374989216, :text "v", :id "r1WSMQ2vqb"}}, :id "BJlQGm3vqW"}}, :id "BJZGXnw5b"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1WMmgfldFRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzzQgfeutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710862329, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy7zXgMguYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJSfXlGxdt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Uzmxze_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style"}}}}, 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"S194mlfxutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ24XlMeOFAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1pEmlfgdKCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ0EQeGldt0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJkrQxMgutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "virtual-element"}}}}}}, :id "rJZ99evdgz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkeSXgfgOKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bSQefeOtCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyMHXlfg_YRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sk7BXxGg_YRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByVBXeMg_F0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name-in-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyHB7xGxuYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJIS7xGl_KRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "j" {:type 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"virtual-element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJCUXeGgOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1yw7eMg_FAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".stopPropagation"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyxDXxMedtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}}}}}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Sk-wQlGldK0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkzw7xze_KAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710902318, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "By7D7gfl_tRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1BwmgMgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJLvXlzxdYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}}}}, :id "S1fC2xvOgM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1vPQxfxuYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJuwXgfe_FCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".appendChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1YvmgzxuYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByqPXxflOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-element"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "ryswQgzluY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}, "style->string" {:type :expr, :id "rk2PXefgOt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6PQeMgdFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJCvQgfeOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkyO7lMgdYRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bye_Qgzg_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJZ_XeGeOt0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJGu7lMgdtRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ7u7lfgdFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByVOmezeuF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyB_XxfxuYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJLdQxGl_tRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkD_7xMl_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkuuQlMeOtRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJtO7ezedtAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkcO7efxdKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rys_XlfldKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1nuQgMg_tAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkauXlGeOF0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJC_XlzgdF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJJtmxzlOtRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ltXgfgdYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy-tmefl_FCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkMt7xzlOFRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H17FmlzxuFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1VtXeMguFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rYQgzeuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByLFQgzxuYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkPKXeGg_t0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1uY7xMgOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkYKXxMxuYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qKXlfl_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJjFmgMxdt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r12KQxGx_YCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rypYXlzxdYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r10Kmlfe_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk15Xefe_KCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B1ecQxflOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|;"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HybqQefgdYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJf5QlzeOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string/join"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1m5QgfedtCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H1JafxfguF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SJWguKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJebxuFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJW-guYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.core"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkGbgOY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1m-e_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJE-x_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByBbxOKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.container"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLZe_FCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1PWl_YAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1uWxOKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214236402, :text "[]", :id "HyXmJHBqW"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214232140, :text "[]", :id "S11QyBr5Z"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyYZedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk5-luKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.core"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bys-eOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hy3WgdtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1abxuKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214244283, :text "[]", :id "S12QyrB9Z"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214241667, :text "[]", :id "B1eOX1BB9W"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bk0-xOFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkJgbgdFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.schema"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJxe-xdtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJbxbx_tCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "schema"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214248444, :text "[]", :id "rJ-JVkHSqZ"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "H1fgWxdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B17xbe_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.updater.core"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk4ebedYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkHgWgOKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJUgZgOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "updater"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214253641, :text "[]", :id "SJlB4kSBcW"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214251355, :text "[]", :id "B17VkHr9b"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rywgWedYCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyugZl_t0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyFlWx_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyqxbldtCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkieZedFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214258150, :text "[]", :id "B15V1BrqZ"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214256484, :text "[]", :id "Hy_4yHr5W"}}}}}}}, :defs {"render-app!" {:type :expr, :id "Bk6e-x_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1AlblutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1Z-gOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkeZ-eOKCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJZbZx_FAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-target"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1MWZgOtAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByXZbldYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1EWWgOYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1r-WldY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkIZWgOKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkw--euYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*store"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1_ZZxOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}, "*store" {:type :expr, :id "rkK-Wx_KRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk5Z-guKAYb", :author "root", :time 1505327075946, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJi--euF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*store"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJhWZxdtAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByabWx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0ZWxdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "schema/store"}}}}}, "dispatch!" {:type :expr, :id "H1kzZedKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJxzWx_KCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWzbedKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Mfbl_Y0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ7MWxdYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkVMWe_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyHGZx_KRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1UfWl_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1PfblutRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByOfWeuKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HkFz-ldYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9fZg_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1if-guKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJnf-eOYCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By6f-lOYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-id"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyCGbg_KAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJX-xdtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkgQZl_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZX-gOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyfXZlOYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk7mWluKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "updater"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4XbldKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BQWguKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJUm-xdtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "SkvQZl_K0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-id"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1_QbxdFRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkYm-lOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B19mWe_YAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByiX-eOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "ryhxZedY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.test.comp.todolist" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BJHjAfg_F0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkUjAfxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDsAze_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.todolist"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hyk2AGldYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJxnRGgOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sk_3RMxdtAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byt2CMluF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJc3Rfl_tAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.task"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJi2AzgOK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry2nCfgutCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6n0Ml_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyCh0zeOtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-task"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1gZWu2aTZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HysiAMe_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ3sCzeOFCK-", :author "root", :time 1508915196724, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJasAfgutAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry0i0MeOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505409082913, :text "defcomp", :id "SylzS_V_q-"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711981544, :text "list->", :id "HkgmxHPuxz"}, "5" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711983734, :text "[]", :id "SkevgrPOlG"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508915194695, :text "[]", :id "H1eMWO36ab"}}}}}}}, :defs {"style-todolist" {:type :expr, :id "rJgaCfldKAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyWT0Ml_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkG6RfedY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-todolist"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkQT0GguFCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ4TRMg_YCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryBTRMxdFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8aAfgdK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":color"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkP6CGxdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":blue"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1daCzxuFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KaAGguFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-family"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk96RMeuYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|\"微软雅黑\", Verdana"}}}}}}}, "comp-todolist" {:type :expr, :id "r1j6CfgOYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ36AzlOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1505409072010, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bypp0fx_YAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-todolist"}, "r" 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:id "SyQ11xzxuFRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJVyklGedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyB1JeMlOKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Ly1xzeuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkwJyxzeOFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryOyygfeOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Kk1efg_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk5yyeGe_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Byi1yeMxOYAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk3JkxMe_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skay1xfgOYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyA1yxfeutAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ1eJgGxOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-task"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryllJlzx_YAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}}}}}}}}}, "b" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711976289, :text ":div", :id "S1HJlrPOlG"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "r1k6AzlOFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.zero" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "Bk7tGefluYCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4FfxflOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rKfgGeOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.zero"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505301334158, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505301334988, :text ":require", :id "rJxCLmq8cZleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJephDnTaW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1FYfgGldtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkcKzlGe_tCKW", :author "root", :time 1505301029094, :text "respo.macros"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1oYGxGxdYAKW", :author "root", :time 1508915128682, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1hFGxfxdYAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy6YGxMeOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJAFMezldYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJy5GgGguKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}}}}}}, :id "rJxCLmq8cZ"}}}, :defs {"comp-zero" {:type :expr, :id "Hyq9zefl_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJoqzeGx_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJh5zgMxdKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-zero"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r169fgfg_tCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1R5zgMeuYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kjzxGl_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1xszlfeOYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bszefg_KCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyziMlGluYCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkQsfeMgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":inner-text"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy4szeMxdFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1tcMlfgutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.list" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "H1zKMzxOKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r17tfMluKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4YGfl_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJBtfzl_t0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkUYzfx_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1wtfMgdKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1dKfflOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYKGzeOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ctGfldY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BystfMgdYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ntGzx_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkTKfMxdYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkAtfzlOYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"filter-first" {:type :expr, :id "ryx9zzguYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkb5zGluYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GqzGx_YAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1Q5fMg_FAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryNqGGxdt0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "f"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Sqfze_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xs"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1IqMGg_FAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkw5MzgOFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reduce"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJOcGzluKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkFczMxOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJccMGedFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1sqzzx_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyn5Gzl_KCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy65MMl_YRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkC9GMguK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "when"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkyjfMgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gofflOK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "f"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbjGfgOKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1fozMeut0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQsGGl_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reduced"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4oMzedKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyHozzlOtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk8jfzl_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xs"}}}}}, "pick-attrs" {:type :expr, :id "rkvjGMxdtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ_izfl_tRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1tszGxuFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1qsfMxuF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsizfedK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkhjfGl_FAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJajzzguK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkAsfzxutRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1J2MGeuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rklhGfl_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkWnzzldK0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syz3GGguKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Sk7hzzgOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkV2zfxdFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkrhfMguK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkL3zzgOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1P2fzgOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "base-attrs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782866145, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Bk53GGeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJo3GMgOtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2nzzeut0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryp3zGlOYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryAhGMedK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkJpGMgdF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":on"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SylTGzg_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZTzzgutRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzTfGxdYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "By7TfMl_tAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry46GfguF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJSpfGluYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782868043, :text "->>", :id "SyiU0eOzG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782825167, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782780110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782781810, :text "fn", :id "SkMB-ClOGM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782091, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782279, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782783123, :text "[]", :id "ByWIbAxOzM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784128, :text "k", :id "HkWPZ0g_MG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784476, :text "v", :id "HkzdZCx_GG"}}, :id "By7Lb0gdGM"}}, :id "BJM8bRxuGz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782875538, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782786281, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783764074, :text "re-matches", :id "S1x5b0gdMfleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782805857, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782807980, :text "re-pattern", :id "HyRz0lOMf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782817959, :text "|on-\\w+", :id "SJbxX0xOMz"}}, :id "B1l0M0guGG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782820502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821083, :text "name", :id "SkgnXRxuGG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821877, :text "k", :id "H1CmRxdfM"}}, :id "S1ZnXAx_zM"}}, :id "S1x5b0gdMf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782876303, :text "not", :id "Skx4PRgdzz"}}, :id "HJVw0lOzz"}}, :id "BkeNbRxuzM"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782826536, :text "filter", :id "SyW-VAlOMf"}}, :id "S1eCLCedfM"}}, :id "rkl98Clufz"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkLpfMx_FAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByDTMGg_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyupzGeOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkKaGfgdK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "base-attrs"}}}}}}}}}, "val-exists?" {:type :expr, :id "rJcpfzldF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJipzMxOYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryhTzflOtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1p6zMlOKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJC6GfeOYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pair"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyJCfzxOt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgAMMgdKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWRzGeOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zAzMl_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1m0zzguFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pair"}}}}}}}, "arrange-children" {:type :expr, :id "BkV0fMlOKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1SRMfedFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryIRGGgutAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJPCMfgutAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJdRffe_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1K0GGxuYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy5AMGl_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyLlXzxdKRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPgmGxOKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map-indexed"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_gQGeuF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "vector"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFxXMeutCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H19lQfgdKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJogQGxOYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJngXMx_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val-exists?"}}}}}}}, "pick-event" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :text "defn", :id "Syby10ldzf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :text "pick-event", :id "BkMkJRldzG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782746280, :text "props", :id "rkbZ10ldMz"}}, :id "rk7JyRx_zz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782746786, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784377351, :text "merge", :id "BJgmyAedzzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782769122, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513785453815, :text ":on", :id "SyWKgClOfz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782771092, :text "props", :id "ByolCg_Gz"}}, :id "BkzFe0lufM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782771764, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782778580, :text "->>", :id "Bknx0xuMMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782779468, :text "props", :id "HJl7-CluMz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782825167, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782780110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782781810, :text "fn", :id "SkMB-ClOGM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782091, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782279, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782783123, :text "[]", :id "ByWIbAxOzM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784128, :text "k", :id "HkWPZ0g_MG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784476, :text "v", :id "HkzdZCx_GG"}}, :id "By7Lb0gdGM"}}, :id "BJM8bRxuGz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782786281, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783768094, :text "re-matches", :id "S1x5b0gdMfleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782805857, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782807980, :text "re-pattern", :id "HyRz0lOMf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782817959, :text "|on-\\w+", :id "SJbxX0xOMz"}}, :id "B1l0M0guGG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782820502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821083, :text "name", :id "SkgnXRxuGG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821877, :text "k", :id "H1CmRxdfM"}}, :id "S1ZnXAx_zM"}}, :id "S1x5b0gdMf"}}, :id "BkeNbRxuzM"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782826536, :text "filter", :id "SyW-VAlOMf"}}, :id "S1lZNCgdMz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782828422, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782836438, :text "into", :id "S14ECxuffleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782837037, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782837367, :text "{}", :id "ry6EAedGM"}}, :id "r1ea4RldMz"}}, :id "S14ECxuff"}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783773275, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783773761, :text "map", :id "HyxB1GbOGzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783774099, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783774679, :text "fn", :id "HJz81GbuzM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783776268, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783777116, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783776781, :text "k", :id "r1WdyGZOGz"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783778028, :text "[]", :id "Hycyfb_zM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783778980, :text "v", :id "S1oyGbOGG"}}, :id "HkxYkMZdMf"}}, :id "ByMOkz-dff"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783780024, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783782433, :text "[]", :id "S1g2yzb_Gzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783784878, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783786896, :text "keyword", :id "S1JlGWdzf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783794332, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783787120, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783789135, :text "name", :id "BJzXlz-ufG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784313055, :text "k", :id "BkxFeG-uGf"}}, :id "HymQlf-uMM"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783796051, :text "subs", :id "B1sxMZ_ff"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783800894, :text "3", :id "SJ0lMWdfz"}}, :id "rJx9gf-OzG"}}, :id "B1-xMWuMG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783791555, :text "v", :id "SJbPlG-dzf"}}, :id "S1g2yzb_Gz"}}, :id "rkQLyGbuMM"}}, :id "HyxB1GbOGz"}}, :id "Bknx0xuMM"}}, :id "BJgmyAedzz"}}, :id "BJeJ10ldzz"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "HJ15fzx_FRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.schema" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rJzevfx_t0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ7lwfxdY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkVlDGgutCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.schema"}}}, :defs {"task" {:type :expr, :id "HkIxvfldY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkwgDMeuYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ugPzlOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkYeDzeuKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJcgwfeuFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJsewfxdFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJneDGxOtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryaeDMgOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJRxDzedFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BykbDMxOFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":text"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1xWvzguFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HybWPMluYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMbDMx_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":done?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkmbPfeOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "false"}}}}}}}, "store" {:type :expr, :id "H1NWwGx_Y0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBbDfl_FCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UWDzgOFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BywWwflOK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkdZvGlOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syt-DfxdFCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycbDflOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJs-PMl_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ3bvzx_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyaZwMldYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJR-PfgdK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyyMvze_tCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJlfPMeOt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "ByHxvfl_F0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.controller.client" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1WGVgflutRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJfMVlfeOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJmGVlfguK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.client"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1VzVxfeOtRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBMVeGgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy8f4gzeut0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPfVxzxdY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkdfVxfgdtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.patch"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Kf4gfx_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S19MExzxOKRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1iGNgMeuYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hknf4xfx_FRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkNmEgzeutCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkS74lzldY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLQ4eGeOKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJDQVlzgdK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJ_XVgMldY0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFXVgGlOFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryq7EgfxOY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rysm4eGedtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->edn"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rk27NlGluFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aQNgzeuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJAmVeGeOYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkyEVgMg_YCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skx4EeflOF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-NNgGxOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkGEEezgOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"build-listener" {:type :expr, :id "SyNENlGe_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkB4Vefe_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ84VxGedFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1DV4xzl_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By_E4efedFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryK4NlzxOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B15E4gMguFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1i4ExGldFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sk2V4lzeuYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk6NEgGguKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyCNVxGg_KRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1JrEefgdF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgrElfgdKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1WHVeGl_F0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJzBEgzgdt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXHElfeOYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1NBEefx_KCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1BrNlMlOF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->edn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJIr4xMl_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1DrElfgdt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJOr4gzeuYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1YSExzxdKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkqrNgfgdYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJjrNefguF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}}}}}}}}}, "patch-instance!" {:type :expr, :id "SJnB4lfluYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJaHVeGxuYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRSEgGedtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yLNxGe_F0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eIVeGlOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkWI4lMe_tAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zLVxzgdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SymU4lfgOKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S148EgfgOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HySLVlzeuK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJU8EgGeuF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJvL4xfe_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1OLEeGldYRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyKIVeGguKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H15INgMxOFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iUExGlOt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryhIVeGxdFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1TI4ezeuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkR8NeMgOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJywNezluK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJlPNxzlutAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bDNgzxOtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGPElMe_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1XvNlfeOtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyVDNxfxuFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}, "activate-instance!" {:type :expr, :id "SkHvNlflOFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJIvNeMxdK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJwDEeGlOKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy_wExfeOFRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SktvElzeOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entire-dom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HycPEgMg_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkiv4lGluFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Synw4gfg_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkaP4gMx_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy0DEgfgut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "By1d4eGguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlu4lMluKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ-uEeMedK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGONxGeuK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H17_VxMe_tCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEdNxGg_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkrdNezxutCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1I_NlMgOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJD_VxzxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1duEgGe_YAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkt_VxMe_KCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1c_ExGeuFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "set!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1j_NgfgOFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byhd4eflOY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-innerHTML"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryT_Exze_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1C_NeMldKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJJYVgGxdtAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1xK4ezx_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".appendChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ-F4eGldY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1GtVlMxuFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryQFEeGedYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1NtVezxOKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entire-dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkSFNgfguFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJ7EVgzgOFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.id" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rJt9rMl_tRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S199Sze_K0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkoqSzldt0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.id"}}}, :defs {"get-id!" {:type :expr, :id "rJpcHMluYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0qrzxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1korGluFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryxoHzgdtRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByWiSfe_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1MsBMxOKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "swap!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyQsSMlOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*cached-id"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkViBGg_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBjHfxOYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*cached-id"}}}, "*cached-id" {:type :expr, :id "rkUsBfeuYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1vsrMgdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_jSMgdYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*cached-id"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BktirzguKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19jBMx_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkisSMlOtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJhcSfx_KAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.diff" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BkZGwfguY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zzPfeOYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkQzwGlut0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.diff"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk4GvMeOK0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJrMvzguFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryLMDMluYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1DGwfeOYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyOMwGgutRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFGvzxuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rk9fwzguYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkofwGedYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkhMDMxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry6fwzeOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRzDfldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry1XvzeOKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkeXvMgOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1bXDGgOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByzmDzx_YAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmQwGx_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkEQwfl_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1S7DzedtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1L7DMgdKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwQDfxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1dmwflOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJtQPMe_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJqQDGxutCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SksXvfxOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.set"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyhXPMeOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkpXPGeuK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1R7wMe_F0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk14PGgOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "difference"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921141140, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921142520, :text "[]", :id "SkxpO9MqGfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921149310, :text "respo.schema.op", :id "BklJtqG9zG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921149871, :text ":as", :id "HJSSK9z9zz"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921150205, :text "op", :id "r1zUK9fqzG"}}, :id "SkxpO9MqGf"}}}}}, :defs {"find-element-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "B1W4wGguF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJGEwMguKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1mNwzxuFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkNNDGldKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SySVvzg_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkUVPGe_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyvVPze_Y0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "r1dVDMgOt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryFVPfldF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyqEDGluF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyjVPzgdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By2VDzluYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aVwzxuYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|element diffing:"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ANPfeuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "HkkBvGlOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "SJeBPMe_F0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HyZBwGg_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJGrvze_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ7SwGedK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryVHvzl_tCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyBrwGgOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ8SvMgOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1PBPGxuK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1_HPzx_Y0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFrvMl_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ9rPfedF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1irPze_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJhHvzxOFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJprvzedKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyCrPMg_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByyUwGl_KAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkeUwfedtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bLDzxOtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkGUwzgOF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1X8PfluFAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEUvGgOY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SLwfgOF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIIwzeOFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1vIPzeuYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sku8DMg_tAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryYUPzgdtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk58wfguFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1oLDfgdtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S13UwMe_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJTUPfxuK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ALvMlOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S11PPzxuK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJgPPzxuYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-wPfluKCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GvDfxuKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1QPvzluY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJVDDfe_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rySvPfedFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryUPwGlOF0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1vvwGg_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1dwwfx_F0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkKDDGguYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqvPGe_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkovwGeuK0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HynvvzedY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1pDwGxdYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJCwPGeOYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk1uPMguKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJgOwMg_YAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZ_wGeuFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByM_wMeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H17_vzgut0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJV_wzxuKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1BdDfxOYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1L_wGguK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "or"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1v_vGeOF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkOOwzeOFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJtuvzxOKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data 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":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkUKvMxOYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1vtwzlOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJuKPMgdtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJYFDGldY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9tDfeuYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":c-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SksKDzlOF0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkhYDfedtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk6YDMxOt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":c-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r10KvzxOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJk9PzldF0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skx9vGgOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJWcPfluFCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkG9PMxutAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJmqDMluFAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByE5PfluYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJBqDzgdFAK-", :author "root", :time 1513921175999, :text "op/replace-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkIqwGxuFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1vqvMxdtCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sku5wGgdK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1t5DflOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ9cDGxuKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hks9wMedtCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ2qwzguF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1p5vfe_YCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyC5wGe_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-props-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJJsDGgdFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgivMlOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJWiPMldFRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkMiPGldtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7oDMldY0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SJNivMldYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyrsvMxdFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLjPGxdtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1vivMeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BydjvzguFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJYiwMgdKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByqsPfl_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryjiDMgdFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy3ovflutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BypiDzedFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyCsDfgdY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BykhPfxOYRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1e3vMluFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rybhPzx_KAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1G3vfxdKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkmnPGgOFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy4hDGxdYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1BhwGx_YRtb", :author "root", 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1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkCTvGeOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJ0DMe_K0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJl0DMgdtAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1W0DGldKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-events"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJGCPzx_FRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1QCDfgdY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "into"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJNRDfeOKRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rCvzgOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "#{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1LAPzlOtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1wCvzlOFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "keys"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryuRPfeuKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJK0wflOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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:id "r1-gufeuFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921161203, :text "op/set-event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkGl_ze_FCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By7eOfluKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJNg_Ml_KRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrldzeuF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkLe_Mxdt0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPedGxuYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyulOflOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJteOGg_K0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ce_fgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710845572, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1oxOGxOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Tl_Gx_tAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1AxOMeOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "removed-events"}}}}, :id "SkIFgvOeM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r11ZOGg_YRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJx-dzl_Y0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1ZZdMedtAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyfb_GeOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJmWuGlOtRYW", :author "root", :time 1513921163620, :text "op/rm-event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJN-uzldKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1BZdMe_KAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryIb_fedYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyDWufe_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-children-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_b_zeuF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Fb_Me_YRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJc-dMguKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJiWOzxdKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BynZdMx_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-children-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "rJp-OzxdK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJCZOfluFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJzOGgOtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-children-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkgfufe_K0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZGOGeOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyGfdzldt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Qz_MxuY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1VGOGeOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SM_ze_tCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByIzdGx_tAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJDGuGedFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ_GOzl_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFzufe_Y0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9GuzeOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|diff children:"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "rkiGOzg_YCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhGuzx_KAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "BkaGufluF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "SyAMOzeOFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "Hyk7OMeuY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gm_zluKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1Z7_fe_tCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "B1MQ_GguKCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r17QOMldKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJNXOGedtRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJSQ_MldYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1LQufldK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1DXuMgdFRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyumOfxdFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByY7_zlut0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S19QuzxutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyiXOzgdY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r12m_zgOtAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkTX_zgOYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJCX_fg_YAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy1NOzguKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkgE_Gl_YAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-4dfg_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzEdMe_tCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BymV_GeOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJEVdfxdtAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1SN_MgOtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJU4_fe_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1v4dfgdYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rydV_MguF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyF4uzgOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy5N_MluYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkjNufx_K0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B13E_MgOYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk6EOzguYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJAVuGluFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1ruGe_YCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HylBOGe_KAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkbHdGldFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJMBOGx_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HymS_GeuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkVSdfluFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1HS_fl_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkUBOfldt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJPSdzluK0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_ruMx_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KrdMedF0t-", :author "root", :time 1513921250034, :text "op/append-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqrOGl_F0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1iBuzeOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy3BOzxutAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1THuMe_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryRrdfguFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1JUOGxuFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJx8_MgdYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkZIdfguK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyGLOMlOYRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1XUOfxuYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryN8_GeuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1BLdzxOtRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LIufeutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkwIdfgdKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJO8ufgdKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkKIufgdFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ5IuGeuF0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1i8dzedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk2UOfe_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1T8OGl_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1C8_GgdY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJkD_GxOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyxvOflOFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1-DdMeOYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGvOGedYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ7PufldYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJED_MedFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyHD_Ml_YAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8POGg_YAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkDvuGg_F0F-", :author "root", :time 1513921255424, :text "op/rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk_vdzgutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rytPOMg_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkqv_Ml_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyswdGgdKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJnPdMlutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aDOGxOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1RD_fe_YRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkkOdGgdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1l_OfedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ByWddGxOKRK-", :time 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"x1"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1Gq_zxdFCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1mcdzlutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1E5dze_t0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJS9uzeutRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIq_feOFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "rkZ3dMlutAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJMn_fluYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyXhdGldKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryEn_MedY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Hn_flOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-y1"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUnufx_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJTF_ze_FAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyCKOMl_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJy5_fluF0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rylcuflOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByW9uMxuKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "HJZjuMgdFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MiuflOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-y1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1mjdzluYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJEoufgdtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkBsOMeuYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1IoOGg_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Skvo_fguFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1uouGlOKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id 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"println"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S186OMx_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJHTOGeutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYpuzlOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1E6ufgOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|compare:"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvpdzluKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkjauzguY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk2pufxuF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJaaOzx_FAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ryATdGeOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJJROzxutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Syl0dMgdtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWA_GlOYAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1zAOGl_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ7CuMedtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJEROfluY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJHR_fl_KCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r18AuzlOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkwR_zxdKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJuAuMedK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Skt0_fx_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkc0_zedK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyoA_zx_FAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B13AdzgdKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyaAdfxdFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJARufxdKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyyyYfldYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkxJFGguF0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJb1FzedKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1fkKzlOtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyQ1Yzl_FRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1V1Kzedt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BJYzg_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJLJKGgOFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJDkYzeOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ_ytfg_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1YyFzeuKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B19JKfgOK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJjJYzeOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byn1tMldY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1akFfeOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk0kYMxdFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJklFGl_KAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJllKGedFAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkZeFzx_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkflKfedtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJXlYGx_YRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNltMlOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkreKMg_KCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S18gtfe_tCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryPxtGgOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByOgFGluF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rktgtfgOt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyqlFMe_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1sxKfxuY0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1neKMxuFRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1plFMxOKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJAlYMgOFCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1-Fzx_FCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rygZKzxutAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" 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:id "S1a-YMx_tAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkR-KfxdtCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJMYGedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxGKGedYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkZGYzedYRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkfGFfedKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyXfYGxOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1EMKfl_FRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHfKMlOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ8GFfe_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1DftMxdYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkdzKMguKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KzYfguKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcMYMx_t0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oMtflOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ3GFfe_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyTMFzguF0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJCMFMeuF0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkJXYMgOY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJg7Yfe_t0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ZQtGxdKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkMXFMxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1mQFMe_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk4XtGeuYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrmFGgdK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1ImtzguYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkwQFfe_YCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk_XKfe_Y0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYXYGg_KRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk97Yfl_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1513921266639, :text "op/rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1jXKGg_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byh7tzl_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1pmYMxuKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJCmFzxOY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yNKMgdY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByxVFGeuK0Yb", :author "root", :time 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first-old-entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkKStGeOYAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ9rYGx_YRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1oBKGedYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rk2HKzedFRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJpSYfe_YAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first-new-entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy0BFfgdFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyyLKfeuK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryxItfg_FRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1-IFzedtAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zIYGgOF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1XLtzxOtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEIFfgOtCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|index:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByH8KGx_YRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xi"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LIKGedK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "yi"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJv8FMg_F0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJO8Kfx_K0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkFUYMxdFAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryqItzxuKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "<="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkoUKze_tRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xi"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ3UKfxOY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "yi"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S16LtzgOFRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0IYMxOtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "By1vKGgdKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1ePYMldKCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ZvtfeOtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1MDFfg_tAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJmvKzxuYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry4DtzguYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1SvtGlutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUDFMl_F0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryDwtzlOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_PtGeut0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HytPKMxuYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ9vFfxOYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByoPtzlOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921276379, :text "op/add-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BknwYMldKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1TwtGg_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJAvFGxOK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkkOKfxdtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hyx_tzg_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-_FzgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkMuFGlOF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkQ_KGg_FCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkEuYMgdtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByrutfldtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ8uYGguYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkDOtMxOKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_dKfgutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1K_YfeOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyc_FzgdFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "rJjdtfluFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By2uKMluFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryTOYfluKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1Rdtzg_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJyKtzg_t0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SklKFMeuKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkWFYGgOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfYFGeOYCK-", :author "root", :time 1513921280969, :text "op/rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HymKFzxdtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4FYMxOKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1rKYGldYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rk8KYfedKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryvtYGlut0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SydFKfxdY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkYKtfe_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ry9tFflOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rystKMeOYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "By2KFfgOK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTFYMgOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-style-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "r1AKKGeutAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJy5FfeOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyl5KMeOY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-style-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hyb5tzeuKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkzcKGlOK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyQqtfeutCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1EcFMedK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJr5tGgOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1IcKMluF0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HywcYfxdtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkdqKzx_FAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "B1K9Yfe_KRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By95YzxdK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryocKfldK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJn9tzluKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJp5tzgdtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyR5tMxdYAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1yiFGeuYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkeotzl_t0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJbsYGeOFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyzjKGgdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkXjKfg_FRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkNsKzgdtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJSoKGeOKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ8sFMgOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkwotfgOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ry_oYGldKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyKoFGlOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1ciYzxuKRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyosYfxdF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkhiFfxOFRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJ6stzguYRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAjtfeOFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkJ3KMx_tAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryxhtGeutRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk-2tfe_F0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyfhKzgOtCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H17ntfldYAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S142FfeuKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByShYzgdK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bk82KGguKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvntGlOYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1uhYzxdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJtnYMxuK0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By92Yze_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyontzlOYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "B1nhtGx_Y0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H16nFzeOYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyRnYGe_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkaKMl_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1lTKzg_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ-pYGxOYCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGaYMxOYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJXTtGl_FCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EptGx_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHpKfl_YRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1L6Yfe_tCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDpYfl_YAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1_6FGedYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkKpYzg_FAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkq6Ffe_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1513921217146, :text "op/add-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyjatGgutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ3TtGeOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJp6FzgOF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkCTtMeuF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BykAFGxdFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Syg0FfeuYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ-RYMxOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HJfCtMlOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "follows"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1XAKzguFRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1ERYMx_F0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1BRYGlOYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkUCtGgdYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwCtfedYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk_CFGedYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyF0tMedKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkcCFfgdYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJiAtzg_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Byh0KMxdYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r16RYGldFAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJRAKfxdt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk11qMeOYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgycGgutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ-k9fguFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyGk5fgOYAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJm15zxutCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkE1qMeOtAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1HJcGeOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUJ5Ml_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyPk9zlut0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bku1cMguYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryFJqGluYAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJc19zgOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkik5GxutAKW", :author "root", :time 1513921220868, :text "op/rm-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJn1cMldt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1py9GlOYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data 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{"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S18ZcMxOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkDbqzeOFAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1OW5fgdtRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJF-qMg_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkcZcMguYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hysb9GgutCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ2WqfxOKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJpZ9GluYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B10ZcMedKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Jf9GxOtAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJgM9fgOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "case"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1bzcMgOKRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zGqfe_t0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "compare"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJmG5zlOtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyEf9GxOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJBGqzgutRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByUG5Gg_YCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPzcfldKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy_GqzluY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJYz5fx_KRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qM9GxuKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1oM5zxuKAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy2GqGguFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkTMcfldY0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0f9feOtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkkQ5fgdYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1gQczxdY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ZX5GgOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1513921225016, :text "op/rm-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJG7qzeOKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Sk7Qqfgut0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1NQcMl_KRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJBQ5Mlut0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkU7qzxdKAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJw75ze_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1um5MedFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1F75GlutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rk975zgut0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S1omqzlOtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S12Qqze_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TmqGgdYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJA75GluK0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1JNqMedKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syx49flOK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkW49GedFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJzV9GldYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1QE9zguFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJE45fg_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1513921227292, :text "op/add-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkB4qze_YRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUVqGxOYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJvVcGgOKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJd49Me_t0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkFE5GgdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Skc4qfedY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByoVqfgOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-style"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S12N5Gldt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "Byp4cMlOY0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0EqGgdtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy1S5fluKAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkeB9MxdtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk-r9Ge_tCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJfSqzxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryQH9GxOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyEr9zguKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkrr5Gx_YRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyUB9Gedt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BywrqMxOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1OScGluYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1trqGe_tAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9HcfxOFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HksB5zxOK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ3Bqfl_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJTH9GedYRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRB9fluFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJJL9feuKCt-", :author "root", :time 1513921229870, :text "op/replace-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1eL5GldKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkbIcMx_KAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJzLcMedYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry78cMeuYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4I9fx_YAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHUqzedtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJIIqfguKCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1PUcfxdFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-props-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "HkdU5fl_YRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rytLcGl_tCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1cI5MlOFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-props-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1oU9GedFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhL9Gg_tRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpU9MguY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1AUcMg_F0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkwqMxdYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1lv9feOYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-vczgOYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "HkjDcMedFCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJnwqzxdtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type 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"Sy1O9MxdKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryedqzedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkWO9Mx_Y0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkz_5ze_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Symd5MgOF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJNd5zluYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkHO9zxOK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy8ucMeuKCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJPd5zxuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1uO9zgOFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkKu5Mg_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk5u9GedF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1j_5MxOY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hknd5zlOYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByTO5fluY0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJAu5MeuYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hykt9zl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkxt5zluYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkbFcMxutRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zYczxOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJmtcGgOYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkEtqMl_F0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJBYcflOK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUtcMgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkvKqMeuFAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1dK5Gx_YCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BktFcGl_YRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkqY5zlOYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByoKcGeOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ3tqzgOYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TKcMldY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk0F5Ml_tAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1JqcGlOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1lc5GxutAYZ", :author "root", :time 1513921191482, :text "op/add-prop"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyZ9cfluYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byz5qMldY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJXq9zeOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyN59flutAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1Bc9Ge_KCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8ccfl_tAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Pc5zeuKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_c9zgOtCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJFccGx_YAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryq9cGlutRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJic9fguY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2qcfluFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byp59fx_KCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HyC9cGedFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJs9MeuYCFb", 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"r1-NpZv_gG"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711167327, :text "|utf8", :id "BylLpWPugz"}}, :id "Hkea3Wvuef"}}, :id "ryx2HZvOxG"}, "html-test" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711049027, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711183530, :text "deftest", :id "S1bWIZPdlG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711049027, :text "html-test", :id "Hyf-L-wdgG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186214, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186657, :text "let", :id "H1KRZPueG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711187714, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711187879, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711190184, :text "todo-demo", :id "B1loRbwuxf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711190437, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711193568, :text "comp-todolist", :id "BJ7RR-vugM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, 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"rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711362403, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711363272, :text "let", :id "rJctGvdlG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711363498, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711363692, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711365003, :text "tree-demo", :id "ryfiKGPdeM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711366585, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711367304, :text "div", :id "BkeCKfwOlG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711367835, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711368191, :text "{}", :id "S1l5GDuez"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711368438, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711369543, :text ":value", :id "B1mg5Mvuxz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711381698, :text "|a\"b\"c", :id "BJzX9Mvdef"}}, :id "SyVg9fP_xG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", 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"SJxKaGwOxf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711429408, :text "tree-demo", :id "H1hazw_gM"}}, :id "Bkc6zwOxG"}}, :id "SJ32GDueG"}}, :id "H1gs3fDulM"}}, :id "Hy-43fPOez"}}, :id "SyxqYGD_ez"}}, :id "r1xGwbP_gM"}, "textarea-test" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356927258, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356958915, :text "deftest", :id "S1WwB2Nf-G"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356927258, :text "textarea-test", :id "H1fDS3NGbz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186214, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186657, :text "let", :id "H1KRZPueG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711187714, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357039364, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357039764, :text "piece", :id "SJeDhnEf-f"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357102353, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357104007, :text "textarea", :id "B1t33NM-M"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357104455, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357104853, :text "{}", :id "Bk7OgT4zWz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357105079, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357106286, :text ":value", :id "HJ-KxaNzbM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357122629, :text "|a\nb\nc\n\"\nd", :id "SyH5epEGWG"}}, :id "SyzYgpEz-M"}}, :id "HJEdl64f-f"}}, :id "rJe8xpVGbG"}}, :id "ByWv32EzbG"}}, :id "B1nAWDugG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711200571, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711203224, :text "testing", :id "HJYkGPOgGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712220676, :text "|test generated HTML from component", :id "HJ2JMDdef"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711211316, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711211593, :text "is", :id "SkMlfwdeG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711213169, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711213352, :text "=", :id "rkeNxMP_eM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711223959, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711227344, :text "make-string", :id "rJg-MD_xM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357036561, :text "piece", :id "r1NWMPuxM"}}, :id "S1llZfDOxf"}, "f" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357407941, :text "|", :id "H1-8d2NMZG"}}, :id "HySefPdlz"}}, :id "Hy-7xfv_lz"}}, :id "HJYkGPOgG"}}, :id "BJ9CbPulf"}}, :id "HJxDBn4zZz"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710949521, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711772311, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711775973, :text "defn", :id "Sk4QNDdez"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711777071, :text "main!", :id "SyldXEvuef"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711777783, :data {}, :id "Ske9mEv_lf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711778794, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711782015, :text "run-tests", :id "BysXEvdlGleaf"}}, :id "BysXEvdlG"}}, :id "HJg4m4PdlM"}}, :id "HkQ01bDulG"}}, "respo.schema.op" {:ns {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920723777, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920723777, :text "ns", :id "ryZ30Of9fz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920723777, :text "respo.schema.op", :id "Bkz2C_f9GG"}}, :id "S1g2AuMcGf"}, :defs {"rm-event" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920784876, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920952138, :text "def", :id "SyWFztG5Gf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920784876, :text "rm-event", :id "rJGYGYf5Mz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920985172, :text "32", :id "HyGZatMcfz"}}, :id "SkxFMtz9zM"}, "replace-style" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920774287, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920920415, :text "def", :id "HJWCZYGcMf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920774287, :text "replace-style", :id "SyzC-Kf9zz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920976985, :text "21", :id "BylGoYf5fG"}}, :id "ryl0btMqzz"}, "replace-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920797062, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920878196, :text "def", :id "SyWH7YG5zG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920797062, :text "replace-element", :id "rJfrQKzqGf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920862050, :text "1", :id "HJeDrYM5zz"}}, :id "HJgBQYz5fM"}, "append-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920804206, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920822758, :text "def", :id "ByW3QFz5fz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920804206, :text "append-element", :id "Hyfn7Kf5GM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920845568, :text "3", :id "r1leSKzcff"}}, :id "SkehQtzczz"}, "set-event" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920779217, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921447857, :text "def", :id "ry-mGKGcGz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920933652, :text "set-event", :id "rkGQMtGqGM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920980144, :text "30", :id "H1chFMqzG"}}, :id "ryg7fFfczz"}, "rm-prop" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920762699, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920906407, :text "def", :id "r1Z7bKM5GM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920762699, :text "rm-prop", :id "Byz7WYMcGz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920971567, :text "12", :id "BkzQ5FMcfz"}}, :id "H1xmWKGczz"}, "add-prop" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920760423, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920895382, :text "def", :id "SkWx-tfcGz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920760423, :text "add-prop", :id "HkzlWtM9Gf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920967810, :text "10", :id "HJMOKFGqzf"}}, :id "S1ggWKfczG"}, "replace-prop" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920757879, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920900259, :text "def", :id "H1WAlFM5MM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920757879, :text "replace-prop", :id "rkMAgtf5Gz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920969688, :text "11", :id "rJzTFKGcGG"}}, :id "BkxCeFzqzf"}, "add-style" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920766350, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920913975, :text "def", :id "SkWI-YGczf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920766350, :text "add-style", :id "HkfUZtf9fM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920974431, :text "20", :id "Hkls5KGcGG"}}, :id "HkgIZKfqGM"}, "rm-style" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920776112, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920924808, :text "def", :id "S1-lzKf5Mz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, 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{:ns {:type :expr, :id "BkvtAzg_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJOK0GxOYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkYt0MeOF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.cursor"}}}, :defs {"mutate" {:type :expr, :id "ByiFRGgOKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk2KCfx_FRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJaFRMl_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H10tCGedKCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJk9RGl_YRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bkl5RGl_KCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZ5CMl_tAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkzqRMlOFRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkQc0zxdKCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "states"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJEqRfeuKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyS9RflOtRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkUcRGldKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1D9AGe_K0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJ_9CMldKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KcCGedY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJc9AGeOKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hks5Azl_Y0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ3q0Gx_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bk6qCzx_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ05Cfxut0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc-in"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJoAMlOtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkejAzx_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-jAfguFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByGoCGg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQo0flOF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":data"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1NiAMxuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "SJcYCzxOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.patch" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SkRBylzeOY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJLyefeuKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJeU1lzxdKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.patch"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkWUklfe_KRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G8ygGxOYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1mLylGldtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyEUJeMxOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJSLkezxOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1U8kxzxuFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJPLylzluF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S11D1lzeOKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1gvkeGxut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ-wklzxdYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzPJxfl_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1QD1gGxdFCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEPJefxuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1rPJeMeOYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r18DklfldFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwwygzldKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rydwklMgOY0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJtv1eMe_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ5PJxfeuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryiP1gfl_KRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SynvygMgutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6DJlGeutCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkCDJxMe_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S11OylfeOtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921026110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921028940, :text "[]", :id "r1g9Z5G9zfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921101977, :text "respo.schema.op", :id "BJZTZcz5fz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921033014, :text ":as", :id "Skblf9fqff"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921103387, :text "op", :id "HJfbMcz9zM"}}, :id "r1g9Z5G9zf"}}}}}, :defs {"rm-event" {:type :expr, :id "ByZ_kxMgOKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1G_1lGguFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXukefe_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyVdylMx_KAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkBu1eflOtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLOygzlOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HywOJeGx_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1_ukxzeOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJFd1xzeuKAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy5O1xfeut0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byiu1eMedKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-prop"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H12dJefeuKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByTuylMguFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJCOJxGl_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1ktkgflutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByeFygGxdtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ZKJlze_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1fKkgfe_KAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-prop"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "r17FkxGeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}, "replace-style" {:type :expr, :id "S1NYkgzeuFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkHFyxfeOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkItJgGeOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJwK1gGgOKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkOYyezeutCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFKkeMlOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1cFJxfluK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iYkxzeuK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2tyezeOY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkTt1xGeuKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRt1eMxuK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk19JxfedY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJecygfgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1Wc1lMxOKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1G5kgzeOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyXcklGgdFAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B14qklzedKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkr5JgGluFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk85klfxdYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skv9JeMe_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1uckxMedY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJtckeMeuYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy9c1lzlOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkjckgMxdKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type 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"rywiJxfgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJujkgzeuKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFoJgGgdKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk9jJlfl_t0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BysoyeGgdF0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rynikgzx_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1To1xMeuFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1Ajkxzg_FCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk1hyxGedKCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1l2yxMx_FAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryb2JeMlOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJzn1lGxuF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJXh1lGl_F0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkEnkxMedKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SySnkgGgutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJLnkxGe_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByD2JeGe_tCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-parentElement"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_nJlfldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJF3kxGgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk9hygGlOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".insertBefore"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1j31lfe_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk22klMgutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTnygfgdFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkRhygfguYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyyaJxzeOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".remove"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eakxzedKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "append-element" {:type :expr, :id "rkbT1efeut0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkGpyeGx_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkXp1lzgOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "append-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H146yxfe_YRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyraJeGedYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIT1eMluKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJw6keGgOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1da1lfedYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFTJeGxuYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkqaklzx_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJspkxfldK0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B136klMeOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyTTyxMlOY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkAayxGxOY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1CklfxdtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkgR1xfeuK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyZAJgMgdKCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkMRJgfguKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".appendChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hym0kxMldFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4AyxfxOFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}}}}}, "add-event" 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"BkZygefguKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G1gezluYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmyxxzxdY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkVkexfldt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BySkxxGeOtCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ8ygeMe_YRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-prop"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkD1xlMx_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJOyxeMeuF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYylxzgdtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1qkxlGl_tAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryoyxgfguKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJnkxgfl_FAY-", :author "root", 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"HyOgexzxOYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJYeexfedFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".stopPropagation"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk9ellzl_K0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}}}}}}}}}, "rm-prop" {:type :expr, :id "rkixxgGx_Y0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryhxleGeutCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry6xegzedKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-prop"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hk0gggMgOFCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJZgxfl_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1eZggfx_YAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry--xgfx_Y0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1fZexze_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1mbxgMlOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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{"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByQExgGgOtCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1VNlxfgutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-prop"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJrElefe_YRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryIEegfx_KAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPNxgzx_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bku4lgfluF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1YExefgOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ5VllzxOYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJjNelMeOKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkhVglGgdFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk6NexMx_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkC4elzedtRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" 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"SJGPegMe_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXwexfeuKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByNPlgfeOY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkBDgxMeuF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy8wlgGlOY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyvvxlMgOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1uwlgzedYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkFvlgMxutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry5Deefx_FRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByiDgxGxdK0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJnPegfeOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyTPglGxOFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type 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:id "r1qdxeGxOFRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJiOxlze_Y0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy2dxgGx_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1aOllMeOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByAdlgzgOtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1kFgxzl_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkeKeefguYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyWKeefxOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1GtgxfxdYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkQtxxzgdFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H14KleGx_KRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBFleGgutCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ8YxxMlOK0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkDtglGguFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJuKlezluF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKFleMxdt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqFlxzl_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "SysFegfeuFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2FegfgutAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By6KggGx_FAYW", :author "root", :time 1513921632338, :text "cond"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "r1QhgxfluYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921744877, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNnggfgdYCt-", :author "root", :time 1513921098758, :text "op/set-event"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921745453, :text "=", :id "HJZtAnz5Gf"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921745952, :text "op-type", :id "rJcC2zczf"}}, :id "rJltA3MqMG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1BnleMguYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryU2egfgdtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJw3xezluK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJu3lezg_FRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Y2xefxdFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "SJwielGguYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921740695, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkdilxMeuYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921068496, :text "op/replace-style"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921741272, :text "=", :id "ryWH03M5zf"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921742164, :text "op-type", :id "HJIA2MqGf"}}, :id "BylBR3f9Gz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BktoexMxdYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rycoxezxOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HksjgxMeuY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HynixlfxOF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1sceezx_tCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921736990, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2cexMg_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1513921071080, :text "op/rm-prop"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921737559, :text "=", :id "BkZZ02GcMM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921738108, :text "op-type", :id "Bylz02G5Gz"}}, :id "SJe-A2z5fM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1T5leMgOY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJCcllfxdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-prop"}, "j" {:type 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"HkpoexMguFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921742846, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJRslxfluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1513921067091, :text "op/rm-style"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921743440, :text "=", :id "BybDCnzcMG"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921744132, :text "op-type", :id "S1uC2z9Gf"}}, :id "r1xPRnM9fM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkJnxlfxuY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ehxgGluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkW3lezldFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MnegMgdFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "yx" {:type :expr, :id "SJe6glGxOKCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921748883, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyWpggfl_YAFW", :author "root", :time 1513921082965, :text "op/add-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921749477, :text "=", :id "rJ-6CnM5GG"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921749918, :text "op-type", :id "SJ002G9GG"}}, :id "rkl6Rhz5Mf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1MTllfgOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SymallGldYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4pglze_YCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1r6gxfedY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyL6ggzxuY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "yyj" {:type :expr, :id "ryEAegfxOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921756063, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyHCgeGeutAF-", :author "root", :time 1513921096442, :text "op/append-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921756711, :text "=", :id "HJb4kTzqGM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", 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"SJJAelfe_YRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eAxeMlut0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk-0gxzedt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkzRggzedFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkmRxgzluYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1J5gxfedtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921731082, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bye9lxMldYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921074654, :text "op/replace-prop"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921731695, :text "=", :id "BJ-opnMcMz"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921732308, :text "op-type", :id "BJl3T3G5fM"}}, :id "SJxjTnf9zz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkbqegMxuKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGcxxfldFCt-", :author "root", :time 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"op-data"}}}}}, "yy" {:type :expr, :id "BkP6lezeuFAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921751525, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_TegflOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1513921085749, :text "op/rm-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921752119, :text "=", :id "Syxe16z5MM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921752855, :text "op-type", :id "ByzgJ6GcGf"}}, :id "HJx1TGqMz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkFpglfg_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ56xxzluFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oaxgMeOFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy26leze_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "yyr" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921759098, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkjClezeuKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rknCglMxdFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJpCexzxuFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|not implemented:"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJCRgefl_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921760192, :text ":else", :id "S1bD1aM5Mz"}}, :id "rklwJaG5zG"}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "HJq2llzgOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921746753, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkjnxgflOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1513921063938, :text "op/rm-event"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921747653, :text "=", :id "HybsA3z5fM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921748198, :text "op-type", :id "ByghAnz9Gf"}}, :id "rygs0hf9zf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sk3hxgGlutRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6hlxGldtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAhelfe_tCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1alxfeuYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "add-style" {:type :expr, :id "S111befg_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1gy-xfxdFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkW1bxMl_YRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJzyZgMgdKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyQkWxfxdFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyNJZeGxOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJB1-xzlOFAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1UkZgMeOFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJwyZgMe_YAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sk_yblGlOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkt1ZgfxOFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJcybezxdFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jkZefx_Y0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJn1WxfxuKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry6y-ezlOtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryCkblflOt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk1lZgfldFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1egbgfeOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Skbl-eflOt0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1GeZefg_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkmgblfe_KAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJVxblMl_KAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJrlbgGg_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLgZxGgdtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPl-ezldKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rydl-xGg_tCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKx-xzx_YCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkce-ezgOtRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syse-ezeOF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJnlbxGguKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByTeWeGluKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1CgbgGxdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}}}}}}}, "rm-style" {:type :expr, :id "r1yWbxzxdF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1gb-lfx_YRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bbblzluYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkfZ-efeOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1XZ-xfgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkVbWxfe_tRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkrWWlMedF0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkI-Wlfx_tRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1vWblfxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJ_bZlzgdK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyK-ZxMxOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ9ZZeMlut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjWZgfeuKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJhWWlGedF0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTZWeGeOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJAWbgflOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByJMbxfeuYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ezbefldYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyWzWefxdtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MG-gzeuKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryQfZgGl_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B14GbeMxOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJHf-lfg_t0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}, "rm-element" {:type :expr, :id "rkIMbgMx_YRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPzZezeuF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkdG-lfgdKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByKM-xGedYRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1qz-xzluFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1jf-lMx_tAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376311769, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r12fZgfg_FCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkaG-xMl_FCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".remove"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByAGbgGx_t0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376312417, :text "if", :id "SJWgBOnvc-"}, "L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376313121, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376313962, :text "some?", :id "B1Wru3DcW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376315269, :text "target", :id "B1zGrOhvqW"}}, :id "SyxWSunDqb"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376316231, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376324118, :text ".warn", :id "r1bVBd3v9bleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376319552, :text "js/console", :id "HJMLB_3Dqb"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376369651, :text "|Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.", :id "SJFSu3vcZ"}}, :id "r1bVBd3v9b"}}, :id "BkelSd2v5-"}}}, "find-target" {:type :expr, :id "H11mZxzgdYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkgQZgMedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1-7Wlze_K0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkzXbgzeOY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Xmbgfxdt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1VQWlGxdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkS7WezxuY0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJLXbgzx_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkPXbeMeuF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_7WlGedYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYXbxGldYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1qQZlze_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bkom-eGlutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkh7bxfldt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry67bezgutRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkRmWgfe_FCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJJNZezl_tAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJeEblGl_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWNWxzx_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJf4-gzxdYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy7N-xze_F0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1NEWlMgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkSVblGl_Y0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUEblfguF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aget"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkDVWgGeuFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_N-eze_YRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1KVWeGg_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9EblzxOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkiNWgfedY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk24WlzxOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1TN-xGl_KCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1R4-lze_KCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkrbxfedK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SylSbefgdtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}}}}}, "add-element" {:type :expr, :id "SkZBZxzxdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1frWgfxdK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXrbgfeOFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1EBWeMgutRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rSbeGedKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkIBbxGgutAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1wSWlGxOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkOB-xfgdtCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYBWeMgdFAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJ5SWezeOYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1jSWgfgdKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy2Bbxzl_YAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJTB-gMeOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJArbxMg_FAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1y8blMedFCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlL-xGxOtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk-UZlzxdYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJMLZefl_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy7LWlfxdF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4LWxfedYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-parentElement"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1HL-efluKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryU8blzxuKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1P8Wlfl_FRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".insertBefore"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkOIZxGe_Y0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJtIWgMx_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1c8-xzeuFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H1ldygzguYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.todolist" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SyCG7zeuFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H11XXzxuFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HygX7Ml_FRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.todolist"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkaQmfgutAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0QXMedt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "n" {:type :expr, :id "ryx7svn6pZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ47mMxOKCY-", :author "root", :time 1505301018789, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkBm7GxdF0F-", :author "root", :time 1508915101761, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJLX7MguKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDQmzeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "w" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505215173770, :text "<>", :id "BkxT6GSB5b"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509035192092, :text "list->", :id "H1eRhnFJCb"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkOXQGeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Byc7QMe_tCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "input"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1YmQze_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r1h7mfgOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor->"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214162915, :text "[]", :id "Hyg5A04Bc-"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214161101, :text "[]", :id "SJ_CRESqb"}}}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "ryRUmMgOY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HykvQfguFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1lP7fguKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.wrap"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkZP7GeOK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1zvXGldFCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmvmGluFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1NDQMlOYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-wrap"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "SylLmfeOKRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ZL7GguFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1GIXMeOKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.comp.inspect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1mLQzguYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJEIQMluFRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkrImMluFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type 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"r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1-dXGlOYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkzd7Ge_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "widget"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkVNXflut0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJH47Mg_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkUNmMx_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1wVQzxdYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1uEQfxuKRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryFEQMgOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9EQzluYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SkKrQGlOtRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By5Bmfgdt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jrQGxOYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "By3F7zxuKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TY7GxuFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkAKXfx_FCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":add"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1JqXGldK0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkg57GxdF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":draft"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy-9mfeOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkMqmfldKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJX5XMx_YRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1N5Xzx_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJHq7zeOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJI5XfgdtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDqQzgOF0YW", :author "root", 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"nil", :id "rkdGGM49ZCW"}}, :id "rkHGGzEqbC-"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "loop", :id "H1xbGzE9bA-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1510373648352, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "x", :id "BJQ-zfN9WCZ"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "20", :id "HJNWGGNc-RZ"}}, :id "H1-ZzG49-AW"}}, :id "BJMuztgN1G"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "dispatch!", :id "SJIWff45WCb"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text ":hit-first", :id "H1P-zGNqZCb"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "rand", :id "HyYbMMN5WRZ"}}, :id "rydWzf49ZA-"}}, :id "rJH-zMN9WCW"}, "v" {:type :expr, 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1505301036823, :text "respo.macros"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkyEofluKCKb", :author "root", :time 1508915151159, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1gNsGe_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByZEsMxdKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJf4sMluYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXEjMl_tRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}}}}}}, :id "rygzDXcIcZ"}}}, :defs {"comp-space" {:type :expr, :id "rJRVszl_tAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1krozgOYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkxroGl_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-space"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1ZHiMeutRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zBsMeuK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "w"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H17rsMgdtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bIsfedtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-space"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1z8izxdFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":width"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkQUjMldt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "w"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJNIjzxOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJS8jMgOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLLjGg_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-space"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwUifeOF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":height"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkd8sMg_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "h"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "style-space" {:type :expr, :id "HJK8oGxOYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SycIozedF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryoUjzg_tAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rktilGl_t0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.comparator"}}}, :defs {"type-as-int" {:type :expr, :id "ByNhxzl_KRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJB2xfxutRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk8nxzgOt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-as-int"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkDnlzl_tCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJd2ezeuK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJFngflutCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ92gMldtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rki2gfxOtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJh3xzxOKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkanlMxuFCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "number?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyR3ezguKAt-", :author "root", 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{:type :leaf, :id "SkEAgGxdYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkSReMgdKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJL0lGx_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rywAeGxuKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1ORgGeOFRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFCgzldY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-x"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJq0lMg_FCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJiAlfx_YCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-as-int"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ2CgGxOK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryaAgGg_KCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0RlMldtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-y"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syk1bMxuYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SylyZMluKRFZ", :author "root", 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"H1nJ-Ml_KAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6kbzgOFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "compare"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy0k-MedFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkyxZMeuY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-y"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "Skm2gfgOK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.test.comp.task" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "H1ovsGx_F0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3vjMeuY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJaDozedtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.task"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1Uuifg_YCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Pusfe_t0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yYjMgutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1lFszx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkbKsfgOtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkMFiMx_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1mtjzl_YCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EYofxOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1BFjfxuKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1eHldha6Z", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-_iMedtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MujGg_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1508915183390, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r17usMguFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJV_jfg_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1BujGguY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505409019792, :text 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:time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEEMeMg_FCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJB4Gxfx_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hk8VGxfxOFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJw4MlGe_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1_NMxMg_tCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkY4MgMl_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkcEzxGeutAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJoVMlGldKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk34fgGxdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Ska4zgGedF0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0EMgze_tCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kHGxGx_KRK-", :author "root", :time 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"r1DHGgfedYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkdrzlzg_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1KrMxfxdKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r19SMxzeuKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jrMgMeOtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2rMgfxOKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJaSMlGgdF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H10SMxGldtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ1IGxze_F0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HklUzlfx_KAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJW8GlMeuFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfLMxfgdt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Q8GlfgOKCKb", :author "root", :time 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"H1wdzgzg_KCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJuuMefg_tCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJKdzxfgdFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byc_zezluKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJjuzxMgdKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ2OMeMxuYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1adGgfxdtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRdzxMeuYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r11FGeGeOtAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryltGlMx_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-KMlMguYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGKzxzxOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505326847598, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505326849119, :text "contains?", :id "HkdWvlP5-leaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505326849485, :text "x", :id "HyEYWDxD5Z"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505326850521, :text ":render", :id "By5ZvlPqW"}}, :id "HkdWvlP5-"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "ByGVzeGxdF0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.task" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "HJ3oSMgdYAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkpjHzgOKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkAoHzldKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.task"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S16hBzlOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJAnBfedK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJk6SMgutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkepHzxdKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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:id "HkmLymWuzG"}}, :id "HyNwwb_ff"}}, :id "Bkb_M-wdgf"}}, :id "SyxIkWDdxz"}, :defs {"main!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710961298, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710961298, :text "defn", :id "S1WKeWDulG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710961298, :text "main!", :id "ByfFe-wdlM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710961298, :data {}, :id "r1QYxbPugM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710964620, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711805435, :text "html/main!", :id "Bybng-w_lM"}}, :id "rJplZDOez"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513785216370, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513785249271, :text "run-tests", :id "SyZ_KPbuzfleaf"}}, :id "SyZ_KPbuzf"}}, :id "SkgYxZDdxG"}, "reload!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712031878, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712031878, :text "defn", :id "HkWdQSPdgf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712031878, :text "reload!", :id "HJMuQBvOez"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712031878, :data {}, :id "SymuXSDdgM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712034731, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712035802, :text "main!", :id "BJsXHvuxMleaf"}}, :id "BJsXHvuxM"}}, :id "S1g_mHD_xz"}, "test-pick-event" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513784223167, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784225457, :text "deftest", :id "BJWwom-uzf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784223167, :text "test-pick-event", :id "Byfvs7bOfM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513785230464, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513784259082, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513784237111, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784237484, :text "is", :id "Hyg4h7WOGf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513784238993, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author 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"SyLpZeOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwabeOtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk_TbluYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "HyOAbxOt0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJtRZgdtRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJqRZeuYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "number?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJjCZedY0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy2CZeOK0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJpAWg_KAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJACWeuKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "ByfxxZeuFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1mggWl_tRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1Vge-edKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJBglbx_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLlxZldFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}}}}}}}, "comp-inspect" {:type :expr, :id "Hyvexbe_t0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkOgxbxdY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FglZg_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-inspect"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkqex-e_KCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byixx-eOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tip"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1neeblutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Tgl-ldFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByCxgWgOFCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJJbebluFCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pre"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJxZxbeOtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1-WgbgdtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1MWgbguYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJXWxWeutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":inner-text"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyN-l-lutAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkBZebxdYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUZxZg_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tip"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkv-ebedF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|: "}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkuZlbl_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkY-xWxdtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "grab-info"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJqZe-e_tCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJiWxZlutAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1n-lbgdF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ6Wg-e_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0-ebedY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "merge"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yflZgOY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-data"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByeGl-gdK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJgrd0WuGM", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ8flWeuFRtW", :author "root", :time 1513786986945, :text ":on-click"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkvMg-lOt0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy_zl-lOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "on-click"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJtfe-l_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "data"}}}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "r1_8-eOY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.controller.resolve" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "Bkee-Ggut0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-xbMgutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyfgbzlOFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.resolve"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkQeWzldKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4eWfgutRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1BlZMx_F0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLgbzg_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryPe-GeOYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkOgZzluKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BytxWzgdYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByceWzxOKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByixWGg_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Byhe-fgOFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B16ebzgOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk0xZGxdYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1b-GgdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BylZWfeOtCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-bZzxdYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJY-bGedt0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByqW-GguK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkoWZzedYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SynbZGg_t0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJpWbGeOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10bbMeuK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B11f-MeuYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"get-component-at" {:type :expr, :id "S1ZGZMeutAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGMbGldFCKZ", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1513612003813, :text "defn$"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1mMWMedKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-component-at"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry4z-MluYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1HzbGgOFAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUGbzl_Y0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwz-MxuFAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy_GbfeuYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYM-Gg_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-component-at"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy5zWMedtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1izWfldY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1nfbzxuK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1TG-Me_t0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkCfWGl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkkXWGe_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyg7ZMgdKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bmWMl_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkz7bGedYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkXXZGgutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJNmbfe_FCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkH7-fxOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk8XZGxOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1P7-Mx_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1dQWzxuYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkF7-zxuFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1q7bMe_FAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Syj7WGgdYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ2QZGldYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syp7ZzeOFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJRQ-MedFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r11NZzl_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1eEWzxuFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkWEbMldKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJG4-feOtRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkQN-Mx_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" 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"B1hH-GldFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HypBbfldKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJ0SbMlOYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk1UWGeOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sye8bfluKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZIWfxdtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1fUZzxuYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJm8bGe_FRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryEUWGgOKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJBUZfx_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryI8bfxOKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1D8bMldK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk_U-MxdFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1t8bMluY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By5UWMldY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJiLZGl_KRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJ3UZGeOY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyTUWGx_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkAU-zxdtAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJkDbfl_tCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgD-zg_tCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1ZDZfx_KRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1MvZGl_Y0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXDWMxdFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk4PWzl_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByHDbMgdYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJUDWzlutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1wv-GeOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1OwWfx_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1tw-GxutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ9DZMgOtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-event-target" {:type :expr, :id "HJjDZflOYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hP-MedFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skpv-MlutAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-event-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy0vWzgdKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ1OWGgdtAYW", :author "root", :time 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:time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BynuZzl_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJpdZzxOtAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1RubMl_F0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJtbfl_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJeKZMedFAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy-Y-zg_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzF-MgOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1XtbMxdKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|target element:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJNtZzlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1SFbMgOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8YZMeOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJPY-fl_YCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1dF-fgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HktYWfxOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry5tZzl_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByotWMxdFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r12YZflutAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryaFZGxdFAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1RFbGeOKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJc-ze_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJx9-fxuFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryb5-fguKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1McWGgOt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Q9ZMg_FRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4q-flOK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1B5ZfguFAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By85-fxdYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByDqbzg_K0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1d9bzldYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyF9bGluY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy99bMguKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byo5WfxOKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ29bMguKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S165bfx_YAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJRcZMxdtCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJJi-Ml_FCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkesbzxdFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1bo-ze_tCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1GibMeuKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "subvec"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H17iWfeuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Es-flOFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkrjWflOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLoWGg_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1PiZzedt0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByuoWGl_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SktiWGxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ry5o-fx_tAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}}}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByijZfxuFAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy2iZGluFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}}}}}, "get-markup-at" {:type :expr, :id "SJpjWfldY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10o-MlOYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJJnbGldYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-markup-at"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1l3-zl_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-3WzxuKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1z3-GeuFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skm2bfe_F0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJV2bflutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1H3-zx_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkInZGldKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|markup:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1DhbMeuFAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hku2bfxdtRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryY2bzx_FAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJ53WMgOtRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJj2Wzedt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk2nWfldYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkp3-Ml_FCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkA2-GeOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkJTWGldKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1g6Wfg_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkWa-MgOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" 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"B1RpZzxOt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJyR-Gx_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1l0-zx_YCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWRbzxdt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkG0bzgOtRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By7AbfldFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEC-zxuYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJSAZGx_FAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8A-MeuYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1wCZGxutCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1OCWMgdt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJFA-zxdKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJcCWMgdtAKb", :author "root", :time 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryvyMMg_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkdyzzeuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJYkGzeuFAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyqkzGxdt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyiyffgdKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ21GfxuFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6kMGluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-markup-at"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJCJfMg_YCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJklzfxuFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1elzGguYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZefzx_KAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJzxfzlOF0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXlzMg_tAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJElfzldtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJHxfGgOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy8gGzl_FRYb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712551663, :text "throw"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712553351, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkPgGGxuKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk_xffxOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKlzfedYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|child not found:"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qxfGx_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1sxMfxuKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hgMzedY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJTgfMx_KCKW", 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1d-fGluF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyKWMzxOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S15-MGeOFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJoZGMx_FAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skn-zGedY0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cons"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkT-zMldt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyCbMGguKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkyzfzxOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1eMGGe_F0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bzfzxut0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "all-component-coords"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJMfGfx_FCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy7GzGx_FRFZ", :author "root", 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"child-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1lmMGe_KAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZ7GMgdFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "all-component-coords"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1zQGMeOKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByQQMGldFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJVXGfxdtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkBmGGgdF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkImMMxuKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJPXMzldt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "concat"}}}}}}}}}, "build-deliver-event" {:type :expr, :id "H1dQzfldK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyKmMGx_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcXGMx_KRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1oQMzx_Y0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkh7GGx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkaQGfx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyCXzzxOK0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkVMzluY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SylNMMguYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1-VzfgdYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJz4zzeuYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJQNGfx_F0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyNEGGe_FRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkSEMGlut0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJUEzfl_KAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BywNfGxdtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1uNzzlOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkK4fGxdFCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk5NzGgOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-event-target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1oNfGxdK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk3EGfe_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkTVGMx_FRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy0Vzzl_tAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkyHzGxuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-component"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByxHGzgOtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bSzfe_K0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-component-at"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1zHzzx_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByXrffedYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyVSfMeOKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJBrfzgdK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "this-cursor"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkIHzzgOYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDSGzgut0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":cursor"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ_HfMx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-component"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJYrfzeOt0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ9rffguY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-listener"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJiBGfeOYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H12Bfzgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H16HGfxOF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkCBGGgOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H11UMMxdK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByeLzGldt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SJWUffxOYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GIfMgOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryX8zGxOFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy4IfMgOFRK-", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1513612020835, :text "fn$"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkHUfMxOYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJUUGMg_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyw8GzeOK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk_IfMguYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKIzGxuYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1cIfMeOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BksLzMe_KCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1n8GGluFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1a8Mfl_FAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "this-cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkALzfxuFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByJwGfl_KRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkgDGfxOYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SybDMMxuYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJGPzfgutAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkQPzGxdKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1VPMzeuFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1rPfMl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Lvfzedt0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwvGMxuFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJdwMzxOF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKDMMguKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkqvzMgdKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1jwffxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ3wzGgOK0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkpDzMxOKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0Pfze_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-listener"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HykuMMgOY0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryx_zfxdtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkWdfzxdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzdfMeuFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkmOffg_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ4dzfgdKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|listener found:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJSdzfe_FRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJUdzzldKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJwOMfl_YRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1u_MMxdKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-listener"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyKuMGg_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By5dGfe_YAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rysdffguKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2uMzluK0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6_zGxOY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkR_MGluY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kYzMxuK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|found no listener:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Byxtfzg_tAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HkbKfzlutAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "Hkef-MedFCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.expand" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rkzjsfe_tAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJXiifg_FAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkVijzlOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.expand"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rySoifxuYCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1IsoGl_YCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJDooGgOY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk_oofl_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Yoofx_FAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryqiofedKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ojoGldtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1mnoMgOFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE3iMlOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skr2iMe_FRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI3oMedFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyDhjMluKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_3sGxOFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1t3oGg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H19nsfguYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ryshjGxOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "=seq"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1n2ofgdFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkp3iGx_FCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By0hizluYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rykasMedKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1xpoGeuYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJbajflOK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1f6iGe_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505327846733, :text "pick-attrs", :id "H1Ckoevc-"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505375928229, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375929217, :text "[]", :id "B1WeaL3Pqbleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375931215, :text "respo.schema", :id "B1MaIhv9W"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375932983, :text ":as", :id "ryL76LhD9-"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375934969, :text "schema", :id "S1QSpL3wqZ"}}, :id "B1WeaL3Pqb"}}}}}, :defs {"render-component" {:type :expr, :id "SyNaiGxdKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByS6ofxuFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkI6szluYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-component"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1P6sflOY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkOTjzx_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1t6oMguFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1casMx_YCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BksToGgutCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Sy2aiMeuFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ppizxuFCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r10pjGxOK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kRjGlOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyxAjMxOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1W0sfe_FRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1fCjfeOK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry70ifgOYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk40jfxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "=seq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkrCiGeutCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LAjMedtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1wRjzx_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry_0oflOK0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJKAsMeut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcCsGxuKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bks0ozguYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2AizgutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkaAjGxdtAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1CAsMxdKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJJnMe_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1lk2fedFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWJhfgOK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryMy3MgdKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1QknMlOY0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk41hGe_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1Hk3GxOK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryLJ2zeut0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryD13Ge_KCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJuyhfgdtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|not changed"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJKynfgdF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1cJ2GeOFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryj1nMe_Y0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JhMgdtRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1T12MguFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJRk3zl_FRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1enMeOK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "begin-time"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJgenGldtRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-xnfx_YCKb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620409, :text ".valueOf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620973, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712623156, :text "js/Date.", :id "HyHOwwugG"}}, :id "SJgB_wvdeM"}}}}}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "SyOmhflut0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKXnMgOtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tree"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyqX3MxOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyo72Ge_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1505302921328, :text "render-markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2QnGgOtAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJaX3feOtAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkCXnGxutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yNhzx_t0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-cursor"}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rygEhzldt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-4nGgOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zVhzxOYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "rJafhMlOYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B10GhGldFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "half-render"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryy7hzluFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rklQnzluF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1-X3MeuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G72Ml_t0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJGe2zg_tRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryXe2GlOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "By4gnGg_tCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkSx3Ml_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkLg2zxuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryN-nGxuFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1r-nMx_YAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-cursor"}, "b" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505715129176, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715129965, :text "or", :id "Bkx-aXk65Z"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505715130563, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715131720, :text ":cursor", :id "rJWzpXya5Z"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715133304, :text "markup", :id "SkMV67k65-"}}, :id "ry76Qyp5b"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715136281, :text "cursor", :id "SJPpmk65Z"}}, :id "SJbb671p9-"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ2ehGeOtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJal3MgdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyRg2GxOKAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1J-3Gl_tCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1lWnMx_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1bb3GgOYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryG-2zguYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJmb3fldK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "rJ77hMluKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Nm2fl_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup-tree"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1SQ3zgut0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkIm2zgdFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "half-render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkvX3Ggut0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-cursor"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1wx2GeOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyOghfgdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1YlhGeOtRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ5ehzluFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJjx2MeuKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Syuf3GeuYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FMnfldtCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S15f2GgdKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skjfhzl_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2z3zxOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "S174hMl_Y0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk442fedY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cost"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1r4nze_tRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI43zxuFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJgqdDwOgf", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-xnfx_YCKb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620409, :text ".valueOf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620973, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712623156, :text "js/Date.", :id "HyHOwwugG"}}, :id "SJgB_wvdeM"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYN3MldKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "begin-time"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyqEnGgdYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1sNnMl_tCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1n42MgOKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkaV3GxuFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|markup tree:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkC43zgOYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyr2MgOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyxSnMxuYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup-tree"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rybBnfeOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJzS3MgOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkQHnGgOK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkNrnfx_KCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|no cache:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rS3GeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BkIS3Gg_FRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1vr2MxdKCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "yr" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJUnMlOtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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"[]"}}}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "B1gDnfxdY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "render-children" {:type :expr, :id "ry-v3feut0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGwhMldFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmvhMluFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bk4v2zgdYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBDhMxdKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Uw3GeOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Dwhfe_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyOD2MldF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJYvnzgdYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By5v3MxdFRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjwhGl_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BknwnzguYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Tv3GguK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|render children:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAwnMgOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rykOhGx_KCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gO3MgOFAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryZu3fluY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1MunzlOF0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Qd3MeOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapped-cache"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkNOnfxOtRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJrdnfeOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "into"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryUu2zgOF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkwdhfeOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkdunfedtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1506925809905, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkKO3Geut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy9_hflOKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkj_2fgutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJhOhzxuFAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hya_2MluF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkAunfg_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ1FhfgOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkeFnMxuKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJWt3Ge_KCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1Mt2zeOYRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXY2GldFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkNt2zgut0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJrFnzldtRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJLYnfgOF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJwYhGldYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByuF3zgutCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkYK3GgOKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1qFhzldt0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1sthfeuYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1nY3zxdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpYnzxOY0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0KnGeOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJJ9nMgdt0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syl93zlOKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-child"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1WqhMgdKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1M93GgOtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJQ93fe_FRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapped-cache"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By452zlOtRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1S5hfldYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1I9hGgOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skvq2Ge_tCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1d5hzg_KRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJt52MxdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqq2MldKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-child"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hkoq2fxut0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy392GeOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sya9nfgOtCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRc2GeOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkyinGe_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|old child:"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlinGgdFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1Wjnfg_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJfohze_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk7inGlOYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-child"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Es3MedtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Hi2fedYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryUj3flOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyDihMedF0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJOonMlOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyFonfedtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1qj2GluYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkjjhGe_YCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyhsnzxOFCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B16onGxdF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAjhfxdFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1J3hMedYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkl3hMldK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkWnhzx_YRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkfn2GxdKCKW", :author 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"BJn23Me_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkT33GgOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyA23MeOY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ya2GguFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skxp3GguYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Wa2zeOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1zpnzldtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJXp3GguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyEpnzxOtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkB6hMl_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLpnGl_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvphMgOK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" 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"HyXC3fxuY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJN0hMldKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkr0nfgut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyIChMldKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwA2Ge_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|children should have order:"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HydAnzl_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1t02zedYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1cA3GlOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "r1sRnzg_F0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJn0hflutAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTR2fguYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "B10ChzeuYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkykTMlOYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eJazeOtRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1ZJpfl_YCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzJaMl_FAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B17kpGgOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1E1pfguFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyrJTfxdYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "ByL1aMlOKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "HkDJ6zxdY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}}}}}}}, "render-markup" {:type :expr, :id "Bkuypfg_tRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFyaMgdF0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ916fe_FCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-markup"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyjyaMgOY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk2kaGe_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H161azg_FRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkAypzxdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1505325712568, :text "comp-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJg6zeOKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJleafl_F0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJbxpGgdtCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryfgazxOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy7lafl_KRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJNxTGxOtCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyrxTzluFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJIeaGxdFCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1DxpflOF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-component"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By_gpGguK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SytepMl_K0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkcepMg_FCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HJilpzlutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BynxTMgdtCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk6lTMlOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAl6fxdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H11baze_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxWaMxutCtb", :author "root", :time 1505325710519, :text "comp-coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1--azedFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r1GWpfg_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505375308000, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375310141, :text "println", :id "BkeN8Enw5bleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375317358, :text "|render markup:", :id "BJNIL42D5W"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375319067, :text "markup", :id "B1RUN3vqZ"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376378041, :text ";", :id "HJfK_2vc-"}}, :id "BkeN8Enw5b"}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rkXasfx_FAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1Lt4gMgOFAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvt4lGgOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkdFEgzedKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.core"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJFKNlGx_KCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9KEezl_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "rkJp4lGgOFRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJxTNlGguY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbaVgfgOtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1fTEgzxuYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1m64xGxdtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry4a4xGxOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SaExGguYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "Bkk24lMgdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1x2NgGx_tRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-2NxMeuKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.client"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkz3VlfxdKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Symn4lzxuFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkEhVxMxuYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyH2EgGeutCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By8h4xGldYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkjKEgzedYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rynYExfxOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1atEgze_Y0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.env"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRtElGeuFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk1cNxMgOFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkl5VlfluFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJWqNlMlOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "H1xoVlGguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJZjNeMeOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryfoNeGe_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.diff"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJXiEezeOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By4jNgMxdY0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJSsNgfe_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyUo4lfxutCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJYqEeflOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk5qEeMg_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rko5EgfgdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.resolve"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ncEgGguFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hy65NlzluFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1RcEgMxdFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kiNxMedY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "Hkv3ExGxOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1d3Elfx_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FhEgGxdY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qn4efx_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HysnNlGeOK0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1n24xMlOtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1T3NxfguFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJRhVgMgOK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "n" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782741285, :text "pick-event", :id "Byes06luMG"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJGcExGguY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r175EeGx_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJVq4eMxdtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.expand"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryB5NxfeuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1U5VxMg_tAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkwq4lfguYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyu9VxzxdF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SJDiVeGl_KAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJOi4lMgOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJKiNgGluYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Byci4gflOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1oo4eGeOYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy2oNxzx_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpi4efgOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRsNxMeOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mute-element"}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727695077, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727696555, :text "[]", :id "H1gD0pMcAZleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727698379, :text "respo.schema", :id "rJgF0pM9R-"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727698767, :text ":as", :id "BkS506G50b"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727699801, :text "schema", :id "SJGoCpz9CW"}}, :id "H1gD0pMcAZ"}}}}}, :defs {"*changes-logger" {:type :expr, :id "HJwp4lzxuY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1OpNgGe_t0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJY6NefxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes-logger"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1qp4xzeOtAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rko6VeGx_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1naVxzgOKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "create-element" {:type :expr, :id "By66EgzgdYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyC6EgfgdYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1k0VxfeOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "create-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkx0ElfluKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbCVxGxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGANgfluFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1mREeMedFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "&"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyE0NeMl_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJrA4xMguFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI0NxGluKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyPANxzlOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJdRVezxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HktC4ezl_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkcCEeGx_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyj04lMguKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJn0NlMgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkaC4xfg_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryRRExzedYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H11kBxfluKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byl1Sxfg_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWyreMlOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByfkBlfluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXkrlMxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJVyHgfedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryBkrlGgdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUkHxMedtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDyrxGxuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJd1BxMgdFRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJYkHgfe_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B15JrgMgOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJs1HgGxdY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JHeGx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJ6yHlflOF0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRySlGeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782729323, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782731925, :text "pick-event", :id "BJZ0px_zMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782735356, :text "props", :id "rJlw0pxuMG"}}, :id "BJZ0px_zM"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkteBxfldt0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ceBezxutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkslrgGl_KAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ngHezeuKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BypgSxzeOYAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1RlSlzedt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ybreGgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1xZBgzeuFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWZHefedK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGWSgze_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1X-Sxze_YRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE-rgfeutRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1rbSezgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B18ZHxGgOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyPZBeGxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJd-SgMgOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SkYZHefxOYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19-SgzluYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1jWHxzeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3ZSxGlOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpbrlMl_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAWrxzgut0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "S1kfSgMlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxzSgfxOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-MSlMg_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}}}}}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511966921576, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511966923670, :text "assert", :id "BJzRdHhlGleaf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967405174, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967412666, :text "|For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: ", :id "HJMEtB2lG"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967406048, :text "str", :id "Hk8ncH3gz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967416764, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967418406, :text "pr-str", :id "r1gancSnlG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967419631, :text "children", :id "Sy76qShlz"}}, :id "rJ-T9Snlf"}}, :id "H1lr29r2xG"}, "n" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967482844, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967298757, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967299332, :text "some", :id "ByiScH3xfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967303719, :text "sequential?", :id "rypBqHhez"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967305138, :text "children", :id "BJxlUcShlG"}}, :id "ByiScH3xf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967483827, :text "not", :id "Syl7ZiBhlf"}}, :id "SkXbjSnlG"}}, :id "BJzRdHhlG"}}}, "render!" {:type :expr, :id "ryfMrlfldFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Xfreze_tCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNzBlzluYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkBfBlfgdY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUzSlGluKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyPMSezxuYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1dzreGgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1KMHefeOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk9fSgzgOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1sMBxMgOFAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkhfrlMedYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r16zBlzl_tCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk0zSezlutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJ7HlMgdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rerender-app!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BylXBxfeuK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ZQBefxdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJGXBxfeuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bk7mrgMeuKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4mSxfxdtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-app!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJBXHlzlOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1IXHxGgOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyP7HxMl_YCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}}}, "render-element" {:type :expr, :id "SyO7SxMe_FRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJY7reMx_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy97refeuYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HksQSlGlOYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk2XSlGxOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkpQHlzlOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ0mSgMgOYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyJNrxzgdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BylErxGgdt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*dom-element"}}}}}, "mount-app!" {:type :expr, :id "BkZ4reMeuFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyG4rlzxutAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkmNBlGe_YAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByNESxGe_t0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkr4HlGeut0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJL4rgMeuKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyP4BlzxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1uErxzx_FRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryt4rgzguKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy9EBlGluF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJs4HgMldKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "instance?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2Nrxfe_F0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hya4rgflOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1AESlMeOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|1st argument should be an element"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJySrxMlOKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJgHHlGgutAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJWBBgzeuKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MHHezgOYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7SSlfg_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEBHgGgOK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|2nd argument should be a component"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "HkBrSgfldYAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B18HBxGl_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1DSrxGeuFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJdHBefxutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJYBHlMguFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJcrrxGxOtRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SksrreMl_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HynBBefx_YCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1TrHezedYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10BBxzxOYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryyLHxMxOFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rke8SxflOKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJZLBlfgdFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GLHxzlOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJmUHlzxdFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1EUSxzg_FAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BUBxzedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkLIrgflOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|mount app"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkP8rxGluK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkO8SgfxdtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkYIrlzxOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk98SefeuYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oIHlzeuFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk2IrefeuYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "By6USlMxuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryAIBgGedtRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkkDSlGguKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eDSefxutRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy-DreflOY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkGDSxGgdKCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1XwSgMeOKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEwSxGedYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJHPSxflOFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "create-list-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :text "defn", :id "SJZsyjY1CZ"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :text "create-list-element", :id "B1GjkjK1CW"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkx0ElfluKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbCVxGxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGANgfluFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyE0NeMl_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1509073531039, :text "child-map"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJrA4xMguFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI0NxGluKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyPANxzlOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJdRVezxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HktC4ezl_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkcCEeGx_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyj04lMguKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJn0NlMgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkaC4xfg_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryRRExzedYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H11kBxfluKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byl1Sxfg_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWyreMlOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByfkBlfluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXkrlMxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJVyHgfedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryBkrlGgdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUkHxMedtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDyrxGxuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJd1BxMgdFRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJYkHgfe_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B15JrgMgOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJs1HgGxdY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JHeGx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJ6yHlflOF0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRySlGeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkJgBgzedY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJeerlfe_Y0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "or"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rybgBxMgdtAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkfgSlfeuKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":on"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk7xBlzedFAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryVlSxzxOK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1HlBxMg_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJIlSeMeOFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJPgHgzlOF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_gBxMl_Y0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1RlSlzedt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ybreGgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1xZBgzeuFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWZHefedK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGWSgze_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1X-Sxze_YRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE-rgfeutRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1rbSezgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B18ZHxGgOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyPZBeGxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJd-SgMgOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SkYZHefxOYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19-SgzluYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1jWHxzeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3ZSxGlOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpbrlMl_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAWrxzgut0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "S1kfSgMlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxzSgfxOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-MSlMg_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1509073533618, :text "child-map"}}}}}}}}, :id "Hkxj1stJRZ"}, "create-comp" {:type :expr, :id "HkLvSxfeOKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SywDBlMe_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_vBxGeOY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "create-comp"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJtwBeMgutCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BycwrxGxOt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByjPHgze_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3wrefguKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ6DBezgdKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B10vrgGxdFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyOBxMgOtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|create component:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyxdHxMgutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-name"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ByCKHgGguKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJqHlMx_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1lqBxzgdtRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-9Hgzlut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "&"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1f9rlfl_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H179rlzedYRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJVcBgzl_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1509727712807, :text "merge"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1B5HxMe_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1509727738190, :text "schema/component"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727713685, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727715349, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1L9BefldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727717049, :text "args", :id "Bkh10zqCW"}}, :id "SJzskRz50W"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727714589, :text "{}", :id "HJlcJCfcR-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727720519, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727722372, :text ":name", :id "r1blRMcRWleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727723582, :text "comp-name", :id "HyVfeCMqAZ"}}, :id "r1blRMcRW"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727724140, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727728036, :text ":render", :id "BkbVgAz5R-leaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727728688, :text "render", :id "H1Zul0G50b"}}, :id "BkbVgAz5R-"}}, :id "rJ9yRz5RZ"}}}}}}}, "realize-ssr!" {:type :expr, :id "Hk_5SeGxOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1tcHxfgdtRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B19qSgfgOFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "realize-ssr!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1ocBlMlut0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ25SeGxOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJpqHlGlOYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJRcSlMedF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hy1iBxGl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgjrxGx_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByWsSezgdYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMiSeGx_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "instance?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJXsSlGeuKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByEoSgflutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1roSxMldY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|1st argument should be an element"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HyLsSezedtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwjBgfgdFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryOsrlMldtRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKirxfe_KCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By9sHgMx_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyjjreMlOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|2nd argument should be a component"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "BJ3irxzeOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk6iSefedKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H10sBgfeuFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1k3rezeuKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1x3BgMgOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkWnrlGl_KRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkG2SlGx_tAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXhHgMldtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1NnHgzldKAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJSnBeze_YRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1L3SxMxOtAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryPnBlfl_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJu3BxGxOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mute-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyY2BlfxdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry5hSefgutRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BysnSgGedKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1hhrxzeuKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1p3Bgfl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "*dom-element" {:type :expr, :id "HyAhrxze_KRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJkpHxzgOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxTSefeut0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1bTHgzgutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMaHlMgOYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmTBeMluYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "rerender-app!" {:type :expr, :id "H1VpHgflOKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkBprxfeOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJLpBeGgdFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rerender-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkPTrxGxOKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryuTHlzxdYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkt6BxMxdtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqTSezxdYAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJiprlzgOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1h6rlMgOtCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "Syjz8eGeOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3GUxfxOYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Tf8lMlOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1CfUgzl_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "BkGzIxMeOYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S17GLxGlOKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEMIgMeOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJBGUeMl_YCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1LMIlGxOYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJTpSxflOt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1CpBgzx_FRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yRSlMg_KAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sye0HeGguK0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJWArxMxOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJMASlGx_FAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rym0BxMe_YAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4ASlzgdK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyrRBxGeOF0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1U0rgzeOtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkDCBeze_Y0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_CSezluYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkK0BgzldYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycASeGldFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1sRHgGldFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy3AHeMguYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1aRHgfgOKCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyA0reGe_tRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkJJLxMlOFAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJekUeGldKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1b1IlfeOKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryMJIgflOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJmJUezxuFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJV1IezxdYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1By8xzeuFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UkIeMxOFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "swap!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkwkUxze_tCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_kLgflutCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFkIxze_FCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "S1slIlfe_YCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2g8xfgOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy6g8xflOFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryRxUgfeOKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kbUlMxOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1xZUxMe_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "Byb-UeMgut0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1CJ8xfgOtRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyeLgMxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJexUgGgdYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rybx8xMeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|Changes:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJzlIxGldKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1meIeGgOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJElIezg_YCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJrgUxGgdFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapv"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1LlLefxdF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJPe8xMldKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "partial"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJugIlfgdtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "take"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BktgIeGl_YCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "2"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkqeIezxOK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}}}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "SkPGLxGxOt0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_GLxGxOF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByYG8lGguFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqMUgGxuKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B19yLxMl_YRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryj1IlflOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H13yIlGedtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpkIlMldK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "S1MWLxMedtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy7-UxfgOFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkVbLxGluFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1HbUxMg_tCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8ZLgfl_t0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1v-UgfxdF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes-logger"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Byu-8gGeutCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FbIgGgdF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkq-LgMluYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsZLeMgOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJnbIxGgdY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyaWIeMeOYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1CW8xzldK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryyGIlzlOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlz8lMluYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkZM8xMx_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}}}}}}}}}}}, "*global-element" {:type :expr, :id "H11mUgGe_KCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlmIgGlOKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyZ7IeGgutAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJG7IxfxdKCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1QX8lGedtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4XLeflOt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "clear-cache!" {:type :expr, :id "SJHXLgGguYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk8mLgGxOYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1wQLlfguF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clear-cache!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1u78lfl_K0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Y7IlGe_Y0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkqmIxzl_tRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1iXLlfxOKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJn7LxGxOtCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1LaVgGeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.dom" {:ns {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :text "ns", :id "HkZ38_v_eM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :text "respo.util.dom", :id "S1z28dDOeM"}}, :id "HJe3IODOgz"}, :defs {"shared-canvas-context" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712949104, :text "def", :id "SJb8h_Dulz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :text "shared-canvas-context", :id "SyzInuv_gf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712950763, :text "if", :id "rJgC2_wdgG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712957662, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712958710, :text "and", :id "By-1a_vOgf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712961574, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713253567, :text "exists?", :id "HyxPadDdgG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712981591, :text "js/document", :id "rJlCuD_gz"}}, :id "HyqpdwOeM"}, "b" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712974502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712978443, :text "js/window", :id "BJLCdvuxfleaf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713250762, :text "exists?", :id "rk-1YD_xf"}}, :id "H1DJtP_gz"}}, :id "HyLTODOgM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713024536, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712992552, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713006244, :text ".createElement", :id "SkFJKv_gzleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713010664, :text "js/document", :id "B1OlFP_xz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713012654, :text "|canvas", :id "H1ngYvdlf"}}, :id "SkFJKv_gz"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713027499, :text ".getContext", :id "r1gK-tv_lz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713029620, :text "|2d", :id "rylhWtvOez"}}, :id "SktbFv_gG"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713031151, :text "nil", :id "SkyfKD_gM"}}, :id "BJmUnOD_eM"}}, :id "HylI2_wdgf"}, "text-width" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :text "defn", :id "BJZuMKwdgz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H17f7zg_YCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.container" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SJ-gJxGxdt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Gl1xMluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SymgyxzldtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.container"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkW-JxGeOYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zWyxMg_FCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy5-yxzx_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bks-JxGl_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyhbkefluFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.todolist"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkp-kgGxOY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S10Z1lGxOY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1yMkeGxOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sylf1ezl_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-todolist"}}}}}, "f" {:type :expr, :id "BJT_w3TpW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJwgylzlOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJdgJlGgdF0tb", :author "root", :time 1505301005647, :text "respo.macros"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1KxylzxuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1508915063808, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ5eJlGguKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkoxyeMl_KAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3xyxMgOYAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ry6eyeMxuKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Ae1eGlOY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B11ZygfxOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "<>"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r1g-yxMguK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor->"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"style-states" {:type :expr, :id "HJzzkxzgdtRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S17zklfgutRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJEfJefgutAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJHzkeMxuFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkLGJlMluKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJDGklMgdYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJOM1xfxOF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":padding"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Kz1lfg_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "8"}}}}}}}, "comp-container" {:type :expr, :id "Bk9zklMluK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryiz1ezluFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S13GJgze_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry6z1lfedKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10z1xfl_KCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkJmJezlOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxmylzx_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1WmJlMgOK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByfQJxMxdKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXm1gGxOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H14X1efxuKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1S71efxutCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJUXJgMguYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByvmyxfgdK0Fb", :time 1504774121421, 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:time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyV41lzeuKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBEJezxdYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByINkeMl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyvEJeGxuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJ_4kxfgdFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkYN1ezeutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyqE1gfedYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1oVylGeOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2N1ezguF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-states"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ6Nyxzgdt0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkRNkgGluFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "<>"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJgrJgze_YAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyWr1gMl_K0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1fHJxMgutCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJQBJlMxOFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1505327099898, :text ":states"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkErJlfe_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "style-global" {:type :expr, :id "SJIrJlfgdtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkwH1efl_tAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkOSJgMgdtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-global"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJFryxfeOF0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycHyxzldYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJsBJlzxdt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhBJxGlOFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-family"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S16S1xGx_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|Avenir,Verdana"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1Wf1xGgOFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.html" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1cGl-gOFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjGgbeOY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkhzeZxOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.html"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1aMlZx_K0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryAMx-lOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJyQx-lOK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlQlbedYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWmg-xOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkM7lZg_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7QebgdY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkEQxbedKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrQxbgdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkUmxbeutRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfeOK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJlMxOFRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SybGeOFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkzfguF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop->attr"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S17zx_KRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkNGguK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mute-element"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HyBGgOY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "rJIzlOKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "text->html"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BywGxuKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1uGx_YRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJtMxuFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1qGeutCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1iGl_F0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2MlOt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpMxdYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1AGgdKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ry1lzlOFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgxzeOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ZgGxdF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.expand"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkMxMeuKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkmeMlut0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1NlGgut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1SxfxOF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"style->string" {:type :expr, :id "S1zdGlutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkmuGxdFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ4uflOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1rOMl_F0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJIOMxdKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJPOGldFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryOdfeuYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJYuGl_KAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkcdMxutCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SysOfedt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rynOGeOYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SypdGxdYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1CdzgOFCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yKflOtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJeFGedtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJWFMx_FCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1MKMxuFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJmtzgOKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryEFMldtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1BFMgOtRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H18tMeOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPFMgdKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1dYze_KAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryYKfluKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJqKzgutCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1oYMl_KRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B12Fzx_YAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkTtfe_FCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkCYzx_tAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkyczeOK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ecMedtRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-qMgutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkM9zxdtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rymcfxOYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1E9Me_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1B5Gx_YAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByLczx_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1v5ze_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1_czldK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyK5zxdFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "escape-html"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkcqMxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1oqfguKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1h9zxuY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6czgdFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1AqGgutAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|;"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJksGlutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data 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"BJevlGeuYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJZwxGxdFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkfwxzgOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1XDxfeOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4wlfx_Y0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJBvlzg_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r18vgGg_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "re-matches"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByPwgfl_FRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1_DxGl_F0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "re-pattern"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BktPgfx_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|^:on-.+"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BycvxzlutAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByivxfeOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2Dxflut0YZ", 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"H1adeMgdY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkA_lGlOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "re-pattern"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJJtgzx_K0FZ", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356539277, :text "|<"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJxFlGl_F0F-", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356541439, :text "|<"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJlpqNzZM", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1h_gfgdFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string/replace"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1adeMgdY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkA_lGlOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "re-pattern"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJJtgzx_K0FZ", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356543433, :text "|>"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJxFlGl_F0F-", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356546006, :text "|>"}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356885476, :text "if", :id "rJpG3NfWz"}, "L" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356886561, 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"B1FKgzxOKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJqKgzlOK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1sFxMg_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2txfe_YCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S16tgGgdK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyCYgGeutRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kceGeOY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkl5ezedYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkb5xGe_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzceGguK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkQqgfg_FRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyN9xMldK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1BqlfguFRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk85xfxOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop->attr"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkw5efg_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy_cefeOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkYqezlOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H15clflOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|="}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJoceMeuFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r12cefgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkaqgGgOt0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRqgGx_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1508599040218, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599040686, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkkjlzeOt0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyljxfluFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyWjxMguKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzsgzldFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1b2ZS1KTZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4ixzgOYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkSsxMeOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}}}}, :id "BkYbHkFp-"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599021605, :data {"L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599023893, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599026215, :text "boolean?", :id "SyzPxBkKaW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599027170, :text "v", :id "BkjeHJKTW"}}, :id "HJ_xSkY6b"}, "P" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599029941, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599030568, :text "str", :id "ryxagB1K6W"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599031475, :text "v", :id "Hkx1ZBJY6b"}}, :id "BJAlB1Y6b"}}, :id "BkLlSkKab"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599049536, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599050945, :text ":else", :id "BJfzryYpbleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599161467, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599051449, :text "v", :id "Sk4XGryYab"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599162298, :text "str", :id "H1ztHkFpZ"}}, :id "HygZFH1Y6Z"}}, :id "BJfzryYpb"}, "w" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599021605, :data {"L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599023893, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599060138, :text "number?", :id "SyzPxBkKaW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599027170, :text "v", :id "BkjeHJKTW"}}, :id "HJ_xSkY6b"}, "P" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599029941, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599030568, :text "str", :id "ryxagB1K6W"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599031475, :text "v", :id "Hkx1ZBJY6b"}}, :id "BJAlB1Y6b"}}, :id "H1YfHyt6-"}, "wT" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599021605, :data {"L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599023893, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599131810, :text "keyword?", :id "SyzPxBkKaW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599027170, :text "v", :id "BkjeHJKTW"}}, :id "HJ_xSkY6b"}, "P" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599029941, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599134552, :text "name", :id "ryxagB1K6W"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599031475, :text "v", :id "Hkx1ZBJY6b"}}, :id "BJAlB1Y6b"}}, :id "Syg-DHkt6Z"}, "wj" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599159698, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508599163749, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599165979, :text "string?", :id "HJlKB1tableaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508599166869, :text "v", :id "r1vtr1KTW"}}, :id "HkVKHJtpW"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author 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"respo.core", :id "H1ffV6DugM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714092875, :text ":refer", :id "Hk7NN6v_lM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714093124, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714093849, :text "[]", :id "B1frETwdlz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714096348, :text "clear-cache!", :id "Byb84pwugM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714101816, :text "*changes-logger", :id "SkKEawdef"}}, :id "SJ7H4aDdlG"}}, :id "HyQWNavOlM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714103176, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714104935, :text "cljs.reader", :id "BJeyB6PdlGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714105596, :text ":refer", :id "Bk7bH6DOxz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714106224, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714106640, :text "[]", :id "B1ezBaD_gz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714108290, :text "read-string", :id "SybXHpvulM"}}, :id "r1bMBpwuxf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714111319, :text "[]", :id "SJDB6wOgf"}}, :id "BJeyB6PdlG"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714112837, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714113862, :text "[]", :id "ryxYBpwdgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714115981, :text "respo.app.core", :id "HJz5BpPdxG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117106, :text ":refer", :id "By73rpvdxM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117398, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714117609, :text "[]", :id "S1BaBpD_eG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714120365, :text "render-app!", :id "BkZRBpvOlM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714122091, :text "*store", :id "BJZLTv_lf"}}, :id "rJIarpDdlf"}}, :id "ryxYBpwdgf"}}, :id "HJOX6w_gz"}}, :id "Byx6ZpPugf"}, :defs {"mount-target" 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"BkmYMTwOxf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151201, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151642, :text "let", :id "B1ekO6DdgGleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714151901, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714152077, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714159309, :text "raw", :id "HJ-xuavOxz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714159624, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714160896, :text ".getItem", :id "HJSvOTDOxM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714167059, :text "js/window.localStorage", :id "Hk7FupD_lM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714168600, :text "|respo", :id "B1xtTv_xf"}}, :id "Hkdd6vuez"}}, :id "B1mluTDdgz"}}, :id "ryzldpDOxf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714171488, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714172059, :text "if", :id "BylmtTPulzleaf"}, "j" 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"H1wKTP_xf"}}, :id "BylmtTPulz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714188800, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714191933, :text "render-app!", :id "ryHq6PulGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714194378, :text "mount-target", :id "BJ-uc6wueG"}}, :id "ryHq6PulG"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714210559, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714197749, :text "add-watch", :id "H1rcqpDuef"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714217070, :text "*store", :id "S1e2avdgG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714219489, :text ":rerender", :id "HyNb2pv_lM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714220597, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714238088, :text "#()", :id "By4nTPOgG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714232501, :text "render-app!", :id "HJlhnaw_gG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714235679, :text "mount-target", :id "S1faaD_gz"}}, :id "rkS2pv_gG"}}, :id "H1oo6v_xz"}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714240706, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714243683, :text "reset!", :id "rJFTTD_eGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714251576, :text "*changes-logger", :id "Skln6TwdgM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714252645, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714260040, :text "fn", :id "S1gVATPdeM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714260344, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714261804, :text "old-tree", :id "Hkzn0aPdgz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714263034, :text "new-tree", :id "SyW00TPOlz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714264193, :text "changes", :id "Hkmk10v_xz"}}, :id "ryQ20TDdxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714265521, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714266146, :text ".log", :id "B1G1Av_eGleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714267518, :text "js/console", :id "ryNMJ0vueG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714268749, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714270431, :text "clj->js", :id "B1lVk0v_xM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714272165, :text "changes", :id "B1PJAPdef"}}, :id "H1S10Pdef"}}, :id "B1G1Av_eG"}}, :id "SkSCaP_gf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714734746, :text ";", :id "HyHhyO_eG"}}, :id "rJFTTD_eG"}, "yT" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714274084, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714275046, :text "println", :id "B15JAPdgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714279547, :text "|Loaded.", :id "H1rjJRP_lG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714280283, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714280985, :text ".now", :id "HJxleRPOxz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714286951, :text "js/performance", :id "SyXZeCwugf"}}, :id "Bk-lgCv_xf"}}, :id "B15JAPdgf"}}, :id "B1ekO6DdgG"}}, :id "HkxFzTDOez"}, "save-store!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :text "defn", :id "Byb0fpwuxf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :text "save-store!", :id "r1fAMawuxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714070196, :data {}, :id "S1QRzTwuxf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714357501, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714361234, :text ".setItem", :id "SJaERw_xMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714368950, :text "js/window.localStorage", :id "SkzHCwueG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714372338, :text "|respo", :id "ryxoH0PueM"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714373782, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714375633, :text "pr-str", :id "B1arCD_xz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714376733, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714377407, :text ":tasks", :id "ByWlLADdgM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714380697, :text "@*store", :id "rkM8Aw_xz"}}, :id "HJbURDOgG"}}, :id "HJCHAPugf"}}, :id "SJaERw_xM"}}, :id "SylRGTvOxf"}, "reload!" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :text "defn", :id "H1ZNX6DOez"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :text "reload!", :id "SkGEQ6DdxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714076488, :data {}, :id "HkXVQ6Pulf"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714293542, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714296695, :text "clear-cache!", :id "S1RxCvugzleaf"}}, :id "S1RxCvugz"}, "x" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714297341, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714299850, :text "render-app!", :id "r1--b0Ddgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714301998, :text "mount-target", :id "HJgE-RDdef"}}, :id "r1--b0Ddgf"}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714302367, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714303053, :text ".log", :id "BJ48-Cwdxzleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714304564, :text "js/console", :id "BkmDWRwdxf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714306996, :text "|code updated.", :id "S1ltZADulf"}}, :id "BJ48-Cwdxz"}}, :id "HJxN76wuef"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714315065, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714053436, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714644321, :text "set!", :id "HyWSGCDdlz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714323174, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714325797, :text ".-onload", :id "SkiGRwdef"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714328098, :text "js/window", :id "H1XCz0POeM"}}, :id "SkliM0w_xz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714331174, :text "main!", :id "H1Gm0vugz"}}, :id "BympWaPdxG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714332080, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714647172, :text "set!", :id "S1eEXCPOxGleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714343253, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714344947, :text "js/window", :id "HkjmCw_xf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714350051, :text ".-onbeforeunload", :id "B1GVCw_gz"}}, :id "rJyNAwOez"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511714354028, :text "save-store!", :id "HyOVRPdxz"}}, :id "S1eEXCPOxG"}}, :id "HJQM0DdxG"}}, "respo.util.format" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rk7b6fl_KAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByNWaze_tAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBZ6zxuKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyLW6MeuYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1DW6fgOFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1uZ6fgdY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1FbTfgOYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ9Z6feOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkoZaGgdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy3W6GlOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bka-pfldFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJCZpGguKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ1G6zedtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxGpzgdtRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rybfpMg_YAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyMMazldKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy7GTfx_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H14M6GedFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"prop->attr" {:type :expr, :id "rJIGTzlOtRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvzTGgdtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyuG6flOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop->attr"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJFG6fxdYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1qGTzgOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByozTfguFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syhz6zldFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "case"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryTfaMeOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1AG6MxOF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJymafxutCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|class-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eXpGeut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|class"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1W7TflOYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1f7TGl_F0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|tab-index"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy7mazgutCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|tabindex"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EXpGx_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "w" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1508595954898, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508595961204, :text "|read-only", :id "HJeoeF0Oa-leaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508595964339, :text "|readonly", :id "r1zWKROaW"}}, :id "HJeoeF0Oa-"}}}}}, "event->prop" {:type :expr, :id "B1BQpGg_YCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk8XaMxuKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPXpfguY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1Om6GldY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJKQ6fxutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByqQpfxdKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJjmTfguKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2QpfxuYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|on"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SypQTMeuK0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkR7pMeOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJyVTze_YRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}, "ensure-string" {:type :expr, :id "SkxNTfgdKAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1WETMeOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkzV6Gg_t0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1m4aGg_YCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy44aGl_tRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkrEpfedFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkINpGldKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkvETGl_KAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkuNpfx_tCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkYVpGl_tRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJqVpGxOtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oV6MluKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJhVpGe_tCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy64pzxut0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry0NTGeutAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "keyword?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy1STMxdKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJeBpGxdYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-SaGluYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJGB6zx_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkQr6MgutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1NraMe_F0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkBHpzguFRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1IrazxuYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkvSTfgdY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}}}, "event->string" {:type :expr, :id "BydrpGx_K0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HktrpfxuKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy9HafguFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->string"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkjHpzx_tRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1nSTGg_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJaHTfgutRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Rr6zg_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "subs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyyL6Mg_K0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlL6Gx_K0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJb86GgutCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyGLTflOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "3"}}}}}, "dashed->camel" {:type :expr, :id "rym8pzldFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkEI6GxdtCFZ", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1513612030324, :text "defn$"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJrLTGe_K0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJ8L6GlOtAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJPIpGldtAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_LazguYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyK8TMgutRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycU6fg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1j86Gg_YCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkn86Gx_KAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk6L6MldFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "false"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJRITMldY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJ1v6MldtRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syewazx_tCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkWPpMeuKRK-", :author 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"S1ID0MeOFRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1vDRMxOKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkdwAGl_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyFPCMluF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryqwAflOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entry"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "text->html" {:type :expr, :id "B1svAGxuYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1hvAMg_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rypPRMldYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "text->html"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkRv0fgdKCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1ku0GeutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Syg_CGgdFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk-uAMe_F0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type 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"BkfnMlzluK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skmnzezx_KAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkV3zgfxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkS2zgfx_tAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk83MlGlOK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HkD3zlzgdYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"make-element" {:type :expr, :id "ryxTzgGxdFCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJZaGgGl_Y0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkGTGlzldYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sk7TGlGe_FCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4pMefgOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "virtual-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id 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"BkYKXxMxuYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qKXlfl_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJjFmgMxdt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r12KQxGx_YCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rypYXlzxdYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r10Kmlfe_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk15Xefe_KCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "v"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B1ecQxflOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|;"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HybqQefgdYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJf5QlzeOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string/join"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1m5QgfedtCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H1JafxfguF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SJWguKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJebxuFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJW-guYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.core"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkGbgOY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1m-e_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJE-x_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByBbxOKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.container"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLZe_FCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1PWl_YAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1uWxOKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214236402, :text "[]", :id "HyXmJHBqW"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214232140, :text "[]", :id "S11QyBr5Z"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyYZedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk5-luKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.core"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bys-eOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hy3WgdtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1abxuKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214244283, :text "[]", :id "S12QyrB9Z"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214241667, :text "[]", :id "B1eOX1BB9W"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bk0-xOFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkJgbgdFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.schema"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJxe-xdtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJbxbx_tCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "schema"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214248444, :text "[]", :id "rJ-JVkHSqZ"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "H1fgWxdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B17xbe_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.updater.core"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk4ebedYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkHgWgOKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJUgZgOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "updater"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214253641, :text "[]", :id "SJlB4kSBcW"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214251355, :text "[]", :id "B17VkHr9b"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rywgWedYCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyugZl_t0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyFlWx_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyqxbldtCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkieZedFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214258150, :text "[]", :id "B15V1BrqZ"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214256484, :text "[]", :id "Hy_4yHr5W"}}}}}}}, :defs {"render-app!" {:type :expr, :id "Bk6e-x_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1AlblutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1Z-gOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkeZ-eOKCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJZbZx_FAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-target"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1MWZgOtAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByXZbldYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1EWWgOYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1r-WldY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkIZWgOKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-container"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkw--euYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*store"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1_ZZxOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}, "*store" {:type :expr, :id "rkK-Wx_KRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk5Z-guKAYb", :author "root", :time 1505327075946, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJi--euF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*store"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJhWZxdtAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByabWx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0ZWxdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "schema/store"}}}}}, "dispatch!" {:type :expr, :id "H1kzZedKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJxzWx_KCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWzbedKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Mfbl_Y0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ7MWxdYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkVMWe_tRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyHGZx_KRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1UfWl_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1PfblutRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByOfWeuKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HkFz-ldYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9fZg_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1if-guKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJnf-eOYCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By6f-lOYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-id"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyCGbg_KAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJX-xdtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkgQZl_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZX-gOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyfXZlOYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk7mWluKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "updater"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4XbldKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BQWguKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJUm-xdtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "SkvQZl_K0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-id"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1_QbxdFRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkYm-lOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B19mWe_YAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByiX-eOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "ryhxZedY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.test.comp.todolist" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BJHjAfg_F0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkUjAfxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDsAze_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.todolist"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hyk2AGldYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJxnRGgOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sk_3RMxdtAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byt2CMluF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJc3Rfl_tAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.task"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJi2AzgOK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry2nCfgutCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6n0Ml_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyCh0zeOtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-task"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1gZWu2aTZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HysiAMe_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ3sCzeOFCK-", :author "root", :time 1508915196724, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJasAfgutAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry0i0MeOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505409082913, :text "defcomp", :id "SylzS_V_q-"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711981544, :text "list->", :id "HkgmxHPuxz"}, "5" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711983734, :text "[]", :id "SkevgrPOlG"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508915194695, :text "[]", :id "H1eMWO36ab"}}}}}}}, :defs {"style-todolist" {:type :expr, :id "rJgaCfldKAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyWT0Ml_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkG6RfedY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-todolist"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkQT0GguFCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ4TRMg_YCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryBTRMxdFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8aAfgdK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":color"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkP6CGxdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":blue"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1daCzxuFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KaAGguFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-family"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk96RMeuYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|\"微软雅黑\", Verdana"}}}}}}}, "comp-todolist" {:type :expr, :id "r1j6CfgOYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ36AzlOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1505409072010, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bypp0fx_YAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-todolist"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyQ0CfxuK0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkN0CGxut0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tasks"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyJruV_5W", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1qRCMedYRtZ", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711975290, :text "list->"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkjARGguF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy3ARzx_F0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkpC0MluFRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAACMgdFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJkklGgutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-todolist"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1lJkgfg_KAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1WJkezeuF0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfkJxGxuK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tasks"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyQ11xzxuFRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJVyklGedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyB1JeMlOKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Ly1xzeuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkwJyxzeOFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryOyygfeOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Kk1efg_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk5yyeGe_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Byi1yeMxOYAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk3JkxMe_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skay1xfgOYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyA1yxfeutAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ1eJgGxOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-task"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryllJlzx_YAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}}}}}}}}}, "b" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711976289, :text ":div", :id "S1HJlrPOlG"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "r1k6AzlOFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.zero" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "Bk7tGefluYCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4FfxflOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rKfgGeOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.zero"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505301334158, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505301334988, :text ":require", :id "rJxCLmq8cZleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJephDnTaW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1FYfgGldtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkcKzlGe_tCKW", :author "root", :time 1505301029094, :text "respo.macros"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1oYGxGxdYAKW", :author "root", :time 1508915128682, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1hFGxfxdYAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy6YGxMeOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJAFMezldYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJy5GgGguKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}}}}}}, :id "rJxCLmq8cZ"}}}, :defs {"comp-zero" {:type :expr, :id "Hyq9zefl_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJoqzeGx_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJh5zgMxdKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-zero"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r169fgfg_tCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1R5zgMeuYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kjzxGl_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1xszlfeOYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bszefg_KCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyziMlGluYCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkQsfeMgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":inner-text"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy4szeMxdFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1tcMlfgutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.list" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "H1zKMzxOKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r17tfMluKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4YGfl_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJBtfzl_t0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkUYzfx_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1wtfMgdKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1dKfflOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYKGzeOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ctGfldY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BystfMgdYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ntGzx_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkTKfMxdYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkAtfzlOYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"filter-first" {:type :expr, :id "ryx9zzguYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data 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:expr, :id "Sy65MMl_YRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkC9GMguK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "when"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkyjfMgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gofflOK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "f"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbjGfgOKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1fozMeut0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQsGGl_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reduced"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4oMzedKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyHozzlOtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk8jfzl_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xs"}}}}}, "pick-attrs" {:type :expr, :id "rkvjGMxdtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ_izfl_tRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1tszGxuFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1qsfMxuF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsizfedK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkhjfGl_FAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJajzzguK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkAsfzxutRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1J2MGeuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rklhGfl_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkWnzzldK0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syz3GGguKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782866145, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Bk53GGeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJo3GMgOtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2nzzeut0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryp3zGlOYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryAhGMedK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkJpGMgdF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":on"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SylTGzg_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZTzzgutRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzTfGxdYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "By7TfMl_tAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry46GfguF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dissoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJSpfGluYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782868043, :text "->>", :id "SyiU0eOzG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782825167, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782780110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782781810, :text "fn", :id "SkMB-ClOGM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782091, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782279, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782783123, :text "[]", :id "ByWIbAxOzM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784128, :text "k", :id "HkWPZ0g_MG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784476, :text "v", :id "HkzdZCx_GG"}}, :id "By7Lb0gdGM"}}, :id "BJM8bRxuGz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782875538, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782786281, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783764074, :text "re-matches", :id "S1x5b0gdMfleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782805857, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782807980, :text "re-pattern", :id "HyRz0lOMf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782817959, :text "|on-\\w+", :id "SJbxX0xOMz"}}, :id "B1l0M0guGG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782820502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821083, :text "name", :id "SkgnXRxuGG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821877, :text "k", :id "H1CmRxdfM"}}, :id "S1ZnXAx_zM"}}, :id "S1x5b0gdMf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782876303, :text "not", :id "Skx4PRgdzz"}}, :id "HJVw0lOzz"}}, :id "BkeNbRxuzM"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782826536, :text "filter", :id "SyW-VAlOMf"}}, :id "S1eCLCedfM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkFKynqMz", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByDTMGg_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyupzGeOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}}}}, :id "SyGzqJ2qzG"}}}}}, "val-exists?" {:type :expr, :id "rJcpfzldF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJipzMxOYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryhTzflOtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1p6zMlOKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJC6GfeOYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pair"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyJCfzxOt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgAMMgdKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWRzGeOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zAzMl_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1m0zzguFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pair"}}}}}}}, "arrange-children" {:type :expr, :id "BkV0fMlOKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1SRMfedFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryIRGGgutAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJPCMfgutAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJdRffe_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1K0GGxuYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy5AMGl_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyLlXzxdKRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPgmGxOKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map-indexed"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_gQGeuF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "vector"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFxXMeutCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H19lQfgdKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJogQGxOYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJngXMx_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val-exists?"}}}}}}}, "pick-event" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :text "defn", :id "Syby10ldzf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :text "pick-event", :id "BkMkJRldzG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782743303, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782746280, :text "props", :id "rkbZ10ldMz"}}, :id "rk7JyRx_zz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782746786, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513784377351, :text "merge", :id "BJgmyAedzzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782769122, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513785453815, :text ":on", :id "SyWKgClOfz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782771092, :text "props", :id "ByolCg_Gz"}}, :id "BkzFe0lufM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782771764, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782778580, :text "->>", :id "Bknx0xuMMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782779468, :text "props", :id "HJl7-CluMz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782825167, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782780110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782781810, :text "fn", :id "SkMB-ClOGM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782091, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782782279, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782783123, :text "[]", :id "ByWIbAxOzM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784128, :text "k", :id "HkWPZ0g_MG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782784476, :text "v", :id "HkzdZCx_GG"}}, :id "By7Lb0gdGM"}}, :id "BJM8bRxuGz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782786281, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783768094, :text "re-matches", :id "S1x5b0gdMfleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782805857, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782807980, :text "re-pattern", :id "HyRz0lOMf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782817959, :text "|on-\\w+", :id "SJbxX0xOMz"}}, :id "B1l0M0guGG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782820502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821083, :text "name", :id "SkgnXRxuGG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782821877, :text "k", :id "H1CmRxdfM"}}, :id "S1ZnXAx_zM"}}, :id "S1x5b0gdMf"}}, :id "BkeNbRxuzM"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782826536, :text "filter", :id "SyW-VAlOMf"}}, :id "S1lZNCgdMz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782828422, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782836438, :text "into", :id "S14ECxuffleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782837037, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782837367, :text "{}", :id "ry6EAedGM"}}, :id "r1ea4RldMz"}}, :id "S14ECxuff"}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783773275, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783773761, :text "map", :id "HyxB1GbOGzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783774099, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783774679, :text "fn", :id "HJz81GbuzM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783776268, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783777116, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783776781, :text "k", :id "r1WdyGZOGz"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783778028, :text "[]", :id "Hycyfb_zM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783778980, :text "v", :id "S1oyGbOGG"}}, :id "HkxYkMZdMf"}}, :id "ByMOkz-dff"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783780024, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783782433, :text "[]", :id "S1g2yzb_Gzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783784878, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513783786896, :text "keyword", :id "S1JlGWdzf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783794332, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513783787120, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 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{:type :leaf, :id "rkwgDMeuYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ugPzlOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkYeDzeuKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJcgwfeuFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJsewfxdFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJneDGxOtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryaeDMgOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJRxDzedFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BykbDMxOFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":text"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1xWvzguFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HybWPMluYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMbDMx_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":done?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkmbPfeOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "false"}}}}}}}, "store" {:type :expr, :id "H1NWwGx_Y0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBbDfl_FCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UWDzgOFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BywWwflOK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkdZvGlOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syt-DfxdFCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycbDflOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJs-PMl_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ3bvzx_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyaZwMldYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJR-PfgdK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyyMvze_tCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJlfPMeOt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "ByHxvfl_F0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.controller.client" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1WGVgflutRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJfMVlfeOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJmGVlfguK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.client"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1VzVxfeOtRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBMVeGgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy8f4gzeut0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPfVxzxdY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkdfVxfgdtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.patch"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Kf4gfx_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S19MExzxOKRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1iGNgMeuYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hknf4xfx_FRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkNmEgzeutCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkS74lzldY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLQ4eGeOKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJDQVlzgdK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJ_XVgMldY0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFXVgGlOFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryq7EgfxOY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rysm4eGedtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->edn"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rk27NlGluFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aQNgzeuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJAmVeGeOYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkyEVgMg_YCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skx4EeflOF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-NNgGxOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkGEEezgOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"build-listener" {:type :expr, :id "SyNENlGe_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkB4Vefe_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ84VxGedFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1DV4xzl_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By_E4efedFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryK4NlzxOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B15E4gMguFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1i4ExGldFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sk2V4lzeuYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk6NEgGguKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyCNVxGg_KRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1JrEefgdF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgrElfgdKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1WHVeGl_F0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJzBEgzgdt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXHElfeOYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1NBEefx_KCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1BrNlMlOF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->edn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJIr4xMl_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1DrElfgdt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJOr4gzeuYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1YSExzxdKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkqrNgfgdYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJjrNefguF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}}}}}}}}}, "patch-instance!" {:type :expr, :id "SJnB4lfluYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJaHVeGxuYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRSEgGedtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yLNxGe_F0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eIVeGlOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkWI4lMe_tAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1zLVxzgdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SymU4lfgOKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S148EgfgOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HySLVlzeuK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJU8EgGeuF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJvL4xfe_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1OLEeGldYRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyKIVeGguKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H15INgMxOFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iUExGlOt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryhIVeGxdFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1TI4ezeuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkR8NeMgOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJywNezluK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJlPNxzlutAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bDNgzxOtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGPElMe_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1XvNlfeOtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyVDNxfxuFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}, "activate-instance!" {:type :expr, :id "SkHvNlflOFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJIvNeMxdK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJwDEeGlOKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy_wExfeOFRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SktvElzeOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entire-dom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HycPEgMg_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkiv4lGluFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Synw4gfg_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkaP4gMx_K0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy0DEgfgut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "By1d4eGguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlu4lMluKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ-uEeMedK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGONxGeuK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H17_VxMe_tCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEdNxGg_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkrdNezxutCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1I_NlMgOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-listener"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJD_VxzxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1duEgGe_YAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkt_VxMe_KCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1c_ExGeuFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "set!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1j_NgfgOFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byhd4eflOY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-innerHTML"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryT_Exze_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1C_NeMldKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJJYVgGxdtAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1xK4ezx_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".appendChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ-F4eGldY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1GtVlMxuFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryQFEeGedYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1NtVezxOKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "entire-dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkSFNgfguFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJ7EVgzgOFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.id" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "rJt9rMl_tRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S199Sze_K0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkoqSzldt0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.id"}}}, :defs {"get-id!" {:type :expr, :id "rJpcHMluYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0qrzxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1korGluFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-id!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryxoHzgdtRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByWiSfe_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1MsBMxOKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "swap!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyQsSMlOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*cached-id"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkViBGg_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBjHfxOYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*cached-id"}}}, "*cached-id" {:type :expr, :id "rkUsBfeuYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1vsrMgdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "def"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_jSMgdYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*cached-id"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BktirzguKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19jBMx_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkisSMlOtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rJhcSfx_KAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.diff" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BkZGwfguY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zzPfeOYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkQzwGlut0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.diff"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk4GvMeOK0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJrMvzguFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryLMDMluYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1DGwfeOYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyOMwGgutRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFGvzxuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rk9fwzguYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkofwGedYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkhMDMxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry6fwzeOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRzDfldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry1XvzeOKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkeXvMgOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1bXDGgOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByzmDzx_YAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmQwGx_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkEQwfl_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1S7DzedtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1L7DMgdKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwQDfxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1dmwflOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJtQPMe_KCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJqQDGxutCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SksXvfxOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.set"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyhXPMeOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkpXPGeuK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1R7wMe_F0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk14PGgOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "difference"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921141140, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921142520, :text "[]", :id "SkxpO9MqGfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921149310, :text "respo.schema.op", :id "BklJtqG9zG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921149871, :text ":as", :id "HJSSK9z9zz"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921150205, :text "op", :id "r1zUK9fqzG"}}, :id "SkxpO9MqGf"}}}}}, :defs {"find-element-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "B1W4wGguF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJGEwMguKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1mNwzxuFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkNNDGldKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SySVvzg_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkUVPGe_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyvVPze_Y0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "r1dVDMgOt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryFVPfldF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyqEDGluF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyjVPzgdt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By2VDzluYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aVwzxuYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|element diffing:"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ANPfeuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "HkkBvGlOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "SJeBPMe_F0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HyZBwGg_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJGrvze_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ7SwGedK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryVHvzl_tCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyBrwGgOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ8SvMgOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1PBPGxuK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1_HPzx_Y0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFrvMl_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ9rPfedF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1irPze_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJhHvzxOFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJprvzedKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyCrPMg_Y0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByyUwGl_KAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkeUwfedtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bLDzxOtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkGUwzgOF0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1X8PfluFAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEUvGgOY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SLwfgOF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIIwzeOFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1vIPzeuYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sku8DMg_tAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryYUPzgdtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk58wfguFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1oLDfgdtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S13UwMe_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJTUPfxuK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ALvMlOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S11PPzxuK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJgPPzxuYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-wPfluKCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GvDfxuKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1QPvzluY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJVDDfe_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rySvPfedFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryUPwGlOF0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1vvwGg_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1dwwfx_F0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkKDDGguYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqvPGe_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkovwGeuK0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HynvvzedY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1pDwGxdYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJCwPGeOYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk1uPMguKRFb", :author "root", 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1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJhOvfxOKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpdvMldFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0ODzxOtCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryyFPMx_KRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HklKPfeuFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SybtwfldtRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGKPzxuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk7YPflut0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJVtvzeuKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1SYwzg_tRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkUKvMxOYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1vtwzlOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJuKPMgdtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJYFDGldY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9tDfeuYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":c-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SksKDzlOF0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkhYDfedtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk6YDMxOt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":c-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r10KvzxOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJk9PzldF0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skx9vGgOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJWcPfluFCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkG9PMxutAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJmqDMluFAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByE5PfluYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJBqDzgdFAK-", :author "root", :time 1513921175999, :text "op/replace-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkIqwGxuFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1vqvMxdtCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sku5wGgdK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1t5DflOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ9cDGxuKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hks9wMedtCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ2qwzguF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1p5vfe_YCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyC5wGe_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-props-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJJsDGgdFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgivMlOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJWiPMldFRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkMiPGldtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7oDMldY0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SJNivMldYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyrsvMxdFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyLjPGxdtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1vivMeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BydjvzguFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJYiwMgdKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByqsPfl_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryjiDMgdFAtb", 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1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ7awfluKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJNawMg_YRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkrpDflOFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUTwfluYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-events"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SywaDGxOY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkdpPfldYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "into"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJK6DfeutCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ5TDMeuYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "#{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkspDMgOKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1nTDMg_tAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "keys"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJppwfldFAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkCTvGeOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJ0DMe_K0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-tree"}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJl0DMgdtAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1W0DGldKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-events"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJGCPzx_FRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1QCDfgdY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "into"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJNRDfeOKRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rCvzgOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "#{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1LAPzlOtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1wCvzlOFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "keys"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryuRPfeuKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJK0wflOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1cCDMgdtAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HksRDGgdYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By3APMg_YAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "added-events"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryTADfguYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy0RvzgOFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "difference"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJkOMg_tAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-events"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1xJ_zg_YAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-events"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkbkOMgdtAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGkuzxutRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "removed-events"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r17JOMxdt0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4kOzxutCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "difference"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkHyOfe_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-events"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUkdMe_YCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-events"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJPJuGluFRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ_1dfxOtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710841172, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJFy_zeOYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1syuMxuFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SknydMx_YCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "added-events"}}}}, :id "ByeZYxv_xz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJTy_Gg_YAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry01_Gl_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H11lOzlOYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyleOGg_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1-gufeuFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921161203, :text "op/set-event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkGl_ze_FCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By7eOfluKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJNg_Ml_KRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrldzeuF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkLe_Mxdt0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPedGxuYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyulOflOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-tree"}}}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJteOGg_K0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ce_fgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710845572, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1oxOGxOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Tl_Gx_tAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1AxOMeOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "removed-events"}}}}, :id "SkIFgvOeM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r11ZOGg_YRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJx-dzl_Y0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1ZZdMedtAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyfb_GeOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJmWuGlOtRYW", :author "root", :time 1513921163620, :text "op/rm-event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJN-uzldKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1BZdMe_KAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryIb_fedYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyDWufe_FRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-children-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_b_zeuF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Fb_Me_YRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJc-dMguKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJiWOzxdKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BynZdMx_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-children-diffs" {:type :expr, :id "rJp-OzxdK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJCZOfluFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJzOGgOtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-children-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkgfufe_K0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZGOGeOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyGfdzldt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Qz_MxuY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1VGOGeOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SM_ze_tCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByIzdGx_tAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJDGuGedFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ_GOzl_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFzufe_Y0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9GuzeOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|diff children:"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "rkiGOzg_YCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhGuzx_KAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "BkaGufluF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "SyAMOzeOFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "Hyk7OMeuY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gm_zluKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1Z7_fe_tCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "B1MQ_GguKCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r17QOMldKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJNXOGedtRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJSQ_MldYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1LQufldK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1DXuMgdFRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyumOfxdFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByY7_zlut0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S19QuzxutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyiXOzgdY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r12m_zgOtAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkTX_zgOYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJCX_fg_YAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy1NOzguKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkgE_Gl_YAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-4dfg_YRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzEdMe_tCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BymV_GeOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJEVdfxdtAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1SN_MgOtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJU4_fe_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1v4dfgdYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rydV_MguF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyF4uzgOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy5N_MluYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkjNufx_K0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B13E_MgOYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk6EOzguYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJAVuGluFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1ruGe_YCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HylBOGe_KAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkbHdGldFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJMBOGx_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HymS_GeuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkVSdfluFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1HS_fl_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkUBOfldt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJPSdzluK0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_ruMx_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KrdMedF0t-", :author "root", :time 1513921250034, :text "op/append-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqrOGl_F0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1iBuzeOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy3BOzxutAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1THuMe_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryRrdfguFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1JUOGxuFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJx8_MgdYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkZIdfguK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyGLOMlOYRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1XUOfxuYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryN8_GeuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1BLdzxOtRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LIufeutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkwIdfgdKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJO8ufgdKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkKIufgdFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ5IuGeuF0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1i8dzedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk2UOfe_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1T8OGl_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1C8_GgdY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJkD_GxOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyxvOflOFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1-DdMeOYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGvOGedYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ7PufldYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJED_MedFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyHD_Ml_YAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8POGg_YAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkDvuGg_F0F-", :author "root", :time 1513921255424, :text "op/rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk_vdzgutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rytPOMg_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkqv_Ml_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyswdGgdKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJnPdMlutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1aDOGxOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1RD_fe_YRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkkOdGgdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1l_OfedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ByWddGxOKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJfu_fxdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJX_dGlOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "BkEdOMx_K0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Hd_zeOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryIduGlOF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryPOuMguFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1d_OMlutCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyYuufeOKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJquuGeuYCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJiuufluKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By2O_zl_KCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B16_OfldFCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ0OuGeOFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S11tdfgdKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1gt_MeOtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy-FuGlOYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "take"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJGFuGluKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "16"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1mKOGlOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}}}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "BJw2_MldKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By_nuGxdtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1KnuGgdK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkq2_flOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1onOGedt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "BJsoufe_KCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry3o_GeuKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkTo_Gl_tRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyCidfeutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Syy3Ofl_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-x1"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1x3_fl_FRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyVF_fgOKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkrKuMeuY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJIYdGl_FAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJDYuzeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1utuMedKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJtK_zg_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19F_MeuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "take"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1iYOzxOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "16"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1hF_GxdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "Syw9dMg_FRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkuqOfxOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-x1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyK5_Ge_FRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1q5_fgOY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkoqOzxOt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ2cOfg_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJ69_Me_FRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1A9OfxOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyjuMeOYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJeoOGldYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1Gq_zxdFCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1mcdzlutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1E5dze_t0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJS9uzeutRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIq_feOFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "rkZ3dMlutAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJMn_fluYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyXhdGldKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryEn_MedY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Hn_flOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-y1"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUnufx_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJTF_ze_FAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyCKOMl_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJy5_fluF0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rylcuflOKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByW9uMxuKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "HJZjuMgdFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MiuflOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "match-y1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1mjdzluYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJEoufgdtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkBsOMeuYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1IoOGg_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Skvo_fguFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1uouGlOKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFidfxuYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkcj_Mx_KCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}}}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "Skn3OMg_KCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1pndfgOFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJA3uMldKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1kadGedFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1gTdfxdtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rybp_zxdFAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkG6ufldFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "yr" {:type :leaf, :id "Sycp_fg_tAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "By_pOMx_FAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1m6OzedYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "S186OMx_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJHTOGeutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "yj" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYpuzlOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1E6ufgOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|compare:"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvpdzluKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkjauzguY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk2pufxuF0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJaaOzx_FAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ryATdGeOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJJROzxutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Syl0dMgdtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWA_GlOYAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1zAOGl_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ7CuMedtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJEROfluY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJHR_fl_KCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r18AuzlOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkwR_zxdKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJuAuMedK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Skt0_fx_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkc0_zedK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyoA_zx_FAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B13AdzgdKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyaAdfxdFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJARufxdKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyyyYfldYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkxJFGguF0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJb1FzedKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1fkKzlOtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyQ1Yzl_FRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1V1Kzedt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BJYzg_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJLJKGgOFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJDkYzeOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ_ytfg_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1YyFzeuKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B19JKfgOK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJjJYzeOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byn1tMldY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1akFfeOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk0kYMxdFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJklFGl_KAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJllKGedFAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkZeFzx_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkflKfedtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJXlYGx_YRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNltMlOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkreKMg_KCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S18gtfe_tCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryPxtGgOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByOgFGluF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1-remains?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rktgtfgOt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyqlFMe_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1sxKfxuY0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1-existed?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1neKMxuFRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1plFMxOKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJAlYMgOFCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1-Fzx_FCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rygZKzxutAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1-WYGgdKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkMZFGgdt0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Hy7WYfeOY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkV-YGeutCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1H-KMxOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryUWKfe_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1wWKzlutAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1uWKfg_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1KbYfeOKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hkc-KMgutCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rysZKfeOKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJhWFfgutRFW", :author "root", :time 1513921551218, :text "op/add-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1a-YMx_tAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkR-KfxdtCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJMYGedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkxGKGedYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkZGYzedYRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkfGFfedKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyXfYGxOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1EMKfl_FRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHfKMlOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ8GFfe_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1DftMxdYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkdzKMguKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KzYfguKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcMYMx_t0tb", 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:expr, :id "r1ImtzguYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkwQFfe_YCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk_XKfe_Y0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYXYGg_KRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk97Yfl_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1513921266639, :text "op/rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1jXKGg_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byh7tzl_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1pmYMxuKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJCmFzxOY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yNKMgdY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByxVFGeuK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1bNYfeut0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1M4YzeOKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJQ4YMeOYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HyEVFfldt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "SJHNtzl_F0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryLNFzeOYAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1DNFfl_FRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk_VFGguFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByYNFMeutRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk5Ntze_FRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Hyj4tMe_FRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy3EFMldFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "xi"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S16VKfguYRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyC4tGx_Y0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".indexOf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyJrKzlOYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-keys"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJgHYMg_K0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x1"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1-rtzx_tAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyGSFfgOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "yi"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkXHYMlOYCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkEHtGldKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".indexOf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJSStzg_KCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-keys"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJISFGldKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y1"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJvStMgOF0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_rFMguKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first-old-entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkKStGeOYAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" 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"new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1MDFfg_tAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJmvKzxuYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry4DtzguYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1SvtGlutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUDFMl_F0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-children"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryDwtzlOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_PtGeut0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HytPKMxuYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ9vFfxOYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByoPtzlOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921276379, :text "op/add-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BknwYMldKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1TwtGg_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJAvFGxOK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkkOKfxdtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hyx_tzg_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-_FzgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkMuFGlOF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkQ_KGg_FCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkEuYMgdtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByrutfldtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ8uYGguYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "n-coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkDOtMxOKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ_dKfgutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "inc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1K_YfeOt0FZ", 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"r1lTKzg_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ-pYGxOYCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGaYMxOYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJXTtGl_FCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EptGx_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkHpKfl_YRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1L6Yfe_tCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDpYfl_YAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1_6FGedYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkKpYzg_FAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkq6Ffe_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1513921217146, :text "op/add-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyjatGgutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" 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1504774121421, :text "new-style"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S12Qqze_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TmqGgdYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJA75GluK0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1JNqMedKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syx49flOK0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkW49GedFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJzV9GldYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1QE9zguFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJE45fg_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1513921227292, :text "op/add-style"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkB4qze_YRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUVqGxOYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJvVcGgOKCFW", :time 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"S1cI5MlOFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-props-diffs"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1oU9GedFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJhL9Gg_tRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpU9MguY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1AUcMg_F0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkwqMxdYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1lv9feOYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-vczgOYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "HkjDcMedFCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJnwqzxdtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpvcMg_KAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "rkvPqGedt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkfwczgdtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkrw9MldKCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJEP9Mg_FAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|find props:"}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "B1dv9GlOKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYPqfxOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ9vqflOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Skmwqzg_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LwqMgutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BkRw9fx_tRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy1O9MxdKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryedqzedYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, 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"ByTO5fluY0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJAu5MeuYAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hykt9zl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkxt5zluYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkbFcMxutRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zYczxOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJmtcGgOYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HkEtqMl_F0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJBYcflOK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByUtcMgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "was-empty?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkvKqMeuFAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1dK5Gx_YCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BktFcGl_YRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "now-empty?"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkqY5zlOYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByoKcGeOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ3tqzgOYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TKcMldY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk0F5Ml_tAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1JqcGlOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1lc5GxutAYZ", :author "root", :time 1513921191482, :text "op/add-prop"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyZ9cfluYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byz5qMldY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJXq9zeOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyN59flutAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1Bc9Ge_KCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8ccfl_tAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Pc5zeuKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_c9zgOtCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJFccGx_YAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryq9cGlutRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJic9fguY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2qcfluFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byp59fx_KCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HyC9cGedFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJs9MeuYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1ejqMl_FRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1WsqGeOF0KZ", 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"S1ajqzlutRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkAi5fldF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1yn5MxuKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1x2cMe_YAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1-h9zgOtRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyMhcfx_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkm3qMluF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkN35fxuKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1rhqfxdK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Ih9GguY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkD29GxOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_nqMx_tAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "r1tn5fg_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJch9fguY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJsnqfx_tRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJh35zlOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJan9feOFAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkR35MguF0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJJacGguYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkeT9Mlut0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJWT9fx_tRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJMaqzxdY0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk7aqGlOKCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByNpqGxOKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-entry"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkrpcMeuFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIT9GedYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Dpqzl_t0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyOT5fxdKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1FpqzgOFCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk5a9zgdK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkja5MxutCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-k"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rknaqMx_FRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-v"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkTTqMxuY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkATqzg_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkJCqzguKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJxAcMgdYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkZCczguKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkGA9Gg_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryX0qGe_K0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-k"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyVR9zldF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-v"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkrA9fedKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJICczedKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByvRczgOt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SkuA5feOKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJF0cMgOtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1qRczgOKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsRcGgdKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry3AqfeOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-props"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "H1TRqMldFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJR0cMgOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-follows"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1ykszxOYAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlkizx_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Wkizx_FAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-props"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1GysGgdKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H171jfx_YAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1EyjzxOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJSysGx_KRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SJI1sfxdtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-k"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "rJPyjzeOt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-k"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "HJdJifgOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-v"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :id "SkFkszxutAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-v"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1c1jfe_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oJjzldFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "case"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy21ozguYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B16kiMeOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "compare"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyRkoGeuKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-k"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyyesGguKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-k"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJlgjMedKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1WeiGeuFAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-1"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkzxoMluYCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyQxjGlOtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyNlsfl_YAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJSlsGluFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJUgofldFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkPgoGx_K0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkdloGgutCtb", :author "root", :time 1513921198544, :text "op/rm-prop"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FlifeOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "r19gsMeuKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-k"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyigjMedt0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1hgize_F0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByagiGlOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkAliMguY0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1JWjzxdYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-follows"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id 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"SkRHMPdxMleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711304679, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711305945, :text "{}", :id "BJeUzD_xz"}}, :id "BJZUfwOxz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711306551, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711307844, :text "div", :id "S1QUzvugGleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711308073, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711308546, :text "{}", :id "r1M4LGwdxf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711309684, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711309976, :text ":id", :id "HJeB8fvdgf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711311170, :text "|app", :id "SyDLzDugG"}}, :id "HJUUMvOxG"}}, :id "HkmVLGvdgz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711313111, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711313643, :text "div", :id "Hk-tIzwOlMleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711313919, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711314530, :text "{}", :id "ryl58fwOxf"}}, :id "ryW5LGDdgG"}}, :id "S1hfUwdez"}}, :id "S1QUzvugG"}}, :id "SkRHMPdxM"}}, :id "r1g9MfD_lz"}}, :id "rJEwMfv_gz"}}, :id "HJQwMfD_eG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711317205, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711318220, :text "testing", :id "BkfpLzvOgMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712209700, :text "|test generated HTML from tree", :id "SkkvMwdlz"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711328507, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711328786, :text "is", :id "Byz_vMwdgG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711329109, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711329562, :text "=", :id "ByZYDGPulz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711330162, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711331434, 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:expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711363498, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711363692, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711365003, :text "tree-demo", :id "ryfiKGPdeM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711366585, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711367304, :text "div", :id "BkeCKfwOlG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711367835, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711368191, :text "{}", :id "S1l5GDuez"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711368438, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711369543, :text ":value", :id "B1mg5Mvuxz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711381698, :text "|a\"b\"c", :id "BJzX9Mvdef"}}, :id "SyVg9fP_xG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711383807, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711385578, :text ":x", :id "r1lljzwOxfleaf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, 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"SJ32GDueG"}}, :id "H1gs3fDulM"}}, :id "Hy-43fPOez"}}, :id "SyxqYGD_ez"}}, :id "r1xGwbP_gM"}, "textarea-test" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356927258, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356958915, :text "deftest", :id "S1WwB2Nf-G"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512356927258, :text "textarea-test", :id "H1fDS3NGbz"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186214, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711186657, :text "let", :id "H1KRZPueG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511711187714, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357039364, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357039764, :text "piece", :id "SJeDhnEf-f"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357102353, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357104007, :text "textarea", :id "B1t33NM-M"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1512357104455, :data {"T" {:type 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"22", :id "SJxIiKMcMM"}}, :id "BJlxztG5Gz"}, "rm-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920794452, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920838971, :text "def", :id "r1ZfXFf9ff"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920794452, :text "rm-element", :id "HJzMQtzcfM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920881474, :text "2", :id "BkZ6SYz5Gz"}}, :id "SkefmtMqzz"}, "add-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920790595, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920814252, :text "def", :id "By-ymtGqMM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920790595, :text "add-element", :id "HkfJ7Yf5zf"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513920815969, :text "0", :id "rJ_4FfqGf"}}, :id "rklJ7YG5Mf"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513920723777, :data {}, :id "SJm20_G9fz"}}, "respo.cursor" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BkvtAzg_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJOK0GxOYAYb", :author "root", :time 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1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkUcRGldKAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1D9AGe_K0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJ_9CMldKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KcCGedY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJc9AGeOKRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hks5Azl_Y0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ3q0Gx_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bk6qCzx_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ05Cfxut0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc-in"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJoAMlOtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkejAzx_FAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-jAfguFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByGoCGg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJQo0flOF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":data"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1NiAMxuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "SJcYCzxOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.render.patch" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SkRBylzeOY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJLyefeuKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJeU1lzxdKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.patch"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkWUklfe_KRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G8ygGxOYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1mLylGldtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyEUJeMxOtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJSLkezxOKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1U8kxzxuFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJPLylzluF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S11D1lzeOKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1gvkeGxut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ-wklzxdYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzPJxfl_F0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1QD1gGxdFCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEPJefxuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1rPJeMeOYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r18DklfldFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwwygzldKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rydwklMgOY0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJtv1eMe_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ5PJxfeuFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.dom"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryiP1gfl_KRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SynvygMgutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6DJlGeutCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkCDJxMe_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S11OylfeOtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921026110, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921028940, :text "[]", :id "r1g9Z5G9zfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921101977, :text "respo.schema.op", :id "BJZTZcz5fz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921033014, :text ":as", :id "Skblf9fqff"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921103387, :text "op", :id "HJfbMcz9zM"}}, :id "r1g9Z5G9zf"}}}}}, :defs {"rm-event" {:type :expr, :id "ByZ_kxMgOKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1G_1lGguFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXukefe_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyVdylMx_KAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkBu1eflOtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLOygzlOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HywOJeGx_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1_ukxzeOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJFd1xzeuKAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sy5O1xfeut0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byiu1eMedKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-prop"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H12dJefeuKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByTuylMguFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event->prop"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJCOJxGl_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1ktkgflutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByeFygGxdtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ZKJlze_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1fKkgfe_KAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-prop"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "r17FkxGeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}, "replace-style" {:type :expr, :id "S1NYkgzeuFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkHFyxfeOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkItJgGeOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJwK1gGgOKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkOYyezeutCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFKkeMlOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1cFJxfluK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1iYkxzeuK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2tyezeOY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkTt1xGeuKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRt1eMxuK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk19JxfedY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJecygfgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1Wc1lMxOKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1G5kgzeOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyXcklGgdFAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B14qklzedKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "key"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkr5JgGluFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk85klfxdYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skv9JeMe_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1uckxMedY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJtckeMeuYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ensure-string"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy9c1lzlOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkjckgMxdKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "val"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk291efguY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJp9kezedKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk09ygGxdFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r11jygMx_FCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eikxGxOtAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1-oJlze_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkzjyefgdF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hymo1gfgOKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}}}}}}}, "replace-element" {:type :expr, :id "HkEoklGe_Y0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1HoyeMgOY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B18sJlzl_Y0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rywiJxfgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJujkgzeuKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SySnkgGgutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJLnkxGe_KRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByD2JeGe_tCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-parentElement"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_nJlfldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJF3kxGgOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk9hygGlOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".insertBefore"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1j31lfe_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk22klMgutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTnygfgdFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkRhygfguYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyyaJxzeOKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".remove"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eakxzedKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "append-element" {:type :expr, :id "rkbT1efeut0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkGpyeGx_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkXp1lzgOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "append-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H146yxfe_YRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyraJeGedYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByIT1eMluKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJw6keGgOt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1da1lfedYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyFTJeGxuYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkqaklzx_FAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJspkxfldK0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B136klMeOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyTTyxMlOY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkAayxGxOY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1CklfxdtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkgR1xfeuK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyZAJgMgdKCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkMRJgfguKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".appendChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hym0kxMldFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4AyxfxOFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}}}}}}}, "add-event" {:type :expr, :id "BkSC1xzxutAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryURkgfldFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByDA1gfgdtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hk_AJxMxutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryYRylfeutRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk90ygfgOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkjRJezg_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bk3AyxzeOKCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk6CylzedFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryAAJxzldKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BkkJxeGl_tAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HyxkxgGeOFRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZygefguKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G1gezluYAFb", :author "root", :time 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"event-prop"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJRyexGgOFAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry1legMg_KAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkelleGxdKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ZggezgdFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryzlglzgOFCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJmlleGe_YRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4xgeGldYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Sggxfe_K0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkIgxxfl_YAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPxllMlOt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyOgexzxOYAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJYeexfedFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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"HJFXlgfxuYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H15mgxfxuYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJo7exMeOtAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style->string"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3QlezxdtAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-value"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BypmglGgOtCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S10meeGxuF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJy4lgfgdtRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1xVlxfxdF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkbEegMxdtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-value"}}}}}}}}}, "replace-prop" {:type :expr, :id "HyG4xlMgOFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByQExgGgOtCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1VNlxfgutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-prop"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJrElefe_YRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryIEegfx_KAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJPNxgzx_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bku4lgfluF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1YExefgOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ5VllzxOYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJjNelMeOKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkhVglGgdFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk6NexMx_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkC4elzedtRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S11rlxzeuFRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlSllfeuKRF-", :author 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1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By6rxxfxut0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJAHlgzxuK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|value"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkkLllMl_FCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByxLxezlut0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rybUexzlOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1f8eefl_YRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "not="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXLxxGl_FCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-value"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry48lgMgdFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkHLxgzxdFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-value"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy8Iggze_FCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryvLlgGxdKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1O8exfeOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJKUggMgdtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B19IgxMxOF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjLxeflOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-value"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ2UeefeuY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1p8gxMx_KRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy0IggGxuKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJywleMgutRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rylweeMlOtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "prop-value"}}}}}}}}}, "apply-dom-changes" {:type :expr, :id "ByWvlxGx_KRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGPegMe_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXwexfeuKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply-dom-changes"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByNPlgfeOY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkBDgxMeuF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy8wlgGlOY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyvvxlMgOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1uwlgzedYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkFvlgMxutCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry5Deefx_FRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByiDgxGxdK0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJnPegfeOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyTPglGxOFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyRwxgfluKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-firstChild"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryyOxxzgdYCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-point"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1eOxeGeOYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkWdxxGeOKCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "doseq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511710876295, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ryfdegMedt0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :id "S14deeGx_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkrdeeMgdYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "changes"}}}}, :id "HkGEigPOxG"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1UdegMg_YCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyP_xxMx_F0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ry__lefedFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HyFdlezluFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1qdxeGxOFRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJiOxlze_Y0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy2dxgGx_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1aOllMeOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByAdlgzgOtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1kFgxzl_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkeKeefguYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyWKeefxOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1GtgxfxdYRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkQtxxzgdFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H14KleGx_KRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyBFleGgutCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ8YxxMlOK0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkDtglGguFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJuKlezluF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKFleMxdt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqFlxzl_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "SysFegfeuFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2FegfgutAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By6KggGx_FAYW", :author "root", :time 1513921632338, :text "cond"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "r1QhgxfluYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921744877, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNnggfgdYCt-", :author "root", :time 1513921098758, :text "op/set-event"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921745453, :text "=", :id "HJZtAnz5Gf"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921745952, :text "op-type", :id "rJcC2zczf"}}, :id "rJltA3MqMG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1BnleMguYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryU2egfgdtRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJw3xezluK0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJu3lezg_FRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Y2xefxdFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "SJwielGguYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921740695, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkdilxMeuYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921068496, :text "op/replace-style"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921741272, :text "=", :id "ryWH03M5zf"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921742164, :text "op-type", :id "HJIA2MqGf"}}, :id "BylBR3f9Gz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BktoexMxdYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rycoxezxOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HksjgxMeuY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HynixlfxOF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1sceezx_tCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921736990, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2cexMg_FCKW", :author "root", :time 1513921071080, :text "op/rm-prop"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921737559, :text "=", :id "BkZZ02GcMM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921738108, :text "op-type", :id "Bylz02G5Gz"}}, :id "SJe-A2z5fM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1T5leMgOY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJCcllfxdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-prop"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1JjxlzgOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1giglGg_t0FW", 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"SJRslxfluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1513921067091, :text "op/rm-style"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921743440, :text "=", :id "BybDCnzcMG"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921744132, :text "op-type", :id "S1uC2z9Gf"}}, :id "r1xPRnM9fM"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkJnxlfxuY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ehxgGluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkW3lezldFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MnegMgdFCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "yx" {:type :expr, :id "SJe6glGxOKCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921748883, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyWpggfl_YAFW", :author "root", :time 1513921082965, :text "op/add-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921749477, :text "=", :id "rJ-6CnM5GG"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921749918, :text "op-type", :id "SJ002G9GG"}}, :id "rkl6Rhz5Mf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1MTllfgOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SymallGldYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4pglze_YCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1r6gxfedY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyL6ggzxuY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "yyj" {:type :expr, :id "ryEAegfxOt0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921756063, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyHCgeGeutAF-", :author "root", :time 1513921096442, :text "op/append-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921756711, :text "=", :id "HJb4kTzqGM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921757478, :text "op-type", :id "HJlS16zczG"}}, :id "SJxE1pfcGz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk8Regfl_Y0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1vAexfxdKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "append-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_ClxGxdYAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1KRxxfluKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk9Allzg_tRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "yyT" {:type :expr, :id "HJTpxxze_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921753946, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkATelzxOYCt-", :author "root", :time 1513921090034, :text "op/replace-element"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921754622, :text "=", :id "B1WG1TfqGG"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921755388, :text "op-type", :id "rkxXy6zqGG"}}, :id "HyeM1pG9MG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJJAelfe_YRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eAxeMlut0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk-0gxzedt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkzRggzedFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkmRxgzluYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1J5gxfedtAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921731082, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bye9lxMldYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1513921074654, :text "op/replace-prop"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921731695, :text "=", :id "BJ-opnMcMz"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921732308, :text "op-type", :id "BJl3T3G5fM"}}, :id "SJxjTnf9zz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkbqegMxuKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGcxxfldFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "replace-prop"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1mcegGeuKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyVcelfguYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SyWjxeGl_tCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921738988, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJfseeMeOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1513921069876, :text "op/add-style"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921739555, :text "=", :id "BkZXChfcfz"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921739967, :text "op-type", :id "rylV0nGcMf"}}, :id "ryxm03z5Gz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r17oglGguYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1NslefxutRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1rslgzedFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk8oxgze_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "yy" {:type :expr, :id "BkP6lezeuFAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921751525, 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:leaf, :id "BJCRgefl_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921760192, :text ":else", :id "S1bD1aM5Mz"}}, :id "rklwJaG5zG"}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "HJq2llzgOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513921746753, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkjnxgflOtAYW", :author "root", :time 1513921063938, :text "op/rm-event"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921747653, :text "=", :id "HybsA3z5fM"}, "L" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513921748198, :text "op-type", :id "ByghAnz9Gf"}}, :id "rygs0hf9zf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sk3hxgGlutRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy6hlxGldtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyAhelfe_tCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1alxfeuYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "add-style" {:type :expr, :id "S111befg_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1gy-xfxdFRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkW1bxMl_YRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJzyZgMgdKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyQkWxfxdFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyNJZeGxOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJB1-xzlOFAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1UkZgMeOFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJwyZgMe_YAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Sk_yblGlOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkt1ZgfxOFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJcybezxdFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jkZefx_Y0tZ", :author 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rydl-xGg_tCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKx-xzx_YCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hkce-ezgOtRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Syse-ezeOF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJnlbxGguKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByTeWeGluKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1CgbgGxdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-value"}}}}}}}, "rm-style" {:type :expr, :id "r1yWbxzxdF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1gb-lfx_YRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bbblzluYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-style"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkfZ-efeOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1XZ-xfgOFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkVbWxfe_tRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkrWWlMedF0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkI-Wlfx_tRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1vWblfxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJ_bZlzgdK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyK-ZxMxOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJ9ZZeMlut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkjWZgfeuKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dashed->camel"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJhWWlGedF0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTZWeGeOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJAWbgflOYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByJMbxfeuYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ezbefldYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aset"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyWzWefxdtAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MG-gzeuKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryQfZgGl_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B14GbeMxOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "style-name"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJHf-lfg_t0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}, "rm-element" {:type :expr, :id "rkIMbgMx_YRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByPzZezeuF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkdG-lfgdKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rm-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByKM-xGedYRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1qz-xzluFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1jf-lMx_tAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376311769, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r12fZgfg_FCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkaG-xMl_FCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".remove"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByAGbgGx_t0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376312417, :text "if", :id "SJWgBOnvc-"}, "L" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376313121, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376313962, :text "some?", :id "B1Wru3DcW"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376315269, :text "target", :id "B1zGrOhvqW"}}, :id "SyxWSunDqb"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505376316231, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376324118, :text ".warn", :id "r1bVBd3v9bleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376319552, :text "js/console", :id "HJMLB_3Dqb"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376369651, :text "|Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.", :id "SJFSu3vcZ"}}, :id "r1bVBd3v9b"}}, :id "BkelSd2v5-"}}}, "find-target" {:type :expr, :id "H11mZxzgdYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkgQZgMedtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1-7Wlze_K0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkzXbgzeOY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Xmbgfxdt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1VQWlGxdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkS7WezxuY0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJLXbgzx_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkPXbeMeuF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_7WlGedYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYXbxGldYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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"rJUEblfguF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "aget"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkDVWgGeuFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1_N-eze_YRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1KVWeGg_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "root"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ9EblzxOKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "index"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkiNWgfedY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk24WlzxOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1TN-xGl_KCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1R4-lze_KCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkrbxfedK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SylSbefgdtRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}}}}}, "add-element" {:type :expr, :id "SkZBZxzxdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1frWgfxdK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXrbgfeOFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "add-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1EBWeMgutRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rSbeGedKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkIBbxGgutAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1wSWlGxOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkOB-xfgdtCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyYBWeMgdFAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJ5SWezeOYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1jSWgfgdKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy2Bbxzl_YAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJTB-gMeOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJArbxMg_FAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "make-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1y8blMedFCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlL-xGxOtCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "listener-builder"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk-UZlzxdYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJMLZefl_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy7LWlfxdF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4LWxfedYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".-parentElement"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1HL-efluKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryU8blzxuKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1P8Wlfl_FRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".insertBefore"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkOIZxGe_Y0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "parent-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJtIWgMx_tCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1c8-xzeuFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "H1ldygzguYCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.app.comp.todolist" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "SyCG7zeuFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H11XXzxuFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HygX7Ml_FRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.comp.todolist"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkaQmfgutAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0QXMedt0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "n" {:type :expr, :id "ryx7svn6pZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ47mMxOKCY-", :author "root", :time 1505301018789, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkBm7GxdF0F-", :author "root", :time 1508915101761, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJLX7MguKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDQmzeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defcomp"}, "w" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505215173770, :text "<>", :id "BkxT6GSB5b"}, "yT" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509035192092, :text "list->", :id "H1eRhnFJCb"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkOXQGeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Byc7QMe_tCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "input"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1YmQze_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r1h7mfgOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor->"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214162915, :text "[]", :id "Hyg5A04Bc-"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505214161101, :text "[]", :id "SJ_CRESqb"}}}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "ryRUmMgOY0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HykvQfguFCK-", :author "root", 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"r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1-dXGlOYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkzd7Ge_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "widget"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkVNXflut0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJH47Mg_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkUNmMx_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1wVQzxdYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1uEQfxuKRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryFEQMgOKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9EQzluYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SkKrQGlOtRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By5Bmfgdt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jrQGxOYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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{:type :expr, :id "SkV_XGlutRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJSumMeuFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ8d7Ml_YRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clear-done"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkv_7MedY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1udXGeuYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "e"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkYumMe_F0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk5umfldt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1jOXMeuYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skh_mMldKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|dispatch clear-done"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ry6_7MluY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1AuQGeuK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJtmfguFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, 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1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "By3F7zxuKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1TY7GxuFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkAKXfx_FCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":add"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1JqXGldK0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkg57GxdF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":draft"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy-9mfeOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkMqmfldKRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJX5XMx_YRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1N5Xzx_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJHq7zeOF0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJI5XfgdtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "state"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDqQzgOF0YW", :author "root", 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"ByXsmGxOKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNiQfeOt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyroXzxut0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "120"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByLimMe_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "20"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwjQGxOFRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "98"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryuiQMxOtCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1to7flutRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":line-height"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkqjXzxOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|24px"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SksomGg_t0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry3omzxdtCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":font-size"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpsXMedKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "16"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rJRjQfxOFCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id 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"nil", :id "rkdGGM49ZCW"}}, :id "rkHGGzEqbC-"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "loop", :id "H1xbGzE9bA-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1510373648352, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "x", :id "BJQ-zfN9WCZ"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "20", :id "HJNWGGNc-RZ"}}, :id "H1-ZzG49-AW"}}, :id "BJMuztgN1G"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "dispatch!", :id "SJIWff45WCb"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text ":hit-first", :id "H1P-zGNqZCb"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509168137711, :text "rand", :id "HyYbMMN5WRZ"}}, :id "rydWzf49ZA-"}}, :id "rJH-zMN9WCW"}, "v" {:type :expr, 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1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rktilGl_t0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.comparator"}}}, :defs {"type-as-int" {:type :expr, :id "ByNhxzl_KRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJB2xfxutRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk8nxzgOt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-as-int"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkDnlzl_tCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJd2ezeuK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJFngflutCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ92gMldtCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cond"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rki2gfxOtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJh3xzxOKRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkanlMxuFCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "number?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyR3ezguKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJaeGxOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJl6lMgdt0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BybagfxdYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJf6ezx_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "keyword?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ7TxMeOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S14alfldtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ByrTefe_FAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "ByUTlfe_YRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1DplzxdYAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By_agfxOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rktTgGluKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "2"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "S1qTxfxdtCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ipxfxdKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":else"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BknpgflutAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk66gGeOY0FW", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712664791, :text "throw"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712665650, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJA6efxdK0Y-", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712668065, :text "|use number, keyword or string in coord!"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712671140, :text "js/Error.", :id "r1lEsPDulz"}}, :id "SJlMsvwOlM"}}}}}}}}}, "compare-more" {:type :expr, :id "ryyReMeuKRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJl0eMe_KRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkWClGeOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "compare-more"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJzAlMlOtCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXRxMgOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkEAgGxdYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "y"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkSReMgdKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJL0lGx_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rywAeGxuKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1ORgGeOFRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFCgzldY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-x"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJq0lMg_FCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJiAlfx_YCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-as-int"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ2CgGxOK0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryaAgGg_KCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk0RlMldtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-y"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syk1bMxuYCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SylyZMluKRFZ", :author "root", 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"H1nJ-Ml_KAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6kbzgOFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "compare"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy0k-MedFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkyxZMeuY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "type-y"}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "Skm2gfgOK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.test.comp.task" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "H1ovsGx_F0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3vjMeuY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJaDozedtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.test.comp.task"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1Uuifg_YCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Pusfe_t0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1yYjMgutRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1lFszx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkbKsfgOtAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl.core"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkMFiMx_tRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1mtjzl_YCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1EYofxOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1BFjfxuKRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "hsl"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1eHldha6Z", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk-_iMedtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.macros"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MujGg_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1508915183390, :text ":refer"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r17usMguFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJV_jfg_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1BujGguY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505409019792, :text "defcomp", :id "rkX-uV_qW"}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1508915185060, :text "[]", :id "HyYgdhTpZ"}}}}}}}, :defs {"comp-task" {:type :expr, :id "B1wKsMgdF0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By_tjGeuK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1505409022685, :text "defcomp"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByttjGgdYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-task"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkk5iflOt0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hke9ozldFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1etGdE_cb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyL5sGlOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "div"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkPqjGe_tRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk_coGgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryK5oMxdYAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqcjGxdK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "span"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SysqoGxutRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By25iMluKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJTcizxdF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy09jGg_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":inner-text"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByyjsGlOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkgoifldFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":text"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Zsjzl_tCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "BkIYife_YRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.detect" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "Sk1EGeGldKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkx4MlzedKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-NGxGxdt0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}}}, :defs {"element?" {:type :expr, :id "HymNfgMldY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEEMeMg_FCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJB4Gxfx_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hk8VGxfxOFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJw4MlGe_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1_NMxMg_tCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkY4MgMl_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkcEzxGeutAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJoVMlGldKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk34fgGxdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Ska4zgGedF0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0EMgze_tCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kHGxGx_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BklSMgfe_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1505327744637, :text ":attrs"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkmt9eP5W", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0EMgze_tCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kHGxGx_KRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BklSMgfe_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1505327740915, :text ":style"}}}}}}}, "=seq" {:type :expr, :id "S1WrGeGedKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJGBzlzldtRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJmSMeGlOK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "=seq"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H14SflMeOF0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HySHzxMldY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJIBGlMgdFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1DHGgfedYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkdrzlzg_KAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1KrMxfxdKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r19SMxzeuKRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1jrMgMeOtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hk2rMgfxOKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJaSMlGgdF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H10SMxGldtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ1IGxze_F0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HklUzlfx_KAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b-empty?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJW8GlMeuFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJfLMxfgdt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Q8GlfgOKCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJVIzlMxuYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkHLfgMl_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyLUflzxutRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1DLfxMedF0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SydLfgGxutAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJFUMxMedK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b-empty?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJq8zeGl_YAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "true"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyiUfefgdY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By2LzlfluYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1TUMezxuKCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkRLzeGldFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "or"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kDzgMxdF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a-empty?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJevMlGxOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "b-empty?"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1-vMlzluFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "false"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1fwMlfxdtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryQvfgMguKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkEDzxMldtRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJHDzezedYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryIvGxGluK0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJPvzeGeOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy_vGeGe_tAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "a"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1FDfgzgdYCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJcwGxMguFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJoDMgfxOtAtW", 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"H1wdzgzg_KCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJuuMefg_tCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJKdzxfgdFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byc_zezluKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJjuzxMgdKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ2OMeMxuYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1adGgfxdtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRdzxMeuYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r11FGeGeOtAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryltGlMx_FCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-KMlMguYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGKzxzxOFCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, 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1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B16ebzgOYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk0xZGxdYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1b-GgdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BylZWfeOtCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-bZzxdYRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJY-bGedt0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByqW-GguK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkoWZzedYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SynbZGg_t0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJpWbGeOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10bbMeuK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type 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"root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1nfbzxuK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1TG-Me_t0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkCfWGl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkkXWGe_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyg7ZMgdKAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1bmWMl_tRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkz7bGedYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkXXZGgutAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJNmbfe_FCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkH7-fxOtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rk8XZGxOFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1P7-Mx_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1dQWzxuYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkF7-zxuFRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1q7bMe_FAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "Syj7WGgdYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ2QZGldYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Syp7ZzeOFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJRQ-MedFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r11NZzl_Y0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1eEWzxuFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkWEbMldKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJG4-feOtRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkQN-Mx_K0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" 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"B1hH-GldFAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HypBbfldKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJ0SbMlOYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk1UWGeOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sye8bfluKAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkZIWfxdtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1fUZzxuYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJm8bGe_FRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryEUWGgOKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJBUZfx_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryI8bfxOKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1D8bMldK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk_U-MxdFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1t8bMluY0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By5UWMldY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJiLZGl_KRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJ3UZGeOY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyTUWGx_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkAU-zxdtAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJkDbfl_tCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgD-zg_tCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1ZDZfx_KRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1MvZGl_Y0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyXDWMxdFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "acc"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk4PWzl_tAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByHDbMgdYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "last"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJUDWzlutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1wv-GeOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1OwWfx_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1tw-GxutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ9DZMgOtRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "find-event-target" {:type :expr, :id "HJjDZflOYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hP-MedFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skpv-MlutAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-event-target"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Sy0vWzgdKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ1OWGgdtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkguZzeuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rk-ubMxutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1fOWzedFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ7u-MgOFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1EObMg_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1HuWGxOKAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1I_Zzg_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkvdbfluY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkdO-zxuKCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-markup-at"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FdbGeOKRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H15dZzg_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkjubfxOFAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BynuZzl_F0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJpdZzxOtAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1RubMl_F0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkJtbfl_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rJeKZMedFAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy-Y-zg_F0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzF-MgOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1XtbMxdKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|target element:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJNtZzlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1SFbMgOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8YZMeOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJPY-fl_YCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1dF-fgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HktYWfxOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry5tZzl_t0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByotWMxdFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r12YZflutAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryaFZGxdFAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1RFbGeOKRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJc-ze_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJx9-fxuFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryb5-fguKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1McWGgOt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Q9ZMg_FRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4q-flOK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1B5ZfguFAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By85-fxdYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByDqbzg_K0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1d9bzldYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyF9bGluY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy99bMguKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Byo5WfxOKAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ29bMguKAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S165bfx_YAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-exists?"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJRcZMxdtCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJJi-Ml_FCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "recur"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkesbzxdFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1bo-ze_tCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1GibMeuKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "subvec"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H17iWfeuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Es-flOFAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkrjWflOtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLoWGg_KCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1PiZzedt0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByuoWGl_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "count"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SktiWGxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ry5o-fx_tAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}}}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByijZfxuFAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy2iZGluFCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}}}}}, "get-markup-at" {:type :expr, :id "SJpjWfldY0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10o-MlOYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJJnbGldYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-markup-at"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1l3-zl_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-3WzxuKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1z3-GeuFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skm2bfe_F0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJV2bflutCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1H3-zx_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkInZGldKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|markup:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1DhbMeuFAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hku2bfxdtRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryY2bzx_FAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "BJ53WMgOtRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJj2Wzedt0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk2nWfldYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkp3-Ml_FCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "empty?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkA2-GeOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkJTWGldKAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1g6Wfg_tRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkWa-MgOKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" 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"B1RpZzxOt0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJyR-Gx_FRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "r1l0-zx_YCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByWRbzxdt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkG0bzgOtRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By7AbfldFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEC-zxuYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJSAZGx_FAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8A-MeuYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1wCZGxutCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1OCWMgdt0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "filter-first"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJFA-zxdKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJcCWMgdtAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryi0bGg_KCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2CZGxdFRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BypR-feOK0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ0CWfg_t0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkJ1fMeuKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1l1fzluFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJbkzGluKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-entry"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyGyfGguYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Xkfzg_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord-head"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkNJfGe_FRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJHkzzxutCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkL1MfxuK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryvyMMg_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkdyzzeuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJYkGzeuFAFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyqkzGxdt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyiyffgdKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ21GfxuFAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk6kMGluF0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-markup-at"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJCJfMg_YCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJklzfxuFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1elzGguYCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-pair"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkZefzx_KAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "1"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJzxfzlOF0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXlzMg_tAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rest"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJElfzldtAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJHxfGgOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy8gGzl_FRYb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712551663, :text "throw"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712553351, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkPgGGxuKCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk_xffxOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKlzfedYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|child not found:"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qxfGx_FRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1sxMfxuKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1hgMzedY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJTgfMx_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H10lGzxuY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skk-fzl_K0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HylbzGgutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712555708, :text "js/Error.", :id "r1zEvwugG"}}, :id "SyfZVvPOgz"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "build-deliver-event" {:type :expr, :id "H1dQzfldK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyKmMGx_KAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcXGMx_KRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1oQMzx_Y0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkh7GGx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkaQGfx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SyCXzzxOK0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJkVMzluY0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SylNMMguYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1-VzfgdYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJz4zzeuYCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJQNGfx_F0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "simple-event"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyNEGGe_FRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkSEMGlut0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJUEzfl_KAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BywNfGxdtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1uNzzlOFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkK4fGxdFCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk5NzGgOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-event-target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1oNfGxdK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk3EGfe_F0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkTVGMx_FRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy0Vzzl_tAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkyHzGxuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-component"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByxHGzgOtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1bSzfe_K0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get-component-at"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1zHzzx_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByXrffedYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyVSfMeOKCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJBrfzgdK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "this-cursor"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkIHzzgOYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkDSGzgut0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":cursor"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ_HfMx_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-component"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJYrfzeOt0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ9rffguY0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-listener"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJiBGfeOYRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H12Bfzgdt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H16HGfxOF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkCBGGgOF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H11UMMxdK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByeLzGldt0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event-name"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SJWUffxOYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GIfMgOt0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryX8zGxOFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy4IfMgOFRK-", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1513612020835, :text "fn$"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkHUfMxOYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJUUGMg_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyw8GzeOK0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bk_IfMguYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKIzGxuYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1cIfMeOtRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BksLzMe_KCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1n8GGluFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1a8Mfl_FAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "this-cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkALzfxuFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByJwGfl_KRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rkgDGfxOYRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SybDMMxuYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJGPzfgutAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkQPzGxdKAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1VPMzeuFAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1rPfMl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1Lvfzedt0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwvGMxuFRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJdwMzxOF0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKDMMguKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "next-state"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HkqvzMgdKAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1jwffxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJ3wzGgOK0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkpDzMxOKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ0Pfze_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target-listener"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HykuMMgOY0Fb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryx_zfxdtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkWdfzxdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryzdfMeuFCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkmOffg_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ4dzfgdKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|listener 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:id "ryqiofedKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ojoGldtCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1mnoMgOFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE3iMlOK0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skr2iMe_FRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI3oMedFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HyDhjMluKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy_3sGxOFRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1t3oGg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H19nsfguYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element?"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ryshjGxOYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "=seq"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "B1n2ofgdFCKW", :time 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:leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375934969, :text "schema", :id "S1QSpL3wqZ"}}, :id "B1WeaL3Pqb"}}}}}, :defs {"render-component" {:type :expr, :id "SyNaiGxdKRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByS6ofxuFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkI6szluYRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-component"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1P6sflOY0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkOTjzx_FAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1t6oMguFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1casMx_YCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BksToGgutCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Sy2aiMeuFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ppizxuFCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r10pjGxOK0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kRjGlOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "and"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyxAjMxOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1W0sfe_FRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1fCjfeOK0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry70ifgOYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk40jfxdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "=seq"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkrCiGeutCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1LAjMedtAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1wRjzx_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ry_0oflOK0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJKAsMeut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkcCsGxuKRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bks0ozguYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ2AizgutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "identical?"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkaAjGxdtAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1CAsMxdKCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJJnMe_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1lk2fedFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWJhfgOK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryMy3MgdKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1QknMlOY0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk41hGe_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1Hk3GxOK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryLJ2zeut0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryD13Ge_KCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJuyhfgdtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|not changed"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BJKynfgdF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1cJ2GeOFRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryj1nMe_Y0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JhMgdtRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1T12MguFRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "rJRk3zl_FRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk1enMeOK0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "begin-time"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SJgenGldtRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-xnfx_YCKb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620409, :text ".valueOf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620973, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712623156, :text "js/Date.", :id "HyHOwwugG"}}, :id "SJgB_wvdeM"}}}}}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "SyOmhflut0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkKXnMgOtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tree"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyqX3MxOFCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyo72Ge_YRYb", :author "root", :time 1505302921328, :text "render-markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2QnGgOtAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup-tree"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJaX3feOtAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkCXnGxutAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yNhzx_t0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-cursor"}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rygEhzldt0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-4nGgOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tree"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1zVhzxOYRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "rJafhMlOYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B10GhGldFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "half-render"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryy7hzluFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rklQnzluF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "apply"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1-X3MeuKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1G72Ml_t0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJGe2zg_tRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryXe2GlOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "By4gnGg_tCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkSx3Ml_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkLg2zxuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryN-nGxuFRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1r-nMx_YAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-cursor"}, "b" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505715129176, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715129965, :text "or", :id "Bkx-aXk65Z"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505715130563, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715131720, :text ":cursor", :id "rJWzpXya5Z"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715133304, :text "markup", :id "SkMV67k65-"}}, :id "ry76Qyp5b"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505715136281, :text "cursor", :id "SJPpmk65Z"}}, :id "SJbb671p9-"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJ2ehGeOtCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJal3MgdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "new-coord"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyRg2GxOKAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1J-3Gl_tCYb", 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:id "S15f2GgdKCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Skjfhzl_YCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":render"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2z3zxOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :id "S174hMl_Y0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk442fedY0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cost"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1r4nze_tRF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI43zxuFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJgqdDwOgf", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ-xnfx_YCKb", :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620409, :text ".valueOf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712620973, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712623156, :text "js/Date.", :id "HyHOwwugG"}}, :id "SJgB_wvdeM"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJYN3MldKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "begin-time"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyqEnGgdYCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1sNnMl_tCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1n42MgOKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkaV3GxuFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|markup tree:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkC43zgOYCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyr2MgOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyxSnMxuYAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup-tree"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rybBnfeOY0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJzS3MgOKRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkQHnGgOK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkNrnfx_KCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|no cache:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "B1rS3GeutAtZ", :author "root", 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"BJhU3GgdKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyT82MxOYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "S1RUhflOKRKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkyv3Gx_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "B1gDnfxdY0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "render-children" {:type :expr, :id "ry-v3feut0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGwhMldFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmvhMluFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bk4v2zgdYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkBDhMxdKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1Uw3GeOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Dwhfe_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text 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1504774121421, :text "mapped-cache"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkNOnfxOtRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJrdnfeOKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "into"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryUu2zgOF0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkwdhfeOKAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkdunfedtCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1506925809905, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SkKO3Geut0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy9_hflOKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkj_2fgutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJhOhzxuFAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hya_2MluF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "map"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkAunfg_tRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type 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:time 1504774121421, :text "get"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJQ93fe_FRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapped-cache"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By452zlOtRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1S5hfldYAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1I9hGgOYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Skvq2Ge_tCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1d5hzg_KRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJt52MxdYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJqq2MldKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-child"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hkoq2fxut0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy392GeOFRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "do"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sya9nfgOtCY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRc2GeOFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkyinGe_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|old child:"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlinGgdFAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1Wjnfg_YRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJfohze_Y0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk7inGlOYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-child"}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Es3MedtCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1Hi2fedYAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryUj3flOYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "k"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyDihMedF0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJOonMlOKRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HyFonfedtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1qj2GluYCtZ", :author "root", 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:text "old-child"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "By8nnMgutCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1506925812360, :text "doall", :id "B1g9xTLy2b"}}, :id "r15e68ynW"}}}}}, "render-element" {:type :expr, :id "ByP33zxOF0F-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJO2hMedt0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1K22Gg_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJq2nMguKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJjhhMgutRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJn23Me_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkT33GgOYAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyA23MeOY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ya2GguFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Skxp3GguYAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Wa2zeOYCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1zpnzldtCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "BJXp3GguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyEpnzxOtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkB6hMl_F0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkLpnGl_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvphMgOK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkdT2MxdYRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkY6nMgdKCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rk9a2GxuFAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1sahzl_FAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ3p2zgdFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJa6nGedF0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJRa2Gx_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yAnze_YRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "B1l0hGxOKCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-AnGxutRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1fC3GgOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HyXC3fxuY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJN0hMldKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkr0nfgut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ".log"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyIChMldKCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "js/console"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwA2Ge_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|children should have order:"}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HydAnzl_tAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1t02zedYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1cA3GlOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "r1sRnzg_F0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJn0hflutAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyTR2fguYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "B10ChzeuYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkykTMlOYRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1eJazeOtRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1ZJpfl_YCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByzJaMl_FAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B17kpGgOKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1E1pfguFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyrJTfxdYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "ByL1aMlOKCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "HkDJ6zxdY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "child-elements"}}}}}}}, "render-markup" {:type :expr, :id "Bkuypfg_tRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJFyaMgdF0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ916fe_FCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-markup"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyjyaMgOY0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk2kaGe_F0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H161azg_FRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkAypzxdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1505325712568, :text "comp-coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "ByJg6zeOKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "BJleafl_F0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJbxpGgdtCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryfgazxOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sy7lafl_KRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJNxTGxOtCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyrxTzluFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJIeaGxdFCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1DxpflOF0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-component"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By_gpGguK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SytepMl_K0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkcepMg_FCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "HJilpzlutAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BynxTMgdtCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rk6lTMlOKRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAl6fxdK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H11baze_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "coord"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxWaMxutCtb", :author "root", :time 1505325710519, :text "comp-coord"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "r1--azedFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "cursor"}, "y" {:type :leaf, :id "r1GWpfg_KRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "old-element"}}}}}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1505375308000, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375310141, :text "println", :id "BkeN8Enw5bleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375317358, :text "|render markup:", :id "BJNIL42D5W"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505375319067, :text "markup", :id "B1RUN3vqZ"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1505376378041, :text ";", :id "HJfK_2vc-"}}, :id "BkeN8Enw5b"}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rkXasfx_FAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "r1Lt4gMgOFAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryvt4lGgOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkdFEgzedKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.core"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJFKNlGx_KCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk9KEezl_K0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "rkJp4lGgOFRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJxTNlGguY0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbaVgfgOtCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.detect"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1fTEgzxuYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "S1m64xGxdtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry4a4xGxOFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1SaExGguYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}}}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "Bkk24lMgdYAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1x2NgGx_tRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ-2NxMeuKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.client"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkz3VlfxdKCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Symn4lzxuFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkEhVxMxuYCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyH2EgGeutCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "By8h4xGldYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkjKEgzedYRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rynYExfxOFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1atEgze_Y0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.env"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRtElGeuFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk1cNxMgOFRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hkl5VlfluFAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJWqNlMlOtCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "H1xoVlGguYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJZjNeMeOKCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryfoNeGe_YAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.diff"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJXiEezeOFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "By4jNgMxdY0t-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJSsNgfe_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyUo4lfxutCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJYqEeflOtRKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk5qEeMg_tRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rko5EgfgdKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.controller.resolve"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1ncEgGguFAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hy65NlzluFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1RcEgMxdFCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1kiNxMedY0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "Hkv3ExGxOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1d3Elfx_Y0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FhEgGxdY0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.list"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1qn4efx_FAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HysnNlGeOK0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1n24xMlOtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1T3NxfguFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJRhVgMgOK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "n" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782741285, :text "pick-event", :id "Byes06luMG"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJGcExGguY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r175EeGx_t0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJVq4eMxdtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.render.expand"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ryB5NxfeuKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1U5VxMg_tAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkwq4lfguYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyu9VxzxdF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "SJDiVeGl_KAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJOi4lMgOFRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJKiNgGluYRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.util.format"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Byci4gflOt0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1oo4eGeOYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy2oNxzx_KCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkpi4efgOtRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkRsNxMeOtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mute-element"}}}}}, "yv" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727695077, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727696555, :text "[]", :id "H1gD0pMcAZleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727698379, :text "respo.schema", :id "rJgF0pM9R-"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727698767, :text ":as", :id "BkS506G50b"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727699801, :text "schema", :id "SJGoCpz9CW"}}, :id "H1gD0pMcAZ"}}}}}, :defs {"*changes-logger" {:type :expr, :id "HJwp4lzxuY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1OpNgGe_t0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJY6NefxOtRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes-logger"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1qp4xzeOtAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rko6VeGx_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1naVxzgOKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "create-element" {:type :expr, :id "By66EgzgdYAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyC6EgfgdYRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1k0VxfeOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "create-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkx0ElfluKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbCVxGxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGANgfluFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1mREeMedFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "&"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyE0NeMl_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJrA4xMguFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI0NxGluKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyPANxzlOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJdRVezxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HktC4ezl_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkcCEeGx_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyj04lMguKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJn0NlMgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkaC4xfg_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryRRExzedYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H11kBxfluKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byl1Sxfg_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWyreMlOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByfkBlfluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXkrlMxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJVyHgfedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryBkrlGgdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUkHxMedtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDyrxGxuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJd1BxMgdFRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJYkHgfe_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B15JrgMgOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJs1HgGxdY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JHeGx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJ6yHlflOF0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRySlGeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1513782729323, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782731925, :text "pick-event", :id "BJZ0px_zMleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1513782735356, :text "props", :id "rJlw0pxuMG"}}, :id "BJZ0px_zM"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rkteBxfldt0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ceBezxutRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkslrgGl_KAFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ngHezeuKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "arrange-children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BypgSxzeOYAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1RlSlzedt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ybreGgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1xZBgzeuFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWZHefedK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGWSgze_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1X-Sxze_YRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE-rgfeutRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1rbSezgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B18ZHxGgOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyPZBeGxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJd-SgMgOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SkYZHefxOYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19-SgzluYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1jWHxzeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3ZSxGlOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpbrlMl_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAWrxzgut0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "S1kfSgMlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxzSgfxOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-MSlMg_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "children"}}}}}}}, "t" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511966921576, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511966923670, :text "assert", :id "BJzRdHhlGleaf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967405174, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967412666, :text "|For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: ", :id "HJMEtB2lG"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967406048, :text "str", :id "Hk8ncH3gz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967416764, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967418406, :text "pr-str", :id "r1gancSnlG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967419631, :text "children", :id "Sy76qShlz"}}, :id "rJ-T9Snlf"}}, :id "H1lr29r2xG"}, "n" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967482844, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1511967298757, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967299332, :text "some", :id "ByiScH3xfleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967303719, :text "sequential?", :id "rypBqHhez"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967305138, :text "children", :id "BJxlUcShlG"}}, :id "ByiScH3xf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1511967483827, :text "not", :id "Syl7ZiBhlf"}}, :id "SkXbjSnlG"}}, :id "BJzRdHhlG"}}}, "render!" {:type :expr, :id "ryfMrlfldFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1Xfreze_tCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJNzBlzluYCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BkBfBlfgdY0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyUzSlGluKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyPMSezxuYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1dzreGgdYRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1KMHefeOFCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk9fSgzgOYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1sMBxMgOFAF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkhfrlMedYRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r16zBlzl_tCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rk0zSezlutRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyJ7HlMgdY0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rerender-app!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BylXBxfeuK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ZQBefxdFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rJGXBxfeuF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Bk7mrgMeuKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ4mSxfxdtRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-app!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJBXHlzlOYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1IXHxGgOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyP7HxMl_YCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}}}, "render-element" {:type :expr, :id "SyO7SxMe_FRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJY7reMx_tRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy97refeuYCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HksQSlGlOYRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk2XSlGxOKAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkpQHlzlOY0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ0mSgMgOYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-app"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HyJNrxzgdK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BylErxGgdt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*dom-element"}}}}}, "mount-app!" {:type :expr, :id "BkZ4reMeuFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyG4rlzxutAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkmNBlGe_YAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mount-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ByNESxGe_t0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkr4HlGeut0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJL4rgMeuKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SyP4BlzxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "r1uErxzx_FRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryt4rgzguKAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Hy9EBlGluF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJs4HgMldKCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "instance?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry2Nrxfe_F0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Hya4rgflOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "S1AESlMeOFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|1st argument should be an element"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "rJySrxMlOKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJgHHlGgutAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJWBBgzeuKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1MHHezgOYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ7SSlfg_Y0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJEBHgGgOK0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|2nd argument should be a component"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "HkBrSgfldYAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B18HBxGl_tAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1DSrxGeuFCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "SJdHBefxutCtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJYBHlMguFCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJcrrxGxOtRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SksrreMl_YRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HynBBefx_YCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1TrHezedYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H10BBxzxOYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryyLHxMxOFAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rke8SxflOKCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJZLBlfgdFRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1GLHxzlOFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SJmUHlzxdFAK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1EUSxzg_FAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1BUBxzedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkLIrgflOKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|mount app"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkP8rxGluK0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkO8SgfxdtAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "activate-instance!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkYIrlzxOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk98SefeuYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "purify-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1oIHlzeuFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk2IrefeuYAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "By6USlMxuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ryAIBgGedtRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkkDSlGguKCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1eDSefxutRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy-DreflOY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkGDSxGgdKCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1XwSgMeOKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEwSxGedYCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJHPSxflOFAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "create-list-element" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :text "defn", :id "SJZsyjY1CZ"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509034723018, :text "create-list-element", :id "B1GjkjK1CW"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Bkx0ElfluKRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJbCVxGxdtCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryGANgfluFRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HyE0NeMl_YRKb", :author "root", :time 1509073531039, :text "child-map"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJrA4xMguFCtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJI0NxGluKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyPANxzlOF0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "HJdRVezxdK0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HktC4ezl_t0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkcCEeGx_FRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hyj04lMguKCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pick-attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJn0NlMgdYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HkaC4xfg_t0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryRRExzedYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H11kBxfluKCYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Byl1Sxfg_tAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkWyreMlOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByfkBlfluF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "contains?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkXkrlMxOYAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJVyHgfedYCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryBkrlGgdYAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUkHxMedtCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "sort-by"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryDyrxGxuYRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "first"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJd1BxMgdFRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJYkHgfe_FAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B15JrgMgOYCKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SJs1HgGxdY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk2JHeGx_K0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "list"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJ6yHlflOF0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJRySlGeutAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkJgBgzedY0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJeerlfe_Y0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "or"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rybgBxMgdtAFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkfgSlfeuKRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":on"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk7xBlzedFAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryVlSxzxOK0FZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1HlBxMg_tCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJIlSeMeOFRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "props"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BJPgHgzlOF0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1_gBxMl_Y0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}}}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1RlSlzedt0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1ybreGgOY0YW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "{}"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1xZBgzeuFRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryWZHefedK0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJGWSgze_KAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tag-name"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H1X-Sxze_YRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HkE-rgfeutRtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":coord"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1rbSezgdFCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B18ZHxGgOt0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SyPZBeGxOYAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":attrs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJd-SgMgOFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "attrs"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "SkYZHefxOYCF-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B19-SgzluYCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":style"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1jWHxzeuYAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "styles"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3ZSxGlOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJpbrlMl_tAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkAWrxzgut0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "event"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "S1kfSgMlut0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxzSgfxOtCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":children"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ry-MSlMg_FRt-", :author "root", :time 1509073533618, :text "child-map"}}}}}}}}, :id "Hkxj1stJRZ"}, "create-comp" {:type :expr, :id "HkLvSxfeOKRK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SywDBlMe_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_vBxGeOY0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "create-comp"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJtwBeMgutCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BycwrxGxOt0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-name"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByjPHgze_KCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hk3wrefguKRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ6DBezgdKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B10vrgGxdFCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyOBxMgOtAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|create component:"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SyxdHxMgutCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "comp-name"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "ByCKHgGguKCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryJqHlMx_KCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1lqBxzgdtRtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By-9Hgzlut0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "&"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1f9rlfl_KCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "args"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "H179rlzedYRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJVcBgzl_Y0t-", :author "root", :time 1509727712807, :text "merge"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1B5HxMe_t0KZ", :author "root", :time 1509727738190, :text "schema/component"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727713685, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727715349, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1L9BefldK0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":args"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727717049, :text "args", :id "Bkh10zqCW"}}, :id "SJzskRz50W"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727714589, :text "{}", :id "HJlcJCfcR-"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727720519, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727722372, :text ":name", :id "r1blRMcRWleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727723582, :text "comp-name", :id "HyVfeCMqAZ"}}, :id "r1blRMcRW"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "root", :time 1509727724140, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727728036, :text ":render", :id "BkbVgAz5R-leaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "root", :time 1509727728688, :text "render", :id "H1Zul0G50b"}}, :id "BkbVgAz5R-"}}, :id "rJ9yRz5RZ"}}}}}}}, "realize-ssr!" {:type :expr, :id "Hk_5SeGxOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1tcHxfgdtRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B19qSgfgOFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "realize-ssr!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1ocBlMlut0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ25SeGxOF0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJpqHlGlOYAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJRcSlMedF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "Hy1iBxGl_tCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkgjrxGx_KAFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ByWsSezgdYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMiSeGx_K0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "instance?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJXsSlGeuKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByEoSgflutAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "B1roSxMldY0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|1st argument should be an element"}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "HyLsSezedtAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJwjBgfgdFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assert"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "ryOsrlMldtRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKirxfe_KCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "component?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "By9sHgMx_YCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HyjjreMlOKAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|2nd argument should be a component"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "BJ3irxzeOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk6iSefedKRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H10sBgfeuFCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1k3rezeuKAYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1x3BgMgOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkWnrlGl_KRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkG2SlGx_tAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJXhHgMldtRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1NnHgzldKAYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJSnBeze_YRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1L3SxMxOtAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryPnBlfl_t0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJu3BxGxOKAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mute-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyY2BlfxdF0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ry5hSefgutRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BysnSgGedKAtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1hhrxzeuKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1p3Bgfl_FCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}}}}}, "*dom-element" {:type :expr, :id "HyAhrxze_KRt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJkpHxzgOYAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BkxTSefeut0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1bTHgzgutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJMaHlMgOYRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJmTBeMluYAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "rerender-app!" {:type :expr, :id "H1VpHgflOKCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkBprxfeOF0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJLpBeGgdFRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "rerender-app!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkPTrxGxOKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryuTHlzxdYAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkt6BxMxdtAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqTSezxdYAtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJiprlzgOF0K-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1h6rlMgOtCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "yr" {:type :expr, :id "Syjz8eGeOKRY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3GUxfxOYCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1Tf8lMlOt0Kb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1CfUgzl_K0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "yT" {:type :expr, :id "BkGzIxMeOYCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S17GLxGlOKCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "patch-instance!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJEMIgMeOKAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJBGUeMl_YCY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "target"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1LMIlGxOYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJTpSxflOt0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "H1CpBgzx_FRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1yRSlMg_KAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Sye0HeGguK0tZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJWArxMxOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "render-element"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJMASlGx_FAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "markup"}}}}}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rym0BxMe_YAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "By4ASlzgdK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SyrRBxGeOF0tb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1U0rgzeOtAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "build-deliver-event"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkDCBeze_Y0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_CSezluYRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "dispatch!"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkK0BgzldYRYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HycASeGldFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1sRHgGldFRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy3AHeMguYRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "r1aRHgfgOKCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyA0reGe_tRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HkJJLxMlOFAtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJekUeGldKCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "H1b1IlfeOKRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryMJIgflOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJmJUezxuFCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJV1IezxdYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "r1By8xzeuFCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UkIeMxOFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "swap!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkwkUxze_tCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*changes"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_kLgflutCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "conj"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "rkFkIxze_FCF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "x"}}}}}}}}}, "x" {:type :expr, :id "S1slIlfe_YCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ2g8xfgOYCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "find-element-diffs"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy6g8xflOFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "collect!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "ryRxUgfeOKCFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1kbUlMxOYAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "S1xZUxMe_KRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "x" {:type :leaf, :id "Byb-UeMgut0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "H1CJ8xfgOtRFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJyeLgMxOK0tZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BJexUgGgdYRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rybx8xMeOKRY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "|Changes:"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJzlIxGldKAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1meIeGgOYCtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "pr-str"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BJElIezg_YCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJrgUxGgdFCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapv"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1LlLefxdF0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJPe8xMldKAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "partial"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJugIlfgdtRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "take"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BktgIeGl_YCYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "2"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HkqeIezxOK0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}}}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "SkPGLxGxOt0Kb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ_GLxGxOF0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByYG8lGguFCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJqMUgGxuKAYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B19yLxMl_YRFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryj1IlflOKRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H13yIlGedtRF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJpkIlMldK0Y-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "S1MWLxMedtCtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Sy7-UxfgOFAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "let"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "BkVbLxGluFAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :id "S1HbUxMg_tCYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ry8ZLgfl_t0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1v-UgfxdF0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes-logger"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Byu-8gGeutCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1FbIgGgdF0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "Bkq-LgMluYRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJsZLeMgOt0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "some?"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJnbIxGgdY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyaWIeMeOYAYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1CW8xzldK0KZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "logger"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryyGIlzlOKRKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*global-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SJlz8lMluYRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "element"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "SkZM8xMx_FAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "@*changes"}}}}}}}}}}}, "*global-element" {:type :expr, :id "H11mUgGe_KCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJlmIgGlOKRtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defonce"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SyZ7IeGgutAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*global-element"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BJG7IxfxdKCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1QX8lGedtCtZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "atom"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Sk4XLeflOt0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}, "clear-cache!" {:type :expr, :id "SJHXLgGguYCKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk8mLgGxOYCKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B1wQLlfguF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clear-cache!"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "B1u78lfl_K0Yb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "B1Y7IlGe_Y0KW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkqmIxzl_tRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "reset!"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1iXLlfxOKRYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "*dom-element"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJn7LxGxOtCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "nil"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "B1LaVgGeuYCK-", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}, "respo.util.dom" {:ns {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :text "ns", :id "HkZ38_v_eM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :text "respo.util.dom", :id "S1z28dDOeM"}}, :id "HJe3IODOgz"}, :defs {"shared-canvas-context" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712949104, :text "def", :id "SJb8h_Dulz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :text "shared-canvas-context", :id "SyzInuv_gf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712941660, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712950763, :text "if", :id "rJgC2_wdgG"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712957662, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712958710, :text "and", :id "By-1a_vOgf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712961574, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713253567, :text "exists?", :id "HyxPadDdgG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712981591, :text "js/document", :id "rJlCuD_gz"}}, :id "HyqpdwOeM"}, "b" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712974502, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712978443, :text "js/window", :id "BJLCdvuxfleaf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713250762, :text "exists?", :id "rk-1YD_xf"}}, :id "H1DJtP_gz"}}, :id "HyLTODOgM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713024536, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712992552, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713006244, :text ".createElement", :id "SkFJKv_gzleaf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713010664, :text "js/document", :id "B1OlFP_xz"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713012654, :text "|canvas", :id "H1ngYvdlf"}}, :id "SkFJKv_gz"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713027499, :text ".getContext", :id "r1gK-tv_lz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713029620, :text "|2d", :id "rylhWtvOez"}}, :id "SktbFv_gG"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713031151, :text "nil", :id "SkyfKD_gM"}}, :id "BJmUnOD_eM"}}, :id "HylI2_wdgf"}, "text-width" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :text "defn", :id "BJZuMKwdgz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :text "text-width", :id "HyfuMKv_lf"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713039830, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713045646, :text "content", :id "H1pMYD_lz"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713047834, :text "font-size", :id "rkymFD_lG"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713049550, :text "font-family", :id "HJzgQKvuef"}}, :id "Sy7OGKwdlG"}, "v" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713051657, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713055827, :text "if", :id "rkN7tvugzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713056318, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713058409, :text "some?", :id "Skxd7Ywdez"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713059037, :text "shared-canvas-context", :id "HyoXYDOeG"}}, :id "Bybu7Fv_xM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713085079, :data {"T" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713060905, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713065943, :text "set!", :id "BJpQFDOgfleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713066837, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713194329, :text ".-font", :id "SJXNKPOxf"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713069065, :text "shared-canvas-context", :id "SySNtPdez"}}, :id "S1lmEtwdxM"}, "r" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713072930, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713073414, :text "str", :id "rJ_NYDOlG"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713075227, :text "font-size", :id "Sy5VYwdef"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713077510, :text "|px ", :id "SynEtP_lz"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713080294, :text "font-family", :id "ByR4tvOxG"}}, :id "rytNKDuxM"}}, :id "BJpQFDOgf"}, "D" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713086289, :text "do", :id "SyzBSKwOlz"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713086784, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713089353, :text ".-width", :id "ryxPSKD_lzleaf"}, "j" {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713089893, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713094991, :text ".measureText", :id "r1VKHYDOeM"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713096119, :text "shared-canvas-context", :id "BklUtD_eM"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713098126, :text "content", :id "Byb8YPulf"}}, :id "rkqHYPuxM"}}, :id "ryxPSKD_lz"}}, :id "BkZHHFvdgf"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511713101132, :text "nil", :id "SJSIYDdgM"}}, :id "rkN7tvugz"}}, :id "r1g_ztPueM"}}, :proc {:type :expr, :author "rJoDgvdeG", :time 1511712852131, :data {}, :id "HyX2IdP_xz"}}, "respo.app.updater.core" {:ns {:type :expr, :id "BJjUZxMguYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJhIZeGx_tCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "ns"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HJa8WgzluFRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.app.updater.core"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "S1CLbgfx_KCFZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hy1wZgfxOt0FW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":require"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SklPZeMguY0KZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJWPZlzldFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rkMPbxMl_KRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "clojure.string"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "SkQvbgGgOtRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":as"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk4vbxfxOFCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "string"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "BySDWxzldFCKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H18PZeMlutRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1DwbgGe_Y0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "respo.cursor"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "r1uv-xGldFAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":refer"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "rJYPZezxutCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BkqwZeGgOF0YZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BksDblzedFCYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate"}}}}}}}}}, :defs {"updater" {:type :expr, :id "SJaDbeMxOKAY-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HyCwZlzldt0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "defn"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJy_-lGxOtAtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "updater"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkxdbgMluFCFW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJbd-xfeuFAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJzuWgzgdtAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJmu-efeOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "By4uZgGgOKAFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-id"}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "ryHuWgMgutAKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJUdWefldKCK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ";"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SkwuWxGeut0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "println"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SyOdWgzx_tCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" 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"HkBzzgzg_YRt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task-id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "S1UfzgfgOKAKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkvGGlMxOYRYW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "B1OGMxMeutAYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "HkFzzgzldY0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tasks"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkqzfgGxuFRFb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "r1jMMlMxuKRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapv"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "By2GGlzlOtAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkTzGxzldFCtW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJAGGlMgdYAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJyQMgfeOtAYb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "Hkx7MgMe_FCt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SkbXfxzgOt0F-", 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"BJ3RbezluYCKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ryp0WxzldFAKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->>"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ryA0WeGx_YRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "tasks"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkJyzgGgOtAt-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SylJfgfl_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mapv"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "SkZkflGl_KRtW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rJzJfxfeuYRFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "HJX1GxMxdYAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "rkEJfgzguKAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkHkGezedYRYb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HJU1zezedYRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "if"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "S1DkfxflOtRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bkd1zxfxut0Yb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "="}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJtkzeMe_YAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk5kGgMe_KRFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJsJMgGe_F0tW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "HJ3yzxzeOFAt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task-id"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "HJ6kfxzg_Y0FW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ01MeMgdFRtb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "SJJxzeGgdK0K-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rkglfxMg_K0tb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":text"}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "HkblGxGgdtAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "text"}}}, "v" {:type :leaf, :id "H1fxGgMe_KAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "B17FWefl_YCFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-type"}, "x" 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1504774121421, :text ":id"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "r1o3WgzeOF0Fb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "task"}}}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "rJ23blze_tRFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkpKZlMeOKCYZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByRFWxGe_K0FZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":add"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rky5blfedK0YZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJe5bxMl_FRKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "update"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "ByZ5WlGeOK0t-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "H1f9WgflOKCKb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "HJ7cWgfeutAKW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "BJ49ZlGx_KAF-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "fn"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "B1Bq-eMeutRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk89-xfeutAYb", 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:text "false"}}}}}}}}}}}, "yj" {:type :expr, :id "SkmezxfeOY0tW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk4gflMx_tAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":hit-first"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rkSxzxfluKAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "SJ8xfxfg_YCt-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "->"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "rJDlMgMxuFCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "SkuxzlGxdKAtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "HytgflMguFAFb", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "update-in"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "By9gGxMl_Y0Y-", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1ilzgfl_FRK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "Hk3eGeMldK0F-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BJTlzgGl_tCFZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "0"}}}, "r" {:type :expr, :id "rkClMgfe_F0KW", :time 1504774121421, 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1504774121421, :text "update"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H1dKZxzgdKRYW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "ByKYZxMx_t0KW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":states"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "BkctWlGgdKAtb", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "S1jtWezeutAY-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "mutate"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "H13YWxGlOtAKZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "op-data"}}}}}}}, "y" {:type :expr, :id "rkT3ZgzlOYRKZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "Bk0nZxfedKCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":clear"}, "j" {:type :expr, :id "rJyp-xzl_tRtZ", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "H1la-xfedYCFW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "assoc"}, "j" {:type :leaf, :id "BybpZgGeOFRKW", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}, "r" {:type :leaf, :id "BkGaWgGxOtRYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text ":tasks"}, "v" {:type :expr, :id "SkXa-gzeut0YW", :time 1504774121421, :data {"T" {:type :leaf, :id "ByV6WezgOKCYZ", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "[]"}}}}}}}, "yv" {:type :leaf, :id "ByA7feflOKAK-", :author "root", :time 1504774121421, :text "store"}}}}}}, :proc {:type :expr, :id "rkhPZlfgOYAKb", :time 1504774121421, :data {}}}}, :extension ".cljc"}, :sessions {}, :users {"root" {:id "root", :name "root", :nickname "root", :password "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", :avatar nil, :theme :star-trail}, "rJoDgvdeG" {:id "rJoDgvdeG", :name "chen", :nickname "chen", :password "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", :avatar nil, :theme :star-trail}}, :saved-files {}, :configs {:storage-key "coir.edn", :extension ".cljs", :output "src", :port 6001}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/respo/controller/resolve.cljs b/src/respo/controller/resolve.cljs index ed88c5e..b251b81 100644 --- a/src/respo/controller/resolve.cljs +++ b/src/respo/controller/resolve.cljs @@ -42,13 +42,6 @@ (recur element (subvec coord 0 (- (count coord) 1)) event-name) nil))))) -(defn all-component-coords [markup] - (if (component? markup) - (cons (:coord markup) (all-component-coords (:tree markup))) - (->> (:children markup) - (map (fn [child-entry] (all-component-coords (val child-entry)))) - (apply concat)))) - (defn build-deliver-event [*global-element dispatch!] (fn [coord event-name simple-event] (let [target-element (find-event-target @*global-element coord event-name) diff --git a/src/respo/render/expand.cljs b/src/respo/render/expand.cljs index c2c6a2f..0bd37cc 100644 --- a/src/respo/render/expand.cljs +++ b/src/respo/render/expand.cljs @@ -42,10 +42,8 @@ (doall (->> children (map - (fn [child-entry] - (let [k (first child-entry) - child-element (last child-entry) - old-child (get mapped-cache k)] + (fn [[k child-element]] + (let [old-child (get mapped-cache k)] (comment if (nil? old-child) @@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ (do (comment println "not changed" coord) old-element) (let [begin-time (.valueOf (js/Date.)) args (:args markup) - component (first markup) new-coord (conj coord (:name markup)) new-cursor (or (:cursor markup) cursor) render (:render markup) diff --git a/src/respo/util/list.cljs b/src/respo/util/list.cljs index 55e4520..c17a8bd 100644 --- a/src/respo/util/list.cljs +++ b/src/respo/util/list.cljs @@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ (defn pick-attrs [props] (if (nil? props) (list) - (let [base-attrs (->> (-> props (dissoc :on) (dissoc :event) (dissoc :style)) - (filter - (fn [[k v]] (not (re-matches (re-pattern "on-\\w+") (name k))))))] - (sort-by first base-attrs)))) + (->> (-> props (dissoc :on) (dissoc :event) (dissoc :style)) + (filter (fn [[k v]] (not (re-matches (re-pattern "on-\\w+") (name k))))) + (sort-by first)))) (defn val-exists? [pair] (some? (last pair)))