diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yaml b/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
index 43b63b0..2adb642 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,18 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Get yarn cache
+ id: yarn-cache
+ run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
+ - uses: actions/cache@v1
+ name: Cache node modules of yarn
+ with:
+ path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache.outputs.dir }}
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('yarn.lock') }}
+ restore-keys: |
+ ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
diff --git a/calcit.cirru b/calcit.cirru
index bbcf73e..a863201 100644
--- a/calcit.cirru
+++ b/calcit.cirru
@@ -1,12240 +1,21779 @@
- :users $ {}
- |rJoDgvdeG $ {} (:id |rJoDgvdeG) (:name |chen) (:nickname |chen) (:password |d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) (:avatar nil) (:theme :star-trail)
- |root $ {} (:id |root) (:name |root) (:nickname |root) (:password |d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) (:avatar nil) (:theme :star-trail)
+ :configs $ {} (:reload-fn |respo.main/reload!) (:port 6001) (:output |src) (:compact-output? true) (:storage-key |calcit.cirru) (:version |0.14.31)
+ :modules $ [] |memof/compact.cirru |lilac/compact.cirru |calcit-test/compact.cirru
+ :init-fn |respo.main/main!
+ :extension |.cljs
:ir $ {} (:package |respo)
:files $ {}
- |respo.app.style.widget $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |respo.schema $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |Effect $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300116522) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defrecord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615302402472) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |Effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300095252) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300112097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300113800) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300114700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615300095252
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |Component $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278599071) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |defrecord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278584275) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |Component) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615302393562) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278594768) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278597143) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615278579000
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |Element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278631573) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278633572) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yr $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278635355) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yv $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278638314) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |defrecord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278622035) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615302384922) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278628293) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278629851) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615278616530
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |effect $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572975536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572970677) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572977581) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572982171) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572984492) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572977834
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:respo-node) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572993070) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572994513) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572989655
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572987289) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572987833) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572987495
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572985180
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571572999739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573000248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573000099
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572996327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573005229) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573006299) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573010966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573016311) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573017655) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |parent) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573020414) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1594556709664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573016117
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573006505
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573005963
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573004068
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572970677
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571572970677
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |cache-info $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128524075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cache-info) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128521861) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128525060) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128526375) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128527024) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128525355
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:initial-loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128599812) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128552155) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128527554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:last-hit) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128692796) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128577658) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128548625
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:hit-times) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128615161) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592128619977) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128604110
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128521861
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592128521861
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505328949889
+ :by |root
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505328949889) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505328949889) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505328949889
+ :by |root
+ |respo.app.comp.container $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-container $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718727659) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-global) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |r $ {} (:text |comp-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718729784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |s $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515895708881) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text "||states: ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582927810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505327099898) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515895708075
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-global $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-global) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-states $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830018171) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915063808) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |>>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718739742) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440507879) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031345886)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592134715502) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592134718074) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592134718793) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592134719112) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592134722022) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592134718980
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592134715191
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.schema $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |button $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |task $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |button) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:line-height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"28px") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571551548528)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |100) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:display) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inline-block) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:cursor) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:pointer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-family) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |28) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"0 6px 0 6px") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571551542606)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:background-color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |80) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |70) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |input $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:done?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |store $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-size) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||16px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:line-height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||24px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||0px 8px") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:outline) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:none) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:min-width) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||300px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:background-color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |94) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:border) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:none) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717667420) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717667935) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717667697
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717665248
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.app.comp.wrap $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.util.dom $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |text-width $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713039830) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713039830) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713045646) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |font-size) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713047834) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713049550) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713039830
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713055827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713058409) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713059037) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713056318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713086289) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |set!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582254767) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.-font) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582251718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610291320230) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582250155
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713073414) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |font-size) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713075227) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||px ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713077510) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713080294) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713072930
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713060905
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713089353) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!measureText) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299097293) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713096119) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713098126) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713089893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713086784
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713085079
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713101132) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713051657
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713039830
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |time! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573340422) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |time!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573340422) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573354714
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/Date.now) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299111276) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573352573
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573340422
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |compare-to-dom! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815704509) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-to-dom!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815704509) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815745559) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815719025) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815704509
+ :by |root
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831794711) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830817270) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"compare") (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831117125) (:by |root)
+ |p $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831405781) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831406862) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831404928
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831327578) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831376412) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |vals) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831354677) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831336570) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831339614) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831338020
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831352947
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831325932
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830816491
+ :by |root
+ |u $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831797247) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299216999) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830830791) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830825546
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830138579) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |virtual-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830693329) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763463721) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815756999) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815761065) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815756068
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830082251
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830138972
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |real-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830150553) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.!toLowerCase) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299054814) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-tagName) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815766925) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815770517) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815764305
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830084997
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830147620
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830138830
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830078828) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212172970) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830160483) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |real-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830162025) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815746389
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299050316) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text "|\"SSR checking: tag names do not match:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832761307) (:by |root)
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832832009) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831821094) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831818869) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831826495) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831819690
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832830626
+ :by |root
+ |w $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831830652) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830120964
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830077150
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830137956
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830256529) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212175197) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815891633) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815887642) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815889892) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815885011
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815890320
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-length) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815898109) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815903187) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815904957) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815900565
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815892347
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815879997
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207069049) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |maybe-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207074816) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206412177) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |pairs-map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763794288) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206422607) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206418715) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206849376
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763792187
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206409278
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207069767
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207069412
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206391351) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206408931) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |maybe-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207080665) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206405448
+ :by |root
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207418509) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207404196) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |maybe-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207407640) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207410780) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207414751) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207408971
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207404007
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299070602) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"SSR checking: noticed dom containing innerHTML:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1530207446749) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815904957) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206424739
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207401065
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831623231) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.error) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299068073) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"SSR checking: children sizes do not match!") (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832736857) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830187657
+ :by |root
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |b $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299062557) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"virtual:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1529833110265) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541874457) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832865919) (:by |root)
+ |P $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832970824) (:by |root)
+ |R $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206899792) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530206900401) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206897760
+ :by |root
+ |S $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832871319) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832873317) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832872030
+ :by |root
+ |q $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529833137299) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832862971
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831589989
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299065086) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"real:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831610016) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830241412) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830243454) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830239274
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831602840
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529831621447
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530206390299
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530207068204
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830404535) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |real-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830408632) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830413575) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830414836) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830409348
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830404885
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830404758
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830340182) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830355775) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830357157) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830340719
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |other-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830370138) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830375147) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |vdom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830376283) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830373576
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830361612
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830340478
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830571074) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830386884) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830388661) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |other-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529831706758) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830387436
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830383160
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-to-dom!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830582504) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885804989) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |other-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830588817) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830904553
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830594136) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |real-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830598225) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830599884) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830593234
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830571757
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830601679) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830618835) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830619546) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830617982
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830605416) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |other-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830607660) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830602517
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830600883
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830380564
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830258663
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830403040
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830186509
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815704509
+ :by |root
+ |shared-canvas-context $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712949104) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712941660) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712950763) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712958710) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713250762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/window) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712978443) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712974502
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713253567) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/document) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712981591) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712961574
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712957662
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.!getContext) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299086906) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.createElement) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713006244) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/document) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713010664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||canvas) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713012654) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712992552
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text ||2d) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713029620) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511713024536
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713031151) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712941660
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712941660
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712852131
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.wrap) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505301328166)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712852131) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712852131) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1505301331033)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529830097485) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830069322)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915113987)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885810635) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885816497) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885817751) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885818170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885819155) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885817942
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885810265
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529830096052
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712852131
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |respo.app.core $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |comp-wrap $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |render-app! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-wrap) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |render!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611849029556) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |*store $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186359045) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |schema/store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |dispatch! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623599499802) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720061550) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |updater) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-id!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871619101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871619734
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |handle-ssr! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814786924) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |handle-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814786924) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814839976) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529814786924
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |realize-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814684031) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529814786924
+ :by |root
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.app.comp.container $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214232140) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214236402) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-container) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830018171)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915063808)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214241667) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |span) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718739742) (:text |>>)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440507879) (:text |a)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214244283) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |render!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |realize-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763768898) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214248444) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.app.schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214251355) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.app.updater) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571567296220) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134715191)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214253641) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |updater) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134715502) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134718074) (:text |respo.comp.space)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134718793) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134718980)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214256484) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.util.id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134719112) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592134722022) (:text |=<)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214258150) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-id!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.render.patch $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |comp-container $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |replace-prop $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718727659)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-global) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718729784)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |s $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1515895708075)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1515895708881) (:text |str)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582927810) (:text "||states: ")
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pr-str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612122986) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612124015) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612139084) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612123330
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612127713) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212135735) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612129609) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |identical?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584532031) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212158971) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076728088) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076728088) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076728088) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076728088) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076728088
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076730573) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076730573) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076730573) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076730573) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076730573
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612107887
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |add-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022182370) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022188312) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |parent-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-parentElement) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!insertBefore) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299029389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |parent-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |run-effect $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584061797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |run-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584061797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584061797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584061797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505639266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584061797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505527586) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505529273) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505530622) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505528559
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571587470291) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571587472632) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584062993
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572507524060) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Unknown effects target:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505606809) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505559083) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505531510
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505527034
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584061797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |add-prop $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612147209) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612148243) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612150904) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612147611
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612282004) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612155446) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612157618) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |case-default) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584543089) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584541095) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584541095) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584541095) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584541095) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623584541095
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text ||style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076694462) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076694462) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |prop-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076694462) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076694462) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076694462) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076694462
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076694462
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612145888
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |replace-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022219791) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022221353) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |parent-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-parentElement) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!insertBefore) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298995389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |parent-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!remove) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298996962) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |add-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064541697) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064579926) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!stopPropagation) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299014311) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064548468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612064548468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |add-style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612177643) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612179316) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612180214) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612178245
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612184085) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612096838) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612186380) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290110251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612188246) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290113942) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612175215
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |find-target $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505746508) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505750018) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505747189
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203114542) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:states) (:by |root) (:at 1505327099898)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-global $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505774558) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505777060) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505777714) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505775994
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505780916) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505774020
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572505767602
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |rm-event $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-global) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-family) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-states $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |rm-style $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |8) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612206623) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |replace-style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612194286) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612195284) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612195797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612194636
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612292204) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612100602) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |p) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612197836) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413426428) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |f $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413774644) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413426428) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413426428) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1621413426428
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1621413426428
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1621413309749
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610612192396
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |rm-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505376312417) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505376313962) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505376315269) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505376313121
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!remove) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584509658) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584507875) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.") (:type :leaf) (:at 1505376369651) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505376316231
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505376311769
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |apply-dom-changes $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-firstElementChild) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815273075) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029065400) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023585762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"4 items") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023592150) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023596242) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023597264) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023598424) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023598980) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023597626
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023593883
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023583248
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029091768) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029093159) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029093470) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029094147) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029092010
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029088371
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |d $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023606970) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023607785) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023608055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023608399) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023607275
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023604708
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029097796) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029093159) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029093470) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023610070) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029092010
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029088371
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029101665) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029103085) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029103385) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023610917) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029102014
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029100463
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yyT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921754622) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921755388) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/replace-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921090034) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921753946
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |replace-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023617007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yyj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921756711) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921757478) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/append-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921096442) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921756063
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |append-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023620616) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023621805) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yyn $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584019801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584024536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op/effect-mount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521976375) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584020078
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584033932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584035839) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584039176) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505555674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584031327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584018933
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yyp $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584019801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584024536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op/effect-unmount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572522008145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584020078
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584033932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584035839) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584039176) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505555674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584031327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584018933
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yyq $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584019801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584024536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op/effect-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572522009659) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584020078
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584033932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584035839) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584039176) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505555674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584031327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584018933
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yyr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029114269) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||not implemented:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583244563) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583245954) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921759098
+ :by |root
+ |yyqT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584019801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584024536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op/effect-before-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572522005870) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584020078
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584033932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584035839) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584039176) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572505555674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584031327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584018933
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921741272) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921742164) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/replace-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921068496) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921740695
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |replace-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921743440) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921744132) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921067091) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921742846
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921745453) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921745952) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/set-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921098758) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921744877
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612064870128) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921747653) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921748198) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/rm-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921063938) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921746753
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rm-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yx $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921749477) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921749918) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921082965) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921748883
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023615160) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yy $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921752119) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921752855) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921085749) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921751525
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921632338) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921731695) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921732308) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/replace-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921074654) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921731082
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |replace-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921735523) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921736242) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921073360) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921733119
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921637106
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921737559) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921738108) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921071080) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921736990
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921739555) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921739967) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |op/add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921069876) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921738988
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |append-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |append-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022230196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022232328) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!appendChild) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299007499) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |rm-prop $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515771408225) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515771409412) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610612168588) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515771408607
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515771408443
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076742345) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076742345) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076742345) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076742345) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076742345
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515771402147
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.render.html $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.html) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.patch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop->attr) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text->html) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290193899) (:text |get-style-value)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697715262) (:text |dashed->camel)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290226207) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |style->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921028940) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema.op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921101977) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921033014) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921103387) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921026110
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.render.dom $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |element->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |style->string $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541616732) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610287168609)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625826299621) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610287930130) (:text |pairs-map)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |either) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289009104)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text-inside) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356708165)
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356709151)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356709603)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356709729)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:textarea) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356722395)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356723117)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |escape-html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356727951)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356856748)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356856393)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356863457)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |either) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289011778)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:innerHTML) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text->html) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inner-text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tailored-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dissoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:innerHTML) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dissoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inner-text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290121722) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290124240) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290124494) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290121925
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290120469
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1508600721515)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1508600730204)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290132996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props-in-string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tailored-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579782265)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579889062)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579787296) (:text |self-closing)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579934537) (:text |&set:includes?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579897814) (:text |tag-name)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579888048) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text ||<)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |props-in-string)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |props-in-string)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text "|| ")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text ||)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579901219) (:text |tag-name)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625580373330) (:text "|| >")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579931485)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |str)
- |yr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |tag-name)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |text-inside)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |join-str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||<)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |props-in-string)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065)
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290130432) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text ||;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |join-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029884623) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |make-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022050881) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022090724) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"coord is required") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022096540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022102505) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022098125) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022098593
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022087754
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020845406) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020850079) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020854854) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020845931
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612021159249) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020903823) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020860572) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020902681
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020863121) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020865861) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020867341) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020869542) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020873918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020868254
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020864193
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020856045
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190774281) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!createElement) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298940110) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |js/document) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712593524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |child-elements) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540312307) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |props-in-string)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text "|| ")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text |tag-name)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||>)
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579902065) (:text ||>)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579937268) (:text |&let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579947826) (:text |children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |entry)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029968842) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062757369) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |H $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062759143) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062760114) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062758251
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |J $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062762790) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |O $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272784524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272786498) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272787174) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272785234
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272815056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"nil key is bad for Respo") (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272836461) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272788102
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272781577
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590120955) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590116440) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571497237959) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571497235375
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |child)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571497232967) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |entry)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145)
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612018956907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612018958719) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612018960165) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612018956220
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571497234163
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029955816
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191896915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710860110
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191954872) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |element->string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579939145) (:text |child)
- |entry->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop->attr) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289060967)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.escape) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693894637)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1508599040218)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599040686)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599021605)
- :data $ {}
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599023893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |bool?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289091650)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599027170)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599029941)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1508599030568)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599031475)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599021605)
- :data $ {}
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599023893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |number?) (:by |root) (:at 1508599060138)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599027170)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599029941)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1508599030568)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599031475)
- |wT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599021605)
- :data $ {}
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599023893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |keyword?) (:by |root) (:at 1508599131810)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599027170)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599029941)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289064493)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599031475)
- |wj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599159698)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599163749)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |string?) (:by |root) (:at 1508599165979)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599166869)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599234789)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |escape-html) (:by |root) (:at 1508599235651)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599169148)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599049536)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203169002)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508599161467)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1508599162298)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1508599051449)
- |escape-html $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |escape-html) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356884509)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356885476)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356886561)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356888690)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356889535)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596102369852)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412070977)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||\"") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412072880)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||<) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356539277)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||<) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356541439)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412074386)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||>) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356543433)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||>) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356546006)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412075612)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&newline) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290907026)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"
") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596102589821)
- |make-string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012140901)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |props->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541584495)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286036259) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286020849)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797286599)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505374986462) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505374988848) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505374989216) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505374987219
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076675970) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076675970) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076675970) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541076675970) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541076675970
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505374985363
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191908650) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710862329
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290336787) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |starts-with?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542543700)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||on-) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542576248)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542547145)
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290339729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542574914) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542547145) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797287302) (:text |and)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797287684)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797288707) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797289060) (:text |v)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286021564) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286021768)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286021941)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286022133) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286023147)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290339729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290339729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290339729
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290339729
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290335425
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286023849) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286025524) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286026081)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286026599) (:text |v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286026981)
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290343407) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286033497) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286029863) (:text |pair)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |join-str) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285926671)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|| ") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289043528)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289045566) (:text |to-pairs)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412124135)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412129305) (:text |.to-list)
- |style->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541599812)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625826309275)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582306411) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290359578) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290359578) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697683371) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290359578
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191910805) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584104389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584102520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |virtual-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584102520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623584102520
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710866263
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584109099) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290165024)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584110032) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584111705) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623584109376
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623584106186
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |name-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290165829) (:text |get-style-value)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697705681)
+ |T $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |name-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290854409) (:text |style-name)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697709553) (:text |dashed->camel)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290141181)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290142519) (:text |style-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290142923)
+ |T $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612018980216) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290145505) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290147728) (:text |k)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||:) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290173324)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290173324) (:text |escape-html)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290173324) (:text |v)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290150922) (:text |style-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |join-str) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285982170)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |self-closing $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579791816)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579791816) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579791816) (:text |self-closing)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579791816)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579797088) (:text |#{})
- |yr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579818625) (:text "|\"input")
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579815376) (:text "|\"hr")
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579799094) (:text "|\"area")
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579810522) (:text "|\"col")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579808671) (:text "|\"br")
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579817610) (:text "|\"img")
- |yx $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579821907) (:text "|\"meta")
- |yyj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579827647) (:text "|\"track")
- |yyT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579825169) (:text "|\"source")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579801378) (:text "|\"base")
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579812929) (:text "|\"embed")
- |yy $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579822976) (:text "|\"param")
- |yyr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579829632) (:text "|\"wbr")
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625579819955) (:text "|\"link")
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!stopPropagation) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298951999) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191927473) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |child-elements) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610194967094) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610194968356) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610194970311) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610194967568
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!appendChild) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298955108) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610194936664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |child-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610194936664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610194936664
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610194965908
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020844418
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.main $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714053436)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714053436)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.main) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714053436)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714079782)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714088676)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714088948)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714089812)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714092170)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714092875)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714093124)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714093849)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*changes-logger) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714101816)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610465510488) (:text |clear-cache!)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714112837)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714113862)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.core) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714115981)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714117106)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714117398)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714117609)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render-app!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714120365)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714122091)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763207855)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290197216) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763208165) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763215603) (:text |respo.app.core)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763217061) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763217245)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020917912) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020934647) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020926615) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763217468) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763217776) (:text |handle-ssr!)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020927561) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612020929515) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020927304
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612020913904
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.schema.op $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |main! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714064801)
+ |replace-prop $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714147703)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |main!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714064801)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714064801)
- :data $ {}
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529814828134)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529814828532) (:text |handle-ssr!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529814837949) (:text |mount-target)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763814369) (:text |;)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714151201)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714151642)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714151901)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714152077)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |raw) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714159309)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714159624)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!getItem) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298892776)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/window.localStorage) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714167059)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||respo.calcit) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378538280)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714171488)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714172059)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714172408)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714173139)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |raw) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714174088)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714174658)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |swap!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714175868)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714177637)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714178943)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714180772)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378094696)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378086008)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378042977) (:text |raw)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378088124) (:text |js/JSON.parse)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378095422) (:text |extract-cirru-edn)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714188800)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render-app!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714191933)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714194378)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714210559)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-watch) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714197749)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714217070)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:rerender) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714219489)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347101304)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714220597)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render-app!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714232501)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714235679)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347101873) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347102100)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347103379) (:text |store)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347104458) (:text |prev)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714240706)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714734746)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reset!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714243683)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*changes-logger) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714251576)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714252645)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714260040)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714260344)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-tree) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714261804)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714263034)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714264193)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714265521)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761921981)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714268749)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |to-js-data) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761919364)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714272165)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714274084)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714275046)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Loaded.) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714279547)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714280283)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!now) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298897365)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/performance) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714286951)
- |u $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615274283893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615274288270) (:text |load-console-formatter!)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285304683)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285304683) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285304683) (:text |js/window)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285304683) (:text ||onbeforeunload)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347118871)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347121576)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285304683) (:text |save-store!)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347119459) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347119841)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347120601) (:text |event)
- |mount-target $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714063789)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920900259) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920757879) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |11) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920969688) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920757879
+ :by |root
+ |add-element $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714126882)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714063789)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284962044)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714063789)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.querySelector) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714131169)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/document) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714135296)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||.app) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714138171)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284966288) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284966514)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284969359) (:text |exists?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284973062) (:text |js/document)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610284978780) (:text |nil)
- |reload! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714076488)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920814252) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920790595) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920815969) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920790595
+ :by |root
+ |add-prop $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714076488)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reload!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714076488)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714076488)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714293542)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |clear-cache!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714296695)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714297341)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render-app!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714299850)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714301998)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714302367)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298909147)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||code updated.") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714306996)
- |xT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |add-watch)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |*store)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |:rerender)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |store)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |prev)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |render-app!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697800326) (:text |mount-target)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697802769)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697806530) (:text |remove-watch)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697802769) (:text |*store)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697802769) (:text |:rerender)
- |save-store! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714070196)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920895382) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920760423) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |10) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920967810) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920760423
+ :by |root
+ |replace-element $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714070196)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |save-store!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714070196)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714070196)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714357501)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!setItem) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298919632)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/window.localStorage) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714368950)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||respo.calcit) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378543688)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378077475)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714373782)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |to-cirru-edn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378075170)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714376733)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714377407)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714380697)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610378081980) (:text |js/JSON.stringify)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511714315065)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920878196) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920797062) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920862050) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920797062
+ :by |root
+ |add-style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920913975) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920766350) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920974431) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920766350
+ :by |root
+ |set-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921447857) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |set-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920933652) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |30) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920980144) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920779217
+ :by |root
+ |rm-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920952138) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920784876) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |32) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920985172) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920784876
+ :by |root
+ |rm-style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920924808) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920776112) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |22) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920978283) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920776112
+ :by |root
+ |effect-mount $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521777565) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-mount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521760381) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |41) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521779516) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521760381
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |replace-style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920920415) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |replace-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920774287) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |21) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920976985) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920774287
+ :by |root
+ |rm-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920838971) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920794452) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920881474) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920794452
+ :by |root
+ |append-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920822758) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |append-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920804206) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920845568) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920804206
+ :by |root
+ |effect-unmount $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521806568) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-unmount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521762724) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |44) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521807957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521762724
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |rm-prop $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920906407) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920762699) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |12) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920971567) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920762699
+ :by |root
+ |effect-update $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521787525) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521765373) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |43) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521786677) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521765373
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |effect-before-update $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521798380) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-before-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521771240) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |42) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521799902) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521771240
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.util.format $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920723777
+ :by |root
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920723777) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema.op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513920723777) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513920723777
+ :by |root
+ |respo.test.comp.todolist $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-todolist $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505409072010) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711975290) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541722376) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189396310) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189397962) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189396797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189393868
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-todolist $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:blue) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||\"微软雅黑\", Verdana") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.comp.todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.comp.task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915194695) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830145807) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915196724) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |5 $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711983734) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |D $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505409082913) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |list->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711981544) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.util.comparator $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |prop->attr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |type-as-int $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop->attr) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||class-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||class) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||tab-index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||tabindex) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1508595954898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||read-only) (:by |root) (:at 1508595961204)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||readonly) (:by |root) (:at 1508595964339)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203244994)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203246320) (:text |x)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797578919)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797582480) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797585686)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290810138) (:text |includes?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797593975) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797595144) (:text "|\"?")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797599316)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797601269) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290820637) (:text "|\"[Respo] warning: property includes `?` in")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797701808) (:text |x)
- |event->prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||on) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610207670774)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |event->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |type-as-int) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |number?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keyword?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |string?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203123374) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raise) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185588112) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||use number, keyword or string in coord!") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185588112) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610185588112
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |compare-xy $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&str:slice) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693561429)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612762046832)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |3) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |dashed->camel $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |type-x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |type-as-int) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |type-y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |type-as-int) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |type-x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |type-y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582843725) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keyword?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582848282) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582848632) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582844828
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582854439) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582819541
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582856142) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582857761) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582856142
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582843058
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |type-x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |type-y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |compare $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029342088)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582017691)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581995024) (:text |dashed-letter-pattern)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582020543) (:text |.!replace)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582022718) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582024048)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582024418) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582025583)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582147255) (:text |cc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582159844) (:text |pos)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582157511) (:text |prop)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582110898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582106149)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623585089269) (:text |aget)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582170252) (:text |cc)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623585089775) (:text |1)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582120166) (:text |.!toUpperCase)
- |dashed-letter-pattern $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581995727)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189294686) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189291359) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189295841) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189296187) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189291359
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189301481) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189302203) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189303290) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189303570) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189301755
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |-1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189307907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189304812
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189313199) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189303290) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189303570) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189301755
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189314824) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189304812
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189318915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189319459) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189318378
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189296729
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189291359
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.comparator) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.controller.client $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |build-listener $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581995727) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581995727) (:text |dashed-letter-pattern)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581995727)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623581997824) (:text |new)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582002058) (:text |js/RegExp)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582015695) (:text "|\"-[a-z]")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582013317) (:text "|\"g")
- |purify-events $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |build-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |simple-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event->edn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |simple-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |patch-instance! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541633533)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610208928742)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610208929856)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610208931061) (:text |first)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766606927)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766609367) (:text |filter)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766609572)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766610546) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766610870)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017845871) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017834121)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766615048)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766616020) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596766616793) (:text |v)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017835249) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017835473)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017835634)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017835827) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017836802)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017837468) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017839501) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017840240)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017840513) (:text |v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017840983)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017841661) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610017843083) (:text |pair)
- |l $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610705568128)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610705569393) (:text |to-pairs)
- |hsl $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031220537)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |patch-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |build-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611848949159) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |activate-instance! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031220537) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031220537) (:text |hsl)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031220537)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031224002) (:text |h)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031224438) (:text |s)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031225177) (:text |l)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831943199) (:text |?)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831942099) (:text |arg)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031227731)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031228187) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031228490)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031229892)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031230804) (:text |a)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831949128)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831951361) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831952100) (:text |arg)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831952945) (:text |1)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031240675)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031242430) (:text |str)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031265693) (:text |h)
- |w $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031269243) (:text |l)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031262445) (:text "|\")")
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031247053) (:text "|\"hsl(")
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031258174) (:text "|\"%,")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031252250) (:text "|\"%,")
- |t $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031267424) (:text |s)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031249013) (:text "|\",")
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031260076) (:text |a)
- |event->edn $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |activate-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entire-dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |build-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190640640) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190643914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190646442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190647462) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190639372
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!appendChild) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298984165) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-point) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entire-dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |listener-builder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022135488) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022135008
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.controller.client) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.patch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event->edn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |make-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.comp.task $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-task $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->edn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375390166) (:text |;)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299132906)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"simplify event:") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320148254)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"keypress") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320133881)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375468042)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375468977) (:text |merge)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375435652)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375442825) (:text |map-keyboard-event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375445812) (:text |event)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356376452)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:keypress) (:by |root) (:at 1530375200628)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029045169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356432247)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1507356436106)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356439268)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:msg) (:by |root) (:at 1507356443151)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||Unhandled event: ") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029045849)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029045849) (:text |.-type)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029045849) (:text |event)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"change") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320141663)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356414848)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:change) (:by |root) (:at 1507356419468)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356422422)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1507356423113)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1536679003089) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719173865) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719176906) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719177962) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719174123
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719172690
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212419277) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586890799) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effect-log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586927464) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083411761) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586895374
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513786754951) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"keyup") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320136533)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375476156)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375477052) (:text |merge)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375435652)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375442825) (:text |map-keyboard-event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375445812) (:text |event)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356389169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:keyup) (:by |root) (:at 1507356391758)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"keydown") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320130879)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375434548)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375435372) (:text |merge)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375435652)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375442825) (:text |map-keyboard-event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375445812) (:text |event)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356376452)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:keydown) (:by |root) (:at 1507356379176)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356381011)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:key-code) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-keyCode) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356381011)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:keycode) (:by |root) (:at 1507356387437)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-keyCode) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"focus") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320143496)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356425148)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:focus) (:by |root) (:at 1507356430636)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"click") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320127389)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356445560)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:click) (:by |root) (:at 1507356448692)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"input") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320139392)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356404325)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:input) (:by |root) (:at 1507356407422)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1507356412556)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1507356413338)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"value") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320113734)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320072402)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320075203) (:text |:checked)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320075484)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610209598100) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1552320081092) (:text |event)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610209599286) (:text |.-target)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610209600937) (:text |.-checked)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:original-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1507356354798)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |upper-case $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192084569)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192086424) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192084569) (:text |upper-case)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192084569)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192093569) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192233038)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192094548)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192172114) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192172354)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192172656)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192173166) (:text |code)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192173379)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298849063) (:text |.!charCodeAt)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192181300) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192182279) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192183809)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192184185) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192184845)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192186004) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192186211)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192190429) (:text |>=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192188288) (:text |code)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192189237) (:text |97)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192191082)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192193200) (:text |<=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192194368) (:text |code)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192194978) (:text |122)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192218236)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192213501)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192214056) (:text |-)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192215068) (:text |32)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192216617) (:text |code)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192231483) (:text |js/String.fromCharCode)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192251261) (:text |x)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192233566) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192234148)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192234455) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192236913)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192235218) (:text |x)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192239503) (:text |count)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192245917) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610192252391) (:text |x)
- |get-style-value $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289959451)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289959451) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289959451) (:text |get-style-value)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289959451)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290210463) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289967411) (:text |prop)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |string?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |keyword?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289979453) (:text |x)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289985214)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289985706)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289987237) (:text |number?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289987695) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613289988432)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290030893) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290061893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290043818) (:text |pattern-non-dimension-props)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622533255104) (:text |.!test)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290069472) (:text |prop)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290097704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290096442) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290098159) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290098976)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290099883) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290100287) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290101540) (:text "|\"px")
- |mute-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610705958058)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541650194)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719090017) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719090845) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719091699) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719090626
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719094932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719096043) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719097786) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720105188) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719097135
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719094021
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719089367
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515603136628) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719103368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719103914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719104519) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719103687
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719108258) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:remove) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719102767
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515603131600
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||Remove) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yx $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yy $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:left) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |200) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-done) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"background-color") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610447660397) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |map-keyboard-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375446806)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375446806) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375446806) (:text |map-keyboard-event)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375446806)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375448936) (:text |event)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375179034)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375180254) (:text |:key)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375182300)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375183129) (:text |.-key)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375184063) (:text |event)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375184716)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375185391) (:text |:code)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375185644)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375187278) (:text |.-code)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375187882) (:text |event)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375315159)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375319893) (:text |:ctrl?)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375337222)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375341264) (:text |.-ctrlKey)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375341970) (:text |event)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375320383)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375321897) (:text |:meta?)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375343648)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375347021) (:text |.-metaKey)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375348129) (:text |event)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375349388)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375352314) (:text |:alt?)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375352591)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375354741) (:text |.-altKey)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375355455) (:text |event)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375495540)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375498599) (:text |:shift?)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530375498894)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375500889) (:text |.-shiftKey)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530375501545) (:text |event)
- |purify-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496529941)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496530907) (:text |cond)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984) (:text |markup)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191874743) (:text |purify-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205059484)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205063751)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496536984) (:text |markup)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205064267) (:text |t)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205062450) (:text |&let)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205065714) (:text |t)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205067246)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205077540) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205069340)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205068242) (:text |t)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205075871) (:text |nil?)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205078114)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205079840) (:text |raise)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610205088222) (:text "|\"tree is empty")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496544196)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496548004)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496548567) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496550405) (:text |markup)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |markup)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |update)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |:event)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |purify-events)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |update)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |:children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541664060) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:done?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |200) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1549948909284) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |80) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |200) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |80) (:type :leaf) (:at 1549948914057) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |70) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785917865) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719150633) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719151115) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719151808) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719150856
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719153664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:toggle) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719149495
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785912794) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719163429) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719164292) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |child)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719160982) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719134707) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |k)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936)
+ |D $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719139337) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719129318) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |purify-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190436936) (:text |child)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496561797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191225571) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496565694)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496566264) (:text |do)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496566798)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496573905) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496593690) (:text "|\"Unknown markup during purify:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496596542) (:text |markup)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571496565029) (:text |nil)
- |pattern-non-dimension-props $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290044179)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290044179) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290044179) (:text |pattern-non-dimension-props)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290044179)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290052380) (:text |new)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290260316) (:text |js/RegExp)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290055267) (:text "|\"acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290058884) (:text "|\"i")
- |text->html $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text->html) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412057455)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.replace) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623412059176)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719142464) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719143230) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719141429
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719138745
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719129318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505382679150
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586889509
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |effect-log $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086689200) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086691733) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:mount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086697795) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086731349) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086733624) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/Math.random) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086734358) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086734358
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086732615
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086731782
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720182535) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086744295) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Stored") (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086747755) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086749463) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086743497
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539324128) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086730754
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086692002
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086751544) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720178072) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086755689) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"read") (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086756916) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086751819
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539168024) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086750609
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:unmount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086766906) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720180800) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720180308) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"read") (:type :leaf) (:at 1572086770977) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086770977
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539170693) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086765428
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572086688548
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defeffect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586939749) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586937354) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586950105) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586937354
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586957133) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |parent) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586961474) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885426290) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586952422
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584720137605) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586967079) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Task effect") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586977512) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586982894) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885427880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586962138
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586937354
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |style-done $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-done) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |32) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |32) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:outline) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:none) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:border) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:none) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:vertical-align) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:middle) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-task $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:display) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:flex) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||4px 0px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.app.updater $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.updater) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046) (:text |respo.cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830039824) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915091929) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871894046) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584874768040) (:text |update-states)
+ |yT $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |yv $ {} (:text |defeffect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586991762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031661069) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |widget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.comp.wrap $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |updater $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |comp-wrap $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |updater) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291648197) (:text |;)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:toggle) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505301331033) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830069322) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915113987) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505301328166
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.comp.zero $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-zero $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-zero) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.zero) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505301334988) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830062992) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915128682) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505301334158
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.comp.todolist $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |run-test! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168140715) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |run-test!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168218767) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168221837) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168431012) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168141638
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168454759) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cost) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168456193) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |-) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |time!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571935428461) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571935687946
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |started) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168455590
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168455004
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168187694) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168440280) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168435203) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168438004) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168435561
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {} (:text |40) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584942046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168192591
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/setTimeout) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168183634) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168201003) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168202162
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-test!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168211334) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168214335) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541692706)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168478710) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168514886) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |cost) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168485475) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168478201
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168204270
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168200951
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168535016) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168181449
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168739638) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||result:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168497610) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |sort) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168498959) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |acc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168501346) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |number-order) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542668898) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168498404
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168487516
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168186760
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168454003
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |started) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |time!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571935425643) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571935425340
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623584447767) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1510373650726
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:add) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||empty) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dec) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611312933529) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1510373648352
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:hit-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rand) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dec) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |10) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611312951431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1510373654172
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:add) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||only 10 items") (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dec) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168137711) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168137711
+ :by |root
+ |style-panel $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-panel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:display) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:flex) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:margin-bottom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-toolbar $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-toolbar) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:display) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:flex) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:flex-direction) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:row) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:justify-content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:start) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"4px 0") (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830107261) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:white-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:nowrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |comp-todolist $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1536678904198) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718934262) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211668152) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718936300) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584718936996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584718934490
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872702117) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584872701364
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584872700149
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584718933236
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211670068) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |initial-state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574450942) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effect-focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574459596) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571574456411
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:left) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |500) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:top) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||States) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:left) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||80px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212400568)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:done?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |on-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||heavy tasks") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-panel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:placeholder) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Text") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541690678)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212398778)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:remove) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541687670)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212234442)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |&max) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |200) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |+) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |24) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |16) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text ||BlinkMacSystemFont) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:add) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |conj) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719381815)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719382396) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719382680)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719383870) (:text |:text)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719384757) (:text |op-data)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719385270)
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719385873) (:text |:id)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719386694) (:text |op-id)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719387463)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |on-focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621412996120) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719388784) (:text |:done?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719389569) (:text |false)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:hit-first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |update-in) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871897159)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584874759470) (:text |update-states)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871899631) (:text |store)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871901297) (:text |op-data)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:clear) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032088240)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032085187)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032261717) (:text |store)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.render.dom $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.dom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290197216) (:text |get-style-value)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020913904)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020917912) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020934647) (:text |respo.util.detect)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020926615) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020927304)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020927561) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020929515) (:text |component?)
- :defs $ {}
- |make-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |virtual-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022050881) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020844418)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190774281)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |virtual-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |virtual-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |virtual-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |virtual-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!createElement) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298940110)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/document) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712593524)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-elements) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540312307)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029968842) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029955816)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571497234163)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590120955) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571497235375)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590116440) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571497237959) (:text |child)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:add) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571497232967) (:text |child)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612018956220)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612018956907) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612018958719) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612018960165) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062757369) (:text |let[])
- |H $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062758251)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062759143) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062760114) (:text |child)
- |J $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062762790) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191896915)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710860110)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191954872)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505374985363)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1505374986462)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505374987219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1505374988848)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1505374989216)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076675970)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076675970) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076675970) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076675970) (:text |k)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076675970) (:text |v)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191908650)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710862329)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290343407) (:text |style-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Add") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413802208) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:class-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||task-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540196513) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540203781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290335425)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290336787) (:text |style-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290339729)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.reverse) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693595033) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290339729) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290339729)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290339729) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290339729) (:text |entry)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-style) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582306411)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290359578)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290359578) (:text |get-style-value)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290359578) (:text |v)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1614697683371) (:text |k)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191910805)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710866263)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584104389)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584102520)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584102520) (:text |:event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584102520) (:text |virtual-element)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |name-in-string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628273063112) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |memof-call) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625825825971) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584106186)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584109099) (:text |event-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584109376)
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-zero) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584110032) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584111705) (:text |entry)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |name-in-string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:spell-check) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-toolbar) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612018980216) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!stopPropagation) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298951999)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610191927473)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-elements) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194965908)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194936664)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298955108) (:text |.!appendChild)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194936664) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194936664) (:text |child-element)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194967094) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194967568)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194968356) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610194970311) (:text |child-element)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020845406) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020845931)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020850079) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020854854) (:text |virtual-element)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020856045)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612021159249) (:text |make-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020902681)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020860572) (:text |virtual-element)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020903823) (:text |:tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020863121) (:text |listener-builder)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020864193)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020865861) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020867341) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020868254)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020869542) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612020873918) (:text |virtual-element)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022087754)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022090724) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022096540) (:text "|\"coord is required")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022098593)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022098125) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022102505) (:text |some?)
- |style->string $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541616732)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625826299621)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610291519635) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610291520818) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:locked?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610291520211
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Clear2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-style-value) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290132996)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290120469)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290121722) (:text |style-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290121925)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290124240) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290124494) (:text |k)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||:) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290130432) (:text |style-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |join-str) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029884623)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.app.core $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.core) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214232140)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214236402)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214241667)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214244283)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763768898) (:text |realize-ssr!)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214248444)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.schema) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |schema) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214251355)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.updater) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571567296220)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214253641)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |updater) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214256484)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214258150)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-id!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |*store $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defatom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186359045)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |schema/store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |dispatch! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720061550) (:text |op-data)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623599499802) (:text |;)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |updater) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871619734)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-id!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871619101)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reset!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |handle-ssr! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529814786924)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529814786924) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529814786924) (:text |handle-ssr!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529814786924)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529814839976) (:text |mount-target)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |realize-ssr!) (:by |root) (:at 1529814684031)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |render-app! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render-app!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611849029556)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-container) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.test.comp.todolist $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.comp.todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.comp.task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1508915194695)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830145807)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915196724)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |5 $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711983734)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1505409082913)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |list->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711981544)
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-todolist $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1505409072010)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |list->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711975290)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541722376)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189393868)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189396310) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189396797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189397962) (:text |[])
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-todolist $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:blue) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-family) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||\"微软雅黑\", Verdana") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.app.comp.zero $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.zero) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505301334158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1505301334988)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830062992)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915128682)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-zero $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-zero) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inner-text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.util.list $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.list) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077) (:text |respo.util.comparator)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289937077) (:text |compare-xy)
- :defs $ {}
- |filter-first $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter-first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540566944)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189629069)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189630386) (:text |first)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540567696) (:text |->)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540569355) (:text |xs)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540569691)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540572306) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540573167)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540572876) (:text |[])
- |R $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627) (:text |filter)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627) (:text |f)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540577627) (:text |x)
- |map-val $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740297620)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740297620) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740297620) (:text |map-val)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740297620)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740322059) (:text |f)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740323381) (:text |xs)
- |s $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740390343)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740393396) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740394263)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740395757) (:text |fn?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740396135) (:text |f)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571156591101) (:text "|\"expects f to be a function")
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740671973)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740673079) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740674003)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740676132) (:text |or)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740676637)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740677274) (:text |map?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740678228) (:text |xs)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740679272)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740992166) (:text |sequential?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740681143) (:text |xs)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571156578913)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571156579212) (:text |nil?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571156579850) (:text |xs)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571156604553) (:text "|\"expects xs to be a collection")
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740323910)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740333435) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740340849)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740341365) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740519746)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541764141) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541751097)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740524659)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740539425) (:text |[])
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740525737) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740526018)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740533024) (:text |f)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740527586) (:text |v)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541755061) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541755595)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541757128) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541758151) (:text |v)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541761192) (:text |pair)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541734637) (:text |xs)
- |map-with-idx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740647082)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740647082) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740647082) (:text |map-with-idx)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740647082)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740653616) (:text |f)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740651858) (:text |xs)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740654280)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740655990) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740657660)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740660297) (:text |fn?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740660750) (:text |f)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740669719) (:text "||expects function")
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740348130)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740351005) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740418648)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732899020) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740420674) (:text |xs)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732901697) (:text "||expects list")
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740693884)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740716325) (:text |map-indexed)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740700328)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740705561) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740705932)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740713412) (:text |idx)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740708821) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740719484)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740720016) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740723075) (:text |idx)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1517740727169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740727439) (:text |f)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1517740727891) (:text |x)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541781043) (:text |xs)
- |pick-attrs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289188345)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782866145)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1620232997811)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693653303) (:text |.to-list)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782825167)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter) (:by |root) (:at 1513782826536)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782780110)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1513782781810)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782782091)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030592604) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030574583)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782875538)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1513782876303)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782786281)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |starts-with?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290999267)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290981042)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290981042) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290981042) (:text |k)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291003188) (:text "|\"on-")
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030575354) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030575607)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030575769)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030576152) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030576678)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030580826) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030588079) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030581935) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030582770)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030583055) (:text |v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030583593)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030584079) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030589668) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030584897) (:text |1)
- |Z $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dissoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |aT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dissoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |a $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dissoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187841898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187843424) (:text |to-pairs)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |sort) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289841027)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289841746)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289842831) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289843567)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289843912) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289844955) (:text |y)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289846168)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289848611) (:text |compare-xy)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289849344)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289857807) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289851905)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289859960) (:text |first)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551289855532) (:text |y)
- |X $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |pick-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782743303)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1513782743303)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513782743303)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782743303)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1513782746280)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647772733)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782746786)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |merge) (:by |root) (:at 1513784377351)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188529146)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782769122)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on) (:by |root) (:at 1513785453815)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1513782771092)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188531976) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188532564)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188532905) (:text |{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782771764)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |->) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539970233)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1513782779468)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782825167)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter) (:by |root) (:at 1513782826536)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782780110)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1513782781810)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782782091)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030621436) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030604312)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782786281)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |starts-with?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542525246)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||on-) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542579805)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542521353)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542521353) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542521353) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030605041) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030605409)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030606367)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030610989) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030611390)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030612708) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030613331) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030614315) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030615493)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030615648) (:text |v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030616327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030616800) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030617558) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030618131) (:text |1)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783773275)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1513783773761)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783774099)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1513783774679)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783776268)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030633246) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030623997)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783780024)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513783782433)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783784878)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-keyword) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189334191)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783794332)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&str:slice) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693552430)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783787120)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188492570)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |k) (:by |root) (:at 1513784313055)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |3) (:by |root) (:at 1513783800894)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |v) (:by |root) (:at 1513783791555)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030624770) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030624971)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030625131)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030625506) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030625947)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030626439) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030627061) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030627505) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030628244)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030628724) (:text |v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030629038)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030629553) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030630105) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030630416) (:text |1)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782828422)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pairs-map) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188465961)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188449369)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188451114) (:text |to-pairs)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647773817) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647775126)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647775452) (:text |nil?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647776182) (:text |props)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647781902)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647782488) (:text |{})
- |val-exists? $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |val-exists?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pair) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pair) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |val-of-first $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885625576)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885625576) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885625576) (:text |val-of-first)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885625576)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885629777) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885630329)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885631743) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885632356)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885634056) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885732132) (:text |x)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.app.schema $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.schema) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |store $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |store) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717665248)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717667420) (:text |:cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717667697)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717667935) (:text |[])
- |task $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:done?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |false) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.render.effect $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584552862)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584552862) (:text |ns)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584552862) (:text |respo.render.effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585076407)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585077120) (:text |:require)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585077332)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585077512) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585107681) (:text |respo.schema.op)
- |p $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585109673) (:text |:as)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585110835) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585876619)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585876940) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585881514) (:text |respo.util.detect)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585882695) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585882869)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585883079) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585885737) (:text |component?)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585888334) (:text |element?)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083125844) (:text |=seq)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885775286)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885775606) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885779772) (:text |respo.util.list)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885780572) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885780888)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885781097) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885781518) (:text |val-of-first)
- :defs $ {}
- |collect-mounting $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579646781) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885009953) (:text |tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885011584) (:text |at-place?)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023688961) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107749840)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107755098) (:text |next-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107755943)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107757361) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107761637) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107762571)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107763242) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107764981) (:text |tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193541011) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193541705)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effects)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193542323) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610207682705) (:text |&doseq)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effects)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |:method)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521849228) (:text |op/effect-mount)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |method)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |effect)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586823190) (:text |:mount)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |target)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885046062) (:text |at-place?)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107768192) (:text |next-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590471520)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590474481) (:text |recur)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590471520) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590471520) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590471520)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590471520) (:text |:tree)
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |loop)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |idx)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193544960) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193545429)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |children)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193546071) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107802332)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |idx)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107842144) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107846327) (:text |pair)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885041708) (:text |false)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023698562)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023699473) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023701541) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107849278) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107804315) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107804570)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107804708)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107805250) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107806321)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107820275) (:text |children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107823400)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107824942) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107825346)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107826051) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107827491) (:text |pair)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |recur)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |inc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |idx)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203210490) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586829665) (:text "|\"Unknown entry for mounting:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586818321) (:text |tree)
- |collect-unmounting $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579661718) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586343497) (:text |tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885289598) (:text |at-place?)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022741282) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585891342)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585896817) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585897081)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585897489)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585899319) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586347005) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585913161)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586629562) (:text |let)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586629954)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586630229)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586631810) (:text |effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586633045)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586647427) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586649034) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022722486)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022726520) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022728753)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022731185) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022734197) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022734545)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022735321) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022736016) (:text |tree)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590488915) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590486108) (:text |tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885305363) (:text |false)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022691999) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586677962)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212209040) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212209464)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586680081)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586683132) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586684883) (:text |effects)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212210200) (:text |not)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586686158)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212258016) (:text |&doseq)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586689267)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586692741) (:text |effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586694161) (:text |effects)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586699776)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586700336) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586700535)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586700660)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586701749) (:text |method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586702038)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586703741) (:text |:method)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586705413) (:text |effect)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585914395)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585915897) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585921225)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |widget/button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585922284) (:text |[])
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521863394) (:text |op/effect-unmount)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586777956) (:text |n-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585928880)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585936925) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585937176)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585938055) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585939168)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586730363) (:text |method)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586738020)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586738785) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586740012) (:text |effect)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586741797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586742046) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586744576) (:text |:unmount)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1594556676527) (:text |target)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885460369) (:text |at-place?)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022752914) (:text |new-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585951623)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585954185)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585956221) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586348710) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585998763)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586319279) (:text |loop)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586320116)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586320266)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586332867) (:text |children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586334158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586338117) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586341745) (:text |tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586428636)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586430733) (:text |idx)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586431496) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586534778)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212212388) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212212898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586535981)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586537607) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586539932) (:text |children)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212213927) (:text |not)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108073229)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586563209)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586836392) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586569624) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586574715)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586578893) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586581173) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586582687) (:text |idx)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586595529)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108090882) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108093613) (:text |pair)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885308599) (:text |false)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022762219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022761840) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022763346) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108086899) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108073964) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108074207)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108074440)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108075531) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108075981)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108077435) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108078493) (:text |children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108081512)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108081941) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108083440)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108083322) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108084538) (:text |pair)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586517651)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586496005) (:text |recur)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586616498)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586617696) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586618983) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586614232)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586614561) (:text |inc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586615527) (:text |idx)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585959871)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203189216) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585960839)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585970462) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585993654) (:text "|\"Unknown entry for unmounting:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586798958) (:text |tree)
- |collect-updating $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |collect-updating)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |collect!)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153040835) (:text |action)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |old-tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584455918) (:text |new-tree)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022578597) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584694613)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584698291) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584698512)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584698805)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584700271) (:text |effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584700545)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584701972) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584703782) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107975312)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107979707) (:text |next-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107980803)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107983668) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107984966) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107985552)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107986175) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108160096) (:text |new-tree)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584705125)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211826818) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211827287)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584708362)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584711219) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584712799) (:text |effects)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211830328) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584716485)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585862241) (:text |;)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584716485) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571590555841) (:text "|\"collect update")
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584719536) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584716485)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584716485) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584716485) (:text |new-tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584751804)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212047512) (:text |&doseq)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584773130)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584975056) (:text |idx)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584885264)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584885903) (:text |range)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584886318)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584887014) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584927299) (:text |effects)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584950008)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584952057) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584999530)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584952455)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584955591) (:text |old-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584955875)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585003308) (:text |get-in)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584964889) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584969652)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584969947) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584971523) (:text |:effects)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584976765) (:text |idx)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585004226)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585008192) (:text |new-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585019690)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585020331) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585022098) (:text |effects)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585023418) (:text |idx)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585029571)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585030641) (:text |method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585031352)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585034416) (:text |:method)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585185787) (:text |new-effect)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585169272)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585865038) (:text |;)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585170099) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585172869) (:text |old-effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585176218) (:text |new-effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083095144)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212058088) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212058703)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083102323)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083103443) (:text |=seq)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083129368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083131013) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083133653) (:text |new-effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083134287)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083136426) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083139307) (:text |old-effect)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212059402) (:text |not)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585292071)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585293850) (:text |collect!)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585061798)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585291530) (:text |[])
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521875365)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521876770) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521878149)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521878916) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521879907) (:text |:update)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521882253) (:text |action)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521891228) (:text |op/effect-update)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521896805) (:text |op/effect-before-update)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585066870) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585127485)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585127762) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585128067)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585131288) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585131846)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585136028) (:text |method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585137281)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585138840) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585141953) (:text |new-effect)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585150952)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585151241) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153043669) (:text |action)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571585163761) (:text |target)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107997359) (:text |next-coord)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107961115)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107962405) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107967455) (:text "|\"expects component")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107968132)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107970464) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107973136) (:text |new-tree)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584552862)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.controller.client $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.controller.client) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.patch) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->edn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.dom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |activate-instance! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |activate-instance!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entire-dom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!appendChild) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298984165)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entire-dom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022135008)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022135488) (:text |[])
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190639372)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190640640) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190643914) (:text |mount-point)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190646442) (:text ||innerHTML)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190647462) (:text ||)
- |build-listener $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |simple-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->edn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |simple-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |patch-instance! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |patch-instance!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611848949159)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.util.id $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |*cached-id $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defatom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186340458)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*cached-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |get-id! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-id!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |swap!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*cached-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |inc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061469814)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*cached-id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061470875) (:text |str)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061472903) (:text "|\"id-")
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.render.diff $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.diff) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584589156)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584590442) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584594409) (:text |respo.render.effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584596307) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584596477)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584596667) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584600097) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584605204) (:text |collect-updating)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584609629) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579443379) (:text |element?)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848) (:text |respo.util.comparator)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287504848) (:text |compare-xy)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921141140)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513921142520)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.schema.op) (:by |root) (:at 1513921149310)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1513921149871)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1513921150205)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931) (:text |respo.util.list)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885674931) (:text |val-of-first)
- :defs $ {}
- |find-children-diffs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-children-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023365031) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299170015)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||diff children:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025199224)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025200116) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025201965) (:text |pair)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025174374)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025178746) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025186047)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025188058) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025192271) (:text |new-children)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025193407)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025193974) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025194591)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025195997) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025196697) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062320535)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062322584) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062325825)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062325825) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062325825) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062325825) (:text |k)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/append-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921250034)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062328753) (:text |new-coord)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582690804)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582959786) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582690804) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572524606642)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572524607706) (:text |conj)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582690804) (:text |n-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572524609158) (:text |index)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582690804) (:text |element)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885082770) (:text |true)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108442121) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |inc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |index)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |[])
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548137034) (:text |new-children)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612335825713) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571548192525)
- :data $ {}
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- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582695972)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582962009) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582702644) (:text |collect!)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582717267)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025297421) (:text |pair)
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062421205) (:text |new-n-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921255424)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1515769562002) (:text |nil)
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062427514) (:text |new-n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023417017) (:text |coord)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025266596)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025266924)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025269824) (:text |pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025270344)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025277904) (:text |old-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062355083)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062357602) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062365065)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062366748) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062368144) (:text |k)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062358633)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062359548)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062360862) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062363840) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062403591)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062411679) (:text |new-n-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062412522)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062415182) (:text |n-coord)
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203061640)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541404659)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541411642) (:text |old-children)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541416988)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541416988) (:text |16)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1-remains?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |any?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212020126)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |match-x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541438931) (:text |new-keys)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541420704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541422275) (:text |new-children)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541431054)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541431054) (:text |16)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |match-x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1-existed?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |match-y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1-existed?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"compare:") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287512397)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1-remains?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-element-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |conj) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023425463)
- :data $ {}
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |inc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023435023) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1-remains?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1-existed?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921551218)
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- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582758137)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582764523) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108604300) (:text |new-n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582780555)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |inc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025552028) (:text |pair)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108572638)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108581739)
- :data $ {}
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108590676)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108597590)
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1-remains?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1-existed?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582787203)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582793600) (:text |collect!)
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582795684)
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921266639)
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023469129) (:text |coord)
- |X $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025398467)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025399519)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025401472)
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025408406)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025413286)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612025415554) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108617842)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108623039)
- :data $ {}
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108632587)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108637588)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108637588) (:text |n-coord)
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index-of) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611302758907)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |yi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index-of) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611302764201)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-keys) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first-old-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first-new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761976827)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761976827)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||index:) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |yi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |yi) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761988756)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761988756)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761988756) (:text |y1)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921276379)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108766125) (:text |new-n-coord)
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- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582828154)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582836852) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108770805) (:text |new-n-coord)
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |inc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023476591) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582848346)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582860668) (:text |collect!)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582935452)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921280969)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108842893) (:text |new-n-coord)
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- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023502056)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023478583) (:text |coord)
- |find-element-diffs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-element-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022542179) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||element diffing:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578648899)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578647700)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578647700) (:text |identical?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578647700) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578647700) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571578649980) (:text |nil)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579214740)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579216395)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579216930) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579217869)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579219233) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579221885) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579222419)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579226141) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579227445) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022623788)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579229992)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579232236) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579232556)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579232718) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579242759)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579243571) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579247947) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579248311)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579250109) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579251251) (:text |new-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579279318)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579280813) (:text |do)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092) (:text |collect-updating)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092) (:text |collect!)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153590044) (:text |:before-update)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153017092) (:text |new-tree)
- |p $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108005509) (:text |coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579281503)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579680435) (:text |find-element-diffs)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579286484) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579700711) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579290116)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579303679) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579294951) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579296256)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579300219) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579298455) (:text |new-tree)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022654966) (:text |next-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584416898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584423843) (:text |collect-updating)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584430949) (:text |collect!)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572153593073) (:text |:update)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584432754) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584448513) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584450268) (:text |new-tree)
- |p $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108008281) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645905707)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645906812) (:text |do)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645922814)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645922814) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645922814) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645922814) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645922814) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885328550) (:text |true)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108019111) (:text |coord)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |find-element-diffs)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645935128) (:text |new-tree)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022784249) (:text |next-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1571645912685)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645912685) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645912685) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1571645912685) (:text |n-coord)
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- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108015596) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022627781) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022628177)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022628407)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022631631) (:text |next-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022631964)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022633268) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022635545) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022636639)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022639319) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022641538) (:text |new-tree)
- |h $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579369166)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579412895)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579413711) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579420089)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579418442) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579419753) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579423899)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579436539) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579428896) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579509807)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579510406) (:text |do)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579453096)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571582992163) (:text |collect-unmounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579471444) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579473607) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579477694) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885332862) (:text |true)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022843332)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022794236) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024201074) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022846431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024236424) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022848964) (:text |old-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579515810)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579520704) (:text |recur)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579524293) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579527828) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579529176)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579531491) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579533690) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579535765) (:text |new-tree)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022851942) (:text |coord)
- |i $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579539020)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579539532)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579540135) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579540339)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579542913) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579545433) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579546794)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579548581) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579550861) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022864884)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579552338)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579552653) (:text |do)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579593318)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579608929) (:text |find-element-diffs)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579615385) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579618284) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579630006) (:text |old-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579630290)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579632528) (:text |new-tree)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022860460) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579553262)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579569709) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579568348) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579574796) (:text |n-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571579592238) (:text |new-tree)
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- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022891153) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022866278) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022866549)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022868446)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022868212) (:text |new-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022869545)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022870348) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022872610) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022873536)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022876511) (:text |new-tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589511575)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589515036)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589515289)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589516447) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589517833) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589518194)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589521971) (:text |new-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928) (:text |/=)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108237928) (:text |new-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921175999)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022896784) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-props-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022903939) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |/=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211864918)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-style-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023306195)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |l $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023539016) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108375468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108389559)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |added-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |difference) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |removed-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |difference) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211999382)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710841172)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |added-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/set-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513921161203)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023343415) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212003787)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710845572)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |removed-events) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513921163620)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023540996) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108391136) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108392023)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108392510) (:text |/=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108394550) (:text |old-events)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108396033) (:text |new-events)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108377301) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108383209)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |old-events)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |keys-non-nil)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |:event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |old-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108380442) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |new-events)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |keys-non-nil)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |:event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |new-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108388368) (:text |{})
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108274561)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-children-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023543988) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275324) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |old-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |old-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |new-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612108275893) (:text |new-tree)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589523056)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203084320) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589526796)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589534169) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589550969) (:text "|\"Diffing unknown params")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589568660) (:text |old-tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571589570160) (:text |new-tree)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024396006)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024397800) (:text |echo)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024401156) (:text "|\"element coord")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612024402352) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061868577) (:text |;)
- |find-props-diffs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-props-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023275897) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612063772016) (:text |;)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||find props:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299151166)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921191482)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023278640) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023280676) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921195177)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612338177061)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023287795) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023289130) (:text |coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203098048)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028885607)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028887117) (:text |old-pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028890612)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028890612) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028890612) (:text |old-props)
- |qj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028950386)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028951222) (:text |new-k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028951990)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028953512) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028956962) (:text |new-pair)
- |q $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028899485)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028934342) (:text |old-k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028934727)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028935611) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028937927) (:text |old-pair)
- |p $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028892208)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028894541) (:text |new-pair)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028897585)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028897585) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028897585) (:text |new-props)
- |qT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028899485)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028944272) (:text |old-v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028934727)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028946583) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028937927) (:text |old-pair)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |qr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028958012)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028959014) (:text |new-v)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028959608)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028960544) (:text |last)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028961994) (:text |new-pair)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.log) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299226791)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare-xy) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287537194)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |-1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921198544)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-k) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023292019) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023293865) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921201567)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-pair) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612063557247)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023296106) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023297662) (:text |coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028978091)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |/=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212095225)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-v) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921581049)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-pair) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612063560645)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023977746) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023298913) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610028980201) (:text |0)
- |find-style-diffs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-style-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023311303) (:text |c-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |identical?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921217146)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023314622) (:text |c-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023315908) (:text |c-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |was-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |now-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921220868)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611986331)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023318220) (:text |c-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023319647) (:text |c-coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203103040)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare-xy) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287524216)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611988946)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611989976)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |-1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921225016)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611991413)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023321472) (:text |c-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023323656) (:text |c-coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921227292)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023328359) (:text |c-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023329999) (:text |c-coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029030691)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |identical?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611997460)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |last) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611999043)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921229870)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023334789) (:text |c-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |old-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-follows) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023331711) (:text |c-coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029031459) (:text |0)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.test.html $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710949521)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710949521)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710949521)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711075178)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711077503)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711077795)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711079414)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |calcit-test.core) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285403777)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711084271)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711084778)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711085044)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711086690)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711089580)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711090467)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711096271)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711097662)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830130336)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711101326)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711101548)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711101718)
- |yr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |link) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711113456)
- |yt $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289161692) (:text |textarea)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711102265)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |script) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711109940)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |title) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711105347)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711112888)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |head) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711104602)
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |body) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711114187)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711137930)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711138422)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711141952)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711143036)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711143323)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711143485)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711145892)
- :defs $ {}
- |html-quote-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711065520)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711360457)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html-quote-test) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711065520)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711362403)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711363272)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711363498)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711363692)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tree-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711365003)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711366585)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711367304)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711367835)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711368191)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711368438)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711369543)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||a\"b\"c") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711381698)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711383807)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:x) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711385578)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||y) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711852059)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711389092)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711391354)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711392425)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711392777)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711393603)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:content) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711395471)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||d\"e\"f") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711399966)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711404221)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711405191)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||HTML contains quotes") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711409876)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711410891)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711411345)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711411540)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711411770)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711412559)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |slurp) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711414239)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||test/examples/quote.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711424284)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711426056)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711427360)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tree-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711429408)
- |html-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711049027)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711183530)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html-test) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711049027)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711186214)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711186657)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711187714)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711187879)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |todo-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711190184)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711190437)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-todolist) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711193568)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |todolist-store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711199093)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711200571)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711203224)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||test generated HTML from component") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712220676)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211316)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211593)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213352)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711214146)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |slurp) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711215010)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||test/examples/demo.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711221378)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711223959)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711227344)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |todo-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711230659)
- |simple-html-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711052310)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711243596)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |simple-html-test) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711052310)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711246326)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711246812)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711247077)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711247231)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tree-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711248778)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711249744)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711250327)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711254430)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711255470)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711258663)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |head) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711259228)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711260060)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711260423)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711262910)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |title) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711263719)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711264912)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711265347)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711265574)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:innerHTML) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711269084)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711270946)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711272344)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |link) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711273486)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711274424)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711274784)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711275046)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:rel) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711275849)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||icon) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711278077)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711278957)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:type) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711280306)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||image/png) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711282747)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711285280)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |script) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711286184)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711287716)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711288100)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711288419)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:innerHTML) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711291400)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711293274)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711301964)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |body) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711302821)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711304679)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711305945)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711306551)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711307844)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711308073)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711308546)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711309684)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711309976)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||app) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711311170)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711313111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711313643)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711313919)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711314530)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711317205)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711318220)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||test generated HTML from tree") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712209700)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711328507)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711328786)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711329109)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711329562)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711330162)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |slurp) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711331434)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||test/examples/simple.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711338330)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711340747)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711343880)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tree-demo) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711346103)
- |slurp $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711043994)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defmacro) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610288943548)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |slurp) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711043994)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711043994)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |file-path) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711156163)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290672989)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290672989) (:text |read-file)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610290672989) (:text |file-path)
- |textarea-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356927258)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356958915)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |textarea-test) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512356927258)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711186214)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711186657)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711187714)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357039364)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |piece) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357039764)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357102353)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |textarea) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357104007)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357104455)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357104853)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357105079)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357106286)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||a\nb\nc\n\"\nd") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357122629)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711200571)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711203224)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||test generated HTML from component") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712220676)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211316)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211593)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213352)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1596421840316)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711223959)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711227344)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |piece) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1512357036561)
- |todolist-store $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711037998)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711890004)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |todolist-store) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711037998)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711037998)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711901013)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711901332)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711901811)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711902095)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711903467)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711904306)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711905464)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711907148)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711908988)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711901332)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711901811)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711902095)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711903467)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |102) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711914637)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711905464)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711907148)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||102) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711917510)
- |nil-prop-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797386780)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797392969) (:text |deftest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797386780) (:text |nil-prop-test)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |piece)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797398379) (:text |script)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797405200) (:text |:src)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797413123) (:text "|\"a.js")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797469766)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797825951) (:text |:defer)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797728705) (:text |nil)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |testing)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797426106) (:text "||test generate script with nil")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |is)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797459599) (:text "||")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |make-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592797395431) (:text |piece)
- |run-tests $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285120819)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285120819) (:text |defn)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285136810)
- :data $ {}
- |uT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285163027)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285169698) (:text |simple-html-test)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285120819) (:text |run-tests)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285140212)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289141737) (:text |textarea-test)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285147781)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610287069658) (:text |html-quote-test)
- |u $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285156489)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285161757) (:text |nil-prop-test)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710949521)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711772311)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711775973)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |main!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711777071)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711777783)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711778794)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |run-tests) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711782015)
- |respo.schema.op $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920723777)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1513920723777)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.schema.op) (:by |root) (:at 1513920723777)
- :defs $ {}
- |rm-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920784876)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920952138)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513920784876)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |32) (:by |root) (:at 1513920985172)
- |replace-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920774287)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920920415)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513920774287)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |21) (:by |root) (:at 1513920976985)
- |replace-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920797062)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920878196)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513920797062)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1513920862050)
- |append-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920804206)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920822758)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |append-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513920804206)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |3) (:by |root) (:at 1513920845568)
- |set-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920779217)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513921447857)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |set-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513920933652)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |30) (:by |root) (:at 1513920980144)
- |rm-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920762699)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920906407)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513920762699)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |12) (:by |root) (:at 1513920971567)
- |effect-mount $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521760381)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521777565) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521760381) (:text |effect-mount)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521779516) (:text |41)
- |add-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920760423)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920895382)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513920760423)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |10) (:by |root) (:at 1513920967810)
- |replace-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920757879)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920900259)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513920757879)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |11) (:by |root) (:at 1513920969688)
- |effect-update $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521765373)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521787525) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521765373) (:text |effect-update)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521786677) (:text |43)
- |effect-before-update $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521771240)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521798380) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521771240) (:text |effect-before-update)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521799902) (:text |42)
- |add-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920766350)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920913975)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513920766350)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |root) (:at 1513920974431)
- |rm-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920776112)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920924808)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513920776112)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |22) (:by |root) (:at 1513920978283)
- |effect-unmount $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521762724)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521806568) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521762724) (:text |effect-unmount)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521807957) (:text |44)
- |rm-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920794452)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920838971)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513920794452)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |2) (:by |root) (:at 1513920881474)
- |add-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920790595)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1513920814252)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513920790595)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1513920815969)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513920723777)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.cursor $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871828389)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871828389) (:text |ns)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871828389) (:text |respo.cursor)
- :defs $ {}
- |update-states $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871832107)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871832107) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871832107) (:text |update-states)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871832107)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871837564) (:text |store)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032048827) (:text |pair)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032033007)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871847797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872093061) (:text |assoc-in)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871855179) (:text |store)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871857834)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871859467) (:text |concat)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871859709)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871859893) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871863170) (:text |:states)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871878400) (:text |cursor)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871879289)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871879508) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871880620) (:text |:data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871883571) (:text |new-state)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032033763) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032034023)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032034178)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032037887) (:text |cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032038076)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032039027) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032040532) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032041113) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032042121)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032044307) (:text |new-state)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032044643)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032045086) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032046276) (:text |pair)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610032046562) (:text |1)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871828389)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.render.patch $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.patch) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290226207) (:text |get-style-value)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.dom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style->string) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921026110)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513921028940)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.schema.op) (:by |root) (:at 1513921101977)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1513921033014)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1513921103387)
- :defs $ {}
- |rm-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event->prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |replace-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612192396)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612100602)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612197836) (:text |p)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413309749)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413426428)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413426428) (:text |get-style-value)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413426428)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413426428) (:text |dashed->camel)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413426428) (:text |style-name)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413774644) (:text |v)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612194286) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612194636)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612195284) (:text |p)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612195797) (:text |v)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612292204) (:text |op)
- |replace-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022219791) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022221353) (:text |coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |parent-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-parentElement) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!insertBefore) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298995389)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |parent-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!remove) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622298996962)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |append-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |append-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022230196) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022232328) (:text |coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!appendChild) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299007499)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |add-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064541697)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064579926) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event-prop)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event->prop)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event-prop)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |listener-builder)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299014311) (:text |.!stopPropagation)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064548468) (:text |event)
- |rm-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515771402147)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1515771408225) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515771408443)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515771408607)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1515771409412) (:text |k)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612168588)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076742345)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076742345) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076742345) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076742345) (:text |k)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076742345) (:text |nil)
- |add-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612145888)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612155446)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612157618) (:text |p)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |case-default) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584543089)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462) (:text |prop-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462) (:text |style->string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076694462) (:text |prop-value)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584541095)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584541095) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584541095) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584541095) (:text |prop-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584541095) (:text |prop-value)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612147209) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612147611)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612148243) (:text |p)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612150904) (:text |prop-value)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612282004) (:text |op)
- |replace-prop $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612107887)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212135735)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612129609) (:text |p)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |identical?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584532031)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |/=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212158971)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |prop-value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076728088)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076728088) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076728088) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076728088) (:text |prop-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076728088) (:text |prop-value)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541076730573)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076730573) (:text |aset)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076730573) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076730573) (:text |prop-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541076730573) (:text |prop-value)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612122986) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612123330)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612124015) (:text |p)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612139084) (:text |prop-value)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612127713) (:text |op)
- |apply-dom-changes $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |apply-dom-changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |root) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-firstElementChild) (:by |root) (:at 1529815273075)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-point) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&doseq) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029065400)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |changes) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |root) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |n-coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029088371)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029091768) (:text |op-type)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029092010)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029093159) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029093470) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029094147) (:text |0)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029088371)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029097796) (:text |n-coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029092010)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029093159) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029093470) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023610070) (:text |2)
- |h $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029100463)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029101665) (:text |op-data)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029102014)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029103085) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029103385) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023610917) (:text |3)
- |d $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023604708)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023606970) (:text |coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023607275)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023607785) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023608055) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023608399) (:text |1)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1513921632338)
- |yyp $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584018933)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584020078)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584019801) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584024536) (:text |op-type)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572522008145) (:text |op/effect-unmount)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584031327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584033932) (:text |run-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584035839) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584039176) (:text |op-data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505555674) (:text |n-coord)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921744877)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921745453)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921745952)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/set-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513921098758)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612064870128) (:text |coord)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921740695)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921741272)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921742164)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921068496)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yyqT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584018933)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584020078)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584019801) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584024536) (:text |op-type)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572522005870) (:text |op/effect-before-update)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584031327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584033932) (:text |run-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584035839) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584039176) (:text |op-data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505555674) (:text |n-coord)
- |yyq $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584018933)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584020078)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584019801) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584024536) (:text |op-type)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572522009659) (:text |op/effect-update)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584031327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584033932) (:text |run-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584035839) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584039176) (:text |op-data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505555674) (:text |n-coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921736990)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921737559)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921738108)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921071080)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921637106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921733119)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921735523)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921736242)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921073360)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921742846)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921743440)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921744132)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921067091)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921748883)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921749477)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921749918)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921082965)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023615160) (:text |coord)
- |yyj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921756063)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921756711)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921757478)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/append-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921096442)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |append-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023620616)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023621805) (:text |coord)
- |yyT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921753946)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921754622)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921755388)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921090034)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023617007) (:text |coord)
- |yyn $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584018933)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584020078)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584019801) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584024536) (:text |op-type)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572521976375) (:text |op/effect-mount)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584031327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584033932) (:text |run-effect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584035839) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584039176) (:text |op-data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505555674) (:text |n-coord)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921731082)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921731695)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921732308)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/replace-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1513921074654)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |replace-prop) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921738988)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921739555)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921739967)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1513921069876)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921751525)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921752119)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921752855)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1513921085749)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yyr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921759098)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610029114269)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||not implemented:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583244563) (:text |n-coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583245954) (:text |op-data)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513921746753)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513921747653)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-type) (:by |root) (:at 1513921748198)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op/rm-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513921063938)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023583248)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023585762) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023592150) (:text "|\"4 items")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023593883)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023596242) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023597264) (:text |4)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023597626)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023598424) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612023598980) (:text |op)
- |add-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612175215)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612096838)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612186380) (:text |p)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-style-value) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290110251)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612188246) (:text |v)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290113942) (:text |style-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612177643) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612178245)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612179316) (:text |p)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612180214) (:text |v)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612184085) (:text |op)
- |rm-style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dashed->camel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |turn-string) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610612206623)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aset) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |run-effect $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797) (:text |run-effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797) (:text |target)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584061797) (:text |op-data)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505639266) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505527034)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505527586) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505528559)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505529273) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505530622) (:text |target)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584062993)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571587470291) (:text |op-data)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571587472632) (:text |target)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505531510)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572507524060) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505606809) (:text "|\"Unknown effects target:")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505559083) (:text |coord)
- |rm-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rm-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505376311769)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1505376312417)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505376313121)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1505376313962)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1505376315269)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!remove) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584509658)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505376316231)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/console.warn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584507875)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.") (:by |root) (:at 1505376369651)
- |find-target $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |root) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505746508)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505747189)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505750018) (:text |root)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505767602)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203114542) (:text |true)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |aget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |d!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:locked?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |root) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |index) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505774020)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505774558) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505775994)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505777060) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505777714) (:text |child)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572505780916) (:text |nil)
- |add-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Lock?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:locked?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |8) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203915704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203915704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571574450097
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |initial-state $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |add-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022182370) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |make-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |op) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |listener-builder) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612022188312) (:text |coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |parent-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-parentElement) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!insertBefore) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299029389)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |parent-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |new-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |initial-state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:draft) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:locked?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |on-test $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |on-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||trigger test!") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-test!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168224460) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168150129) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509168426291) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168426017
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509168148061
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |on-focus $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |on-focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||Just focused~") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |effect-focus $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defeffect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574484158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574470979) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571574470979
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574491586) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |parent) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574495520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1594556638235) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571574488737
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571847139132) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"todolist effect:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571847149555) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571935522848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571847133611
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571574470979
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |number-order $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347201936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |number-order) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347200111) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347206935) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |b) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347207259) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347200111
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347211272) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347216078) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347216397) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |b) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347216762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347212106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |-1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347219234) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347220816) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347225021) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347225724) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |b) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347226440) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347223270
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347227687) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347229450) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347220020
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347207903
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347200111
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |style-list $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:black) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:background-color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |120) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |98) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-root $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-root) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||\"微软雅黑\", Verdana") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:black) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:background-color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |120) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |20) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |98) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:line-height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||24px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"font-size") (:type :leaf) (:at 1549948863953) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |16) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |10) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.app.comp.todolist $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |yT $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214161101)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830028210)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915101761)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |w $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1505215173770)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |list->) (:by |root) (:at 1509035192092)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yx $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719016462) (:text |>>)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |span) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1505214162915)
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574481109) (:text |defeffect)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.wrap) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.zero) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-wrap) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-zero) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713157059) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511713175666) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |time!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571935419517) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yx $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.zero) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-zero) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |widget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yy $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |widget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826226222) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |memof.alias) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826229016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826229767) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826230122) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |memof-call) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826232384) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611826229963
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611826225931
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031288087)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214161101) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830028210) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915101761) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |yT $ {} (:text |list->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509035192092) (:by |root)
+ |yv $ {} (:text |defeffect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571574481109) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yx $ {} (:text |>>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719016462) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505214162915) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |w $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505215173770) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031288087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826225931)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826226222) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826229016) (:text |memof.alias)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826229767) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826229963)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.comp.task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826230122) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826232384) (:text |memof-call)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.dom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713157059)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text-width) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713175666)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935419517) (:text |time!)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.comp.space $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |number-order $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347200111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347201936) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347200111) (:text |number-order)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347200111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347206935) (:text |a)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347207259) (:text |b)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347207903)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347211272) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347212106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347216078) (:text |&<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347216397) (:text |a)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347216762) (:text |b)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347219234) (:text |-1)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347220020)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347220816) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347223270)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347225021) (:text |&>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347225724) (:text |a)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347226440) (:text |b)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347227687) (:text |1)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612347229450) (:text |0)
- |style-root $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-root) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:black) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:background-color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |120) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |98) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:line-height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||24px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"font-size") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1549948863953)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |16) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |10) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-family) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||\"微软雅黑\", Verdana") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-list $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-list) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:black) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:background-color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |120) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |98) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-toolbar $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-toolbar) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:display) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:flex) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:flex-direction) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:row) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:justify-content) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:start) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"4px 0") (:by |root) (:at 1540830107261)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:white-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:nowrap) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-panel $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-panel) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:display) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:flex) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:margin-bottom) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |4) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |on-test $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |style-space $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |on-test) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |e) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||trigger test!") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168148061)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |run-test!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168224460)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168150129)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168426017)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1509168426291)
- |on-focus $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505230211192) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505326468454) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:display) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:inline-block) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |comp-space $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |on-focus) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |e) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||Just focused~") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |effect-focus $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574470979)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |w) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |h) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |w) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |w) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |h) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |=< $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574484158) (:text |defeffect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574470979) (:text |effect-focus)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574470979)
- :data $ {}
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574488737)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574491586) (:text |action)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574495520) (:text |parent)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1594556638235) (:text |at-place?)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571847133611)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571847139132) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571847149555) (:text "|\"todolist effect:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935522848) (:text |action)
- |run-test! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509729563664) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |=<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |w) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509729564809) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509729565457) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509729564574
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |w) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509729567667) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509729568077) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509729566572
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505301339203) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830048701) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915151159) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1505301338392
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.render.effect $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |collect-mounting $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1509168140715)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |run-test!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168218767)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168141638)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168221837)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |acc) (:by |root) (:at 1509168431012)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |started) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935425340)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935425643) (:text |time!)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:clear) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |loop) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1510373650726)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584447767)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:add) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||empty) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |>) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dec) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |loop) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1510373648352)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611312933529)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:hit-first) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rand) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |>) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dec) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:clear) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |loop) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1510373654172)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |10) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611312951431)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:add) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||only 10 items") (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |>) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dec) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168454003)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1509168454759)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168455004)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168455590)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cost) (:by |root) (:at 1509168456193)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |-) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935687946)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571935428461) (:text |time!)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |started) (:by |root) (:at 1509168137711)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168186760)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1509168187694)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168192591)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<) (:by |root) (:at 1509168440280)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168435561)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1509168435203)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |acc) (:by |root) (:at 1509168438004)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |40) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623584942046)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168181449)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/setTimeout) (:by |root) (:at 1509168183634)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168200951)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1509168201003)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168202162)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168204270)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |run-test!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168211334)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1509168214335)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168478201)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579646781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579646781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579646781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023688961) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579646781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885009953) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885011584) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579646781
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107755098) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107757361) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107761637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |conj) (:by |root) (:at 1509168478710)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |acc) (:by |root) (:at 1509168514886)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cost) (:by |root) (:at 1509168485475)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1509168535016)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168487516)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1509168739638)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||result:) (:by |root) (:at 1509168497610)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509168498404)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |sort) (:by |root) (:at 1509168498959)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |acc) (:by |root) (:at 1509168501346)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619542668898) (:text |number-order)
- |initial-state $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |initial-state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:draft) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:locked?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |false) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |comp-todolist $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1536678904198)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-todolist) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tasks) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |either) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211670068)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |initial-state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718933236)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718934262) (:text |cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872700149)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718934490)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718936300) (:text |:cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584718936996) (:text |states)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211668152) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872701364)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872702117) (:text |[])
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574450097)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574450942) (:text |[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574456411)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571574459596) (:text |effect-focus)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |style-root)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |comp-inspect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||States)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:left)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||80px)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107763242) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107764981) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107762571
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107755943
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107749840
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193541011) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193542323) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193541705
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610207682705) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/effect-mount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521849228) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107768192) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:mount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586823190) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885046062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590474481) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590471520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107774840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590471520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590471520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590471520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571590471520
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885120720) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571590471520
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193544960) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193546071) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193545429
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107804315) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107805250) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/button)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107808339) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107820275) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107806321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107804708
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107824942) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |on-test)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107826051) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107827491) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107825346
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107823400
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107804570
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |<>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text "||heavy tasks")
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |span)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023699473) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023701541) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107849278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023698562
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:inner-text)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||Clear)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/button)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107842144) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107846327) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885041708) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107802332
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203210490) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Unknown entry for mounting:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586829665) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586818321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586818321
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579646781
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |collect-unmounting $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579661718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579661718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579661718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022741282) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579661718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586343497) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885289598) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579661718
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585896817) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585899319) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586347005) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585897489
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586629562) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586631810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586647427) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586649034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586633045
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586630229
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022726520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022731185) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022734197) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022735321) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022736016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022734545
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022728753
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022722486
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586629954
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590488915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590486108) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022691999) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590486108) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590486108) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590486108) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571590486108
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885305363) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571590486108
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212209040) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212210200) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586683132) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586684883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586680081
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610212209464
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212258016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586692741) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586694161) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586689267
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586700336) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586701749) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586703741) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586705413) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586702038
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586700660
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586700535
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585915897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585922284) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |op/effect-unmount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521863394) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022752914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586777956) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:clear)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |style-panel)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |span)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585936925) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585938055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585937176
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586730363) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586738785) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586740012) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586738020
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586742046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:unmount) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586744576) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1594556676527) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |at-place?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885460369) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586741797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585939168
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585928880
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585921225
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585914395
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586699776
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586686158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586677962
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585913161
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585897081
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585956221) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586348710) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585954185
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |loop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586319279) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586332867) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586338117) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586341745) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586334158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586320266
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586430733) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586431496) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586428636
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586320116
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212212388) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212213927) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586537607) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586539932) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586535981
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610212212898
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108073964) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108075531) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108077435) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108078493) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108075981
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108074440
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108081941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108083322) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108084538) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108083440
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108081512
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108074207
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586836392) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586569624) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/button)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |D $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022763346) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022761840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108086899) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022762219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586578893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586581173) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586582687) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586574715
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108090882) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108093613) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586595529
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885308599) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586563209
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108073229
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586496005) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586617696) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586618983) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586616498
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586614561) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586615527) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586614232
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586517651
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571586534778
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585998763
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585951623
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203189216) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585970462) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Unknown entry for unmounting:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585993654) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571586798958) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585960839
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585959871
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585891342
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579661718
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |collect-updating $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect-updating) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153040835) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |f $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022578597) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584455918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584455918
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107962405) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expects component") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107967455) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107970464) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107973136) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107968132
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107961115
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584698291) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584700271) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584701972) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584703782) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584700545
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584698805
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107979707) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107983668) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107984966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107986175) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108160096) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107985552
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107980803
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107975312
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584698512
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211826818) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211830328) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584711219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584712799) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584708362
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211827287
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585862241) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584716485) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"collect update") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571590555841) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584719536) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584716485) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584716485) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584716485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584716485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212047512) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584975056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |range) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584885903) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584887014) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584927299) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584886318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584885264
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584773130
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584952057) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584955591) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-in) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585003308) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584964889) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584969947) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584971523) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584976765) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584969652
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584955875
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584952455
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585008192) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585020331) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585022098) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585023418) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585019690
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585004226
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585030641) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585034416) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585185787) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585031352
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585029571
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584999530
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585865038) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585170099) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585172869) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585176218) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585169272
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212058088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212059402) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=seq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083103443) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083131013) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083133653) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572083129368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083136426) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083139307) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572083134287
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572083102323
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610212058703
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585293850) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585291530) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521876770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521878916) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521879907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521882253) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521878149
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |op/effect-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521891228) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op/effect-before-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572521896805) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572521875365
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107997359) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585066870) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585127762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:add)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:draft)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585131288) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585128067
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585136028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |assoc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:draft)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |span)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585138840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585141953) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585137281
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585151241) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |action) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153043669) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585163761) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585150952
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585131846
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585127485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585061798
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585292071
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572083095144
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584950008
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584751804
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584705125
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584694613
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584455918
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584552862
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584552862) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584552862) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585077120) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585077512) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema.op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585107681) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |p $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585109673) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585110835) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585077332
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585876940) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585881514) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585882695) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585883079) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585885737) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571585888334) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |=seq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572083125844) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585882869
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585876619
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885775606) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885779772) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885780572) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885781097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885781518) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885780888
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885775286
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571585076407
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584552862
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |respo.util.list $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |val-exists? $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |filter-first $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |filter-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540567696) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540569355) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540572306) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540572876) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540573167
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540569691
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |R $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540577627) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540577627) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540577627) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540577627
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540577627) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540577627) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540577627
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540577627
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540577627
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189630386) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189629069
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540566944
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |pick-attrs $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289188345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |aT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |X $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |Z $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:on) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |a $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-pairs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187843424) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610187841898
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782826536) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782781810) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030592604) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782782091
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030575354) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030576152) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:inner-text)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text "|\"Add")
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |=<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621412996120) (:text |8)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |=<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |8)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |input)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030580826) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030588079) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030581935) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030576678
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030575769
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:placeholder)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text "|\"Text")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030583055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030584079) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030589668) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030584897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030583593
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030582770
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030575607
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782876303) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:value)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |starts-with?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290999267) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:draft)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290981042) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290981042) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610290981042
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"on-") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610291003188) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782786281
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782875538
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030574583
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782780110
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782825167
+ :by |root
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.to-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693653303) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1620232997811
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |sort) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289841027) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289842831) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289843912) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289844955) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289843567
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289848611) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289857807) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289849344
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289859960) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289855532) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289851905
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289846168
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289841746
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782866145
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |pick-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782743303) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782743303) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782746280) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782743303
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647773817) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647775452) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647776182) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647775126
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647782488) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647781902
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784377351) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188531976) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785453815) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782771092) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782769122
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188532905) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188532564
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188529146
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539970233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782779468) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-pairs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188451114) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188449369
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782826536) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782781810) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030621436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782782091
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030605041) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |merge)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/input)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030610989) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:width)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |&max)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |200)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |+)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |24)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |text-width)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:draft)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |16)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||BlinkMacSystemFont)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030612708) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030613331) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030614315) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030611390
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030606367
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030615648) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030616800) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030617558) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030618131) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030616327
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030615493
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030605409
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |starts-with?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542525246) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542521353) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542521353) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619542521353
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text ||on-) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542579805) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782786281
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030604312
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782780110
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782825167
+ :by |root
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783773761) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783774679) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030633246) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783776268
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030624770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-input)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030625506) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030626439) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030627061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030627505) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030625947
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030625131
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030628724) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030629553) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030630105) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030630416) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030629038
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030628244
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030624971
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783782433) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-keyword) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189334191) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |D $ {} (:text |&str:slice) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693552430) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |assoc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:draft)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:value)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188492570) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784313055) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783787120
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {} (:text |3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783800894) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783794332
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783784878
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783791555) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783780024
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030623997
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783774099
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783773275
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pairs-map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188465961) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782828422
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782771764
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782746786
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647772733
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782743303
+ :by |root
+ |map-with-idx $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740647082) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |map-with-idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740647082) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740653616) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740651858) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740647082
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740655990) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740660297) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740660750) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740657660
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text "||expects function") (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740669719) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740654280
+ :by |root
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740351005) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732899020) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740420674) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740418648
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text "||expects list") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732901697) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740348130
+ :by |root
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map-indexed) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740716325) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541781043) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740705561) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740713412) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740708821) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740705932
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740720016) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740723075) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740727439) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740727891) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740727169
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740719484
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740700328
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740693884
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740647082
+ :by |root
+ |val-of-first $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885625576) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885625576) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885629777) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885625576
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885631743) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885634056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885732132) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885632356
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885630329
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885625576
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |map-val $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740297620) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |map-val) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740297620) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740322059) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740323381) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740297620
+ :by |root
+ |s $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740393396) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740395757) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740396135) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740394263
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"expects f to be a function") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571156591101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740390343
+ :by |root
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740673079) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |or) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740676132) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740677274) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740678228) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740676637
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |sequential?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740992166) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740681143) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740679272
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571156579212) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571156579850) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571156578913
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740674003
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"expects xs to be a collection") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571156604553) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740671973
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740333435) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541734637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740341365) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541764141) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740519746
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541755061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541757128) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541758151) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541755595
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541761192) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740539425) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740525737) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740533024) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517740527586) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740526018
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740524659
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541751097
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740340849
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740323910
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1517740297620
+ :by |root
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289937077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.comparator) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289937077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289937077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289937077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551289937077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289937077
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551289937077
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.controller.resolve $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |build-deliver-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |build-deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647049712) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |simple-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211269724) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |echo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210013686) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"event coord") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210017420) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210020674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610210012734
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-event-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210612515) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210616433) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210618073) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610210613093
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-focus)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |on-focus)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |=<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1621413802208) (:text |8)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |list->)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:class-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||task-list)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |style-list)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540196513) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |either)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210629941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |[])
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693595033) (:text |.reverse)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210634787) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"found no element") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210627788) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210640521) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210648248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610210619661
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610210635732) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610210628430
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610210611737
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch-wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871546817) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871547971) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871548803) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871557596) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871548221
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647056049) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647058228) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |deref) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647066184) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647062613) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647064531
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647056611
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647056462
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872332376) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task-id)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:id)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610209623492) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871563045) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871560410
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task-id)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871566681) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871571390) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |comp-task)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |>>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |states)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task-id)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |task)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1625825825971) (:text |memof-call)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540203781) (:text |tasks)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |tasks)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |0)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871573986) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871574651) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871575952) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871573638
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871563843
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871558547
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203158116) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872192690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872192690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872192690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584872192690
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584872190627
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584872185338
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647055348
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871547656
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871534908
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||listener found:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target-listener) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |simple-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |dispatch-wrap) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871591793) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||found no listener:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |find-event-target $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |tT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345382067) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text "|\"element cannot be nil") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345387113) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345389618) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345346403) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612345340922
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612345336766
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-event-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211252801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |echo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211048992) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"looking for") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211054037) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211139463) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211141818) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211034290
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |u $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345370113) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text "|\"coord cannot be nil") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345374570) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345377089) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012814882) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012812288
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012811290
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615658647886) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |m) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615658649281) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:spell-check)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |true)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-markup-at) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615658648675
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615658648500
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |apply-args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467288043) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |style-toolbar)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-markup-at) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467296784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467296784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467296784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467296784
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467294852
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467298935) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |m) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467299588) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467299164
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467301915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/button)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467303651) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |m) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467304372) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467302180
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467308032) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291519635) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291520211)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:locked?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291520818) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:clear)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467312526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |m) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467312819) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467310433
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467307305
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |m) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622467315330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467301067
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467298461
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622467282466
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615658647125
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||target element:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541907295253) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541907293020) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1541907087091) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1541907082099
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |target-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012794436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |slice) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610209648997) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |<>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||Clear2)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |=<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |8)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |div)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |-) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |get-markup-at $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |get-markup-at) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||markup:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord-head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |child-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |widget/button)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |child-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:on-click)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |update)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:locked?)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |<>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||Lock?)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:locked?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |state)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |=<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |8)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |nil)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |comp-wrap)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord-head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |comp-zero)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |comp-inspect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text ||Tasks)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |tasks)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:left)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |500)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |:top)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203915704) (:text |20)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get-markup-at) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raise) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||child not found:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541500447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541500447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541500447
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185607797) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610185607797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610185607797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610185607797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.comp.space $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505301338392)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.controller.resolve) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1505301339203)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830048701)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915151159)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |filter-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.util.id $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |=< $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1509729563664)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509729564574)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |w) (:by |root) (:at 1509729564809)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509729565457)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509729566572)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |w) (:by |root) (:at 1509729567667)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1509729568077)
- |comp-space $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |get-id! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |w) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |h) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |w) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:width) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |w) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assoc) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |h) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-space $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |get-id!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |swap!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*cached-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061470875) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text "|\"id-") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061472903) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |@*cached-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612061469814
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |*cached-id $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1505230211192)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:width) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1505326468454)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:display) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inline-block) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186340458) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*cached-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.util.comparator $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.comparator) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.util.detect $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |compare-xy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |=seq $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare-xy) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-as-int) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-as-int) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582843058)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582819541)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582854439) (:text |turn-string)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582856142)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582856142) (:text |turn-string)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582857761) (:text |y)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582843725) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582844828)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582848282) (:text |keyword?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582848632) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |compare) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-y) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |type-as-int $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |=seq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517741380629) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |ys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517741391582) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |a-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517741382245) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |b-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |ys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1517741394104) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933006970) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |a-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |b-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |or) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933010820) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |a-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933010820) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |b-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933010820) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933010820
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933021436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933017841
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |p $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933248966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933250968) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933253271) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933252215
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933255401) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |ys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933256879) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933254002
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933248683
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933259022) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933261514) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933262428) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933261728
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933265303) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |ys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933266436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933264395
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933257761
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933248147
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |s $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203131445) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571933272140) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933268071
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571933004375
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |effect? $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |type-as-int) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |number?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |keyword?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |string?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |2) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203123374)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185588112)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185588112) (:text |raise)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185588112) (:text "||use number, keyword or string in coord!")
- |compare $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189291359)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573035671) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573031814) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571573037460) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573031814
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610204171989) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |record?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300165633) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610204173379) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610204172229
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.matches?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693524664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693521540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300173274) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615300167942
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610204171209
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571573031814
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |element? $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189294686) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189291359) (:text |compare)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189291359)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189295841) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189296187) (:text |y)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189296729)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189301481) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189304812)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189301755)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189302203) (:text |<)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189303290) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189303570) (:text |y)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189307907) (:text |-1)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189304812)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189301755)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189313199) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189303290) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189303570) (:text |y)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189314824) (:text |1)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189318378)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189318915) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189319459) (:text |0)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.test.comp.task $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.comp.task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031637395)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1508915185060)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830138479)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915183390)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1505409019792)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |span) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-task $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571495570035) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571495569702
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282774467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |record?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282578708) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189563418) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189562682
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.matches?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693510668) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693505819) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282585004) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282580662
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |p $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282775914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610189561239
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |component? $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1505409022685)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |span) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inner-text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282394918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |record?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282396666) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282397736) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282395333
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.matches?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693512551) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |schema/Component) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282286494) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693490954) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282272526
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282399791) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282394378
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.util.detect $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282261936)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282263729) (:text |:require)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282263985)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282263729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282264146) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282269264) (:text |respo.schema)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282269966) (:text |:as)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282270722) (:text |schema)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282264146) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282269264) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282269966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282270722) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282263985
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615282261936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.util.format $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |=seq $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |event->string $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&str:slice) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693561429) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612762046832) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |text->html $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text->html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412057455) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412059176) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |hsl $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031220537) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031220537) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |h) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031224002) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |s) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031224438) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |l) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031225177) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831943199) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |arg) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831942099) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031220537
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031228187) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031230804) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831951361) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |arg) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831952100) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831952945) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613831949128
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031229892
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031228490
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text "|\")") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031262445) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031242430) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"hsl(") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031247053) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |h) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031265693) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\",") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031249013) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |t $ {} (:text |s) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031267424) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"%,") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031252250) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |w $ {} (:text |l) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031269243) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text "|\"%,") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031258174) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031260076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031240675
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031227731
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031220537
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |event->edn $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event->edn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375390166) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299132906) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"simplify event:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320148254) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"change") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320141663) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:change) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356419468) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356414848
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356423113) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text ||value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356422422
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"focus") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320143496) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:focus) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356430636) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356425148
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029045849) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029045849) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029045849
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356436106) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356432247
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:msg) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356443151) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||Unhandled event: ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356439268
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029045169
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"click") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320127389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356448692) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356445560
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"keydown") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320130879) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375435372) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map-keyboard-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375442825) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375445812) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375435652
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:keydown) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356379176) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356376452
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:key-code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-keyCode) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356381011
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:keycode) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356387437) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-keyCode) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356381011
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375434548
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"keypress") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320133881) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375468977) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map-keyboard-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375442825) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375445812) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375435652
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:keypress) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375200628) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356376452
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375468042
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"keyup") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320136533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375477052) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map-keyboard-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375442825) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375445812) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375435652
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:keyup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356391758) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356389169
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375476156
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text "|\"input") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320139392) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356407422) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356404325
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356413338) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"value") (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320113734) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1507356412556
+ :by |root
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:checked) (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320075203) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610209598100) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1552320081092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |.-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610209599286) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |.-checked) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610209600937) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1552320075484
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1552320072402
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:original-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1507356354798) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |purify-events $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=seq) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |purify-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xs) (:by |root) (:at 1517741380629)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ys) (:by |root) (:at 1517741391582)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541633533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |l $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |a-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |xs) (:by |root) (:at 1517741382245)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |b-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ys) (:by |root) (:at 1517741394104)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933004375)
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-pairs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610705569393) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610705568128
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |n $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933006970) (:text |cond)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |a-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |b-empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933017841)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933010820)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933010820) (:text |or)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933010820) (:text |a-empty?)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933010820) (:text |b-empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933021436) (:text |false)
- |p $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933248147)
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1596766609367) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933248683)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1596766610546) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933248966) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933252215)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933250968) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933253271) (:text |xs)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933254002)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933255401) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933256879) (:text |ys)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933257761)
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017845871) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1596766610870
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933259022) (:text |recur)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933261728)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933261514) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933262428) (:text |xs)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933264395)
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017835249) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933265303) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933266436) (:text |ys)
- |s $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933268071)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203131445) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571933272140) (:text |false)
- |component? $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017835827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017837468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017839501) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017836802
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017835634
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017840513) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017841661) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610017843083) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017840983
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017840240
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017835473
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1596766616020) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1596766616793) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1596766615048
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610017834121
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1596766609572
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1596766606927
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610208929856) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610208931061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610208928742
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |event->prop $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |x) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282394378)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282272526)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693512551) (:text |.matches?)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282286494) (:text |schema/Component)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693490954) (:text |x)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282394918) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282395333)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282396666) (:text |record?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282397736) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282399791) (:text |false)
- |effect? $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573031814)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event->prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||on) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610207670774) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |mute-element $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573035671) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573031814) (:text |effect?)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573031814)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573037460) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610204171209)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610204171989) (:text |and)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610204172229)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300165633) (:text |record?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610204173379) (:text |x)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300167942)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693524664) (:text |.matches?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300173274) (:text |x)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693521540) (:text |schema/Effect)
- |element? $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610705958058) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541650194) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |prop->attr $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571495569702)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571495570035) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189561239)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282774467) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189562682)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282578708) (:text |record?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189563418) (:text |x)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282580662)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693510668) (:text |.matches?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282585004) (:text |x)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693505819) (:text |schema/Element)
- |p $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282775914) (:text |false)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop->attr) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797582480) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |includes?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290810138) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797593975) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"?") (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797595144) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797585686
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797601269) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"[Respo] warning: property includes `?` in") (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290820637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797701808) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797599316
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797578919
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text ||class-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||class) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text ||tab-index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||tabindex) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text ||read-only) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508595961204) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||readonly) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508595964339) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508595954898
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203246320) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610203244994
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |upper-case $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192086424) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |upper-case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192084569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192093569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192084569
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192233566) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192234455) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192239503) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192235218) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192236913
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192245917) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192234148
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192172114) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192173166) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!charCodeAt) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298849063) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192181300) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192182279) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192173379
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192172656
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192172354
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192184185) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192186004) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192190429) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192188288) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |97) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192189237) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192186211
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192193200) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192194368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |122) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192194978) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192191082
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192184845
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |js/String.fromCharCode) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192231483) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |-) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192214056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192216617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |32) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192215068) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192213501
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192218236
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192251261) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192183809
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192094548
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610192252391) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192233038
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610192084569
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |get-style-value $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289959451) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289959451) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290210463) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289967411) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289959451
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |string?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keyword?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |number?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289987237) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289987695) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289985706
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290030893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.!test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622533255104) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |pattern-non-dimension-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290043818) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290069472) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290061893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290096442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290098159) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290097704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290099883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290100287) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290101540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290098976
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289988432
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289985214
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613289979453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289979453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613289959451
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |dashed->camel $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029342088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.!replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582020543) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582022718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |dashed-letter-pattern) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623581995024) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582024418) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582147255) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pos) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582159844) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582157511) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582025583
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.!toUpperCase) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582120166) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623585089269) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |cc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582170252) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623585089775) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582106149
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582110898
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582024048
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623582017691
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |purify-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496530907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496536984) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496536984) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496536984
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191874743) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |&let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205062450) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |t) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205064267) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496536984) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496536984) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496536984
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610205063751
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205077540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205075871) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |t) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205068242) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610205069340
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raise) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205079840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"tree is empty") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205088222) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610205078114
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610205067246
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |t) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610205065714) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610205059484
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496536984
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496536984
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496548567) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496550405) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496548004
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |purify-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541664060) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190436936) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190436936
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496544196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610191225571) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496566264) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496573905) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Unknown markup during purify:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496593690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496596542) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496566798
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571496565029) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496565694
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496561797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571496529941
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |pattern-non-dimension-props $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290044179) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pattern-non-dimension-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290044179) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290052380) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/RegExp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290260316) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera") (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290055267) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"i") (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290058884) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290044179
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290044179
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |map-keyboard-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375446806) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |map-keyboard-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375446806) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375448936) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375446806
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375185391) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375187278) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375187882) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375185644
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375184716
+ :by |root
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:ctrl?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375319893) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-ctrlKey) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375341264) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375341970) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375337222
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375315159
+ :by |root
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:meta?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375321897) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-metaKey) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375347021) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375348129) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375343648
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375320383
+ :by |root
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:alt?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375352314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-altKey) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375354741) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375355455) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375352591
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375349388
+ :by |root
+ |yx $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:shift?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375498599) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-shiftKey) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375500889) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375501545) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375498894
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375495540
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:key) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375180254) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-key) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375183129) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1530375184063) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375182300
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375179034
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1530375446806
+ :by |root
+ |dashed-letter-pattern $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623581995727) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dashed-letter-pattern) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623581995727) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623581997824) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/RegExp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582002058) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"-[a-z]") (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582015695) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"g") (:type :leaf) (:at 1623582013317) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623581995727
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623581995727
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.app.comp.task $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.comp.task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830039824)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915091929)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |span) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |button) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586991762) (:text |defeffect)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031661069)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |widget) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.render.diff $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |comp-task $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |find-children-diffs $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1536679003089)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |either) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212419277)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |states) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719172690)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719173865) (:text |cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719174123)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719176906) (:text |:cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719177962) (:text |states)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586889509)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586890799) (:text |[])
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586895374)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586927464) (:text |effect-log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572083411761) (:text |task)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |8) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |8) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |8) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |button) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-children-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023365031) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299170015) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "||diff children:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025178746) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025188058) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025192271) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025186047
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025174374
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025193974) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025195997) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025196697) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025194591
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025193407
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025200116) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025201965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025199224
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062322584) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062325825) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062325825) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062325825) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062325825
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062320535
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/append-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921250034) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062328753) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582959786) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582690804) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108442121) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572524607706) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582690804) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572524609158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572524606642
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582690804) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885082770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582690804
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612335825713) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571548137034
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571548137034
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571548137034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571548137034
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571548137034
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025266216) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025269824) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025273923) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025277904) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025270344
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025266924
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062359010) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062360862) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062363840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062359548
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062358633
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062357602) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062365897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062366748) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062368144) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062365065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062355083
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062411679) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062413340) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062415182) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062415897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062412522
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612062403591
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025266596
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582962009) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582702644) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108500678) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062421205) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025296715) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025297421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582717267
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885372123) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582695972
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921255424) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062373016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062427514) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515769562002) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023417017) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571548192525
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203061640) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x1-remains?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |any?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212020126) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |new-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541438931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |match-x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |y1-existed?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |any?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212022538) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |old-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541441434) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |match-y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541406274) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541411642) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |take) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541416988) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |16) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541416988) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541416988
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541399383) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541404659
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541421564) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541422275) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |take) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541431054) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |16) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541431054) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541431054
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619541420704
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |match-x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |match-y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272967489) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272976631) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272978646) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272975314
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1628273008161) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"nil key is bad in Respo") (:type :leaf) (:at 1628272991062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272980058
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1628272966514
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |y1-existed?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |yr $ {} (:text |old-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"compare:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287512397) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |x1-remains?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885693960) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885697500) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023428348) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023431556) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025356927) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023425463
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023435023) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x1-remains?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y1-existed?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025550498) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025552028) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108579302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108581739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108581739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108581739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108581739
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108572638
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108594659) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108597590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108597590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108597590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108597590
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108590676
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025552028
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921551218) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108585589) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108601257) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582965891) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582764523) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108609794) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108604300) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885703161) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582780555) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582780555
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885088913) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582758137
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023458006) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x1-remains?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |y1-existed?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025398146) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |X $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025400873) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025402337) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025407147) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025401472
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025399519
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025410265) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025414900) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025415554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025413286
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025408406
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108620663) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108623039) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108623039) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108623039) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108623039
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108617842
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108635579) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108637588) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108637588) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108637588) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108637588
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108632587
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612025398467
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583014487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582793600) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108645833) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108639914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025424677) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025427157) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582795684
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885377083) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582787203
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921266639) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108630254) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108642878) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |t $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768863567) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023469129) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203074111) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |merge) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-done) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |xi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |index-of) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611302758907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |yi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |index-of) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611302764201) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-keys) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first-old-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first-new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761976827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761976827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761976827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761976827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612761976827
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612761976827
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||index:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |xi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |yi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |<=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |xi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |yi) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"background-color") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610447660397)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:done?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885715243) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |200) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |20) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1549948909284)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |80) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761988756) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761988756) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761988756) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |y1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761988756) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612761988756
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612761988756
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |hsl) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |200) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |80) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1549948914057)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |70) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-click) (:by |root) (:at 1513785917865)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719149495)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921276379) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108747718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108766125) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582971249) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582836852) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108753495) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108770805) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108794925) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885091618) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582828154
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023476591) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |inc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582973650) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582860668) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108814612) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108826873) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885723417) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583030401) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582935452
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885367597) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571582848346
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921280969) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023502056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023502056) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |x1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612025492444) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612023502056
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108842893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |t $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768853136) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023478583) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |index) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |find-style-diffs $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-style-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023311303) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |identical?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |d!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719153664)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:toggle) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719150633) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719150856)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719151115) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719151808) (:text |d!)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |widget/input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-input) (:by |root) (:at 1513786754951)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719089367)
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719090017) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719090626)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921217146) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023314622) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023315908) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719090845) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719091699) (:text |d!)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719094021)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719094932) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719096043) (:text |cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719097135)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719097786) (:text |:value)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720105188) (:text |e)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=<) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |8) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:left) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |200) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |widget/input) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505382679150)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-input) (:by |root) (:at 1513785912794)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921220868) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023318220) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611986331) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023319647) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203103040) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287524216) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611988946) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719163429) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719164292) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611989976) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |-1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |task-id)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921225016) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023321472) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |:id)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |task)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611991413) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023323656) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |text)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |:value)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719160982) (:text |e)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921227292) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023328359) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719134707) (:text |d!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |:update)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719138745)
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023329999) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610029031459) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318)
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |:id)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719129318) (:text |task-id)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719139337) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719141429)
+ |T $ {} (:text |identical?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611997460) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611999043) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719142464) (:text |:text)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719143230) (:text |text)
- |yy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |state) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |div) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |widget/button) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515603131600)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1515603136628) (:text |:on-click)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719102767)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/replace-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921229870) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023334789) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |c-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023331711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610029030691
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |find-element-diffs $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022542179) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299164225) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "||element diffing:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061868577) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |echo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024397800) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"element coord") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024401156) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024402352) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612024396006
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |identical?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571578647700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571578647700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571578647700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571578647700
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571578649980) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571578648899
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579216930) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579219233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579221885) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579217869
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579226141) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579227445) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579222419
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579216395
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022627781) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022631631) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022633268) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022635545) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022639319) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022641538) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022636639
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022631964
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022628407
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022628177
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579232236) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579232718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579243571) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579247947) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579242759
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579250109) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579251251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579248311
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579232556
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579280813) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-updating) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153017092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153017092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |:before-update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153590044) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |p $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108005509) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153017092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153017092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153017092) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572153017092
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579680435) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579286484) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022654966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579700711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579303679) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579294951) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579290116
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579300219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579298455) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579296256
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579281503
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-updating) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584423843) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584430949) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |:update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572153593073) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |p $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108008281) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584432754) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584448513) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584450268) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584416898
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579279318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645906812) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645922814) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645922814) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108019111) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645922814) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645922814) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885328550) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645922814
+ :by |root
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |next-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022784249) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645935128
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645935128) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645935128
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645935128
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645912685) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645912685) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108015596) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645912685) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571645912685) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885169032) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645912685
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571645905707
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579229992
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022623788
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579214740
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579413711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579418442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579419753) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579420089
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579436539) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579428896) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579423899
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579412895
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579510406) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571582992163) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579471444) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024201074) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022794236) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024236424) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022848964) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022846431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022843332
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579473607) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579477694) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885332862) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579453096
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579520704) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579524293) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022851942) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579527828) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579531491) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579533690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579529176
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579535765) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579515810
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579509807
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579369166
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |i $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579540135) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579542913) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579545433) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579540339
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579548581) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579550861) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579546794
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579539532
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022866278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022868212) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022870348) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022872610) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022874282) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022876511) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022873536
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022869545
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022868446
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022866549
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579552653) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579608929) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579615385) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |new-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022860460) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579618284) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579630006) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579631136) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579632528) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579630290
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579593318
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579569709) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579568348) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022891153) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579574796) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579592238) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885184484) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579553262
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579552338
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022864884
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571579539020
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589515036) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589516447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589517833) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571589515289
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589520220) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589521971) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571589518194
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571589511575
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108237928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108237928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108237928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108237928
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108237928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108237928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108237928
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108237928
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/replace-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921175999) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022896784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-props-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022903939) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211864918) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-style-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023306195) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |l $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023539016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108377301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |d!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719108258)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:remove) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |keys-non-nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:id) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719103368) (:text |fn)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719103687)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719103914) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584719104519) (:text |d!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Remove) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |effect-log $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586937354)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586939749) (:text |defeffect)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586937354) (:text |effect-log)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586937354)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586950105) (:text |task)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586952422)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586957133) (:text |action)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586961474) (:text |parent)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885426290) (:text |at-place?)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586962138)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586967079) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586977512) (:text "|\"Task effect")
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571586982894) (:text |action)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885427880) (:text |at-place?)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720137605) (:text |;)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086688548)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086689200) (:text |case)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086691733) (:text |action)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086692002)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086697795) (:text |:mount)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086730754)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086731349) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086731782)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086732615)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086733624) (:text |x0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086734358)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086734358) (:text |js/Math.random)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086743497)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086744295) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086747755) (:text "|\"Stored")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086749463) (:text |x0)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720182535) (:text |;)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539324128) (:text |nil)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086750609)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086751544) (:text |:update)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086751819)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086755689) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086756916) (:text "|\"read")
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720178072) (:text |;)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539168024) (:text |nil)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086765428)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086766906) (:text |:unmount)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086770977)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720180308) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572086770977) (:text "|\"read")
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584720180800) (:text |;)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539170693) (:text |nil)
- |style-done $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-done) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:width) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |32) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |32) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:outline) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:none) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:border) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:none) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:vertical-align) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:middle) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-task $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-task) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:display) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:flex) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||4px 0px") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.test.main $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710942011)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710942011)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.main) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710942011)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710992049)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710995250)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710995449)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710995647)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.test.html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710998533)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711799580)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711800004)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784070951)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513784071801)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |calcit-test.core) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285022718)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1513784075043)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784075270)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513784075460)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |root) (:at 1513784115309)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |root) (:at 1513784076853)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |root) (:at 1513784077318)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784025184)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513784026319)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.list) (:by |root) (:at 1513784028897)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1513784029739)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784029972)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513784030576)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1513784033999)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513784040329)
- :defs $ {}
- |main! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710961298)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710961298)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |main!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710961298)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710961298)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710964620)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |html/run-tests) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285272430)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285275429)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285275897) (:text |test-pick-attrs)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285278894)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285284907) (:text |test-pick-event)
- |reload! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712031878)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712031878)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reload!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712031878)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712031878)
- :data $ {}
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712034731)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |main!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712035802)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1599216877830) (:text |^:dev/after-load)
- |test-pick-attrs $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783968618)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |root) (:at 1513783969980)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |test-pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1513783968618)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211316)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711211593)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213169)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511711213352)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513783998155)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1513784000528)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784002422)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784002798)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784048201)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1513784048810)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||string) (:by |root) (:at 1513784050061)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784199776)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-click) (:by |root) (:at 1513784201331)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784204720)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1513784205297)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784206251)
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108380442
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108380442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108380442
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108380442
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108380442
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108380442
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286464594) (:text |nil)
- |p $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784005171)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610289174122)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784006440)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1513784196224)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1513784019017)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||string) (:by |root) (:at 1513784021893)
- |test-pick-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784223167)
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keys-non-nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108388368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108388368) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108388368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108388368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108388368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108388368
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108383209
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108391136) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108392510) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108394550) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108396033) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108392023
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |added-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |difference) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |removed-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |difference) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211999382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |added-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710841172
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/set-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921161203) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023343415) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&doseq) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212003787) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |removed-events) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710845572
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921163620) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023540996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |event-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108389559
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108375468
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275324) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108275893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108275893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612108275893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108275893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108275893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108275893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-children-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023543988) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |old-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |new-children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612108274561
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203084320) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.warn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589534169) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Diffing unknown params") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589550969) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589568660) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571589570160) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571589526796
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571589523056
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |find-props-diffs $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deftest) (:by |root) (:at 1513784225457)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |test-pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513784223167)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513785230464)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |testing) (:by |root) (:at 1513785231821)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||test event") (:by |root) (:at 1513785235070)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784259082)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1513784259718)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784259931)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784260090)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784260621)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784261206)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1513784261517)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784261806)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286477659) (:text |nil)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784237111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |root) (:at 1513784237484)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784238993)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513784239156)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784242284)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513784243569)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244146)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244493)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244729)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-props-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023275897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |L $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612063772016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299151166) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "||find props:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921191482) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023278640) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1513784247855)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||a) (:by |root) (:at 1513784248976)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784249626)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023280676) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |was-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |now-empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921195177) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023287795) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-click) (:by |root) (:at 1513784253846)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784264952)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784268459)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784270461)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784271913)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:click) (:by |root) (:at 1513784276414)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784276764)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784237111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |is) (:by |root) (:at 1513784237484)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784238993)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1513784239156)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784242284)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513784243569)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244146)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244493)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784244729)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612338177061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023289130) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203098048) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |qT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028944272) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028946583) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028937927) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028934727
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028899485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |qj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028951222) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028953512) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028956962) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028951990
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028950386
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |qr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028959014) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028960544) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028961994) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028959608
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028958012
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028887117) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028890612) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028890612) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028890612
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028885607
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |p $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028894541) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028897585) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028897585) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028897585
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028892208
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |q $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028934342) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:value) (:by |root) (:at 1513784247855)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||a) (:by |root) (:at 1513784248976)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784249626)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028935611) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028937927) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028934727
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028899485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-click) (:by |root) (:at 1513784253846)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784264952)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784401595)
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on) (:by |root) (:at 1513784403254)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784403575)
+ |T $ {} (:text |rest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |new-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622299226791) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |old-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287537194) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |-1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784404710)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784405124)
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:input) (:by |root) (:at 1513784406656)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784408578)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784268459)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1513784270461)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513784271913)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:click) (:by |root) (:at 1513784276414)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513784276764)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513785461409)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:input) (:by |root) (:at 1513785462941)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |f) (:by |root) (:at 1513785463265)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511710942011)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.schema $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505328949889)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1505328949889)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.schema) (:by |root) (:at 1505328949889)
- :defs $ {}
- |effect $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572970677)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572975536) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572970677) (:text |effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572970677)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572977581) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572977834)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572982171) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572984492) (:text |nil)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572989655)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572993070) (:text |:respo-node)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572994513) (:text |:effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572985180)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572987289) (:text |:coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572987495)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572987833) (:text |[])
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572996327)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571572999739) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573000099)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573000248) (:text |[])
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573004068)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573005229) (:text |:method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573005963)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573006299) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573006505)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573010966) (:text |args)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573016117)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573016311) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573017655) (:text |action)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573020414) (:text |parent)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1594556709664) (:text |at-place?)
- |cache-info $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128521861)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128524075) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128521861) (:text |cache-info)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128521861)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128525060) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128525355)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128526375) (:text |:value)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128527024) (:text |nil)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128527554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128599812) (:text |:initial-loop)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128552155) (:text |nil)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128548625)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128692796) (:text |:last-hit)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128577658) (:text |nil)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128604110)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128615161) (:text |:hit-times)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592128619977) (:text |0)
- |Component $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278579000)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278584275) (:text |defrecord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615302393562) (:text |Component)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278594768) (:text |:name)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278597143) (:text |:effects)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278599071) (:text |:tree)
- |Element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278616530)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278622035) (:text |defrecord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615302384922) (:text |Element)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278628293) (:text |:name)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278629851) (:text |:coord)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278631573) (:text |:attrs)
- |yj $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278633572) (:text |:style)
- |yr $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278635355) (:text |:event)
- |yv $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278638314) (:text |:children)
- |Effect $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300095252)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615302402472) (:text |defrecord)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300095252) (:text |Effect)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300112097) (:text |:name)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300113800) (:text |:coord)
- |y $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300114700) (:text |:args)
- |yT $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300116522) (:text |:method)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1505328949889)
- :data $ {}
- |respo.comp.inspect $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1540830055277)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1508915140751)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pre) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |<>) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-inspect $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defcomp) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |comp-inspect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tip) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pre) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:inner-text) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tip) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||: ") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |grab-info) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |merge) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:on-click) (:by |root) (:at 1513786986945)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395982771)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395982771) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395982771)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395982771) (:text |e)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395982771) (:text |dispatch!)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396112738)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395995583)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395997818) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622395999353) (:text |data)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396113350) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396113796)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396115474) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396181569) (:text |js/window.devtoolsFormatters)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396147402)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396150828) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396151173)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/rm-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921198544) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023292019) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023293865) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396153856) (:text |to-js-data)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622396156023) (:text |data)
- |grab-info $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |grab-info) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |cond) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |keyword?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |map?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Map/) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |set?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Set/) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |bool?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612761794050)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |list?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189676965)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||List/) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610189679756)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |number?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |true) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203140138)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pr-str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |style-data $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |style-data) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |{}) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:padding) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||2px 6px") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-family) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:position) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:absolute) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:opacity) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0.2) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:white) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:line-height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "|\"1.4em") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613290464569)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:max-width) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |160) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yyj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:overflow) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:ellipsis) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yyT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:white-space) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:normal) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:background-color) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1539015843887) (:text "|\"hsl(240,100%,0%)")
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:font-size) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||12px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:max-height) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |32) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yyr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:cursor) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:default) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:border-radius) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||4px) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/add-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921201567) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023296106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612063557247) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023297662) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610028980201) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |/=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212095225) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |old-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |new-v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op/replace-prop) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921581049) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023977746) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612063560645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |recur) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612023298913) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |n-coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |old-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |new-follows) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610028978091
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.controller.resolve $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.controller.resolve) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.diff) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |yj $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287504848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.comparator) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287504848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287504848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287504848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287504848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551287504848
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551287504848
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yr $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.list) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584590442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584594409) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584596307) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter-first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584596667) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584600097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |collect-updating) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584605204) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |collect-unmounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584609629) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584596477
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584589156
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885674931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885674931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885674931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885674931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-of-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885674931) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885674931
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572885674931
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571579443379) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921142520) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema.op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921149310) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921149871) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513921150205) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513921141140
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.render.html $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |build-deliver-event $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |element->string $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647049712)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |simple-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-event-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210611737)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tailored-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |dissoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210612515) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210613093)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210616433) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210618073) (:text |target-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210628430)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210619661)
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210634787) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210627788) (:text "|\"found no element")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210640521) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210648248) (:text |event-name)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210629941) (:text |do)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210635732) (:text |nil)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871534908)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871546817) (:text |dispatch-wrap)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871547656)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871547971) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871548221)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871548803) (:text |op)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871557596) (:text |data)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647055348)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872185338)
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508600721515) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508600730204) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tailored-props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610287168609) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |P $ {} (:text |pairs-map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610287930130) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289009104) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text-inside) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356709151) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356709729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |:textarea) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356722395) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356709603
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |escape-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356727951) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356856393) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356863457) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356856748
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356723117
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289011778) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text->html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871558547)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356708165
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579888048) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |&set:includes?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579934537) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |self-closing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579787296) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579897814) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579889062
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579901219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579901219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text "|| ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579901219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |props-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579901219) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text "|| >") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625580373330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579901219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |&let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579937268) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579947826) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871560410)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610209623492) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871563045) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871563843)
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871566681) (:text |dispatch!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871571390) (:text |:states)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871573638)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871573986) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871574651) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871575952) (:text |data)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872332376) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872190627)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610203158116) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872192690)
+ |T $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872192690) (:text |dispatch!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872192690) (:text |op)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584872192690) (:text |data)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647056049) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647056462)
+ |T $ {} (:text |element->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579939145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579939145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text-inside) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |join-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yj $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yr $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yv $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647056611)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647058228) (:text |dispatch!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647064531)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647062613) (:text |*dispatch-fn)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647066184) (:text |deref)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||listener found:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-listener) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |simple-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch-wrap) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584871591793)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||found no listener:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210012734)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210013686) (:text |echo)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210017420) (:text "|\"event coord")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610210020674) (:text |coord)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211269724) (:text |;)
- |find-event-target $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text "|| ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text |props-in-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579902065) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579902065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579931485
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579782265
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style->string $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-event-target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541599812) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625826309275) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615658647125)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615658648500)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615658648675)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-markup-at) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615658649281) (:text |m)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615658647886) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467282466)
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467288043) (:text |apply-args)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467294852)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467296784)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467296784) (:text |get-markup-at)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467296784) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467296784) (:text |coord)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467298461)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467298935) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467299164)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290142519) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467299588) (:text |m)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467301067)
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290145505) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290147728) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290142923
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290141181
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467301915) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467302180)
+ |D $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290165829) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467303651) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467304372) (:text |m)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467307305)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467308032) (:text |recur)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467310433)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467312526) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467312819) (:text |m)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622467315330) (:text |m)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element-exists?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||target element:") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pr-str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element-exists?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1541907295253)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1541907082099)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541907293020) (:text |get)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1541907087091) (:text |event-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012794436)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element-exists?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |slice) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610209648997)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |-) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |count) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211034290)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211048992) (:text |echo)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211054037) (:text "|\"looking for")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211139463) (:text |coord)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211141818) (:text |event-name)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211252801) (:text |;)
- |u $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012811290)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345370113) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012812288)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345377089) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012814882) (:text |coord)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345374570) (:text "|\"coord cannot be nil")
- |tT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345336766)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345382067) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345340922)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345389618) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345346403) (:text |element)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345387113) (:text "|\"element cannot be nil")
- |get-markup-at $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697709553) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290854409) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697705681
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290165024
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {} (:text |style-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290150922) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |escape-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290173324) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290173324) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613290173324
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {} (:text ||;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |join-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285982170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |entry->string $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-markup-at) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |prop->attr) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289060967) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text ||=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.escape) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693894637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |wT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keyword?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599131810) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599027170) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599023893
+ :by |root
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289064493) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599031475) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599029941
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599021605
+ :by |root
+ |wj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |string?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599165979) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599166869) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599163749
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |escape-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599235651) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599169148) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599234789
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599159698
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599040218) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599040686
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |bool?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289091650) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599027170) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599023893
+ :by |root
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599030568) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599031475) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599029941
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599021605
+ :by |root
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |number?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599060138) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599027170) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599023893
+ :by |root
+ |P $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599030568) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599031475) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599029941
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599021605
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203169002) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599162298) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508599051449) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599161467
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1508599049536
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |props->string $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||markup:) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pr-str) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541584495) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |empty?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-pairs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289045566) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610289043528
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |recur) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:tree) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286036259) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord-head) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286021564) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-pair) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |filter-first) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286022133) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286023849) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286025524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286023147
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286021941
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286026599) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |last) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286033497) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286029863) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286026981
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286026081
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286021768
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797287302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797288707) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |v) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797289060) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797287684
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |starts-with?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542543700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542574914) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542547145) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619542547145
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text ||on-) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619542576248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797286599
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286020849
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |entry->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.to-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412129305) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1623412124135
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |join-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285926671) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|| ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |make-string $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012140901) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element->string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |escape-html $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |escape-html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356885476) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356888690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356889535) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356886561
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |P $ {} (:text "|\"") (:type :leaf) (:at 1596102369852) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412070977) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||\"") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412072880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356539277) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||<) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356541439) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412074386) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356543433) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356546006) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.replace) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623412075612) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&newline) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290907026) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"
") (:type :leaf) (:at 1596102589821) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356884509
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |self-closing $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579791816) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |self-closing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579791816) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yyT $ {} (:text "|\"source") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579825169) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yyj $ {} (:text "|\"track") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579827647) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yyr $ {} (:text "|\"wbr") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579829632) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yT $ {} (:text "|\"hr") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579815376) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yj $ {} (:text "|\"img") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579817610) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yr $ {} (:text "|\"input") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579818625) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yv $ {} (:text "|\"link") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579819955) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yx $ {} (:text "|\"meta") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579821907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yy $ {} (:text "|\"param") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579822976) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |#{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579797088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"area") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579799094) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "|\"base") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579801378) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text "|\"br") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579808671) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text "|\"col") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579810522) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |y $ {} (:text "|\"embed") (:type :leaf) (:at 1625579812929) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579791816
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1625579791816
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {} (:text |get-style-value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290193899) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |dashed->camel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697715262) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prop->attr) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |y $ {} (:text |text->html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.core $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |defcomp $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |quasiquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693443366) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |~comp-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |extract-effects-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |%{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278702930) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Component) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615278717160) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-keyword) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~@) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defmacro) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expected symbol of comp-name") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |symbol?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expected list for params") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"some component retured") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |&>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711003106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711003106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |div $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030416057) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030416057) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030517471) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030518101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030519221) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030416057
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030525466) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030528267) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030544609) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030548525) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539710770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539710770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539710770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539710770
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030520709
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030416057
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |img $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |img) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698200294) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698198957
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:img) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698202382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698198957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539748007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539748007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539748007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539748007
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698198957
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698198957
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |pre $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pre) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031315138) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031313487
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:pre) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031317153) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539658808) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031313487) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031313487
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031313487
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031313487
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |body $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286183331) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286181345
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286186257) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286181345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539682904) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539682904) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539682904) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539682904
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286181345
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286181345
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |code $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732317924) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732316196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:code) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732320119) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732316196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539697901) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539697901) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539697901) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539697901
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732316196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732316196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |head $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286130788) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286129088
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286132678) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286129088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539738198) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539738198) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539738198) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539738198
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286129088
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286129088
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |html $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286116982) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286114364
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286119221) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286114364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539742823) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539742823) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539742823) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539742823
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286114364
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286114364
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |link $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |link) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286168183) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286166301
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:link) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286170612) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286166301) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539766266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539766266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539766266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539766266
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286166301
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286166301
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |span $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031358035) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031356233
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031359954) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031356233) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539791248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539791248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539791248) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539791248
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031356233
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031356233
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |create-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |5 $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379975598) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |D $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379931157) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379933883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379933883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379933883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611379933883) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611379933883
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611379933883
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187406024) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187407403) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187409608) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187411264) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610187408824
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187407943) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610187406288
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511967483827) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |any?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187335022) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610187360587) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511967305138) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511967298757
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511967482844
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610187405339
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611379929360
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539924081) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |F $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539932087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539932087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539932087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539932087
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539932087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539932087
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539932087
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.to-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693621484) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539924816
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |sort) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193060106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193060106
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539923158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782731925) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782735356) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782729323
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |children-nodes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188595663) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539943720) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |V $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540174327) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |X $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map-indexed) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |item) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540165920
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |idx) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |item) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540165920) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540165920
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540165920
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540165920
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539950440) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |val-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539950440) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539950440
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children-nodes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188598016) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |%{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282517750) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282521386) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |defeffect $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defmacro) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030665066) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defeffect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030655710) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effect-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030672480) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030676121) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030677021) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030677873) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030679274) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030655710
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030699717) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text "|\"args in symbol") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030730759) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030702055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030703398) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030705352) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030702488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |every?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030707297) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619537870721) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |symbol?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030709464) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030705885
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030700237
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030679953
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030699717) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text "|\"params like [action el at-place?]") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030744038) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030702055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030703398) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030718840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030702488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |every?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030707297) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619537867098) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |symbol?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030709464) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030705885
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030700237
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030679953
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711298674) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |args-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711303774) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |gensym) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711464984) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"args") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711307302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711304478
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711299820
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |params-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711312011) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |gensym) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711466996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"params") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711314039) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711304478
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711299820
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711299315
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |quasiquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693450692) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030757397) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |~effect-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030762581) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |~args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030767540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |%{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300144193) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615300149120) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030826237) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |turn-keyword) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030829029) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030833481) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030826696
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030825039
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |~@args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030848269) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:method) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030816533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~args-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711320523) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |~params-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711327228) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345742846) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |~args) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711336939) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {} (:text |~args-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711329762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612345750516) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {} (:text |~params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711341421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |P $ {} (:text |~params-var) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612711331885) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |~@) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030946156) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030930241) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |empty?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030932467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030933840) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030932083
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |quasiquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693577109) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |echo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030954673) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"WARNING:") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030971291) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |~effect-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030975762) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |t $ {} (:text "|\"lack code for handling effects!") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031007777) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030975891) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030953478
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030935487
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610030944279) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030930703
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030913582
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612345748027
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612345738935
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030816533
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030752742
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030745111
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612711297848
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610030655710
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |textarea $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |textarea) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032928909) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032926645
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:textarea) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032931348) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032926645) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539807158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539807158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539807158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539807158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032926645
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032926645
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |mount-app! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012121603) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647043808) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186894501) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text "||1st argument should be an element") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062556808) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |or) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186881050) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186883285) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186852681) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610186847878
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186721260) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |.-__proto__) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186718427) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610186712555
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610186845358
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186895410) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text "||2nd argument should be a component") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612062560605) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012117977) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |wT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |patch-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583222453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583222453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583222453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583222453) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583222453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |build-deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647046504) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583125696) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107604502) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107607765) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107611171) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612107607765) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107607765
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107607765
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |*dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190370520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612107603418
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583125696
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text "||change op should has length 3") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061288685) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061285613) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |swap!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583130554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583130554
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||mount app") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |activate-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583152433) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583154801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612061234700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612061234309
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583155267) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583155692
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571583164474) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885066295) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571583146439
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |blockquote $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |blockquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733250062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733247330
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:blockquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733254490) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733247330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539677262) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539677262) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539677262) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539677262
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733247330
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733247330
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |defplugin $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |quasiquote) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693459981) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826117097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |~x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826117097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |~params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826117097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |~@body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611826117097) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611826117097
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031797072
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defmacro) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031726411) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defplugin) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031722067) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031731498) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031732369) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031733089) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031733739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031722067
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031766815) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expected symbol") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031762483) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |symbol?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031764751) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031765111) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031763354
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031734337
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031768231) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expected params") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031774319) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031776576) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |params) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031777512) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031775547
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031767219
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031779680) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"expected some result") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031787309) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031791957) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031794388) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031794922) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031792231
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031795966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031789360
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031778518
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031722067
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |input $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031329024) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031326810
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031331127) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031326810) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539753868) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539753868) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539753868) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539753868
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031326810
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031326810
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |style $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286857848) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286856590
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286859838) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286856590) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539801350) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539801350) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539801350) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539801350
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286856590
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286856590
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |title $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |title) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286153789) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286151965
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:title) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286156036) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286151965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539812251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539812251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539812251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539812251
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286151965
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610286151965
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |confirm-child $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571849837293) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571849837293) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571849977778) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571849837293
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |when) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188621822) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188623196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |or) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850635465) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |H $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850818280) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850818280) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850818280
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850638498) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850639292) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850636152
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850633520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571849978626) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850629618
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850633926
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188622501
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raise) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610185553578) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850657154) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Invalid data in elements tree: ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850847642) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850730245) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850664816) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850728118
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850656662
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571850646073
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571849854178
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571849980101) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571849837293
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |*dispatch-fn $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647020524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647006945) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647011835) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647006945
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |<> $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031443177) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031443177) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031463966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831925958) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |arg) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831926526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031443177
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031474554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031475730) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |arg) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613831928105) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031474924
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031474772
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031493089) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031496210) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031503170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031505382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031501269
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031499540) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031500305) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031497055
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031495828
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031491741
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031455307
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031443177
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |>> $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717583807) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |>>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717583807) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717587429) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717589003) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717583807
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717593513) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |parent-cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717602856) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188885898) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717604395) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717605146) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717603162
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717635678) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717635438
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717633898
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717593912
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |branch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717615395) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188882419) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717618041) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717618973) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717619385) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717616411
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610188883500) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188883119
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610188881386
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717607005
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717593734
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717622795) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |branch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717623675) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717625744) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717626655) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |parent-cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717630765) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |k) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584717631832) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717626141
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717620560
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717590808
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584717583807
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h1 $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |h1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732325454) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732324075
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:h1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732327064) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732324075) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539716711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539716711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539716711) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539716711
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732324075
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732324075
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h2 $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |h2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732332915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732331213
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:h2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732334442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732331213) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539727382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539727382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539727382) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539727382
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732331213
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732331213
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h3 $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |h3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732340550) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732339158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:h3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732342782) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539833359) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732339158) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732339158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732339158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732339158
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |h4 $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |h4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732348010) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732346076
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:h4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732350745) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539837443) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610732346076) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732346076
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732346076
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610732346076
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |li $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |li) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733267779) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733266569
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:li) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733270252) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610733266569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539759524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539759524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539759524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539759524
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733266569
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610733266569
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |create-list-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509034723018) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |create-list-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509034723018) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |child-map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509073531039) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |ET $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540294972) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540294488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |D $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540233043) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |E $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540290152) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |F $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |either) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540286780) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540286780) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540286780
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540286780
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |H $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.to-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1623693634596) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540283177
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |sort) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |fn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610193202421) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610193202421
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619540232105
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782731925) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782735356) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513782729323
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |child-map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509073533618) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |%{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282543127) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |schema/Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282546336) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tag-name) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:coord) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |styles) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509034723018
+ :by |root
+ |rerender-app! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |rerender-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012096451) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647037251) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tick-calling-loop!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825931759) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592135595342
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yD $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413923727) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413271995) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Changes:) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413193633) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |@*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1621413193633) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1621413193633
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |patch-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |build-deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647038575) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211726001) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211728928) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*rereder-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211731164) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211733758) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211733245
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211726640
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |*rereder-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211724872) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211723932
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768536064) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text "||change op should has length 4") (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024041038) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768538903) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |4) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612024031030) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768540524) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1515768541742) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515768539839
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515768537406
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1515768534738
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |swap!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |@*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612022532943) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612022533415
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |@*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*changes-logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |@*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |clear-cache! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |clear-cache!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset-calling-caches!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825969046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592132484436
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |*rereder-changes $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211747209) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*rereder-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211744239) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610211748401) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211744239
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610211744239
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |*changes-logger $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186320613) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*changes-logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |extract-effects-list $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012331901) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |extract-effects-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012330271) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012648008) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012330271
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |&let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012634157) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |markup-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012641843) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012644698) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012646057) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012643996
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012634755
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647721566) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647732597) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647735110) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647732016
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647736996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647738087) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647740189) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647742575) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647757967) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647740867
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647736114
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647730672
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012335062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012335062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012335062
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |node-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-entry) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |0) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord-head) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-pair) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get-markup-at) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |get) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-pair) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |1) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rest) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text |raise)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text "||child not found:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text |coord)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185607797) (:text |first)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541500447)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541500447) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541500447) (:text |markup)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |and) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |record?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615282871888) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |or) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |markup-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |effects-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619540516640) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effect?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |node-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012372803) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:effects) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |effects-list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012346347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012346347
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012341713
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647725182) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647726049) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647723453
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615647720727
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012631761
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612012330271
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |realize-ssr! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |realize-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012167973) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |instance?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text "||1st argument should be an element") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012164211) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text "||2nd argument should be a component") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |xT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231952932) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231952932) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1613375538457) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1613375538140
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231952932) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231952932
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231952932) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572885203913) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231952932
+ :by |root
+ |xj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |patch-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231958599) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231958599) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231958599) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231958599) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231958599
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |app-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832069280) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.-firstElementChild) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815642401) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815626176) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815617824
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832063849
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231935928) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |do) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763432302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763432302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*rereder-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763432302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763432302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763432302
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763432302
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |*rereder-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763432302) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763432302
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231935928
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |collect!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assert) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |3) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text "||change op should has length 3") (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |swap!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572231940314) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572231940314
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572232092948) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |build-deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572232092948) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572232092948) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1572232092948) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572232092948
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1572232092948
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832196460) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832161915) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |app-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832082894) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832079527
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raise) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611689277) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"Detected no element from SSR!") (:type :leaf) (:at 1610611689277) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610611689277
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529832194519
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |compare-to-dom!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815670222) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815402369) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529815403992) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815398942
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text |app-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529832076748) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529815663311
+ :by |root
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |*global-element $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610186303395) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |element-type $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455770526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |element-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455760753) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455772000) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455776972) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455779009) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1565455774250
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |js/Element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455782729) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |js/Error) (:type :leaf) (:at 1565455786739) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1565455760753
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1565455760753
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |button $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031622574) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031620278
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031624803) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031620278) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539690966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539690966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539690966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539690966
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031620278
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031620278
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |*dom-changes $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defatom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190373941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*dom-changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190371560) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610190376144) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190371560
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610190371560
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |list-> $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031532007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |list->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031532007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031540975) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031542832) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031532007
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-list-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031584471) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031553185) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031560189) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031561655) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031548072
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610031532007
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |option $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |option) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698328524) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698325447
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:option) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698331006) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698325447) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539772526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539772526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539772526) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539772526
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698325447
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698325447
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |script $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |script) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285523160) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285521266
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:script) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285525860) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285521266) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539786239) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539786239) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539786239) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539786239
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285521266
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285521266
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |select $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |select) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698320664) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698318880
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:select) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698322954) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610698318880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539795941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539795941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539795941) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1619539795941
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698318880
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610698318880
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |a $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440497856) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610440495617
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |create-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440499250) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |props) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |&) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |children) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619539671383) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |confirm-child) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610440495617) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610440495617
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610440495617
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610440495617
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |render! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |render!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647024970) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647005614) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647029249) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615646999982
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*global-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |rerender-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647033830) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |mount-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |markup) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615647034828) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.core $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.core) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:require) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yr $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |yxT $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.detect) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763276585) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.dom) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763280273) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763281554) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850642783) (:text |element?)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012412557) (:text |effect?)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763282669) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-to-dom!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763283031) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763281759
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763276296
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |xT $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.controller.client) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584627009) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.effect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584633569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584635633) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |activate-instance!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |patch-instance!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584636147) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |collect-mounting) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571584639313) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584635914
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1571584626730
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yT $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.render.diff) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.controller.client) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |find-element-diffs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |activate-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |patch-instance!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.controller.resolve) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |n $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513782741285) (:by |root)
+ |t $ {} (:text |val-exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1514823570239) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |filter-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012421270) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.list) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.detect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513782741285)
- |t $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1514823570239) (:text |val-exists?)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012421270) (:text |filter-first)
- |yx $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |component?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |element?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1571850642783) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |effect?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612012412557) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134) (:text |respo.util.comparator)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1551287469134) (:text |compare-xy)
- |yxT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763276296)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509727696555) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509727698379) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509727698767) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |schema) (:type :leaf) (:at 1509727699801) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1509727695077
+ :by |root
+ |yx $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763276585) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763280273) (:text |respo.util.dom)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763281554) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763281759)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287469134) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.comparator) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287469134) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287469134) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763282669) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763283031) (:text |compare-to-dom!)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287469134) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |compare-xy) (:type :leaf) (:at 1551287469134) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551287469134
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1551287469134
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |yy $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.format) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:refer) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592132245055) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |memof.alias) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825950983) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825939259) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |purify-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763181558) (:text |mute-element)
- |xT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584626730)
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825937225) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |tick-calling-loop!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825934103) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |reset-calling-caches!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1611825972923) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1611825936682
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592132244745
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584627009) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584633569) (:text |respo.render.effect)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584635633) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584635914)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.controller.resolve) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584636147) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571584639313) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |yy $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592132244745)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |build-deliver-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592132245055) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825950983) (:text |memof.alias)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825939259) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825936682)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.diff) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825934103) (:text |tick-calling-loop!)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825937225) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825972923) (:text |reset-calling-caches!)
- |yv $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509727695077)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |find-element-diffs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |[]) (:by |root) (:at 1509727696555)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.schema) (:by |root) (:at 1509727698379)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:as) (:by |root) (:at 1509727698767)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |schema) (:by |root) (:at 1509727699801)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |purify-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |mute-element) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763181558) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.main $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |>> $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717583807)
+ |mount-target $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717583807) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717583807) (:text |>>)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717583807)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717587429) (:text |states)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717589003) (:text |k)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717590808)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717593513) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717593734)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717593912)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717602856) (:text |parent-cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717633898)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717603162)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717604395) (:text |:cursor)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717605146) (:text |states)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188885898) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717635438)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717635678) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717607005)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717615395) (:text |branch)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188881386)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717616411)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717618041) (:text |get)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717618973) (:text |states)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717619385) (:text |k)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188882419) (:text |either)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188883119)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188883500) (:text |{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717620560)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717622795) (:text |assoc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717623675) (:text |branch)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717625744) (:text |:cursor)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717626141)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717626655) (:text |conj)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717630765) (:text |parent-cursor)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1584717631832) (:text |k)
- |*changes-logger $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714126882) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714063789) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610284966288) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |exists?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610284969359) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/document) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610284973062) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610284966514
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.querySelector) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714131169) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/document) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714135296) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||.app) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714138171) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714063789
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610284978780) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610284962044
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714063789
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |save-store! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defatom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186320613)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*changes-logger) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |create-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714070196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |save-store!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714070196) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714070196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!setItem) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298919632) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/window.localStorage) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714368950) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||respo.calcit) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378543688) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |js/JSON.stringify) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378081980) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-cirru-edn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378075170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714377407) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |@*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714380697) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714376733
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714373782
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610378077475
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714357501
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714070196
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |main! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |create-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |&) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379929360)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187405339)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1511967482844)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |not) (:by |root) (:at 1511967483827)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1511967298757)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |any?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187335022)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |list?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187360587)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children) (:by |root) (:at 1511967305138)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187406024) (:text |and)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187406288)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187407403) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187407943) (:text |0)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187408824)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187409608) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610187411264) (:text |children)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379931157) (:text |assert)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883) (:text "||For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: ")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883) (:text |pr-str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379933883) (:text |children)
- |5 $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611379975598) (:text |;)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539923158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |sort)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |y)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |compare-xy)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193060106) (:text |y)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539924081) (:text |->)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539924816)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693621484) (:text |.to-list)
- |F $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539932087)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539932087)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539932087) (:text |props)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539932087)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539932087) (:text |{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782729323)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513782731925)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1513782735356)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children-nodes) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188595663)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539950440)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539950440) (:text |val-exists?)
- |X $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |map-indexed)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |idx)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |item)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |[])
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540165920) (:text |item)
- |V $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540174327) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |%{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282517750)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |children-nodes) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188598016)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282521386) (:text |schema/Element)
- |img $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698200294) (:text |img)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698202382) (:text |:img)
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- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698198957) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539748007)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539748007) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539748007) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539748007) (:text |confirm-child)
- |body $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286183331) (:text |body)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286186257) (:text |:body)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286181345) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539682904)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539682904) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539682904) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539682904) (:text |confirm-child)
- |render! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |render!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |rerender-app!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647033830)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-app!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |markup) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647034828)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615646999982)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647005614) (:text |*dispatch-fn)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647024970) (:text |reset!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647029249) (:text |dispatch!)
- |h3 $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732340550) (:text |h3)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732342782) (:text |:h3)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732339158) (:text |confirm-child)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539833359) (:text |children)
- |mount-app! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mount-app!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012121603)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647043808)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assert) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186845358)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |=) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186721260)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186712555)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186718427) (:text |.-__proto__)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186881050) (:text |or)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186847878)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186883285) (:text |nil?)
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- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186894501) (:text |;)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062556808) (:text "||1st argument should be an element")
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assert) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012117977)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186895410) (:text |;)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612062560605) (:text "||2nd argument should be a component")
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |build-deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*dispatch-fn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647046504)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583125696)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583125696) (:text |*changes)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107603418)
- :data $ {}
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- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107604502) (:text |do)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107607765)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107607765) (:text |reset!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107611171) (:text |*dom-changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107607765)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612107607765) (:text |[])
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061285613) (:text |4)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |x)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061288685) (:text "||change op should has length 3")
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |swap!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |*changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |conj)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583130554) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |;) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||mount app") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |activate-instance!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583146439)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583152433) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583154801) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583155692)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583155267) (:text |[])
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583164474) (:text |element)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885066295) (:text |true)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061234309)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612061234700) (:text |[])
- |wT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583222453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583222453) (:text |patch-instance!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583222453) (:text |@*changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583222453) (:text |target)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571583222453) (:text |deliver-event)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reset!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |extract-effects-list $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012330271)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714147703) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |main!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714064801) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714064801
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763814369) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |handle-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814828532) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1529814837949) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1529814828134
+ :by |root
+ |u $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |load-console-formatter!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1615274288270) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1615274283893
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714275046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Loaded.) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714279547) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!now) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298897365) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/performance) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714286951) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714280283
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714274084
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714151642) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |raw) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714159309) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |.!getItem) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298892776) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/window.localStorage) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714167059) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||respo.calcit) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378538280) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714159624
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714152077
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714151901
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714172059) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714173139) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |raw) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714174088) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714172408
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |swap!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714175868) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714177637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714178943) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714180772) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |extract-cirru-edn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378095422) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |js/JSON.parse) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378088124) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |raw) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610378042977) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610378086008
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610378094696
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714174658
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714171488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714191933) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714194378) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714188800
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-watch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714197749) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714217070) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:rerender) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714219489) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347101873) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347103379) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prev) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347104458) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347102100
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714232501) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714235679) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714220597
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347101304
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714210559
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714734746) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |reset!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714243683) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*changes-logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714251576) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714260040) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |old-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714261804) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |new-tree) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714263034) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714264193) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714260344
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761921981) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-js-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761919364) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |changes) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714272165) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714268749
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714265521
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714252645
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714240706
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714151201
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |aset) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285304683) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/window) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285304683) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||onbeforeunload) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285304683) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347119459) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612347120601) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347119841
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |save-store!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285304683) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347121576
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612347118871
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285304683
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714064801
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |reload! $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |xT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |add-watch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:rerender) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |prev) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697800326
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697800326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697800326
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697800326
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697800326
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714076488) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |reload!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714076488) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714076488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |remove-watch) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697806530) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697802769) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:rerender) (:type :leaf) (:at 1614697802769) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1614697802769
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |clear-cache!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714296695) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714293542
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714299850) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |mount-target) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714301998) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714297341
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622298909147) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||code updated.") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714306996) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714302367
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714076488
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714315065
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714053436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.main) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714053436) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714088676) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714089812) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714092170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714092875) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714093849) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*changes-logger) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714101816) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |clear-cache!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610465510488) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714093124
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714088948
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714113862) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714115981) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714117106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714117609) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |render-app!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714120365) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |*store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511714122091) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714117398
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714112837
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763208165) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763215603) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763217061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763217468) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |handle-ssr!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612763217776) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763217245
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1612763207855
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714079782
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511714053436
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |respo.app.style.widget $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |input $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:background-color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |94) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:border) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:none) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-size) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||16px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:line-height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||24px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||0px 8px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:outline) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:none) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:min-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||300px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |button $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |button) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |100) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |28) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:line-height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"28px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571551548528) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:display) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:inline-block) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"0 6px 0 6px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1571551542606) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:pointer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:background-color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |80) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |70) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.style.widget) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031345886) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.comp.inspect $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-inspect $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012331901) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012330271) (:text |extract-effects-list)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012330271)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012648008) (:text |markup)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012631761)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647720727)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012341713)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012335062)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012335062) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012335062) (:text |markup-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |node-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tip) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pre) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tip) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text "||: ") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |grab-info) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |merge) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513786986945) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622395982771) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |e) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622395982771) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |dispatch!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622395982771) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622395982771
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396113350) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |some?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396115474) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |js/window.devtoolsFormatters) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396181569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622396113796
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622395997818) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622395999353) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622395995583
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |js/console.log) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396150828) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |to-js-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396153856) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1622396156023) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622396151173
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622396147402
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622396112738
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1622395982771
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |grab-info $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |grab-info) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |keyword?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |bool?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1612761794050) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |true) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610203140138) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pr-str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |cond) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |map?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Map/) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |list?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189676965) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||List/) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610189679756) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |set?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Set/) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |count) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {} (:text ||nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |number?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |str) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |style-data $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |style-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yyT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:white-space) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:normal) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yyj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:overflow) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:ellipsis) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yyr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:default) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-family) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Avenir,Verdana) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:line-height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"1.4em") (:type :leaf) (:at 1613290464569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:padding) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||2px 6px") (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:border-radius) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||4px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yx $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:max-width) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |160) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yy $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:max-height) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |32) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:position) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:absolute) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:background-color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text "|\"hsl(240,100%,0%)") (:type :leaf) (:at 1539015843887) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:color) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:white) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:opacity) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |0.2) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:font-size) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||12px) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.comp.inspect) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |f $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830055277) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915140751) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |pre) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |<>) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.app.updater $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |updater $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |updater) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |L $ {} (:text |;) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610291648197) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |println) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |x $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |yT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541690678) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |filter-first)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212398778) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282871888) (:text |record?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |or)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |component?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |markup-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |effects-list)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yj $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:hit-first) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update-in) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yr $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:toggle) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541692706) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540516640) (:text |->)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |markup-tree)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |map) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212400568) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |filter)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |effect?)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |merge)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |markup)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |if) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |task-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:done?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |yv $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032085187) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032261717) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032088240
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |case) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update-states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584874759470) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871899631) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871901297) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871897159
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:add) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |conj) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719382396) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012372803) (:text |node-tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719383870) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719384757) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719382680
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012346347) (:text |effects-list)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647721566) (:text |cond)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647723453)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647725182) (:text |true)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647726049) (:text |markup)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647730672)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647732016)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647732597) (:text |nil?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647735110) (:text |markup-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647736114)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647736996) (:text |assoc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647738087) (:text |markup)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647740189) (:text |:tree)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647740867)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647742575) (:text |span)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647757967) (:text |nil)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012634157) (:text |&let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012634755)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012641843) (:text |markup-tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012643996)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012644698) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012646057) (:text |markup)
- |*dom-changes $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190371560)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719385873) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |op-id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719386694) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719385270
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:done?) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719388784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |false) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584719389569) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719387463
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584719381815
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:remove) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |update) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |->) (:type :leaf) (:at 1619541687670) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |filter) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610212234442) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |not) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {} (:text |op-data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:clear) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:tasks) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.app.updater) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871894046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871894046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871894046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871894046) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |update-states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584874768040) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871894046
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871894046
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.cursor $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |update-states $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190373941) (:text |defatom)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190371560) (:text |*dom-changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190371560)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610190376144) (:text |[])
- |option $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871832107) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |update-states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871832107) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871837564) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032048827) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871832107
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032033763) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032037887) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032039027) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032040532) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |0) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032041113) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032038076
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032034178
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |new-state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032044307) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |get) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032045086) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pair) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032046276) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |1) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610032046562) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032044643
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032042121
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032034023
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |assoc-in) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584872093061) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871855179) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |concat) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871859467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871859893) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:states) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871863170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871859709
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {} (:text |cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871878400) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871879508) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:data) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871880620) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871879289
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871857834
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {} (:text |new-state) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871883571) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871847797
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610032033007
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871832107
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871828389
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871828389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.cursor) (:type :leaf) (:at 1584871828389) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1584871828389
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |respo.test.comp.task $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-task $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698328524) (:text |option)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698331006) (:text |:option)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698325447) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539772526)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539772526) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539772526) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539772526) (:text |confirm-child)
- |create-list-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1509034723018)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505409022685) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |comp-task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:inner-text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :proc $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.comp.task) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.format) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610031637395) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |hsl) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915185060) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830138479) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1508915183390) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |defcomp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1505409019792) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |span) (:type :leaf) (:at 1504774121421) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1504774121421
+ :by nil
+ |respo.test.html $ {}
+ :defs $ {}
+ |run-tests $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1509034723018)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |create-list-element) (:by |root) (:at 1509034723018)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-map) (:by |root) (:at 1509073531039)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |uT $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |simple-html-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285169698) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285163027
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285120819) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |run-tests) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285120819) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |n $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285136810
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |t $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |html-quote-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610287069658) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285147781
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |u $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |nil-prop-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285161757) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285156489
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |textarea-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289141737) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285140212
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285120819
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |html-test $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711183530) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |html-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711049027) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711186657) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |todo-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711190184) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |comp-todolist) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711193568) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |todolist-store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711199093) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711190437
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711187879
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711187714
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711203224) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||test generated HTML from component") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712220676) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711211593) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711213352) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |slurp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711215010) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||test/examples/demo.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711221378) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711214146
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711227344) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |todo-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711230659) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711223959
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711213169
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711211316
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711200571
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711186214
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711049027
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |textarea-test $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356958915) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |textarea-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512356927258) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711186657) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |piece) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357039764) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |textarea) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357104007) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357104853) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357106286) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||a\nb\nc\n\"\nd") (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357122629) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512357105079
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512357104455
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512357102353
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512357039364
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711187714
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711203224) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||test generated HTML from component") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712220676) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711211593) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711213352) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |f $ {} (:text "||") (:type :leaf) (:at 1596421840316) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711227344) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |piece) (:type :leaf) (:at 1512357036561) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711223959
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711213169
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711211316
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711200571
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711186214
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1512356927258
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |todolist-store $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |def) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711890004) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |todolist-store) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711037998) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711901013) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711901811) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711903467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |101) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711904306) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711902095
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711907148) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||101) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711908988) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711905464
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711901332
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711901811) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711903467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |102) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711914637) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711902095
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:text) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711907148) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||102) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711917510) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711905464
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711901332
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711037998
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711037998
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |html-quote-test $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711360457) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |html-quote-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711065520) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711363272) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540232105)
+ |T $ {} (:text |tree-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711365003) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711367304) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |sort)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711368191) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |y)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711369543) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||a\"b\"c") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711381698) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711368438
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:x) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711385578) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text ||y) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711852059) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711383807
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:style) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711391354) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |compare-xy)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711392777) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |first)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610193202421) (:text |y)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540233043) (:text |->)
- |H $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540283177)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693634596) (:text |.to-list)
- |F $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540286780)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540286780) (:text |either)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540286780)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540286780) (:text |{})
- |E $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540290152) (:text |props)
- |ET $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540294488)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619540294972) (:text |:style)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1513782729323)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |pick-event) (:by |root) (:at 1513782731925)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |props) (:by |root) (:at 1513782735356)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |%{}) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282543127)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |tag-name) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:coord) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |attrs) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:style) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |styles) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |:children) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |child-map) (:by |root) (:at 1509073533618)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615282546336) (:text |schema/Element)
- |h2 $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732332915) (:text |h2)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732334442) (:text |:h2)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732331213) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539727382)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539727382) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539727382) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539727382) (:text |confirm-child)
- |realize-ssr! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:content) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711395471) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||d\"e\"f") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711399966) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711393603
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711392425
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711389092
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711367835
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711366585
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711363692
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711363498
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711405191) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||HTML contains quotes") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711409876) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711411345) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711411770) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |slurp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711414239) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||test/examples/quote.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711424284) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711412559
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711427360) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711429408) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711426056
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711411540
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711410891
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711404221
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711362403
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711065520
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |simple-html-test $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |realize-ssr!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711243596) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |simple-html-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711052310) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012167973)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |dispatch!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assert) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |instance?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element-type) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||1st argument should be an element") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |assert) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |component?) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612012164211)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||2nd argument should be a component") (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |let) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711246812) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832063849)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832069280) (:text |app-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815617824)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815642401) (:text |.-firstElementChild)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815626176) (:text |target)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231935928)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231935928) (:text |*changes)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302) (:text |do)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302) (:text |reset!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302) (:text |*rereder-changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302) (:text |[])
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763432302) (:text |*rereder-changes)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |collect!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |3)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text "||change op should has length 3")
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |swap!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |*changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |conj)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231940314) (:text |x)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948) (:text |deliver-event)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948) (:text |build-deliver-event)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948) (:text |*global-element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572232092948) (:text |dispatch!)
- |w $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832194519)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832196460) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832079527)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832161915) (:text |nil?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832082894) (:text |app-element)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611689277)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611689277) (:text |raise)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610611689277) (:text "|\"Detected no element from SSR!")
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815663311)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815670222) (:text |compare-to-dom!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815398942)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815402369) (:text |purify-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815403992) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832076748) (:text |app-element)
- |xT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932) (:text |collect-mounting)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932) (:text |collect!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932) (:text |[])
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231952932) (:text |element)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885203913) (:text |true)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613375538140)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613375538457) (:text |[])
- |xj $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1572231958599)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231958599) (:text |patch-instance!)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231958599) (:text |@*changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231958599) (:text |target)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1572231958599) (:text |deliver-event)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |reset!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |mute-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |h4 $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732348010) (:text |h4)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732350745) (:text |:h4)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732346076) (:text |confirm-child)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539837443) (:text |children)
- |style $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286857848) (:text |style)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286859838) (:text |:style)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286856590) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539801350)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539801350) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539801350) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539801350) (:text |confirm-child)
- |span $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031358035) (:text |span)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031359954) (:text |:span)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031356233) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539791248)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539791248) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539791248) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539791248) (:text |confirm-child)
- |script $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285523160) (:text |script)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285525860) (:text |:script)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610285521266) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539786239)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539786239) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539786239) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539786239) (:text |confirm-child)
- |select $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698320664) (:text |select)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698322954) (:text |:select)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610698318880) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539795941)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539795941) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539795941) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539795941) (:text |confirm-child)
- |defeffect $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030655710)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030665066) (:text |defmacro)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030655710) (:text |defeffect)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030655710)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030672480) (:text |effect-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030676121) (:text |args)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030677021) (:text |params)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030677873) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030679274) (:text |body)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030679953)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030699717) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030700237)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030702055) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030702488)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030703398) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030705352) (:text |args)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030705885)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030707297) (:text |every?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030709464) (:text |symbol?)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619537870721) (:text |args)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030730759) (:text "|\"args in symbol")
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030679953)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030699717) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030700237)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030702055) (:text |and)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030702488)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030703398) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030718840) (:text |params)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030705885)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030707297) (:text |every?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030709464) (:text |symbol?)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619537867098) (:text |params)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030744038) (:text "|\"params like [action el at-place?]")
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711297848)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030745111)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693450692) (:text |quasiquote)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030752742)
+ |T $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030757397) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030762581) (:text |~effect-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030767540) (:text |~args)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |tree-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711248778) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300144193) (:text |%{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030825039)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030826237) (:text |~)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030826696)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030829029) (:text |turn-keyword)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030833481) (:text |effect-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711250327) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |:coord)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |[])
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711255470) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711254430
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |:args)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711259228) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030848269) (:text |~@args)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |:method)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711260423) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711260060
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533) (:text |fn)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030816533)
+ |T $ {} (:text |title) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711263719) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711320523) (:text |~args-var)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711327228) (:text |~params-var)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345738935)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711265347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711269084) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||Demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711270946) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711265574
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711264912
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711262910
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |link) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711273486) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345748027)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711274784) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030913582)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030946156) (:text |~@)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030930703)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030930241) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030932083)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030932467) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030933840) (:text |body)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030935487)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693577109) (:text |quasiquote)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030953478)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030954673) (:text |echo)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030971291) (:text "|\"WARNING:")
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030975762) (:text |~effect-name)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030975891) (:text |)
- |t $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031007777) (:text "|\"lack code for handling effects!")
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610030944279) (:text |body)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345750516) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711341421) (:text |~params)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711331885) (:text |~params-var)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612345742846) (:text |let[])
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711336939) (:text |~args)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711329762) (:text |~args-var)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615300149120) (:text |schema/Effect)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711298674) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711299315)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711299820)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711303774) (:text |args-var)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711304478)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711464984) (:text |gensym)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711307302) (:text "|\"args")
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711299820)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711312011) (:text |params-var)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711304478)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711466996) (:text |gensym)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711314039) (:text "|\"params")
- |list-> $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031532007)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031532007) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031532007) (:text |list->)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031532007)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031540975) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031542832) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031548072)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031584471) (:text |create-list-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031553185) (:text |:div)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031560189) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031561655) (:text |children)
- |a $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440497856) (:text |a)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440499250) (:text |:a)
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610440495617)
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- |input $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031326810)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031329024) (:text |input)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031326810)
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- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031326810)
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539753868)
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- |rerender-app! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
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- :data $ {}
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- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |target) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |deliver-event) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- :data $ {}
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- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211726640)
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- :data $ {}
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- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515768534738)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1515768537406)
- :data $ {}
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- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |collect!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- :data $ {}
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- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |println) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*changes-logger) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |logger) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
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- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |@*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
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- |<> $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031443177)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031443177) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031443177) (:text |<>)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031443177)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031463966) (:text |content)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831926526) (:text |arg)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831925958) (:text |?)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031455307)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031474554) (:text |let)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031474772)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031474924)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031475730) (:text |style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1613831928105) (:text |arg)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031491741)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031493089) (:text |span)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031495828)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031496210) (:text |{})
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031497055)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031499540) (:text |:style)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031500305) (:text |style)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031501269)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031503170) (:text |:inner-text)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031505382) (:text |content)
- |element-type $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455760753)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455770526) (:text |def)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455760753) (:text |element-type)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455760753)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455772000) (:text |if)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455774250)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455776972) (:text |exists?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455779009) (:text |js/Element)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455782729) (:text |js/Element)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1565455786739) (:text |js/Error)
- |*global-element $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defatom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610186303395)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |*global-element) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |html $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286116982) (:text |html)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286119221) (:text |:html)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610286114364) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539742823)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539742823) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539742823) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539742823) (:text |confirm-child)
- |clear-cache! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |clear-cache!) (:by |root) (:at 1504774121421)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
- :data $ {}
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1592132484436)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611825969046) (:text |reset-calling-caches!)
- |defplugin $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031722067)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031726411) (:text |defmacro)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031722067) (:text |defplugin)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031722067)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031731498) (:text |x)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031732369) (:text |params)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031733089) (:text |&)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031733739) (:text |body)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031734337)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031766815) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031762483) (:text "|\"expected symbol")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031763354)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031764751) (:text |symbol?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031765111) (:text |x)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031767219)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031768231) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031774319) (:text "|\"expected params")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031775547)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031776576) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031777512) (:text |params)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031778518)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031779680) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031787309) (:text "|\"expected some result")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031789360)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031791957) (:text |>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031792231)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031794388) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031794922) (:text |body)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031795966) (:text |0)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031797072)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693459981) (:text |quasiquote)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826117097)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826117097) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826117097) (:text |~x)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826117097) (:text |~params)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1611826117097) (:text |~@body)
- |h1 $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732325454) (:text |h1)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732327064) (:text |:h1)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732324075) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539716711)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539716711) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539716711) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539716711) (:text |confirm-child)
- |confirm-child $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849837293)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849837293) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849837293) (:text |confirm-child)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849837293)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849977778) (:text |x)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849854178)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188621822) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188622501)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850633926)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850635465) (:text |or)
- |H $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850818280)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850818280) (:text |nil?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850818280) (:text |x)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850636152)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850638498) (:text |element?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850639292) (:text |x)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850629618)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850633520) (:text |component?)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849978626) (:text |x)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610188623196) (:text |not)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850646073)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610185553578) (:text |raise)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850656662)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850657154) (:text |str)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850847642) (:text "|\"Invalid data in elements tree: ")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850728118)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850730245) (:text |pr-str)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571850664816) (:text |x)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571849980101) (:text |x)
- |*rereder-changes $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211744239)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211747209) (:text |defatom)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211744239) (:text |*rereder-changes)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211744239)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610211748401) (:text |[])
- |*dispatch-fn $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647006945)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:rel) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711275849) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||icon) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711278077) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711275046
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:type) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711280306) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||image/png) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711282747) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711278957
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711274424
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711272344
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |script) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711286184) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711288100) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:innerHTML) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711291400) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711293274) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711288419
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711287716
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711285280
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711258663
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711302821) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711305945) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711304679
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711307844) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711308546) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:id) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711309976) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||app) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711311170) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711309684
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711308073
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711313643) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711314530) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711313919
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711313111
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711306551
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711301964
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711249744
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711247231
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711247077
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711318220) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||test generated HTML from tree") (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712209700) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711328786) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711329562) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |slurp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711331434) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||test/examples/simple.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711338330) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711330162
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711343880) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |tree-demo) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711346103) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711340747
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711329109
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711328507
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711317205
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711246326
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711052310
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |slurp $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647020524) (:text |defatom)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647006945) (:text |*dispatch-fn)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615647011835) (:text |nil)
- |defcomp $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defmacro) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610288943548) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |slurp) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711043994) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |file-path) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711156163) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711043994
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |read-file) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290672989) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |file-path) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610290672989) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610290672989
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711043994
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |nil-prop-test $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |defmacro)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |defcomp)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |comp-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |params)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |&)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |body)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text "|\"expected symbol of comp-name")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |symbol?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |comp-name)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text "|\"expected list for params")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |list?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |params)
- |y $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |assert)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text "|\"some component retured")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |&>)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |count)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |body)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |0)
- |yT $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623693443366) (:text |quasiquote)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |~comp-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |~)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |params)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |extract-effects-list)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278702930) (:text |%{})
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |:effects)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |[])
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |~)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |turn-keyword)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |comp-name)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |:tree)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |do)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |~@)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612711003106) (:text |body)
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1615278717160) (:text |schema/Component)
- |code $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732317924) (:text |code)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732320119) (:text |:code)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610732316196) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539697901)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539697901) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539697901) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539697901) (:text |confirm-child)
- |li $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733267779) (:text |li)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733270252) (:text |:li)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610733266569) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539759524)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539759524) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539759524) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539759524) (:text |confirm-child)
- |button $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031622574) (:text |button)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |props)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |&)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |children)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |create-element)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031624803) (:text |:button)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |props)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610031620278) (:text |&)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539690966)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539690966) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539690966) (:text |children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619539690966) (:text |confirm-child)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by nil) (:at 1504774121421)
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797392969) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil-prop-test) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797386780) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |piece) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |script) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797398379) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:src) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797405200) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "|\"a.js") (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797413123) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:defer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797825951) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797728705) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797469766
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||test generate script with nil") (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797426106) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text "||") (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797459599) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |piece) (:type :leaf) (:at 1592797395431) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797395431
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1592797386780
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- |respo.util.dom $ {}
- :ns $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712852131)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711775973) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |main!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711777071) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711777783
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |run-tests) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711782015) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711778794
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711772311
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710949521
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |ns) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712852131)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |respo.util.dom) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712852131)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830096052)
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710949521) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710949521) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830097485) (:text |:require)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885810265)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711077503) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711079414) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |calcit-test.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285403777) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711084271) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711085044) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711086690) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711089580) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711090467) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711084778
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711077795
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885810635) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885816497) (:text |respo.util.list)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885817751) (:text |:refer)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885817942)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711097662) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1540830130336) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711101326) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885818170) (:text |[])
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885819155) (:text |val-of-first)
+ |yj $ {} (:text |div) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711112888) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yr $ {} (:text |link) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711113456) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yt $ {} (:text |textarea) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289161692) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |yv $ {} (:text |body) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711114187) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711101718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711102265) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |head) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711104602) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |title) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711105347) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |x $ {} (:text |script) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711109940) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711101548
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711096271
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |w $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711138422) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.render.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711141952) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711143036) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711143485) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |make-string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711145892) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711143323
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711137930
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711075178
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710949521
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |respo.test.main $ {}
:defs $ {}
- |compare-to-dom! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815704509)
+ |test-pick-attrs $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815704509) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815704509) (:text |compare-to-dom!)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815704509)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815745559) (:text |vdom)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815719025) (:text |element)
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830816491)
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783969980) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |test-pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513783968618) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831794711) (:text |;)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830817270) (:text |println)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831117125) (:text "|\"compare")
- |p $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831404928)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831405781) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831406862) (:text |vdom)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831325932)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831327578) (:text |map)
- |f $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831376412) (:text |:name)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831352947)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831354677) (:text |vals)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831338020)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831336570) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831339614) (:text |vdom)
- |u $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830825546)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831797247) (:text |;)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299216999) (:text |js/console.log)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830830791) (:text |element)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830137956)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830138579) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830138830)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830138972)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830693329) (:text |virtual-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830082251)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763463721) (:text |turn-string)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815756068)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815756999) (:text |:name)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815761065) (:text |vdom)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830147620)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830150553) (:text |real-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830084997)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299054814) (:text |.!toLowerCase)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815764305)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815766925) (:text |.-tagName)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815770517) (:text |element)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830077150)
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711211593) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830078828) (:text |when)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815746389)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212172970) (:text |/=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830160483) (:text |virtual-name)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830162025) (:text |real-name)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830120964)
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711213352) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |f $ {}
:data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299050316) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |n $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832761307) (:text "|\"SSR checking: tag names do not match:")
- |t $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832830626)
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784000528) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832832009) (:text |pr-str)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831819690)
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784002798) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831821094) (:text |dissoc)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831818869) (:text |vdom)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831826495) (:text |:children)
- |w $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831830652) (:text |element)
- |x $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830186509)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830256529) (:text |if)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815879997)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610212175197) (:text |/=)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815890320)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815891633) (:text |count)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815885011)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815887642) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815889892) (:text |vdom)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815892347)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815898109) (:text |.-length)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529815900565)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815903187) (:text |.-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815904957) (:text |element)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207068204)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207069049) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207069412)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207069767)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207074816) (:text |maybe-html)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206409278)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784048810) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784050061) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784048201
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206412177) (:text |:innerHTML)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763792187)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784201331) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206849376)
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784205297) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206422607) (:text |:attrs)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206418715) (:text |vdom)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1612763794288) (:text |pairs-map)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206390299)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206391351) (:text |if)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206405448)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206408931) (:text |some?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207080665) (:text |maybe-html)
- |P $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207401065)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207418509) (:text |when)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207404007)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207404196) (:text |=)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207407640) (:text |maybe-html)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530207408971)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207410780) (:text |.-innerHTML)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207414751) (:text |element)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206424739)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299070602) (:text |js/console.warn)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530207446749) (:text "|\"SSR checking: noticed dom containing innerHTML:")
- |x $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529815904957) (:text |element)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831621447)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831623231) (:text |do)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830187657)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299068073) (:text |js/console.error)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832736857) (:text "|\"SSR checking: children sizes do not match!")
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831589989)
- :data $ {}
- |b $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299062557) (:text |js/console.log)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529833110265) (:text "|\"virtual:")
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832862971)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1619541874457) (:text |->)
- |L $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832865919) (:text |vdom)
- |P $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832970824) (:text |:children)
- |R $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1530206897760)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784206251
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286464594) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784204720
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784199776
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784002422
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783998155
+ :by |root
+ |p $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610289174122) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784196224) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784019017) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||string) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784021893) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784006440
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784005171
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711213169
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511711211316
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513783968618
+ :by |root
+ |test-pick-event $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784225457) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |test-pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784223167) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785231821) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {} (:text "||test event") (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785235070) (:by |root)
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |D $ {} (:text |let) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784259718) (:by |root)
+ |L $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784260621) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |fn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784261517) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784261806
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {} (:text |nil) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610286477659) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784261206
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784260090
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784259931
+ :by |root
+ |T $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784237484) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784239156) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784243569) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784244493) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206899792) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1530206900401) (:text |last)
- |S $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529832872030)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784247855) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784248976) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784244729
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832871319) (:text |map)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529832873317) (:text |:name)
- |q $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529833137299) (:text |pr-str)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529831602840)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299065086) (:text |js/console.log)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831610016) (:text "|\"real:")
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830239274)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830241412) (:text |.-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830243454) (:text |element)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830403040)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830404535) (:text |let)
- |L $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830404758)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830404885)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830408632) (:text |real-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830409348)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830413575) (:text |.-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830414836) (:text |element)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830258663)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830340182) (:text |loop)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830340478)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830340719)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830355775) (:text |acc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830357157) (:text |0)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830361612)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830370138) (:text |other-children)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830373576)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830375147) (:text |:children)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830376283) (:text |vdom)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830380564)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830571074) (:text |when)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830383160)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830386884) (:text |not)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830387436)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830388661) (:text |empty?)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529831706758) (:text |other-children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830571757)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830582504) (:text |compare-to-dom!)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830904553)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1572885804989) (:text |val-of-first)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830588817) (:text |other-children)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830593234)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830594136) (:text |aget)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830598225) (:text |real-children)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830599884) (:text |acc)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830600883)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830601679) (:text |recur)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830617982)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830618835) (:text |inc)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830619546) (:text |acc)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |root) (:at 1529830602517)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830605416) (:text |rest)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |root) (:at 1529830607660) (:text |other-children)
- |shared-canvas-context $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712941660)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |def) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712949104)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712941660)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712941660)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712950763)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712957662)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |and) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712958710)
- |b $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712974502)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |exists?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713250762)
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/window) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712978443)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712961574)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |exists?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713253567)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/document) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712981591)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713024536)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!getContext) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299086906)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712992552)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.createElement) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713006244)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |js/document) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713010664)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||canvas) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713012654)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text ||2d) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713029620)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713031151)
- |text-width $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713039830)
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784253846) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784264952) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784249626
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784244146
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784242284
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784270461) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784276414) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784276764) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784271913
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784268459
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784238993
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784237111
+ :by |root
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784237484) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |=) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784239156) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784243569) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784244493) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:value) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784247855) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text ||a) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784248976) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784244729
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on-click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784253846) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784264952) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784249626
+ :by |root
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:on) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784403254) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784404710) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784406656) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784408578) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784405124
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784403575
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784401595
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784244146
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784242284
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |{}) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784270461) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:click) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784276414) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784276764) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784271913
+ :by |root
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:input) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785462941) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |f) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513785463265) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513785461409
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784268459
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784238993
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784237111
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784259082
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513785230464
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784223167
+ :by |root
+ |main! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |defn) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713039830)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |text-width) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713039830)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713039830)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |content) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713045646)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |font-size) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713047834)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |font-family) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713049550)
- |v $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713051657)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |if) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713055827)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713056318)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |some?) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713058409)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713059037)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713085079)
- :data $ {}
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |do) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713086289)
- |T $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713060905)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |set!) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582254767)
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713072930)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |str) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713073414)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |font-size) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713075227)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text "||px ") (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713077510)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |font-family) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713080294)
- |f $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582250155)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1610291320230) (:text |shared-canvas-context)
- |D $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1623582251718) (:text |.-font)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713086784)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.-width) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713089353)
- |j $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713089893)
- :data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |.!measureText) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299097293)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |shared-canvas-context) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713096119)
- |r $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |content) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713098126)
- |v $ {} (:type :leaf) (:text |nil) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511713101132)
- |time! $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573340422)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710961298) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |main!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710961298) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710961298
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |html/run-tests) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285272430) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710964620
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |test-pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285275897) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285275429
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |y $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |test-pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285284907) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1610285278894
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710961298
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |reload! $ {}
:data $ {}
- |T $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573340422) (:text |defn)
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573340422) (:text |time!)
- |n $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573354714)
- :data $ {}
- |r $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1571573352573)
- :data $ {}
- |j $ {} (:type :leaf) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1622299111276) (:text |js/Date.now)
- :proc $ {} (:type :expr) (:by |rJoDgvdeG) (:at 1511712852131)
+ |T $ {} (:text |defn) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712031878) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |b $ {} (:text |^:dev/after-load) (:type :leaf) (:at 1599216877830) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |reload!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712031878) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712031878
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |main!) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511712035802) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712034731
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511712031878
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :proc $ {}
:data $ {}
- :configs $ {} (:reload-fn |respo.main/reload!)
- :modules $ [] |memof/compact.cirru |lilac/compact.cirru |calcit-test/compact.cirru
- :output |src
- :port 6001
- :extension |.cljs
- :init-fn |respo.main/main!
- :compact-output? true
- :storage-key |calcit.cirru
- :version |0.14.30
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710942011
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :ns $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |ns) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710942011) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.main) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710942011) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |:require) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710995250) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710995647) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.test.html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511710998533) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:as) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711799580) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |v $ {} (:text |html) (:type :leaf) (:at 1511711800004) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710995449
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784071801) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |calcit-test.core) (:type :leaf) (:at 1610285022718) (:by |rJoDgvdeG)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784075043) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784075460) (:by |root)
+ |b $ {} (:text |deftest) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784115309) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |testing) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784076853) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |is) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784077318) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784075270
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784070951
+ :by |root
+ |x $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784026319) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |respo.util.list) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784028897) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |:refer) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784029739) (:by |root)
+ |v $ {}
+ :data $ {}
+ |T $ {} (:text |[]) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784030576) (:by |root)
+ |j $ {} (:text |pick-attrs) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784033999) (:by |root)
+ |r $ {} (:text |pick-event) (:type :leaf) (:at 1513784040329) (:by |root)
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784029972
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1513784025184
+ :by |root
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710992049
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :type :expr
+ :at 1511710942011
+ :by |rJoDgvdeG
+ :users $ {}
+ |root $ {} (:avatar nil) (:name |root) (:nickname |root) (:id |root) (:theme :star-trail) (:password |d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
+ |rJoDgvdeG $ {} (:avatar nil) (:name |chen) (:nickname |chen) (:id |rJoDgvdeG) (:theme :star-trail) (:password |d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
diff --git a/compact.cirru b/compact.cirru
index fac140f..8deacd4 100644
--- a/compact.cirru
+++ b/compact.cirru
@@ -2,33 +2,22 @@
{} (:package |respo)
:configs $ {} (:init-fn |respo.main/main!) (:reload-fn |respo.main/reload!)
:modules $ [] |memof/compact.cirru |lilac/compact.cirru |calcit-test/compact.cirru
- :version |0.14.30
+ :version |0.14.31
:files $ {}
- |respo.app.style.widget $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.style.widget $ :require
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
- :defs $ {}
- |button $ quote
- def button $ {} (:display :inline-block) (:padding "\"0 6px 0 6px") (:font-family |Avenir,Verdana) (:cursor :pointer)
- :background-color $ hsl 0 80 70
- :color $ hsl 0 0 100
- :height 28
- :line-height "\"28px"
- |input $ quote
- def input $ {} (:font-size |16px) (:line-height |24px) (:padding "|0px 8px") (:outline :none) (:min-width |300px)
- :background-color $ hsl 0 0 94
- :border :none
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.comp.wrap $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.comp.wrap $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div
+ |respo.schema $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.schema)
:defs $ {}
- |comp-wrap $ quote
- defcomp comp-wrap (x)
- div ({}) x
- :proc $ quote ()
+ |Effect $ quote (defrecord Effect :name :coord :args :method)
+ |Component $ quote (defrecord Component :name :effects :tree)
+ |Element $ quote (defrecord Element :name :coord :attrs :style :event :children)
+ |effect $ quote
+ def effect $ {} (:name nil) (:respo-node :effect)
+ :coord $ []
+ :args $ []
+ :method $ fn
+ args $ [] action parent at-place?
+ |cache-info $ quote
+ def cache-info $ {} (:value nil) (:initial-loop nil) (:last-hit nil) (:hit-times 0)
|respo.app.comp.container $ {}
:ns $ quote
ns respo.app.comp.container $ :require
@@ -51,315 +40,246 @@
def style-global $ {} (:font-family |Avenir,Verdana)
|style-states $ quote
def style-states $ {} (:padding 8)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.render.html $ {}
+ |respo.app.schema $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.app.schema)
+ :defs $ {}
+ |task $ quote
+ def task $ {} (:id nil) (:text |) (:done? false)
+ |store $ quote
+ def store $ {}
+ :tasks $ []
+ :states $ {}
+ :cursor $ []
+ |respo.util.dom $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.render.html $ :require
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] prop->attr purify-element mute-element text->html get-style-value dashed->camel
- [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
+ ns respo.util.dom $ :require
+ [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
:defs $ {}
- |element->string $ quote
- defn element->string (element)
- let
- tag-name $ turn-string (:name element)
- attrs $ pairs-map (:attrs element)
- styles $ either (:style element) ({})
- text-inside $ if
- = (:name element) :textarea
- escape-html $ :value attrs
- either (:innerHTML attrs)
- text->html $ :inner-text attrs
- tailored-props $ -> attrs (dissoc :innerHTML) (dissoc :inner-text)
- fn (props)
- if (empty? styles) props $ assoc props :style styles
- props-in-string $ props->string tailored-props
- if (&set:includes? self-closing tag-name)
- str |< tag-name
- if
- > (count props-in-string) 0
- , "| " |
- , props-in-string "| >"
- &let
- children $ -> (:children element)
- map $ fn (entry)
- let
- child $ last entry
- element->string child
- str |< tag-name
- if
- > (count props-in-string) 0
- , "| " |
- , props-in-string |>
- either text-inside $ join-str children |
- , | tag-name |>
- |entry->string $ quote
- defn entry->string (entry)
+ |text-width $ quote
+ defn text-width (content font-size font-family)
+ if (some? shared-canvas-context)
+ do
+ set! (.-font shared-canvas-context) (str font-size "|px " font-family)
+ .-width $ .!measureText shared-canvas-context content
+ , nil
+ |time! $ quote
+ defn time! () $ js/Date.now
+ |compare-to-dom! $ quote
+ defn compare-to-dom! (vdom element)
+ ; println "\"compare" (:name vdom)
+ map :name $ vals (:children vdom)
+ ; js/console.log element
- k $ first entry
- v $ last entry
- str
- prop->attr $ turn-string k
- , |= $ .escape
- cond
- = k :style
- style->string v
- (bool? v) (str v)
- (number? v) (str v)
- (keyword? v) (turn-string v)
- (string? v) (escape-html v)
- true $ str v
- |escape-html $ quote
- defn escape-html (text)
- if (nil? text) "\"" $ -> text (.replace "|\"" |") (.replace |< |<) (.replace |> |>) (.replace &newline "\"
- |make-string $ quote
- defn make-string (element)
- element->string $ purify-element (mute-element element)
- |props->string $ quote
- defn props->string (props)
- -> props (to-pairs)
- filter $ fn (pair)
- let
- k $ first pair
- v $ last pair
- and (some? v)
- not $ starts-with? (turn-string k) |on-
- map entry->string
- .to-list
- join-str "| "
- |style->string $ quote
- defn style->string (styles)
- -> styles
- map $ fn (entry)
- let
- k $ first entry
- style-name $ turn-string k
- v $ get-style-value (last entry) (dashed->camel style-name)
- str style-name |: (escape-html v) |;
- join-str |
- |self-closing $ quote
- def self-closing $ #{} "\"area" "\"base" "\"br" "\"col" "\"embed" "\"hr" "\"img" "\"input" "\"link" "\"meta" "\"param" "\"source" "\"track" "\"wbr"
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.main $ {}
+ virtual-name $ turn-string (:name vdom)
+ real-name $ .!toLowerCase (.-tagName element)
+ when (/= virtual-name real-name)
+ js/console.warn "\"SSR checking: tag names do not match:"
+ pr-str $ dissoc vdom :children
+ , element
+ if
+ /=
+ count $ :children vdom
+ .-length $ .-children element
+ let
+ maybe-html $ :innerHTML
+ pairs-map $ :attrs vdom
+ if (some? maybe-html)
+ when
+ = maybe-html $ .-innerHTML element
+ js/console.warn "\"SSR checking: noticed dom containing innerHTML:" element
+ do (js/console.error "\"SSR checking: children sizes do not match!")
+ js/console.log "\"virtual:" $ -> vdom :children (map last) (map :name) pr-str
+ js/console.log "\"real:" $ .-children element
+ let
+ real-children $ .-children element
+ loop
+ acc 0
+ other-children $ :children vdom
+ when
+ not $ empty? other-children
+ compare-to-dom! (val-of-first other-children) (aget real-children acc)
+ recur (inc acc) (rest other-children)
+ |shared-canvas-context $ quote
+ def shared-canvas-context $ if
+ and (exists? js/window) (exists? js/document)
+ .!getContext (.createElement js/document |canvas) |2d
+ , nil
+ |respo.app.core $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.main $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] *changes-logger clear-cache!
- [] respo.app.core :refer $ [] render-app! *store
- [] respo.app.core :refer $ [] handle-ssr!
+ ns respo.app.core $ :require
+ [] respo.app.comp.container :refer $ [] comp-container
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] render! realize-ssr!
+ [] respo.app.schema :as schema
+ [] respo.app.updater :refer $ [] updater
+ [] respo.util.id :refer $ [] get-id!
:defs $ {}
- |main! $ quote
- defn main! () (; handle-ssr! mount-target) (load-console-formatter!)
+ |render-app! $ quote
+ defn render-app! (mount-target)
+ render! mount-target (comp-container @*store) dispatch!
+ |*store $ quote (defatom *store schema/store)
+ |dispatch! $ quote
+ defn dispatch! (op op-data) (; println op op-data)
- raw $ .!getItem js/window.localStorage |respo.calcit
- if (some? raw)
- swap! *store assoc :tasks $ extract-cirru-edn (js/JSON.parse raw)
- render-app! mount-target
- add-watch *store :rerender $ fn (store prev) (render-app! mount-target)
- ; reset! *changes-logger $ fn (old-tree new-tree changes)
- js/console.log $ to-js-data changes
- println |Loaded. $ .!now js/performance
- aset js/window |onbeforeunload $ fn (event) (save-store!)
- |mount-target $ quote
- def mount-target $ if (exists? js/document) (.querySelector js/document |.app) nil
- |reload! $ quote
- defn reload! () (remove-watch *store :rerender) (clear-cache!) (render-app! mount-target)
- add-watch *store :rerender $ fn (store prev) (render-app! mount-target)
- js/console.log "|code updated."
- |save-store! $ quote
- defn save-store! () $ .!setItem js/window.localStorage |respo.calcit
- js/JSON.stringify $ to-cirru-edn (:tasks @*store)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.format $ {}
+ store $ updater @*store op op-data (get-id!)
+ reset! *store store
+ |handle-ssr! $ quote
+ defn handle-ssr! (mount-target)
+ realize-ssr! mount-target (comp-container @*store) dispatch!
+ |respo.render.patch $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.util.format $ :require
- [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
+ ns respo.render.patch $ :require
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] dashed->camel event->prop get-style-value
+ [] respo.render.dom :refer $ [] make-element style->string
+ [] respo.schema.op :as op
:defs $ {}
- |prop->attr $ quote
- defn prop->attr (x)
- when (includes? x "\"?") (println "\"[Respo] warning: property includes `?` in" x)
- case x (|class-name |class) (|tab-index |tabindex) (|read-only |readonly) (x x)
- |event->prop $ quote
- defn event->prop (x)
- str |on $ turn-string x
- |event->string $ quote
- defn event->string (x)
- &str:slice (turn-string x) 3
- |dashed->camel $ quote
- defn dashed->camel (x)
- .!replace x dashed-letter-pattern $ fn (cc pos prop)
- .!toUpperCase $ aget cc 1
- |dashed-letter-pattern $ quote
- def dashed-letter-pattern $ new js/RegExp "\"-[a-z]" "\"g"
- |purify-events $ quote
- defn purify-events (events)
- -> events (to-pairs)
- filter $ fn (pair)
- let
- k $ first pair
- v $ first pair
- some? v
- map first
- |hsl $ quote
- defn hsl (h s l ? arg)
- let
- a $ either arg 1
- str "\"hsl(" h "\"," s "\"%," l "\"%," a "\")"
- |event->edn $ quote
- defn event->edn (event) (; js/console.log "\"simplify event:" event)
- ->
- case (.-type event)
- "\"click" $ {} (:type :click)
- "\"keydown" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
- {} (:type :keydown)
- :key-code $ .-keyCode event
- :keycode $ .-keyCode event
- "\"keypress" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
- {} $ :type :keypress
- "\"keyup" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
- {} $ :type :keyup
- "\"input" $ {} (:type :input)
- :value $ aget (.-target event) "\"value"
- :checked $ -> event .-target .-checked
- "\"change" $ {} (:type :change)
- :value $ aget (.-target event) |value
- "\"focus" $ {} (:type :focus)
- (.-type event)
- {}
- :type $ .-type event
- :msg $ str "|Unhandled event: " (.-type event)
- assoc :original-event event
- assoc :event event
- |upper-case $ quote
- defn upper-case (x)
- if
- > (count x) 0
- let
- code $ .!charCodeAt x 0
+ |replace-prop $ quote
+ defn replace-prop (target op)
+ let[] (p prop-value) op $ let
+ prop-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
+ if (identical? prop-name |value)
- and (>= code 97) (<= code 122)
- js/String.fromCharCode $ - code 32
- , x
- , x
- |get-style-value $ quote
- defn get-style-value (x prop)
- cond
- string? x
- , x
- (keyword? x) (turn-string x)
- (number? x)
- if (.!test pattern-non-dimension-props prop) (str x) (str x "\"px")
- true $ str x
- |mute-element $ quote
- defn mute-element (element)
- if (component? element) (update element :tree mute-element)
- -> element
- update :event $ fn (events) ({})
- update :children $ fn (children)
- -> children $ map
- fn (entry)
- [] (first entry)
- mute-element $ last entry
- |map-keyboard-event $ quote
- defn map-keyboard-event (event)
- {}
- :key $ .-key event
- :code $ .-code event
- :ctrl? $ .-ctrlKey event
- :meta? $ .-metaKey event
- :alt? $ .-altKey event
- :shift? $ .-shiftKey event
- |purify-element $ quote
- defn purify-element (markup)
+ /= prop-value $ .-value target
+ aset target prop-name prop-value
+ aset target prop-name prop-value
+ |add-element $ quote
+ defn add-element (target op listener-builder coord)
+ let
+ new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
+ parent-element $ .-parentElement target
+ .!insertBefore parent-element new-element target
+ |run-effect $ quote
+ defn run-effect (target op-data coord)
+ if (some? target) (op-data target) (js/console.warn "\"Unknown effects target:" coord)
+ |add-prop $ quote
+ defn add-prop (target op)
+ let[] (p prop-value) op $ let
+ prop-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
+ case-default prop-name (aset target prop-name prop-value)
+ |style $ aset target prop-name (style->string prop-value)
+ |replace-element $ quote
+ defn replace-element (target op listener-builder coord)
+ let
+ new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
+ parent-element $ .-parentElement target
+ .!insertBefore parent-element new-element target
+ .!remove target
+ |add-event $ quote
+ defn add-event (target event-name listener-builder coord)
+ let
+ event-prop $ event->prop event-name
+ aset target event-prop $ fn (event)
+ listener-builder event-name
+ , event coord
+ .!stopPropagation event
+ |add-style $ quote
+ defn add-style (target op)
+ let[] (p v) op $ let
+ style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
+ style-value $ get-style-value v style-name
+ aset (.-style target) style-name style-value
+ |find-target $ quote
+ defn find-target (root coord)
- nil? markup
- , nil
- (component? markup)
- purify-element $ &let
- t $ :tree markup
- when (nil? t) (raise "\"tree is empty")
- , t
- (element? markup)
- -> markup (update :event purify-events)
- update :children $ fn (children)
- -> children $ map
- fn (pair)
- let
- k $ first pair
- child $ last pair
- [] k $ purify-element child
- true $ do (js/console.warn "\"Unknown markup during purify:" markup) nil
- |pattern-non-dimension-props $ quote
- def pattern-non-dimension-props $ new js/RegExp "\"acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera" "\"i"
- |text->html $ quote
- defn text->html (x)
- if (some? x)
- -> (str x) (.replace |> |>) (.replace |< |<)
- , nil
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.updater $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.updater $ :require
- [] respo.cursor :refer $ [] update-states
- :defs $ {}
- |updater $ quote
- defn updater (store op-type op-data op-id) (; println store op-type op-data)
- case op-type
- :states $ update-states store op-data
- :add $ update store :tasks
- fn (tasks)
- conj tasks $ {} (:text op-data) (:id op-id) (:done? false)
- :remove $ update store :tasks
- fn (tasks)
- -> tasks $ filter
- fn (task)
- not $ = (:id task) op-data
- :clear $ assoc store :tasks ([])
- :update $ update store :tasks
- fn (tasks)
- let
- task-id $ :id op-data
- text $ :text op-data
- -> tasks $ map
- fn (task)
- if
- = (:id task) task-id
- assoc task :text text
- , task
- :hit-first $ -> store
- update-in ([] :tasks 0)
- fn (task) (assoc task :text op-data)
- :toggle $ update store :tasks
- fn (tasks)
- let
- task-id op-data
- -> tasks $ map
- fn (task)
- if
- = (:id task) task-id
- update task :done? not
- , task
- op-type store
- :proc $ quote ()
+ empty? coord
+ , root
+ true $ let
+ index $ first coord
+ child $ aget (.-children root) index
+ if (some? child)
+ recur child $ rest coord
+ , nil
+ |rm-event $ quote
+ defn rm-event (target event-name)
+ let
+ event-prop $ event->prop event-name
+ aset target event-prop nil
+ |rm-style $ quote
+ defn rm-style (target op)
+ let
+ style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string op)
+ aset (.-style target) style-name nil
+ |replace-style $ quote
+ defn replace-style (target op)
+ let[] (p v) op $ let
+ style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
+ aset (.-style target) style-name $ get-style-value v (dashed->camel style-name)
+ |rm-element $ quote
+ defn rm-element (target op)
+ if (some? target) (.!remove target) (js/console.warn "|Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.")
+ |apply-dom-changes $ quote
+ defn apply-dom-changes (changes mount-point listener-builder)
+ let
+ root $ .-firstElementChild mount-point
+ &doseq (op changes)
+ assert "\"4 items" $ = 4 (count op)
+ let
+ op-type $ get op 0
+ coord $ get op 1
+ n-coord $ get op 2
+ op-data $ get op 3
+ target $ find-target root n-coord
+ cond
+ = op-type op/replace-prop
+ replace-prop target op-data
+ (= op-type op/add-prop) (add-prop target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/rm-prop) (rm-prop target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/add-style) (add-style target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/replace-style) (replace-style target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/rm-style) (rm-style target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/set-event) (add-event target op-data listener-builder coord)
+ (= op-type op/rm-event) (rm-event target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/add-element) (add-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
+ (= op-type op/rm-element) (rm-element target op-data)
+ (= op-type op/replace-element) (replace-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
+ (= op-type op/append-element) (append-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
+ (= op-type op/effect-mount) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
+ (= op-type op/effect-unmount) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
+ (= op-type op/effect-update) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
+ (= op-type op/effect-before-update) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
+ true $ println "|not implemented:" op-type n-coord op-data
+ |append-element $ quote
+ defn append-element (target op listener-builder coord)
+ let
+ new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
+ .!appendChild target new-element
+ |rm-prop $ quote
+ defn rm-prop (target op)
+ let
+ k $ dashed->camel (turn-string op)
+ aset target k nil
|respo.render.dom $ {}
:ns $ quote
ns respo.render.dom $ :require
[] respo.util.format :refer $ [] dashed->camel event->prop get-style-value
[] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component?
:defs $ {}
- |make-element $ quote
- defn make-element (virtual-element listener-builder coord)
- assert "\"coord is required" $ some? coord
- if (component? virtual-element)
- make-element (:tree virtual-element) listener-builder $ conj coord (:name virtual-element)
- let
- tag-name $ turn-string (:name virtual-element)
+ |style->string $ quote
+ defn style->string (styles)
+ -> styles
+ map $ fn (entry)
+ let
+ k $ first entry
+ style-name $ turn-string k
+ v $ get-style-value (last entry)
+ str style-name |: v |;
+ join-str |
+ |make-element $ quote
+ defn make-element (virtual-element listener-builder coord)
+ assert "\"coord is required" $ some? coord
+ if (component? virtual-element)
+ make-element (:tree virtual-element) listener-builder $ conj coord (:name virtual-element)
+ let
+ tag-name $ turn-string (:name virtual-element)
attrs $ :attrs virtual-element
style $ :style virtual-element
children $ :children virtual-element
element $ .!createElement js/document tag-name
child-elements $ -> children
map $ fn (pair)
- let[] (k child) pair $ when (some? child)
- make-element child listener-builder $ conj coord k
+ let[] (k child) pair
+ when (nil? k) (js/console.warn "\"nil key is bad for Respo")
+ when (some? child)
+ make-element child listener-builder $ conj coord k
&doseq (entry attrs)
k $ dashed->camel
@@ -384,39 +304,25 @@
&doseq (child-element child-elements)
if (some? child-element) (.!appendChild element child-element)
, element
- |style->string $ quote
- defn style->string (styles)
- -> styles
- map $ fn (entry)
- let
- k $ first entry
- style-name $ turn-string k
- v $ get-style-value (last entry)
- str style-name |: v |;
- join-str |
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.core $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.core $ :require
- [] respo.app.comp.container :refer $ [] comp-container
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] render! realize-ssr!
- [] respo.app.schema :as schema
- [] respo.app.updater :refer $ [] updater
- [] respo.util.id :refer $ [] get-id!
+ |respo.schema.op $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.schema.op)
:defs $ {}
- |*store $ quote (defatom *store schema/store)
- |dispatch! $ quote
- defn dispatch! (op op-data) (; println op op-data)
- let
- store $ updater @*store op op-data (get-id!)
- reset! *store store
- |handle-ssr! $ quote
- defn handle-ssr! (mount-target)
- realize-ssr! mount-target (comp-container @*store) dispatch!
- |render-app! $ quote
- defn render-app! (mount-target)
- render! mount-target (comp-container @*store) dispatch!
- :proc $ quote ()
+ |replace-prop $ quote (def replace-prop 11)
+ |add-element $ quote (def add-element 0)
+ |add-prop $ quote (def add-prop 10)
+ |replace-element $ quote (def replace-element 1)
+ |add-style $ quote (def add-style 20)
+ |set-event $ quote (def set-event 30)
+ |rm-event $ quote (def rm-event 32)
+ |rm-style $ quote (def rm-style 22)
+ |effect-mount $ quote (def effect-mount 41)
+ |replace-style $ quote (def replace-style 21)
+ |rm-element $ quote (def rm-element 2)
+ |append-element $ quote (def append-element 3)
+ |effect-unmount $ quote (def effect-unmount 44)
+ |rm-prop $ quote (def rm-prop 12)
+ |effect-update $ quote (def effect-update 43)
+ |effect-before-update $ quote (def effect-before-update 42)
|respo.test.comp.todolist $ {}
:ns $ quote
ns respo.test.comp.todolist $ :require
@@ -433,177 +339,34 @@
[] (:id task) (comp-task task)
|style-todolist $ quote
def style-todolist $ {} (:color :blue) (:font-family "|\"微软雅黑\", Verdana")
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.comp.zero $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.comp.zero $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-zero $ quote
- defcomp comp-zero () $ div
- {} $ :inner-text 0
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.list $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.util.list $ :require
- [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
- [] respo.util.comparator :refer $ [] compare-xy
- :defs $ {}
- |filter-first $ quote
- defn filter-first (f xs)
- -> xs
- either $ []
- filter $ fn (x) (f x)
- first
- |map-val $ quote
- defn map-val (f xs)
- assert (fn? f) "\"expects f to be a function"
- assert
- or (map? xs) (sequential? xs) (nil? xs)
- , "\"expects xs to be a collection"
- map xs $ fn (pair)
- let[] (k v) pair $ [] k (f v)
- |map-with-idx $ quote
- defn map-with-idx (f xs)
- assert (fn? f) "|expects function"
- assert (list? xs) "|expects list"
- map-indexed xs $ fn (idx x)
- [] idx $ f x
- |pick-attrs $ quote
- defn pick-attrs (props)
- if (nil? props) ([])
- -> props (dissoc :on) (dissoc :event) (dissoc :style) (to-pairs)
- filter $ fn (pair)
- let
- k $ get pair 0
- v $ get pair 1
- not $ starts-with? (turn-string k) "\"on-"
- .to-list
- sort $ fn (x y)
- compare-xy (first x) (first y)
- |pick-event $ quote
- defn pick-event (props)
- if (nil? props) ({})
- merge
- either (:on props) ({})
- -> props (to-pairs)
- filter $ fn (pair)
- let
- k $ get pair 0
- v $ get pair 1
- starts-with? (turn-string k) |on-
- map $ fn (pair)
- let
- k $ get pair 0
- v $ get pair 1
- []
- turn-keyword $ &str:slice (turn-string k) 3
- , v
- pairs-map
- |val-exists? $ quote
- defn val-exists? (pair)
- some? $ last pair
- |val-of-first $ quote
- defn val-of-first (x)
- last $ first x
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.schema $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.app.schema)
- :defs $ {}
- |store $ quote
- def store $ {}
- :tasks $ []
- :states $ {}
- :cursor $ []
- |task $ quote
- def task $ {} (:id nil) (:text |) (:done? false)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.render.effect $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.render.effect $ :require ([] respo.schema.op :as op)
- [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element? =seq
- [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
+ |respo.util.comparator $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.util.comparator)
:defs $ {}
- |collect-mounting $ quote
- defn collect-mounting (collect! coord n-coord tree at-place?)
- cond
- component? tree
- let
- effects $ :effects tree
- next-coord $ conj coord (:name tree)
- when
- not $ empty? effects
- &doseq (effect effects)
- let
- method $ :method effect
- collect! $ [] op/effect-mount next-coord n-coord
- fn (target)
- method (:args effect) ([] :mount target at-place?)
- recur collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree tree) false
- (element? tree)
- loop
- children $ :children tree
- idx 0
- when
- not $ empty? children
- let
- pair $ first children
- k $ first pair
- collect-mounting collect! (conj coord k) (conj n-coord idx) (last pair) false
- recur (rest children) (inc idx)
- true $ js/console.warn "\"Unknown entry for mounting:" tree
- |collect-unmounting $ quote
- defn collect-unmounting (collect! coord n-coord tree at-place?)
+ |type-as-int $ quote
+ defn type-as-int (x)
- component? tree
- let
- effects $ :effects tree
- new-coord $ conj coord (:name tree)
- collect-unmounting collect! new-coord n-coord (:tree tree) false
- when
- not $ empty? effects
- &doseq (effect effects)
- let
- method $ :method effect
- collect! $ [] op/effect-unmount new-coord n-coord
- fn (target)
- method (:args effect) ([] :unmount target at-place?)
- (element? tree)
- loop
- children $ :children tree
- idx 0
- when
- not $ empty? children
- let
- pair $ first children
- k $ first pair
- collect-unmounting collect! (conj coord k) (conj n-coord idx) (last pair) false
- recur (rest children) (inc idx)
- true $ js/console.warn "\"Unknown entry for unmounting:" tree
- |collect-updating $ quote
- defn collect-updating (collect! action coord n-coord old-tree new-tree)
- assert "\"expects component" $ component? new-tree
+ number? x
+ , 0
+ (keyword? x) 1
+ (string? x) 2
+ true $ raise "|use number, keyword or string in coord!"
+ |compare-xy $ quote
+ defn compare-xy (x y)
- effects $ :effects new-tree
- next-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
- when
- not $ empty? effects
- ; js/console.log "\"collect update" n-coord $ :effects new-tree
- &doseq
- idx $ range (count effects)
- let
- old-effect $ get-in old-tree ([] :effects idx)
- new-effect $ get effects idx
- method $ :method new-effect
- ; println old-effect new-effect
- when
- not $ =seq (:args new-effect) (:args old-effect)
- collect! $ []
- if (= :update action) op/effect-update op/effect-before-update
- , next-coord n-coord
- fn (target)
- method (:args new-effect) ([] action target)
- :proc $ quote ()
+ type-x $ type-as-int x
+ type-y $ type-as-int y
+ if (= type-x type-y)
+ if (keyword? x)
+ compare (turn-string x) (turn-string y)
+ compare x y
+ compare type-x type-y
+ |compare $ quote
+ defn compare (x y)
+ cond
+ < x y
+ , -1
+ (> x y) 1
+ true 0
|respo.controller.client $ {}
:ns $ quote
ns respo.controller.client $ :require
@@ -611,12 +374,6 @@
[] respo.util.format :refer $ [] event->edn
[] respo.render.dom :refer $ [] make-element
:defs $ {}
- |activate-instance! $ quote
- defn activate-instance! (entire-dom mount-point deliver-event)
- let
- listener-builder $ fn (event-name) (build-listener event-name deliver-event)
- aset mount-point |innerHTML |
- .!appendChild mount-point $ make-element entire-dom listener-builder ([])
|build-listener $ quote
defn build-listener (event-name deliver-event)
fn (event coord)
@@ -628,645 +385,454 @@
listener-builder $ fn (event-name) (build-listener event-name deliver-event)
apply-dom-changes changes mount-point listener-builder
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.id $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.util.id)
- :defs $ {}
- |*cached-id $ quote (defatom *cached-id 0)
- |get-id! $ quote
- defn get-id! () (swap! *cached-id inc) (str "\"id-" @*cached-id)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.render.diff $ {}
+ |activate-instance! $ quote
+ defn activate-instance! (entire-dom mount-point deliver-event)
+ let
+ listener-builder $ fn (event-name) (build-listener event-name deliver-event)
+ aset mount-point |innerHTML |
+ .!appendChild mount-point $ make-element entire-dom listener-builder ([])
+ |respo.app.comp.task $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.render.diff $ :require
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] purify-element
- [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
- [] respo.schema.op :as op
- [] respo.util.comparator :refer $ [] compare-xy
- [] respo.render.effect :refer $ [] collect-mounting collect-updating collect-unmounting
- [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
+ ns respo.app.comp.task $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div input span button <> defeffect
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
+ [] respo.comp.space :refer $ [] =<
+ [] respo.comp.inspect :refer $ [] comp-inspect
+ [] respo.app.style.widget :as widget
:defs $ {}
- |find-children-diffs $ quote
- defn find-children-diffs (collect! coord n-coord index old-children new-children) (; js/console.log "|diff children:" n-coord index old-children new-children)
+ |comp-task $ quote
+ defcomp comp-task (states task)
- was-empty? $ empty? old-children
- now-empty? $ empty? new-children
- cond
- and was-empty? now-empty?
- , nil
- (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
- let
- pair $ first new-children
- k $ first pair
- element $ last pair
- new-coord $ conj coord k
- collect! $ [] op/append-element new-coord n-coord element
- collect-mounting collect! coord (conj n-coord index) element true
- recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) ([]) (rest new-children)
- (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
- let
- pair $ first old-children
- k $ first pair
- new-coord $ conj coord k
- new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
- collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (last pair) true
- collect! $ [] op/rm-element new-coord new-n-coord nil
- recur collect! coord n-coord index (rest old-children) ([])
- true $ let
- old-keys $ -> old-children (take 16) (map first)
- new-keys $ -> new-children (take 16) (map first)
- x1 $ first old-keys
- y1 $ first new-keys
- match-x1 $ fn (x) (= x x1)
- match-y1 $ fn (x) (= x y1)
- x1-remains? $ any? new-keys match-x1
- y1-existed? $ any? old-keys match-y1
- old-follows $ rest old-children
- new-follows $ rest new-children
- ; println "\"compare:" x1 new-keys x1-remains? y1 y1-existed? old-keys
- cond
- = x1 y1
- let
- old-element $ val-of-first old-children
- new-element $ val-of-first new-children
- find-element-diffs collect! (conj coord x1) (conj n-coord index) old-element new-element
- recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-follows new-follows
- (and x1-remains? (not y1-existed?))
- let
- pair $ first new-children
- k $ first pair
- element $ last pair
- new-coord $ conj coord k
- new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
- collect! $ [] op/add-element new-coord new-n-coord element
- collect-mounting collect! coord new-n-coord (val-of-first new-children) true
- recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-children new-follows
- (and (not x1-remains?) y1-existed?)
+ cursor $ :cursor states
+ state $ either (:data states) |
+ [] (effect-log task)
+ div
+ {} $ :style style-task
+ comp-inspect |Task task $ {} (:left 200)
+ button $ {}
+ :style $ merge style-done
+ {} $ "\"background-color"
+ if (:done? task) (hsl 200 20 80) (hsl 200 80 70)
+ :on-click $ fn (e d!)
+ d! :toggle $ :id task
+ =< 8 nil
+ input $ {}
+ :value $ :text task
+ :style widget/input
+ :on-input $ fn (e d!)
- pair $ first old-children
- k $ first pair
- new-coord $ conj coord k
- new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
- collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (last pair) true
- collect! $ [] op/rm-element new-coord new-n-coord nil
- recur collect! coord n-coord index old-follows new-children
- true $ let
- xi $ index-of new-keys x1
- yi $ index-of old-keys y1
- first-old-entry $ first old-children
- first-new-entry $ first new-children
- new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
- ; println |index: xi yi
- if (<= xi yi)
- let
- new-element $ val-of-first new-children
- new-coord $ conj coord y1
- collect! $ [] op/add-element new-coord new-n-coord new-element
- collect-mounting collect! coord new-n-coord new-element true
- recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-children new-follows
- do
- collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (val-of-first old-children) true
- collect! $ [] op/rm-element (conj coord x1) new-n-coord nil
- recur collect! coord n-coord index old-follows new-children
- |find-element-diffs $ quote
- defn find-element-diffs (collect! coord n-coord old-tree new-tree) (; js/console.log "|element diffing:" n-coord old-tree new-tree) (; echo "\"element coord" coord)
- cond
- identical? old-tree new-tree
+ task-id $ :id task
+ text $ :value e
+ d! :update $ {} (:id task-id) (:text text)
+ =< 8 nil
+ input $ {} (:value state) (:style widget/input)
+ :on-input $ fn (e d!)
+ d! cursor $ :value e
+ =< 8 nil
+ div
+ {} (:style widget/button)
+ :on-click $ fn (e d!)
+ d! :remove $ :id task
+ <> |Remove
+ =< 8 nil
+ div ({}) (<> state)
+ |effect-log $ quote
+ defeffect effect-log (task) (action parent at-place?) (; js/console.log "\"Task effect" action at-place?)
+ case action
+ :mount $ let
+ x0 $ js/Math.random
+ ; println "\"Stored" x0
, nil
- (and (component? old-tree) (component? new-tree))
- let
- next-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
- if
- = (:name old-tree) (:name new-tree)
- do (collect-updating collect! :before-update coord n-coord old-tree new-tree)
- find-element-diffs collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) (:tree new-tree)
- collect-updating collect! :update coord n-coord old-tree new-tree
- do (collect-unmounting collect! coord n-coord old-tree true)
- find-element-diffs collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) (:tree new-tree)
- collect-mounting collect! coord n-coord new-tree true
- (and (component? old-tree) (element? new-tree))
- do
- collect-unmounting collect!
- conj coord $ :name old-tree
- , n-coord old-tree true
- recur collect! coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) new-tree
- (and (element? old-tree) (component? new-tree))
- let
- new-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
- do
- find-element-diffs collect! new-coord n-coord old-tree $ :tree new-tree
- collect-mounting collect! coord n-coord new-tree true
- (and (element? old-tree) (element? new-tree))
- if
- /= (:name old-tree) (:name new-tree)
- do
- collect! $ [] op/replace-element coord n-coord new-tree
- , nil
- do
- find-props-diffs collect! coord n-coord (:attrs old-tree) (:attrs new-tree)
- let
- old-style $ :style old-tree
- new-style $ :style new-tree
- if (/= old-style new-style) (find-style-diffs collect! coord n-coord old-style new-style)
- let
- old-events $ keys-non-nil
- either (:event old-tree) ({})
- new-events $ keys-non-nil
- either (:event new-tree) ({})
- when (/= old-events new-events)
- let
- added-events $ difference new-events old-events
- removed-events $ difference old-events new-events
- &doseq (event-name added-events)
- collect! $ [] op/set-event coord n-coord event-name
- &doseq (event-name removed-events)
- collect! $ [] op/rm-event coord n-coord event-name
- let
- old-children $ :children old-tree
- new-children $ :children new-tree
- find-children-diffs collect! coord n-coord 0 old-children new-children
- true $ js/console.warn "\"Diffing unknown params" old-tree new-tree
- |find-props-diffs $ quote
- defn find-props-diffs (collect! coord n-coord old-props new-props)
- ; js/console.log "|find props:" n-coord old-props new-props (count old-props) (count new-props)
+ :update (; println "\"read") nil
+ :unmount (; println "\"read") nil
+ |style-done $ quote
+ def style-done $ {} (:width 32) (:height 32) (:outline :none) (:border :none) (:vertical-align :middle)
+ |style-task $ quote
+ def style-task $ {} (:display :flex) (:padding "|4px 0px")
+ |respo.app.comp.wrap $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.app.comp.wrap $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-wrap $ quote
+ defcomp comp-wrap (x)
+ div ({}) x
+ |respo.app.comp.zero $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.app.comp.zero $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-zero $ quote
+ defcomp comp-zero () $ div
+ {} $ :inner-text 0
+ |respo.app.comp.todolist $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.app.comp.todolist $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div span input <> list-> defeffect >>
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
+ [] respo.app.comp.task :refer $ [] comp-task
+ [] respo.comp.space :refer $ [] =<
+ [] respo.comp.inspect :refer $ [] comp-inspect
+ [] respo.app.comp.zero :refer $ [] comp-zero
+ [] respo.app.comp.wrap :refer $ [] comp-wrap
+ [] respo.util.dom :refer $ [] text-width time!
+ [] respo.app.style.widget :as widget
+ [] memof.alias :refer $ [] memof-call
+ :defs $ {}
+ |run-test! $ quote
+ defn run-test! (dispatch! acc)
- was-empty? $ empty? old-props
- now-empty? $ empty? new-props
- cond
- and was-empty? now-empty?
- , nil
- (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
- do
- collect! $ [] op/add-prop coord n-coord (first new-props)
- recur collect! coord n-coord old-props $ rest new-props
- (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
- do
- collect! $ [] op/rm-prop coord n-coord
- first $ first old-props
- recur collect! coord n-coord (rest old-props) new-props
- true $ let
- old-pair $ first old-props
- new-pair $ first new-props
- old-k $ first old-pair
- old-v $ last old-pair
- new-k $ first new-pair
- new-v $ last new-pair
- old-follows $ rest old-props
- new-follows $ rest new-props
- ; js/console.log old-k new-k old-v new-v
- case (compare-xy old-k new-k)
- -1 $ do
- collect! $ [] op/rm-prop coord n-coord old-k
- recur collect! coord n-coord old-follows new-props
- 1 $ do
- collect! $ [] op/add-prop coord n-coord new-pair
- recur collect! coord n-coord old-props new-follows
- 0 $ do
- if (/= old-v new-v)
- collect! $ [] op/replace-prop coord n-coord new-pair
- recur collect! coord n-coord old-follows new-follows
- |find-style-diffs $ quote
- defn find-style-diffs (collect! c-coord coord old-style new-style)
+ started $ time!
+ dispatch! :clear nil
+ loop
+ x 20
+ dispatch! :add |empty
+ if (> x 0)
+ recur $ dec x
+ loop
+ x 20
+ dispatch! :hit-first $ rand
+ if (> x 0)
+ recur $ dec x
+ dispatch! :clear nil
+ loop
+ x 10
+ dispatch! :add "|only 10 items"
+ if (> x 0)
+ recur $ dec x
+ let
+ cost $ - (time!) started
+ if
+ < (count acc) 40
+ js/setTimeout
+ fn () $ run-test! dispatch! (conj acc cost)
+ , 0
+ println |result: $ sort acc number-order
+ |style-panel $ quote
+ def style-panel $ {} (:display :flex) (:margin-bottom 4)
+ |style-toolbar $ quote
+ def style-toolbar $ {} (:display :flex) (:flex-direction :row) (:justify-content :start) (:padding "\"4px 0") (:white-space :nowrap)
+ |comp-todolist $ quote
+ defcomp comp-todolist (states tasks)
- was-empty? $ empty? old-style
- now-empty? $ empty? new-style
- if (identical? old-style new-style) nil $ cond
- and was-empty? now-empty?
- , nil
- (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
- let
- entry $ first new-style
- follows $ rest new-style
- collect! $ [] op/add-style c-coord coord entry
- recur collect! c-coord coord old-style follows
- (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
- let
- entry $ first old-style
- follows $ rest old-style
- collect! $ [] op/rm-style c-coord coord (first entry)
- recur collect! c-coord coord follows new-style
- true $ let
- old-entry $ first old-style
- new-entry $ first new-style
- old-follows $ rest old-style
- new-follows $ rest new-style
- case
- compare-xy (first old-entry) (first new-entry)
- -1 $ do
- collect! $ [] op/rm-style c-coord coord (first old-entry)
- recur collect! c-coord coord old-follows new-style
- 1 $ do
- collect! $ [] op/add-style c-coord coord new-entry
- recur collect! c-coord coord old-style new-follows
- 0 $ do
- if
- not $ identical? (last old-entry) (last new-entry)
- collect! $ [] op/replace-style c-coord coord new-entry
- recur collect! c-coord coord old-follows new-follows
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.test.html $ {}
+ cursor $ either (:cursor states) ([])
+ state $ either (:data states) initial-state
+ [] (effect-focus)
+ div
+ {} $ :style style-root
+ comp-inspect |States state $ {} (:left |80px)
+ div
+ {} $ :style style-panel
+ input $ {} (:placeholder "\"Text")
+ :value $ :draft state
+ :style $ merge widget/input
+ {} $ :width
+ &max 200 $ + 24
+ text-width (:draft state) 16 |BlinkMacSystemFont
+ :on-input $ fn (e d!)
+ d! cursor $ assoc state :draft (:value e)
+ :on-focus on-focus
+ =< 8 nil
+ span
+ {} (:style widget/button)
+ :on-click $ fn (e d!)
+ d! :add $ :draft state
+ d! cursor $ assoc state :draft |
+ span $ {} (:on-click nil) (:inner-text "\"Add")
+ =< 8 nil
+ span $ {} (:inner-text |Clear) (:style widget/button)
+ :on-click $ fn (e d!) (d! :clear nil)
+ =< 8 nil
+ div ({})
+ div
+ {} (:style widget/button) (:on-click on-test)
+ <> "|heavy tasks"
+ list->
+ {} (:class-name |task-list) (:style style-list)
+ -> tasks
+ either $ []
+ .reverse
+ map $ fn (task)
+ let
+ task-id $ :id task
+ [] task-id $ memof-call comp-task (>> states task-id) task
+ if
+ > (count tasks) 0
+ div
+ {} (:spell-check true) (:style style-toolbar)
+ div
+ {} (:style widget/button)
+ :on-click $ if
+ not $ :locked? state
+ fn (e d!) (d! :clear nil)
+ <> |Clear2
+ =< 8 nil
+ div
+ {} (:style widget/button)
+ :on-click $ fn (e d!)
+ d! cursor $ update state :locked? not
+ <> $ str |Lock? (:locked? state)
+ =< 8 nil
+ comp-wrap $ comp-zero
+ comp-inspect |Tasks tasks $ {} (:left 500) (:top 20)
+ |initial-state $ quote
+ def initial-state $ {} (:draft |) (:locked? false)
+ |on-test $ quote
+ defn on-test (e dispatch!) (println "|trigger test!")
+ run-test! dispatch! $ []
+ |on-focus $ quote
+ defn on-focus (e dispatch!) (println "|Just focused~")
+ |effect-focus $ quote
+ defeffect effect-focus () (action parent at-place?) (js/console.log "\"todolist effect:" action)
+ |number-order $ quote
+ defn number-order (a b)
+ if (&< a b) -1 $ if (&> a b) 1 0
+ |style-list $ quote
+ def style-list $ {} (:color :black)
+ :background-color $ hsl 120 20 98
+ |style-root $ quote
+ def style-root $ {} (:color :black)
+ :background-color $ hsl 120 20 98
+ :line-height |24px
+ "\"font-size" 16
+ :padding 10
+ :font-family "|\"微软雅黑\", Verdana"
+ |respo.comp.space $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.test.html $ :require
- [] calcit-test.core :refer $ [] deftest is testing
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] html head title script div link textarea body
- [] respo.render.html :refer $ [] make-string
+ ns respo.comp.space $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] div defcomp
:defs $ {}
- |html-quote-test $ quote
- deftest html-quote-test $ let
- tree-demo $ div
- {} (:value "|a\"b\"c") (:x |y)
- :style $ {} (:content "|d\"e\"f")
- testing "|HTML contains quotes" $ is
- = (slurp |test/examples/quote.html) (make-string tree-demo)
- |html-test $ quote
- deftest html-test $ let
- todo-demo $ comp-todolist todolist-store
- testing "|test generated HTML from component" $ is
- = (slurp |test/examples/demo.html) (make-string todo-demo)
- |simple-html-test $ quote
- deftest simple-html-test $ let
- tree-demo $ html ({})
- head ({})
- title $ {} (:innerHTML |Demo)
- link $ {} (:rel |icon) (:type |image/png)
- script $ {} (:innerHTML |{})
- body ({})
- div
- {} $ :id |app
- div $ {}
- testing "|test generated HTML from tree" $ is
- = (slurp |test/examples/simple.html) (make-string tree-demo)
- |slurp $ quote
- defmacro slurp (file-path) (read-file file-path)
- |textarea-test $ quote
- deftest textarea-test $ let
- piece $ textarea
- {} $ :value "|a\nb\nc\n\"\nd"
- testing "|test generated HTML from component" $ is
- = "|" $ make-string piece
- |todolist-store $ quote
- def todolist-store $ []
- {} (:id 101) (:text |101)
- {} (:id 102) (:text |102)
- |nil-prop-test $ quote
- deftest nil-prop-test $ let
- piece $ script
- {} (:src "\"a.js") (:defer nil)
- testing "|test generate script with nil" $ is
- = "|" $ make-string piece
- |run-tests $ quote
- defn run-tests () (html-quote-test) (nil-prop-test) (simple-html-test) (textarea-test)
- :proc $ quote
- defn main! () $ run-tests
- |respo.schema.op $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.schema.op)
+ |style-space $ quote
+ def style-space $ {} (:height 1) (:width 1) (:display :inline-block)
+ |comp-space $ quote
+ defcomp comp-space (w h)
+ div $ {}
+ :style $ if (some? w) (assoc style-space :width w) (assoc style-space :height h)
+ |=< $ quote
+ defn =< (w x) (comp-space w x)
+ |respo.render.effect $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.render.effect $ :require ([] respo.schema.op :as op)
+ [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element? =seq
+ [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
:defs $ {}
- |rm-event $ quote (def rm-event 32)
- |replace-style $ quote (def replace-style 21)
- |replace-element $ quote (def replace-element 1)
- |append-element $ quote (def append-element 3)
- |set-event $ quote (def set-event 30)
- |rm-prop $ quote (def rm-prop 12)
- |effect-mount $ quote (def effect-mount 41)
- |add-prop $ quote (def add-prop 10)
- |replace-prop $ quote (def replace-prop 11)
- |effect-update $ quote (def effect-update 43)
- |effect-before-update $ quote (def effect-before-update 42)
- |add-style $ quote (def add-style 20)
- |rm-style $ quote (def rm-style 22)
- |effect-unmount $ quote (def effect-unmount 44)
- |rm-element $ quote (def rm-element 2)
- |add-element $ quote (def add-element 0)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.cursor $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.cursor)
- :defs $ {}
- |update-states $ quote
- defn update-states (store pair)
- let
- cursor $ get pair 0
- new-state $ get pair 1
- assoc-in store
- concat ([] :states) cursor $ [] :data
- , new-state
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.render.patch $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.render.patch $ :require
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] dashed->camel event->prop get-style-value
- [] respo.render.dom :refer $ [] make-element style->string
- [] respo.schema.op :as op
- :defs $ {}
- |rm-event $ quote
- defn rm-event (target event-name)
- let
- event-prop $ event->prop event-name
- aset target event-prop nil
- |replace-style $ quote
- defn replace-style (target op)
- let[] (p v) op $ let
- style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
- aset (.-style target) style-name $ get-style-value v (dashed->camel style-name)
- |replace-element $ quote
- defn replace-element (target op listener-builder coord)
- let
- new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
- parent-element $ .-parentElement target
- .!insertBefore parent-element new-element target
- .!remove target
- |append-element $ quote
- defn append-element (target op listener-builder coord)
- let
- new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
- .!appendChild target new-element
- |add-event $ quote
- defn add-event (target event-name listener-builder coord)
- let
- event-prop $ event->prop event-name
- aset target event-prop $ fn (event)
- listener-builder event-name
- , event coord
- .!stopPropagation event
- |rm-prop $ quote
- defn rm-prop (target op)
- let
- k $ dashed->camel (turn-string op)
- aset target k nil
- |add-prop $ quote
- defn add-prop (target op)
- let[] (p prop-value) op $ let
- prop-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
- case-default prop-name (aset target prop-name prop-value)
- |style $ aset target prop-name (style->string prop-value)
- |replace-prop $ quote
- defn replace-prop (target op)
- let[] (p prop-value) op $ let
- prop-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
- if (identical? prop-name |value)
- if
- /= prop-value $ .-value target
- aset target prop-name prop-value
- aset target prop-name prop-value
- |apply-dom-changes $ quote
- defn apply-dom-changes (changes mount-point listener-builder)
- let
- root $ .-firstElementChild mount-point
- &doseq (op changes)
- assert "\"4 items" $ = 4 (count op)
+ |collect-mounting $ quote
+ defn collect-mounting (collect! coord n-coord tree at-place?)
+ cond
+ component? tree
- op-type $ get op 0
- coord $ get op 1
- n-coord $ get op 2
- op-data $ get op 3
- target $ find-target root n-coord
- cond
- = op-type op/replace-prop
- replace-prop target op-data
- (= op-type op/add-prop) (add-prop target op-data)
- (= op-type op/rm-prop) (rm-prop target op-data)
- (= op-type op/add-style) (add-style target op-data)
- (= op-type op/replace-style) (replace-style target op-data)
- (= op-type op/rm-style) (rm-style target op-data)
- (= op-type op/set-event) (add-event target op-data listener-builder coord)
- (= op-type op/rm-event) (rm-event target op-data)
- (= op-type op/add-element) (add-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
- (= op-type op/rm-element) (rm-element target op-data)
- (= op-type op/replace-element) (replace-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
- (= op-type op/append-element) (append-element target op-data listener-builder coord)
- (= op-type op/effect-mount) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
- (= op-type op/effect-unmount) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
- (= op-type op/effect-update) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
- (= op-type op/effect-before-update) (run-effect target op-data n-coord)
- true $ println "|not implemented:" op-type n-coord op-data
- |add-style $ quote
- defn add-style (target op)
- let[] (p v) op $ let
- style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string p)
- style-value $ get-style-value v style-name
- aset (.-style target) style-name style-value
- |rm-style $ quote
- defn rm-style (target op)
- let
- style-name $ dashed->camel (turn-string op)
- aset (.-style target) style-name nil
- |run-effect $ quote
- defn run-effect (target op-data coord)
- if (some? target) (op-data target) (js/console.warn "\"Unknown effects target:" coord)
- |rm-element $ quote
- defn rm-element (target op)
- if (some? target) (.!remove target) (js/console.warn "|Respo: Element already removed! Probably by :inner-text.")
- |find-target $ quote
- defn find-target (root coord)
+ effects $ :effects tree
+ next-coord $ conj coord (:name tree)
+ when
+ not $ empty? effects
+ &doseq (effect effects)
+ let
+ method $ :method effect
+ collect! $ [] op/effect-mount next-coord n-coord
+ fn (target)
+ method (:args effect) ([] :mount target at-place?)
+ recur collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree tree) false
+ (element? tree)
+ loop
+ children $ :children tree
+ idx 0
+ when
+ not $ empty? children
+ let
+ pair $ first children
+ k $ first pair
+ collect-mounting collect! (conj coord k) (conj n-coord idx) (last pair) false
+ recur (rest children) (inc idx)
+ true $ js/console.warn "\"Unknown entry for mounting:" tree
+ |collect-unmounting $ quote
+ defn collect-unmounting (collect! coord n-coord tree at-place?)
- empty? coord
- , root
- true $ let
- index $ first coord
- child $ aget (.-children root) index
- if (some? child)
- recur child $ rest coord
- , nil
- |add-element $ quote
- defn add-element (target op listener-builder coord)
+ component? tree
+ let
+ effects $ :effects tree
+ new-coord $ conj coord (:name tree)
+ collect-unmounting collect! new-coord n-coord (:tree tree) false
+ when
+ not $ empty? effects
+ &doseq (effect effects)
+ let
+ method $ :method effect
+ collect! $ [] op/effect-unmount new-coord n-coord
+ fn (target)
+ method (:args effect) ([] :unmount target at-place?)
+ (element? tree)
+ loop
+ children $ :children tree
+ idx 0
+ when
+ not $ empty? children
+ let
+ pair $ first children
+ k $ first pair
+ collect-unmounting collect! (conj coord k) (conj n-coord idx) (last pair) false
+ recur (rest children) (inc idx)
+ true $ js/console.warn "\"Unknown entry for unmounting:" tree
+ |collect-updating $ quote
+ defn collect-updating (collect! action coord n-coord old-tree new-tree)
+ assert "\"expects component" $ component? new-tree
- new-element $ make-element op listener-builder coord
- parent-element $ .-parentElement target
- .!insertBefore parent-element new-element target
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.comp.todolist $ {}
+ effects $ :effects new-tree
+ next-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
+ when
+ not $ empty? effects
+ ; js/console.log "\"collect update" n-coord $ :effects new-tree
+ &doseq
+ idx $ range (count effects)
+ let
+ old-effect $ get-in old-tree ([] :effects idx)
+ new-effect $ get effects idx
+ method $ :method new-effect
+ ; println old-effect new-effect
+ when
+ not $ =seq (:args new-effect) (:args old-effect)
+ collect! $ []
+ if (= :update action) op/effect-update op/effect-before-update
+ , next-coord n-coord
+ fn (target)
+ method (:args new-effect) ([] action target)
+ |respo.util.list $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.comp.todolist $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div span input <> list-> defeffect >>
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
- [] respo.app.comp.task :refer $ [] comp-task
- [] respo.comp.space :refer $ [] =<
- [] respo.comp.inspect :refer $ [] comp-inspect
- [] respo.app.comp.zero :refer $ [] comp-zero
- [] respo.app.comp.wrap :refer $ [] comp-wrap
- [] respo.util.dom :refer $ [] text-width time!
- [] respo.app.style.widget :as widget
- [] memof.alias :refer $ [] memof-call
+ ns respo.util.list $ :require
+ [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
+ [] respo.util.comparator :refer $ [] compare-xy
:defs $ {}
- |number-order $ quote
- defn number-order (a b)
- if (&< a b) -1 $ if (&> a b) 1 0
- |style-root $ quote
- def style-root $ {} (:color :black)
- :background-color $ hsl 120 20 98
- :line-height |24px
- "\"font-size" 16
- :padding 10
- :font-family "|\"微软雅黑\", Verdana"
- |style-list $ quote
- def style-list $ {} (:color :black)
- :background-color $ hsl 120 20 98
- |style-toolbar $ quote
- def style-toolbar $ {} (:display :flex) (:flex-direction :row) (:justify-content :start) (:padding "\"4px 0") (:white-space :nowrap)
- |style-panel $ quote
- def style-panel $ {} (:display :flex) (:margin-bottom 4)
- |on-test $ quote
- defn on-test (e dispatch!) (println "|trigger test!")
- run-test! dispatch! $ []
- |on-focus $ quote
- defn on-focus (e dispatch!) (println "|Just focused~")
- |effect-focus $ quote
- defeffect effect-focus () (action parent at-place?) (js/console.log "\"todolist effect:" action)
- |run-test! $ quote
- defn run-test! (dispatch! acc)
- let
- started $ time!
- dispatch! :clear nil
- loop
- x 20
- dispatch! :add |empty
- if (> x 0)
- recur $ dec x
- loop
- x 20
- dispatch! :hit-first $ rand
- if (> x 0)
- recur $ dec x
- dispatch! :clear nil
- loop
- x 10
- dispatch! :add "|only 10 items"
- if (> x 0)
- recur $ dec x
+ |val-exists? $ quote
+ defn val-exists? (pair)
+ some? $ last pair
+ |filter-first $ quote
+ defn filter-first (f xs)
+ -> xs
+ either $ []
+ filter $ fn (x) (f x)
+ first
+ |pick-attrs $ quote
+ defn pick-attrs (props)
+ if (nil? props) ([])
+ -> props (dissoc :on) (dissoc :event) (dissoc :style) (to-pairs)
+ filter $ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ get pair 0
+ v $ get pair 1
+ not $ starts-with? (turn-string k) "\"on-"
+ .to-list
+ sort $ fn (x y)
+ compare-xy (first x) (first y)
+ |pick-event $ quote
+ defn pick-event (props)
+ if (nil? props) ({})
+ merge
+ either (:on props) ({})
+ -> props (to-pairs)
+ filter $ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ get pair 0
+ v $ get pair 1
+ starts-with? (turn-string k) |on-
+ map $ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ get pair 0
+ v $ get pair 1
+ []
+ turn-keyword $ &str:slice (turn-string k) 3
+ , v
+ pairs-map
+ |map-with-idx $ quote
+ defn map-with-idx (f xs)
+ assert (fn? f) "|expects function"
+ assert (list? xs) "|expects list"
+ map-indexed xs $ fn (idx x)
+ [] idx $ f x
+ |val-of-first $ quote
+ defn val-of-first (x)
+ last $ first x
+ |map-val $ quote
+ defn map-val (f xs)
+ assert (fn? f) "\"expects f to be a function"
+ assert
+ or (map? xs) (sequential? xs) (nil? xs)
+ , "\"expects xs to be a collection"
+ map xs $ fn (pair)
+ let[] (k v) pair $ [] k (f v)
+ |respo.controller.resolve $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.controller.resolve $ :require
+ [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
+ [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] filter-first
+ :defs $ {}
+ |build-deliver-event $ quote
+ defn build-deliver-event (*global-element *dispatch-fn)
+ fn (coord event-name simple-event) (; echo "\"event coord" coord)
- cost $ - (time!) started
- if
- < (count acc) 40
- js/setTimeout
- fn () $ run-test! dispatch! (conj acc cost)
- , 0
- println |result: $ sort acc number-order
- |initial-state $ quote
- def initial-state $ {} (:draft |) (:locked? false)
- |comp-todolist $ quote
- defcomp comp-todolist (states tasks)
+ target-element $ find-event-target @*global-element coord event-name
+ target-listener $ if (some? target-element)
+ get (:event target-element) event-name
+ do (js/console.warn "\"found no element" coord event-name) nil
+ dispatch-wrap $ fn (op data)
+ let
+ dispatch! $ deref *dispatch-fn
+ cond
+ list? op
+ dispatch! :states $ [] op data
+ true $ dispatch! op data
+ if (some? target-listener)
+ do (; println "|listener found:" coord event-name) (target-listener simple-event dispatch-wrap)
+ ; println "|found no listener:" coord event-name
+ |find-event-target $ quote
+ defn find-event-target (element coord event-name) (; echo "\"looking for" coord event-name)
+ assert "\"element cannot be nil" $ some? element
+ assert "\"coord cannot be nil" $ some? coord
- cursor $ either (:cursor states) ([])
- state $ either (:data states) initial-state
- [] (effect-focus)
- div
- {} $ :style style-root
- comp-inspect |States state $ {} (:left |80px)
- div
- {} $ :style style-panel
- input $ {} (:placeholder "\"Text")
- :value $ :draft state
- :style $ merge widget/input
- {} $ :width
- &max 200 $ + 24
- text-width (:draft state) 16 |BlinkMacSystemFont
- :on-input $ fn (e d!)
- d! cursor $ assoc state :draft (:value e)
- :on-focus on-focus
- =< 8 nil
- span
- {} (:style widget/button)
- :on-click $ fn (e d!)
- d! :add $ :draft state
- d! cursor $ assoc state :draft |
- span $ {} (:on-click nil) (:inner-text "\"Add")
- =< 8 nil
- span $ {} (:inner-text |Clear) (:style widget/button)
- :on-click $ fn (e d!) (d! :clear nil)
- =< 8 nil
- div ({})
- div
- {} (:style widget/button) (:on-click on-test)
- <> "|heavy tasks"
- list->
- {} (:class-name |task-list) (:style style-list)
- -> tasks
- either $ []
- .reverse
- map $ fn (task)
- let
- task-id $ :id task
- [] task-id $ memof-call comp-task (>> states task-id) task
- if
- > (count tasks) 0
- div
- {} (:spell-check true) (:style style-toolbar)
- div
- {} (:style widget/button)
- :on-click $ if
- not $ :locked? state
- fn (e d!) (d! :clear nil)
- <> |Clear2
- =< 8 nil
- div
- {} (:style widget/button)
- :on-click $ fn (e d!)
- d! cursor $ update state :locked? not
- <> $ str |Lock? (:locked? state)
- =< 8 nil
- comp-wrap $ comp-zero
- comp-inspect |Tasks tasks $ {} (:left 500) (:top 20)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.comp.space $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.comp.space $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] div defcomp
+ target-element $ let
+ m $ get-markup-at element coord
+ apply-args
+ get-markup-at element coord
+ fn (m)
+ if (component? m)
+ recur $ :tree m
+ , m
+ element-exists? $ some? target-element
+ ; println "|target element:" $ pr-str event-name
+ if
+ and element-exists? $ some?
+ get (:event target-element) event-name
+ , target-element $ if (empty? coord) nil
+ if element-exists?
+ recur element
+ slice coord 0 $ - (count coord) 1
+ , event-name
+ , nil
+ |get-markup-at $ quote
+ defn get-markup-at (markup coord)
+ ; println |markup: $ pr-str coord
+ if (empty? coord) markup $ if (component? markup)
+ recur (:tree markup) (rest coord)
+ let
+ coord-head $ first coord
+ child-pair $ filter-first
+ fn (child-entry)
+ = (get child-entry 0) coord-head
+ :children markup
+ if (some? child-pair)
+ get-markup-at (get child-pair 1) (rest coord)
+ raise $ str "|child not found:" coord
+ map (:children markup) first
+ |respo.util.id $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.util.id)
:defs $ {}
- |=< $ quote
- defn =< (w x) (comp-space w x)
- |comp-space $ quote
- defcomp comp-space (w h)
- div $ {}
- :style $ if (some? w) (assoc style-space :width w) (assoc style-space :height h)
- |style-space $ quote
- def style-space $ {} (:height 1) (:width 1) (:display :inline-block)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.comparator $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.util.comparator)
+ |get-id! $ quote
+ defn get-id! () (swap! *cached-id inc) (str "\"id-" @*cached-id)
+ |*cached-id $ quote (defatom *cached-id 0)
+ |respo.util.detect $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.util.detect $ :require ([] respo.schema :as schema)
:defs $ {}
- |compare-xy $ quote
- defn compare-xy (x y)
- let
- type-x $ type-as-int x
- type-y $ type-as-int y
- if (= type-x type-y)
- if (keyword? x)
- compare (turn-string x) (turn-string y)
- compare x y
- compare type-x type-y
- |type-as-int $ quote
- defn type-as-int (x)
- cond
- number? x
- , 0
- (keyword? x) 1
- (string? x) 2
- true $ raise "|use number, keyword or string in coord!"
- |compare $ quote
- defn compare (x y)
- cond
- < x y
- , -1
- (> x y) 1
- true 0
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.test.comp.task $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.test.comp.task $ :require
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
- [] respo.core :refer $ defcomp div span
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-task $ quote
- defcomp comp-task (task)
- div ({})
- span $ {}
- :inner-text $ :text task
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.detect $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.util.detect $ :require ([] respo.schema :as schema)
- :defs $ {}
- |=seq $ quote
- defn =seq (xs ys)
+ |=seq $ quote
+ defn =seq (xs ys)
a-empty? $ empty? xs
b-empty? $ empty? ys
@@ -1277,213 +843,455 @@
(= (first xs) (first ys))
recur (rest xs) (rest ys)
true false
- |component? $ quote
- defn component? (x)
- if (record? x) (.matches? schema/Component x) false
|effect? $ quote
defn effect? (x)
and (record? x) (.matches? schema/Effect x)
|element? $ quote
defn element? (x)
if (record? x) (.matches? schema/Element x) false
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.app.comp.task $ {}
+ |component? $ quote
+ defn component? (x)
+ if (record? x) (.matches? schema/Component x) false
+ |respo.util.format $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.app.comp.task $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp div input span button <> defeffect
- [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
- [] respo.comp.space :refer $ [] =<
- [] respo.comp.inspect :refer $ [] comp-inspect
- [] respo.app.style.widget :as widget
+ ns respo.util.format $ :require
+ [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
:defs $ {}
- |comp-task $ quote
- defcomp comp-task (states task)
+ |event->string $ quote
+ defn event->string (x)
+ &str:slice (turn-string x) 3
+ |text->html $ quote
+ defn text->html (x)
+ if (some? x)
+ -> (str x) (.replace |> |>) (.replace |< |<)
+ , nil
+ |hsl $ quote
+ defn hsl (h s l ? arg)
- cursor $ :cursor states
- state $ either (:data states) |
- [] (effect-log task)
- div
- {} $ :style style-task
- comp-inspect |Task task $ {} (:left 200)
- button $ {}
- :style $ merge style-done
- {} $ "\"background-color"
- if (:done? task) (hsl 200 20 80) (hsl 200 80 70)
- :on-click $ fn (e d!)
- d! :toggle $ :id task
- =< 8 nil
- input $ {}
- :value $ :text task
- :style widget/input
- :on-input $ fn (e d!)
- let
- task-id $ :id task
- text $ :value e
- d! :update $ {} (:id task-id) (:text text)
- =< 8 nil
- input $ {} (:value state) (:style widget/input)
- :on-input $ fn (e d!)
- d! cursor $ :value e
- =< 8 nil
- div
- {} (:style widget/button)
- :on-click $ fn (e d!)
- d! :remove $ :id task
- <> |Remove
- =< 8 nil
- div ({}) (<> state)
- |effect-log $ quote
- defeffect effect-log (task) (action parent at-place?) (; js/console.log "\"Task effect" action at-place?)
- case action
- :mount $ let
- x0 $ js/Math.random
- ; println "\"Stored" x0
+ a $ either arg 1
+ str "\"hsl(" h "\"," s "\"%," l "\"%," a "\")"
+ |event->edn $ quote
+ defn event->edn (event) (; js/console.log "\"simplify event:" event)
+ ->
+ case (.-type event)
+ "\"click" $ {} (:type :click)
+ "\"keydown" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
+ {} (:type :keydown)
+ :key-code $ .-keyCode event
+ :keycode $ .-keyCode event
+ "\"keypress" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
+ {} $ :type :keypress
+ "\"keyup" $ merge (map-keyboard-event event)
+ {} $ :type :keyup
+ "\"input" $ {} (:type :input)
+ :value $ aget (.-target event) "\"value"
+ :checked $ -> event .-target .-checked
+ "\"change" $ {} (:type :change)
+ :value $ aget (.-target event) |value
+ "\"focus" $ {} (:type :focus)
+ (.-type event)
+ {}
+ :type $ .-type event
+ :msg $ str "|Unhandled event: " (.-type event)
+ assoc :original-event event
+ assoc :event event
+ |purify-events $ quote
+ defn purify-events (events)
+ -> events (to-pairs)
+ filter $ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ first pair
+ v $ first pair
+ some? v
+ map first
+ |event->prop $ quote
+ defn event->prop (x)
+ str |on $ turn-string x
+ |mute-element $ quote
+ defn mute-element (element)
+ if (component? element) (update element :tree mute-element)
+ -> element
+ update :event $ fn (events) ({})
+ update :children $ fn (children)
+ -> children $ map
+ fn (entry)
+ [] (first entry)
+ mute-element $ last entry
+ |prop->attr $ quote
+ defn prop->attr (x)
+ when (includes? x "\"?") (println "\"[Respo] warning: property includes `?` in" x)
+ case x (|class-name |class) (|tab-index |tabindex) (|read-only |readonly) (x x)
+ |upper-case $ quote
+ defn upper-case (x)
+ if
+ > (count x) 0
+ let
+ code $ .!charCodeAt x 0
+ if
+ and (>= code 97) (<= code 122)
+ js/String.fromCharCode $ - code 32
+ , x
+ , x
+ |get-style-value $ quote
+ defn get-style-value (x prop)
+ cond
+ string? x
+ , x
+ (keyword? x) (turn-string x)
+ (number? x)
+ if (.!test pattern-non-dimension-props prop) (str x) (str x "\"px")
+ true $ str x
+ |dashed->camel $ quote
+ defn dashed->camel (x)
+ .!replace x dashed-letter-pattern $ fn (cc pos prop)
+ .!toUpperCase $ aget cc 1
+ |purify-element $ quote
+ defn purify-element (markup)
+ cond
+ nil? markup
, nil
- :update (; println "\"read") nil
- :unmount (; println "\"read") nil
- |style-done $ quote
- def style-done $ {} (:width 32) (:height 32) (:outline :none) (:border :none) (:vertical-align :middle)
- |style-task $ quote
- def style-task $ {} (:display :flex) (:padding "|4px 0px")
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.test.main $ {}
+ (component? markup)
+ purify-element $ &let
+ t $ :tree markup
+ when (nil? t) (raise "\"tree is empty")
+ , t
+ (element? markup)
+ -> markup (update :event purify-events)
+ update :children $ fn (children)
+ -> children $ map
+ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ first pair
+ child $ last pair
+ [] k $ purify-element child
+ true $ do (js/console.warn "\"Unknown markup during purify:" markup) nil
+ |pattern-non-dimension-props $ quote
+ def pattern-non-dimension-props $ new js/RegExp "\"acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera" "\"i"
+ |map-keyboard-event $ quote
+ defn map-keyboard-event (event)
+ {}
+ :key $ .-key event
+ :code $ .-code event
+ :ctrl? $ .-ctrlKey event
+ :meta? $ .-metaKey event
+ :alt? $ .-altKey event
+ :shift? $ .-shiftKey event
+ |dashed-letter-pattern $ quote
+ def dashed-letter-pattern $ new js/RegExp "\"-[a-z]" "\"g"
+ |respo.render.diff $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.test.main $ :require ([] respo.test.html :as html)
- [] calcit-test.core :refer $ [] deftest testing is
- [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] pick-attrs pick-event
+ ns respo.render.diff $ :require
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] purify-element
+ [] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
+ [] respo.schema.op :as op
+ [] respo.util.comparator :refer $ [] compare-xy
+ [] respo.render.effect :refer $ [] collect-mounting collect-updating collect-unmounting
+ [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
:defs $ {}
- |main! $ quote
- defn main! () (html/run-tests) (test-pick-attrs) (test-pick-event)
- |reload! $ quote
- defn ^:dev/after-load reload! () $ main!
- |test-pick-attrs $ quote
- deftest test-pick-attrs $ is
- =
- pick-attrs $ {} (:value |string)
- :on-click $ fn () nil
- [] $ [] :value |string
- |test-pick-event $ quote
- deftest test-pick-event $ testing "|test event"
+ |find-children-diffs $ quote
+ defn find-children-diffs (collect! coord n-coord index old-children new-children) (; js/console.log "|diff children:" n-coord index old-children new-children)
- f $ fn () nil
- is $ =
- pick-event $ {} (:value |a) (:on-click f)
- {} $ :click f
- is $ =
- pick-event $ {} (:value |a) (:on-click f)
- :on $ {} (:input f)
- {} (:click f) (:input f)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.schema $ {}
- :ns $ quote (ns respo.schema)
- :defs $ {}
- |effect $ quote
- def effect $ {} (:name nil) (:respo-node :effect)
- :coord $ []
- :args $ []
- :method $ fn
- args $ [] action parent at-place?
- |cache-info $ quote
- def cache-info $ {} (:value nil) (:initial-loop nil) (:last-hit nil) (:hit-times 0)
- |Component $ quote (defrecord Component :name :effects :tree)
- |Element $ quote (defrecord Element :name :coord :attrs :style :event :children)
- |Effect $ quote (defrecord Effect :name :coord :args :method)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.comp.inspect $ {}
- :ns $ quote
- ns respo.comp.inspect $ :require
- [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp pre <>
- :defs $ {}
- |comp-inspect $ quote
- defcomp comp-inspect (tip data style)
- pre $ {}
- :inner-text $ str tip "|: " (grab-info data)
- :style $ merge style-data style
- :on-click $ fn (e dispatch!)
- if (some? js/window.devtoolsFormatters) (js/console.log data)
- js/console.log $ to-js-data data
- |grab-info $ quote
- defn grab-info (data)
+ was-empty? $ empty? old-children
+ now-empty? $ empty? new-children
+ cond
+ and was-empty? now-empty?
+ , nil
+ (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
+ let
+ pair $ first new-children
+ k $ first pair
+ element $ last pair
+ new-coord $ conj coord k
+ collect! $ [] op/append-element new-coord n-coord element
+ collect-mounting collect! coord (conj n-coord index) element true
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) ([]) (rest new-children)
+ (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
+ let
+ pair $ first old-children
+ k $ first pair
+ new-coord $ conj coord k
+ new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
+ collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (last pair) true
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-element new-coord new-n-coord nil
+ recur collect! coord n-coord index (rest old-children) ([])
+ true $ let
+ old-keys $ -> old-children (take 16) (map first)
+ new-keys $ -> new-children (take 16) (map first)
+ x1 $ first old-keys
+ y1 $ first new-keys
+ match-x1 $ fn (x) (= x x1)
+ match-y1 $ fn (x) (= x y1)
+ x1-remains? $ any? new-keys match-x1
+ y1-existed? $ any? old-keys match-y1
+ old-follows $ rest old-children
+ new-follows $ rest new-children
+ if (nil? y1) (js/console.warn "\"nil key is bad in Respo")
+ ; println "\"compare:" x1 new-keys x1-remains? y1 y1-existed? old-keys
+ cond
+ = x1 y1
+ let
+ old-element $ val-of-first old-children
+ new-element $ val-of-first new-children
+ find-element-diffs collect! (conj coord x1) (conj n-coord index) old-element new-element
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-follows new-follows
+ (and x1-remains? (not y1-existed?))
+ let
+ pair $ first new-children
+ k $ first pair
+ element $ last pair
+ new-coord $ conj coord k
+ new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
+ collect! $ [] op/add-element new-coord new-n-coord element
+ collect-mounting collect! coord new-n-coord (val-of-first new-children) true
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-children new-follows
+ (and (not x1-remains?) y1-existed?)
+ let
+ pair $ first old-children
+ k $ first pair
+ new-coord $ conj coord k
+ new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
+ collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (last pair) true
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-element new-coord new-n-coord nil
+ recur collect! coord n-coord index old-follows new-children
+ true $ let
+ xi $ index-of new-keys x1
+ yi $ index-of old-keys y1
+ first-old-entry $ first old-children
+ first-new-entry $ first new-children
+ new-n-coord $ conj n-coord index
+ ; println |index: xi yi
+ if (<= xi yi)
+ let
+ new-element $ val-of-first new-children
+ new-coord $ conj coord y1
+ collect! $ [] op/add-element new-coord new-n-coord new-element
+ collect-mounting collect! coord new-n-coord new-element true
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (inc index) old-children new-follows
+ do
+ collect-unmounting collect! coord new-n-coord (val-of-first old-children) true
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-element (conj coord x1) new-n-coord nil
+ recur collect! coord n-coord index old-follows new-children
+ |find-style-diffs $ quote
+ defn find-style-diffs (collect! c-coord coord old-style new-style)
+ let
+ was-empty? $ empty? old-style
+ now-empty? $ empty? new-style
+ if (identical? old-style new-style) nil $ cond
+ and was-empty? now-empty?
+ , nil
+ (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
+ let
+ entry $ first new-style
+ follows $ rest new-style
+ collect! $ [] op/add-style c-coord coord entry
+ recur collect! c-coord coord old-style follows
+ (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
+ let
+ entry $ first old-style
+ follows $ rest old-style
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-style c-coord coord (first entry)
+ recur collect! c-coord coord follows new-style
+ true $ let
+ old-entry $ first old-style
+ new-entry $ first new-style
+ old-follows $ rest old-style
+ new-follows $ rest new-style
+ case
+ compare-xy (first old-entry) (first new-entry)
+ -1 $ do
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-style c-coord coord (first old-entry)
+ recur collect! c-coord coord old-follows new-style
+ 1 $ do
+ collect! $ [] op/add-style c-coord coord new-entry
+ recur collect! c-coord coord old-style new-follows
+ 0 $ do
+ if
+ not $ identical? (last old-entry) (last new-entry)
+ collect! $ [] op/replace-style c-coord coord new-entry
+ recur collect! c-coord coord old-follows new-follows
+ |find-element-diffs $ quote
+ defn find-element-diffs (collect! coord n-coord old-tree new-tree) (; js/console.log "|element diffing:" n-coord old-tree new-tree) (; echo "\"element coord" coord)
- map? data
- str |Map/ $ count data
- (list? data)
- str |List/ $ count data
- (set? data)
- str |Set/ $ count data
- (nil? data) |nil
- (number? data) (str data)
- (keyword? data) (str data)
- (bool? data) (str data)
- (fn? data) |Fn
- true $ pr-str data
- |style-data $ quote
- def style-data $ {} (:position :absolute) (:background-color "\"hsl(240,100%,0%)") (:color :white) (:opacity 0.2) (:font-size |12px) (:font-family |Avenir,Verdana) (:line-height "\"1.4em") (:padding "|2px 6px") (:border-radius |4px) (:max-width 160) (:max-height 32) (:white-space :normal) (:overflow :ellipsis) (:cursor :default)
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.controller.resolve $ {}
+ identical? old-tree new-tree
+ , nil
+ (and (component? old-tree) (component? new-tree))
+ let
+ next-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
+ if
+ = (:name old-tree) (:name new-tree)
+ do (collect-updating collect! :before-update coord n-coord old-tree new-tree)
+ find-element-diffs collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) (:tree new-tree)
+ collect-updating collect! :update coord n-coord old-tree new-tree
+ do (collect-unmounting collect! coord n-coord old-tree true)
+ find-element-diffs collect! next-coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) (:tree new-tree)
+ collect-mounting collect! coord n-coord new-tree true
+ (and (component? old-tree) (element? new-tree))
+ do
+ collect-unmounting collect!
+ conj coord $ :name old-tree
+ , n-coord old-tree true
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (:tree old-tree) new-tree
+ (and (element? old-tree) (component? new-tree))
+ let
+ new-coord $ conj coord (:name new-tree)
+ do
+ find-element-diffs collect! new-coord n-coord old-tree $ :tree new-tree
+ collect-mounting collect! coord n-coord new-tree true
+ (and (element? old-tree) (element? new-tree))
+ if
+ /= (:name old-tree) (:name new-tree)
+ do
+ collect! $ [] op/replace-element coord n-coord new-tree
+ , nil
+ do
+ find-props-diffs collect! coord n-coord (:attrs old-tree) (:attrs new-tree)
+ let
+ old-style $ :style old-tree
+ new-style $ :style new-tree
+ if (/= old-style new-style) (find-style-diffs collect! coord n-coord old-style new-style)
+ let
+ old-events $ keys-non-nil
+ either (:event old-tree) ({})
+ new-events $ keys-non-nil
+ either (:event new-tree) ({})
+ when (/= old-events new-events)
+ let
+ added-events $ difference new-events old-events
+ removed-events $ difference old-events new-events
+ &doseq (event-name added-events)
+ collect! $ [] op/set-event coord n-coord event-name
+ &doseq (event-name removed-events)
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-event coord n-coord event-name
+ let
+ old-children $ :children old-tree
+ new-children $ :children new-tree
+ find-children-diffs collect! coord n-coord 0 old-children new-children
+ true $ js/console.warn "\"Diffing unknown params" old-tree new-tree
+ |find-props-diffs $ quote
+ defn find-props-diffs (collect! coord n-coord old-props new-props)
+ ; js/console.log "|find props:" n-coord old-props new-props (count old-props) (count new-props)
+ let
+ was-empty? $ empty? old-props
+ now-empty? $ empty? new-props
+ cond
+ and was-empty? now-empty?
+ , nil
+ (and was-empty? (not now-empty?))
+ do
+ collect! $ [] op/add-prop coord n-coord (first new-props)
+ recur collect! coord n-coord old-props $ rest new-props
+ (and (not was-empty?) now-empty?)
+ do
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-prop coord n-coord
+ first $ first old-props
+ recur collect! coord n-coord (rest old-props) new-props
+ true $ let
+ old-pair $ first old-props
+ new-pair $ first new-props
+ old-k $ first old-pair
+ old-v $ last old-pair
+ new-k $ first new-pair
+ new-v $ last new-pair
+ old-follows $ rest old-props
+ new-follows $ rest new-props
+ ; js/console.log old-k new-k old-v new-v
+ case (compare-xy old-k new-k)
+ -1 $ do
+ collect! $ [] op/rm-prop coord n-coord old-k
+ recur collect! coord n-coord old-follows new-props
+ 1 $ do
+ collect! $ [] op/add-prop coord n-coord new-pair
+ recur collect! coord n-coord old-props new-follows
+ 0 $ do
+ if (/= old-v new-v)
+ collect! $ [] op/replace-prop coord n-coord new-pair
+ recur collect! coord n-coord old-follows new-follows
+ |respo.render.html $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.controller.resolve $ :require
+ ns respo.render.html $ :require
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] prop->attr purify-element mute-element text->html get-style-value dashed->camel
[] respo.util.detect :refer $ [] component? element?
- [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] filter-first
:defs $ {}
- |build-deliver-event $ quote
- defn build-deliver-event (*global-element *dispatch-fn)
- fn (coord event-name simple-event) (; echo "\"event coord" coord)
- let
- target-element $ find-event-target @*global-element coord event-name
- target-listener $ if (some? target-element)
- get (:event target-element) event-name
- do (js/console.warn "\"found no element" coord event-name) nil
- dispatch-wrap $ fn (op data)
- let
- dispatch! $ deref *dispatch-fn
- cond
- list? op
- dispatch! :states $ [] op data
- true $ dispatch! op data
- if (some? target-listener)
- do (; println "|listener found:" coord event-name) (target-listener simple-event dispatch-wrap)
- ; println "|found no listener:" coord event-name
- |find-event-target $ quote
- defn find-event-target (element coord event-name) (; echo "\"looking for" coord event-name)
- assert "\"element cannot be nil" $ some? element
- assert "\"coord cannot be nil" $ some? coord
+ |element->string $ quote
+ defn element->string (element)
- target-element $ let
- m $ get-markup-at element coord
- apply-args
- get-markup-at element coord
- fn (m)
- if (component? m)
- recur $ :tree m
- , m
- element-exists? $ some? target-element
- ; println "|target element:" $ pr-str event-name
- if
- and element-exists? $ some?
- get (:event target-element) event-name
- , target-element $ if (empty? coord) nil
- if element-exists?
- recur element
- slice coord 0 $ - (count coord) 1
- , event-name
- , nil
- |get-markup-at $ quote
- defn get-markup-at (markup coord)
- ; println |markup: $ pr-str coord
- if (empty? coord) markup $ if (component? markup)
- recur (:tree markup) (rest coord)
- let
- coord-head $ first coord
- child-pair $ filter-first
- fn (child-entry)
- = (get child-entry 0) coord-head
- :children markup
- if (some? child-pair)
- get-markup-at (get child-pair 1) (rest coord)
- raise $ str "|child not found:" coord
- map (:children markup) first
- :proc $ quote ()
+ tag-name $ turn-string (:name element)
+ attrs $ pairs-map (:attrs element)
+ styles $ either (:style element) ({})
+ text-inside $ if
+ = (:name element) :textarea
+ escape-html $ :value attrs
+ either (:innerHTML attrs)
+ text->html $ :inner-text attrs
+ tailored-props $ -> attrs (dissoc :innerHTML) (dissoc :inner-text)
+ fn (props)
+ if (empty? styles) props $ assoc props :style styles
+ props-in-string $ props->string tailored-props
+ if (&set:includes? self-closing tag-name)
+ str |< tag-name
+ if
+ > (count props-in-string) 0
+ , "| " |
+ , props-in-string "| >"
+ &let
+ children $ -> (:children element)
+ map $ fn (entry)
+ let
+ child $ last entry
+ element->string child
+ str |< tag-name
+ if
+ > (count props-in-string) 0
+ , "| " |
+ , props-in-string |>
+ either text-inside $ join-str children |
+ , | tag-name |>
+ |style->string $ quote
+ defn style->string (styles)
+ -> styles
+ map $ fn (entry)
+ let
+ k $ first entry
+ style-name $ turn-string k
+ v $ get-style-value (last entry) (dashed->camel style-name)
+ str style-name |: (escape-html v) |;
+ join-str |
+ |entry->string $ quote
+ defn entry->string (entry)
+ let
+ k $ first entry
+ v $ last entry
+ str
+ prop->attr $ turn-string k
+ , |= $ .escape
+ cond
+ = k :style
+ style->string v
+ (bool? v) (str v)
+ (number? v) (str v)
+ (keyword? v) (turn-string v)
+ (string? v) (escape-html v)
+ true $ str v
+ |props->string $ quote
+ defn props->string (props)
+ -> props (to-pairs)
+ filter $ fn (pair)
+ let
+ k $ first pair
+ v $ last pair
+ and (some? v)
+ not $ starts-with? (turn-string k) |on-
+ map entry->string
+ .to-list
+ join-str "| "
+ |make-string $ quote
+ defn make-string (element)
+ element->string $ purify-element (mute-element element)
+ |escape-html $ quote
+ defn escape-html (text)
+ if (nil? text) "\"" $ -> text (.replace "|\"" |") (.replace |< |<) (.replace |> |>) (.replace &newline "\"
+ |self-closing $ quote
+ def self-closing $ #{} "\"area" "\"base" "\"br" "\"col" "\"embed" "\"hr" "\"img" "\"input" "\"link" "\"meta" "\"param" "\"source" "\"track" "\"wbr"
|respo.core $ {}
:ns $ quote
ns respo.core $ :require
@@ -1499,62 +1307,185 @@
[] respo.util.dom :refer $ [] compare-to-dom!
[] memof.alias :refer $ [] tick-calling-loop! reset-calling-caches!
:defs $ {}
+ |defcomp $ quote
+ defmacro defcomp (comp-name params & body)
+ assert "\"expected symbol of comp-name" $ symbol? comp-name
+ assert "\"expected list for params" $ list? params
+ assert "\"some component retured" $ &> (count body) 0
+ quasiquote $ defn ~comp-name (~ params)
+ extract-effects-list $ %{} schema/Component
+ :effects $ []
+ :name $ ~ (turn-keyword comp-name)
+ :tree $ do (~@ body)
+ |div $ quote
+ defn div (props & children)
+ create-element :div props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |img $ quote
+ defn img (props & children)
+ create-element :img props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |pre $ quote
+ defn pre (props & children)
+ create-element :pre props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |body $ quote
+ defn body (props & children)
+ create-element :body props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |code $ quote
+ defn code (props & children)
+ create-element :code props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |head $ quote
+ defn head (props & children)
+ create-element :head props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |html $ quote
+ defn html (props & children)
+ create-element :html props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |link $ quote
+ defn link (props & children)
+ create-element :link props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |span $ quote
+ defn span (props & children)
+ create-element :span props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |create-element $ quote
+ defn create-element (tag-name props & children)
+ ; assert
+ str "|For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: " $ pr-str children
+ and
+ > (count children) 0
+ not $ any? list? children
+ let
+ attrs $ pick-attrs props
+ styles $ ->
+ either (:style props) ({})
+ .to-list
+ sort $ fn (x y)
+ compare-xy (first x) (first y)
+ event $ pick-event props
+ children-nodes $ -> children
+ map-indexed $ fn (idx item) ([] idx item)
+ filter val-exists?
+ %{} schema/Element (:name tag-name) (:coord nil) (:attrs attrs) (:style styles) (:event event) (:children children-nodes)
+ |defeffect $ quote
+ defmacro defeffect (effect-name args params & body)
+ assert "\"args in symbol" $ and (list? args) (every? args symbol?)
+ assert "\"params like [action el at-place?]" $ and (list? params) (every? params symbol?)
+ let
+ args-var $ gensym "\"args"
+ params-var $ gensym "\"params"
+ quasiquote $ defn ~effect-name ~args
+ %{} schema/Effect
+ :name $ ~ (turn-keyword effect-name)
+ :coord $ []
+ :args $ [] ~@args
+ :method $ fn (~args-var ~params-var)
+ let[] ~args ~args-var $ let[] ~params ~params-var
+ ~@ $ if (empty? body)
+ quasiquote $ echo "\"WARNING:" ~effect-name "\"lack code for handling effects!"
+ , body
+ |textarea $ quote
+ defn textarea (props & children)
+ create-element :textarea props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |mount-app! $ quote
+ defn mount-app! (target element *dispatch-fn)
+ ; assert "|1st argument should be an element" $ or (nil? target)
+ = element-type $ .-__proto__ target
+ ; assert "|2nd argument should be a component" $ component? element
+ let
+ deliver-event $ build-deliver-event *global-element *dispatch-fn
+ *changes $ do
+ reset! *dom-changes $ []
+ , *dom-changes
+ collect! $ fn (x)
+ assert "|change op should has length 3" $ = 4 (count x)
+ swap! *changes conj x
+ ; println "|mount app"
+ activate-instance! element target deliver-event
+ collect-mounting collect! ([]) ([]) element true
+ patch-instance! @*changes target deliver-event
+ reset! *global-element element
+ |blockquote $ quote
+ defn blockquote (props & children)
+ create-element :blockquote props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |defplugin $ quote
+ defmacro defplugin (x params & body)
+ assert "\"expected symbol" $ symbol? x
+ assert "\"expected params" $ list? params
+ assert "\"expected some result" $ > (count body) 0
+ quasiquote $ defn ~x ~params ~@body
+ |input $ quote
+ defn input (props & children)
+ create-element :input props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |style $ quote
+ defn style (props & children)
+ create-element :style props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |title $ quote
+ defn title (props & children)
+ create-element :title props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |confirm-child $ quote
+ defn confirm-child (x)
+ when
+ not $ or (nil? x) (element? x) (component? x)
+ raise $ str "\"Invalid data in elements tree: " (pr-str x)
+ , x
+ |*dispatch-fn $ quote (defatom *dispatch-fn nil)
+ |<> $ quote
+ defn <> (content ? arg)
+ let
+ style arg
+ span $ {} (:inner-text content) (:style style)
|>> $ quote
defn >> (states k)
parent-cursor $ either (:cursor states) ([])
branch $ either (get states k) ({})
assoc branch :cursor $ conj parent-cursor k
- |*changes-logger $ quote (defatom *changes-logger nil)
- |create-element $ quote
- defn create-element (tag-name props & children)
- ; assert
- str "|For rendering lists, please use list-> , got: " $ pr-str children
- and
- > (count children) 0
- not $ any? list? children
+ |h1 $ quote
+ defn h1 (props & children)
+ create-element :h1 props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |h2 $ quote
+ defn h2 (props & children)
+ create-element :h2 props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |h3 $ quote
+ defn h3 (props & children)
+ create-element :h3 props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |h4 $ quote
+ defn h4 (props & children)
+ create-element :h4 props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |li $ quote
+ defn li (props & children)
+ create-element :li props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |create-list-element $ quote
+ defn create-list-element (tag-name props child-map)
attrs $ pick-attrs props
- styles $ ->
- either (:style props) ({})
+ styles $ -> props (:style)
+ either $ {}
sort $ fn (x y)
compare-xy (first x) (first y)
event $ pick-event props
- children-nodes $ -> children
- map-indexed $ fn (idx item) ([] idx item)
- filter val-exists?
- %{} schema/Element (:name tag-name) (:coord nil) (:attrs attrs) (:style styles) (:event event) (:children children-nodes)
- |img $ quote
- defn img (props & children)
- create-element :img props & $ map children confirm-child
- |body $ quote
- defn body (props & children)
- create-element :body props & $ map children confirm-child
- |render! $ quote
- defn render! (target markup dispatch!) (reset! *dispatch-fn dispatch!)
- if (some? @*global-element) (rerender-app! target markup *dispatch-fn) (mount-app! target markup *dispatch-fn)
- |h3 $ quote
- defn h3 (props & children)
- create-element :h3 props & $ map children confirm-child
- |mount-app! $ quote
- defn mount-app! (target element *dispatch-fn)
- ; assert "|1st argument should be an element" $ or (nil? target)
- = element-type $ .-__proto__ target
- ; assert "|2nd argument should be a component" $ component? element
+ %{} schema/Element (:name tag-name) (:coord nil) (:attrs attrs) (:style styles) (:event event) (:children child-map)
+ |rerender-app! $ quote
+ defn rerender-app! (target element *dispatch-fn) (tick-calling-loop!)
deliver-event $ build-deliver-event *global-element *dispatch-fn
*changes $ do
- reset! *dom-changes $ []
- , *dom-changes
+ reset! *rereder-changes $ []
+ , *rereder-changes
collect! $ fn (x)
- assert "|change op should has length 3" $ = 4 (count x)
+ assert "|change op should has length 4" $ = 4 (count x)
swap! *changes conj x
- ; println "|mount app"
- activate-instance! element target deliver-event
- collect-mounting collect! ([]) ([]) element true
+ ; println @*global-element
+ find-element-diffs collect! ([]) ([]) @*global-element element
+ let
+ logger @*changes-logger
+ if (some? logger) (logger @*global-element element @*changes)
+ ; js/console.log |Changes: @*changes
patch-instance! @*changes target deliver-event
reset! *global-element element
+ |clear-cache! $ quote
+ defn clear-cache! () $ reset-calling-caches!
+ |*rereder-changes $ quote
+ defatom *rereder-changes $ []
+ |*changes-logger $ quote (defatom *changes-logger nil)
|extract-effects-list $ quote
defn extract-effects-list (markup)
@@ -1572,25 +1503,6 @@
effects-list $ -> markup-tree (filter effect?)
merge markup $ {} (:tree node-tree) (:effects effects-list)
true markup
- |*dom-changes $ quote
- defatom *dom-changes $ []
- |option $ quote
- defn option (props & children)
- create-element :option props & $ map children confirm-child
- |create-list-element $ quote
- defn create-list-element (tag-name props child-map)
- let
- attrs $ pick-attrs props
- styles $ -> props (:style)
- either $ {}
- .to-list
- sort $ fn (x y)
- compare-xy (first x) (first y)
- event $ pick-event props
- %{} schema/Element (:name tag-name) (:coord nil) (:attrs attrs) (:style styles) (:event event) (:children child-map)
- |h2 $ quote
- defn h2 (props & children)
- create-element :h2 props & $ map children confirm-child
|realize-ssr! $ quote
defn realize-ssr! (target element dispatch!)
assert (instance? element-type target) "|1st argument should be an element"
@@ -1611,188 +1523,245 @@
collect-mounting collect! ([]) ([]) element true
patch-instance! @*changes target deliver-event
reset! *global-element $ mute-element element
- |h4 $ quote
- defn h4 (props & children)
- create-element :h4 props & $ map children confirm-child
- |style $ quote
- defn style (props & children)
- create-element :style props & $ map children confirm-child
- |span $ quote
- defn span (props & children)
- create-element :span props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |*global-element $ quote (defatom *global-element nil)
+ |element-type $ quote
+ def element-type $ if (exists? js/Element) js/Element js/Error
+ |button $ quote
+ defn button (props & children)
+ create-element :button props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |*dom-changes $ quote
+ defatom *dom-changes $ []
+ |list-> $ quote
+ defn list-> (props children) (create-list-element :div props children)
+ |option $ quote
+ defn option (props & children)
+ create-element :option props & $ map children confirm-child
|script $ quote
defn script (props & children)
create-element :script props & $ map children confirm-child
|select $ quote
defn select (props & children)
create-element :select props & $ map children confirm-child
- |defeffect $ quote
- defmacro defeffect (effect-name args params & body)
- assert "\"args in symbol" $ and (list? args) (every? args symbol?)
- assert "\"params like [action el at-place?]" $ and (list? params) (every? params symbol?)
- let
- args-var $ gensym "\"args"
- params-var $ gensym "\"params"
- quasiquote $ defn ~effect-name ~args
- %{} schema/Effect
- :name $ ~ (turn-keyword effect-name)
- :coord $ []
- :args $ [] ~@args
- :method $ fn (~args-var ~params-var)
- let[] ~args ~args-var $ let[] ~params ~params-var
- ~@ $ if (empty? body)
- quasiquote $ echo "\"WARNING:" ~effect-name "\"lack code for handling effects!"
- , body
- |list-> $ quote
- defn list-> (props children) (create-list-element :div props children)
|a $ quote
defn a (props & children)
create-element :a props & $ map children confirm-child
- |input $ quote
- defn input (props & children)
- create-element :input props & $ map children confirm-child
- |rerender-app! $ quote
- defn rerender-app! (target element *dispatch-fn) (tick-calling-loop!)
- let
- deliver-event $ build-deliver-event *global-element *dispatch-fn
- *changes $ do
- reset! *rereder-changes $ []
- , *rereder-changes
- collect! $ fn (x)
- assert "|change op should has length 4" $ = 4 (count x)
- swap! *changes conj x
- ; println @*global-element
- find-element-diffs collect! ([]) ([]) @*global-element element
- let
- logger @*changes-logger
- if (some? logger) (logger @*global-element element @*changes)
- ; js/console.log |Changes: @*changes
- patch-instance! @*changes target deliver-event
- reset! *global-element element
- |head $ quote
- defn head (props & children)
- create-element :head props & $ map children confirm-child
- |title $ quote
- defn title (props & children)
- create-element :title props & $ map children confirm-child
- |textarea $ quote
- defn textarea (props & children)
- create-element :textarea props & $ map children confirm-child
- |link $ quote
- defn link (props & children)
- create-element :link props & $ map children confirm-child
- |div $ quote
- defn div (props & children)
- create-element :div props & $ map children confirm-child
- |pre $ quote
- defn pre (props & children)
- create-element :pre props & $ map children confirm-child
- |blockquote $ quote
- defn blockquote (props & children)
- create-element :blockquote props & $ map children confirm-child
- |<> $ quote
- defn <> (content ? arg)
- let
- style arg
- span $ {} (:inner-text content) (:style style)
- |element-type $ quote
- def element-type $ if (exists? js/Element) js/Element js/Error
- |*global-element $ quote (defatom *global-element nil)
- |html $ quote
- defn html (props & children)
- create-element :html props & $ map children confirm-child
- |clear-cache! $ quote
- defn clear-cache! () $ reset-calling-caches!
- |defplugin $ quote
- defmacro defplugin (x params & body)
- assert "\"expected symbol" $ symbol? x
- assert "\"expected params" $ list? params
- assert "\"expected some result" $ > (count body) 0
- quasiquote $ defn ~x ~params ~@body
- |h1 $ quote
- defn h1 (props & children)
- create-element :h1 props & $ map children confirm-child
- |confirm-child $ quote
- defn confirm-child (x)
- when
- not $ or (nil? x) (element? x) (component? x)
- raise $ str "\"Invalid data in elements tree: " (pr-str x)
- , x
- |*rereder-changes $ quote
- defatom *rereder-changes $ []
- |*dispatch-fn $ quote (defatom *dispatch-fn nil)
- |defcomp $ quote
- defmacro defcomp (comp-name params & body)
- assert "\"expected symbol of comp-name" $ symbol? comp-name
- assert "\"expected list for params" $ list? params
- assert "\"some component retured" $ &> (count body) 0
- quasiquote $ defn ~comp-name (~ params)
- extract-effects-list $ %{} schema/Component
- :effects $ []
- :name $ ~ (turn-keyword comp-name)
- :tree $ do (~@ body)
- |code $ quote
- defn code (props & children)
- create-element :code props & $ map children confirm-child
- |li $ quote
- defn li (props & children)
- create-element :li props & $ map children confirm-child
+ |render! $ quote
+ defn render! (target markup dispatch!) (reset! *dispatch-fn dispatch!)
+ if (some? @*global-element) (rerender-app! target markup *dispatch-fn) (mount-app! target markup *dispatch-fn)
+ |respo.main $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.main $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] *changes-logger clear-cache!
+ [] respo.app.core :refer $ [] render-app! *store
+ [] respo.app.core :refer $ [] handle-ssr!
+ :defs $ {}
+ |mount-target $ quote
+ def mount-target $ if (exists? js/document) (.querySelector js/document |.app) nil
+ |save-store! $ quote
+ defn save-store! () $ .!setItem js/window.localStorage |respo.calcit
+ js/JSON.stringify $ to-cirru-edn (:tasks @*store)
+ |main! $ quote
+ defn main! () (; handle-ssr! mount-target) (load-console-formatter!)
+ let
+ raw $ .!getItem js/window.localStorage |respo.calcit
+ if (some? raw)
+ swap! *store assoc :tasks $ extract-cirru-edn (js/JSON.parse raw)
+ render-app! mount-target
+ add-watch *store :rerender $ fn (store prev) (render-app! mount-target)
+ ; reset! *changes-logger $ fn (old-tree new-tree changes)
+ js/console.log $ to-js-data changes
+ println |Loaded. $ .!now js/performance
+ aset js/window |onbeforeunload $ fn (event) (save-store!)
+ |reload! $ quote
+ defn reload! () (remove-watch *store :rerender) (clear-cache!) (render-app! mount-target)
+ add-watch *store :rerender $ fn (store prev) (render-app! mount-target)
+ js/console.log "|code updated."
+ |respo.app.style.widget $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.app.style.widget $ :require
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
+ :defs $ {}
+ |input $ quote
+ def input $ {} (:font-size |16px) (:line-height |24px) (:padding "|0px 8px") (:outline :none) (:min-width |300px)
+ :background-color $ hsl 0 0 94
+ :border :none
|button $ quote
- defn button (props & children)
- create-element :button props & $ map children confirm-child
- :proc $ quote ()
- |respo.util.dom $ {}
+ def button $ {} (:display :inline-block) (:padding "\"0 6px 0 6px") (:font-family |Avenir,Verdana) (:cursor :pointer)
+ :background-color $ hsl 0 80 70
+ :color $ hsl 0 0 100
+ :height 28
+ :line-height "\"28px"
+ |respo.comp.inspect $ {}
:ns $ quote
- ns respo.util.dom $ :require
- [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] val-of-first
+ ns respo.comp.inspect $ :require
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] defcomp pre <>
:defs $ {}
- |compare-to-dom! $ quote
- defn compare-to-dom! (vdom element)
- ; println "\"compare" (:name vdom)
- map :name $ vals (:children vdom)
- ; js/console.log element
+ |comp-inspect $ quote
+ defcomp comp-inspect (tip data style)
+ pre $ {}
+ :inner-text $ str tip "|: " (grab-info data)
+ :style $ merge style-data style
+ :on-click $ fn (e dispatch!)
+ if (some? js/window.devtoolsFormatters) (js/console.log data)
+ js/console.log $ to-js-data data
+ |grab-info $ quote
+ defn grab-info (data)
+ cond
+ map? data
+ str |Map/ $ count data
+ (list? data)
+ str |List/ $ count data
+ (set? data)
+ str |Set/ $ count data
+ (nil? data) |nil
+ (number? data) (str data)
+ (keyword? data) (str data)
+ (bool? data) (str data)
+ (fn? data) |Fn
+ true $ pr-str data
+ |style-data $ quote
+ def style-data $ {} (:position :absolute) (:background-color "\"hsl(240,100%,0%)") (:color :white) (:opacity 0.2) (:font-size |12px) (:font-family |Avenir,Verdana) (:line-height "\"1.4em") (:padding "|2px 6px") (:border-radius |4px) (:max-width 160) (:max-height 32) (:white-space :normal) (:overflow :ellipsis) (:cursor :default)
+ |respo.app.updater $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.app.updater $ :require
+ [] respo.cursor :refer $ [] update-states
+ :defs $ {}
+ |updater $ quote
+ defn updater (store op-type op-data op-id) (; println store op-type op-data)
+ case op-type
+ :states $ update-states store op-data
+ :add $ update store :tasks
+ fn (tasks)
+ conj tasks $ {} (:text op-data) (:id op-id) (:done? false)
+ :remove $ update store :tasks
+ fn (tasks)
+ -> tasks $ filter
+ fn (task)
+ not $ = (:id task) op-data
+ :clear $ assoc store :tasks ([])
+ :update $ update store :tasks
+ fn (tasks)
+ let
+ task-id $ :id op-data
+ text $ :text op-data
+ -> tasks $ map
+ fn (task)
+ if
+ = (:id task) task-id
+ assoc task :text text
+ , task
+ :hit-first $ -> store
+ update-in ([] :tasks 0)
+ fn (task) (assoc task :text op-data)
+ :toggle $ update store :tasks
+ fn (tasks)
+ let
+ task-id op-data
+ -> tasks $ map
+ fn (task)
+ if
+ = (:id task) task-id
+ update task :done? not
+ , task
+ op-type store
+ |respo.cursor $ {}
+ :ns $ quote (ns respo.cursor)
+ :defs $ {}
+ |update-states $ quote
+ defn update-states (store pair)
- virtual-name $ turn-string (:name vdom)
- real-name $ .!toLowerCase (.-tagName element)
- when (/= virtual-name real-name)
- js/console.warn "\"SSR checking: tag names do not match:"
- pr-str $ dissoc vdom :children
- , element
- if
- /=
- count $ :children vdom
- .-length $ .-children element
- let
- maybe-html $ :innerHTML
- pairs-map $ :attrs vdom
- if (some? maybe-html)
- when
- = maybe-html $ .-innerHTML element
- js/console.warn "\"SSR checking: noticed dom containing innerHTML:" element
- do (js/console.error "\"SSR checking: children sizes do not match!")
- js/console.log "\"virtual:" $ -> vdom :children (map last) (map :name) pr-str
- js/console.log "\"real:" $ .-children element
- let
- real-children $ .-children element
- loop
- acc 0
- other-children $ :children vdom
- when
- not $ empty? other-children
- compare-to-dom! (val-of-first other-children) (aget real-children acc)
- recur (inc acc) (rest other-children)
- |shared-canvas-context $ quote
- def shared-canvas-context $ if
- and (exists? js/window) (exists? js/document)
- .!getContext (.createElement js/document |canvas) |2d
- , nil
- |text-width $ quote
- defn text-width (content font-size font-family)
- if (some? shared-canvas-context)
- do
- set! (.-font shared-canvas-context) (str font-size "|px " font-family)
- .-width $ .!measureText shared-canvas-context content
- , nil
- |time! $ quote
- defn time! () $ js/Date.now
- :proc $ quote ()
+ cursor $ get pair 0
+ new-state $ get pair 1
+ assoc-in store
+ concat ([] :states) cursor $ [] :data
+ , new-state
+ |respo.test.comp.task $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.test.comp.task $ :require
+ [] respo.util.format :refer $ [] hsl
+ [] respo.core :refer $ defcomp div span
+ :defs $ {}
+ |comp-task $ quote
+ defcomp comp-task (task)
+ div ({})
+ span $ {}
+ :inner-text $ :text task
+ |respo.test.html $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.test.html $ :require
+ [] calcit-test.core :refer $ [] deftest is testing
+ [] respo.core :refer $ [] html head title script div link textarea body
+ [] respo.render.html :refer $ [] make-string
+ :defs $ {}
+ |run-tests $ quote
+ defn run-tests () (html-quote-test) (nil-prop-test) (simple-html-test) (textarea-test)
+ |html-test $ quote
+ deftest html-test $ let
+ todo-demo $ comp-todolist todolist-store
+ testing "|test generated HTML from component" $ is
+ = (slurp |test/examples/demo.html) (make-string todo-demo)
+ |textarea-test $ quote
+ deftest textarea-test $ let
+ piece $ textarea
+ {} $ :value "|a\nb\nc\n\"\nd"
+ testing "|test generated HTML from component" $ is
+ = "|" $ make-string piece
+ |todolist-store $ quote
+ def todolist-store $ []
+ {} (:id 101) (:text |101)
+ {} (:id 102) (:text |102)
+ |html-quote-test $ quote
+ deftest html-quote-test $ let
+ tree-demo $ div
+ {} (:value "|a\"b\"c") (:x |y)
+ :style $ {} (:content "|d\"e\"f")
+ testing "|HTML contains quotes" $ is
+ = (slurp |test/examples/quote.html) (make-string tree-demo)
+ |simple-html-test $ quote
+ deftest simple-html-test $ let
+ tree-demo $ html ({})
+ head ({})
+ title $ {} (:innerHTML |Demo)
+ link $ {} (:rel |icon) (:type |image/png)
+ script $ {} (:innerHTML |{})
+ body ({})
+ div
+ {} $ :id |app
+ div $ {}
+ testing "|test generated HTML from tree" $ is
+ = (slurp |test/examples/simple.html) (make-string tree-demo)
+ |slurp $ quote
+ defmacro slurp (file-path) (read-file file-path)
+ |nil-prop-test $ quote
+ deftest nil-prop-test $ let
+ piece $ script
+ {} (:src "\"a.js") (:defer nil)
+ testing "|test generate script with nil" $ is
+ = "|" $ make-string piece
+ |respo.test.main $ {}
+ :ns $ quote
+ ns respo.test.main $ :require ([] respo.test.html :as html)
+ [] calcit-test.core :refer $ [] deftest testing is
+ [] respo.util.list :refer $ [] pick-attrs pick-event
+ :defs $ {}
+ |test-pick-attrs $ quote
+ deftest test-pick-attrs $ is
+ =
+ pick-attrs $ {} (:value |string)
+ :on-click $ fn () nil
+ [] $ [] :value |string
+ |test-pick-event $ quote
+ deftest test-pick-event $ testing "|test event"
+ let
+ f $ fn () nil
+ is $ =
+ pick-event $ {} (:value |a) (:on-click f)
+ {} $ :click f
+ is $ =
+ pick-event $ {} (:value |a) (:on-click f)
+ :on $ {} (:input f)
+ {} (:click f) (:input f)
+ |main! $ quote
+ defn main! () (html/run-tests) (test-pick-attrs) (test-pick-event)
+ |reload! $ quote
+ defn ^:dev/after-load reload! () $ main!
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