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File metadata and controls

320 lines (203 loc) · 7.59 KB

= Installation de pip = easy_install pip

= Installation de Virtual Env et du Wrapper = sudo pip install virtualenv sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

cd ~ mkdir .virtualenv vi .profile

Ajouter les éléments suivants dans le .profile

# Python Virtual Env export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenv source /usr/local/bin/ export PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE=$WORKON_HOME export PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV=true alias v=workon alias v.deactivate=deactivate alias'mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages' alias v.mk_withsitepackages='mkvirtualenv' alias v.rm=rmvirtualenv alias v.switch=workon alias v.add2virtualenv=add2virtualenv alias v.cdsitepackages=cdsitepackages alias alias v.lssitepackages=lssitepackages

Commandes utiles de Virtual Env : ENV : création de l'environnement ENV v.deactivate ENV : quitter l'environnement actuel v ENV : aller dans l'environnement ENV v.rm ENV : suppression de l'environnement ENV

Configuration du virtualenv d'HCI: HCI v HCI

= Installer autoconf = brew install autoconf

= Installation de thrift = brew install thrift

= Installation des dépendances python =

Utiliser : pip install -r requirements.txt

Dans le détail : pip install twisted pip install simplejson pip install networkx pip install txJSON-RPC pip install pymongo pip install thrift pip install pystache

= Installation de Scrapy =

pip install Scrapy

scrapy server twistd -ny extras/scrapyd.tac


= Installation de MongoDB = brew update brew install mongodb

Pour installation sur Ubuntu, voir la doc de AIME/biblio_data/

Tester avec la commande : mongod

Le répertoire /data/db n'existant pas, mangod se quitte.

Créer un répertoire et le fournir au démarrage de mangodb: /data/db mongod --dbpath /Users/jrault/Documents/SciencesPo/Projets/HCI/MongoData/db

Le serveur devrait fonctionner sur le port 27017.

= Activer PHP dans le Apache natif =

sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Décommenter la ligne : LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/

Créer le fichier php.ini : sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini

Modifier le fichier php.ini : error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT display_errors = On html_errors = On extension_dir = "/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626"

Relancer apache : sudo apachectl restart

Vérification: php --ini

= Installer PEAR = sudo /usr/bin/php /usr/lib/php/install-pear-nozlib.phar

Modifier le fichier php.ini: Remplacer : ;include_path = ".:/php/includes" Par : include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php/pear"

sudo pear channel-update sudo pecl channel-update sudo pear upgrade-all

Config: pear config-set php_ini /etc/php.ini pecl config-set php_ini /etc/php.ini

Vérification: pear version

= Installer Rock MongoDB = Doc :

Installation de l'extension php php_mongo : sudo pecl install mongo

Télécharger RockMongo et le décompresser dans le répertoire root d'apache : /Library/WebServer/Documents

Modifier le fichier config.php

= Récupération du code source d'HCI = Site GitHib :

git config --global "jrault" git config --global "[email protected]"

Récupération du code : git clone [email protected]:medialab/Hypertext-Corpus-Initiative.git

Récupération du Wiki : git clone [email protected]:medialab/

= Création d'un HCI_HOME = Pour simplifier l'accès au projet, ajouter dans le .profile de votre un export : export HCI_HOME=/Users/jrault/Documents/SciencesPo/Projets/HCI/Hypertext-Corpus-Initiative

= Compilation d'HCI = v HCI cd $HCI_HOME bin/

= Installation scrapy = cd crawler python

= Tester = Avant toute chose : v HCI cd $HCI_HOME

== Terminal MongoDB == mongod --dbpath /Users/jrault/Documents/SciencesPo/Projets/HCI/MongoData/db

Test RockMongo : http://localhost/rockmongo/ Login : admin Password : admin

== Terminal Scrapy == cd crawler/ scrapy server

Test : http://localhost:6800/

== Terminal de test de Scrapy ==

curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=hci -d spider=pages

curl http://localhost:6800/listjobs.json -d project=hci -d spider=pages curl http://localhost:6800/listjobs.json -d project=hci curl http://localhost:6800/listjobs.json

== Terminal MemoryStructure == bin/ 1

== Terminal Core == cd core/ twistd -noy -l -

== Terminal de test du Core == cd core/

Commencer les commandes par : ./

=== Core ===

  • ping
  • reinitialize

Reinitializes both the crawling jobs database, scrapy calls and the content of the memory structure.

  • declare_page
  • declare_pages array (list of url separated by space)
  • crawl_webentity <webentity_id> depth (0 for example)

Starts crawling a webentity with WE_id

  • listjobs

Returns the list of crawling jobs asked with statuses info and metainfo

  • refreshjobs

Internal function ran in a loop to update statuses. Returns same result as listjobs after running updates

== System ==

  • system.listMethods

List these functions

  • system.methodHelp <method>

Supposedly gives documentation of a method (TBD)

  • system.methodSignature <method>

Supposedly gives signature of a method (TBD)

== Store ==

  • store.reinitialize

Reinitializes the content of the Memory Structure

  • store.get_webentities

Lists all the webentities in the Memory Structure with their LRU prefixes sets and number of pages

  • store.get_webentity_pages <webentity_id>

Lists all the pages within a webentity WE_id

  • store.rename_webentity <webentity_id> <new_name>

Renames a webentity WE_id with new_name

  • store.setalias <old_webentity_id> <gd_webentity_id>


  • store.get_webentities_network

Generates a GEXF file test_welinks.gexf in lrrr:/home/boo/HCI/core/ with the graph network of the webentities.

== Crawl (Scrapy) ==

  • crawl.reinitialize

Reinitializes the crawling jobs database and cancels all current scrapy crawl programmed or ran

  • crawl.list

Returns the list of the current scrapy jobs planned, executed or running

  • crawl.start <starts> <follow_prefixes> <nofollow_prefixes> <discover_prefixes>

[<maxdepth>=config['scrapyd']['maxdepth']] [<download_delay>=config['scrapyd']['download_delay']] Crawl from urls given in starts using lru prefixes for follow, nofollow and discover. Maxdepth and download_delay will be set by default to 1 and 0.5 Multiple ones can be given in each url/lru set by separating them with ","

  • crawl.starturls <starts> <follow_prefixes> <nofollow_prefixes> <discover_prefixes>

[<maxdepth>=config['scrapyd']['maxdepth']] [<download_delay>=config['scrapyd']['download_delay']] Same as crawl.start but takes real urls including for prefixes

  • crawl.cancel <job_id>

= Pour déclarer et crawler une liste d'URLs =

cat ../../Test/FILE_LIST_URLS.txt | while read url; do
./ declare_page $url;

done ; ./ store.get_webentities | grep "u'id'" | sed "s/^.*u'id': u'//" | sed "s/',//" | while read l; do

./ crawl_webentity $l 2;
