Insert a little bit about your company here.
An approximate size of your company. 0-20, 20-50, 50-100, 100-200, etc.
Explain a bit about your remote culture here.
Where are remote employees accepted? List either 1 country (eg USA), 1 region (eg North America), a list of multiple regions, or Worldwide.
See the UN Statistical Division's country codes for a list of accepted countries.
The list of accepted regions is based on the UN Statistical Division's region codes, on the same page:
- Africa
- Asia
- Caribbean
- Europe
- Latin America
- North America
- Oceania (this includes Australia)
North America, Latin America, Caribbean
Below the country/region list you can have more text, if you want. Use this to explain timezone, travel, or other restrictions based on your company's location.
Insert some of the technologies used in your company here.
Insert your physical office locations here, if you have any.
Insert a specific webpage, email, or instructions to apply.