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File metadata and controls

442 lines (393 loc) · 27 KB

CHANGELOG for 1.9.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.9.0 versions.

  • 1.9.0 (2016-02-15)
  • Inline editing in grids
  • Grid column management
  • New UX for Tags
  • Automated REST API for GET requests
  • Performance improvements
  • Apply range filters for numerical fields in grids
  • Manage field tooltips from the UI
  • Override calendar-view.js in customizations

CHANGELOG for 1.8.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.8.0 versions.

  • 1.8.0 (2015-08-26)
  • Visual workflow configurator
  • New and extended APIs to work with emails
  • Segmentation based on Data audit
  • Improvements to search
  • Improved filtering on option set attributes, allowing for multiple selections
  • The application has been upgraded to Symfony 2.7 and migrated to Doctrine 2.5
  • Select2 component has been improved to automatically initializes select2 widget
  • Documentation for the new Oro Layout component has been added with examples of use

CHANGELOG for 1.7.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.7.0 versions.

  • 1.7.0 (2015-04-28)
  • New page layouts and layout themes
  • Added Google single sign-on
  • Added Change or reset users' passwords
  • Added Grid views
  • Dashboard widget configuration
  • Email auto-response in workflow definition

CHANGELOG for 1.6.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.6.0 versions.

  • 1.6.0 (2015-01-19)
  • Comments to activities. With this feature, the users will be able to add comments to various record activities, such as calls, notes, calendar events, tasks, and so on, making it possible to leave permanent remarks to particular activities they find important, and even engage in conversations that might come in handy later. Comments are added to every activity record separately, in a linear thread. In addition to text they might contain a file attachment (1 file/image per comment). Comments may be enabled or disabled for any activity in Entity Management. The ability to add, edit, delete, and view others’ comments is subject to user’s ACL configuration.
  • WYSIWYG rich text editor for emails and notes. This feature allows users to create rich text emails and notes with the built-in WYSIWYG text editor. It allows to mark text as bold, italic, and underlined; change text color and background; create bullet and numbered lists; insert hyperlinks and chunks of source code. Rich text editor may be turned off in System configuration—in this case, editor will no longer be available and all previously created rich text pieces will be stripped of any formatting to plain text.

CHANGELOG for 1.5.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.5.0 versions.

  • 1.5.0 (2014-12-18)
  • Invitations to calendar events. It is now possible to invite other Oro users to events, send them email notifications about this invitation and receive feedback about their responses or lack thereof. To invite a user to your event, simply open its edit form and choose guests in a respectively named selector control. After you save the event with invitees, they will receive email notifications about the invitation with a link to their copy of the event in OroCRM. On the view page of that event they will be able to respond to an invitation with three options: Attend, Tentatively attend, and Not attend. Response status (including no response yet) will be displayed on the event tile in the calendar view, and next to the guest's name in the event view. An invitee will be able to change his response after the initial choice, i.e. choose to not attend a previously agreed event. For every response to an invitation, or a change in plans, you (i.e. the organizer of the event) will receive an email notification.
  • System calendars. This feature allows developers to add so-called System calendars to Oro Platform. Use cases for such calendars include company-wide holiday calendar; organization-wide calendar of conferences and conventions, and so on. (Note that organization calendars will only be available in Enterprise Edition 1.7.0). These calendars and their events will be automatically added to Calendar views of all users in the entire system. Events of these calendars can be managed on their view forms that are available under System > System Calendars. The permission to add or modify events might be assigned to as many people as needed—e.g. the HR and the office manager.
  • Task calendar. Task calendar is a special kind of system calendar that displays tasks assigned to the user on the calendar view in addition to calendar events. For now, there is no way to add tasks via the calendar view, but it is possible to edit or delete existing tasks. It is not possible to view other users' task calendars either—only the personal task calendar is available. The calendar view also features a button that leads to the grid of all tasks, similarly to the existing Events button.
  • Color coding for calendars and calendar events. The user now may change the color of the calendar from the default one in the calendar actions popup menu. Similarly, the user can change the color of the individual event in its Edit dialogue. A palette of standard colors is offered in both cases, with the option to select a custom color with the color wheel. Standard palettes for calendars and events may be configured in the system configuration under Display settings > Calendar settings.
  • Other minor changes to calendar view. It is now possible to turn calendars on and off without removing them from the list by clicking on the colored square or via the popup menu. Click on the event tile opens its View Event form, not Edit.
  • Calls, Tasks, and Calendar events as entity activities. This is an expansion to the entity activity feature that was first released with 1.3.0 where we introduced the concept of entity activity to the platform and converted emailing to the activity mechanism. Now we are adding three more ubiquitous user actions to this list: logging calls, creating tasks, and scheduling calendar events. In order to better accommodate the expanding lot of activities we also have customized the UI for them. Previously, every action/activity had its own button regardless of the number of activities available, so if the admin has enabled a lot of activities, users could easily get confused with a long row of buttons, especially on a low resolution screen. Now all activities and non-activity based actions other than Edit and Delete are conveniently grouped into a single More Actions dropdown button.
  • Record Activities Widget. The Record Activities Widget replaces the Record Activity block, where activities were listed by their type in separate tabs. Instead of tabs, the widget puts all record activities—emails, calls, tasks, calendar events, etc—in a single paginated list. The user is able to filter the list by activity type and by date of activity. It is possible to configure the the list to be sorted either by creation date or by last update date.
  • Custom fields without schema update. It is now possible to add custom fields to entities and immediately use them without schema update. This ability comes with drawbacks: these "serialized" fields can only store textual or numeric data—they cannot be option sets, relations, or files/images; nor they are available in reports or segments. But these fields will be displayed on entity view/add forms, and may be added to grid and export/import profile if necessary. To create such fields, click Create field button on the entity view page in Entity management, and then choose "Serialized field" in Storage type selector. To create regular field, choose "Table column."
  • Entity records pagination. This feature allows the user to "remember" a set of entity records that existed on the grid (i.e. with filters applied) when he moves to the view page of any record, and then quickly navigate through these records with a new pagination control that appears in top right corner of the page. Pagination only works when the user comes to a view page from the main entity grid; in any other case (e.g. search, direct link, grid on another page, segment) the pagination control will not be displayed. Pagination is preserved on a pinned page in both control and in breadcrumbs.

CHANGELOG for 1.4.3

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.4.3 versions.

  • 1.4.3 (2014-12-05)
  • List of improvements and fixed bugs
  • Fixed extended entity is set to "false" after oro:entity-config:update with force

CHANGELOG for 1.4.2

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.4.2 versions.

  • 1.4.2 (2014-12-02)
  • List of improvements and fixed bugs
  • Implemented form type guessers for custom fields of existing entities
  • Added support of cascade option for association in Extend Extension
  • Fixed insecure content from websockets when HTTPS used
  • Fixed IMAP Sync with date parsing exception
  • Magento Integration: Sensitive data displayed in API request logs
  • Magento Integration: Memory Issue on Error
  • Magento Integration: Duplicated jobs on two way Magento sync

CHANGELOG for 1.4.1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.4.1 versions.

  • 1.4.1 (2014-11-17)
  • List of improvements and fixed bugs
  • Refactor extended entity to prevent class name collisions
  • Implement form type guessers for custom fields of existing entities
  • Use route from config in email address link to avoid potential errors
  • Fixed duplicates of entities during magento import
  • Error in "oro_multiple_entity" if it's used without "default_element" option
  • Lost organization name after upgrade

CHANGELOG for 1.4.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.4.0 versions.

  • 1.4.0 (2014-10-15)
  • The re-introduction of Channels. We started the implementation of a new vision for the Channels in 1.3 version and now we bring Channels back, although under a new definition. The general idea behind channels may be explained as follows: a channel in OroCRM represents an outside source customer and sales data, where "customer" and "sales" must be understood in the broadest sense possible. Depending on the nature of the outside source, the channel may or may not require a data integration. This new definition leads to multiple noticeable changes across the system.
  • Integration management. Albeit the Integrations grid still displays all integrations that exist in the system, you now may create only "non-customer" standalone integrations, such as Zendesk integration. The "customer" integrations, such as Magento integration, may be created only in scope of a channel and cannot exist without it.
  • Marketing lists. Marketing lists serve as the basis for marketing activities, such as email campaigns (see below). They represent a target auditory of the activity—that is, people, who will be contacted when the activity takes place. Marketing lists have little value by themselves; they exist in scope of some marketing campaign and its activities. Essentially, marketing list is a segment of entities that contain some contact information, such as email or phone number or physical address. Lists are build based on some rules using Oro filtering tool. Similarly to segments, marketing lists can be static or dynamic; the rules are the same. The user can build marketing lists of contacts, Magento customers, leads, etc. In addition to filtering rules, the user can manually tweak contents of the marketing list by removing items ("subscribers") from it. Removed subscribers will no longer appear in the list even if they fit the conditions. It is possible to move them back in the list, too. Every subscriber can also unsubscribe from the list. In this case, he will remain in the list, but will no longer receive email campaigns that are sent to this list. Note that subscription status is managed on per-list basis; the same contact might be subscribed to one list and unsubscribed from another.
  • Email campaigns. Email campaign is a first example of marketing activity implemented in OroCRM. The big picture is following: Every marketing campaign might contain multiple marketing activities, e.g. an email newsletter, a context ad campaign, a targeted phone advertisement. All these activities serve the common goal of the "big" marketing campaign. In its current implementation, email campaign is a one-time dispatch of an email to a list of subscribers. Hence, the campaign consists of three basic parts: Recipients—represented by a Marketing list. Email itself—the user may choose a template, or create a campaign email from scratch. Sending rules—for now, only one-time dispatch is available. Email campaign might be tied to a marketing campaign, but it might exist on its own as well.
  • Improved Email templates. Previously, email templates were used only for email notifications. Now their role is expanded: it is now possible to use templates in email activities to create a new email from the template, and for email campaigns. Support for variables in templates was extended: in addition to "contextual" variables that were related to attributes of the template entity, templates may include "system-wide" variables like current user's first name, or current time, or name of the organization. It is also possible to create a "generic" template that is not related to any entity; in this case it may contain only system variables. New templates are subject to ACL and have owner of user type.
  • Other improvements
  • Multiple improvements to Web API
  • A new implementation of option sets
  • Improved grids
* Community requests. Here is the list of Community requests that were addressed in this version. Features & improvements
  • #50 Add the way to filter on empty fields
  • #116 Add custom templates to workflow transitions
  • #118 Extending countries
  • #136 Console command for CSV import/export
  • #149 New "link" type for datagrid column format
* Bugs fixed
  • #47 Problems with scrolling in iOS 7
  • #62 Problems with the Recent Emails widget
  • #139 Error 500 after removing unique key of entity
  • #158 Update doctrine version to 2.4.4

CHANGELOG for 1.4.0-RC1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.4.0-RC1 versions.

  • 1.4.0-RC1 (2014-09-30)
  • The re-introduction of Channels. We started the implementation of a new vision for the Channels in 1.3 version and now we bring Channels back, although under a new definition. The general idea behind channels may be explained as follows: a channel in OroCRM represents an outside source customer and sales data, where "customer" and "sales" must be understood in the broadest sense possible. Depending on the nature of the outside source, the channel may or may not require a data integration. This new definition leads to multiple noticeable changes across the system.
  • Integration management. Albeit the Integrations grid still displays all integrations that exist in the system, you now may create only "non-customer" standalone integrations, such as Zendesk integration. The "customer" integrations, such as Magento integration, may be created only in scope of a channel and cannot exist without it.
  • Marketing lists. Marketing lists serve as the basis for marketing activities, such as email campaigns (see below). They represent a target auditory of the activity—that is, people, who will be contacted when the activity takes place. Marketing lists have little value by themselves; they exist in scope of some marketing campaign and its activities. Essentially, marketing list is a segment of entities that contain some contact information, such as email or phone number or physical address. Lists are build based on some rules using Oro filtering tool. Similarly to segments, marketing lists can be static or dynamic; the rules are the same. The user can build marketing lists of contacts, Magento customers, leads, etc. In addition to filtering rules, the user can manually tweak contents of the marketing list by removing items ("subscribers") from it. Removed subscribers will no longer appear in the list even if they fit the conditions. It is possible to move them back in the list, too. Every subscriber can also unsubscribe from the list. In this case, he will remain in the list, but will no longer receive email campaigns that are sent to this list. Note that subscription status is managed on per-list basis; the same contact might be subscribed to one list and unsubscribed from another.
  • Email campaigns. Email campaign is a first example of marketing activity implemented in OroCRM. The big picture is following: Every marketing campaign might contain multiple marketing activities, e.g. an email newsletter, a context ad campaign, a targeted phone advertisement. All these activities serve the common goal of the "big" marketing campaign. In its current implementation, email campaign is a one-time dispatch of an email to a list of subscribers. Hence, the campaign consists of three basic parts: Recipients—represented by a Marketing list. Email itself—the user may choose a template, or create a campaign email from scratch. Sending rules—for now, only one-time dispatch is available. Email campaign might be tied to a marketing campaign, but it might exist on its own as well.
  • Improved Email templates. Previously, email templates were used only for email notifications. Now their role is expanded: it is now possible to use templates in email activities to create a new email from the template, and for email campaigns. Support for variables in templates was extended: in addition to "contextual" variables that were related to attributes of the template entity, templates may include "system-wide" variables like current user's first name, or current time, or name of the organization. It is also possible to create a "generic" template that is not related to any entity; in this case it may contain only system variables. New templates are subject to ACL and have owner of user type.
  • Other improvements
  • Multiple improvements to Web API
  • A new implementation of option sets
  • Improved grids
* Community requests. Here is the list of Community requests that were addressed in this version. Features & improvements
  • #50 Add the way to filter on empty fields
  • #116 Add custom templates to workflow transitions
  • #118 Extending countries
  • #136 Console command for CSV import/export
  • #149 New "link" type for datagrid column format
* Bugs fixed
  • #47 Problems with scrolling in iOS 7
  • #62 Problems with the Recent Emails widget
  • #139 Error 500 after removing unique key of entity
  • #158 Update doctrine version to 2.4.4

CHANGELOG for 1.3.1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.3.1 versions.

  • 1.3.1 (2014-08-14)
  • Minimum PHP version: PHP 5.4.9
  • PostgreSQL support
  • Fixed issue: Not entire set of entities is exported
  • Fixed issue: Page crashes when big value is typed into the pagination control
  • Fixed issue: Error 500 on Schema update
  • Other minor issues

CHANGELOG for 1.3.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.3.0 versions.

  • 1.3.0 (2014-07-23)
  • Redesign of the Navigation panel and left-side menu bar
  • Website event tracking
  • Processes
  • New custom field types for entities: File and Image
  • New control for record lookup (relations)
  • Data import in CSV format

CHANGELOG for 1.2.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.2.0 versions.

  • 1.2.0 (2014-05-28)
  • Ability to delete Channels
  • Workflow view
  • Reset of Workflow data
  • Line charts in Reports
  • Fixed issues with Duplicated emails
  • Fixed Issue Use of SQL keywords as extended entity field names
  • Fixed Issue Creating one-to-many relationship on custom entity that inverses many-to-one relationship fails
  • Fixed Community requests

CHANGELOG for 1.2.0-rc1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.2.0 RC1 versions.

  • 1.2.0 RC1 (2014-05-12)
  • Ability to delete Channels
  • Workflow view
  • Reset of Workflow data
  • Fixed issues with Duplicated emails
  • Fixed Issue Use of SQL keywords as extended entity field names
  • Fixed Issue Creating one-to-many relationship on custom entity that inverses many-to-one relationship fails

CHANGELOG for 1.1.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.1.0 versions.

  • 1.1.0 (2014-04-28)
  • Dashboard management
  • Fixed problem with creation of on-demand segments
  • Fixed broken WSSE authentication
  • Fixed Incorrectly calculated totals in grids

CHANGELOG for 1.0.1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.1 versions.

  • 1.0.1 (2014-04-18)
  • Issue #3979 � Problems with DB server verification on install
  • Issue #3916 � Memory consumption is too high on installation
  • Issue #3918 � Problems with installation of packages from console
  • Issue #3841 � Very slow installation of packages
  • Issue #3916 � Installed application is not working correctly because of knp-menu version
  • Issue #3839 � Cache regeneration is too slow
  • Issue #3525 � Broken filters on Entity Configuration grid
  • Issue #3974 � Settings are not saved in sidebar widgets
  • Issue #3962 � Workflow window opens with a significant delay
  • Issue #2203 � Incorrect timezone processing in Calendar
  • Issue #3909 � Multi-selection filters might be too long
  • Issue #3899 � Broken link from Opportunity to related Contact Request

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0 versions.

  • 1.0.0 (2014-04-01)
  • Workflow management UI
  • Segmentation
  • Reminders
  • Package management
  • Page & Grand totals for grids
  • Proper formatting of Money and Percent values
  • Configurable Sidebars
  • Notification of content changes in the Pinbar

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-rc3

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-rc3 versions.

  • 1.0.0-rc3 (2014-02-25)
  • Embedded forms
  • CSV export

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-rc2

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-rc2 versions.

  • 1.0.0-rc2 (2014-01-30)
  • Package management
  • Translations management
  • FontAwesome web-application icons

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-rc1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-rc1 versions.

  • 1.0.0-rc1 (2013-12-30)
  • Table reports creation wizard
  • Manageable labels of entities and entity fields
  • Record updates notification
  • Sidebars widgets
  • Mobile Web
  • Package Definition and Management
  • Themes
  • Notifications for owners
  • --force option for oro:install
  • Remove old Grid bundle
  • Basic dashboards

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-beta5

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-beta5 versions.

  • 1.0.0-beta5 (2013-12-05)
  • ACL management in scope of organization and business unit
  • "Option Set" Field Type for Entity Field
  • Form validation improvements
  • Tabs implementation on entity view pages
  • Eliminated registry js-component
  • Implemented responsive markup on most pages

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-beta4

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-beta4 versions.

  • 1.0.0-beta4 (2013-11-21)
  • Grid refactoring
  • Form validation improvements
  • Make all entities as Extended
  • JavaScript Tests
  • End support for Internet Explorer 9

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-beta3

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-beta3 versions.

  • 1.0.0-beta3 (2013-11-11)
  • Upgrade the Symfony framework to version 2.3.6
  • Oro Calendar
  • Email Communication
  • Removed bundle dependencies on application
  • One-to-many and many-to-many relations between extended/custom entities
  • Localizations and Internationalization of input and output

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-beta2

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-beta2 versions.

  • 1.0.0-beta2 (2013-10-28)
  • Minimum PHP version: PHP 5.4.4
  • Installer enhancements
  • Automatic bundles distribution for application
  • Routes declaration on Bundles level
  • System Help and Tooltips
  • RequireJS optimizer utilization
  • ACL Caching

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-beta1

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-beta1 versions.

  • 1.0.0-beta1 (2013-09-30)
  • New ACL implementation
  • Emails synchronization via IMAP
  • Custom entities and fields in usage
  • Managing relations between entities
  • Grid views

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-alpha6

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-alpha6 versions.

  • 1.0.0-alpha6 (2013-09-12)
  • Maintenance Mode
  • WebSocket messaging between browser and the web server
  • Asynchronous Module Definition of JS resources
  • Added multiple sorting for a Grid
  • System configuration

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-alpha5

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-alpha5 versions.

  • 1.0.0-alpha5 (2013-08-29)
  • Custom entity creation
  • Cron Job
  • Record ownership
  • Grid Improvements
  • Filter Improvements
  • Email Template Improvements
  • Implemented extractor for messages in PHP code
  • Removed dependency on SonataAdminBundle
  • Added possibility to unpin page using pin icon

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-alpha4

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-alpha4 versions.

  • 1.0.0-alpha4 (2013-07-31)
  • Upgrade Symfony to version 2.3
  • Entity and Entity's Field Management
  • Multiple Organizations and Business Units
  • Transactional Emails
  • Email Templates
  • Tags Management
  • Translations JS files
  • Pin tab experience update
  • Redesigned Page Header
  • Optimized load time of JS resources

CHANGELOG for 1.0.0-alpha3

This changelog references the relevant changes (new features, changes and bugs) done in 1.0.0-alpha3 versions.

  • 1.0.0-alpha3 (2013-06-27)
  • Placeholders
  • Developer toolbar works with AJAX navigation requests
  • Configuring hidden columns in a Grid
  • Auto-complete form type
  • Added Address Book
  • Localized countries and regions
  • Enhanced data change log with ability to save changes for collections
  • Removed dependency on lib ICU