diff --git a/src/environmentSetup/environmentSetup.sh b/src/environmentSetup/environmentSetup.sh
index cfce2e523..851815232 100755
--- a/src/environmentSetup/environmentSetup.sh
+++ b/src/environmentSetup/environmentSetup.sh
@@ -39,59 +39,48 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' ENVIRONMENT_SETUP_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - 0: Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Processing is successful.
-#/ - 1: Returned when:
-#/ - Script needs to source file containing shell scripts, but can't find that file.
-#/ - 20: Returned when:
-#/ - Given option is invalid.
-#/ - 21: Returned when:
-#/ - Run from any directory other than the one the script is in.
-#/ - 22: Retruned when:
-#/ - User says they don't want to setup the current user's shell environment.
-#/ - 23: Returned when:
-#/ - User that's running this is one of a list of known system users
-#/ (i.e. not the user's normally account).
-#/ - 24: Returned when:
-#/ - Back up directory already exists. Shouldn't occur unless user runs script,
-#/ quickly stops it, then re-runs it.
-#/ - 25: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to determine name of shell running in.
-#/ - 26: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to create directory for backing up user's current shell
-#/ enviroment configuration file(s).
-#/ - 27: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment, but was able to revert it.
-#/ - 28: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - User's environment is configured.
+#/ - 3: Returned when:
+#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment, but was able to revert
+#/ to original environment configuration.
+#/ - Failed to create file of flatpak aliases. You'll need to create alias
+#/ of flatpak apps yourself.
+#/ - 4: Returned when:
#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and failed to revert to
-#/ original hidden shell files (*this is bad*).
-#/ - 29: Returned when:
+#/ original hidden shell file(s) (*this is bad*).
#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and failed to revert to
#/ original shell directory (*this is bad*).
-#/ - 30: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and failed to remove new
-#/ hidden shell file(s) from user's home directory. User will need to
-#/ manually remove shell files in there home and copy the hidden shell
-#/ file(s) from the back up directory to there home directory.
-#/ - 31: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and failed to copy
-#/ user's original hidden shell file(s) back to there home directory.
-#/ User will need to manually copy back up directory to there home
-#/ directory.
-#/ - 32: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and failed to remove new
-#/ shell directory from user's home directory. User will need to
-#/ manually remove shell directory from there home and copy all
-#/ file(s) and directory(ies) from the back up directory to there
-#/ home directory.
-#/ - 33: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to configure user's shell environment and fialed to copy
-#/ user's original shell directory back to there home directory. User
-#/ will need to manually remove hidden shell file(s) from there home
-#/ and copy all file(s) and directory(ies) from the back up directory
-#/ to there home directory.
-#/ - 34: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to create file of flatpak app aliases.
+#/ - 131: Returned when user provides a response that should lead to program exit.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 162: Returned when failed to configure user's shell environment and
+#/ failed to remove new hidden shell file(s) from user's home
+#/ directory. User will need to manually remove shell file(s) in
+#/ their home and copy the hidden shell file(s) from the back up
+#/ directory to there home directory.
+#/ - 166: Returned when failed to configure user's shell environment and
+#/ failed to copyuser's original hidden shell file(s) back to user's
+#/ home directory. User will need to manually copy file(s) from back
+#/ up directory to there home directory.
+#/ - 171: Returned when failed to create directory for backing up user's
+#/ current shell environment configuration file(s).
+#/ - 172: Returned when failed to configure user's shell environment and
+#/ failed to remove new shell directory from user's home directory.
+#/ User will need to manually remove shell directory from their home
+#/ directory and copy all file(s) and directory(ies) from the back up
+#/ directory to their home directory.
+#/ - 173: Returned when back up directory already exists.
+#/ - 175: Returned when failed to configure user's shell environment and
+#/ failed to copy user's original shell directory back to their home
+#/ directory. User will need to manually remove hidden shell file(s)
+#/ from their home and copy all file(s) and directory(ies) from the
+#/ back up directory to their home directory.
+#/ - 180: Returned when:
+#/ - Run from any directory other than the one this script is located in.
+#/ - 194: Returned when user that's running this is one of a list of known
+#/ system users (i.e. not the user's normal account).
+#/ - 202: Returned when can't find file that's sourced to ensure access to other shell script(s).
+#/ - 209: Returned when failed to determine name of shell running in.
#/ ./environmentSetup.sh
@@ -101,6 +90,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' ENVIRONMENT_SETUP_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ TODO(S):
#/ - Rather than moving user's original files to the back up directory, copy them then remove them.
#/ - Set a default answer and make user input checking more robust.
+#/ - Return 193 when calling user is root, 194 otherwise.
# Ensure script is being run from the same location as it's located.
if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
@@ -111,7 +101,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
. $shellRoot
echo "Failed to find file used to locate (source) shell scripts ($shellRoot)."
- exit 1
+ exit 202
@@ -158,7 +148,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl --full-title -m="Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc:"
- return 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -253,7 +243,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
exit 0
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to create file of flatpak app aliases. flatpakAliasCreaator() error output:" -m="$errOut"
- exit 34
+ exit 3
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to copy directory with shell scripts to $USER's home."
@@ -270,7 +260,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Check if deletion worked.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to revert environment, you'll need to manually copy contents of '$BACK_UP_DIR' back to '$userHome'."
- exit 32
+ exit 172
log $infoLvl -m="Skipping removal of 'shell' directory from $USER's home because it doesn't exist."
@@ -288,7 +278,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Check if deletion worked.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to revert environment, you'll need to manually copy contents of '$BACK_UP_DIR' back to '$userHome'."
- exit 33
+ exit 175
log $infoLvl -m="Skipping copying 'shell' directory from back up because the back up doesn't contain it."
@@ -306,7 +296,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Stop copying files if a copy fails.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to move '$shellFilePath' to '$newShellFilePath'."
- exit 30
+ exit 162
# Revert to original hidden shell file(s).
@@ -321,7 +311,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Stop copying files if a copy fails.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to move hidden files from '$BACK_UP_DIR' back to $USER's home, you'll need to manually copy contents."
- exit 31
+ exit 166
log $warnLvl -m="Skipping copying of hidden shell file(s) because the back up doesn't contain any."
@@ -340,7 +330,7 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Check if deletion worked.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to revert to original shell directory, you'll need to manually copy contents of '$BACK_UP_DIR' back to '$userHome'."
- exit 29
+ exit 4
@@ -357,34 +347,35 @@ if [[ "./$(basename $0)" == $0 ]]; then
# Check if deletion worked.
if [[ $rtOut -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to revert to original hidden shell file(s), you'll need to manually copy contents of '$BACK_UP_DIR/' back to '$userHome/'."
- exit 28
+ exit 4
log $infoLvl -m="Shell environment configuration reverted."
- exit 27
+ exit 3
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to create directory for backing up $USER's data."
- exit 26
+ exit 171
log $errorLvl -m="Failed, couldn't determine shell name."
- exit 25
+ exit 209
log $errorLvl -m="Failed because back up directory '$BACK_UP_DIR' already exists."
- exit 24
+ exit 173
log $errorLvl -m="Failed, script must be run using your user, not '$USER'."
- exit 23
+ # TODO: Return 193 when calling user is root, 194 otherwise.
+ exit 194
log $errorLvl --line-title -m="Re-launch this as the user you'd like to configure the environment of."
- exit 22
+ exit 131
log $errorLvl -m="Failed, script must be run from the same directory it's located in."
- exit 21
+ exit 180
diff --git a/src/environmentSetup/util/flatpakAliasCreator.sh b/src/environmentSetup/util/flatpakAliasCreator.sh
index 89797bb3e..7bb1e7651 100755
--- a/src/environmentSetup/util/flatpakAliasCreator.sh
+++ b/src/environmentSetup/util/flatpakAliasCreator.sh
@@ -33,20 +33,15 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' FLATPAK_ALIAS_CREATOR_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - 0: Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
#/ - Aliases are created and written to file.
-#/ - 20: Returned when:
-#/ - Given option is invalid.
-#/ - 21: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to create file for flatpak aliases.
-#/ - 22: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to write to flatpak aliases file. File removed.
-#/ - 23: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to write to flatpak aliases file. File not removed because it
-#/ couldn't be accessed.
-#/ - 24: Returned when:
-#/ - Failed to write to flatpak aliases file and failed to remove file.
-#/ User must remove it manually.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 161: Returned when failed to create file for flatpak aliases.
+#/ - 161: Returned when failed to write to flatpak aliases file and file is then removed.
+#/ - 162: Returned when failed to write to flatpak aliases file and failed to
+#/ remove file. User must remove it manually.
+#/ - 164: Returned when failed to write to flatpak aliases file and failed to
+#/ remove it because it couldn't be accessed.
#/ flatpakAliasCreator
@@ -54,7 +49,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' FLATPAK_ALIAS_CREATOR_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ flatpakAliasCreator --help
#/ TODO(S):
-#/ - NoOp
+#/ - None
@@ -99,7 +94,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
log $errorLvl --full-title -m="Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc:"
- return 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -163,17 +158,17 @@ if [[ $rtOut -eq 0 ]]; then
> >(stdOut=$(cat); typeset -p stdOut); rtOut=$?; typeset -p rtOut )"
if [[ $rtVal -ne 0 ]]; then
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to remove flatpak aliases file '$flatpakAliasFilePath'."
- exit 24
+ exit 162
log $warnLvl -m="Flatpak aliases file doesn't exist or can't be accessed, removal skipped."
- exit 23
+ exit 164
log $infoLvl -m="Removed flatpak aliases file."
- exit 22
+ exit 161
log $errorLvl -m="Failed to create file for flatpak aliases ($flatpakAliasFilePath)."
- exit 21
+ exit 161
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/README.md b/src/shell/functions/README.md
index 800ef009e..c8ab2bd57 100644
--- a/src/shell/functions/README.md
+++ b/src/shell/functions/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,58 @@
+# Return Codes
+Meaning of each return code:
+| Code | Returned When | Example | Note(s) |
+| -------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |:--------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `0` |
- Help message is requested and produced.
- Processing is successfull.
| | |
+| `1` | POSIX Standard: `Catchall for general errors` | `let "var1 = 1/0"` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `2` | POSIX Standard: `Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation)` | `empty_function() {}` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `3` | Failed to execute, but it's not that bad. | Failed to change file, but reverted it. | |
+| `4` | Failed to execute, and it is that bad. | Failed to change file & to revert it. | |
+| `126` | POSIX Standard: `Command invoked cannot execute` | `/dev/null` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `127` | POSIX Standard: `command not found` | `illegal_command` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `128` | POSIX Standard: `Invalid argument to exit` | `exit 3.14159` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `128+n` | POSIX Standard: `Fatal error signal "n"` | `kill -9 $PPID of script` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `130` | POSIX Standard: `Script terminated by Control-C` | `Ctl-C` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
+| `131` | Control-C is handled prior to exiting or user chooses to exit through the UI. | | |
+| `140` | A provided option name is invalid. | | Codes in the 14Xs relate to options. |
+| `141` | A provided option value is invalid. | | |
+| `142` | A required option is not provided. | | |
+| `151` | A provided argument value is invalid. | | Codes in the 15Xs relate to arguments. |
+| `152` | A required argument is not provided. | | |
+| `160` | Required file doesn't exist. | | Codes in the 16Xs relate to file access. |
+| `161` | Failed to create a file. | | |
+| `162` | Failed to remove file. | | |
+| `163` | File already exists. | | |
+| `164` | File doesn't already exist or can't be found/accessed. | | |
+| `165` | Failed to move/rename file. | | |
+| `166` | Failed to copy file. | | |
+| `167` | Failed to open file. | | |
+| `168` | Failed read from file. | | |
+| `169` | Failed to write to file. | | |
+| `170` | Required directory doesn't exist. | | Codes in the 17Xs relate to directory access. |
+| `171` | Failed to create a directory. | | |
+| `172` | Failed to remove directory. | | |
+| `173` | Directory already exists. | | |
+| `174` | Directory doesn't already exist or can't be found/accessed. | | |
+| `175` | Failed to move/rename directory. | | |
+| `176` | Failed to copy directory. | | |
+| `177` | Failed to enter directory. | | |
+| `180` | Code not run from same directory it's located in. | | Codes in the 18Xs relate to the location code is run from. |
+| `181` | Code not run from user's home directory. | | |
+| `182` | Code not run from the correct directory (generic version of other codes). | | |
+| `190` | Code sourced when it shouldn't be. | | Codes in the 19Xs relate to how the code is envoked. |
+| `191` | Code isn't sourced when it should be. | | |
+| `192` | Code not run by/as root when it should be. | | |
+| `193` | Code run as/by root when it shouldn't be. | | |
+| `194` | Code run by incorrect user. | | |
+| `200` | Environment variable(s) set to unsupported value. | | Codes in the 20Xs relate to environment setup. |
+| `201` | Environment variable(s) not set. | | |
+| `202` | Requried script/function not accessible (doesn't exist at expected path, isn't sourced, etc). | | |
+| `203` | Required system commands not accessible. | | |
+| `209` | Any other environment issue. | | |
+| `255` | POSIX Standard: `Exit status out of range` | `exit -1` | https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/exitcodes.html |
# POSIX Functions, Globals, and Constants
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/backUp.sh b/src/shell/functions/backUp.sh
index 6554b7e88..ce6b7452f 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/backUp.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/backUp.sh
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
## Global(s)/Constant(s) ##
+## Global(s) ##
+# NoOp
## Constant(s) ##
@@ -31,8 +33,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' BACKUP_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
#/ -q, --quiet
#/ Produces no output other than error level.
@@ -41,13 +42,11 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' BACKUP_DOC <<"EOF"
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Back up is successful.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Given option is invalid.
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Back up is successful.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option is invalid.
+#/ - 203: Returned when rsync isn't installed/accessible.
#/ backUp
@@ -62,6 +61,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' BACKUP_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - Missing back up location should be handled.
log -c="backUp" -m="Resetting local variable(s)..."
## Reset/Set Local Variable(s) ##
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
log $errLvl --full-title -m="Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc:"
echo "$BACKUP_DOC"
- exit 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ if [[ "$(command -v rsync)" != "" ]]; then
log $traceLvl -m="rsync is installed."
log $errLvl -m="rsync isn't installed."
- exit 21
+ exit 203
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/checkRequiredOpts.sh b/src/shell/functions/checkRequiredOpts.sh
index 63a5f911a..8d31220a7 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/checkRequiredOpts.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/checkRequiredOpts.sh
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
+ #########################
+## Global(s)/Constant(s) ##
+ #########################
+## Global(s) ##
+# NoOp
+## Constant(s) ##
+# NoOp
+ #####################
+## Local Variable(s) ##
+ #####################
+# NoOp
## Function(s) ##
IFS='' read -r -d '' CHECK_REQUIRED_OPTS_DOC <<"EOF"
-#/ When given a message and any number of variable(s) (see '-a'), each variables will
-#/ be checked to ensure it has been set to something, If it has not been, a code of
-#/ '1' will be returned. If all given value(s) were set, a code of '0' will be
-#/ returned.
+#/ When given a message and any number of variable(s) (see '-a'), each
+#/ variables will be checked to ensure it has been set to something, If it has
+#/ not been, a code of '1' will be returned. If all given value(s) were set,
+#/ a code of '0' will be returned.
#/ USAGE: checkRequiredOpts "" [OPTIONS]...
@@ -39,19 +52,17 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' CHECK_REQUIRED_OPTS_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ offending value be surrounded with excapted '" before and after
#/ the value (i.e. "-a=\"\"').
+#/ -h, --help
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Processing is successful.
-#/ - 1:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Required argument(s) haven't been set.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided option is invalid OR
-#/ - No option is provided.
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Processing is successful.
+#/ - 3: Returned when one or more of the options provided for error checking are invalid.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 152: Returned when required argument (doc) isn't provided.
#/ checkRequiredOpts --help
@@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ done
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
printf "# No option was provided, nothing to do, see doc bellow for usage... #\n"
- exit 20
+ exit 152
set -- "${@:2}"
@@ -102,7 +113,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
if [[ -z $arg ]]; then
printf "# Missing required argument(s), see doc bellow... #\n"
echo "$docString"
- exit 1
+ exit 3
fi ;;
@@ -110,7 +121,9 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
printf "## Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc: ##\n"
- exit 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/example_function.sh b/src/shell/functions/example_function.sh
index 5afd49ebc..5806e3396 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/example_function.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/example_function.sh
@@ -27,16 +27,14 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' FUNCTION_NAME_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
#/ - 0: Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
#/ - Processing is successful.
-#/ - 20: Returned when:
-#/ - Given option is invalid.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option is invalid.
#/ functionName --help
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ function functionName {
log $errorLvl --full-title -m="Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc:"
- return 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/log.sh b/src/shell/functions/log.sh
index 669211c37..1f86add83 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/log.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/log.sh
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
- ###########################################
-## Global(s)/Constant(s)/Local Variable(s) ##
- ###########################################
+ #########################
+## Global(s)/Constant(s) ##
+ #########################
+## Global(s) ##
+# NoOp
## Constant(s) ##
# Includes constant(s) relevant to logger method.
+ #####################
+## Local Variable(s) ##
+ #####################
+# NoOp
## Function(s) ##
IFS='' read -r -d '' LOG_DOC <<"EOF"
-#/ Used to produce log messages. Current global log level, tracked by 'SHELL_LOG_LEVEL',
-#/ is used to determine if given message should be printed.
+#/ Used to produce log messages. Current global log level, tracked by
+#/ 'SHELL_LOG_LEVEL', is used to determine if given message should be printed.
#/ USAGE: log [OPTIONS]... -m="message text"...
@@ -22,8 +29,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' LOG_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
#/ -c=
#/ Name of calling code (function).
@@ -31,89 +37,84 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' LOG_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -m=, --msg=
#/ Message user would like log produced of.
-#/ - Note: At least one of these is required. If multiple are given, each
-#/ will show up on a new line.
+#/ - Note: At least one of these is required. If multiple are given,
+#/ each will show up on a new line.
#/ --line-title
#/ When given, resulting log text will include a prefix and postfix.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other title option.
-#/ - Note: If no title option is given, then no prefix, postfis, header, or
-#/ footer will be included in the resulting log text.
+#/ - Note: If no title option is given, then no prefix, postfis,
+#/ header, or footer will be included in the resulting log text.
#/ --full-title
-#/ When given, resulting log text will include a prefix, postfix, header, and
-#/ footer.
+#/ When given, resulting log text will include a prefix, postfix, header, and footer.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other title option.
-#/ - Note: If no title option is given, then no prefix, postfis, header, or
-#/ footer will be included in the resulting log text.
+#/ - Note: If no title option is given, then no prefix, postfis,
+#/ header, or footer will be included in the resulting log text.
#/ -t, --trace
-#/ When given, the default *trace* formatting character will be used by prefix,
-#/ postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option will also cause a
-#/ log message with the given text to be printed to stdout *if* the shell log level
-#/ ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or higher than, *trace*. This includes: trace,
-#/ debug, info, warn, and error.
+#/ When given, the default *trace* formatting character will be used by
+#/ prefix, postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option
+#/ will also cause a log message with the given text to be printed to
+#/ stdout *if* the shell log level ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or
+#/ higher than, *trace*. This includes: trace,debug, info, warn, and error.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other log level option.
-#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call, the
-#/ last one given will be used.
+#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call,
+#/ the last one given will be used.
#/ - Note: When no log level option is provided, *trace* level is used.
#/ -d, --debug
-#/ When given, the default *debug* formatting character will be used by prefix,
-#/ postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option will also cause a
-#/ log message with the given text to be printed to stdout *if* the shell log level
-#/ ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or higher than, *debug*. This includes: debug,
-#/ info, warn, and error.
+#/ When given, the default *debug* formatting character will be used by
+#/ prefix, postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option
+#/ will also cause a log message with the given text to be printed to
+#/ stdout *if* the shell log level ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or
+#/ higher than, *debug*. This includes: debug, info, warn, and error.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other log level option.
-#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call, the
-#/ last one given will be used.
+#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call,
+#/ the last one given will be used.
#/ - Note: When no log level option is provided, *trace* level is used.
#/ -i, --info
-#/ When given, the default *info* formatting character will be used by prefix,
-#/ postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option will also cause a
-#/ log message with the given text to be printed to stdout *if* the shell log level
-#/ ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or higher than, *info*. This includes: info, warn,
-#/ and error.
+#/ When given, the default *info* formatting character will be used by
+#/ prefix, postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option
+#/ will also cause a log message with the given text to be printed to
+#/ stdout *if* the shell log level ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or
+#/ higher than, *info*. This includes: info, warn, and error.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other log level option.
-#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call, the
-#/ last one given will be used.
+#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call,
+#/ the last one given will be used.
#/ - Note: When no log level option is provided, *trace* level is used.
#/ -w, --warn
-#/ When given, the default *warn* formatting character will be used by prefix,
-#/ postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option will also cause a
-#/ log message with the given text to be printed to stdout *if* the shell log level
-#/ ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or higher than, *debug*. This includes: warn
-#/ and error.
+#/ When given, the default *warn* formatting character will be used by
+#/ prefix, postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option
+#/ will also cause a log message with the given text to be printed to
+#/ stdout *if* the shell log level ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or
+#/ higher than, *debug*. This includes: warn and error.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other log level option.
-#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call, the
-#/ last one given will be used.
+#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call,
+#/ the last one given will be used.
#/ - Note: When no log level option is provided, *trace* level is used.
#/ -e, --error
-#/ When given, the default *error* formatting character will be used by prefix,
-#/ postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option will also cause a
-#/ log message with the given text to be printed to stdout *if* the shell log level
-#/ ($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or higher than, *error*. This includes: error.
+#/ When given, the default *error* formatting character will be used by
+#/ prefix, postfix, header, and footer (if used). Providing this option
+#/ will also cause a log message with the given text to be printed to
+#/ stdout *if* the shell log level($SHELL_LOG_LEVEL) is equal to, or
+#/ higher than, *error*. This includes: error.
#/ - Note: Shouldn't be combined with any other log level option.
-#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call, the
-#/ last one given will be used.
+#/ - Note: If multiple loge level options are given in a single call,
+#/ the last one given will be used.
#/ - Note: When no log level option is provided, *trace* level is used.
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Processing is successfull OR
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Processing is successful
#/ - No arguments are provided.
-#/ - 1:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Required argument(s) haven't been provided.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided option is invalid.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 142: Returned when a required option is not provided.
#/ log --help
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
printf "$pfix ERROR log:\t"
$SHELL_FUNCTIONS/output/output.sh --pp -m="Calling function provided invalid option: '$fullArg', see doc:"
echo "$LOG_DOC"
- exit 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ done
$SHELL_FUNCTIONS/checkRequiredOpts.sh "$LOG_DOC" -a="${msg[@]}"
if [[ $rtVal -ne 0 ]]; then
- exit $rtVal
+ exit 142
# Determine if log message should be output.
@@ -234,3 +235,5 @@ if [[ $SHELL_LOG_LEVEL -ge $lvl ]]; then
printf "$msg"
+exit 0
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/output/output.sh b/src/shell/functions/output/output.sh
index ea11d6653..98f62d372 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/output/output.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/output/output.sh
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' OUTPUT_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
#/ -m=, --msg=
#/ Message user would like formatted output produced of.
#/ - Note: If multiple are given, each will show up on a new line.
-#/ - Note: If one line exceeds the set max line length, it will be broken up.
-#/ The est of the line will start with the same inditation.
+#/ - Note: If one line exceeds the set max line length, it will be
+#/ broken up. The est of the line will start with the same
+#/ inditation.
#/ - Note: '\t' and '\n\ will be handled as the 'printf' function would.
#/ - Note: At least one instance of this option must be provided.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' OUTPUT_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - Note: Redundant if -p.
#/ -l=, --lineLength=
-#/ Sets max number of characters that may be included on a sinlge line.
+#/ Sets max number of characters that may be included on a single line.
#/ - Note: Line length includes prefix and postfix if included.
#/ - Note: Default value: 100.
@@ -69,68 +69,59 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' OUTPUT_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ Sets character used by header, footer, prefix, and postfix.
#/ - Note: Default value: $DEFAULT_CHAR.
#/ - Note: Some special characters may require two to be given (ex. -c="%%").
-#/ - Note: Some *other* special characters may not work at all (ex. back
-#/ slash).
+#/ - Note: Some *other* special characters may not work at all (ex. back slash).
#/ --indent=
-#/ Sets number of spaces formatted message, including prefix/postfix/header/footer
-#/ if used, should be indented.
+#/ Sets number of spaces formatted message, including
+#/ prefix/postfix/header/footer if used, should be indented.
#/ - Note: Default value: $DEFAULT_INDENT.
#/ -t, --trace
-#/ When given, *trace* formatting character ($TRACE_CHAR) is used as formatting
-#/ character.
-#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is provided
-#/ (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting character
-#/ ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
+#/ When given, *trace* formatting character ($TRACE_CHAR) is used as formatting character.
+#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is
+#/ provided (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting
+#/ character ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
#/ -d, --debug
-#/ When given, *debug* formatting character ($DEBUG_CHAR) is used as formatting
-#/ character.
-#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is provided
-#/ (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting character
-#/ ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
+#/ When given, *debug* formatting character ($DEBUG_CHAR) is used as
+#/ formatting character.
+#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is
+#/ provided (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting
+#/ character ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
#/ -i, --info
-#/ When given, *info* formatting character ($INFO_CHAR) is used as formatting
-#/ character.
-#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is provided
-#/ (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting character
-#/ ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
+#/ When given, *info* formatting character ($INFO_CHAR) is used as
+#/ formatting character.
+#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is
+#/ provided (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting
+#/ character ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
#/ -w, --warn
-#/ When given, *warn* formatting character ($WARN_CHAR) is used as formatting
-#/ character.
-#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is provided
-#/ (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting character
-#/ ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
+#/ When given, *warn* formatting character ($WARN_CHAR) is used as
+#/ formatting character.
+#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is
+#/ provided (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting
+#/ character ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
#/ -e, --error
-#/ When given, *error* formatting character ($ERROR_CHAR) is used as formatting
-#/ character.
-#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is provided
-#/ (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting character
-#/ ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
+#/ When given, *error* formatting character ($ERROR_CHAR) is used as
+#/ formatting character.
+#/ - Note: If the formatting character isn't set, and no level is
+#/ provided (ex. debug, error), then the default formatting
+#/ character ($DEFAULT_CHAR) is used.
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Processing is successfull.
-#/ - 2:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - No message text is given.
-#/ - 3:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided indent value is negative.
-#/ - 4:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided max line length value is too small:
-#/ - Line length - prefix - postfix > 0.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided option is invalid.
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Processing is successful.
+#/ - 3: Returned when header/footer fails to be generated.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 141: Returned when:
+#/ - Provided indent value is negative.
+#/ - Provided max line length value is too small:
+#/ - Line length - prefix - postfix > 0.
+#/ - 142: Returned when a required option is not provided.
#/ output --help
@@ -144,10 +135,10 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' OUTPUT_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ output -m="line 1" -p --char="&&"
#/ TODO(S):
-#/ - Implement: Dynamicly determine, based on last character of line being split up, if
-#/ a '-' is needed.
-#/ - Implement: Ability to append end of line that was too long to fit on one row to
-#/ the start of the next line.
+#/ - Implement: Dynamically determine, based on last character of line being
+#/ split up, if a '-' is needed.
+#/ - Implement: Ability to append end of line that was too long to fit on one
+#/ row to the start of the next line.
#/ - Implement: Support for '%' as a formatting character.
@@ -247,7 +238,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
printf "$errPrefix Calling function provided invalid option: '$fullArg', see doc:\n"
echo "$OUTPUT_DOC"
- exit 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -258,7 +249,7 @@ done
if [[ -z "${msg[@]}" ]]; then
printf "$errPrefix Message text must be given, see doc:\n"
echo "$OUTPUT_DOC"
- exit 2
+ exit 142
## Ensure Valid Indent Value Was Given ##
@@ -270,7 +261,7 @@ if [[ $indent -ge 0 ]]; then
printf "$errPrefix Indentation value: '$indent' invalid. Must be non-negative, see doc:\n"
echo "$OUTPUT_DOC"
- exit 3
+ exit 141
# Remove prefix & postfix length from max message character(s) per line.
if $prePostFix; then
@@ -282,7 +273,7 @@ fi
if [[ $maxAlwMsgLen -lt 1 ]]; then
printf "$errPrefix Max line length of '$maxAlwLineLen' invalid because there's no room for message text. See Doc:\n"
echo "$OUTPUT_DOC"
- exit 4
+ exit 141
@@ -331,15 +322,26 @@ fi
if $headerFooter; then
# Call function that creates header/footer.
if $prePostFix; then
- createHeaderFooter --prefix -l=$maxGvnLineLen -c=$fChar
+ cmd="createHeaderFooter --prefix -l=$maxGvnLineLen -c=$fChar"
- createHeaderFooter -l=$maxGvnLineLen -c=$fChar
+ cmd="createHeaderFooter -l=$maxGvnLineLen -c=$fChar"
- # Save off header/footer.
- if [[ ! -z $indentTxt ]]; then
- headerFooterTxt="$indentTxt$rtCreateHeaderFooter"
+ unset stdOut errOut rtOut
+ eval "$( (eval $cmd) \
+ 2> >(errOut=$(cat); typeset -p errOut) \
+ > >(stdOut=$(cat); typeset -p stdOut); rtOut=$?; typeset -p rtOut )"
+ # Ensure header/footer was generated successfully.
+ if [[ $rtOut -eq 0 ]]; then
+ # Save off header/footer.
+ if [[ ! -z $indentTxt ]]; then
+ headerFooterTxt="$indentTxt$stdOut"
+ else
+ headerFooterTxt=$stdOut
+ fi
- headerFooterTxt=$rtCreateHeaderFooter
+ printf "$errPrefix createHeaderFooter() failed to create header/footer text.\n"
+ exit 3
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/output/util/createHeaderFooter.sh b/src/shell/functions/output/util/createHeaderFooter.sh
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 39a686d73..aebabc5ca
--- a/src/shell/functions/output/util/createHeaderFooter.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/output/util/createHeaderFooter.sh
@@ -11,21 +11,19 @@
## Local Variable(s) ##
-# Used to return strings from local function(s).
+# NoOp
-#/ Returns text intended to be used as a header or footer in the 'rtTxt' local
-#/ variable.
+#/ Returns text intended to be used as a header or footer in std out.
#/ USAGE: createHeaderFooter [OPTIONS]... -l=
#/ NOTE(S):
#/ - Method may not use the log function because this is used by that method.
-#/ - This method is in the same directory as output because a local variable is used by
-#/ this method to return a value to the output method when called by the output
-#/ method.
+#/ - This method is in the same directory as output because a local variable
+#/ is used by this method to return a value to the output method when
+#/ called by the output method.
#/ -c=, --char=
@@ -33,16 +31,14 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' CREATE_HEADER_FOOTER_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - Note: Default value: $DEFAULT_CHAR.
#/ - Note: Some special characters may require two to be given:
#/ -c="55" _> %
-#/ - Note: Some *other* special characters may not work at all (ex. back
-#/ slash).
+#/ - Note: Some *other* special characters may not work at all (ex. back slash).
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
#/ -l=, --lineLength=
-#/ Max number of characters in any line of message. Used to determine how long
-#/ header/footer should be.
+#/ Max number of characters in any line of message. Used to determine how
+#/ long header/footer should be.
#/ - Note: Line length only includes characters in message.
#/ --prefix
@@ -51,15 +47,11 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' CREATE_HEADER_FOOTER_DOC <<"EOF"
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Processing is successful.
-#/ - 1:
-#/ TODO: Returned when required option(s) are not provided.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Provided option is invalid.
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Processing is successful.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
+#/ - 142: TODO: Returned when required option(s) are not provided.
#/ createHeaderFooter --help
@@ -73,57 +65,58 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' CREATE_HEADER_FOOTER_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ - Display this message when required argument(s) are not provided.
#/ - Move this function to its own file.
-function createHeaderFooter {
- ###############################
- ## Reset/Set Local Variable(s) ##
- ###############################
- # Tracks header/footer text.
- rtTxt=''
- # Tracks character used for formatting.
- # Tracks desired total length of header/footer.
- declare -i len=2
+ ###############################
+## Reset/Set Local Variable(s) ##
+ ###############################
+# Tracks header/footer text.
+# Tracks character used for formatting.
+# Tracks desired total length of header/footer.
+declare -i len=2
- #####################
- ## Process Option(s) ##
- #####################
- for fullArg in "${@}"; do
- # Tracks value of current option.
- declare arg=${fullArg#*=}
+ #####################
+## Process Option(s) ##
+ #####################
+for fullArg in "${@}"; do
+ # Tracks value of current option.
+ declare arg=${fullArg#*=}
+ # Determine what option user gave.
+ case $fullArg in
+ --prefix)
+ rtCreateHeaderFooter+=' '
+ len+=1 ;;
+ -l=*|--lineLength=*)
+ len+=$arg ;;
+ -c=*|--char=*)
+ # Track user desired formatting character(s).
+ fChar=$arg
+ # Update desired header/footer length to accommodate formatting character(s).
+ if [[ ${#fChar} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ len+=$(($((${#fChar}-1))*2))
+ fi ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *)
+ printf "$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z') ERROR createHeaderFooter: Caller provided invalid option: '$fullArg', see doc:\n"
+ exit 140 ;;
+ esac
- # Determine what option user gave.
- case $fullArg in
- --prefix)
- rtTxt+=' '
- len+=1 ;;
- -l=*|--lineLength=*)
- len+=$arg ;;
- -c=*|--char=*)
- # Track user desired formatting character(s).
- fChar=$arg
- # Update desired header/footer length to accommodate formatting character(s).
- if [[ ${#fChar} -gt 1 ]]; then
- len+=$(($((${#fChar}-1))*2))
- fi ;;
- -h|--help)
- exit 0 ;;
- *)
- printf "$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z') ERROR createHeaderFooter: Caller provided invalid option: '$fullArg', see doc:\n"
- exit 20 ;;
- esac
- done
+## Build Header/Footer ##
+while [[ ${#rtCreateHeaderFooter} -lt $len ]]; do
+ # When near the end, given formatting character(s) may need to be split up.
+ if [[ $((${#rtCreateHeaderFooter}+${#fChar})) -gt $len ]]; then
+ rtCreateHeaderFooter+=${fChar:0:$(($len-${#rtCreateHeaderFooter}))}
+ else
+ rtCreateHeaderFooter+=$fChar
+ fi
+# Add final part of header.
+echo "$rtCreateHeaderFooter"
+exit 0
- ## Build Header/Footer ##
- while [[ ${#rtTxt} -lt $len ]]; do
- # When near the end, given formatting character(s) may need to be split up.
- if [[ $((${#rtTxt}+${#fChar})) -gt $len ]]; then
- rtTxt+=${fChar:0:$(($len-${#rtTxt}))}
- else
- rtTxt+=$fChar
- fi
- done
- # Add final part of header.
- rtTxt+='\n'
diff --git a/src/shell/functions/shellName.sh b/src/shell/functions/shellName.sh
index b787a22d5..c37f814aa 100755
--- a/src/shell/functions/shellName.sh
+++ b/src/shell/functions/shellName.sh
@@ -27,21 +27,15 @@ IFS='' read -r -d '' SHELL_NAME_DOC <<"EOF"
#/ -h, --help
-#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be
-#/ done.
+#/ Print this help message. Function will return code of '0'. No processing will be done.
-#/ - 0:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Help message is requested OR
-#/ - Shell name has been found.
-#/ - 20:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Given option is invalid.
-#/ - 21:
-#/ Returned when:
-#/ - Shell name couldn't be found for any reason.
+#/ - 0: Returned when:
+#/ - Help message is requested and produced.
+#/ - Shell name has been found.
+#/ - 3: Returned when shell name can't be found for any reason.
+#/ - 140: Returned when given option name is invalid.
#/ shellName
@@ -65,7 +59,7 @@ for fullArg in "${@}"; do
echo "Invalid given argument: '$fullArg', see doc:"
- exit 20 ;;
+ exit 140 ;;
@@ -90,6 +84,6 @@ if [[ "$SHELL" != "$shellName" && "$shellName" != "" ]]; then
exit 0
printf "Failed, couldn't determine shell name from \$SHELL ($SHELL).\n"
- exit 21
+ exit 3