SustainTheGlobe is a gamification based application which assigns nature friendly tasks to users which help them reduce their carbon footprint.
UI Library: ReactJS (Bootstrapped using Vite)
Components and Styling: Material UI, TailwindCSS
State Management: Zustand
Authentication: Firebase Email Provider
Database: Firebase Firestore
Storage: Firebase Storage
Date Handling: MomentJS
Languages: Typescript
Icons: Lucide React Icons
The application is deployed on netlify and can be accessed using this URL.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd sustaintheglobe-web
Install dependencies
Start the server
yarn dev
- Automatic task assignment and replacement.
- Feed to see other users post.
- Leaderboard to gamify the process.
- Follow other users to see their progress.
- Points associated with each task completion.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]