- This is a third-party build of PocketMine-MP. ImagicalMine is in no way affiliated with PocketMine-MP.
- Please read the contributing guidelines before submitting an issue or a pull request. Any contributions that don't match them will be closed immediately by a team member.
- Please do not use the issue tracker as a chat room. If you want to chat and ask questions, contact @ImagicalTeam on Twitter or join the official forums.
- The original code in ImagicalMine is from PocketMine-MP. All original code structure and base was written by the PocketMine Team.
- Some of the code in ImagicalMine is taken from the Hydreon Corporation's projects. Code taken from Katana was for the original hunger core of ImagicalMine(now being rewritten). Code taken from Steadfast2 was used for an experimental skin fix during the MCPE 0.13.0 update.
- Some of the code in ImagicalMine is taken from the @hmy2001's project. Code taken from PocketMine-0.13.x was used for an experimental skin fix during the MCPE 0.13.0 update.
- Some of the code in ImagicalMine is taken from the iTXTech's project. Code taken from Genisys was used for a variety of bug fixes and patches and new feature updates.
Sure, why not? Simply join one of the servers below to see what ImagicalMine can do! You'll be amazed!
IP: play.rumbencraft.net
Port: 19132
IP: play.dr-pvp.us
Port: 19132
Port: 19133
See what you can dig out on these servers:
IP: play.legocraft.me
Port: 19132
Never underestimate what you can do with ImagicalMine!
ImagicalMine is software for hosting Minecraft : Pocket Edition servers. From controlling everything you can possibly do on MCPE to everything players can ever imagine on a server, ImagicalMine is the perfect solution to hosting large-scale MCPE servers. Our goal is to make ImagicalMine the best MCPE server software out there, and can handle up to 1000 players without lag.
Because Shoghi of the PocketMine team has given us so much, we've decided to build onto the project and help out the community. Thanks to all the team members of the Imagical Corporation, the work you are seeing today is open-source and free for every human to use. It'll stay free forever and the team will try and keep it active as well as possible.
Sure you can! Check out API Documentation to start making plugins to transform your server into something you never thought you'd be able to even do!
Why not? We're always looking for developers to help out with the project! Make sure you check out the Contributing Guidelines first though.
Of course you can! Check out the ImagicalMine forums now!
Read the documentation for installing ImagicalMine here.
You can also go to the Jenkins server by clicking the picture below.
Some MCPE server hosting providers support ImagicalMine as a version for their customers to download. The following list shows all of the providers who support ImagicalMine as a version to download for use on their servers:
If you are a MCPE server hosting provider and you support ImagicalMine as a version available for download and to use as part of your service, contact us and we'll happily add your business to the list.
Here's the complete list:
- PHP Sockets
- PHP SQLite3
- PHP BCMath
- PHP pthreads by krakjoe: Threading for PHP - Share Nothing, Do Everything.
- PHP YAML by Bryan Davis: The Yaml PHP Extension provides a wrapper to the LibYAML library.
- LibYAML by Kirill Simonov: A YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C.
- cURL: cURL is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
- Zlib: A Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
- Source RCON Protocol
- UT3 Query Protocol