From a5957989cd2f6812958098d37938c2c7b6fa8be4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: niko <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 02:05:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update README

---         | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 tdiag/src/ | 15 +++++----
 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 91fa91a..c807b8c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ similar to the following:
 You can use your mouse or touchpad to move the graph around, and to
 zoom in and out.
-### `profile` - Visualize the Source Dataflow
+### `profile` - Profile the Source Dataflow
 The `profile` subcommand reports aggregate runtime for each scope/operator.
@@ -144,6 +144,89 @@ scopes (denoted by `[scope]`) include the time of all contained operators.
 	Input	(id=1, addr=[0, 1]):	3.408e-6 s
+## Diagnosing Differential Dataflows
+The `differential` subcommand groups diagnostic tools that are only
+relevant to timely dataflows that make use of [differential
+dataflow]( To
+enable Differential logging in your own computation, add the following
+snippet to your code:
+``` rust
+if let Ok(addr) = ::std::env::var("DIFFERENTIAL_LOG_ADDR") {
+    if let Ok(stream) = ::std::net::TcpStream::connect(&addr) {
+        differential_dataflow::logging::enable(worker, stream);
+        info!("enabled DIFFERENTIAL logging to {}", addr);
+    } else {
+        panic!("Could not connect to differential log address: {:?}", addr);
+    }
+With this snippet included in your executable, you can use any of the
+following tools to analyse differential-specific aspects of your
+### `differential arrangements` - Track the Size of Differential Arrangements
+Stateful differential dataflow operators often maintain indexed input
+traces called `arrangements`. You will want to understand how these
+traces grow (through the accumulation of new inputs) and shrink
+(through compaction) in size, as your computation executes.
+tdiag --source-peers differential arrangements
+You should be presented with a notice informing you that `tdiag` is
+waiting for as many connections as specified via `--source-peers` (two
+in this case).
+In a separate shell, start your source computation. In this case, we
+will analyse the [Differential BFS
+example]( From
+inside the differential dataflow repository, run:
+``` shell
+cargo run --example bfs 1000 10000 100 20 false -w 2
+When analysing differential dataflows (in contrast to pure timely
+computations), both `TIMELY_WORKER_LOG_ADDR` and
+`DIFFERENTIAL_LOG_ADDR` must be set for the source workers to connect
+to our diagnostic computation. The `-w` parameter specifies the number
+of workers we want to run the PageRank example with. Whatever we
+specify here therefore has to match the `--source-peers` parameter we
+used when starting `tdiag`.
+Once the computation is running, head back to the diagnostic shell,
+where you should now see something like the following:
+$ tdiag --source-peers 2 differential arrangements
+Listening for 2 Timely connections on
+Listening for 2 Differential connections on
+Trace sources connected
+(((0, 18), (649, "Arrange ([0, 4, 6])")), 1s, 1)
+(((0, 20), (5944, "Arrange ([0, 4, 7])")), 1s, 1)
+(((0, 28), (3763, "Arrange ([0, 4, 10])")), 1s, 1)
+(((0, 30), (651, "Reduce ([0, 4, 11])")), 1s, 1)
+(((1, 18), (676, "Arrange ([0, 4, 6])")), 1s, 1)
+(((1, 20), (6006, "Arrange ([0, 4, 7])")), 1s, 1)
+(((1, 28), (3889, "Arrange ([0, 4, 10])")), 1s, 1)
+(((1, 30), (678, "Reduce ([0, 4, 11])")), 1s, 1)
+(((0, 18), (649, "Arrange ([0, 4, 6])")), 2s, -1)
+An output tuple such as `(((1, 20), (6006, "Arrange ([0, 4, 7])")),
+1s, 1)` should be read as "Arrangement 20 ('Arrange ([0, 4, 7])') at
+worker 1 contains 6006 tuples". Updated sizes will be reported every
 ## The `tdiag-connect` library
 [![](]( [![Docs](](
diff --git a/tdiag/src/ b/tdiag/src/
index e2c4c8b..c57c374 100644
--- a/tdiag/src/
+++ b/tdiag/src/
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ You can customize the interface and port for the receiver (this program) with --
              .help("Port to listen on; defaults to 51317")
-        .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("differential-port")
-             .long("differential-port")
-             .value_name("PORT")
-             .help("Port to listen on for Differential log streams; defaults to 51318")
-             .default_value("51318")
-             .required(true))
@@ -61,6 +55,13 @@ You can customize the interface and port for the receiver (this program) with --
                 .about("Tools for profiling Timely computations that make use of differential dataflow.")
+                .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("port")
+                     .short("p")
+                     .long("port")
+                     .value_name("PORT")
+                     .help("Port to listen on for Differential log streams; defaults to 51318")
+                     .default_value("51318")
+                     .required(true))
                         .about("Track the logical size of arrangements over the course of a computation")
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ if let Ok(addr) = ::std::env::var(\"DIFFERENTIAL_LOG_ADDR\") {
 Then start your computation with the DIFFERENTIAL_LOG_ADDR environment
-variable pointing to the differential-port (51318 by default).
+variable pointing to tdiag's differential port (51318 by default).