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% Introduction to Metaheuristics % DrC. Alejandro Piad Morffis % CC-BY -

Why optimization is hard

What is the hardest problem you can think of?

Why optimization is hard

Some hard problems:

  • Knapsack
  • Scheduling
  • Bin packing
  • Vehicle routing
  • Travelling salesman
  • ...

. . .

What do they have in common?

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We don't know any polynomial algorithm to solve them.

Recap on Complexity Theory

Problems in P: Decision problem, decidable with a polynomial-time algorithm.

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Problems in NP: Decision problem, verifiable with a polynomial-time algorithm.

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The fundamental problem in Complexity Theory

Is P = NP?

Recap on Complexity Theory

A problem A is polynomially-reducible to another problem B iff

  • Given an input for A, we can build a input for B in polynomial time
  • Given an output for B, we can build an output for A in polynomial time

Thus, if B has a polynomial-time algorithm, so does A.

This implies, if we knew A had no polynomial time algorithm, neither does B.

NOTE: This is not restricted to decision problems

Recap on Complexity Theory

Question: Is there any problem T such that all problems in NP are polynomially reducible to T?

First, think, what would imply for a such a problem to exist?

. . .

This is called an NP-Hard problem.

If you solve it in polynomial time, then you solve all NP problems in polynomial time.

Notice there has to be NP-Hard problems! Can you think of one?

NOTE: NP-Hard problems need not be decision problems

Recap on Complexity Theory

Question: Is there any NP-Hard problem that is also in NP?

What would that imply?

. . .

This is called an NP-Complete problem.

If we find one, this means there are problems in NP as hard as any decision problem (verifiable in polynomial time).

It this a strong evidence that P != NP? Why?

Recap on Complexity Theory

The first ever problem proven NP-Complete is Circuit SAT, but there are many more.

Basically all decision version of NP-Hard optimization problems:

  • Is there a tour with less than X cost?
  • Is there a packing with less than X area?
  • Is there a schedule finishing in less than X time?
  • ...

Recap on Complexity Theory

If P != NP, this is the panorama:

Why is optimization hard

Even is P = NP, NP-Hard problems will still exist!

  • Combinatorial optimization is NP-Hard.
  • Continuous optimization is at least as hard. (Why?)

(But P probably != NP, anyway...)

Why optimization is hard

Multiple local optima

How do you even know you found the optimum?

Why optimization is hard

Other reasons:

  • Weak global structure.
  • Disparate attraction basins.
  • And most real-life functions are black-box anyway, exact gradients are not available.

What can we do

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Just search, but with common sense!

  • Assume there is some local structure: Near good solutions we can find other good solutions.
  • Approximate gradients: Follow steps that improve the function fitness.
  • Avoid local optima: Take measures to prevent getting stuck.

. . .

Any search method must balance between:

  • exploration steps that lead you to discover new (and potentially better) attraction basins, and
  • exploitation steps that lead you to improve your estimate of the best attraction basin.

The Metaheuristic Framework

  • given a black box function $F$
  • establish a stop criteria (often # of evaluations or time)
  • while not stop do:
    • sample a new solution $x_i$
    • evaluate $y_i=F(x_i)$
    • update global best $y^* = \min{y^*, y_i}$
    • learn something about $F$ for next iteration (maybe)
  • return global best $y^*$

Metaheuristic design paradigms

  • Local search: Hill climb, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, GRASP
  • Evolutionary search: Genetic algorithms, Differential evolution, Genetic programming, Grammatical evolution
  • Swarm intelligence: Particle swarm optimization, Ant colony optimization
  • Estimation of distribution: UMDA, CMA-ES, Bayesian optimization, Probabilistic Grammatical Evolution

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Other "advanced" topics

  • How to avoid premature convergence
  • Multi-objetive optimization
  • Stochastic optimization
  • Learning to search