Fix import of appliance template
Renaming tabs:
- Grid Components -> System Components
- Battery Energy Content -> Battery Analysis
Add blank state message for no ancillary equipment recommendations
When no appliances are enabled, still show HOMER data in the summary view
Battery Model:
- Test with all HOMER files
Battery Notes:
Don't depend on the originalModeledBatteryEnergyContent for naiveClampled:
- Recompute inside calcBatteryDebugData
- Then models update always, not just when they were imported
Move batteryDebugData to grid view as a computed value.
- It will recalculate when the viewed grid changes
Reference line can be calculated inside the chart view, passing the right x and y accessors
debugBatteryPrediction() takes gridData & generates plottable data for:
- naive
- naiveClamped (current way it's calculated, so pull it from fileData)
- originalHomer (pull from fileData)
- mlr
naiveClamped should not have a loss applied during clamping
The whole reason for getting an accurate battery model is estimating unmet load and excess production (right? Are there other reasons?). If so, then metrics I should use to test the battery model should focus on those. Put those metrics next to the naive, naiveClamped, mlr, ...
Make sure I only train MLR once in the production app.
- I want to make the predicted vs actual charts the same for naiveClamped
- First one uses originalBatteryEnergyContent, originalModeledBatteryEnergyContent
- What does the second one use?
- Make sure all of these battery models don't include new appliances
- Remove mimeType from analyzeHomerFile(parsedFile, fileInfo, mimeType)
- Switch from Luxon to Moment (search for getIsoTimestamp). This may allow more detailed tests
- Get rid of
(route it through analyzeApplianceFile) - Add commas to number outputs in summary view (or localized versions?)
- Create function that returns units attached to value from fieldDefinitions
- Figure out why fetchSnapshotGridFile and fetchSnapshotApplianceFile is being called but not used
- Household current limit ...
- Create FAQ in app and/or repo
- Line losses
- Appliance lifetime
- User-input seasonality
- Single and 3-phase
- Show value to customer vs. their existing kit (electricity versus if a customer is using a diesel generator or engine)
Notes from meeting:
- Amanda will do basic sanity check calculations
- Amanda review question marks
- Amanda: tell what min/max state of charge for each type of battery
- Document how onModelInputChange works. Include initialization step where modelInputValues need to be populated
- For productionUnitType use semantic UI's "Allow Additions" dropdown
- On next deploy, delete the NODE_PATH config var: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/microgrid-appliance-analysis/settings
- Keep appliance spinner going until it's actually clickable
- Add commas to results numbers
- Find logging library that replaces 'throw'
- Add Appliance upload section
- Input for cost for appliance
- Require appliance file to have certain columns
- Add app icon
- Clean up HOMER file upload sections by taking out passed props (such as viewedGrid) and injecting it from the store
- Make sure I can parse every HOMER file without errors
- Provide Sample for download
- Allow assigning ancillary equipment to grid or appliance operator
- Calculate battery energy content based on predicted values
- Training Progress (loss) scale is all weird
- Add batteryBaselineLoss to table
- Save trained model to localstorage: https://js.tensorflow.org/api/0.14.1/#tf.Model.save
- PR on tensorflowjs documentation on tf.io.withSaveHandler
- Fix productionLoadDiff: It should be Total Renewable Power Output - Total Electrical Load Served (won't affect calculations yet)
- Detect if HOMER file needs to be remodeled. A couple approaches:
- convert SoC into a long, concatenated string and compare
- sum SoC and hash it, along with other columns used for modeling. Compare speed of approaches
- rename batteryEpochCount to batteryMaxEpochCount
- Show within table that file is loading
- Color code dropdown column selector menu (and decrease line height)
- Add Hover on table
- Delete column by clicking on X in column header
- Put battery stats in Battery Energy Content tab
- Create universally accessible small grey header. See unmet loads and battery model screens
- Check that HOMER and Appliance file has required fields (including battery and pvSystem)
- Indicator that we are currently calculating
- Deploy Sentry to production
- Unmet load sums by hour, by day. Try 100% stacked.
- A new bar chart: (histogram by hour)
- New appliance load
- Excess production
- Render appliance summary stats
- Add hour offset input(?)
- Show Load and Unmet Load chart by datetime instead of hour of year (toggle between hour and datetime)
- Page through datetime chart by day, week, month
- Show column stats (max, min, avg, std) for HOMER and combined tables
- Reference Lines: http://recharts.org/en-US/examples/LineChartWithReferenceLines
- Fonts are loading slowly. How to cache them?
- Test rehydration of battery model from localforage
- Test storage limits for
- indexdb
- localstorage
- websql
- Force indexdb for localforage(?)
- Detect if we have indexdb and alert if not. Disable snapshots?
- Look into onPatch for when a new battery model is created (even if volatile?). Then that could be saved to local storage? https://mobx-state-tree.gitbook.io/docs/concepts/listening-to-observables-snapshots-patches-or-actions
Goal: Calculate Battery SOC for every hour. Use the spreadsheet values without new loads applied to generate the SoC based on loads we know.
The SOC depends on:
- Charge/Discharge rate. These depend on
- Excess
- Demand
- Previous hour's SOC
The predictive model may just want to calculate Charge Rate and Discharge Rate (or Max Charge Rate and Max Discharge Rate)
- Removing
- Available Capacity: Because it depends on Excess Electrical, SoC and Energy Content for the given row.
Map out the paths of file upload or restore
- Load sample file: Uses fileInfo to retrieve, analyze and rehydrate the store
- Restore from snapshot: No need to analyze file - all state is in snapshot. These can come from either localforage or firebase.
- Uploaded file: Need to analyze file. This will eventually be saved as a snapshot
Bootstrapping problem I have to solve for when a user first fires up the app:
- Switch from
run throughanalyzeHomerFile
- Put all sample files as CSVs in data and import and parse them sequentially
In localforage:
- mg.activeGrid
- mg.stagedGrid
- mg.availableGrids (saved with battery model artifacts)
- mg.availableGridNames // I don't think I need this as a model, I just need to save it
- {fileName: 'xyz', description: 'abc', isSample: false, defaultOnLoad: true}
How does mg.availableGrids in localforage compare with availableGrids in memory?
- does one have artifacts and the other rehydrated models?
- are we storing all availableGrids in memory?
How to bootstrap stored vs. sample files?
- sample files load from data folder vs localforage for user files
- load defaultOnLoad first and rehydrate
- do I even keep sampels in availableGridNames? If I don't, how would I know what's defaultOnLoad?