document.getElementById('dialog-button').className = "primaryButton inline-flex justify-center w-full rounded-md border border-transparent shadow-sm px-4 py-2 text-base font-medium focus:outline-none sm:w-auto sm:text-sm";
@@ -295,17 +315,17 @@ function changeDialog(style, text) {
if (pg_data[0] == null) {
document.getElementById('dialog-button').innerText = lang["copy"];
- document.getElementById('dialog-button').onclick = () => copyToClipboard(document.getElementById('generated-password').innerText);
+ document.getElementById('dialog-button').onclick = () => copyToClipboard(document.getElementById('generated-password').value);
} else if (pg_data[0] == "-1") {
document.getElementById('dialog-button').innerText = lang["use"];
document.getElementById('dialog-button').onclick = () => {
- text = pg_data[0] + ";;;" + pg_data[1] + ";;;" + pg_data[2] + ";;;" + document.getElementById('generated-password').innerText + ";;;" + pg_data[4];
+ text = pg_data[0] + ";;;" + pg_data[1] + ";;;" + pg_data[2] + ";;;" + document.getElementById('generated-password').value + ";;;" + pg_data[4];
changeDialog(0, text);
} else {
document.getElementById('dialog-button').innerText = lang["use"];
document.getElementById('dialog-button').onclick = () => {
- text = pg_data[0] + ";;;" + pg_data[1] + ";;;" + pg_data[2] + ";;;" + document.getElementById('generated-password').innerText + ";;;" + pg_data[4];
+ text = pg_data[0] + ";;;" + pg_data[1] + ";;;" + pg_data[2] + ";;;" + document.getElementById('generated-password').value + ";;;" + pg_data[4];
changeDialog(4, text);
@@ -315,6 +335,8 @@ function changeDialog(style, text) {
animateButton('btn-upper', btn_upper_enabled);
animateButton('btn-numbers', btn_numbers_enabled);
animateButton('btn-special', btn_special_enabled);
+ document.getElementById('password-hider').onclick = () => togglePasswordHider();
case 6:
//Delete password dialog
diff --git a/website/lang/es-ES/lang.json b/website/lang/es-ES/lang.json
index 1199dc1..877a447 100644
--- a/website/lang/es-ES/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/es-ES/lang.json
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
"26": "La autenticación de dos factores ya está activada.",
"27": "La autenticación de dos factores no está activada.",
"28": "El correo electrónico no está activado en este servidor.",
- "29": "License key is invalid!",
- "30": "This license key has already been used.",
+ "29": "¡La clave de licencia no es válida!",
+ "30": "Esta clave de licencia ya se ha utilizado.",
"300": "¡El sitio web es demasiado largo!",
"301": "¡El nombre de usuario es demasiado largo!",
"302": "¡La contraseña es demasiado larga!",
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
"password_generator": "Generar contraseña",
"delete_password": "Eliminar contraseña",
"delete_password_confirmation": "¿Esta seguro que desea eliminar su contraseña? Su contraseña será eliminada permanentemente del servidor. Esta acción NO puede revertirse.",
- "delete_passwords": "Delete passwords",
- "delete_passwords_info": "Deleted passwords can not be recovered.",
- "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your passwords? Your passwords will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
+ "delete_passwords": "Eliminar contraseñas",
+ "delete_passwords_info": "Las contraseñas eliminadas no se pueden recuperar.",
+ "delete_passwords_confirmation": "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar sus contraseñas? Sus contraseñas se eliminarán permanentemente del servidor. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.",
"delete_account": "Eliminar cuenta",
"delete_account_info": "Una vez eliminada su cuenta, perderá toda la información asociada a ella.",
"delete_account_confirmation": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar su cuenta? Toda su información será eliminada permanentemente del servidor. Esta acción NO puede revertirse.",
@@ -131,28 +131,28 @@
"total_passwords": "Total de contraseñas",
"decryption_time": "Tiempo de descifrado",
"client_version": "Versión del cliente",
- "upgrade_account": "Upgrade Account",
- "validate": "Validate",
- "license_key": "License Key",
- "account": "Account",
- "expiration": "Expiration",
- "free": "Free",
- "premium": "Premium",
- "never": "Never",
- "license_added_successfully": "Your account has been successfully upgraded to Premium and it will last until {date}.",
- "please_wait": "PLEASE WAIT",
- "saving_password": "Saving password...",
- "changing_password": "Changing password...",
- "deleting_password": "Deleting password...",
- "deleting_passwords": "Deleting passwords...",
- "deleting_account": "Deleting account...",
- "signing_in": "Signing in...",
- "signing_up": "Signing up...",
- "sending_email": "Sending email...",
- "enabling_2fa": "Enabling 2FA...",
- "disabling_2fa": "Disabling 2FA...",
- "adding_yubikey": "Adding Yubikey...",
- "removing_yubikey": "Removing Yubikey...",
- "validating_license": "Validating license key...",
- "decrypting_passwords": "Decrypting passwords..."
+ "upgrade_account": "Actualizar cuenta",
+ "validate": "Validar",
+ "license_key": "Clave de licencia",
+ "account": "Cuenta",
+ "expiration": "Vencimiento",
+ "free": "Libre",
+ "premium": "Prémium",
+ "never": "Nunca",
+ "license_added_successfully": "Su cuenta se ha actualizado con éxito a Prémium y durará hasta él {date}.",
+ "please_wait": "ESPERE POR FAVOR",
+ "saving_password": "Guardando contraseña...",
+ "changing_password": "Cambiando contraseña...",
+ "deleting_password": "Eliminando contraseña...",
+ "deleting_passwords": "Eliminando contraseñas...",
+ "deleting_account": "Eliminando cuenta...",
+ "signing_in": "Iniciando sesión...",
+ "signing_up": "Registrarse...",
+ "sending_email": "Enviando correo electrónico...",
+ "enabling_2fa": "Habilitando 2FA...",
+ "disabling_2fa": "Deshabilitando 2FA...",
+ "adding_yubikey": "Agregando Yubikey...",
+ "removing_yubikey": "Eliminando Yubikey...",
+ "validating_license": "Validando clave de licencia...",
+ "decrypting_passwords": "Descifrando contraseñas..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/lang/hu/lang.json b/website/lang/hu/lang.json
index 626b419..eaf7680 100644
--- a/website/lang/hu/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/hu/lang.json
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"2": "A jelszó helytelen!",
"3": "Valami hiba történt az adatok adatbázisba való beillesztése közben!",
"4": "A felhasználónév már regisztrálva van!",
- "5": "Your password is too weak!",
+ "5": "A jelszava túl gyenge!",
"6": "Az e-mail érvénytelen!",
"7": "Felhasználónév nem létezik!",
"8": "Nincs elmentett jelszava.",
@@ -16,143 +16,143 @@
"14": "A JSON érvénytelen!",
"15": "Ez a szerver nem tud több felhasználót fogadni!",
"16": "Elérted a maximum jelszók számát!",
- "17": "Account with this email doesn't exist!",
- "18": "Message is too long!",
- "19": "OTP is incorrect!",
- "20": "You can only link up to 5 Yubikeys!",
- "21": "This Yubikey is already linked with your account.",
- "23": "Provided Yubikey OTP is invalid!",
- "24": "Yubikey with provided ID isn't linked to your account.",
- "25": "The token is incorrect or it has expired. Please Sign in again.",
- "26": "Two-factor authentication is already enabled.",
- "27": "Two-factor authentication is not enabled.",
- "28": "Mail is not enabled on this server.",
- "29": "License key is invalid!",
- "30": "This license key has already been used.",
- "300": "Website is too long!",
- "301": "Username is too long!",
- "302": "Password is too long!",
- "303": "Message is too long!",
- "400": "Action was not provided in GET!",
- "401": "Action is invalid!",
- "403": "You didn't provide all required values in POST.",
+ "17": "Ehhez az email címhez nem tartozik fiók!",
+ "18": "Az üzenet túl hosszú!",
+ "19": "Az egyszeri jelszó helytelen!",
+ "20": "Legfeljebb 5 Yubikeyt csatolhat a fiókjához!",
+ "21": "Ez a Yubikey már hozzá volt adva a fiókjához.",
+ "23": "A megadott Yubikey egyszeri jelszó helytelen!",
+ "24": "A Yubikey a megadott ID-vel nincs a fiókjához csatolva.",
+ "25": "A bejelentkezési token helytelen vagy expirált. Kérjük, jelentkezzen be újra.",
+ "26": "A kétlépcsős hitelesítés már be van kapcsolva.",
+ "27": "Kétlépcsős hitelesítés kikapcsolva.",
+ "28": "A mail ki van kapcsolva ezen a szerveren.",
+ "29": "Licenc kulcs érvénytelen!",
+ "30": "Ez a licenc kúlcs már használt.",
+ "300": "A webcím túl hosszú!",
+ "301": "A felhasználónév túl hosszú!",
+ "302": "A jelszó túl hosszú!",
+ "303": "Az üzenet túl hosszú!",
+ "400": "GET kérelem művelet nélkül!",
+ "401": "Művelet érvénytelen!",
+ "403": "Hiányzó szükséges értékek a POST kérelemben.",
"404": "Nem lehet csatlakozni az API hoz.",
- "429": "You are sending too many requests! Please wait before executing this action again.",
- "505": "Something went wrong while connecting to the database!",
- "506": "Something went wrong while connecting to the mail server!",
- "999": "You do NOT have permission to use this endpoint.",
+ "429": "Túl sok kérvény! Kérjük, várjon mielőtt megismételi ezt a műveletet.",
+ "505": "Valami hiba történt az adatbázishoz való csatlakozás közben!",
+ "506": "Valami hiba történt a mail szerverhez való csatlakozás közben!",
+ "999": "Nincs engedélye ennek a végpont használatához.",
"server": "Kiszolgáló",
- "website": "Website",
- "username": "Username",
+ "website": "Weboldal",
+ "username": "Felhasználónév",
"email": "Email",
- "password": "Password",
+ "password": "Jelszó",
"signin": "Bejelentkezés",
"signup": "Regisztráció",
"signout": "Kijelentkezés",
- "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service",
- "okay": "Okay",
- "add": "Add",
+ "terms_of_service": "Felhasználási feltételek",
+ "okay": "Oké",
+ "add": "Hozzáadás",
"change": "Változtatás",
- "use": "Use",
- "copy": "Copy",
- "send": "Send",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "try_again": "Try again",
- "success": "SUCCESS",
- "error": "ERROR",
- "enable": "Enable",
- "disable": "Disable",
- "remove": "Remove",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "import": "Import",
- "importing": "Importing",
- "importing_passwords": "Importing {amount} passwords...",
- "import_from": "Import from {name}",
- "import_paste": "Paste {type} data from {name} password manager.",
- "import_invalid": "The data in your import is invalid!",
- "import_success": "{success_number} passwords imported successfully!",
- "import_errors": "{success_number} passwords imported successfully, but {error_number} passwords NOT imported!",
- "backup": "Backup",
- "export": "Export",
- "passwords": "Passwords",
- "import_export": "Import & Export",
- "language": "Language",
- "theme": "Theme",
- "search": "Search",
- "length": "Length",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "minutes": "minutes",
- "optional_note": "Optional Note",
- "session_duration": "Session Duration",
- "website_icons": "Website Icons",
- "website_icons_info": "Enabling website icons might reduce your privacy.",
- "only_browser_extension": "Only available in the browser extension.",
- "missing_language": "Missing language? Translate it on {name}.",
- "forgot_username": "Forgot username?",
- "email_sent_success": "Email sent successfully",
- "add_password": "Add password",
- "add_password_success": "Password has been added successfully",
- "change_password_success": "Password has been changed successfully",
- "remove_password_success": "Password has been removed successfully",
- "copy_password_success": "Password has been copied successfully",
- "copy_username_success": "Username has been copied successfully",
- "edit_password": "Change password",
- "password_generator": "Generate password",
- "delete_password": "Delete password",
- "delete_password_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your password? Your password will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
- "delete_passwords": "Delete passwords",
- "delete_passwords_info": "Deleted passwords can not be recovered.",
- "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your passwords? Your passwords will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
- "delete_account": "Delete account",
- "delete_account_info": "Once you delete your account, you will lose all data associated with it.",
- "delete_account_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your account? All of your data will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
- "url_invalid": "Server url is invalid!",
- "server_unreachable": "Server is unreachable!",
- "registration_completed": "Registration is completed!",
- "dont_have_account_link": "Don't have an account yet? Sign up here.",
- "already_have_account_link": "Already registered? Sign in here.",
- "username_validation": "Username should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "password_validation": "Password should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "website_validation": "Website should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "otp_contains": "OTP contains 6 numbers.",
- "otp_not_setup": "If you did not setup 2FA on your account leave this field empty.",
- "enable_2fa_question": "Are you sure you want to enable Two-Factor Authentication?",
- "disable_2fa_question": "Are you sure you want to disable Two-Factor Authentication?",
- "totp_applications": "Before enabling, make sure you have installed one of the following applications on your phone:",
- "scan_qr_code": "Scan QR Code:",
- "or_enter_key_manually": "or enter key manually:",
- "backup_codes": "Backup codes:",
- "yubikey_added_successfully": "Your Yubikey has been added successfully",
- "yubikey_removed_successfully": "Your Yubikey has been removed successfully",
- "yubikey_insert_device": "1. Insert your Yubikey into the computer",
- "yubikey_focus_input": "2. Click on OTP Input",
- "yubikey_press_button": "3. Press the gold button located on your Yubikey",
- "auto_search": "Auto Search",
- "total_passwords": "Total Passwords",
- "decryption_time": "Decryption Time",
- "client_version": "Client Version",
- "upgrade_account": "Upgrade Account",
- "validate": "Validate",
- "license_key": "License Key",
- "account": "Account",
- "expiration": "Expiration",
- "free": "Free",
- "premium": "Premium",
- "never": "Never",
- "license_added_successfully": "Your account has been successfully upgraded to Premium and it will last until {date}.",
- "please_wait": "PLEASE WAIT",
- "saving_password": "Saving password...",
- "changing_password": "Changing password...",
- "deleting_password": "Deleting password...",
- "deleting_passwords": "Deleting passwords...",
- "deleting_account": "Deleting account...",
- "signing_in": "Signing in...",
- "signing_up": "Signing up...",
- "sending_email": "Sending email...",
- "enabling_2fa": "Enabling 2FA...",
- "disabling_2fa": "Disabling 2FA...",
- "adding_yubikey": "Adding Yubikey...",
- "removing_yubikey": "Removing Yubikey...",
- "validating_license": "Validating license key...",
- "decrypting_passwords": "Decrypting passwords..."
+ "use": "Használás",
+ "copy": "Másolás",
+ "send": "Küldés",
+ "cancel": "Mégsem",
+ "try_again": "Újrapróbálás",
+ "success": "SIKER",
+ "error": "HIBA",
+ "enable": "Bekapcsolás",
+ "disable": "Kikapcsolás",
+ "remove": "Eltávolítás",
+ "delete": "Törlés",
+ "import": "Importálás",
+ "importing": "Importálás",
+ "importing_passwords": "{amount} jelszó importálása folyamatban...",
+ "import_from": "Importálás {name}-ból/-ből",
+ "import_paste": "Kérjük illesztje be a(z) {type} adatokat a {name} jelszókezelőből.",
+ "import_invalid": "Az importált adatok helytelenek!",
+ "import_success": "{success_number} jelszó sikeresen importálva!",
+ "import_errors": "{success_number} jelszó sikeresen importálva, de sajnos {error_number} jelszavat NEM sikerült importálni!",
+ "backup": "Biztonsági mentés",
+ "export": "Exportálás",
+ "passwords": "Jelszavak",
+ "import_export": "Importálás & Exportálás",
+ "language": "Nyelv",
+ "theme": "Téma",
+ "search": "Keresés",
+ "length": "Hossz",
+ "settings": "Beállítások",
+ "minutes": "perc",
+ "optional_note": "Opcionális megjegyzés",
+ "session_duration": "Munkamenet időtartama",
+ "website_icons": "Weboldal ikonok",
+ "website_icons_info": "A weboldal ikonok bekapcsolása gyengítheti az adatai biztonságát.",
+ "only_browser_extension": "Kizárólag a böngésző bővítményben elérhető.",
+ "missing_language": "Hiányzó nyelv? Fordítsa le a {name} segítségével.",
+ "forgot_username": "Elfelejtett felhasználónév?",
+ "email_sent_success": "E-mail sikeresen elküldve",
+ "add_password": "Jelszó hozzáadása",
+ "add_password_success": "A jelszó sikeresen hozzáadva",
+ "change_password_success": "A jelszó sikeresen módosítva",
+ "remove_password_success": "A jelszó sikeresen eltávolítva",
+ "copy_password_success": "A jelszó sikeresen másolva",
+ "copy_username_success": "A felhasználónév sikeresen másolva",
+ "edit_password": "Jelszó módosítása",
+ "password_generator": "Jelszó generálás",
+ "delete_password": "Jelszó törlése",
+ "delete_password_confirmation": "Biztos, hogy törölni szeretné a jelszavát? A jelszava véglegesen törölve lesz a szerverről. Ez a művelet NEM visszavonható.",
+ "delete_passwords": "Jelszavak törlése",
+ "delete_passwords_info": "Törölt jelszavakat nem lehet helyreállítani.",
+ "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Biztos, hogy törölni szeretné a jelszavait? A jelszavai véglegesen törölve lesznek a szerverről. Ez a művelet NEM visszavonható.",
+ "delete_account": "Fiók törlése",
+ "delete_account_info": "Miután törli fiókját, az összes kapcsolódó adat elveszik.",
+ "delete_account_confirmation": "Biztos, hogy törölni szeretné a fiókját? Az összes adata véglegesen törölve lesz a szerverről. Ez a művelet NEM visszavonható.",
+ "url_invalid": "A szerver url helytelen!",
+ "server_unreachable": "A szerver nem elérhető!",
+ "registration_completed": "Regisztráció befejezve!",
+ "dont_have_account_link": "Még nincs fiókja? Itt regisztráljon.",
+ "already_have_account_link": "Már van fiókja? Jelentkezzen be itt.",
+ "username_validation": "A felhasználónévnek 2 és 100 karakter között kell lennie!",
+ "password_validation": "A jelszónak 2 és 100 karakter között kell lennie!",
+ "website_validation": "A weboldalnak 2 és 100 karakter között kell lennie!",
+ "otp_contains": "Az egyszeri jelszónak 6 számot kell tartalmaznia.",
+ "otp_not_setup": "Ha még nem kapcsolta be a kétlépcsős hitelesítést, kérjük hagyja ezt a mezőt üresen.",
+ "enable_2fa_question": "Biztosan be szeretné kapcsolni a kétlépcsős hitelesítést?",
+ "disable_2fa_question": "Biztosan ki szeretné kapcsolni a kétlépcsős hitelesítést?",
+ "totp_applications": "Mielőtt bekapcsolná, kérjük bizonyosodjon be arról, hogy az alábbiak közül az egyik alkalmazást telepítette a telefonjára:",
+ "scan_qr_code": "QR kód beolvasása:",
+ "or_enter_key_manually": "vagy adja meg a kulcsot kézileg:",
+ "backup_codes": "Tartalék kódok:",
+ "yubikey_added_successfully": "A Yubikey sikeresen hozzáadva",
+ "yubikey_removed_successfully": "A Yubikey sikeresen eltávolítva",
+ "yubikey_insert_device": "1. Illesztje be a Yubikey-jét a számítógépbe",
+ "yubikey_focus_input": "2. Nyomja meg az OTP Input gombot",
+ "yubikey_press_button": "3. Nyomja meg a Yubikey-jén található arany gombot",
+ "auto_search": "Automatikus keresés",
+ "total_passwords": "Jelszavak összesen",
+ "decryption_time": "Dekódolási idő",
+ "client_version": "Kliens verzió",
+ "upgrade_account": "Fiók bővítése",
+ "validate": "Érvényesítés",
+ "license_key": "Licenc kulcs",
+ "account": "Fiók",
+ "expiration": "Lejárat",
+ "free": "Ingyenes",
+ "premium": "Prémium",
+ "never": "Soha",
+ "license_added_successfully": "A fiókja sikeresen bővítve lett prémiumra, {date} dátumig.",
+ "please_wait": "KÉRJÜK VÁRJON",
+ "saving_password": "Jelszó mentése...",
+ "changing_password": "Jelszó módosítása...",
+ "deleting_password": "Jelszó törlése...",
+ "deleting_passwords": "Jelszavak törlése...",
+ "deleting_account": "Fiók törlése...",
+ "signing_in": "Bejelentkezés...",
+ "signing_up": "Regisztráció...",
+ "sending_email": "E-mail küldése...",
+ "enabling_2fa": "Kétlépcsős hitelesítés bekapcsolása...",
+ "disabling_2fa": "Kétlépcsős hitelesítés kikapcsolása...",
+ "adding_yubikey": "Yubikey hozzáadása...",
+ "removing_yubikey": "Yubikey eltávolítása...",
+ "validating_license": "Licenc kulcs érvényesítése...",
+ "decrypting_passwords": "Jelszavak dekódolása..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/lang/ko/lang.json b/website/lang/ko/lang.json
index 6c851b3..21c4d15 100644
--- a/website/lang/ko/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/ko/lang.json
@@ -140,19 +140,19 @@
"premium": "프리미엄",
"never": "절대",
"license_added_successfully": "귀하의 계정은 프리미엄으로 성공적으로 업그레이드되었으며 {date} 까지 유지됩니다.",
- "please_wait": "PLEASE WAIT",
- "saving_password": "Saving password...",
- "changing_password": "Changing password...",
- "deleting_password": "Deleting password...",
- "deleting_passwords": "Deleting passwords...",
- "deleting_account": "Deleting account...",
- "signing_in": "Signing in...",
- "signing_up": "Signing up...",
- "sending_email": "Sending email...",
- "enabling_2fa": "Enabling 2FA...",
- "disabling_2fa": "Disabling 2FA...",
- "adding_yubikey": "Adding Yubikey...",
- "removing_yubikey": "Removing Yubikey...",
- "validating_license": "Validating license key...",
- "decrypting_passwords": "Decrypting passwords..."
+ "please_wait": "기다리세요",
+ "saving_password": "비밀번호 저장 중...",
+ "changing_password": "비밀번호 변경 중...",
+ "deleting_password": "비밀번호 삭제 중...",
+ "deleting_passwords": "비밀번호 삭제 중...",
+ "deleting_account": "계정 삭제 중...",
+ "signing_in": "로그인...",
+ "signing_up": "가입 중...",
+ "sending_email": "이메일을 보내는 중...",
+ "enabling_2fa": "2FA 사용 설정 중...",
+ "disabling_2fa": "2FA 비활성화 중...",
+ "adding_yubikey": "유비키 추가 중...",
+ "removing_yubikey": "유비키 제거 중...",
+ "validating_license": "라이센스 키 확인 중...",
+ "decrypting_passwords": "암호 해독 중..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/lang/pl/lang.json b/website/lang/pl/lang.json
index 9d0e8b8..a336b96 100644
--- a/website/lang/pl/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/pl/lang.json
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
"26": "Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe jest już włączone.",
"27": "Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe nie jest włączone.",
"28": "Mail nie jest włączony na tym serwerze.",
- "29": "License key is invalid!",
- "30": "This license key has already been used.",
+ "29": "Klucz licencyjny jest nieprawidłowy!",
+ "30": "Ten klucz licencyjny został już użyty.",
"300": "Strona jest za długa!",
"301": "Nazwa użytkownika jest zbyt długa!",
"302": "Hasło jest za długie!",
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"importing": "Importowanie",
"importing_passwords": "Importowanie haseł w liczbie: {amount}...",
"import_from": "Importuj z {name}",
- "import_paste": "Paste {type} data from {name} password manager.",
+ "import_paste": "Wklej dane {type} z menedżera haseł {name}.",
"import_invalid": "Importowane dane są nieprawidłowe!",
"import_success": "Pomyślnie zaimportowano {success_number} haseł!",
"import_errors": "Pomyślnie zaimportowano {success_number} haseł, {error_number} haseł NIE udało się zaimportować!",
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"website_icons": "Ikony witryny",
"website_icons_info": "Włączenie ikon witryny może zmniejszyć Twoją prywatność.",
"only_browser_extension": "Dostępne tylko w rozszerzeniu przeglądarki.",
- "missing_language": "Missing language? Translate it on {name}.",
+ "missing_language": "Brakuje Ci języka? Przetłumacz to na {name}.",
"forgot_username": "Nie pamiętasz nazwy użytkownika?",
"email_sent_success": "E-mail wysłany pomyślnie",
"add_password": "Dodaj hasło",
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
"password_generator": "Wygeneruj hasło",
"delete_password": "Usuń hasło",
"delete_password_confirmation": "Czy masz pewność, że chcesz usunąć swoje hasło? Twoje hasło zostanie trwale usunięte z serwera. Tej akcji NIE można cofnąć.",
- "delete_passwords": "Delete passwords",
- "delete_passwords_info": "Deleted passwords can not be recovered.",
- "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your passwords? Your passwords will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
+ "delete_passwords": "Usuń hasła",
+ "delete_passwords_info": "Usuniętych haseł nie można odzyskać.",
+ "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć swoje hasła? Twoje hasła zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera. Tej czynności NIE można cofnąć.",
"delete_account": "Usuń konto",
"delete_account_info": "Po usunięciu konta stracisz wszystkie powiązane z nim dane.",
"delete_account_confirmation": "Czy masz pewność, że chcesz usunąć swoje konto? Wszystkie Twoje dane zostaną trwale usunięte z serwera. Tej akcji NIE można cofnąć.",
@@ -131,28 +131,28 @@
"total_passwords": "Wszystkich haseł",
"decryption_time": "Czas odszyfrowania",
"client_version": "Wersja klienta",
- "upgrade_account": "Upgrade Account",
- "validate": "Validate",
- "license_key": "License Key",
- "account": "Account",
- "expiration": "Expiration",
- "free": "Free",
- "premium": "Premium",
- "never": "Never",
- "license_added_successfully": "Your account has been successfully upgraded to Premium and it will last until {date}.",
- "please_wait": "PLEASE WAIT",
- "saving_password": "Saving password...",
- "changing_password": "Changing password...",
- "deleting_password": "Deleting password...",
- "deleting_passwords": "Deleting passwords...",
- "deleting_account": "Deleting account...",
- "signing_in": "Signing in...",
- "signing_up": "Signing up...",
- "sending_email": "Sending email...",
- "enabling_2fa": "Enabling 2FA...",
- "disabling_2fa": "Disabling 2FA...",
- "adding_yubikey": "Adding Yubikey...",
- "removing_yubikey": "Removing Yubikey...",
- "validating_license": "Validating license key...",
- "decrypting_passwords": "Decrypting passwords..."
+ "upgrade_account": "Ulepsz konto",
+ "validate": "Uprawomocnić",
+ "license_key": "Klucz licencyjny",
+ "account": "Rachunek",
+ "expiration": "Wygaśnięcie\n",
+ "free": "Bezpłatny",
+ "premium": "Premia",
+ "never": "Nigdy",
+ "license_added_successfully": "Twoje konto zostało pomyślnie uaktualnione do Premium i będzie aktywne do {date}.",
+ "please_wait": "PROSZĘ CZEKAĆ",
+ "saving_password": "Zapisywanie hasła...",
+ "changing_password": "Zmiana hasła...",
+ "deleting_password": "Usuwanie hasła...",
+ "deleting_passwords": "Usuwanie haseł...\n",
+ "deleting_account": "Usuwanie konta...",
+ "signing_in": "Dołączanie do...",
+ "signing_up": "Logować się...",
+ "sending_email": "Wysyłać email...",
+ "enabling_2fa": "Włączanie 2FA...",
+ "disabling_2fa": "Wyłączanie 2FA...",
+ "adding_yubikey": "Dodawanie YubiKey'ego...\n",
+ "removing_yubikey": "Usuwanie Yubikey'ego...",
+ "validating_license": "Weryfikowanie klucza licencyjnego...",
+ "decrypting_passwords": "Odszyfrowywanie haseł..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/lang/ro/lang.json b/website/lang/ro/lang.json
index 9a13303..0af367c 100644
--- a/website/lang/ro/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/ro/lang.json
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"0": "Reușit",
"1": "Numele de utilizator nu este valid!",
"2": "Parola este incorectă!",
- "3": "Something went wrong while inserting data to the database!",
+ "3": "Ceva a mers prost la inserarea datelor în baza de date!",
"4": "Numele de utilizator este deja înregistrat!",
- "5": "Your password is too weak!",
+ "5": "Parola dvs. este prea slabă!",
"6": "Adresa de e-mail este invalida!",
"7": "Numele de utilizator nu există!",
"8": "Nu aveți nicio parolă salvată.",
@@ -16,30 +16,30 @@
"14": "Json-ul nu este valid!",
"15": "Acest server nu poate accepta mai mulți utilizatori!",
"16": "Ați atins numărul maxim de parole stocate!",
- "17": "Account with this email doesn't exist!",
- "18": "Message is too long!",
- "19": "OTP is incorrect!",
- "20": "You can only link up to 5 Yubikeys!",
- "21": "This Yubikey is already linked with your account.",
- "23": "Provided Yubikey OTP is invalid!",
- "24": "Yubikey with provided ID isn't linked to your account.",
- "25": "The token is incorrect or it has expired. Please Sign in again.",
- "26": "Two-factor authentication is already enabled.",
- "27": "Two-factor authentication is not enabled.",
- "28": "Mail is not enabled on this server.",
- "29": "License key is invalid!",
- "30": "This license key has already been used.",
- "300": "Website is too long!",
- "301": "Username is too long!",
- "302": "Password is too long!",
- "303": "Message is too long!",
- "400": "Action was not provided in GET!",
+ "17": "Contul cu acest e-mail nu există!",
+ "18": "Mesajul este prea lung!",
+ "19": "OTP este incorect!",
+ "20": "Puteți conecta doar până la 5 Yubikey-uri!",
+ "21": "Acest Yubikey este deja conectat la contul tău.",
+ "23": "Cu condiția ca Yubikey OTP să fie invalid!",
+ "24": "Yubikey cu ID furnizat nu este conectat la contul dvs.",
+ "25": "Indicatorul este incorect sau a expirat. Vă rugăm să vă conectați din nou.",
+ "26": "Autentificarea cu doi factori este deja activată.",
+ "27": "Autentificarea cu doi factori nu este activată.",
+ "28": "Poșta nu este activată pe acest server.",
+ "29": "Cheia de licență este nevalidă!",
+ "30": "Această cheie de licență a fost deja utilizată.",
+ "300": "Site-ul este prea lung!",
+ "301": "Numele de utilizator este prea lung!",
+ "302": "Parola este prea lungă!",
+ "303": "Mesajul este prea lung!",
+ "400": "Acțiunea nu a fost furnizată în GET!",
"401": "Acțiunea nu este validă!",
"403": "Nu ați furnizat toate valorile necesare în POST.",
"404": "Nu se poate conecta la API.",
"429": "Trimiteți prea multe solicitări! Vă rugăm să așteptați înainte de a executa din nou această acțiune.",
"505": "A apărut o eroare la conectarea la baza de date!",
- "506": "Something went wrong while connecting to the mail server!",
+ "506": "A apărut o eroare în timpul conectării la serverul de e-mail!",
"999": "NU aveți permisiunea de a utiliza acest endpoint.",
"server": "Server",
"website": "Website",
@@ -49,26 +49,26 @@
"signin": "Conectare",
"signup": "Înregistrare",
"signout": "Deconectare",
- "terms_of_service": "Terms of Service",
+ "terms_of_service": "Termenii serviciului",
"okay": "Bine",
"add": "Adăuga",
"change": "Schimbă",
"use": "Utilizează",
"copy": "Copiază",
- "send": "Send",
+ "send": "Trimite",
"cancel": "Anulează",
"try_again": "Încearcă din nou",
"success": "SUCCES",
"error": "EROARE",
- "enable": "Enable",
- "disable": "Disable",
- "remove": "Remove",
+ "enable": "Permite",
+ "disable": "Dezactivați",
+ "remove": "Elimina",
"delete": "Șterge",
"import": "Importă",
- "importing": "Importing",
- "importing_passwords": "Importing {amount} passwords...",
+ "importing": "Importing\n",
+ "importing_passwords": "Se importă {amount} parole...",
"import_from": "Importă din {name}",
- "import_paste": "Paste {type} data from {name} password manager.",
+ "import_paste": "Inserați datele {type} din managerul de parole {name}.",
"import_invalid": "Datele din importul dvs. nu sunt valide!",
"import_success": "{success_number} parole importate cu succes!",
"import_errors": "{success_number} parole importate cu succes, dar {error_number} parole NU au fost importate!",
@@ -76,33 +76,33 @@
"export": "Exportă",
"passwords": "Parole",
"import_export": "Importă & Exportă",
- "language": "Language",
+ "language": "Limba",
"theme": "Temă",
"search": "Caută",
"length": "Lungime",
- "settings": "Settings",
+ "settings": "Setări",
"minutes": "minutes",
- "optional_note": "Optional Note",
- "session_duration": "Session Duration",
- "website_icons": "Website Icons",
- "website_icons_info": "Enabling website icons might reduce your privacy.",
- "only_browser_extension": "Only available in the browser extension.",
- "missing_language": "Missing language? Translate it on {name}.",
- "forgot_username": "Forgot username?",
- "email_sent_success": "Email sent successfully",
+ "optional_note": "Notă opțională",
+ "session_duration": "Durata sesiunii",
+ "website_icons": "Pictogramele site-ului web",
+ "website_icons_info": "Activarea pictogramelor site-ului vă poate reduce confidențialitatea.",
+ "only_browser_extension": "Disponibil numai în extensia browserului.",
+ "missing_language": "Limbă lipsă? Traduceți-l pe {name}.",
+ "forgot_username": "Ai uitat numele de utilizator?",
+ "email_sent_success": "Email-ul a fost trimis cu succes",
"add_password": "Adăugați o parolă",
"add_password_success": "Parola a fost adăugată cu succes",
"change_password_success": "Parola a fost schimbată cu succes",
"remove_password_success": "Parola a fost eliminată cu succes",
- "copy_password_success": "Password has been copied successfully",
- "copy_username_success": "Username has been copied successfully",
+ "copy_password_success": "Parola a fost copiată cu succes",
+ "copy_username_success": "Numele de utilizator a fost copiat cu succes",
"edit_password": "Schimbați parola",
"password_generator": "Generați parola",
"delete_password": "Ștergeți parola",
"delete_password_confirmation": "Sigur doriți să ștergeți parola? Parola dvs. va fi eliminată definitiv de pe server. Această acțiune nu poate fi anulată.",
- "delete_passwords": "Delete passwords",
- "delete_passwords_info": "Deleted passwords can not be recovered.",
- "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your passwords? Your passwords will be permanently removed from the server. This action can NOT be undone.",
+ "delete_passwords": "Ștergeți parolele",
+ "delete_passwords_info": "Parolele șterse nu pot fi recuperate.",
+ "delete_passwords_confirmation": "Sigur doriți să vă ștergeți parolele? Parolele tale vor fi șterse definitiv de pe server. Această acțiune nu poate fi anulată.",
"delete_account": "Șterge contul",
"delete_account_info": "După ce vă ștergeți contul, veți pierde toate datele asociate acestuia.",
"delete_account_confirmation": "Sigur doriți să vă ștergeți contul? Toate datele dvs. vor fi șterse definitiv de pe server. Această acțiune nu poate fi anulată.",
@@ -111,48 +111,48 @@
"registration_completed": "Înregistrarea este finalizată!",
"dont_have_account_link": "Nu aveți încă un cont? Înscrieți-vă aici.",
"already_have_account_link": "Deja înregistrat? Conectați-vă aici.",
- "username_validation": "Username should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "password_validation": "Password should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "website_validation": "Website should be between 2 and 100 characters long!",
- "otp_contains": "OTP contains 6 numbers.",
- "otp_not_setup": "If you did not setup 2FA on your account leave this field empty.",
- "enable_2fa_question": "Are you sure you want to enable Two-Factor Authentication?",
- "disable_2fa_question": "Are you sure you want to disable Two-Factor Authentication?",
- "totp_applications": "Before enabling, make sure you have installed one of the following applications on your phone:",
- "scan_qr_code": "Scan QR Code:",
- "or_enter_key_manually": "or enter key manually:",
- "backup_codes": "Backup codes:",
- "yubikey_added_successfully": "Your Yubikey has been added successfully",
- "yubikey_removed_successfully": "Your Yubikey has been removed successfully",
- "yubikey_insert_device": "1. Insert your Yubikey into the computer",
- "yubikey_focus_input": "2. Click on OTP Input",
- "yubikey_press_button": "3. Press the gold button located on your Yubikey",
- "auto_search": "Auto Search",
- "total_passwords": "Total Passwords",
- "decryption_time": "Decryption Time",
- "client_version": "Client Version",
- "upgrade_account": "Upgrade Account",
- "validate": "Validate",
- "license_key": "License Key",
- "account": "Account",
- "expiration": "Expiration",
- "free": "Free",
+ "username_validation": "Numele de utilizator trebuie să aibă între 2 și 100 de caractere!",
+ "password_validation": "Parola trebuie să aibă între 2 și 100 de caractere!",
+ "website_validation": "Site-ul ar trebui să aibă între 2 și 100 de caractere!",
+ "otp_contains": "OTP conține 6 numere.",
+ "otp_not_setup": "Dacă nu ați configurat 2FA în contul dvs., lăsați acest câmp necompletat.",
+ "enable_2fa_question": "Sigur doriți să activați autentificarea cu doi factori?",
+ "disable_2fa_question": "Sigur doriți să dezactivați autentificarea cu doi factori?",
+ "totp_applications": "Înainte de a activa, asigurați-vă că ați instalat una dintre următoarele aplicații pe telefon:",
+ "scan_qr_code": "Scanați codul QR:",
+ "or_enter_key_manually": "sau introduceți manual cheia:",
+ "backup_codes": "Coduri de rezervă:",
+ "yubikey_added_successfully": "Yubikey-ul dvs. a fost adăugat cu succes",
+ "yubikey_removed_successfully": "Yubikey-ul dvs. a fost eliminat cu succes",
+ "yubikey_insert_device": "1. Introduceți Yubikey-ul în computer",
+ "yubikey_focus_input": "2. Faceți clic pe OTP Input",
+ "yubikey_press_button": "3. Apăsați butonul auriu situat pe Yubikey",
+ "auto_search": "Căutare automată",
+ "total_passwords": "Total parole",
+ "decryption_time": "Timp de decriptare",
+ "client_version": "Versiune client",
+ "upgrade_account": "Actualizare cont",
+ "validate": "Valida",
+ "license_key": "Cheie de licență",
+ "account": "Cont",
+ "expiration": "Expirare",
+ "free": "Gratuit",
"premium": "Premium",
- "never": "Never",
- "license_added_successfully": "Your account has been successfully upgraded to Premium and it will last until {date}.",
- "please_wait": "PLEASE WAIT",
- "saving_password": "Saving password...",
- "changing_password": "Changing password...",
- "deleting_password": "Deleting password...",
- "deleting_passwords": "Deleting passwords...",
- "deleting_account": "Deleting account...",
- "signing_in": "Signing in...",
- "signing_up": "Signing up...",
- "sending_email": "Sending email...",
- "enabling_2fa": "Enabling 2FA...",
- "disabling_2fa": "Disabling 2FA...",
- "adding_yubikey": "Adding Yubikey...",
- "removing_yubikey": "Removing Yubikey...",
- "validating_license": "Validating license key...",
- "decrypting_passwords": "Decrypting passwords..."
+ "never": "Niciodată!",
+ "license_added_successfully": "Contul dvs. a fost actualizat cu succes la Premium și va dura până la {date}.",
+ "please_wait": "VA RUGAM ASTEPTATI",
+ "saving_password": "Se salvează parola...",
+ "changing_password": "Se schimbă parola...",
+ "deleting_password": "Se șterge parola...",
+ "deleting_passwords": "Se șterg parolele...",
+ "deleting_account": "Se șterge contul...",
+ "signing_in": "Conectare...",
+ "signing_up": "Înscrierea...",
+ "sending_email": "Se trimite e-mail...\n",
+ "enabling_2fa": "Se activează 2FA...",
+ "disabling_2fa": "Se dezactivează 2FA...",
+ "adding_yubikey": "Se adaugă Yubikey...",
+ "removing_yubikey": "Se elimină Yubikey...",
+ "validating_license": "Se validează cheia de licență...\n",
+ "decrypting_passwords": "Se decriptează parolele..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/lang/ru/lang.json b/website/lang/ru/lang.json
index 6251ced..8edf946 100644
--- a/website/lang/ru/lang.json
+++ b/website/lang/ru/lang.json
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"deleting_password": "Удаление пароля...",
"deleting_passwords": "Удаление паролей...",
"deleting_account": "Удаление учётной записи...",
- "signing_in": "Выполняется вход...",
+ "signing_in": "Вход...",
"signing_up": "Регистрация...",
"sending_email": "Отправка эл. письма...",
"enabling_2fa": "Включение 2FA...",
diff --git a/website/manifest.json b/website/manifest.json
index f2315f4..040e1b4 100644
--- a/website/manifest.json
+++ b/website/manifest.json
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@
"src": "images/screenshots/8.jpg",
"sizes": "1080x2400",
"type": "image/jpg"
+ },
+ {
+ "src": "images/logo.svg",
+ "sizes": "any"
"theme_color": "#0D1117",
@@ -128,5 +132,7 @@
"url": "https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.rabbitcompany.passky",
"id": "com.rabbitcompany.passky"
- ]
+ ],
+ "dir": "ltr",
+ "lang": "en"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/passwords.html b/website/passwords.html
index 4a5f05f..396ac98 100644
--- a/website/passwords.html
+++ b/website/passwords.html
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@