- The frames ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington now inherit from the new base class ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.BaseHeliographic.
This changes means that
isinstance(frame, HeliographicStonyhurst)
is no longerTrue
is ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington. (#3595) - ~sunpy.visualization.cm.color_tables.aia_color_table, ~sunpy.visualization.cm.color_tables.eit_color_table and ~sunpy.visualization.cm.color_tables.suvi_color_table now only take astropy.units quantities instead of strings. (#3640)
- sunpy.map.Map is now more strict when the metadata of a map cannot be validated, and
an error is now thrown instead of a warning if metadata cannot be validated. In order to
load maps that previously loaded without error you may need to pass
to sunpy.map.Map. (#3646) Fido.search
will now return results from all clients which match a query, you no longer have to make the query specific to a single client. This means that searches involving the 'eve' and 'rhessi' instruments will now potentially also return results from the VSO. For ~sunpy.net.dataretriever.RHESSIClient you can now specifya.Physobs("summary_lightcurve")
to only include the summary lightcurve data products not provided by the VSO. (#3770)- The objects returned by the
methods onVSOClient
have been changed to be based on sunpy.net.base_client.BaseQueryResponse. This introduces a few subtle breaking changes for people using the client search methods directly (notFido.search
), or people using sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse.get_response. When slicing an instance ofQueryResponse
it will now return an instance of itself,QueryResponse.blocks
can be used to access the underlying records. Also, the.client
attribute of the response no longer has to be the instance of the class the search was made with, however, it often is. (#3770) - ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington is now an observer-based frame, where the observer location (specifically, the distance from the Sun) is used to account for light travel time when determining apparent Carrington longitudes. Coordinate transformations using this frame now require an observer to be specified. (#3782)
- To enable the precise co-alignment of solar images from different observatories, the calculation of Carrington coordinates now ignores the stellar-aberration correction due to observer motion. For an Earth observer, this change results in an increase in Carrington longitude of ~20 arcseconds. See :ref:`sunpy-coordinates-carrington` for more information. (#3782)
- Fixed a bug where some of the coordinate transformations could raise ValueError instead of ~astropy.coordinates.ConvertError when the transformation could not be performed. (#3894)
- Astropy 3.2 is now the minimum required version of that dependency. (#3936)
- Fido search attrs available as sunpy.net.attrs i.e,
etc are now deprecated as VSO attrs (sunpy.net.vso.attrs). (#3714) - sunpy.util.multimethod.MultiMethod is deprecated, functools.singledispatch provides equivalent functionality in the standard library. (#3714)
- sunpy.net.vso.attrs.Physobs has been moved to sunpy.net.attrs.Physobs and the original deprecated. (#3877)
- Deprecate sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep in favor of the register function in the [aiapy](https://gitlab.com/LMSAL_HUB/aia_hub/aiapy) package. sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep will be removed in version 2.1 (#3960)
- Removed the module sunpy.sun.sun, which was deprecated in version 1.0. Use the module sunpy.coordinates.sun instead. (#4014)
- Removed Sun-associated functions in sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris, which were deprecated in 1.0. Use the corresponding functions in sunpy.coordinates.sun. (#4014)
- Remove the deprecated
methods. (#4109) - Removed the sample datasets NOAAINDICES_TIMESERIES and NOAAPREDICT_TIMESERIES because they will invariably be out of date. Up-to-date versions of these NOAA indices can be downloaded using ~sunpy.net.Fido (see :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_plotting_solar_cycle_example.py`). (#4169)
- Added ~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.RotatedSunFrame for defining coordinate frames that account for solar rotation. (#3537)
- Added a context manager (~sunpy.coordinates.transform_with_sun_center) to ignore the motion of the center of the Sun for coordinate transformations. (#3540)
- Updated the gallery example titled 'Downloading and plotting an HMI magnetogram' to rotate the HMI magnetogram such that solar North is pointed up. (#3573)
- Creates a function named
that samples the data from the map at the given set of coordinates. (#3592) - Enabled the discovery of search attributes for each of our clients. (#3637)
- Printing sunpy.net.attr.Instrument or other "attrs" will show all attributes that exist under the corresponding "attr". (#3637)
- Printing sunpy.net.Fido will print out all the clients that Fido can use. (#3637)
- Updates ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_grid to allow disabling the axes labels and the ticks on the top and right axes. (#3673)
- Creates a
property for ~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedResponse, which allows to access the QueryResponse as an ~astropy.table.Table, which then can be used for indexing of results. (#3675) - Change the APIs for :meth:`sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle` and :meth:`sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap` to be consistent with each other and to use keyword-only arguments for specifying the bounding box. (#3677)
- Updates the ~sunpy.map.mapbase.observer_coordinate property to warn the user of specific missing metadata for each frame. Omits warning about frames where all metadata is missing or all meta is present. (#3692)
- Added sunpy.util.config.copy_default_config that copies the default config file to the user's config directory. (#3722)
now supports adding database entries and downloading data fromHEK
query (#3731)- Added a helper function (~sunpy.coordinates.util.get_rectangle_coordinates) for defining a rectangle in longitude and latitude coordinates. (#3737)
- Add a
property in ~sunpy.timeseries.GenericTimeSeries, so that users are encouraged to use to_dataframe to get the data of the timeseries. (#3746) - It is now possible to turn on or off various corrections in :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.L0` (the apparent Carrington longitude of Sun-disk center as seen from Earth). (#3782)
- Made skimage.transform import lazy to reduce import time of sunpy.image.transform by ~50% (#3818)
- Add support for parfive 1.1. This sets a limit on the number of open connections to JSOC when downloading files to 10. (#3822)
- Fido clients (subclasses of sunpy.net.base_client.BaseClient) can now register their own attrs modules with sunpy.net.attrs.
This allows clients which require attr classes specific to that client to register modules that can be used by the user i.e.
. It also allows clients implemented externally to sunpy to register attrs. (#3869) - Added the methods :meth:`sunpy.map.GenericMap.quicklook` and :meth:`sunpy.map.MapSequence.quicklook` to display an HTML summary of the instance, including interactive controls. When using Jupyter notebooks, this HTML summary is automatically shown instead of a text-only representation. (#3951)
- Added _localfilelist method in ~sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper to scrap local data archives. (#3994)
- Added extra constants to sunpy.sun.constants:
- Longitude of the prime meridian (epoch J2000.0) :
- Sidereal rotation rate : sunpy.sun.constants.sidereal_rotation_rate
- First Carrington rotation (JD TT) : sunpy.sun.constants.first_carrington_rotation
- Mean synodic period : sunpy.sun.constants.mean_synodic_period
- Right ascension (RA) of the north pole (epoch J2000.0) :
- Declination of the north pole (epoch J2000.0) :
- Longitude of the prime meridian (epoch J2000.0) :
- Adds to ~sunpy.net.scraper.Scraper the ability to include regular expressions in the URL passed. (#4107)
- Added support for passing
object totimeseries_factory
and associated validation tests. (#3639) - Now when ~sunpy.map.GenericMap fails to load a file, the filename that failed to load will now be part of the error message. (#3727)
- Work around incorrect Content-Disposition headers in some VSO downloads, which were leading to mangled filenames. (#3740)
can now service queries withouta.Time
being specified. This is currently only used by the sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient. (#3770)- Fixed a bug with the calculation of Carrington longitude as seen from Earth where it was using an old approach instead of the current approach (for example, the varying Sun-Earth distance is now taken into account). The old approach resulted in errors no greater than 7 arcseconds in Carrington longitude when using ~sunpy.coordinates.sun.L0 and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington. (#3772)
- Updated sunpy.map.compositemap.plot to support a linewidths argument. (#3792)
- Fix a bug in sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient where requesting data for export would not work if a non-time primekey was used. (#3825)
- Add support for passing paths of type pathlib.Path in sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient.fetch. (#3838)
- Add explicit support for dealing with download urls for files, under 'as-is' protocol in sunpy.net.jsoc.JSOCClient.get_request. (#3838)
- Updated the method used to filter time in the VSO post-search filtering function. (#3840)
- Fix failing of fetching of the indexed JSOCResponses using Fido.fetch. (#3852)
- Prevented GenericMap.plot modifying in-place any items passed as
. (#3867) - Changed the format of DATE-OBS in GenericMap.wcs from iso to isot (ie. with a "T" between the date and time) to conform with the FITS standard. (#3872)
- Fixed a minor error (up to ~10 arcseconds) in the calculation of the Sun's position angle (:func:`sunpy.coordinates.sun.P`). (#3886)
- ~sunpy.net.hek.HEKClient was returning HTML and not JSON. (#3899)
- Updated to HTTPS for HEK. (#3917)
- The accuracy of the output of :func:`sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_horizons_coord` is significantly improved. (#3919)
- Fixed a bug where the longitude value for the reference coordinate in the Map repr would be displayed with the unintended longitude wrapping. (#3959)
- It is now possible to specify a local file path to
sunpy.data.data_manager.DataManager.override_file without having to prefix it
. (#3970) - Closed the session in the destructor of VSOClient thus solving the problem of socket being left open (#3973)
- Fixed a bug of where results of VSO searches would have inconsistent ordering in ~sunpy.net.vso.vso.QueryResponse by always sorting the results by start time. (#3974)
- Fixes two bugs in sunpy.util.decorator.deprecated: correctly calculates the removal version and does not override the default and/or alternative functionality message. Providing a custom deprecation message now suppresses any mention of the removal version. Additionally, a pending keyword argument is provided to denote functions/classes that are pending deprecation. (#3982)
- Correctly generate labels for sliders in ~sunpy.visualization.animators.ArrayAnimatorWCS when the number of pixel dimensions and the number of world dimensions are not the same in the WCS. (#3990)
- Updated VSOClient.response_block_properties to check if "None" is in the return. (#3993)
- Fix a bug with sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS where animating a line with a masked array with the whole of the initial line masked out the axes limits for the x axis were not correctly set. (#4001)
- Fixed passing in a list of URLs into sunpy.map.GenericMap, before it caused an error due to the wrong type being returned. (#4007)
- Fixed a bug with :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.transformations.transform_with_sun_center` where the global variable was sometimes restored incorrectly. This bug was most likely encountered if there was a nested use of this context manager. (#4015)
- Fixes a bug in fido_factory to allow path="./" in fido.fetch(). (#4058)
- Prevented sunpy.io.fits.header_to_fits modifying the passed header in-place. (#4067)
- Strip out any unknown unicode from the HEK response to prevent it failing to load some results. (#4088)
- Fixed a bug in :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst` that resulted in a error when requesting an array of locations in conjuction with enabling the light-travel-time correction. (#4112)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap.top_right_coord and ~sunpy.map.map.GenericMap.center have had their definitions clarified, and both have had off-by-one indexing errors fixed. (#4121)
- Fixed sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap() when scaled pixel units (e.g.
) are used. (#4127) - Fixed bugs in ~sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper.filelist that resulted in error when the HTML page of URL opened by the scraper contains some "a" tags without "href" attribute and resulted in incorrect file urls when any href stores filepath relative to the URL's domain instead of just a filename. (#4132)
- Fixed inconsistencies in how ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap behaves when passed corners in pixel and world coordinates. The behavior for submaps specified in pixel coordinates is now well-defined for pixels on the boundary of the rectangle and is consistent for all boundaries. Previously pixels on the lower left boundary were included, but excluded on the upper and right boundary. This means the shape of a submap may now be 1 pixel larger in each dimension. Added several more tests for ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap for a range of cutout sizes in both pixel and world coordinates. (#4134)
- sunpy.map.on_disk_bounding_coordinates now fully propagates the coordinate frame of the input map to the output coordinates. Previously only the observer coordinate, and no other frame attributes, were propagated. (#4141)
- Fix an off-by-one error in the reference pixel returned by sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header. (#4152)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap.reference_pixel now uses zero-based indexing, in order to be consistent with the rest of the sunpy.map API. (#4154)
- Previously sunpy.map.GenericMap.resample with
was using an incorrect and constant value to fill edges when upsampling a map. Values near the edges are now correctly extrapolated using thefill_value=extrapolate
option to scipy.interpolate.interp1d. (#4164) - Fixed a bug where passing an int or list via the hdus keyword argument to ~sunpy.io.fits.read threw an exception because the list of HDU objects was no longer of type ~astropy.io.fits.hdu.HDUList. (#4183)
- Fix attr printing when the attr registry is empty for that attr (#4199)
- Improved the accuracy of :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.angular_radius` by removing the use of the small-angle approximation. The inaccuracy had been less than 5 milliarcseconds. (#4239)
- Fixed a bug with the
frame attribute for coordinate frames where an input that was not supplied as a ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord would sometimes result in a transformation error. (#4266)
- Fixed an issue with the scaling of class-inheritance diagrams in the online documentation by blocking the versions of graphviz containing a bug. (#3548)
- A new example gallery example "Plotting a difference image" has been added, which can be used for base difference or running difference images. (#3627)
- Removed obselete Astropy Helpers submodule section in CONTRIBUTING.rst; Also removed mentions of astropy_helpers in all files of the project. (#3676)
- Corrected misleading ~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData documentation about optional parameters. (#3680)
- Added an example for ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.world_to_pixel function in the Units & Coordinates guide. (#3776)
- Added a :ref:`page <sunpy-coordinates-carrington>` describing how SunPy calculates Carrington longitudes. (#3782)
- Changed padding value of an example in the example gallery to fix the overlap of titles and x-label axes. (#3835)
- More information and links about how to create changelogs. (#3856)
- Clarified some inputs to sunpy.map.GenericMap.plot. (#3866)
- Changed quoted sentence (that we suggest authors add to their research papers) in CITATION.rst (#3896)
- Add example of how to use SunPy's HEK client to search for the GOES flare event list. (#3953)
- Improved the doc layout of sunpy.data.sample. (#4034)
- Made improvements to the gallery example :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_units_and_coordinates_stereo_secchi_starfield.py`. (#4039)
- Improved the documentation of sunpy.map.GenericMap.resample. (#4043)
- Updated the gallery example :ref:`sphx_glr_generated_gallery_units_and_coordinates_stereo_secchi_starfield.py` to use all of the information in the star catalog. (#4116)
- Mini-galleries are now easier to create in the documentation thanks to a custom Sphinx directive (
). The page :ref:`sunpy-coordinates-rotatedsunframe` has an example of a mini-gallery at the bottom. (#4124) - Added sunpy.visualization.colormaps.color_tables to the docs. (#4182)
- Made minor improvments to the map histogramming example. (#4205)
- Add a warning to sunpy.io docs to recommend not using it for FITS (#4208)
- Removed un-used and un-tested code paths in the private
function in sunpy.instr.lyra. (#3570) - Removed
and this means thatpython setup.py <test,build_docs>
no longer works. So if you want to:- Run the tests: Use
tox -e <env name>
or callpytest
directly - Build the docs: Use
tox -e docs
or cd into the docs folder and runmake html
orsphinx-build docs docs/_build/html -W -b html -d docs/_build/.doctrees
- Run the tests: Use
- Cleaned up test warnings in sunpy.coordinates. (#3652)
- Fix Python version for requiring importlib_resources (#3683)
- sunpy.net.attr.AttrWalker no longer uses sunpy.util.multimethod.MultiMethod it uses a derivative of functools.singledispatch sunpy.util.functools.seconddispatch which dispatches on the second argument. (#3714)
- Errors from a VSO search will now be raised to the user. (#3719)
- Fixed the transformation test for ~sunpy.coordinates.metaframes.NorthOffsetFrame, which would intermittently fail. (#3775)
- :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.sun.earth_distance` is now computed without using coordinate transformations for better performance. (#3782)
- Created a helper function for testing the equality/closeness of longitude angles (i.e., angles with wrapping). (#3804)
- Bump the astropy version figure tests are run with from 3.1.2 to 3.2.3 (#3925)
- Used urllib.parse.urlsplit in ~sunpy.util.scraper for file scraping functionalities. (#3956)
- Added sunpy.net.base_client.BaseClient.check_attr_types_in_query as a helper method to check if a query contains a set of required attributes, and is a subset of optional attributes. (#3979)
- Removes appending login details for ftp urls from scraper. (#4020)
- Re-factored the sunpy.map.Map factory to dispatch argument parsing based on type. (#4037)
- Improved the error message raised by the Map factory when a map matches multiple source map types. (#4052)
- Added log messages when the sample data fails to download. (#4137)
- Remove an Astropy 3.1 comptibility wrapper for
. (#4172) - Refactor the sphinx config to no longer depend on astropy-sphinx and more closely match the new sunpy package template (#4188)
- The sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url function has been broken into two components, the new sunpy.net.vso.vso.get_online_vso_url function takes no arguments (it used to take three) and now only returns an online VSO mirror or None. The construction of a zeep.Client object is now handled by sunpy.net.vso.vso.build_client which has a more flexible API for customising the zeep.Client interface. (#3330)
- Importing sunpy.timeseries.timeseriesbase no longer automatically imports Matplotlib. (#3376)
- NOAAIndicesTimeSeries.peek now checks that the type argument is a valid string, and raises a ValueError if it isn't. (#3378)
- Observer-based coordinate frames (~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective) no longer assume a default observer (Earth) if no observer is specified. These frames can now be used with no observer specified, but most transformations cannot be performed for such frames. This removal of a default observer only affects sunpy.coordinates, and has no impact on the default observer in sunpy.map. (#3388)
- The callback functions provided to
keyword argument now take two positional arguments rather than one. The function signature is now(animator, event)
where the first arg is the animator object, and the second is the matplotlib mouse event. (#3407) - The colormap stored in SunPy's Map subclasses (ie.
) can now be colormap string instead of the full matplotlib.colormap.Colormap object. To get the full Colormap object use the new attributemap.cmap
. (#3412) - Fix a warning in sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate where the truth value of an array
was being calculated. This changes the behaviour of
~sunpy.map.GenericMap.rotate when the
parameter is not an ~astropy.units.Quantity object to raise TypeError rather than ValueError. (#3456)
- Removed the step of reparing images (replacing non-finite entries with local mean) before coaligning them. The user is expected to do this themselves before coaligning images. If NaNs/non-finite entries are present, a warning is thrown. The function sunpy.image.coalignment.repair_image_nonfinite is deprecated. (#3287)
- The method to convert a ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective frame from 2D to 3D has been renamed from ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance to ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.make_3d. This method is not typically directly called by users. (#3389)
- sunpy.visualization.animator.ImageAnimatorWCS is now deprecated in favour of ~sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS. (#3407)
has been moved to sunpy.visualization.colormaps and will be removed in a future version. (#3410)
- Add a new sunpy.data.manager and sunpy.data.cache for dealing with versioned remote data within functions. Please see the Remote Data Manager guide. (#3124)
- Added the coordinate frames ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic (HEE), ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic (GSE), ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial (HCI), and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial (GEI). (#3212)
- Added SunPy Map support for GOES SUVI images. (#3269)
- Support APE14 for
in SunPy's visualization module (#3275)
- Support APE14 for
- Add ability to disable progressbars when dowloading files using sunpy.net.helioviewer.py and edited docstrings to mention this feature. (#3280)
- Adds support for searching and downloading SUVI data. (#3301)
- Log all VSO XML requests and responses to the SunPy logger at the
level. (#3330) - Transformations between frames in sunpy.coordinates can now provide detailed debugging output. Set the logging level to
to enable this output. (#3339) - Added the sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_time function to compute the time of a given Carrington rotation number. (#3360)
- A new method has been added to remove columns from a sunpy.timeseries.GenericTimeSeries. (#3361)
- Add shape property to TimeSeries. (#3380)
- Added ASDF schemas for the new coordinate frames (~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricEarthEquatorial, ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.GeocentricSolarEcliptic, ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricEarthEcliptic, ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliocentricInertial). See the gallery for an example of using asdf to save and load a coordinate frame. (#3398)
- sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimatorWCS was added which uses the WCS object to get the coordinates of all axes, including the slider labels. It also provides the ability to customise the plot by specifying arguments to ~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.WCSAxes methods and supports animation of WCS aware line plots with Astroy 4.0. (#3407)
- The returned list of ~sunpy.map.Map objects is now sorted by filename when passing a directory or glob pattern to ~sunpy.map.MapFactory. (#3408)
- Single character wildcards and character ranges can now be passed as glob patterns to ~sunpy.map.Map. (#3408)
- ~sunpy.map.Map now accepts filenames and directories as pathlib.Path objects. (#3408)
- ~sunpy.map.GenericMap objects now have a
attribute, which returns the full ~matplotlib.colormap.Colormap. object. (#3412) - sunpy.io.write_file() now accepts ~pathlib.Path objects as filename inputs. (#3469)
- sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header now accepts a tuple representing the shape of an array as well as the actual array as the
argument. (#3483) - Made a couple of module imports lazy to reduce the import time of sunpy.map by ~40%. (#3495)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap.wcs now uses the full FITS header to construct the WCS. This adds support for instruments with more complex projections, such as WISPR, however does mean that Map will be more sensitive to incorrect or invalid FITS headers. If you are using custom headers with SunPy Map you might encounter issues relating to this change. (#3501)
- sunpy.visualization.animator.BaseFuncAnimator now takes an optional
keyword argument which draws text labels in the center of the sliders. (#3504) - Added a more helpful error message when trying to load a file or directory that doesn't exist with Map. (#3568)
- Add
for ~sunpy.map.MapSequence objects so that users can view the critical information of all theMap
objects, in a concise manner. (#3636)
- Fixed accuracy issues with the calculations of Carrington longitude (~sunpy.coordinates.sun.L0) and Carrington rotation number (~sunpy.coordinates.sun.carrington_rotation_number). (#3178)
- Updated sunpy.map.header_helper.make_fitswcs_header to be more strict on the inputs it accepts. (#3183)
- Fix the calculation of
in ~sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header and and ensure that the default reference pixel is indexed from 1. (#3184) - Fixed the missing transformation between two ~sunpy.coordinates.HeliographicCarrington frames with different observation times. (#3186)
- sunpy.map.sources.AIAMap and sunpy.map.sources.HMIMap will no longer assume the existance of certain header keys. (#3217)
- sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header now supports specifying the map projection
rather than defaulting to
. (#3218) - Fix the behaviour of sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective.calculate_distance if the representation isn't Spherical. (#3219)
- Fixed a bug where the longitude of a coordinate would not wrap at the expected angle following a frame transformation. (#3223)
- Fixed a bug where passing a time or time interval to the differential rotation function threw an error because the new observer was not in HGS. (#3225)
- Fixed bug where ~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_horizons_coord was unable to accept ~astropy.time.Time arrays as input. (#3227)
- Fix the ticks on the default heliographic grid overlay so they are not white (and normally invisible) by default. (#3235)
- Fixed a bug with sunpy.net.hek.HEKClient when the results returned were a mixed dataset. (#3240)
- Fix sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.differential_rotate to rotate in the correct direction and to account for the rotation of the heliographic coordinate frame with time. (#3245)
- Fixed a bug with the handling of changing observation times for transformations between ~astropy.coordinates.HCRS and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst, which also indirectly affected other transformations when changing observation times. (#3246)
- Fixed all coordinate transformations to properly handle a change in observation time. (#3247)
- Fixed the handling of coordinates with velocity information when transforming between Astropy frames and SunPy frames. (#3247)
- Fixed ~sunpy.physics.solar_rotation.calculate_solar_rotate_shift so that it does not calculate a shift between the reference layer and itself, which would sometimes incorrectly result in a shift of a pixel due to numerical precision. (#3255)
- Stop crash when
entry given as1D
array when data is>1D
, i.e. as an independent axis. (#3283) - Fixed a sunpy.coordinates bug where a frame using the default observer of Earth could have its observer overwritten during a transformation. (#3291)
- Fixed a bug where the transformation from ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective to ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric used the Sun-observer distance from the wrong frame when shifting the origin, and thus might not give the correct answer if the observer was not the same for the two frames. (#3291)
- Fixed a bug with the transformations between ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Heliocentric and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst when the frame observation time was not the same as the observer observation time. The most common way to encounter this bug was when transforming from ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.Helioprojective to any non-observer-based frame while also changing the observation time. (#3291)
- VSO client fetch should not download when wait keyword argument is specified. (#3298)
- Fixed a bug with ~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping that assumed that the supplied frame was a SunPy frame. (#3305)
- Fixed bugs with ~sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping if the input frame does not include an observation time or an observer. (#3305)
- ~sunpy.coordinates.utils.GreatArc now accounts for the start and end points of the arc having different observers. (#3334)
- Fixed situations where 2D coordinates provided to ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicStonyhurst and ~sunpy.coordinates.frames.HeliographicCarrington were not converted to 3D as intended. Furthermore, the stored data will always be the post-conversion, 3D version. (#3351)
- Fix off by one error in sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header where when using the
keyword argument the pixel coordinate of the reference pixel was off by +1. (#3356) - Updated both GOES XRS and LYRA dataretriever clients to use ~sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper, to make sure that files are actually on the servers being queried. (#3367)
- Fixing the ordering of lon and lat inputs into make_fitswcs_header (#3371)
- Updated the URL for Fermi spacecraft-pointing files to use an HTTPS connection to HEASARC. (#3381)
- Fixed a bug where permission denied errors when downloading files are very verbose by adding an error message in ~sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloaderFactory.fetch. (#3417)
- Fixed a malformed call to astropy.time.Time in a test, which resulted in an incorrect time scale (UTC instead of TT). (#3418)
- Fix incorrect files being included in the tarball, and docs missing from the tarball (#3423)
- Fixed a bug where clipping behavior had been enabled by default in the plotting normalizers for
objects. Clipping needs to be disabled to make use of the over/under/masked colors in the colormap. (#3427) - Fix a bug with observer based frames that prevented a coordinate with an array of obstimes being transformed to other frames. (#3455)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap will no longer raise a warning if the posisition of the observer is not known for frames that don't need an observer, i.e. heliographic frames. (#3462)
- Apply os.path.expanduser to sunpy.map.MapFactory input before passing to glob.glob (#3477)
- Fix multiple instances of sunpy.map.sources assuming the type of FITS Header values. (#3497)
- Fixed a bug with ~sunpy.coordinates.NorthOffsetFrame where non-spherical representations for the north pole produced an error. (#3517)
- Fixed
when the coordinate system information contained in theCUNIT1/2
metadata is not set to a known value. (#3569) - Fixed bugs with some coordinate transformations when
on the destination frame but can be assumed to be the same as theobstime
of the source frame. (#3576) - Updated sunpy.map.mapsequence.MapSequence so that calling
. Added associated tests. (#3613) - Fixed pandas plotting registration in sunpy.timeseries. (#3633)
- Correctly catch and emit a warning when converting a map metadata to a FITS header and it contains a keyword with non-ascii characters. (#3645)
- Clean up the docstring for sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.solar_rotate_coordinate to make the example clearer. (#2708)
- Added new gallery examples and cleaned up various gallery examples. (#3181)
- Cleaned and expanded upon the docstrings for each Fido Client. (#3220)
- Added clarifying hyperlinks to the gallery example getting_lasco_observer_location to link to astroquery docs page. (#3228)
- Added more details to docstrings in sunpy.coordinates.frames. (#3262)
- Added a link to package maintainer list in the API Stability page. (#3281)
- Improved the contributing guide by updating commands and highlighting text. (#3394)
- Removing .fits from the end of path kwargs in sunpy.net.FIDO.fetch docs to change output file extension from {file}.fits.fits to {file}.fits. (#3399)
- A new example gallery section "Using SunPy with Other Packages" has been added, which contains a set of new examples using the reproject with solar data. (#3405)
- Added a table of supported coordinate systems and other miscellaneous improvements to the :ref:`coordinates documentation <sunpy-coordinates>`. (#3414)
- Clarified the meaning of :attr:`GenericMap.dsun`. (#3430)
- Fixed the plots with multiple subplots in the
user guide to properly use ~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes and to be appropriately sized. (#3454) - Fixed various issues with the gallery example of saving/loading coordinates using asdf. (#3473)
- Added
with a BibTex entry for citing sunpy. (#3478) - Added an example showing how to display two maps and fade between them. (#3488)
- Clarified the meaning of some GenericMap observer properties. (#3585)
- Added inherited members of sunpy.map classes to the docs. (#3587)
- Fixed documentation of sunpy.database.Database.search by adding
docstring. (#3593) - Updated the docstring for the parameter
in ~sunpy.map.MapSequence with the default value, valid value and how to disable sorting. (#3601) - Updated the tour guide to reflect that the time series is not random data. (#3603)
- Fixes bold type and extra line breaks of remote data manager example in remote_data_manager.py. (#3615)
- Allow running our sphinx-gallery examples as Jupyter notebooks via Binder (#3256)
- Improve error messages and type checking in sunpy.visualization.animator.image.ImageAnimatorWCS. (#3346)
- Copy the library distro into sunpy/extern: replaces the deprecated platform/linux_distribution (#3396)
- The version of Matplotlib used to generate figure tests has been bumped from 3.0.3 to 3.1.1. (#3406)
- Corrected spelling of 'plotting' in timeseries method (changed 'ploting' to 'plotting'). (#3429)
- Switched to "importlib_metadata" to get package version to speed up import of SunPy. (#3449)
- Fix tests for sunpy.data.data_manager and ensure they are correctly executed with pytest. (#3550)
- Move the matplotlib animators from
to sunpy.visualization.animator. (#2515) - Make sunpy.time.parse_time return astropy.time.Time instead of datetime.datetime. (#2611)
- The properties and methods of sunpy.time.TimeRange returns astropy.time.Time and astropy.time.TimeDelta instead of datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta respectively. (#2638)
- The sunpy.instr.goes module now accepts and returns sunpy.timeseries.XRSTimeSeries objects only. (#2666)
keyword param ofsunpy.instr.goes._goes_lx
takes a non-scalar astropy.time.Time object instead of numpy.ndarray. The precision of times contained in sunpy.timeseries has been increased to 9 from 6. (#2676)- Removed
because it served the same purpose as sunpy.net.attrs.Time after the switch to astropy.time.Time. (#2694) - Remove unused
within TimeSeries functions. (#2717) - Rotation matrices inside map objects were previously stored as numpy matrices, but are now stored as numpy arrays, as numpy will eventually remove their matrix datatype. See https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/numpy-for-matlab-users.html for more information. (#2719)
- The sunpy.cm.show_colormaps function now accepts the keyword 'search' instead of 'filter'. (#2731)
- The keyword arguments to all client
methods have been changed to support the new parfive downloader and to ensure consisteny across all Fido clients. (#2797) - The Helioviewer client has been switched to using the newer Helioviewer API. This has meant that we have changed some of the keywords that were passed into client's methods. We have enforced that several keywords (observatory,instrument,detector,measurement) need to be defined otherwise the functions cannot return any data. (#2801)
- Maps no longer assume that the pixel units are arcseconds if the units aren't explicitly set. In addition to this if critical metadata is missing from when creating a map, the map will fail to initialize and will raise an error. (#2847)
- axis_ranges kwarg of sunpy.visualization.animator.base.ArrayAnimator, sunpy.visualization.animator.image.ImageAnimator and sunpy.visualization.animator.line.LineAnimator now must be entered as None, [min, max] or pixel edges of each array element. Previously, pixel centers were expected. This change removes ambiguity in interpretation and ensures the extent of the plot can always be accurately derived. (#2867)
- All keywords have been added (with defaults) to each ~sunpy.net.helioviewer.HelioviewerClient function. This means that there will be some changes to the style of the PNG screenshot that is returned. Returns for the JPEG 2000 and the other functions should be the same but not guaranteed. (#2883)
- Changed sunpy.sun.models.interior and sunpy.sun.models.evolution from pandas.DataFrame to astropy.table.QTable (#2936)
- Minimum numpy version is now >=1.14.5 (#2954)
- Removed
. (#2999) - Updated the solar values in sunpy.sun.constants to IAU 2015 values. (#3001)
- Renamed eccentricity_sunearth_orbit to eccentricity_sun_earth_orbit. (#3001)
- Renamed
to sunpy.image.resample. (#3044) - Remove the
keyword argument from ~sunpy.map.Map.GenericMap.peek. An example has been added to the gallery showing how to make a plot like this. (#3109) - sunpy.map.GenericMap will no longer use the key solar_b0 as a value for heliographic latitude. (#3115)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap now checks for a complete observer location rather than individually defaulting coordinates (lat, lon, distance) to Earth position. If any one of the three coordinates is missing from the header the observer will be defaulted to Earth and a warning raised. (#3115)
- sunpy.sun.sun functions have been re-implemented using Astropy for significantly improved accuracy. Some functions have been removed. (#3137)
- All of the functions in sunpy.sun.sun and all of the Sun-specific functions in sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris have been moved to the new module sunpy.coordinates.sun. (#3163)
- The deprecated
modules have now been removed. (#2666) sunpy.instr.rhessi.get_obssumm_dbase_file
have been removed. Fido <sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloader> should be used to download these files. (#2808)- Removed
in favour of ~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_sun_L0 and ~sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_sun_B0 (#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient.search (#2830) - Removed
in favour ofget_sunearth_distance
(#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.instr.lyra.remove_lytaf_events_from_timeseries (#2830) - Removed
in favour ofplt.get_cmap
(#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.database.Database.search (#2830) - Removed
(#2830) - Removed
in favour of ~sunpy.map.MapSequence (#2830) - Removed
in favour ofget_sun_P
(#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.database.Database.fetch (#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.map.GenericMap.pixel_to_world (#2830) - Removed
in favour of sunpy.net.dataretriever.GenericClient.fetch. This changes applies to the other clients as well. (#2830) - Removed Map.xrange and Map.yrange (#2830)
- Removed
in favour of a.Wavelength <~sunpy.net.vso.attrs.Wavelength> (#2830) - Removed
in favour of drms.ExportRequest.status (#2830) - sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient.query_legacy and sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient.latest have been deprecated as we strongly recommend people use sunpy.net.Fido for all queries. (#2866)
- The deprecated
module has been removed, it is replaced by sunpy.physics.solar_rotation and sunpy.physics.differential_rotation. (#2994) - Removed ~sunpy.sun.sun.solar_cycle_number because it was fundamentally flawed (#3150)
- Change arguments to sunpy.test from
. This matches the behavior of the figure keyword arguments and comes as a part of a move to using a modified version of the Astropy test runner. (#1983) - asdf schemas and tags were added for the SunPy coordinate frames and ~sunpy.map.GenericMap allowing these objects to be saved to and restored from asdf files. (#2366)
- The images from image tests are now saved in a local folder for easy access. (#2507)
has been renamed to sunpy.map.MapSequence to better reflect its use as a collection of map objects. (#2603)- Net search attributes now support tab completion of values and display a table of possible values when printed, to allow easier discoverability of possible search values. (#2663)
- Running the figure tests now creates a page showing the differences between the expected figures and the figures produced from running the tests. (#2681)
- Add support for Dask arrays in sunpy.map.Map. The map factory now checks a whitelist of array types rather than strictly checking if the array is of type numpy.ndarray. (#2689)
- Persist the name of a coordinate, i.e. "earth" even though a concrete coordinate object has been calculated and use this string representation to change the way the sunpy frames are printed. This is primarily to facilitate displaying the name of the body rather than the concrete coordinate when printing a ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord. (#2723)
- ~sunpy.net.hek.HEKClient.search now returns an astropy.table.Table instead of list of a dict. (#2759)
- Add a downscaled HMI image to the sample data. (#2782)
- Now able to create a sunpy.map.Map using an array and a astropy.wcs.WCS object. (#2793)
- The download manager for Fido.fetch <sunpy.net.fido_factory.UnifiedDownloader.fetch> has been replaced with parfive. This provides advanced progress bars, proper handling of overwriting and the ability to retry failed downloads. (#2797)
- sunpy.map.GenericMap can now save out rice compressed FITS files. (#2826)
- Now any SunPyDeprecationWarnings will cause an error when using pytest. (#2830)
- Added full Tox support for SunPy tests, documentation build and figure tests. (#2839)
- Transition the sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient from using suds to zeep as the SOAP library. This is a more actively maintained library, and should provide better support for the VSOs https endpoints. This change should have no effect on the public API of the sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient. (#2866)
- Provided access to the Helioviewer header information using ~sunpy.net.helioviewer.HelioviewerClient.get_jp2_header function. (#2904)
- Add a new WSDL URL and port to support SunPy use of VSO instance at SDAC. (#2912)
- Add support for COSMO K-Coronograph (KCOR) FITS data. (#2916)
- Add logger messaging system based on ~astropy.logger.AstropyLogger, cleaned up all warnings, removed all print statements. (#2980)
- The function sunpy.image.coalignment.get_correlation_shifts now issues an error when the number of dimensions are not correct instead of a warning and returning None. (#2980)
- The default location of the sunpy sample data has changed to be in the platform specific data directory as provided by appdirs. (#2993)
- Add timeseries support for EVE/ESP level 1 data in sunpy.timeseries.sources.eve (#3032)
- The default style for Map plots have changed to reflect the changes in Astropy 3.2. (#3054)
- sunpy.coordinates.ephemeris.get_body_heliographic_stonyhurst can now account for light travel time when computing the (apparent) body position, as long as the observer location is provided. (#3055)
- Added a helper function (sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header) that allows users to create a meta header for custom created sunpy.map.GenericMap. (#3083)
- Map plotting now accepts the optional keyword clip_interval for specifying a percentile interval for clipping. For example, if the interval (5%, 99%) is specified, the bounds of the z axis are chosen such that the lowest 5% of pixels and the highest 1% of pixels are excluded. (#3100)
- The new function ~sunpy.coordinates.get_horizons_coord enables querying JPL HORIZONS for the locations of a wide range of solar-system bodies, including spacecraft. (#3113)
- Fix the bug that prevented VSO queries for HMI data from downloading file
without specifying
. (#2621) - Fix sunpy.map.mapcube.MapCube.plot. The code had not been updated to support the changes to the wcsaxes helper functions. (#2627)
- Replace all use of the deprecated
with matplotlib.pyplot.get_cmap to prevent deprecation warnings being raised. (#2635) - Fix generation of the coordinate transformation graph with Astropy 3.1.dev (#2636)
- Prevent helioviewer from erroring when downloading file to a directory that does not exist. It will now create the directory when required. (#2642)
- Fix transformations into/out of Heliographic Stonyhurst frame when the coordinate representation is Cartesian. (#2646)
- Running the figure tests with
setup.py test
now saves the figures and the hashes to the same directory as setup.py. (#2658) - sunpy.instr.fermi.met_to_utc now returns the correct utc time which takes into account the leap seconds that have passed. (#2679)
- Support passing Python file objects to sunpy.io.fits.write. (#2688)
- Added DRMS to setup.py so sunpy[all] installs it as a dependancy. (#2693)
- Fix eve 0cs timeseries seperator regex to support Python 3.7 (#2697)
- Fix the bug which crashes ~sunpy.map.sources.LASCOMap for when 'date-obs' is reformatted agian from a self applied function. (#2700)
- Change all instances of quantity_allclose to astropy.units.allclose this prevents pytest being needed to import sunpy.coordinates on Astropy 3 (#2701)
- Fix RHESSI obssum file downloading to include the final day in the time range. (#2714)
- Raise an error when transforming between HPC and HCC frames if the observer is not the same. (#2725)
- Replaces the existing LASCO C2 and C3 color maps with new ones that perform better with JP2 and Level 0.5, 1 data. (#2731)
- Do not attempt to save a FITS header comment for a keyword which is not in the header. This prevents an error on saving some maps after the metadata had been modified but not the comments. (#2748)
- Add support for ~sunpy.map.sources.HMIMap objects as input to sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep. (#2749)
- User can convert between HPC and HCC coordinates with different observers. This is implemented by automatically transforming the coordinate into HGS and then changing observer, and then transforming back to HCC. (#2754)
- Changed default file type for Helioviewer to prevent decode errors. (#2771)
- Increase figure size to avoid cutting off longer colormap names in sunpy.cm.show_colormaps. (#2824)
- The sample data directory will no longer be created until files are downloaded to it. (#2836)
- Timeseries and lightcurve will now respect updated config values for download directory. (#2844)
- Always use _default_wrap_angle rather than hard coding a wrap angle in the init of a sunpy coordinate frame (#2853)
- Ensure imageanimators only slice arrays with integers (#2856)
- Fixed sunpy.io.fits.write to handle the keyword
correctly. (#2880) - If Carrington longitude ("crln_obs") is found in the FITS header, ~sunpy.map.Map converts this to the correct Heliographic longitude. (#2946)
- sunpy.net.helio.hec.HECClient.time_query now resolves the correct input time format. (#2969)
- Fixes the calculation of the solar rotation of coordinates and the differential rotation of sunpy.map.GenericMap. (#2972)
- Added back the FERMI GBM client to sunpy.net.dataretriever.sources. (#2983)
- Fix bug in sunpy.net.hek which raised and error if a search returned zero results, now returns an empty sunpy.net.hek.HEKTable. (#3046)
- ~sunpy.map.sources.AIAMap now uses the provided HAE coordinates instead of the provided HGS coordinates to determine the observer location. (#3056)
- Correctly zero pad milliseconds in the sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper formatting to prevent errors when the millisecond value was less than 100. (#3063)
- Fix sunpy.util.scraper.Scraper failing if a directory is not found on a remote server. (#3063)
- Correctly extract observer location from MDI and EIT data (#3067)
- Fix HGS <> HCRS test due to Ecliptic frame changes in astropy 3.2 (#3075)
- Fixes bug when creating a timeseries from a URL and bug when creating a TimeSeries from older GOES/XRS fits files. (#3081)
- Added ~sunpy.map.EUVIMap.rsun_obs. It returns a quantity in arcsec consistent with other sunpy.map.GenericMap and overwrites mapbase's assumption of a photospheric limb as seen from Earth. (#3099)
- Fixed bugs related to using ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.plot and ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.peek with the
Matplotlib backend in Jupyter notebook. (#3103) - Make a correction to sunpy.coordinates.wcs_utils.solar_wcs_frame_mapping so that astropy.wcs.WCS objects are correctly converted to sunpy.coordinates.frames objects irrespective of the ordering of the axes. (#3116)
- The solar_rotate_coordinate function returns a coordinate that accounts for the location of the new observer. (#3123)
- Add support for rotation parameters to sunpy.map.make_fitswcs_header. (#3139)
- Improve the implementation of ~sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.differential_rotate the image warping when transforming Maps for differential rotation and change in observer position. (#3149)
- Fix a bug where new helioviewer sources potentially cause ~sunpy.net.helioviewer.HelioviewerClient.data_sources to error. (#3162)
- Organise the gallery into sections based on example type and tidy up a little. (#2624)
- Added gallery example showing the conversion of Helioprojective Coordinates to Altitude/Azimuth Coordinates to and back. (#2656)
- Add contribution guidelines for the sunpy example gallery. (#2682)
- Added a gallery example for "Downloading and plotting a HMI image" and "Creating a Composite map". (#2746)
- Added an example for ~sunpy.visualization.animator.ImageAnimatorWCS. (#2752)
- Minor changes to the developer guide regarding sprint labels. (#2765)
- Copyedited and corrected the solar cycles example. (#2770)
- Changed "online" mark to "remote_data" and made formatting of marks consistent. (#2799)
- Add a missing plot to the end of the units and coordinates guide. (#2813)
- Added gallery example showing how to access the SunPy colormaps (#2865)
- Added gallery example showing how to access the SunPy solar physics constants. (#2882)
- Major clean up of the developer documentation. (#2951)
- Overhaul of the install intructions for the guide section of our documentation. (#3147)
- ~sunpy.time.parse_time now uses singledispatch underneath. (#2408)
- Revert the handling of
now that astropy/astropy#7252 is merged. This also bumps the minimum astropy version to 3.0.2. (#2598) - Replace the subclasses of matplotlib Slider and Button in sunpy.visualization with partial functions. (#2613)
- Sort the ana C source files before building to enable reproducible builds. (#2637)
- We are now using towncrier to generate our changelogs. (#2644)
- Moved figure tests to Python 3.6. (#2655)
- Removed old metaclass used for Map and TimeSeries as we have now moved to Python 3.6. (#2655)
- Updated astropy_helpers to v3.0.2. (#2655)
- When running image tests, a comparison HTML page is now generated to show the generated images and expected images. (#2660)
- Change to using pytest-cov for coverage report generation to enable support for parallel builds (#2667)
- Use of textwrap to keep source code indented when multiline texts is used (#2671)
- Fix mispelling of private attribute
in map. (#2730) - Miscellaneous fixes to developer docs about building sunpy's documentation. (#2825)
- Changed sunpy.instr.aia.aiaprep to update BITPIX keyword to reflect the float64 dtype. (#2831)
- Remove warning from
when using pixelQuantities
as input. (#2833) - Remove the usage of six and all
imports (#2837) - Fix SunPy Coordinate tests with Astropy 3.1 (#2838)
- Stores entries from directories into database sorted by name. It adds mocks to the database user guide examples. (#2873)
- Fix all DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence. (#2885)
- Used unittest.mock for creating offline tests for simulating online tests for test_noaa.py (#2900)
- Fix support for pip 19 and isolated builds (#2915)
- Moved to using AppDirs as the place to host our configuration file. (#2922)
- Users can now use fewer keywords in our ~sunpy.net.HelioviewerClient to access the available sources. Either by observatory and measurement or instrument and measurement as this much information is enough to get the source ID for most of the cases. (#2926)
- Remove the pytest dependancy on the
asdf tag. (#2943) - Fix initialization of ~sunpy.net.vso.VSOClient when no WSDL link is found. (#2981)
- Added TimeUTime class to support utime. [#2409]
- Example for fine-grained use of ticks and grids [#2435]
- Maintiners Workflow Guide [#2411]
- Decorator to append and/or prepend doc strings [#2386]
- Adding python setup.py test --figure-only [#2557]
- Fido.fetch now accepts pathlib.Path objects for path attribute.[#2559]
- The ~sunpy.coordinates.HeliographicStonyhurst coordinate system can now be specified using a cartesian system, which is sometimes known as the "Heliocentric Earth equatorial" (HEEQ) coordinate system. [#2437]
- sunpy.coordinates.representation has been removed. Longitude wrapping is now done in the constructor of the frames. [#2431]
- Propagation of
in the coordinate frame transformation has changed, this means in general when transforming directly between frames (not ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) you will have to specifyobstime
in more places. [#2461] - Transforming between Heliographic Stonyhurst and Carrington now requires that
be defined and the same on both the input and output frames. [#2461] - Removed the figure return from .peek() [#2487]
- Improve TimeSeriesBase docstring [#2399]
- Validate that pytest-doctestplus is installed [#2388]
- Fix use of self.wcs in plot in mapbase [#2398]
- Updated docstring with pointer to access EVE data for other levels [#2402]
- Fix broken links and redirections in documentation [#2403]
- Fixes Documentation changes due to NumPy 1.14 [#2404]
- Added docstrings to functions in dowload.py [#2415]
- Clean up database doc [#2414]
- rhessi.py now uses sunpy.io instead of astropy.io [#2416]
- Remove Gamma usage in Map [#2424]
- Changed requirements to python-dateutil [#2426]
- Clarify coordinate system definitions [#2429]
- Improve Map Peek when using draw_grid [#2442]
- Add HCC --> HGS test [#2443]
- Testing the transformation linking SunPy and Astropy against published values [#2454]
- Fixed title bug in sunpy.timeseries.rhessi [#2477]
- Allow LineAnimator to accept a varying x-axis [#2491]
- Indexing Bug Fix to LineAnimator [#2560]
- Output sphinx warnings to stdout [#2553]
- Docstring improvement for LineAnimator [#2514]
- move the egg_info builds to circleci [#2512]
- Added tests for TraceMap [#2504]
- Fix HGS frame constructor and HPC
with SkyCoord constructor. [#2463] - removed wavelnth keyword in meta desc of Maps to avoid using non standard FITS keyword like nan [#2456]
- The documentation build now uses the Sphinx configuration from sphinx-astropy rather than from astropy-helpers.[#2494]
- Migrate to hypothesis.strategies.datetimes [#2368]
- Prevent a deprecation warning due to truth values of Quantity [#2358]
- Print a warning when heliographic longitude is set to it's default value of 0 [#2480]
- parse_time now parses numpy.datetime64 correctly. [#2572]
- Removed AstropyDeprecationWarning from sunpy.coordinates.representation [#2476]
- Fix for NorthOffsetFrame under Astropy 3.0 [#2486]
- Fix lightcurve tests under numpy dev [#2505]
- Updated depecration link of radiospectra [#2481]
- Fixed Padding values in some of the documentation pages [#2497]
- Move documentation build to circleci [#2509]
- Fix Issue #2470 hgs_to_hcc(heliogcoord, heliocframe) [#2502]
- Fixing CompositeMap object so that it respects masked maps [#2492]
- Improve detection of
frame instantiation when distance is 1*u.one. This fixes a plotting bug withWCSAxes
in Astropy 3.0 [#2465] - removed wavelnth keyword in meta desc of Maps to avoid using non standard FITS keyword like nan [#2427]
- Change the default units for HPC distance from u.km to None. [#2465]
- ~sunpy.net.dataretriever.clients.XRSClient now reports time ranges of files correctly. [#2364]
- Make parse_time work with datetime64s and pandas series [#2370]
- CompositeMap axes scaling now uses map spatial units [#2310]
- Moved license file to root of repository and updated README file [#2326]
- Fix docstring formatting for net.vso.attrs [#2309]]
- Fix coloring of ticks under matplotlib 2.0 default style [#2320]
- Always index arrays with tuples in ImageAnimator [#2320]
- Added links to possible attrs for FIDO in guide [#2317] [#2289]
- Updated GitHub Readme [#2281] [#2283]
- Fix matplotlib / pandas 0.21 bug in examples [#2336]
- Fixes the off limb enhancement example [#2329]
- Changes to masking hot pixels and picking bright pixels examples [#2325] [#2319]
- Travis CI fix for numpy-dev build [#2340]
- Updated masking brightest pixel example [#2338]
- Changed TRAVIS cronjobs [#2338]
- Support array values for obstime for coordinates and transformations [#2342] [#2346]
- Updated Gallery off limb enhance example [#2337]
- Documentation fixes for VSO [#2354] [#2353]
- All tests within the documentation have been fixed [#2343]
- Change to using pytest-remotedata for our online tests [#2345]
- Fixed upstream astropy/numpy documentation issues [#2359]
- Documentation for Map improved [#2361]
- Fix the output units of pixel_to_world [#2362]
- Documentation for Database improved [#2355]
- Added test for mapsave [#2365]
- Documentation for Sun improved [#2369]
- Shows a warning if observation time is missing [#2293]
- Updates MapCube to access the correct properties of the namedtuple SpatialPair [#2297]
- Fixed TimeSeries test failures due to missing test files [#2273]
- Refactored a GOES test to avoid a Py3.6 issue [#2276]
- Solar differential rotation for maps and submaps included.
- Solar rotation calculation and mapcube derotation now use sunpy coordinates.
- Sample data now downloads automatically on import if not available and is now pluggable so can be used by affiliated packages. Shortcut names have been normalized and all LIGHTCURVE shortcuts have changed to TIMESERIES.
- Calculation of points on an arc of a great circle connecting two points on the Sun.
- Removed
function fromsunpy.time
and also tests related to the function fromsunpy.time.tests
- User can now pass a custom time format as an argument inside
in case thedate-obs
metadata cannot be read automatically from the files. - Add time format used by some SDO HMI FITS keywords
- Now the
prints an astropy table. - Additional methods added inside the
class to make it easier to display the database contents. - Remove unused
module - Port the pyana wrapper to Python 3
no longer issues warnings- Remove the
module, this makesMap.data
read only. - Add a
class for generating HGS-like coordinate systems with a shifted north pole. - Remove deprecated
method. - Deprecate
now provide all that functionality in a more robust manner. - Added hdu index in
as a column in the table. - Removed
from thesunpy.net
namespace. It should now be imported withfrom sunpy.net.helioviewer import HelioviewerClient
. - Removed compatibility with standalone
and instead depend on the version in astropy 1.3. SunPy now therefore depends on astropy>-1.3. - Update to
; now includes the qualified name andid
of the object. - A new
class has been added to animate 1D data. This has resulted in API change for thesunpy.visualization.imageanimator.ImageAnimator
class. The updateimage method has been renamed to update_plot. - Drop support for Python 3.4.
- SunPy now requires WCSAxes and Map.draw_grid only works with WCSAxes.
frames now have anobserver
attribute which itself is a coordinate object (SkyCoord
) instead ofB0
to describe the position of the observer.GenericMap.draw_grid
now usesWCSAxes
, it will only work on aWCSAxes
plot, this may be less performant than the previous implementation.GenericMap.world_to_pixel
now accept and returnSkyCoord
objects only.GenericMap
has a new propertyobserver_coordinate
which returns aSkyCoord
describing the position of the observer.GenericMap.submap
now takes arguments of the formbottom_left
rather thanrange_a
. This change enables submap to properly handle rotated maps and take input in the form ofSkyCoord
objects.- When referring to physical coordinates
has been replaced withSpatialPair.axis1
. This means values returned byGenericMap
now differentiate between physical and pixel coordinates. - The physical radius of the Sun (length units) is now passed from Map
into the coordinate frame so a consistent value is used when
calculating distance to the solar surface in the
coordinate frame. - A new
class has been added to animate N-Dimensional data with the associated WCS object. - Moved Docs to docs/ to follow the astropy style
- Added SunPy specific warnings under util.
- SunPy coordinate frames can now be transformed to and from Astropy coordinate frames
- The time attribute for SunPy coordinate frames has been renamed from
- Ephemeris calculations with higher accuracy are now available under
- Add support for SunPy coordinates to specify observer as a string of
a major solar-system body, with the default being Earth. To make
transformations using an observer specified as a string,
must be set. - Added VSO query result block level caching in the database module. This prevents re-downloading of files which have already been downloaded. Especially helpful in case of overlapping queries.
- Change the default representation for the Heliographic Carrington frame so Longitude follows the convention of going from 0-360 degrees.
- All Clients that are able to search and download data now have a uniform API that is search and fetch. The older functions are still there but are deprecated for 0.8.
- Add tests for RHESSI instrument
- Maps from Helioviewer JPEG2000 files now have correct image scaling.
- Get and set methods for composite maps now use Map plot_settings.
- Simplified map names when plotting.
- Fix bug in
where crpix[1] was used for both axes. - Fix some leftover instances of
- Fixed bugs in
equations sunpy.io.fits.read
will now return any parse-able HDUs even if some raise an error.VSOClient
no longer prints a lot of XML junk if the query fails.- Fix Map parsing of some header values to allow valid float strings like 'nan' and 'inf'.
- Fix Map parsing of some header values to allow valid float strings like 'nan' and 'inf'.
- The SunPy data directory "~/sunpy" is no longer created until it is used (issue #2018)
- Change the default representation for the Heliographic Carrington frame so Longitude follows the convention of going from 0-360 degrees.
- Fix for surface gravity unit.
- Support for Pandas 0.20.1
- Fix errors with Numpy 1.12
- Add Astropy 1.3 Support
- Fix test faliure (mapbase) with 1.7.4
- Restrict supported Astropy version to 1.0<astropy<1.3
- Add Figure test env to SunPy repo.
- Remove Map always forcing warnings on.
now usesMap.wcs
to correctly handle rotation.- Fix link in coordinates documentation.
- Update helioviewer URL to HTTPS (fixes access to Helioviewer).
- Fix processing of TRACE and YOHKOH measurement properties.
- Remove warnings when using
- Update docstrings for HPC and HCC frames.
- Fix ConfigParser for Python 3.5.2 - This allows SunPy to run under Python 3.5.2
- Fix incorrect ordering of keys in
- Add
to the API documentation.
- Fixed bugs in
- Fix bug in
where crpix[1] was used for both axes. - Fix some leftover instances of
- Fixed bugs in
equations - Now the
prints an astropy table. - Additional methods added inside the
class to make it easier to display the database contents. sunpy.io.fits.read
will now return any parse-able HDUs even if some raise an error.VSOClient
no longer prints a lot of XML junk if the query fails.- Remove unused
module Map.peek(basic_plot-True)
no longer issues warnings- Remove the
module, this makesMap.data
read only. - Add a
class for generating HGS-like coordinate systems with a shifted north pole. - Remove deprecated
method. - Deprecate
now provide all that functionality in a more robust manner. - Added hdu index in
as a column in the table. - Removed
from thesunpy.net
namespace. It should now be imported withfrom sunpy.net.helioviewer import HelioviewerClient
. - Removed compatibility with standalone
and instead depend on the version in astropy 1.3. SunPy now therefore depends on astropy>-1.3. - Update to
; now includes the qualified name andid
of the object. - Change the default representation for the Heliographic Carrington frame so Longitude follows the convention of going from 0-360 degrees.
- Fix Map parsing of some header values to allow valid float strings like 'nan' and 'inf'.
- Fixed test failures with numpy developer version.[#1808]
- Added
parameter insunpy.data.download_sample_data()
- Fixed
to return properly sized map. - Deprecation warnings fixed when using image coalignment.
- Sunpy is now Python 3.x compatible (3.4 and 3.5).
- Added a unit check and warnings for map metadata.
- Added IRIS SJI color maps.
- Updated
with new string filter to show a subset of color maps. - Fixed MapCube animations by working around a bug in Astropy's ImageNormalize
- Remove
in favour oflen(qr)
- Add a
helper toGenericMap
which can plot rectangles in the native coordinate system of the map. - Added the ability to shift maps to correct for incorrect map location, for example.
- Bug fix for RHESSI summary light curve values.
- Mapcube solar derotation and coalignment now pass keywords to the routine used to shift the images, scipy.ndimage.interpolation.shift.
- Add automatic registration of
subclasses with the factory as long as they define anis_datasource_for
method. - Added functions
which convert between GOES flux to GOES class numbers (e.g. X12, M3.4). - Removed old
- Bug fix for RHESSI summary light curve values.
- The
function now returns a masked numpy array if at least one of the input maps in the MapCube has a mask. - Map superpixel method now respects maps that have masks.
- Map superpixel method now accepts numpy functions as an argument, or any user-defined function.
- Map superpixel method no longer has the restriction that the number of original pixels in the x (or y) side of the superpixel exactly divides the number of original pixels in the x (or y) side of the original map data.
has been deprecated and the code moved intosunpy.physics
.- Add the
module, this adds the core physical solar coordinates frame within the astropy coordinates framework. - Added ability of maps to draw contours on top of themselves
) - Added concatenate functionality to lightcurve base class.
- Fix Map to allow astropy.io.fits Header objects as valid input for meta arguments.
- Added an examples gallery using
. - API clean up to constants. Removed constant() function which is now replaced by get().
- Prevent helioviewer tests from checking access to the API endpoint when running tests offline.
is renamed toGenericMap.spatial_units
to avoid confusion withNDData.unit
now has acoordinate_frame
property which returns anastropy.coordinates
frame with all the meta data from the map populated.GenericMap
now has a_mpl_axes
method which allows it to be specified as a projection tomatplotlib
methods and will return aWCSAxes
object withWCS
- The draw_grid keyword of the peek method of Map now accepts booleans or astropy quantities.
- Fix bug in
where crpix[1] was used for both axes. - Fixed bugs in
- Bug fix for rhessi summary lightcurve values.
- Fix docstring for
. - Fix the URL for the Helioviewer API. (This fixes Helioviewer.)
- Fix the way
checks the dimension of the new image. - Fix Map to allow astropy.io.fits Header objects as valid input for meta arguments.
- Prevent helioviewer tests from checking access to API when running tests in offline mode.
- Change setup.py extras to install suds-jurko not suds.
- Changed start of GOES 2 operational time range back to 1980-01-04 so data from 1980 can be read into GOESLightCurve object
- Fix bug with numpy 1.10
- update astropy_helpers
- Added new sample data
- Fixed MapCube animations by working around a bug in Astropy's ImageNormalize
- Small fix to RTD builds for Affiliated packages
- SunPy can now be installed without having to install Astropy first.
- MapCubes processed with
now have correct metadata. - Multiple fixes for WCS transformations, especially with solar-x, solar-y CTYPE headers.
- Enforced the use of Astropy Quantities through out most of SunPy.
- Dropped Support for Python 2.6.
- Remove old style string formatting and other 2.6 compatibility lines.
- Added vso like querying feature to JSOC Client.
- Refactor the JSOC client so that it follows the .query() .get() interface of VSOClient and UnifedDownloader.
- Provide
methods on vsoQueryResponse
. - Downloaded files now keep file extensions rather than replacing all periods with underscores.
- Update to TimeRange API, removed t1 and t0, start and end are now read-only attributes.
- Added ability to download level3 data for lyra Light Curve along with corresponding tests.
- Added support for gzipped FITS files.
- Add STEREO HI Map subclass and color maps.
- Map.rotate() no longer crops any image data.
- For accuracy, default Map.rotate() transformation is set to bi-quartic.
now casts integer data to float64 and sets NaN values to 0 for all transformations except scikit-image rotation with order <- 3.- CD matrix now updated, if present, when Map pixel size is changed.
- Removed now-redundant method for rotating IRIS maps since the functionality exists in Map.rotate()
- Provide
methods on vsoQueryResponse
- SunPy colormaps are now registered with matplotlib on import of
no longer defaults to 'sdoaia94'- Added database url config setting to be setup by default as a sqlite database in the sunpy working directory
- Added a few tests for the sunpy.roi module
- Added capability for figure-based tests
- Removed now-redundant method for rotating IRIS maps since the functionality exists in Map.rotate().
- SunPy colormaps are now registered with matplotlib on import of
. sunpy.cm.get_cmap
no longer defaults to 'sdoaia94'.- Added database url config setting to be setup by default as a sqlite database in the sunpy working directory.
- Added a few tests for the sunpy.roi module.
- Refactored mapcube co-alignment functionality.
- Removed sample data from distribution and added ability to download sample files
- Changed start of GOES 2 operational time range back to 1980-01-04 so data from 1980 can be read into GOESLightCurve object
- Require JSOC request data calls have an email address attached.
- Calculation of the solar rotation of a point on the Sun as seen from Earth, and its application to the de-rotation of mapcubes.
- Downloaded files now keep file extensions rather than replacing all periods with underscores
- Fixed the downloading of files with duplicate names in sunpy.database
- Removed sample data from distribution and added ability to download sample files.
- Added the calculation of the solar rotation of a point on the Sun as seen from Earth, and its application to the de-rotation of mapcubes.
- Changed default for GOESLightCurve.create() so that it gets the data from the most recent existing GOES fits file.
- Map plot functionality now uses the mask property if it is present, allowing the plotting of masked map data
- Map Expects Quantities and returns quantities for most parameters.
- Map now used Astropy.wcs for world <-> pixel conversions.
- map.world_to_pixel now has a similar API to map.pixel_to_world.
- map.shape has been replaced with map.dimensions, which is ordered x first.
- map.rsun_arcseconds is now map.rsun_obs as it returns a quantity.
- Map properties are now named tuples rather than dictionaries.
- Improvement for Map plots, standardization and improved color tables, better access to plot variables through new plot_settings variable.
- Huge improvements in Instrument Map doc strings. Now contain instrument descriptions as well as reference links for more info.
- net.jsoc can query data series with time sampling by a Sample attribute implemented in vso.
- MapCube.plot and MapCube.peek now support a user defined plot_function argument for customising the animation.
- Added new sample data file, an AIA cutout file.
- Moved documentation build directory to doc/build
- Changed default for GOESLightCurve.create() so that it gets the data from the most recent existing GOES fits file.
- Improvements to the Map documentation.
- Typo fixes in sunpy.wcs documentation.
now casts integer data to float64 and sets NaN values to 0 for all transformations except scikit-image rotation with order <- 3.- Updated SWPC/NOAA links due to their new website.
- Exposed the raw AIA color tables in
. - Fixes
compatibility with Astropy 1.0.x.
- Goes peek() plot now works with matplotlib 1.4.x
- The ANA file reading C extensions will no longer compile under windows. Windows was not a supported platform for these C extensions previously.
- If no CROTA keyword is specified in Map meta data, it will now default to 0 as specified by the FITS WCS standard.
- Map now correctly parses and converts the CD matrix, as long as CDELT is specified as well. (Fixes SWAP files)
- Fix of HELIO webservice URLs
- MapCube.plot() is now fixed and returns a matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation object.
- MAJOR FIX: map.rotate() now works correctly for all submaps and off center rotations.
- HELIO URL updated, querys should now work as expected.
- All tabs removed from the code base.
- All tests now use tempfile rather than creating files in the current directory.
- Documentation builds under newer sphinx versions.
- ANA and JP2 tests are skipped if dependancies are missing.
- ANA tests are skipped on windows.
- Added additional functionality to the GOES module i.e. the ability to calculate GOES temperature and emission measure from GOES fluxes.
- changed _maps attribute in MapCube to a non-hidden type
- Added Nobeyama Radioheliograph data support to Lightcurve object.
- Fixed some tests on map method to support Windows
- Added a window/split method to time range
- Updates to spectrogram documentation
- Added method Database.add_from_hek_query_result to HEK database
- Added method Database.download_from_vso_query_result
- GOES Lightcurve now makes use of a new source of GOES data, provides metadata, and data back to 1981.
- Removed sqlalchemy as a requirement for SunPy
- Added support for NOAA solar cycle prediction in lightcurves
- Some basic tests for GenericLightCurve on types of expected input.
- Fix algorithm in sunpy.sun.equation_of_center
- Added Docstrings to LightCurve methods.
- Added tests for classes in sunpy.map.sources. Note that some classes (TRACE, RHESSI) were left out because SunPy is not able to read their FITS files.
- Added functions that implement image coalignment with support for MapCubes.
- Cleaned up the sunpy namespace, removed .units, /ssw and .sphinx. Also moved .coords .physics.transforms.
- Added contains functionality to TimeRange module
- Added t-'now' to parse_time to privide utcnow datetime.
- Fixed time dependant functions (.sun) to default to t-'now'
- Fixed solar_semidiameter_angular_size
- Improved line quality and performances issues with map.draw_grid()
- Remove deprecated make_map command.
- Fixes to the operational range of GOES satellites
- Fix the URL for HELIO queries.
- Fix map.rotate() functionality
- Change of source for GOES data.
- Fix EIT test data and sunpy FITS saving
- Some documentation fixes
- fix file paths to use os.path.join for platform independance.
- Major documentation refactor. A far reaching re-write and restructure.
- Add a SunPy Database to store and search local data.
- Add beta support for querying the HELIO HEC
- Add beta HEK to VSO query translation.
- Add the ability to download the GOES event list.
- Add support for downloading and querying the LYTAF database.
- Add support for ANA data.
- Updated sun.constants to use astropy.constants objects which include units, source, and error instide. For more info check out https://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/constants/index.html
- Add some beta support for IRIS data products
- Add a new MapCubeAnimator class with interactive widgets which is returned by mapcube.peek().
- The Glymur library is now used to read JPEG2000 files.
- GOESLightCurve now supports all satellites.
- Add support for VSO queries through proxies.
- Fix apparent Right Ascension calulations.
- LightCurve meta data member now an OrderedDict Instance
- Pass draw_limb arguments to patches.Circle
- Pass graw_grid arguments to pyplot.plot()
- Fix README code example
- Fix Documentation links in potting guide
- Update to new EVE data URL
- Update LogicalLightcurve example in docs
- Improved InteractiveVSOClient documentation
- GOESLightCurve now fails politely if no data is avalible.
Known Bugs:
- sunpy.util.unit_conversion.to_angstrom does not work if 'nm' is passed in.
- Bug Fix: Fix a regression in CompositeMap that made contor plots fail.
- Bug Fix: Allow Map() to accept dict as metadata.
- Bug Fix: Pass arguments from Map() to io.read_file.
- Removal of Optional PIL dependancy
- Parse_time now looks through nested lists/tuples
- Draw_limb and draw_grid are now implemented on MapCube and CompositeMap
- Caculations for differential roation added
- mapcube.plot() now runs a mpl animation with optional controls
- A basic Region of Interest framework now exists under sunpy.roi
- STEREO COR colour maps have been ported from solarsoft.
- sunpy.time.timerange has a split() method that divides up a time range into n equal parts.
- Added download progress bar
- pyfits is depricated in favor of Astropy
- Plotting has been refactorted to use a consistent interface
- spectra now no-longer inherits from numpy.ndarray instead has a .data attribute.
Map: * map now no-longer inherits from numpy.ndarray instead has a .data attribute. * make_map is deprecated in favor of Map which is a new factory class * sunpy.map.Map is now sunpy.map.GenericMap * mymap.header is now mymap.meta * attributes of the map class are now read only, changes have to be made through map.meta * new MapMeta class to replace MapHeader, MapMeta is not returned by sunpy.io * The groundwork for GenericMap inherting from astropy.NDData has been done, there is now a NDDataStandin class to provide basic functionality.
io: * top level file_tools improved to be more flexible and support multiple HDUs * all functions in sunpy.io now assume mutliple HDUs, even JP2 ones. * there is now a way to override the automatic filetype detection * Automatic fits file detection improved * extract_waveunit added to io.fits for detection of common ways of storing wavelength unit in fits files.
- A major re-work of all interal imports has resulted in a much cleaner namespace, i.e. sunpy.util.util is no longer used to import util.
- Some SOHO and STEREO files were not reading properly due to a date_obs parameter.
- Sunpy will now read JP2 files without a comment parameter.
- Memory leak in Crotate patched
- Callisto: Max gap between files removed
- Completely re-written plotting routines for most of the core datatypes.
- JPEG 2000 support as an input file type.
- Improved documentation for much of the code base, including re-written installation instructions.
- New lightcurve object
- LYRA support
- GOES/XRS support
- SDO/EVE support
- New Spectrum and Spectrogram object (in development)
- Spectrogram plotting routines
- Callisto spectrum type and support
- Map Object
- Added support for LASCO, Yohkoh/XRT maps
- A new CompositeMap object for overlaying maps
- Resample method
- Superpixel method
- The addition of the rotate() method for 2D maps.