diff --git a/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-check_log.txt b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-check_log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d109a231d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-check_log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample
+Error: The problem is structurally singular.
+It has 181 scalar unknowns and 181 scalar equations.
+ The Real part has 181 unknowns and 181 equations.
+ The Integer part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+ The Boolean part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+ The String part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 181
+scalar unknowns and
+ 171+(if sou.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sou.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sou.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+2*sou.nPorts+(if not sou.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if sin.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sin.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sin.use_p_in then 1 else 0)+2*sin.nPorts+(if not sin.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.pAtmSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TDewPoiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TDryBulSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TBlaSkySou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.relHumSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.opaSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.ceiHeiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.totSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.winSpeSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.winDirSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.HInfHorSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then 2 else 1)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HDirNor_HGloHor then 2 else 1)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HGloHor_HDifHor then 2 else 1)
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 181
+Attempting to further localize singularity.
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 5
+scalar unknowns and
+ 2+(if sou.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sou.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sou.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+2*sou.nPorts+(if not sou.use_T_in then 1 else 0)
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 5
+Attempting to further localize singularity.
+Singularity of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample is in the component sou, class AixLib.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T.
+Error: The model AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample component sou is structurally singular.
+Warning: Some connectors are not connected from the outside:
+Warning: The problem is structurally singular for the element type Real.
+The number of scalar Real unknown elements are 5.
+The number of scalar Real equation elements are 5.
+Some connector variables are removed from the continued error diagnosis,
+since they are not used in the model.
+Connector variables that are removed:
+Warning: Part of the problem for Real elements is overdetermined.
+There are 1 scalar equations too many in the set:
+sou.m_flow_in_internal = sou.m_flow;
+ which was derived from
+ if ( not sou.use_m_flow_in) then
+ sou.m_flow_in_internal = sou.m_flow;
+ end if;
+0.0 = sou.m_flow_in_internal;
+ which was derived from
+ sum(sou.ports.m_flow) = -sou.m_flow_in_internal;
+Warning: WARNINGS have been issued.
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+Error: Overriding final modifier for energyDynamics
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/BoilerCHP/BaseClasses/PartialHeatGenerator.mo, line 96
+Overriding found at:
+ Component context: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem.combinedHeatPower.vol.energyDynamics
+ Component declared as AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.CHP combinedHeatPower in AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/BoilerCHP/Examples/CHPSystem.mo, line 14
+Set Advanced.Translation.Log.FinalStartModifierError = false to disregard these errors
+The model has the same number of unknowns and equations: 367
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 361+combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.nPorts+size(combinedHeatPower.combiTable1Ds.columns, 1)
+scalar unknowns and
+ 347+size(combinedHeatPower.combiTable1Ds.columns, 1)+2*source.nPorts+(if not source.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+(if not source.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+( if not source.use_X_in then 1 else 0)+2*sink.nPorts+(if not sink.use_p_in then 1 else 0)+(if not sink.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if not sink.use_X_in then 1 else 0)+(if not combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.use_mWat_flow then 1 else 0)+3*combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.nPorts
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 367
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves
+Component type specifier BaseProperties is a partial type
+ It must be redeclared before being used.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/Interfaces/ConservationEquation.mo, line 81
+ Component context: vol.dynBal.medium
+ Component declared as BaseProperties medium in Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium
+Component type specifier PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition is a partial type
+ It must be redeclared before being used.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 21
+ Component context: perPVT
+ Component declared as PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition perPVT in AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data
+In value attribute for solGai.TMedMax.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Modifier applied for component solGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in component solGai.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/EN12975.mo, line 6
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_max
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Used in component solGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+In value attribute for heaLos.TMedMin.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Modifier applied for component heaLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in base-class heaLos.PartialHeatLoss.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_min
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Used in component heaLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+In value attribute for eleGai.TMedMax.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Modifier applied for component eleGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in component eleGai.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 25
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_max
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Used in component eleGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+In value attribute for eleLos.TMedMin.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Modifier applied for component eleLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in base-class eleLos.PartialHeatLoss.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_min
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Used in component eleLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+The model contained invalid expressions.
+Check aborted.
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed
+Error: Class or component 'eta' not found in PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/Data/Unglazed.mo, line 3
+ Context: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition
+ Attempted modification in AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/Data/Unglazed.mo, line 2
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
diff --git a/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-error_log.txt b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-error_log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d109a231d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/Dymola_check/AixLib.Fluid/AixLib.Fluid-error_log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample
+Error: The problem is structurally singular.
+It has 181 scalar unknowns and 181 scalar equations.
+ The Real part has 181 unknowns and 181 equations.
+ The Integer part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+ The Boolean part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+ The String part has 0 unknowns and 0 equations.
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 181
+scalar unknowns and
+ 171+(if sou.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sou.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sou.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+2*sou.nPorts+(if not sou.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if sin.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sin.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sin.use_p_in then 1 else 0)+2*sin.nPorts+(if not sin.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.pAtmSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TDewPoiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TDryBulSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.TBlaSkySou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.relHumSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.opaSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.ceiHeiSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.totSkyCovSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.winSpeSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.winDirSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.HInfHorSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.DataSource. Parameter then 1 else 0)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HDirNor_HDifHor then 2 else 1)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HDirNor_HGloHor then 2 else 1)+(if weaDat.HSou == AixLib.BoundaryConditions.Types.RadiationDataSource. Input_HGloHor_HDifHor then 2 else 1)
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 181
+Attempting to further localize singularity.
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 5
+scalar unknowns and
+ 2+(if sou.use_Xi_in then 1 else (if sou.use_X_in then 0 else 1))+(if not sou.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+2*sou.nPorts+(if not sou.use_T_in then 1 else 0)
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 5
+Attempting to further localize singularity.
+Singularity of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample is in the component sou, class AixLib.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T.
+Error: The model AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Examples.BaseClasses.PartialExample component sou is structurally singular.
+Warning: Some connectors are not connected from the outside:
+Warning: The problem is structurally singular for the element type Real.
+The number of scalar Real unknown elements are 5.
+The number of scalar Real equation elements are 5.
+Some connector variables are removed from the continued error diagnosis,
+since they are not used in the model.
+Connector variables that are removed:
+Warning: Part of the problem for Real elements is overdetermined.
+There are 1 scalar equations too many in the set:
+sou.m_flow_in_internal = sou.m_flow;
+ which was derived from
+ if ( not sou.use_m_flow_in) then
+ sou.m_flow_in_internal = sou.m_flow;
+ end if;
+0.0 = sou.m_flow_in_internal;
+ which was derived from
+ sum(sou.ports.m_flow) = -sou.m_flow_in_internal;
+Warning: WARNINGS have been issued.
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+Error: Overriding final modifier for energyDynamics
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/BoilerCHP/BaseClasses/PartialHeatGenerator.mo, line 96
+Overriding found at:
+ Component context: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem.combinedHeatPower.vol.energyDynamics
+ Component declared as AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.CHP combinedHeatPower in AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.Examples.CHPSystem
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/BoilerCHP/Examples/CHPSystem.mo, line 14
+Set Advanced.Translation.Log.FinalStartModifierError = false to disregard these errors
+The model has the same number of unknowns and equations: 367
+The model could not be deduced to be symbolically well-posed.
+The model has
+ 361+combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.nPorts+size(combinedHeatPower.combiTable1Ds.columns, 1)
+scalar unknowns and
+ 347+size(combinedHeatPower.combiTable1Ds.columns, 1)+2*source.nPorts+(if not source.use_m_flow_in then 1 else 0)+(if not source.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+( if not source.use_X_in then 1 else 0)+2*sink.nPorts+(if not sink.use_p_in then 1 else 0)+(if not sink.use_T_in then 1 else 0)+(if not sink.use_X_in then 1 else 0)+(if not combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.use_mWat_flow then 1 else 0)+3*combinedHeatPower.vol.dynBal.nPorts
+scalar equations.
+However, exploiting the given numerical settings of parameters gives the same number of unknowns and equations:
+ 367
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves
+Component type specifier BaseProperties is a partial type
+ It must be redeclared before being used.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/Interfaces/ConservationEquation.mo, line 81
+ Component context: vol.dynBal.medium
+ Component declared as BaseProperties medium in Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium
+Component type specifier PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition is a partial type
+ It must be redeclared before being used.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 21
+ Component context: perPVT
+ Component declared as PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition perPVT in AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data
+In value attribute for solGai.TMedMax.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Modifier applied for component solGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in component solGai.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/EN12975.mo, line 6
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_max
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Used in component solGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+In value attribute for heaLos.TMedMin.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Modifier applied for component heaLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in base-class heaLos.PartialHeatLoss.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_min
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Used in component heaLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+In value attribute for eleGai.TMedMax.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Modifier applied for component eleGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in component eleGai.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 25
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_max
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.EN12975SolarGain.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 2
+Used in component eleGai.TMedMax.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975SolarGain.mo, line 53
+In value attribute for eleLos.TMedMin.
+Modifier applied in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Modifier applied for component eleLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+Variable found in class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.EN12975Curves.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/EN12975Curves.mo, line 2
+Variable found in base-class eleLos.PartialHeatLoss.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Error: Use of undeclared variable: Medium.T_min
+In class AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.BaseClasses.PartialHeatLoss.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/EN12975HeatLoss.mo, line 3
+Used in component eleLos.TMedMin.
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/BaseClasses/PartialHeatLoss.mo, line 33
+The model contained invalid expressions.
+Check aborted.
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
+Error in model: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed
+Check of AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed
+Error: Class or component 'eta' not found in PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition
+ File: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/Data/Unglazed.mo, line 3
+ Context: AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition
+ Attempted modification in AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.Unglazed.
+ Near file: /builds/EBC/EBC_all/github_ci/AixLib/AixLib/Fluid/SolarCollectors/PhotovoltaicThermal/Data/Unglazed.mo, line 2
+Error: ERRORS have been issued.
diff --git a/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/index.html b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/index.html
index 7f5e012881..42ffa00a4b 100644
--- a/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/index.html
+++ b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/index.html
@@ -8,625 +8,9 @@
diff --git a/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/naming_violations.txt b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/naming_violations.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48ed91f4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/issue1451-add-pvt-model/naming_violations.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+1: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: EN12975Curves pvt( redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Water, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, nSeg=3, azi=0, til=0.5235987755983, rho=0.2, totalArea=20, redeclare AixLib.Fluid.SolarCollectors.PhotovoltaicThermal.Data.ThermalGlazedWithLowEmissionCoating perPVT) "Photovoltaic thermal model" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+1: Missing documentation, Name 'Medium' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Medium. Affected line: package Medium = AixLib.Media.Water annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+2: Name 'source' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: source. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T source( use_m_flow_in=false, redeclare package Medium = Medium, use_T_in=true, m_flow=0.2, T=313.15, nPorts=1) "Source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+3: Name 'pipe' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: pipe. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.StaticPipe pipe( length=1, diameter=0.025, redeclare package Medium = Medium) "Pressure drop" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+4: Name 'system' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: system. Affected line: inner Modelica.Fluid.System system(p_start=system.p_ambient, p_ambient(displayUnit="Pa")) "Pressure drop" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,80},{100,100}})));
+5: Documentation too short, Name 'sink' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sink. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT sink(nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = Medium) "Sink" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+6: Name 'ramp' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: ramp. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp( height=1, duration=360, offset=0, startTime=120) "Ambient air temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,62},{-40,82}})));
+7: Missing documentation, Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: BoilerNoControl boilerNoControl( redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=0.2, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, paramBoiler=DataBase.Boiler.General.Boiler_Vitogas200F_18kW()) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-24,-14},{2,14}})));
+8: Name 'ramp1' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: ramp. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp ramp1( height=60, duration=360, offset=273.15, startTime=520) "Ambient air temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-92,-6},{-72,14}})));
+1: Name 'param' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: param. Affected line: parameter AixLib.DataBase.CHP.CHPDataSimple.CHPBaseDataDefinition param "CHP data set" annotation (choicesAllMatching=true, Dialog(group="Unit properties"));
+2: Name 'minCapacity' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Capacity. Affected line: parameter Real minCapacity = 0 "Minimum allowable working capacity (unit [-])" annotation(Dialog(group="Unit properties"));
+3: Name 'G' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: G. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ThermalConductance G=0.003*param.data_CHP[end, 3] /50 "Constant thermal conductance to environment(G=Q_loss/dT)";
+4: Name 'u_rel' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: u_rel. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u_rel( final unit="1") "Relative" annotation (Placement( transformation(extent={{-126,66},{-100,94}}, rotation=0), iconTransformation(extent={{-80,-70},{-60,-50}})));
+5: Name 'electricalPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: electrical, Power. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput electricalPower( final quantity="Power", final unit="W") "Electrical power" annotation (Placement( transformation( origin={20,110}, extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90), iconTransformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90, origin={-50,90})));
+6: Name 'thermalPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: thermal, Power. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput thermalPower(final unit="W") "Thermal power" annotation (Placement( transformation( origin={36,110}, extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90), iconTransformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90, origin={-20,90})));
+7: Name 'fuelInput' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: fuel, Input. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput fuelInput(final unit="W") "Fuel input" annotation (Placement(transformation( origin={51,110}, extent={{-10,-11},{10,11}}, rotation=90), iconTransformation( extent={{-10,-11},{10,11}}, rotation=90, origin={20,90})));
+8: Name 'fuelConsumption' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: fuel, Consumption. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput fuelConsumption "Fuel consumption" annotation (Placement(transformation( origin={66,110}, extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90), iconTransformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=90, origin={50,90})));
+9: Name 'combiTable1Ds' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: combi, Table, Ds. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds combiTable1Ds( tableName="NoName", fileName="NoName", final table=param.data_CHP) "Time table to read CHP performance data" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,40},{60,60}}, rotation=0)));
+10: Name 'limiter' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: limiter. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter(final uMax=1, final uMin= minCapacity) "Limits the rel power between 0 and 1" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,40},{-40,60}})));
+11: Name 'gain4' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: gain4. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain4(final k=1000) "Conversion factor" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{4,-4},{-4,4}}, rotation=270, origin={66,90})));
+12: Name 'gain3' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: gain3. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain gain3(final k=1000) "Conversion factor" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{4,-4},{-4,4}}, rotation=270, origin={50,90})));
+13: Name 'toPercent' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Percent. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain toPercent(final k=100) "Conversion factor" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{6,-6},{-6,6}}, rotation=180, origin={12,50})));
+14: Name 'internalCapacity' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: internal, Capacity. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor internalCapacity(final C=C, T(start=T_start)) "Boiler thermal capacity (dry weight)" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{-10,10},{10,-10}}, rotation=90, origin={2,-40})));
+15: Name 'ConductanceToEnv' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Conductance. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.ThermalConductor ConductanceToEnv(final G=G) "Thermal resistance of the boiler casing" annotation ( Placement(transformation( extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}}, rotation=180, origin={-30,-20})));
+16: Name 'T_amb' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: T_amb. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b T_amb "Heat port for heat losses to ambient" annotation ( Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-30},{50,-10}}), iconTransformation( extent={{58,-60},{78,-40}})));
+1: Name 'etaEle_zero' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ele_zero. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Efficiency etaEle_zero(max=1) "Conversion factor/Efficiency at Q = 0 for electrical efficiency";
+1: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: replaceable Data.PhotovoltaicThermalBaseDataDefinition perPVT "Performance data for PV-Thermal" annotation (choicesAllMatching=true, Placement(transformation(extent={{40,-78}, {54,-64}})));
+2: Documentation too short. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput PEle(unit="W", displayUnit="kW") annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,70},{120,90}})));
+3: Name 'multiSumLos' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: multi. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum multiSumLos( nu=nSeg) "Sum of all electrical losses" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,62},{48,70}})));
+4: Name 'multiSumGai' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: multi. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum multiSumGai(nu=nSeg) "Sum of all electrical gains" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{40,86},{48,94}})));
+5: Name 'limiter' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: limiter. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter(final uMax=Modelica.Constants.inf, final uMin=0) "Electrical power generation can't be lower than zero" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{76,76},{84,84}})));
+1: Missing documentation, Name 'Medium' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Medium. Affected line: package Medium = AixLib.Media.Water annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);
+2: Documentation too short, Name 'combinedHeatPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: combined, Heat, Power. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.CHPNoControl combinedHeatPower( redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=0.02, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, param=DataBase.CHP.CHPDataSimple.CHP_FMB_65_GSK()) "CHP" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+3: Name 'source' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: source. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T source( redeclare package Medium = Medium, use_T_in=true, nPorts=1, m_flow=0.5) "Source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+4: Documentation too short, Name 'sink' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sink. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT sink( nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = Medium) "Sink" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+5: Name 'trapezoid' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: trapezoid. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid trapezoid( rising=7200, width=7200, falling=7200, period=28800, offset=313.15, amplitude=50, startTime=7200) "Source temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-6},{-80,14}})));
+1: Name 'transferHeat' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: transfer, Heat. Affected line: parameter Boolean transferHeat=false "If true, temperature T converges towards TAmb when no flow" annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Sensor Properties"));
+2: Name 'm_flow_start' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: m_flow. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_start=0 "Guess value of m_flow = port_a.m_flow" annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Initialization"));
+3: Name 'a' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: a. Affected line: parameter Real a "Coefficient of volume flow rate dependent nominal pressure drop, dp_nominal=a*V_flow_nominal^n." annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Pressure drop"));
+4: Name 'rho_default' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: rho_default. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Density rho_default=Medium.density_pTX( Medium.p_default, Medium.T_default, Medium.X_default) "Density used for parameterization of pressure curve" annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", group="Pressure drop"));
+5: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: Sensors.TemperatureTwoPort senTCold( redeclare final package Medium = Medium, final tau=tau, final m_flow_nominal=m_flow_nominal, final initType=initType, final T_start=T_start, final transferHeat=transferHeat, final TAmb=TAmb, final tauHeaTra=tauHeaTra, final allowFlowReversal=allowFlowReversal, final m_flow_small=m_flow_small) "Temperature sensor of cold side of heat generator (return)" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-90},{-60,-70}})));Sensors.TemperatureTwoPort senTHot( redeclare final package Medium = Medium, final tau=tau, final m_flow_nominal=m_flow_nominal, final initType=initType, final T_start=T_start, final transferHeat=transferHeat, final TAmb=TAmb, final tauHeaTra=tauHeaTra, final allowFlowReversal=allowFlowReversal, final m_flow_small=m_flow_small) "Temperature sensor of hot side of heat generator (supply)" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-90},{50,-70}})));Sensors.MassFlowRate senMasFlo( redeclare final package Medium = Medium, final allowFlowReversal=allowFlowReversal) "Sensor for mass flwo rate" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-90},{80,-70}})));
+6: Name 'heater' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: heater. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow heater "Prescribed heat flow" annotation ( Placement(transformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=-90, origin={-60,-50})));
+1: Documentation too short, Name 'combinedHeatPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: combined, Heat, Power. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.CHP combinedHeatPower( redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, m_flow_nominal=0.02, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, TSetIn=true, minCapacity=20, delayTime=300, param=DataBase.CHP.CHPDataSimple.CHP_FMB_65_GSK(), vol(energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.SteadyStateInitial), Kc=0.02, Tc=100, elControl(initType=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.InitialOutput)) "CHP" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+2: Name 'source' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: source. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T source( redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, use_T_in=true, nPorts=1, m_flow=0.1) "Source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+3: Documentation too short, Name 'sink' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sink. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT sink( nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity) "Sink" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+4: Name 'trapezoid' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: trapezoid. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid trapezoid( rising=7200, width=7200, falling=7200, period=28800, offset=313.15, amplitude=50, startTime=7200) "Source temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-6},{-80,14}})));
+1: Name 'Medium' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Medium. Affected line: replaceable package Medium = AixLib.Media.Water constrainedby Modelica.Media.Interfaces.PartialMedium "Medium model";
+2: Missing documentation, Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: Sources.Boundary_pT source( nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = Medium, p=system.p_ambient + solarThermal.pressureDropCoeff*(solarThermal.m_flow_nominal /995)^2+pipe.dp_nominal) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,-10},{-60,10}})));Sources.Boundary_pT sink(nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = Medium, p=system.p_ambient) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-10},{80,10}})));
+3: Missing documentation, Name 'massFlowSensor' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: mass, Sensor. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.Sensors.MassFlowRate massFlowSensor(redeclare package Medium = Medium) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-54,-10},{-34,10}})));
+4: Missing documentation. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.Sensors.TemperatureTwoPort T1(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=system.m_flow_nominal) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-28,-10},{-8,10}})));
+5: Missing documentation, Name 'solarThermal' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: solar, Thermal. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.Solar.Thermal.SolarThermal solarThermal( A=2, redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=system.m_flow_nominal, volPip=0.05, T_start=system.T_start, p_start=source.p, Collector=DataBase.SolarThermal.FlatCollector()) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{0,-10},{20,10}})));
+6: Missing documentation, Name 'pipe' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: pipe. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.FixedResistances.PressureDrop pipe( redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=system.m_flow_nominal, dp_nominal=200) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{54,-10},{74,10}})));
+7: Missing documentation. Affected line: AixLib.Fluid.Sensors.TemperatureTwoPort T2(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow_nominal=system.m_flow_nominal) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{28,-10},{48,10}})));
+8: Missing documentation, Name 'hotSummerDay' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Summer. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.CombiTimeTable hotSummerDay( extrapolation=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Extrapolation.Periodic, table=[0,21,0; 3600,20.6,0; 7200,20.5,0; 10800,20.4,0; 14400,20,6; 18000,20.5, 106; 21600,22.4,251; 25200,24.1,402; 28800,26.3,540; 32400,28.4,657; 36000, 30,739; 39600,31.5,777; 43200,31.5,778; 46800,32.5,737; 50400,32.5,657;54000,32.5,544; 57600,32.5,407; 61200,32.5,257; 64800,31.6,60; 68400,30.8, 5; 72000,22.9,0; 75600,21.2,0; 79200,20.6,0; 82800,20.3,0], offset={273.15,0.01}) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-26,62},{-6,82}})));
+9: Missing documentation, Name 'system' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: system. Affected line: inner Modelica.Fluid.System system( m_flow_start=system.m_flow_nominal, use_eps_Re=true, m_flow_nominal=1.5*solarThermal.A/60*995/1000, p_ambient=300000) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-90,70},{-70,90}})));
+1: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: Sources.MassFlowSource_T sou(redeclare package Medium = Medium, m_flow= m_flow_nominal) "Source model" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));Sources.Boundary_pT sin(redeclare package Medium = Medium, p=2e5) "Sink model" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+2: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.ReaderTMY3 weaDat(filNam= Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://AixLib/Resources/weatherdata/TRY2015_Jahr_City_Aachen.mos"), computeWetBulbTemperature=false) "Weather data file reader" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,40},{-20,60}})));
+1: Name 'source' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: source. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T source( use_m_flow_in=false, nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, m_flow=0.05, T=293.15) "Source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+2: Name 'pipe' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: pipe. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.StaticPipe pipe( length=1, diameter=0.025, redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity) "Pressure drop" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-10},{50,10}})));
+3: Name 'system' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: system. Affected line: inner Modelica.Fluid.System system(p_start=system.p_ambient, p_ambient(displayUnit="Pa")) "Pressure drop" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,80},{100,100}})));
+4: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: Boiler boiler( redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, m_flow_nominal=0.03, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, redeclare model ExtControl = BaseClasses.Controllers.ExternalControlNightDayHC, declination=1.2, FA=0, paramHC=DataBase.Boiler.DayNightMode.HeatingCurves_Vitotronic_Day25_Night10(), riseTime=0, TN=0.05, paramBoiler=DataBase.Boiler.General.Boiler_Vitogas200F_11kW()) "Boiler" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+5: Documentation too short, Name 'sink' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sink. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT sink(nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium = AixLib.Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity) "Sink" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{80,-10},{60,10}})));
+6: Name 'sine' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sine. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine sine( amplitude=5, f=1/86400, phase=4.7123889803847, offset=273.15) "Ambient air temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,60},{-40,80}})));
+7: Name 'isNight' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Night. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.BooleanConstant isNight(k=false) "No night-setback" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,30},{-40,50}})));
+1: Name 'source' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: source. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.MassFlowSource_T source( redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, use_T_in=true, nPorts=1, m_flow=0.03) "Source" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-60,-10},{-40,10}})));
+2: Documentation too short, Name 'sink' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: sink. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT sink( redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, nPorts=1) "Sink" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{60,-10},{40,10}})));
+3: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: HeatGeneratorNoControl heatGeneratorNoControll( redeclare package Medium = Media.Specialized.Water.TemperatureDependentDensity, m_flow_nominal= 0.03, energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.FixedInitial, V=0.002, coeffPresLoss=1e10) "Heat generator without control" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}})));
+4: Name 'trapezoid' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: trapezoid. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Trapezoid trapezoid( rising=7200, width=7200, falling=7200, period=28800, offset=313.15, amplitude=50, startTime=7200) "Source temperature" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-100,-6},{-80,14}})));
+1: Name 'paramBoiler' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: param, Boiler. Affected line: parameter AixLib.DataBase.Boiler.General.BoilerTwoPointBaseDataDefinition paramBoiler "Parameters for Boiler" annotation (Dialog(tab = "General", group = "Boiler type"), choicesAllMatching = true);
+2: Name 'paramHC' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: param. Affected line: parameter AixLib.DataBase.Boiler.DayNightMode.HeatingCurvesDayNightBaseDataDefinition paramHC "Parameters for heating curve" annotation (Dialog(group="Heating curves"), choicesAllMatching=true);
+3: Name 'KR' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: K. Affected line: parameter Real KR=1 "Gain of Boiler heater" annotation (Dialog(tab = "General", group = "Boiler type"));
+4: Name 'TN' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: N. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time TN=0.1 "Time Constant of boiler heater (T>0 required)" annotation (Dialog(tab="General", group="Boiler type"));
+5: Name 'riseTime' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: rise. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time riseTime=30 "Rise/Fall time for step input(T>0 required)" annotation (Dialog(tab="General", group="Boiler type"));
+6: Name 'declination' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: declination. Affected line: parameter Real declination=1.1 "Declination" annotation(Dialog(tab="External Control"));
+7: Name 'Tdelta_Max' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Tdelta_. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.TemperatureDifference Tdelta_Max=2 "Difference from set flow temperature over which boiler stops" annotation (Dialog(tab="External Control"));
+8: Name 'Tdelta_Min' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Tdelta_. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.TemperatureDifference Tdelta_Min=2 "Difference from set flow temperature under which boiler starts" annotation (Dialog(tab="External Control"));
+9: Name 'Fb' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Fb. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Time Fb=3600 "Period of time for increased set temperature" annotation (Dialog(tab="External Control"));
+10: Name 'FA' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: F. Affected line: parameter Real FA=0.2 "Increment for increased set temperature" annotation(Dialog(tab="External Control"));
+11: Name 'TAmbient' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ambient. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput TAmbient( final quantity="ThermodynamicTemperature", final unit="K", displayUnit="degC") "Ambient air temperature" annotation (Placement( transformation(extent={{-100,40},{-60,80}}), iconTransformation(extent= {{-80,60},{-60,80}})));
+12: Name 'switchToNightMode' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: switch, Night, Mode. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInput switchToNightMode "Connector of Boolean input signal" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{-100,10},{-60,50}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-80,30},{-60, 50}})));
+13: Name 'ExtControl' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Control. Affected line: replaceable model ExtControl = AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.BaseClasses.Controllers.ExternalControlNightDayHC constrainedby AixLib.Fluid.BoilerCHP.BaseClasses.Controllers.PartialExternalControl "External control" annotation (Dialog(tab="External Control"),choicesAllMatching=true);
+1: Name 'paramBoiler' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: param, Boiler. Affected line: parameter AixLib.DataBase.Boiler.General.BoilerTwoPointBaseDataDefinition paramBoiler "Parameters for Boiler" annotation (Dialog(tab="General", group= "Boiler type"), choicesAllMatching=true);
+2: Name 'G' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: G. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.ThermalConductance G=0.003*Q_nom/50 "Constant thermal conductance to environment(G=Q_loss/dT)";
+3: Name 'Q_nom' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Q_nom. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Power Q_nom=paramBoiler.Q_nom "Nominal heating power";
+4: Name 'internalCapacity' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: internal, Capacity. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.HeatCapacitor internalCapacity( final C=C, T(start=T_start)) "Boiler thermal capacity (dry weight)" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{-10,10},{10,-10}}, rotation=90, origin={2,-40})));
+5: Name 'ConductanceToEnv' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Conductance. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Components.ThermalConductor ConductanceToEnv( final G=G) "Thermal resistance of the boiler casing" annotation ( Placement(transformation( extent={{10,-10},{-10,10}}, rotation=180, origin={-30,-20})));
+6: Name 'QgasCalculation' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Qgas, Calculation. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product QgasCalculation "Calculate gas usage" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-20,80},{0,100}})));
+7: Name 'limiter' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: limiter. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear.Limiter limiter(final uMax=1, final uMin=0) "Limits the rel power between 0 and 1" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-80,60},{-60,80}})));
+8: Name 'NominalGasConsumption' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Nominal, Consumption. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression NominalGasConsumption(final y=Q_nom/ max(etaLoadBased[:,2]*max(etaTempBased[:,2]))) "Nominal gas power" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-62,88},{-34,104}})));
+9: Name 'fuelPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: fuel, Power. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput fuelPower "Connector of Real output signal" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{100,90},{120,110}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10, 10}}, rotation=0, origin={72,110})));
+10: Name 'thermalPower' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: thermal, Power. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput thermalPower "Value of Real output" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,70},{120,90}}), iconTransformation(extent={{62,74},{82,94}})));
+11: Name 'u_rel' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: u_rel. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u_rel "Relative gas power [0,1]" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, rotation=270, origin={-80,120}), iconTransformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=0, origin={-70,70})));
+12: Name 'T_amb' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: T_amb. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_b T_amb "Heat port for heat losses to ambient" annotation ( Placement(transformation(extent={{30,-30},{50,-10}}), iconTransformation( extent={{58,-60},{78,-40}})));
+13: Name 'efficiencyTableLoadDepending' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: efficiency, Table, Load, Depending. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Dv efficiencyTableLoadDepending( final tableOnFile=false, final table=etaLoadBased, final columns={2}, final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Table with efficiency parameters" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,50},{-19,71}})));
+14: Name 'QflowCalculation' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Qflow, Calculation. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product QflowCalculation "Calculation of the produced heatflow" annotation (Placement( transformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=270, origin={-60,2})));
+15: Name 'etaLoadBased' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Load, Based. Affected line: parameter Real etaLoadBased[:,2]=paramBoiler.eta "Table matrix for part load based efficiency (e.g. [0,0.99; 0.5, 0.98; 1, 0,97])";
+16: Name 'etaTempBased' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Temp, Based. Affected line: parameter Real etaTempBased[:,2]=[293.15,1.09; 303.15,1.08; 313.15,1.05; 323.15,1.; 373.15,0.99] "Table matrix for temperature based efficiency";
+17: Name 'etaCalculation' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Calculation. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Product etaCalculation "calculates the efficiency of the boiler" annotation (Placement( transformation( extent={{-10,-10},{10,10}}, rotation=0, origin={10,50})));
+18: Name 'efficiencyTableLoadDepending1' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: efficiency, Table, Load, Depending. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Dv efficiencyTableLoadDepending1( final tableOnFile=false, final table=etaTempBased, final columns={2}, final smoothness=Modelica.Blocks.Types.Smoothness.ContinuousDerivative) "Table with efficiency parameters" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-40,20},{-19,41}})));
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