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Intel Icelake S2 M1 C36

Thomas Gruber edited this page Jul 26, 2023 · 4 revisions


  • Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8360Y CPU @ 2.40GHz
  • Base frequency: ??
  • Number of sockets: 2
  • Number of memory domains per socket: 1
  • Number of cores per socket: 36
  • Number of HWThreads per core: 2
  • MachineState output: json
  • Memory Info: 16x 16GB DDR4 3200MHz with ECC

Tool chain

| Compiler | icc (ICC)                     |
| Version  |  icc (ICC) 2021.2.0 20210228  |

Optimizing flags: -fast -xHost -qopt-streaming-stores=always -std=c99 -ffreestanding -qopenmp


All results are in GB/s.

Summary results:

| Single core   |  26.75 (Init)                 |
| Memory domain |  173.34 (Sum with 35 cores)   |
| Socket        |  173.34 (Sum with 35 cores)   |
| Node          |  347.79 (Update with 35 cores)|

Results for scaling within a memory domain:

#nt	Init	Sum	Copy	Update	Triad	Daxpy	STriad	SDaxpy
1	26.75	15.20	24.87	14.23	20.18	20.93	19.49	19.69
2	53.43	29.07	47.84	27.10	39.01	40.50	37.82	37.86
3	76.53	42.20	61.98	38.53	54.94	57.47	53.29	52.95
4	101.71	56.19	80.58	49.23	72.78	74.03	70.70	68.28
5	126.19	68.18	97.19	59.88	88.59	87.92	86.61	81.84
6	146.44	78.42	109.36	69.17	101.48	100.47	99.57	93.55
7	152.58	89.87	119.96	78.63	113.55	112.50	111.14	105.14
8	154.12	97.77	125.41	86.37	121.12	119.62	120.34	113.45
9	155.14	107.09	130.20	93.98	127.62	127.15	128.17	121.62
10	155.81	114.33	134.19	102.48	132.98	133.00	133.28	128.38
11	153.89	121.99	139.71	107.94	138.78	137.73	139.56	135.46
12	154.71	129.35	141.17	116.63	141.63	140.63	143.43	139.25
13	154.53	135.84	144.36	121.05	144.53	144.24	146.62	143.13
14	152.50	140.15	148.03	128.28	147.54	147.30	149.27	145.82
15	150.08	141.60	148.93	134.33	149.42	147.38	150.67	147.27
16	150.12	149.28	151.99	141.54	151.89	152.47	152.03	151.43
17	148.89	151.01	152.30	145.70	154.58	152.92	155.27	154.32
18	144.85	154.63	154.40	147.88	155.58	156.79	155.59	155.24
19	145.05	154.47	155.62	150.91	156.94	157.09	156.41	155.68
20	143.51	157.83	157.41	152.13	154.98	154.96	155.37	154.70
21	142.51	160.68	158.94	156.54	158.35	157.50	158.42	156.55
22	142.56	159.28	158.69	154.97	158.19	158.34	158.58	157.62
23	139.98	163.21	159.75	158.34	158.06	159.16	158.25	158.03
24	139.49	165.35	161.94	160.03	160.02	160.53	160.44	159.44
25	137.31	164.06	160.61	158.20	159.96	160.41	159.87	158.75
26	136.74	167.28	163.18	163.01	160.70	162.14	160.82	160.49
27	133.57	168.35	161.64	163.36	160.00	161.57	160.56	160.25
28	133.93	169.60	162.55	163.12	159.95	161.15	160.88	160.13
29	135.81	169.84	161.66	166.30	160.87	162.94	160.66	161.19
30	134.02	170.38	161.53	166.07	159.83	161.99	160.72	160.11
31	134.49	171.64	162.37	165.07	159.70	161.45	160.71	160.05
32	131.46	172.86	161.65	166.84	159.98	162.60	160.64	160.79
33	131.09	171.90	160.39	165.57	158.68	161.51	159.65	159.33
34	129.17	173.22	161.33	167.59	158.96	161.15	159.94	159.70
35	130.03	173.34	161.18	165.50	158.03	160.03	159.68	158.54
36	130.58	172.92	160.48	166.15	159.12	160.72	159.95	159.22

Results for scaling across memory domains. Shown are the results for the number of memory domains used (nm) with columns number of cores used per memory domain.


#nm	1	2
1	26.75	52.97
2	53.43	105.49
3	76.53	151.17
4	101.71	200.21
5	126.19	247.48
6	146.44	274.82
7	152.58	278.28
8	154.12	285.23
9	155.14	285.60
10	155.81	280.11
11	153.89	278.66
12	154.71	276.52
13	154.53	278.45
14	152.50	278.37
15	150.08	274.81
16	150.12	272.96
17	148.89	270.42
18	144.85	272.24
19	145.05	266.50
20	143.51	268.18
21	142.51	260.83
22	142.56	262.93
23	139.98	265.38
24	139.49	261.44
25	137.31	258.86
26	136.74	261.53
27	133.57	256.21
28	133.93	251.81
29	135.81	258.73
30	134.02	250.55
31	134.49	253.48
32	131.46	254.84
33	131.09	251.98
34	129.17	254.49
35	130.03	249.36
36	130.58	247.51


#nm	1	2
1	15.20	30.55
2	29.07	58.12
3	42.20	84.32
4	56.19	113.61
5	68.18	136.10
6	78.42	160.78
7	89.87	178.66
8	97.77	197.22
9	107.09	213.45
10	114.33	230.41
11	121.99	245.34
12	129.35	257.39
13	135.84	267.44
14	140.15	277.46
15	141.60	287.15
16	149.28	294.37
17	151.01	296.71
18	154.63	306.12
19	154.47	310.74
20	157.83	316.75
21	160.68	316.69
22	159.28	320.32
23	163.21	323.15
24	165.35	318.78
25	164.06	325.28
26	167.28	316.69
27	168.35	333.99
28	169.60	327.95
29	169.84	335.59
30	170.38	337.68
31	171.64	333.02
32	172.86	332.87
33	171.90	337.12
34	173.22	340.78
35	173.34	342.35
36	172.92	327.94


#nm	1	2
1	24.87	49.86
2	47.84	95.59
3	61.98	124.46
4	80.58	161.67
5	97.19	194.69
6	109.36	220.75
7	119.96	237.34
8	125.41	251.51
9	130.20	261.59
10	134.19	268.43
11	139.71	275.30
12	141.17	284.76
13	144.36	288.33
14	148.03	293.55
15	148.93	295.88
16	151.99	302.50
17	152.30	306.00
18	154.40	309.19
19	155.62	313.75
20	157.41	315.76
21	158.94	317.40
22	158.69	319.20
23	159.75	320.28
24	161.94	321.31
25	160.61	325.49
26	163.18	326.96
27	161.64	325.90
28	162.55	328.53
29	161.66	330.12
30	161.53	328.69
31	162.37	329.47
32	161.65	328.08
33	160.39	325.24
34	161.33	327.05
35	161.18	319.94
36	160.48	321.98


#nm	1	2
1	14.23	28.51
2	27.10	54.33
3	38.53	77.31
4	49.23	99.54
5	59.88	120.47
6	69.17	141.09
7	78.63	159.26
8	86.37	173.95
9	93.98	192.40
10	102.48	204.09
11	107.94	217.88
12	116.63	236.11
13	121.05	248.22
14	128.28	258.11
15	134.33	273.55
16	141.54	284.83
17	145.70	290.22
18	147.88	297.88
19	150.91	308.80
20	152.13	314.96
21	156.54	318.96
22	154.97	323.65
23	158.34	321.88
24	160.03	326.76
25	158.20	331.79
26	163.01	336.16
27	163.36	337.13
28	163.12	337.61
29	166.30	338.44
30	166.07	341.45
31	165.07	336.71
32	166.84	342.55
33	165.57	343.25
34	167.59	339.70
35	165.50	347.79
36	166.15	325.54


#nm	1	2
1	20.18	40.32
2	39.01	78.08
3	54.94	109.47
4	72.78	145.31
5	88.59	176.18
6	101.48	203.73
7	113.55	225.24
8	121.12	239.75
9	127.62	254.59
10	132.98	263.17
11	138.78	273.30
12	141.63	282.42
13	144.53	289.16
14	147.54	292.37
15	149.42	297.28
16	151.89	301.95
17	154.58	305.79
18	155.58	307.34
19	156.94	309.99
20	154.98	311.17
21	158.35	316.45
22	158.19	315.71
23	158.06	316.41
24	160.02	316.33
25	159.96	316.76
26	160.70	318.57
27	160.00	319.24
28	159.95	315.35
29	160.87	319.29
30	159.83	317.69
31	159.70	318.24
32	159.98	317.61
33	158.68	317.72
34	158.96	315.32
35	158.03	315.14
36	159.12	313.57


Memory bandwidth scaling within one memory domain: Main memory bandwidth scaling plot

The following plots illustrate the the performance scaling over multiple memory domains using different number of cores per memory domain.

Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for init: Memory domain scaling plot

Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for sum Memory domain scaling plot

Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for copy Memory domain scaling plot

Memory bandwidth scaling across memory domains for Triad Memory domain scaling plot