diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs.properties index 9b30e4810d..0b8a26565b 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_cs.properties @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ EditTokenDialog.label.sight.has = Has Sight\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod = Terrain Modifier\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod.tooltip= Adjust the cost of movement other tokens will may to move over or through this token. Default multiplier of 1 equals no change (1 * 1 \= 1). EditTokenDialog.label.image = Image Table\: +EditTokenDialog.label.uniqueLightSources = Unique Light Sources\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity = Token Opacity\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.tooltip = Change the opacity of the token. EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.100 = 100% diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da.properties index fb2a4cc714..48440dc49c 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_da.properties @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ EditTokenDialog.label.sight.has = Har syn\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod = Terræn ændring\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod.tooltip= Adjust the cost of movement other tokens will may to move over or through this token. Default multiplier of 1 equals no change (1 * 1 \= 1). EditTokenDialog.label.image = Billede tabel\: +EditTokenDialog.label.uniqueLightSources = Unique Light Sources\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity = Polet gennemsigtighed\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.tooltip = Ændr polettens gennemsigtighed. EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.100 = 100% diff --git a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de.properties b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de.properties index c72ce91040..c5f095ee66 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/net/rptools/maptool/language/i18n_de.properties @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ EditTokenDialog.label.sight.has = Hat Sicht\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod = Geländemodifikator\: EditTokenDialog.label.terrain.mod.tooltip= Kosten für die Bewegung anderer Spielmarken anpassen, um sich über oder durch diese Spielmarke zu bewegen. Standardmultiplikator von 1 ist keine Änderung (1 * 1 \= 1). EditTokenDialog.label.image = Bildtabelle\: +EditTokenDialog.label.uniqueLightSources = Unique Light Sources\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity = Deckkraft dieser Spielmarke\: EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.tooltip = Ändere die Deckkraft der Spielmarke. EditTokenDialog.label.opacity.100 = 100% @@ -836,9 +837,9 @@ position.side.top = Oben position.side.bottom = Unten -CampaignPropertiesDialog.label.sight = Format\:
Name \: options
Each sight type can have zero or more options, use spaces between each option. Having zero options implies using defaults for all values (e.g. Normal vision).
Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.
Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.
Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.
Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120
Name \: options
Jeder Sichttyp kann mehre Optionen enthalten, trenne mit Leerzeichen. Keine Option (ebenfalls möglich) bedeutet, dass alle den Standardvorgaben folgen (z.B. Normale Sicht).
Reichweite des persönlichen Lichts. Der Token wird eine Lichtquelle mit diesem Radius in seinem Zentrum haben, denn nur er selbst sieht. Man kann mehrere persönliche Licher pro Sichttyp angeben.
Eine optionale \#rrggbb hex color Komponente kann als typische CSS Regel angehängt werden.
Optional ist ebenfalls ein +x lumens Wert. Lumens hat den Standard 100, was bedeutet, dass es durch jede Dunkelheit von -1 bis -99 sieht. See die Diskussion von lumens auf dem Reiter Licht für weiteres.
Bsp\: r60\#bb0000+120
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x
Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines starting with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.
An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.
Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.
Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.
†For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.
A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.
Can have additional definitions;
A +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.
*Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.
Sample Lights - 5' grid
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30
Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40
To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.
In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.
Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff
The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.
New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00
name\: type shape OPTIONEN scale range\#rrggbb+x
Definiere Lichtgruppentypen mit einer Textzeile, der Gruppenname wird von mindestens einer name Definition gefolgt. Eine Gruppe wird mit eioner Leerzeile beendet. Groß-/Kleinschreibung im Text ist irrelevant. Zeilen, die mit "-" beginnen, werden als Kommrntare ignoriert. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.
An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.
Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.
Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.
†For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.
A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.
Can have additional definitions;
A +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.
*Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.
Sample Lights - 5' grid
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30
Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40
To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.
In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.
Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff
The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.
New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00
Name \: options
Each sight type can have zero or more options, use spaces between each option. Having zero options implies using defaults for all values (e.g. Normal vision).
When used with the cone shape, it signifies how wide a field of vision the token has. Can be an integer value. e,g, arc\=120
When used with the beam shape, it determines how wide the beam will be. Can be an integer value from 0 to 180, e.g. arc\=4
Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.
Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.
Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.
Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x
Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines that start with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names are displayed in sorted order, and the sub-entries are alphabetically sorted as well.
When used with the cone shape, it signifies how large a field of vision the token has. Can be an integer value. e,g, arc\=120
When used with the beam shape, it determines how wide the beam will be. Can be an integer value from 0 to 180, e.g. arc\=4
Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.
Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.
Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.
Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x
Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines that start with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names are displayed in sorted order, and the sub-entries are alphabetically sorted as well.
A distance measured in map units (defined when the map is created). Units are measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell, hence the extra 2 &\#189; feet added in the below example to make neat squares.
Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.
Can have an optional +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.
*Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.
Sample Lights - 5' grid
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30
Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40
To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.
In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.
Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff
The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.
New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Doughnut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Doughnut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 50\: aura beam arc\=4 150\#ffff00
Name \: options
Each sight type can have zero or more options, use spaces between each option. Having zero options implies using defaults for all values (e.g. Normal vision).
Range of personal light. The token will have a light source centered on them that only they can see with a radius of this value. You can define multiple personal lights per sight type.
Can have an optional \#rrggbb hex color component appended to it as per typical CSS rules.
Can also have an optional +x lumens value. Lumens defaults to 100, meaning it will see through any darkness with a lumens value from -1 to -99. See discussion of lumens on the Light tab for more info.
Ex\: r60\#bb0000+120
Group name
name\: type shape OPTIONS scale range\#rrggbb+x
Define groups of light types with a line of text to indicate the group name followed by one or more name definitions. End a group with a blank line. All text is case-insensitive. Lines starting with a "-" are considered comments and are ignored. The group name becomes an entry on the token's popup menu under the Light Sources element, and individual light source definitions become sub-entries. Group names and their sub-entries are alphabetically sorted.
An optional shape for the light emanation. Can be circle (default), square, cone, beam, or grid†.
Additional fields exist for beams and cones; both have an offset\=y field,cones also have arc\=y and beams have a width\=y field.
Shapes apply from the point they are included in the definition until the end of the definition or until another shape is specified. This means multiple light shapes can be created under a single name and turned on or off as a unit.
†For systems like Pathfinder if you want to see exactly which grid cells areaffected by a Light/Aura.
A distance in map units as measured from the centerpoint of the grid cell.
Can have additional definitions;
A +x lumens value, with x equaling an integer (-x can instead be used to provide a negative lumens value). If not provided, the value will default to 100. If set to a negative number, the light will instead act as darkness and subtract it's area from the FoW. Lights are processed in order of their absolute value of lumens. eg. Darkness with lumens\=-20 will cover over any light with lumens <\= 20 and any light with lumens >\= 21 will expose through any darkness with a lumens value of -1 to -20.
*Note\: Personal Lights defined in Sight have a default lumens value of 100. So a typical sight defined for Darkvision will see through any lights with a lumens value of -1 through -99. To overcome Darkvision, use lumens values <\= -100.
Sample Lights - 5' grid
Candle - 5 \: 7.5 12.5\#000000
Lamp - 15 \: 17.5 32.5\#000000
Torch - 20 \: 22.5 42.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000
Lantern, bullseye (leaks light) - 60 \: cone arc\=60 62.5 122.5\#000000 circle 2.5\#000000
Daylight Spell - 60 \: 62.5+50 122.5\#000000+50
Nightvision goggles - 40 \: cone arc\=30 42.5\#00e000+30
Magical Darkness
Deeper Darkness - 60\: circle 62.5-130
Darkness - 20 (CL2)\: circle 22.5-20
Darkness - 20 (CL4)\: circle 22.5-40
To create an aura, put the keyword aura at the beginning of the definition. Auras radiate a colored area and interact with the vision blocking layer (i.e. are blocked by VBL), but do not actually cast any visible light and do not expose any fog-of-war. GM-only auras are only visible by clients logged into the server as GM. They remain visible even when the map is in Show As Player mode. Owner-only auras areonly visible to the player(s) who owns the token. They are always visibleto the GM. See examples, below.
In the following example, the GM-only auras are red, the owner-only auras are green, and the player auras are blue. You can of course define your own colors.
Sample Auras\: 5' grid
Aura red 5 \: aura square GM 2.5\#ff0000
Aura red 10 \: aura GM 7.5\#ff0000
Aura Owner Also 5 \: aura square owner 2.5\#00ff00
Aura Owner Also 10 \: aura owner 7.5\#00ff00
Aura Player Also 5 \: aura square 2.5\#0000ff
Aura Player Also 10 \: aura 7.5\#0000ff
The first line creates a square GM-only aura in red that is 5-feet across. The second creates a round GM-only aura in red with a 15-foot diameter. Lines three and four do the same thing, but with a green aura that is only visible to players who own the token with the aura attached to it. Lines five and six are visible to all players and are in blue.
New Interesting Auras\: 5' grid
Side Fields - 12.5\: aura cone arc\=90 12.5\#6666ff offset\=90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=-90 12.5\#aadd00 offset\=180 12.5\#bb00aa
Donut Hole - 40\: aura circle 20 40\#ffff00
Donut Cone - 20\: aura cone arc\=30 10 20\#ffff00
Range Circles 30/60/90\: aura circle 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Range Arcs 30/60/90\: aura cone arc\=135 30.5 30.9\#000000 60.5 60.9\#000000 90.5 90.9\#000000
Beam - 150\: aura beam width\=0.4 150\#ffff00