Yes, there is a dll, it can be extracted using FileAlyzer or Resource Hacker.
a. LoadResource - Load the dll info from the resources
c. WriteFile – Allows malware to log to file or write more malware to a file
d. IsDebuggerPresent – Malware could act differently if it detects a debugger is being used to analyze it
a. "http://rpis.ec/" - Potential network signature
b. "regsvr32 /s C:\Windows\atidrv.dll" - Potential persistence / hiding place
c. "C:\Users\IEUser\Downloads\BHOinCPP_src\BHOinCPP\Release\launch.pdb" - BHOinCPP is a project from CodeProject
It unpacks and creates a dll, and then registers that dll as with regsvr
CLSID\\{3543619C-D563-43f7-95EA-4DA7E1CC396A}\\InProcServer3 Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Browser Helper Objects\\{3543619C-D563-43f7-95EA-4DA7E1CC396A} CodeProject Example BHO
0xa4 = put_Visible - Show the window
0x2c = Navigate - Go to page in browser
This combination displays one of the RPISEC URLs found in the adware
MD5 is bf4f5b4ff7ed9c7275496c07f9836028. VirusTotal reports that it created and opened a file in the C drive, then copied it to the user's directory as java.exe. It also says it made a DNS request to us.t28.net
a. GetLogicalDrives – Gets bitmask representing all available drives. Could be used for environmental keying or host identification
b. gethostbyname - Could be used to resolve an attackers host for communication
c. GetOEMCP - Could be checking for VM
a. 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' - Registry key that auto runs when the user logs in, possible persistence mechanism
b. 'configserver)/r(ndr29(xhhoxxx2)00xAAAAAA....' - Could be an encrypted configuration file
c. '\java.exe' - The file it might make for persistence.
It sets the key in 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' to 'C:\DOCUME~1\User\java.exe', which is a copy of itself that it made. Some host-based signatures are that its in documents and settings for the user and copies under 'java.exe'.
Lists processes: 0x0402310
Remote Shell: 0x0402490 and 0x0402660 to use
Upload File: 00402210
List processes: The command id is 0x7
Remote Shell: The command id is 0x9 and 0x10
Upload File: The command id is 0x6
List processes: It sends the process name (xored with 0x55) and process id back to the control server
Remote Shell: 0x9 opens cmd.exe, 0x10 sends a command to it (xored with 0x55) and then reads from the named pipe and sends the result back (xored with 0x55)
Upload File: It maps the file into memory, xors it with 0x55, and sends it to the control server
Lists processes: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, Process32Next
Remote Shell: CreateProcessA, PeekNamedPipe, WriteFile
Upload File: CreateFileA, CreateFileMappingA, MapViewOfFile
0x2 - List contents of directory
0x5 - Download a file to infected computer
0x8 - Terminate process by PID