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Performance analysis of PyTorch

iotamudelta edited this page Jan 2, 2019 · 8 revisions


The PyTorch port to ROCm is under active development especially in regards to performance. We are focussing our efforts on server-grade accelerators (MI25/MI60/...) but the following applies to all supported AMD hardware.

Performance analysis

We supply a small microbenchmarking script for PyTorch training on ROCm.

To execute: python --network <network name> [--batch-size <batch size> ] [--iterations <number of iterations>] [--fp16 <0 or 1> ]

Possible network names are: alexnet, densenet121, inception_v3, resnet50, resnet101, SqueezeNet, and vgg16.

Default are 10 training iterations, fp16 off (i.e., 0), and a batch size of 64.

Performance tuning

If performance on a specific card and/or model is found to be lacking, typically some gains can be made by tuning MIOpen. For this, export MIOPEN_FIND_ENFORCE=3 prior to running the model. This will take some time if untuned configurations are encountered and write to a local performance database. More information on this can be found in the MIOpen documentation.