From c6747755b36057c1dc456d3d5fdf36298755dddf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Will Son <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 17:58:58 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] unified control table, preliminary watermark

 .../en/dxl/{pro_plus => }/    |  45 +++-
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 docs/kr/platform/rh_p12_rn/       | 247 +++++++++---------
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similarity index 55%
rename from _includes/en/dxl/pro_plus/
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index 450f94fce..bef1da257 100644
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ b/_includes/en/dxl/
@@ -1,21 +1,59 @@
 # [Control Table](#control-table)
 The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the device. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the device with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control the device with WRITE Instruction Packets.
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 2.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 4" %}
+{% if page.product_group=='dxl_pro_plus' %}
 **WARNING** : PRO+ series use different Control Table from PRO series. Please pay attention when replacing PRO with PRO+.
 {: .notice--warning}
+{% assign torque_enable= "512" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_a' %}
+**WARNING** : PRO(A) series use different Control Table from PRO series. Please pay attention when upgrading PRO to PRO(A).
+{: .notice--warning}
+{% assign torque_enable= "512" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "562" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_mx2' %}
+{% capture mx2_control_table %}
+1. MX(2.0) Firmware is different from MX series' control table and address. Please check the control table address before usage.
+2. MX(2.0) Firmware inherits Dynamixel X's function. Therefore, it supports [Protocol 1.0](/docs/en/dxl/protocol1/) and [Protocol 2.0](/docs/en/dxl/protocol2/), and various Operating Modes, Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdong, etc. Please refer to the control table for more details.
+{% endcapture %}
+<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx2_control_table | markdownify }}</div>
+{% assign torque_enable= "64" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_x' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "64" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_xl320' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "24" %}
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 2.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 2" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_ax' or page.product_group=='dxl_dx' or page.product_group=='dxl_ex' or page.product_group=='dxl_mx' or page.product_group=='dxl_rx' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "24" %}
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 1.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 2" %}
+{% endif %}
 ## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status or to control the device. Users can check current status of the device by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the device by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol 2.0] for more details about Instruction Packets.
+The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status or to control the device. Users can check current status of the device by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the device by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [{{ protocol }}] for more details about Instruction Packets.
 **NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
 {: .notice}
 ### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
 The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the power is reset(Volatile). On the other hand, data in the EEPROM Area is maintained even when the device is powered off(Non-Volatile).  
-**Data in the EEPROM Area can only be written to if Torque Enable(512) is cleared to ‘0’(Off).**
+**Data in the EEPROM Area can only be written to if Torque Enable({{ torque_enable }}) is cleared to ‘0’(Off).**
 ### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet. For data larger than 2 bytes will be saved according to [Little Endian].
+The Size of data varies from {{ data_size }} bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet. For data larger than 2 bytes will be saved according to [Little Endian].
 ### [Access](#access)
 The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling device.
@@ -23,6 +61,7 @@ The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands
 ### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
 Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the device is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the device (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the device is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the device is turned on.
+[Protocol 1.0]: /docs/en/dxl/protocol1/
 [Protocol 2.0]: /docs/en/dxl/protocol2/
 [Two's complement]:
 [Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/en/dxl/ b/_includes/en/dxl/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd06be0c6..000000000
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol 1.0] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on (Volatile). On the other hand, modified data in the EEPROM Area keeps their values even when the DYNAMIXEL is turned off (Non-Volatile). Data in the EEPROM Area can only be changed or modified when the value of Torque Enable(24) is ‘0’ and Dynamixel is in idle state.
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data is 1 or 2 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet. 2 bytes data will be saved according to [Little Endian].
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
-[Protocol 1.0]: /docs/en/dxl/protocol1/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/en/dxl/ b/_includes/en/dxl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ebcc25c6..000000000
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-{% if page.ref=='mx-28-2' or page.ref=='mx-64-2' or page.ref=='mx-106-2' %}
-{% capture mx2_control_table %}
-1. MX(2.0) Firmware is different from MX series' control table and address. Please check the control table address before usage.
-2. MX(2.0) Firmware inherits Dynamixel X's function. Therefore, it supports Protocol 1.0 and 2.0, and various Operating Modes, Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdong, etc. Please refer to the control table for more details.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx2_control_table | markdownify }}</div>
-{% else %}{% endif %}
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol 2.0] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the power is reset(Volatile). On the other hand, data in the EEPROM Area is maintained even when the DYNAMIXEL is powered off(Non-Volatile). **Data in the EEPROM Area can only be written to if Torque Enable(64) is cleared to ‘0’(Off).**
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet. For data larger than 2 bytes will be saved according to [Little Endian].
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/en/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/en/dxl/ b/_includes/en/dxl/
deleted file mode 100644
index a20d25efa..000000000
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol 2.0] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the power is reset(Volatile). On the other hand, data in the EEPROM Area is maintained even when the DYNAMIXEL is powered off(Non-Volatile). **Data in the EEPROM Area can only be written to if Torque Enable(562) is cleared to ‘0’(Off).**
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet. For data larger than 2 bytes will be saved according to [Little Endian].
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/en/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/en/dxl/ b/_includes/en/dxl/
index 00d9d9b5b..b24de6444 100644
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/
+++ b/_includes/en/dxl/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-**NOTE** : The max torque measurement method for the Stall Torque and Performance Graph is different.  
-Stall torque is measured from the max torque that it can reach. This is generally how RC servos measure their torque.  
-For the Performance graph with the N-T curves, it is measured with the load gradually increasing.  
-The motor operation environment is closer to the performance graph, not stall torque method.  
-This is probably why the performance graph is being broadly used in the industrial market.  
-This is why the max torque of the performance grap can actually be less than the stall torque.
+**NOTE** : The Max Torque and the Stall Torque of Performance Graph are different in measurement methods.  
+Stall torque is a measured value of the momentary torque that it can reach. This is generally how RC servos are measured.  
+The Performance graph is also called as N-T curves, which is measured with the gradually increasing load.  
+The actual motor operation environment is closer to the performance graph, not stall torque method.  
+For this reason, the performance graph is broadly used in the industrial field.  
+Generally, Max Torque of the Performance Graph is less than the Stall Torque.
 {: .notice}
 {% capture caution_power %}
diff --git a/_includes/en/dxl/ b/_includes/en/dxl/
index 3d9195264..2baba44b5 100644
--- a/_includes/en/dxl/
+++ b/_includes/en/dxl/
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
 {% endcapture %}
 <div class="notice--danger">{{ dxl_danger | markdownify }}</div>
-{% if page.ref contains 'ax' or page.ref contains 'dx' or page.ref contains 'ex' or page.ref contains 'rx' %}
+{% if page.product_group=='dxl_ax' or page.product_group=='dxl_dx' or page.product_group=='dxl_ex' or page.product_group=='dxl_rx' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'mx' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_mx' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_mx_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'h54p' or page.ref contains 'h42p' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_plus' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_pro_plus_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'ra' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_a' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_proa_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains '-s' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_pro_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'xl' or page.ref contains 'xm' or page.ref contains 'xh' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_x' or page.product_group=='dxl_xl320' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_x_info' %}
 {% else %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
similarity index 58%
rename from _includes/kr/dxl/
rename to _includes/kr/dxl/
index a92ba5444..9203f47aa 100644
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/
+++ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
@@ -1,49 +1,81 @@
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
-사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 Data를 변경하는 방식으로 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-{% if page.ref=='mx-28-2' or page.ref=='mx-64-2' or page.ref=='mx-106-2' %}
-{% capture mx2_control_table %}
-1. MX(2.0) Firmware는 MX series의 Control table과 주소가 다릅니다. 사용 전에 Control table 주소를 필히 확인해 주세요.
-2. MX(2.0) Firmware는 Dynamixel X의 기능을 상속받습니다. 따라서 Protocol 1.0과 2.0 및 다양한 Operating Mode와 Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdog 등을 지원합니다. 자세한 사항은 Control table을 참고해주세요.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx2_control_table | markdownify }}</div>
-{% else %}{% endif %}
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
-사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
-또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
-Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
-장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
-Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [Protocol 2.0]을 참고해주세요.
-**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
-{: .notice}
-### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
-반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
-**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(64)의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
-### [크기](#크기)
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1 ~ 4 byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
-2 byte 이상의 연속된 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
-### [접근권한](#접근권한)
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### [초기값](#초기값)
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
-매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
-사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
-RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
+# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
+Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
+사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서(READ Instruction) 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있고, Data를 변경함으로써(WRITE Instruction) 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 2.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 4" %}
+{% if page.product_group=='dxl_pro_plus' %}
+**주의** : PRO+ 시리즈는 PRO와 다른 별개의 컨트롤 테이블을 사용합니다. PRO를 PRO+로 교체하는 경우 주의하시기 바랍니다.
+{: .notice--warning}
+{% assign torque_enable= "512" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_a' %}
+**주의** : PRO(A) 시리즈는 PRO와 다른 별개의 컨트롤 테이블을 사용합니다. PRO(A) 펌웨어로 변경하는 경우 주의하시기 바랍니다.
+{: .notice--warning}
+{% assign torque_enable= "512" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "562" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_mx2' %}
+{% capture mx2_control_table %}
+1. MX(2.0) Firmware는 MX series의 Control table과 주소가 다릅니다. 사용 전에 Control table 주소를 필히 확인해 주세요.
+2. MX(2.0) Firmware는 Dynamixel X의 기능을 상속받습니다. 따라서 [Protocol 1.0](/docs/kr/dxl/protocol1/)과 [Protocol 2.0](/docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/) 및 다양한 Operating Mode와 Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdog 등을 지원합니다. 자세한 사항은 Control table을 참고해주세요.
+{% endcapture %}
+<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx2_control_table | markdownify }}</div>
+{% assign torque_enable= "64" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_x' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "64" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_xl320' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "24" %}
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 2.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 2" %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_ax' or page.product_group=='dxl_dx' or page.product_group=='dxl_ex' or page.product_group=='dxl_mx' or page.product_group=='dxl_rx' %}
+{% assign torque_enable= "24" %}
+{% assign protocol= "Protocol 1.0" %}
+{% assign data_size= "1 ~ 2" %}
+{% endif %}
+## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
+Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
+사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
+또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
+Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
+장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
+Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [{{ protocol }}]을 참고해주세요.
+**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
+{: .notice}
+### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
+Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
+반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
+**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable({{ torque_enable }})의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
+### [크기](#크기)
+Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 {{ data_size }} byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
+2 byte 이상의 연속된 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
+### [접근권한](#접근권한)
+Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
+읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
+읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
+### [초기값](#초기값)
+장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
+매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
+사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
+RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
+[Protocol 1.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol1/
+[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/
+[Two's complement]:
+[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdc81144..000000000
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
-사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 Data를 변경하는 방식으로 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
-사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
-또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
-Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
-장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
-Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [Protocol 1.0]을 참고해주세요.
-**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
-{: .notice}
-### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
-반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
-**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(24)의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
-### [크기](#크기)
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1 ~ 2 byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
-2 byte 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
-### [접근권한](#접근권한)
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### [초기값](#초기값)
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
-매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
-사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
-RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
-[Protocol 1.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol1/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0ac0a09..000000000
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
-사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 Data를 변경하는 방식으로 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
-사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
-또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
-Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
-장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
-Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [Protocol 2.0]을 참고해주세요.
-**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
-{: .notice}
-### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
-반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
-**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(562)의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
-### [크기](#크기)
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1 ~ 4 byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
-2 byte 이상의 연속된 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
-### [접근권한](#접근권한)
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### [초기값](#초기값)
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
-매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
-사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
-RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b91bdab2..000000000
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
-사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 Data를 변경하는 방식으로 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-**주의** : PRO+ 시리즈는 PRO와 다른 별개의 컨트롤 테이블을 사용합니다. PRO를 PRO+로 교체하는 경우 주의하시기 바랍니다.
-{: .notice--warning}
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
-사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
-또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
-Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
-장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
-Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [Protocol 2.0]을 참고해주세요.
-**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
-{: .notice}
-### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
-반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
-**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(512)의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
-### [크기](#크기)
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1 ~ 4 byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
-2 byte 이상의 연속된 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
-### [접근권한](#접근권한)
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### [초기값](#초기값)
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
-매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
-사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
-RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
deleted file mode 100644
index 391d1e4e6..000000000
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 값으로서 장치의 현재 상태와 구동에 관한 Data로 구성되어 있습니다.  
-사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 Data를 변경하는 방식으로 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-**주의** : PRO(A) 시리즈는 PRO와 다른 별개의 컨트롤 테이블을 사용합니다. PRO(A) 펌웨어로 변경하는 경우 주의하시기 바랍니다.
-{: .notice--warning}
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다.  
-사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다.  
-또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.  
-Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다.  
-장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다.  
-Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 [Protocol 2.0]을 참고해주세요.
-**참고** : 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아의 [Two's complement]를 참고하세요.
-{: .notice}
-### [영역 (EEPROM, RAM)](#영역-eeprom-ram)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 초기값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile).  
-반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile).  
-**EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(512)의 값이 '0'일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.**
-### [크기](#크기)
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1 ~ 4 byte로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.  
-2 byte 이상의 연속된 데이터는 [Little Endian] 규칙에 의해 기록됩니다.
-### [접근권한](#접근권한)
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다.  
-읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기 쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### [초기값](#초기값)
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 초기값으로 설정됩니다.  
-매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다.  
-사용자가 변경한 경우, 초기값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다.  
-RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
-[Protocol 2.0]: /docs/kr/dxl/protocol2/
-[Two's complement]:
-[Little Endian]:
diff --git a/_includes/kr/dxl/ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
index a5bb9938d..6b21d3ff9 100644
--- a/_includes/kr/dxl/
+++ b/_includes/kr/dxl/
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
 {% endcapture %}
 <div class="notice--danger">{{ dxl_danger | markdownify }}</div>
-{% if page.ref contains 'ax' or page.ref contains 'dx' or page.ref contains 'ex' or page.ref contains 'rx' %}
+{% if page.product_group=='dxl_ax' or page.product_group=='dxl_dx' or page.product_group=='dxl_ex' or page.product_group=='dxl_rx' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'mx' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_mx' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_mx_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'h54p' or page.ref contains 'h42p' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_plus' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_pro_plus_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'ra' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro_a' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_proa_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains '-s' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_pro' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_pro_info' %}
-{% elsif page.ref contains 'xl' or page.ref contains 'xm' or page.ref contains 'xh' %}
+{% elsif page.product_group=='dxl_x' or page.product_group=='dxl_xl320' %}
   {% assign target_file = 'dxl_x_info' %}
 {% else %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/_layouts/archive.html b/_layouts/archive.html
index cee708237..f486bd8b5 100644
--- a/_layouts/archive.html
+++ b/_layouts/archive.html
@@ -14,11 +14,17 @@
   {% endunless %}
 {% endif %}
+{% if page.share== false %}
+<div class="unshared_content" style="position:fixed; top:30%; z-index:10; text-align:center; width:100%">
+  <font style="color:#f96f6f; font-size:3rem;">Preliminary Contents</font>
+{% endif %}
 <div id="main" role="main">
   <button class="nav_button" id="nav_button" onclick="extendnav()">{% if page.lang=='kr' %}목차{% else %}ToC{% endif %}</button>
   <a href="#"><button class="backtotop" id="backtotop">&#9650;<br />{% if page.lang=='kr' %}처음{% else %}TOP{% endif %}</button></a>
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-  {% if page.sidebar %}
+  {% if page.sidebar %} 
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       {% include nav_list nav=page.sidebar.nav %}
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--- a/_pages/
+++ b/_pages/
@@ -13,4 +13,7 @@ header:
     - excerpt: 'Page not found'
-Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist --- perhaps you can try searching for it above.
+Page Not Found.
+The page you were trying to view does not exist --- perhaps you can try searching for it above.
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/ax/ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/ax/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/ax/ax-12a/
   title: AX-12A
   nav: "ax-12a"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -27,14 +28,14 @@ sidebar:
 | Item                   | Specifications                                                              |
 | Baud Rate              | 7843 bps ~ 1 Mbps                                                           |
-| Resolution             | 0.29&deg;                                                                   |
-| Running Degree         | 0&deg; ~ 300&deg;<br />Endless Turn                                         |
+| Resolution             | 0.29 [&deg;]                                                                   |
+| Running Degree         | 0 [&deg;] ~ 300 [&deg;]<br />Endless Turn                                         |
 | Weight                 | 53.5g(AX-12, AX-12+), 54.6g(AX-12A)                                         |
 | Dimensions (W x H x D) | 32mm x 50mm x 40mm                                                          |
 | Gear Ratio             | 254 : 1                                                                     |
 | Stall Torque           | 1.5 N*m (at 12V, 1.5A)                                                      |
 | No Load Speed          | 59rpm (at 12V)                                                              |
-| Operating Temperature  | -5&deg;C ~ +70&deg;C                                                        |
+| Operating Temperature  | -5 [&deg;C] ~ +70 [&deg;C]                                                        |
 | Input Voltage          | 9.0 ~ 12.0V (**Recommended : 11.1V**)                                       |
 | Command Signal         | Digital Packet                                                              |
 | Protocol Type          | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communication<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/ax/ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
index 6557e91f7..d1f41b047 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/ax/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/ax/ax-12w/
   title: AX-12W
   nav: "ax-12w"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -37,27 +38,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice--warning}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on (Volatile). On the other hand, modified data in the EEPROM Area keeps their values even when the DYNAMIXEL is turned off (Non-Volatile). Data in the EEPROM Area can only be changed when the value of Torque Enable(64) is cleared to ‘0’.
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet.
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/ax/ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
index eeb6853b9..3e8ed6fc4 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/ax/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/ax/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/ax/ax-18a/
   title: AX-18A
   nav: "ax-18a"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -44,27 +45,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice--warning}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on (Volatile). On the other hand, modified data in the EEPROM Area keeps their values even when the DYNAMIXEL is turned off (Non-Volatile). Data in the EEPROM Area can only be changed when the value of Torque Enable(64) is cleared to ‘0’.
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet.
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/dx/ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
index 68b1a70d8..bf79a7b02 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/dx/dx-113/
   title: DX-113
   nav: "dx-113"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/dx/ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
index 49926b762..6b6c2a7dc 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/dx/dx-116/
   title: DX-116
   nav: "dx-116"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/dx/ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
index c500aeadf..538e89110 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/dx/dx-117/
   title: DX-117
   nav: "dx-117"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/ex/ b/docs/en/dxl/ex/
index 3aa313776..6059c039f 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/ex/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/ex/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/ex/ex-106+/
   title: EX-106+
   nav: "ex-106+"
+product_group: dxl_ex
@@ -45,27 +46,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-# [Control Table](#control-table)
-The Control Table is a structure of data implemented in the DYNAMIXEL. Users can read a specific Data to get status of the DYNAMIXEL with Read Instruction Packets, and modify Data as well to control DYNAMIXEL with WRITE Instruction Packets.
-## [Control Table, Data, Address](#control-table-data-address)
-The Control Table is a structure that consists of multiple Data fields to store status of the DYNAMIXEL or to control the DYNAMIXEL. Users can check current status of the DYNAMIXEL by reading a specific Data from the Control Table with Read Instruction Packets. WRITE Instruction Packets enable users to control the DYNAMIXEL by changing specific Data in the Control Table. The Address is a unique value when accessing a specific Data in the Control Table with Instruction Packets. In order to read or write data, users must designate a specific Address in the Instruction Packet. Please refer to [Protocol] for more details about Instruction Packets.
-**NOTE** : Two's complement is applied for the negative value. For more information, please refer to [Two's complement] from Wikipedia.
-{: .notice--warning}
-### [Area (EEPROM, RAM)](#area-eeprom-ram)
-The Control Table is divided into 2 Areas. Data in the RAM Area is reset to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on (Volatile). On the other hand, modified data in the EEPROM Area keeps their values even when the DYNAMIXEL is turned off (Non-Volatile). Data in the EEPROM Area can only be changed when the value of Torque Enable(64) is cleared to ‘0’.
-### [Size](#size)
-The Size of data varies from 1 to 4 bytes depend on their usage. Please check the size of data when updating the data with an Instruction Packet.
-### [Access](#access)
-The Control Table has two different access properties. ‘RW’ property stands for read and write access permission while ‘R’ stands for read only access permission. Data with the read only property cannot be changed by the WRITE Instruction. Read only property(‘R’) is generally used for measuring and monitoring purpose, and read write property(‘RW’) is used for controlling DYNAMIXEL.
-### [Initial Value](#initial-value)
-Each data in the Control Table is restored to initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Default values in the EEPROM area are initial values of the DYNAMIXEL (factory default settings). If any values in the EEPROM area are modified by a user, modified values will be restored as initial values when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on. Initial Values in the RAM area are restored when the DYNAMIXEL is turned on.
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index 9b9dd9461..b78dbce35 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -24,23 +24,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index 290ab8730..2cc96daf1 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -38,23 +38,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index 3f9d1220b..e8e3b64a3 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index a5384e46e..71ae21d48 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -24,49 +24,38 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
 | Address | Size<br>(Byte) | Data Name                                    | Description                               | Access | Initial<br />Value |
-| 0       | 2          | [Model Number](#model-number)                | Model Number                              | R      | 30            |
-| 2       | 4          | [Model Information](#model-information)      | Model Information                         | R      | -             |
-| 6       | 1          | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)        | Firmware Version                          | R      | -             |
-| 7       | 1          | [ID](#id)                                    | DYNAMIXEL ID                              | RW     | 1             |
-| 8       | 1          | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                      | Communication Baud Rate                   | RW     | 1             |
-| 9       | 1          | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)      | Response Delay Time                       | RW     | 250           |
-| 10      | 1          | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                    | Drive Mode                                | RW     | 0             |
-| 11      | 1          | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)            | Operating Mode                            | RW     | 3             |
-| 12      | 1          | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id) | Secondary ID                              | RW     | 255           |
-| 13      | 1          | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)        | Protocol Version                          | RW     | 2             |
-| 20      | 4          | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)              | Home Position Offset                      | RW     | 0             |
-| 24      | 4          | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)        | Velocity Threshold for Movement Detection | RW     | 10            |
-| 31      | 1          | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)      | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit        | RW     | 80            |
-| 32      | 2          | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)      | Maximum Input Voltage Limit               | RW     | 160           |
-| 34      | 2          | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)      | Minimum Input Voltage Limit               | RW     | 95            |
-| 36      | 2          | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                      | Maximum PWM Limit                         | RW     | 885           |
-| 40      | 4          | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)    | Maximum Acceleration Limit                | RW     | 32767         |
-| 44      | 4          | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)            | Maximum Velocity Limit                    | RW     | 230           |
-| 48      | 4          | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)    | Maximum Position Limit                    | RW     | 4,095         |
-| 52      | 4          | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)    | Minimum Position Limit                    | RW     | 0             |
-| 63      | 1          | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                        | Shutdown Error Information                | RW     | 52            |
+| 0       | 2              | [Model Number](#model-number)                | Model Number                              | R      | 30                 |
+| 2       | 4              | [Model Information](#model-information)      | Model Information                         | R      | -                  |
+| 6       | 1              | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)        | Firmware Version                          | R      | -                  |
+| 7       | 1              | [ID](#id)                                    | DYNAMIXEL ID                              | RW     | 1                  |
+| 8       | 1              | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                      | Communication Baud Rate                   | RW     | 1                  |
+| 9       | 1              | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)      | Response Delay Time                       | RW     | 250                |
+| 10      | 1              | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                    | Drive Mode                                | RW     | 0                  |
+| 11      | 1              | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)            | Operating Mode                            | RW     | 3                  |
+| 12      | 1              | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id) | Secondary ID                              | RW     | 255                |
+| 13      | 1              | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)        | Protocol Version                          | RW     | 2                  |
+| 20      | 4              | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)              | Home Position Offset                      | RW     | 0                  |
+| 24      | 4              | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)        | Velocity Threshold for Movement Detection | RW     | 10                 |
+| 31      | 1              | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)      | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit        | RW     | 80                 |
+| 32      | 2              | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)      | Maximum Input Voltage Limit               | RW     | 160                |
+| 34      | 2              | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)      | Minimum Input Voltage Limit               | RW     | 95                 |
+| 36      | 2              | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                      | Maximum PWM Limit                         | RW     | 885                |
+| 40      | 4              | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)    | Maximum Acceleration Limit                | RW     | 32767              |
+| 44      | 4              | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)            | Maximum Velocity Limit                    | RW     | 230                |
+| 48      | 4              | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)    | Maximum Position Limit                    | RW     | 4,095              |
+| 52      | 4              | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)    | Minimum Position Limit                    | RW     | 0                  |
+| 63      | 1              | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                        | Shutdown Error Information                | RW     | 52                 |
 ## [Control Table of RAM Area](#control-table-of-ram-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index 12f3461de..7bb3bec8d 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -38,23 +38,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index b05386cc1..eea9a72e4 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -24,23 +24,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/mx/ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
index 208840839..02af36716 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/mx/
@@ -38,23 +38,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
-`Stall torque` Peak stall torque read from transient state
-{: .notice}
-`Performance Graph(N-T Curve)` A graph shows torque measured in stable condition while increasing load. **Normally, stall torque is bigger than maximum torque on performance graph.**
-{: .notice}
-{% capture power_connect %}
-**CAUTION** : When connecting to power supply:
-- For the stable power supply, we recommend using ROBOTIS controller or SMPS2Dynamixel.
-- Connect your DYNAMIXEL to power supply while it’s off and turn on/off with the power switch.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ power_connect | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 59b7d6d71..9606de45a 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index a5a224f33..c76169f97 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: h42-20-s300-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/h42-20-s300-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 47bc082bd..35dde150a 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 930886716..ed4d9c483 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: h54-100-s500-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/h54-100-s500-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 9f3146a3b..3cf61b7e5 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 8d3369b93..d7a179558 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: h54-200-s500-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/h54-200-s500-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 0099c1bef..da5cb8d12 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 1b8f60433..530dc77a6 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 9d68380d5..311f0f677 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 01a8aabc9..be2223e92 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index c140f248b..b1f1bcf85 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 6e7d9ce28..4d5024083 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 94d52ca34..f2cf7653c 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: m42-10-s260-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/m42-10-s260-ra/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index b1c00a2a6..93d0a0ab9 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 6af4bfb50..cdde87861 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: m54-40-s250-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/m54-40-s250-ra/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index 39602cb05..20b30c60e 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
index c1dc86b32..7815eaf0e 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: m54-60-s250-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/dxl/pro/m54-60-s250-ra/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
index 3803d353b..75ce8be0b 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
index bbf9fea29..80c0ac1db 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
index e41adce59..6047bb8eb 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/pro_plus/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/rx/ b/docs/en/dxl/rx/
index c871b8b3c..e0cd25570 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/rx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/rx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/rx/rx-10/
   title: RX-10
   nav: "rx-10"
+product_group: dxl_rx
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/rx/ b/docs/en/dxl/rx/
index ee106645c..3d03ee15c 100644
--- a/docs/en/dxl/rx/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/rx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/rx/rx-24f/
   title: RX-24F
   nav: "rx-24f"
+product_group: dxl_rx
@@ -42,50 +43,50 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
 | Address | Size<br>(Byte) |                  Data Name                  |            Description             | Access | Initial<br />Value |
-|    0    |     2      |        [Model Number](#model-number)        |            Model Number            |   R    |      24       |
-|    2    |     1      |    [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)    |          Firmware Version          |   R    |       -       |
-|    3    |     1      |                  [ID](#id)                  |            DYNAMIXEL ID            |   RW   |       1       |
-|    4    |     1      |           [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)           |        Communication Speed         |   RW   |      34       |
-|    5    |     1      |   [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)   |        Response Delay Time         |   RW   |      250      |
-|    6    |     2      |      [CW Angle Limit](#cw-angle-limit)      |       Clockwise Angle Limit        |   RW   |       0       |
-|    8    |     2      |     [CCW Angle Limit](#ccw-angle-limit)     |   Counter-Clockwise Angle Limit    |   RW   |     1023      |
-|   11    |     1      |   [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)   | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit |   RW   |      80       |
-|   12    |     1      |   [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)   |    Minimum Input Voltage Limit     |   RW   |      60       |
-|   13    |     1      |   [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)   |    Maximum Input Voltage Limit     |   RW   |      190      |
-|   14    |     2      |          [Max Torque](#max-torque)          |           Maximun Torque           |   RW   |     1023      |
-|   16    |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level) |   Select Types of Status Return    |   RW   |       2       |
-|   17    |     1      |           [Alarm LED](#alarm-led)           |           LED for Alarm            |   RW   |      36       |
-|   18    |     1      |            [Shutdown](#shutdown)            |     Shutdown Error Information     |   RW   |      36       |
+|    0    |       2        |        [Model Number](#model-number)        |            Model Number            |   R    |         24         |
+|    2    |       1        |    [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)    |          Firmware Version          |   R    |         -          |
+|    3    |       1        |                  [ID](#id)                  |            DYNAMIXEL ID            |   RW   |         1          |
+|    4    |       1        |           [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)           |        Communication Speed         |   RW   |         34         |
+|    5    |       1        |   [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)   |        Response Delay Time         |   RW   |        250         |
+|    6    |       2        |      [CW Angle Limit](#cw-angle-limit)      |       Clockwise Angle Limit        |   RW   |         0          |
+|    8    |       2        |     [CCW Angle Limit](#ccw-angle-limit)     |   Counter-Clockwise Angle Limit    |   RW   |        1023        |
+|   11    |       1        |   [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)   | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit |   RW   |         80         |
+|   12    |       1        |   [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)   |    Minimum Input Voltage Limit     |   RW   |         60         |
+|   13    |       1        |   [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)   |    Maximum Input Voltage Limit     |   RW   |        190         |
+|   14    |       2        |          [Max Torque](#max-torque)          |           Maximun Torque           |   RW   |        1023        |
+|   16    |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level) |   Select Types of Status Return    |   RW   |         2          |
+|   17    |       1        |           [Alarm LED](#alarm-led)           |           LED for Alarm            |   RW   |         36         |
+|   18    |       1        |            [Shutdown](#shutdown)            |     Shutdown Error Information     |   RW   |         36         |
 ## [Control Table of RAM Area](#control-table-of-ram-area)
 | Address | Size<br>(Byte) |                    Data Name                    |         Description          | Access | Initial<br />Value |
-|   24    |     1      |         [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)         |     Motor Torque On/Off      |   RW   |       0       |
-|   25    |     1      |                   [LED](#led)                   |      Status LED On/Off       |   RW   |       0       |
-|   26    |     1      |  [CW Compliance Margin](#cw-compliance-margin)  |     CW Compliance Margin     |   RW   |       1       |
-|   27    |     1      | [CCW Compliance Margin](#ccw-compliance-margin) |    CCW Compliance Margin     |   RW   |       1       |
-|   28    |     1      |   [CW Compliance Slope](#cw-compliance-slope)   |     CW Compliance Slope      |   RW   |      32       |
-|   29    |     1      |  [CCW Compliance Slope](#ccw-compliance-alope)  |     CCW Compliance Slope     |   RW   |      32       |
-|   30    |     2      |         [Goal Position](#goal-position)         |       Target Position        |   RW   |       -       |
-|   32    |     2      |          [Moving Speed](#moving-speed)          |         Moving Speed         |   RW   |       -       |
-|   34    |     2      |          [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)          |  Torque Limit(Goal Torque)   |   RW   | ADD 14&amp;15 |
-|   36    |     2      |      [Present Position](#present-position)      |       Present Position       |   R    |       -       |
-|   38    |     2      |         [Present Speed](#present-speed)         |        Present Speed         |   R    |       -       |
-|   40    |     2      |          [Present Load](#present-load)          |         Present Load         |   R    |       -       |
-|   42    |     1      |       [Present Voltage](#present-voltage)       |       Present Voltage        |   R    |       -       |
-|   43    |     1      |   [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)   |     Present Temperature      |   R    |       -       |
-|   44    |     1      |            [Registered](#registered)            | If Instruction is registered |   R    |       0       |
-|   46    |     1      |                [Moving](#moving)                |       Movement Status        |   R    |       0       |
-|   47    |     1      |                  [Lock](#lock)                  |        Locking EEPROM        |   RW   |       0       |
-|   48    |     2      |                 [Punch](#punch)                 |  Minimum Current Threshold   |   RW   |      32       |
+|   24    |       1        |         [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)         |     Motor Torque On/Off      |   RW   |         0          |
+|   25    |       1        |                   [LED](#led)                   |      Status LED On/Off       |   RW   |         0          |
+|   26    |       1        |  [CW Compliance Margin](#cw-compliance-margin)  |     CW Compliance Margin     |   RW   |         1          |
+|   27    |       1        | [CCW Compliance Margin](#ccw-compliance-margin) |    CCW Compliance Margin     |   RW   |         1          |
+|   28    |       1        |   [CW Compliance Slope](#cw-compliance-slope)   |     CW Compliance Slope      |   RW   |         32         |
+|   29    |       1        |  [CCW Compliance Slope](#ccw-compliance-alope)  |     CCW Compliance Slope     |   RW   |         32         |
+|   30    |       2        |         [Goal Position](#goal-position)         |       Target Position        |   RW   |         -          |
+|   32    |       2        |          [Moving Speed](#moving-speed)          |         Moving Speed         |   RW   |         -          |
+|   34    |       2        |          [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)          |  Torque Limit(Goal Torque)   |   RW   |   ADD 14&amp;15    |
+|   36    |       2        |      [Present Position](#present-position)      |       Present Position       |   R    |         -          |
+|   38    |       2        |         [Present Speed](#present-speed)         |        Present Speed         |   R    |         -          |
+|   40    |       2        |          [Present Load](#present-load)          |         Present Load         |   R    |         -          |
+|   42    |       1        |       [Present Voltage](#present-voltage)       |       Present Voltage        |   R    |         -          |
+|   43    |       1        |   [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)   |     Present Temperature      |   R    |         -          |
+|   44    |       1        |            [Registered](#registered)            | If Instruction is registered |   R    |         0          |
+|   46    |       1        |                [Moving](#moving)                |       Movement Status        |   R    |         0          |
+|   47    |       1        |                  [Lock](#lock)                  |        Locking EEPROM        |   RW   |         0          |
+|   48    |       2        |                 [Punch](#punch)                 |  Minimum Current Threshold   |   RW   |         32         |
 ## [Control Table Description](#control-table-description)
diff --git a/docs/en/dxl/rx/ b/docs/en/dxl/rx/
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/rx/
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   title: RX-28
   nav: "rx-28"
+product_group: dxl_rx
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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   title: RX-64
   nav: "rx-64"
+product_group: dxl_rx
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
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+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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   title: XH430-V210
   nav: "xh430-v210"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XH430-V350
   nav: "xh430-v350"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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   title: XH430-W210
   nav: "xh430-w210"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XH430-W350
   nav: "xh430-w350"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XL-320
   nav: "xl320"
+product_group: dxl_xl320
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
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+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XL430-W250
   nav: "xl430-w250"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XM430-W210
   nav: "xm430-w210"
+product_group: dxl_x
@@ -22,11 +23,12 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
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   title: XM430-W350
   nav: "xm430-w350"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Performance Graph](#performance-graph)
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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--- a/docs/en/dxl/x/
+++ b/docs/en/dxl/x/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/dxl/x/xm540-w150/
   title: XM540-W150-T/R
   nav: "xm540-w150"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
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   title: XM540-W270-T/R
   nav: "xm540-w270"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include en/dxl/ %}
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+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
@@ -151,11 +152,11 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="drive-mode"></a>**[Drive Mode(10)](#drive-mode10)**
 Drive Mode is availabe from the firmware version 38.
-| :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|Bit 2(0x04)~7(0x80)|N/A|Unused, always '0'|
-|Bit 1(0x02)|Master/Slave Configuration<br />(Dual Joint)|Master mode('0') : Operate as a Master DYNAMIXEL<br />Slave mode('1') : Operate as a Slave DYNAMIXEL|
-|Bit 0(0x01)|Direction of Rotation|Normal Mode(0): CCW(Positive), CW(Negative)<br />Reverse Mode(1): CCW(Negative), CW(Positive)|
+|         Bit         |                     Item                     |                                             Description                                              |
+| Bit 2(0x04)~7(0x80) |                     N/A                      |                                          Unused, always '0'                                          |
+|     Bit 1(0x02)     | Master/Slave Configuration<br />(Dual Joint) | Master mode('0') : Operate as a Master DYNAMIXEL<br />Slave mode('1') : Operate as a Slave DYNAMIXEL |
+|     Bit 0(0x01)     |            Direction of Rotation             |    Normal Mode(0): CCW(Positive), CW(Negative)<br />Reverse Mode(1): CCW(Negative), CW(Positive)     |
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
@@ -186,9 +187,9 @@ Drive Mode is availabe from the firmware version 38.
 ### <a name="current-limit"></a>**[Current Limit(38)](#current-limit38)**
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-| Unit | Value Range     |
-| :---: | :------------: |
-|about  2.69[mA]|0 ~ 2,047|
+|      Unit       | Value Range |
+| about  2.69[mA] |  0 ~ 2,047  |
 **NOTE** : Current Limit(38) could be differ by each DYNAMIXEL so please check the Control Table.
 {: .notice}
@@ -237,9 +238,9 @@ This value indicates hardware error status.
 ### <a name="goal-current"></a>**[Goal Current(102)](#goal-current102)**
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-| Unit | Value Range     |
-| :---: | :------------: |
-|about  2.69[mA]|-Current Limit(38) ~ Current Limit(38)|
+|      Unit       |              Value Range               |
+| about  2.69[mA] | -Current Limit(38) ~ Current Limit(38) |
 **NOTE** : Applying high current to the motor for long period of time might damage the motor.
 {: .notice}
diff --git a/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/ b/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
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--- a/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
+++ b/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ layout: archive
 lang: en
 ref: rh_p12_rna
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rna/
   title: RH-P12-RN(A)
   nav: "rh_p12_rna"
+product_group: dxl_pro_a
 # [Introduction](#introduction)
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include en/dxl/ %}
-{% include en/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/ b/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
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+++ b/docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/en/platform/rh_p12_rn/
   title: RH-P12-RN
   nav: "rh_p12_rn"
+product_group: dxl_pro
 # [Introduction](#introduction)
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ sidebar:
 | Standby Current        | 30mA                                                                                           |
 | Peak Current           | 3.33A                                                                                          |
-{% include en/dxl/ %}
+{% include en/dxl/ %}
 ## [Control Table of EEPROM Area](#control-table-of-eeprom-area)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/ b/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
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--- a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
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@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/ax/ax-12a/
   title: AX-12A
   nav: "ax-12a"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -24,32 +25,32 @@ sidebar:
 # [주요 사양](#주요-사양)
-| 항목            | 내용                                                                         |
-| 무게            | 53.5 [g](AX-12, AX-12+), 54.6 [g](AX-12A)                                          |
-| 크기            | 32 X 50 X 40 [mm]<br />1.26 X 1.97 X 1.57 [inch]                             |
-| 최소 제어각     | 0.29 [deg]                                                                    |
-| 모터            | Cored                                                                        |
-| 기어비          | 254 : 1                                                                      |
-| 정지 토크    | 1.5 [N&middot;m] (at 12 [V], 1.5 [A])                                          |
-| 무부하 속도   | 59 [rpm] (at 12 [V])                                                               |
-| 동작 모드       | 관절 모드 : 0 ~ 300 [deg]<br />바퀴 모드 : 무한 회전                   |
-| 동작 온도       | -5 ~ +70 [&deg;C]                                                   |
-| 사용 전압       | 9.0 ~ 12.0 [V] (**권장 전압 : 11.1 [V]**)                                    |
-| 제어 명령  | Digital Packet                                                               |
-| 프로토콜 타입   | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communicationf<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
-| 통신 연결 | TTL Level Multi Drop Bus                         |
-| ID              | 254 ID (0~253)                                                               |
-| 피드백        | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등                              |
-| 기어 재질   | Engineering Plastic(Full)                                               |
-| 케이스 재질        | Engineering Plastic(Front, Middle, Back)                               |
+| 항목          | 내용                                                                         |
+| 무게          | AX-12 (53.5 [g]), AX-12+ (53.5 [g]), AX-12A (54.6 [g])                                    |
+| 크기          | 32 X 50 X 40 [mm]<br />1.26 X 1.97 X 1.57 [inch]                             |
+| 최소 제어각   | 0.29 [deg]                                                                   |
+| 모터          | Cored                                                                        |
+| 기어비        | 254 : 1                                                                      |
+| 정지 토크     | 1.5 [N&middot;m] (at 12 [V], 1.5 [A])                                        |
+| 무부하 속도   | 59 [rpm] (at 12 [V])                                                         |
+| 동작 모드     | 관절 모드 : 0 ~ 300 [deg]<br />바퀴 모드 : 무한 회전                         |
+| 동작 온도     | -5 ~ +70 [&deg;C]                                                            |
+| 사용 전압     | 9.0 ~ 12.0 [V] (**권장 전압 : 11.1 [V]**)                                    |
+| 제어 명령     | Digital Packet                                                               |
+| 프로토콜 타입 | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communicationf<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
+| 통신 연결     | TTL Level Multi Drop Bus                                                     |
+| ID            | 254 ID (0~253)                                                               |
+| 피드백        | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등                                |
+| 기어 재질     | Engineering Plastic(Full)                                                    |
+| 케이스 재질   | Engineering Plastic(Front, Middle, Back)                                     |
 **주의**: Stall Torque 는 순간적으로 낼수있는 최대정지토크를 의미합니다. 실제 구동을 위해 로봇을 설계하신다면 Stall Torque의 1/5 이하의 로드가 걸리도록 설계하셔야 안정적인 움직임이 가능합니다.
 {: .notice}
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/ b/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
index 3d83808b3..b513eb4b6 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/ax/ax-12w/
   title: AX-12W
   nav: "ax-12w"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/ b/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
index fc19968ec..d83284765 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/ax/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/ax/ax-18a/
   title: AX-18A
   nav: "ax-18a"
+product_group: dxl_ax
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ sidebar:
 | 항목            | 내용                                                                        |
-| 무게            | 54.5 [g](AX-18F), 55.9 [g](AX-18A)                                                |
+| 무게            | AX-18F (54.5 [g]), AX-18A (55.9 [g])                                                |
 | 크기            | 32 X 50 X 40 [mm]<br />1.26 X 1.97 X 1.57 [inch]                            |
 | 최소 제어각     | 0.29 [deg]                                                                   |
 | 모터            | Coreless                                                                    |
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
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--- a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/dx/dx-113/
   title: DX-113
   nav: "dx-113"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -20,74 +21,74 @@ sidebar:
 # [주요 사양](#주요-사양)
-| 항목           | 내용     |
-| :------------- | :------------- |
-| 무게       | 58g       |
-| 크기 | 31mm x 46mm x 37mm  |
-| 최소 제어각 | 0.29&deg;|
-| 기어비 | 192.6 : 1 |
-| 정지 토크 | 1.0 N*m (at 12V) |
-| 무부하 속도 | 54rpm (at 12V) |
-| 동작 모드| 관절 모드 (0&deg; ~ 300&deg;)|
-| 동작 온도 | -5&deg;C ~ +85&deg;C |
-| 사용 전압 | 9 ~ 12V (**권장 전압 : 11.1V**) |
-| 제어 명령 | Digital Packet |
+| 항목          | 내용                                                                        |
+| 무게          | 58g                                                                         |
+| 크기          | 31mm x 46mm x 37mm                                                          |
+| 최소 제어각   | 0.29&deg;                                                                   |
+| 기어비        | 192.6 : 1                                                                   |
+| 정지 토크     | 1.0 N*m (at 12V)                                                            |
+| 무부하 속도   | 54rpm (at 12V)                                                              |
+| 동작 모드     | 관절 모드 (0&deg; ~ 300&deg;)                                               |
+| 동작 온도     | -5&deg;C ~ +85&deg;C                                                        |
+| 사용 전압     | 9 ~ 12V (**권장 전압 : 11.1V**)                                             |
+| 제어 명령     | Digital Packet                                                              |
 | 프로토콜 타입 | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communication<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
-| 통신 연결 | RS485 Multi Drop Bus(Daisy Chain Type Connector) |
-| ID | 254 ID(0 ~ 253) |
-| 통신 속도 | 7843bps ~ 1 Mbps |
-| 피드백 | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등 |
-| 재질 | Full Metal Gear, Engineering Plastic Body |
+| 통신 연결     | RS485 Multi Drop Bus(Daisy Chain Type Connector)                            |
+| ID            | 254 ID(0 ~ 253)                                                             |
+| 통신 속도     | 7843bps ~ 1 Mbps                                                            |
+| 피드백        | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등                               |
+| 재질          | Full Metal Gear, Engineering Plastic Body                                   |
 **WARNING** : Stall Torque 는 순간적으로 낼수있는 최대정지토크를 의미합니다. 실제 구동을 위해 로봇을 설계하신다면 Stall Torque의 1/5 이하의 로드가 걸리도록 설계하셔야 안정적인 움직임이 가능합니다.
 {: .notice--warning}
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소    | 크기(Byte)     | 명칭     | 의미    | 접근    |  초기값  |
-| :---------: | :-----------:  | :----------- | :------------ | :--------: | :------------: |
-|0|2|[Model Number](#model-number)         | 모델 번호의 바이트       | R       | 113 |
-|2|1|[Firmware Version](#firmware-version)    |펌웨어 버전 정보|R|-|
-|3|1|[ID](#id)                  |다이나믹셀 ID      |RW|1|
-|4|1|[Baud Rate](#baud-rate)           |다이나믹셀 통신 속도|RW|34|
-|5|1|[Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)   |응답 지연 시간|RW|250|
-|6|2|[CW Angle Limit](#cw-angle-limit)          |시계 방향 한계 각도 값의 바이트|RW|0|
-|8|2|[CCW Angle Limit](#ccw-angle-limit)          |반시계 방향 한계 각도 값의 하위 바이트|RW|1023|
-|11|1|[Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)   |내부 한계 온도|RW|85|
-|12|1|[Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)   |최저 한계 전압|RW|60|
-|13|1|[Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)   |최고 한계 전압|RW|190|
-|14|2|[Max Torque](#max-torque)           |토크 한계 값의 바이트|RW|1023|
-|16|1|[Status Return Level](#status-return-level)      |응답 레벨|RW|2|
-|17|1|[Alarm LED](#alarm-led)                             |알람용 LED 기능|RW|36|
-|18|1|[Shutdown](#shutdown)            |알람용 셧 다운(Shut down) 기능|RW|36|
+| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                        | 의미                                   | 접근 | 초기값 |
+|  0   |     2      | [Model Number](#model-number)               | 모델 번호의 바이트                     |  R   |  113   |
+|  2   |     1      | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)       | 펌웨어 버전 정보                       |  R   |   -    |
+|  3   |     1      | [ID](#id)                                   | 다이나믹셀 ID                          |  RW  |   1    |
+|  4   |     1      | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                     | 다이나믹셀 통신 속도                   |  RW  |   34   |
+|  5   |     1      | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)     | 응답 지연 시간                         |  RW  |  250   |
+|  6   |     2      | [CW Angle Limit](#cw-angle-limit)           | 시계 방향 한계 각도 값의 바이트        |  RW  |   0    |
+|  8   |     2      | [CCW Angle Limit](#ccw-angle-limit)         | 반시계 방향 한계 각도 값의 하위 바이트 |  RW  |  1023  |
+|  11  |     1      | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)     | 내부 한계 온도                         |  RW  |   85   |
+|  12  |     1      | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)     | 최저 한계 전압                         |  RW  |   60   |
+|  13  |     1      | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)     | 최고 한계 전압                         |  RW  |  190   |
+|  14  |     2      | [Max Torque](#max-torque)                   | 토크 한계 값의 바이트                  |  RW  |  1023  |
+|  16  |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level) | 응답 레벨                              |  RW  |   2    |
+|  17  |     1      | [Alarm LED](#alarm-led)                     | 알람용 LED 기능                        |  RW  |   36   |
+|  18  |     1      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                       | 알람용 셧 다운(Shut down) 기능         |  RW  |   36   |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소     | 크기<br>(Byte)     | 명칭     | 의미    | 접근     | 초기값  |
-| :---------: | :-----------:  | :----------- | :------------ | :--------: | :------------: |
-|24|1|[Torque Enable](#torque-enable)            |토크 켜기|RW|0|
-|25|1|[LED](#led)                             |Status LED On/Off|RW|0|
-|26|1|[CW Compliance Margin](#cw-compliance-margin)   |CW Compliance Margin|RW|0|
-|27|1|[CCW Compliance Margin](#ccw-compliance-margin)   |CCW Compliance Margin|RW|0|
-|28|1|[CW Compliance Slope](#cw-compliance-slope)   |CW Compliance Slope|RW|32|
-|29|1|[CCW Compliance Slope](#ccw-compliance-alope)   |CCW Compliance Slope|RW|32|
-|30|2|[Goal Position](#goal-position)                 |목표 위치 값의 바이트|RW|-|
-|32|2|[Moving Speed](#moving-speed)             |목표 속도 값의 바이트|RW|-|
-|34|2|[Torque Limit](#torque-limit)            |토크 한계 값의 바이트|RW|ADD 14\&15|
-|36|2|[Present Position](#present-position)     |현재 위치 값의 바이트|R|-|
-|38|2|[Present Speed](#present-speed)           |현재 속도 값의 바이트|R|-|
-|40|2|[Present Load](#present-load)             |현재 하중 값의   바이트|R|-|
-|42|1|[Present Voltage](#present-voltage)       |현재 전압|R|-|
-|43|1|[Present Temperature](#present-temperature)|현재 온도|R|-|
-|44|1|[Registered](#registered)                 |Instruction의 등록 여부|R|0|
-|46|1|[Moving](#moving)                   |움직임 유무|R|0|
-|47|1|[Lock](#lock)                   |EEPROM 잠금|RW|0|
-|48|2|[Punch](#punch)                   |Punch 값의 바이트|RW|32|
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                            | 의미                    | 접근 |   초기값   |
+|  24  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                 | 토크 켜기               |  RW  |     0      |
+|  25  |       1        | [LED](#led)                                     | Status LED On/Off       |  RW  |     0      |
+|  26  |       1        | [CW Compliance Margin](#cw-compliance-margin)   | CW Compliance Margin    |  RW  |     0      |
+|  27  |       1        | [CCW Compliance Margin](#ccw-compliance-margin) | CCW Compliance Margin   |  RW  |     0      |
+|  28  |       1        | [CW Compliance Slope](#cw-compliance-slope)     | CW Compliance Slope     |  RW  |     32     |
+|  29  |       1        | [CCW Compliance Slope](#ccw-compliance-alope)   | CCW Compliance Slope    |  RW  |     32     |
+|  30  |       2        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                 | 목표 위치 값의 바이트   |  RW  |     -      |
+|  32  |       2        | [Moving Speed](#moving-speed)                   | 목표 속도 값의 바이트   |  RW  |     -      |
+|  34  |       2        | [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)                   | 토크 한계 값의 바이트   |  RW  | ADD 14\&15 |
+|  36  |       2        | [Present Position](#present-position)           | 현재 위치 값의 바이트   |  R   |     -      |
+|  38  |       2        | [Present Speed](#present-speed)                 | 현재 속도 값의 바이트   |  R   |     -      |
+|  40  |       2        | [Present Load](#present-load)                   | 현재 하중 값의   바이트 |  R   |     -      |
+|  42  |       1        | [Present Voltage](#present-voltage)             | 현재 전압               |  R   |     -      |
+|  43  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)     | 현재 온도               |  R   |     -      |
+|  44  |       1        | [Registered](#registered)                       | Instruction의 등록 여부 |  R   |     0      |
+|  46  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                               | 움직임 유무             |  R   |     0      |
+|  47  |       1        | [Lock](#lock)                                   | EEPROM 잠금             |  RW  |     0      |
+|  48  |       2        | [Punch](#punch)                                 | Punch 값의 바이트       |  RW  |     32     |
 ## [컨트롤 테이블 설명](#컨트롤-테이블-설명)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
index 1c2b39970..0f93c2a9c 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/dx/dx-116/
   title: DX-116
   nav: "dx-116"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
index 05be258a1..67fdbda4b 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/dx/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/dx/dx-117/
   title: DX-117
   nav: "dx-117"
+product_group: dxl_dx
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/ex/ b/docs/kr/dxl/ex/
index 22d003e5b..2345b6ad0 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/ex/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/ex/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/ex/ex-106+/
   title: EX-106+
   nav: "ex-106+"
+product_group: dxl_ex
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ sidebar:
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index 6982f234f..0565254c0 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ sidebar:
 product_group: dxl_mx2
@@ -25,19 +24,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% capture mx_warning_01 %}
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 MX series의 Control table과 주소가 다릅니다. 사용 전에 Control table 주소를 필히 확인해 주세요.
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 Dynamixel X의 기능을 상속받습니다. 따라서 Protocol 1.0과 2.0 및 다양한 Operating Mode와 Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdog 등을 지원합니다. 자세한 사항은 Control table을 참고해주세요.  
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx_warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index a59d4a510..8449a2d79 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ sidebar:
 product_group: dxl_mx
@@ -41,25 +40,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
-**Stall torque** :  
-Stall torque와 Performance Graph의 Max torque의 차이는 측정 방식에 기인합니다.  
-Stall torque는 순간적인 최대토크를 측정하는 방식으로, 고전적인 RC Servo 제품에서 주로 사용하는 사양입니다.  
-Performance Graph는 N-T Curve라고도 불리며, 부하(load)를 점진적으로 증가시키면서 측정됩니다.  
-모터 구동되는 환경은 Stall torque 측정 방식보다는 Performance Graph 측정 방식에 가깝습니다.  
-이러한 이유로 Performance Graph가 산업전반에서 보다 폭넓게 사용됩니다.  
-일반적으로 Perforamnce Graph의 Max torque는 Stall torque보다 적게 측정됩니다.  
-{: .notice}
-{% capture warning_01 %}
-**주의** : **전원 공급시 주의사항!**
-- 안정적인 전원공급을 위해 로보티즈 제어기 나 SMPS2Dynamixel 통한 전원공급을 권장 드립니다.
-- 전원이 꺼진 상태에서 장치와 전원을 연결하시고 스위치로 ON/OFF를 해주세요.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index 8528cb08e..0bbf0c7f1 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index 72d5857c1..866a97887 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -24,19 +24,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% capture mx_warning_01 %}
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 MX series의 Control table과 주소가 다릅니다. 사용 전에 Control table 주소를 필히 확인해 주세요.
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 Dynamixel X의 기능을 상속받습니다. 따라서 Protocol 1.0과 2.0 및 다양한 Operating Mode와 Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdog 등을 지원합니다. 자세한 사항은 Control table을 참고해주세요.  
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx_warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index 8cd15eb69..53d2dec94 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -43,23 +43,9 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
-**Stall torque** :  
-Stall torque와 Performance Graph의 Max torque의 차이는 측정 방식에 기인합니다.  
-Stall torque는 순간적인 최대토크를 측정하는 방식으로, 고전적인 RC Servo 제품에서 주로 사용하는 사양입니다.  
-Performance Graph는 N-T Curve라고도 불리며, 부하(load)를 점진적으로 증가시키면서 측정됩니다.  
-모터 구동되는 환경은 Stall torque 측정 방식보다는 Performance Graph 측정 방식에 가깝습니다.  
-이러한 이유로 Performance Graph가 산업전반에서 보다 폭넓게 사용됩니다.  
-일반적으로 Perforamnce Graph의 Max torque는 Stall torque보다 적게 측정됩니다.  
-{: .notice}
-{% capture warning_01 %}
-**주의** : **전원 공급시 주의사항!**
-- 안정적인 전원공급을 위해 로보티즈 제어기 나 SMPS2Dynamixel 통한 전원공급을 권장 드립니다.
-- 전원이 꺼진 상태에서 장치와 전원을 연결하시고 스위치로 ON/OFF를 해주세요.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index d136c9e82..38bd12523 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ sidebar:
 product_group: dxl_mx2
@@ -25,19 +24,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx2
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% capture mx_warning_01 %}
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 MX series의 Control table과 주소가 다릅니다. 사용 전에 Control table 주소를 필히 확인해 주세요.
-- MX(2.0) Firmware는 Dynamixel X의 기능을 상속받습니다. 따라서 Protocol 1.0과 2.0 및 다양한 Operating Mode와 Secondary ID, Drive Mode, Bus Watchdog 등을 지원합니다. 자세한 사항은 Control table을 참고해주세요.  
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ mx_warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
index 6a2344f2d..ec73e8934 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/mx/
@@ -41,25 +41,12 @@ product_group: dxl_mx
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
-**Stall torque** :  
-Stall torque와 Performance Graph의 Max torque의 차이는 측정 방식에 기인합니다.  
-Stall torque는 순간적인 최대토크를 측정하는 방식으로, 고전적인 RC Servo 제품에서 주로 사용하는 사양입니다.  
-Performance Graph는 N-T Curve라고도 불리며, 부하(load)를 점진적으로 증가시키면서 측정됩니다.  
-모터 구동되는 환경은 Stall torque 측정 방식보다는 Performance Graph 측정 방식에 가깝습니다.  
-이러한 이유로 Performance Graph가 산업전반에서 보다 폭넓게 사용됩니다.  
-일반적으로 Perforamnce Graph의 Max torque는 Stall torque보다 적게 측정됩니다.  
-{: .notice}
-{% capture warning_01 %}
-**주의** : **전원 공급시 주의사항!**
-- 안정적인 전원공급을 위해 로보티즈 제어기 나 SMPS2Dynamixel 통한 전원공급을 권장 드립니다.
-- 전원이 꺼진 상태에서 장치와 전원을 연결하시고 스위치로 ON/OFF를 해주세요.
-{% endcapture %}
-<div class="notice--warning">{{ warning_01 | markdownify }}</div>
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
index 29f92a3c7..9895fd9c0 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,73 +32,73 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 | 범위                               |    단위    |
-|   0  |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)                     |  R   | 51,200 |                -                   |     -      |
-|   2  |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)           |  R   |   -    |                -                   |     -      |
-|   6  |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)             |  R   |   -    |                -                   |     -      |
-|   7  |       1        | [ID](#id)                                         |  RW  |    1   |              0 ~ 252               |     -      |
-|   8  |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                           |  RW  |    1   |              0 ~ 13                |     -      |
-|   9  |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)           |  RW  |   250  |              0 ~ 255               |     -      |
-|  11  |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)                 |  RW  |    3   |              0, 1, 3, 4            |     -      |
-|  13  |       4        | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)                   |  RW  |    0   | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  17  |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)             |  RW  |   50   |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 0.00329218 [rev/min] |
-|  21  |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)           |  RW  |   80   |              0 ~ 100               | 1 [&deg;C] |
-|  22  |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  400   |              0 ~ 400               |  0.1 [V]   |
-|  24  |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  150   |              0 ~ 400               |  0.1 [V]   |
-|  26  |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)         |  RW  |  255   |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
-|  30  |       2        | [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)                     |  RW  |  465   |              0 ~ 1395              | 4.02832 [mA] |
-|  32  |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)                 |  RW  | 10,300 |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 0.00329218 [rev/min] |
-|  36  |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)         |  RW  | 151,875| -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  40  |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)         |  RW  |-151,875| -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  44  |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  45  |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  46  |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  47  |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  48  |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                             |  RW  |   58   |              0 ~ 255               |     -      |
-|  49  |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  634   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-|  51  |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  635   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-|  53  |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  636   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-| ...  |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  ...   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-| 559  |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)         |  RW  |  889   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                        | 접근 |  초기값  |                범위                |             단위             |
+|  0   |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)               |  R   |  51,200  |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  2   |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)     |  R   |    -     |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  6   |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)       |  R   |    -     |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  7   |       1        | [ID](#id)                                   |  RW  |    1     |              0 ~ 252               |              -               |
+|  8   |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                     |  RW  |    1     |               0 ~ 13               |              -               |
+|  9   |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)     |  RW  |   250    |              0 ~ 255               |              -               |
+|  11  |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)           |  RW  |    3     |             0, 1, 3, 4             |              -               |
+|  13  |       4        | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)             |  RW  |    0     | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  17  |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)       |  RW  |    50    |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          |     0.00329218 [rev/min]     |
+|  21  |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)     |  RW  |    80    |              0 ~ 100               |          1 [&deg;C]          |
+|  22  |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)     |  RW  |   400    |              0 ~ 400               |           0.1 [V]            |
+|  24  |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)     |  RW  |   150    |              0 ~ 400               |           0.1 [V]            |
+|  26  |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)   |  RW  |   255    |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
+|  30  |       2        | [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)               |  RW  |   465    |              0 ~ 1395              |         4.02832 [mA]         |
+|  32  |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)           |  RW  |  10,300  |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          |     0.00329218 [rev/min]     |
+|  36  |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)   |  RW  | 151,875  | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  40  |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)   |  RW  | -151,875 | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  44  |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  45  |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  46  |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  47  |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  48  |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                       |  RW  |    58    |              0 ~ 255               |              -               |
+|  49  |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   634    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+|  51  |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   635    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+|  53  |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   636    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+| ...  |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   ...    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+| 559  |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)   |  RW  |   889    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 | 범위                                                |    단위    |
-|:----:|:--------------:|:------------------------------------------------- |:----:|:------:|:---------------------------------------------------:|:----------:|
-| 562  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 1                          |     -      |
-| 563  |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 564  |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 565  |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 586  |       2        | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  |   40   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 588  |       2        | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  440   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 594  |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |   32   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 596  |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(40) ~<br> Max Position Limit(36) | 1 [pulse]  |
-| 600  |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |    0   |    -Velocity Limit(32) ~<br> Velocity Limit(32)     | 0.00329218 [rev/min] |
-| 604  |       2        | [Goal Torque](#goal-torque)                       |  RW  |    0   |      -Torque Limit(30) ~<br> Torque Limit(30)       | 4.02832 [mA] |
-| 606  |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~<br> Acceleration Limit(26) | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
-| 610  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   -    |                        -                            |     -      |
-| 611  |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]  |
-| 615  |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.00329218 [rev/min] |
-| 621  |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 4.02832 [mA] |
-| 623  |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                        -                            |   0.1 [V]  |
-| 625  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [&deg;C] |
-| 626  |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 628  |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 630  |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 632  |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 634  |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 635  |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 636  |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| ...  |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 889  |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 890  |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |    0   |                        -                            |     -      |
-| 891  |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |    2   |                      0 ~ 2                          |     -      |
-| 892  |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |    0   |                        -                            |     -      |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 |                        범위                         |             단위             |
+| 562  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |              -               |
+| 563  |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 564  |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 565  |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 586  |       2        | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  |   40   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 588  |       2        | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  440   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 594  |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |   32   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 596  |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(40) ~<br> Max Position Limit(36) |          1 [pulse]           |
+| 600  |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   0    |    -Velocity Limit(32) ~<br> Velocity Limit(32)     |     0.00329218 [rev/min]     |
+| 604  |       2        | [Goal Torque](#goal-torque)                       |  RW  |   0    |      -Torque Limit(30) ~<br> Torque Limit(30)       |         4.02832 [mA]         |
+| 606  |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           |  RW  |   0    |           0 ~<br> Acceleration Limit(26)            | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
+| 610  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |              -               |
+| 611  |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |          1 [pulse]           |
+| 615  |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |     0.00329218 [rev/min]     |
+| 621  |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |         4.02832 [mA]         |
+| 623  |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |           0.1 [V]            |
+| 625  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |          1 [&deg;C]          |
+| 626  |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 628  |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 630  |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 632  |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 634  |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 635  |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 636  |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| ...  |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 889  |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 890  |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |              -               |
+| 891  |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                        0 ~ 2                        |              -               |
+| 892  |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |              -               |
 ## [컨트롤 테이블 설명](#컨트롤-테이블-설명)
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 ### <a name="model-number"></a>**[Model Number(0)](#model-number0)**
 장치의 모델 번호입니다.
-|   Model Name   |  Model Number  |
+|  Model Name   |  Model Number   |
 | H42-20-S300-R | 51,200 (0xC800) |
 ### <a name="firmware-version"></a>**[Firmware Version(6)](#firmware-version6)**
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
index 27e41a938..3ceb83548 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: archive
 lang: kr
 ref: h42-20-s300-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/pro/h42-20-s300-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
index cc3246803..b73883439 100644
--- a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
+++ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
@@ -32,73 +32,73 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 | 범위                               |    단위    |
-|   0  |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)                     |  R   | 53,768 |                -                   |     -      |
-|   2  |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)           |  R   |   -    |                -                   |     -      |
-|   6  |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)             |  R   |   -    |                -                   |     -      |
-|   7  |       1        | [ID](#id)                                         |  RW  |    1   |              0 ~ 252               |     -      |
-|   8  |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                           |  RW  |    1   |              0 ~ 13                |     -      |
-|   9  |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)           |  RW  |   250  |              0 ~ 255               |     -      |
-|  11  |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)                 |  RW  |    3   |              0, 1, 3, 4            |     -      |
-|  13  |       4        | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)                   |  RW  |    0   | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  17  |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)             |  RW  |   50   |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 0.00199234 [rev/min] |
-|  21  |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)           |  RW  |   80   |              0 ~ 100               | 1 [&deg;C] |
-|  22  |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  400   |              0 ~ 400               |  0.1 [V]   |
-|  24  |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  150   |              0 ~ 400               |  0.1 [V]   |
-|  26  |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)         |  RW  |   -    |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
-|  30  |       2        | [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)                     |  RW  |  310   |              0 ~ 930               | 16.11328 [mA] |
-|  32  |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)                 |  RW  | 17,000 |              0 ~ 2,147,483,647     | 0.00199234 [rev/min] |
-|  36  |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)         |  RW  | 250,961| -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  40  |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)         |  RW  |-250,961| -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 | 1 [pulse]  |
-|  44  |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  45  |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  46  |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  47  |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode)       |  RW  |    0   |              0 ~ 3                 |     -      |
-|  48  |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                             |  RW  |   58   |              0 ~ 255               |     -      |
-|  49  |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  634   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-|  51  |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  635   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-|  53  |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  636   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-| ...  |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  ...   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
-| 559  |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)         |  RW  |  889   |            562 ~ 949               |     -      |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                        | 접근 |  초기값  |                범위                |             단위             |
+|  0   |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)               |  R   |  53,768  |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  2   |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)     |  R   |    -     |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  6   |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)       |  R   |    -     |                 -                  |              -               |
+|  7   |       1        | [ID](#id)                                   |  RW  |    1     |              0 ~ 252               |              -               |
+|  8   |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                     |  RW  |    1     |               0 ~ 13               |              -               |
+|  9   |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)     |  RW  |   250    |              0 ~ 255               |              -               |
+|  11  |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)           |  RW  |    3     |             0, 1, 3, 4             |              -               |
+|  13  |       4        | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)             |  RW  |    0     | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  17  |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)       |  RW  |    50    |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          |     0.00199234 [rev/min]     |
+|  21  |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)     |  RW  |    80    |              0 ~ 100               |          1 [&deg;C]          |
+|  22  |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)     |  RW  |   400    |              0 ~ 400               |           0.1 [V]            |
+|  24  |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)     |  RW  |   150    |              0 ~ 400               |           0.1 [V]            |
+|  26  |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)   |  RW  |    -     |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
+|  30  |       2        | [Torque Limit](#torque-limit)               |  RW  |   310    |              0 ~ 930               |        16.11328 [mA]         |
+|  32  |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)           |  RW  |  17,000  |         0 ~ 2,147,483,647          |     0.00199234 [rev/min]     |
+|  36  |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)   |  RW  | 250,961  | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  40  |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)   |  RW  | -250,961 | -2,147,483,648 ~<br> 2,147,483,647 |          1 [pulse]           |
+|  44  |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  45  |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  46  |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  47  |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode) |  RW  |    0     |               0 ~ 3                |              -               |
+|  48  |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                       |  RW  |    58    |              0 ~ 255               |              -               |
+|  49  |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   634    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+|  51  |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   635    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+|  53  |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   636    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+| ...  |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)     |  RW  |   ...    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
+| 559  |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)   |  RW  |   889    |             562 ~ 949              |              -               |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 | 범위                                                |    단위    |
-|:----:|:--------------:|:------------------------------------------------- |:----:|:------:|:---------------------------------------------------:|:----------:|
-| 562  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 1                          |     -      |
-| 563  |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 564  |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 565  |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 586  |       2        | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  |   16   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 588  |       2        | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  256   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 594  |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |   32   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |     -      |
-| 596  |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(40) ~<br> Max Position Limit(36) | 1 [pulse]  |
-| 600  |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |    0   |    -Velocity Limit(32) ~<br> Velocity Limit(32)     | 0.00199234 [rev/min] |
-| 604  |       2        | [Goal Torque](#goal-torque)                       |  RW  |    0   |      -Torque Limit(30) ~<br> Torque Limit(30)       | 16.11328 [mA] |
-| 606  |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~<br> Acceleration Limit(26) | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
-| 610  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   -    |                        -                            |     -      |
-| 611  |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]  |
-| 615  |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.00199234 [rev/min] |
-| 621  |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 16.11328 [mA] |
-| 623  |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                        -                            |   0.1 [V]  |
-| 625  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [&deg;C] |
-| 626  |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 628  |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 630  |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 632  |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |    0   |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |     -      |
-| 634  |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 635  |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 636  |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| ...  |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 889  |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               |  RW  |    0   |                      0 ~ 255                        |     -      |
-| 890  |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |    0   |                        -                            |     -      |
-| 891  |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |    2   |                      0 ~ 2                          |     -      |
-| 892  |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |    0   |                        -                            |     -      |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 초기값 |                        범위                         |             단위             |
+| 562  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |              -               |
+| 563  |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 564  |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 565  |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 586  |       2        | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  |   16   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 588  |       2        | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  256   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 594  |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |   32   |                      0 ~ 65535                      |              -               |
+| 596  |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(40) ~<br> Max Position Limit(36) |          1 [pulse]           |
+| 600  |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   0    |    -Velocity Limit(32) ~<br> Velocity Limit(32)     |     0.00199234 [rev/min]     |
+| 604  |       2        | [Goal Torque](#goal-torque)                       |  RW  |   0    |      -Torque Limit(30) ~<br> Torque Limit(30)       |        16.11328 [mA]         |
+| 606  |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           |  RW  |   0    |           0 ~<br> Acceleration Limit(26)            | 58,000 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] |
+| 610  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |              -               |
+| 611  |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |          1 [pulse]           |
+| 615  |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |     0.00199234 [rev/min]     |
+| 621  |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |        16.11328 [mA]         |
+| 623  |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |           0.1 [V]            |
+| 625  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |          1 [&deg;C]          |
+| 626  |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 628  |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 630  |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 632  |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |              -               |
+| 634  |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 635  |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 636  |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| ...  |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 889  |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |              -               |
+| 890  |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |              -               |
+| 891  |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                        0 ~ 2                        |              -               |
+| 892  |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |              -               |
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ product_group: dxl_pro
 ### <a name="model-number"></a>**[Model Number(0)](#model-number0)**
 장치의 모델 번호입니다.
-|     모델명     |  Model Number  |
+|     모델명     |  Model Number   |
 | H54-100-S500-R | 53,768 (0xD208) |
 ### <a name="firmware-version"></a>**[Firmware Version(6)](#firmware-version6)**
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
index c4ceb8731..f9ef65db7 100644
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 lang: kr
 ref: h54-100-s500-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/pro/h54-100-s500-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 | 588  |        4         | [Position Trajectory](#position-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |        1 [pulse]        |
 | 592  |        2         | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |         0.1 [V]         |
 | 594  |        1         | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |       1 [&deg;C]        |
-| 600  |        2         | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                       |            -            |
-| 602  |        2         | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                       |            -            |
-| 604  |        2         | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                       |            -            |
-| 606  |        2         | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                       |            -            |
+| 600  |        2         | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |            -            |
+| 602  |        2         | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |            -            |
+| 604  |        2         | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |            -            |
+| 606  |        2         | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | R/RW |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      |            -            |
 | 634  |        1         | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |            -            |
 | 635  |        1         | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |            -            |
 | 636  |        1         | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |            -            |
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 ### <a name="model-number"></a>**[Model Number(0)](#model-number0)**
 장치의 모델 번호입니다.
-|     모델명     |  Model Number  |
+|      모델명       |  Model Number   |
 | H54-100-S500-R(A) | 53,769 (0xD209) |
 ### <a name="firmware-version"></a>**[Firmware Version(6)](#firmware-version6)**
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 ### <a name="moving-threshold"></a>**[Moving Threshold(24)](#moving-threshold24)**
 {% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
-| 단위           | 범위              |
-| :------------: | :---------------: |
-| 0.01 [rev/min] |     0 ~ 2,920     |
+|      단위      |   범위    |
+| 0.01 [rev/min] | 0 ~ 2,920 |
 ### <a name="temperature-limit"></a>**[Temperature Limit(31)](#temperature-limit31)**
 {% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 ### <a name="current-limit"></a>**[Current Limit(38)](#current-limit38)**
 목표 전류 값의 한계 값입니다. Goal Current(550)은 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓸 수 없습니다. 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓰려 하면, 값이 써지지 않고, Status packet의 error 에 Limit error bit가 set 됩니다.
-| 단위   | 범위 |
-| :---:  | :---: |
+|  단위  |    범위    |
 | 1 [mA] | 0 ~ 15,900 |
 ### <a name="acceleration-limit"></a>**[Acceleration Limit(40)](#acceleration-limit40)**
@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
-|핀 1|핀 2|핀 3|핀 4|핀 5|핀 6|
-| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| 핀 1 | 핀 2 | 핀 3  | 핀 4  | 핀 5  | 핀 6  |
+| GND  | 3.3V | PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 |
 ### <a name="shutdown"></a>**[Shutdown(63)](#shutdown63)**
 {% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ Goal Position(564)을 통해 목표 위치를 설정 할 수 있습니다.
 이 값은 위치 제어 모드 일 때 Min Position limit(52) 에서 Max position limit(48) 까지 입력이 가능하고,
 확장 위치 제어 모드 일 때는 -2,147,483,648 에서 2,147,483,647 까지 입력이 가능합니다.
-|            각도            |       위치값       |                      방향                       |
+|            각도            |       위치값       |                         방향                         |
 | -180 [&deg;] ~ 180 [&deg;] | -501,923 ~ 501,923 | ![](/assets/images/dxl/pro/pro_54_goal_position.png) |
 ### <a name="realtime-tick"></a>**[Realtime Tick(568)](#realtime-tick568)**
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 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 lang: kr
 ref: h54-200-s500-ra
 read_time: true
-share: true
+share: false
 author_profile: false
 permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/pro/h54-200-s500-ra/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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+share: false
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@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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--- a/docs/kr/dxl/pro/
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+share: false
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@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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+share: false
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 permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/pro/m54-60-s250-ra/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_a
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
diff --git a/docs/kr/dxl/pro_plus/ b/docs/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
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@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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--- a/docs/kr/dxl/pro_plus/
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@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ product_group: dxl_pro_plus
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/pro_plus/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 # [주요 사양](#주요-사양)
-| 항목            | 내용                                                                        |
-| 무게            | 64.5g                                                                       |
-| 크기            | 35.6mm x 50.6mm x 35.5mm                                                    |
-| 최소 제어각     | 0.29&deg;                                                                   |
-| 모터            | Cored                                                                       |
-| 기어비          | 193 : 1                                                                     |
-| 정지 토크    | 1.3 N*m (at 12V, 0.8A)                                                      |
+| 항목          | 내용                                                                        |
+| 무게          | 64.5g                                                                       |
+| 크기          | 35.6mm x 50.6mm x 35.5mm                                                    |
+| 최소 제어각   | 0.29&deg;                                                                   |
+| 모터          | Cored                                                                       |
+| 기어비        | 193 : 1                                                                     |
+| 정지 토크     | 1.3 N*m (at 12V, 0.8A)                                                      |
 | 무부하 속도   | 54rpm (at 12V)                                                              |
-| 동작 모드       | 관절 모드 (0&deg; ~ 300&deg;) / 바퀴 모드(무한 회전)                        |
-| 동작 온도       | -5&deg;C ~ +80&deg;C                                                        |
-| 사용 전압       | 9 ~ 12V (**권장 전압: 11.1V**)                                              |
-| 제어 명령  | Digital Packet                                                              |
-| 프로토콜 타입   | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communication<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
-| 통신 연결 | RS485 Multi Drop Bus(Daisy Chain Type Connector)                            |
-| ID              | 254 ID (0~253)                                                              |
-| 피드백        | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등                             |
-| 재질        | Full Metal Gear, Engineering Plastic Body                                   |
-| 대기 전류 | 50mA                                                                        |
+| 동작 모드     | 관절 모드 (0&deg; ~ 300&deg;) / 바퀴 모드(무한 회전)                        |
+| 동작 온도     | -5&deg;C ~ +80&deg;C                                                        |
+| 사용 전압     | 9 ~ 12V (**권장 전압: 11.1V**)                                              |
+| 제어 명령     | Digital Packet                                                              |
+| 프로토콜 타입 | Half Duplex Asynchronous Serial Communication<br />(8bit, 1stop, No Parity) |
+| 통신 연결     | RS485 Multi Drop Bus(Daisy Chain Type Connector)                            |
+| ID            | 254 ID (0~253)                                                              |
+| 피드백        | Position, Temperature, Load, Input Voltage 등                               |
+| 재질          | Full Metal Gear, Engineering Plastic Body                                   |
+| 대기 전류     | 50mA                                                                        |
 **주의**: Stall Torque 는 순간적으로 낼수있는 최대정지토크를 의미합니다. 실제 구동을 위해 로봇을 설계하신다면 Stall Torque의 1/5 이하의 로드가 걸리도록 설계하셔야 안정적인 움직임이 가능합니다.
 {: .notice}
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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   title: RX-24F
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+product_group: dxl_rx
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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+product_group: dxl_rx
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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+share: false
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 permalink: /docs/kr/dxl/x/2xl430-w250/
   title: 2XL430-W250
   nav: "2xl430-w250"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
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+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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   title: XC430-W240
   nav: "xc430-w240"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
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+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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   title: XH430-V210
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+product_group: dxl_x
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 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
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+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 | 범위                                                | 단위                                     |
-|  0   |     2      | [Model Number](#model-number)                     |  R   | 1,050  |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  2   |     4      | [Model Information](#model-information)           |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  6   |     1      | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  7   |     1      | [ID](#id)                                         |  RW  |   1    |                      0 ~ 253                        | -                                        |
-|  8   |     1      | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                           |  RW  |   1    |                      0 ~ 7                          | -                                        |
-|  9   |     1      | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)           |  RW  |  250   |                      0 ~ 254                        | 2 [μsec]                                |
-|  10  |     1      | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                         |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  11  |     1      | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)                 |  RW  |   3    |                      0 ~ 16                         | -                                        |
-|  12  |     1      | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id)      |  RW  |  255   |                      0 ~ 252                        | -                                        |
-|  13  |     1      | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)             |  RW  |   2    |                      1 ~ 2                          | -                                        |
-|  20  |     4      | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)                   |  RW  |   0    |             -1,044,479 ~ <br>1,044,479              | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  24  |     4      | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)             |  RW  |   10   |                      0 ~ 1,023                      | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-|  31  |     1      | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)           |  RW  |   80   |                      0 ~ 100                        | 1 [&deg;C]                               |
-|  32  |     2      | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  300   |                    110 ~ 300                        | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-|  34  |     2      | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  110   |                    110 ~ 300                        | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-|  36  |     2      | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                           |  RW  |  885   |                      0 ~ 885                        | 0.113 [%]                                |
-|  38  |     2      | [Current Limit](#current-limit)                   |  RW  |  689   |                      0 ~ 689                        | 1.34 [mA]                                |
-|  44  |     4      | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)                 |  RW  |  230   |                      0 ~ 1,023                      | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-|  48  |     4      | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)         |  RW  | 4,095  |                      0 ~ 4,095                      | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  52  |     4      | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)         |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  63  |     1      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                             |  RW  |   52   |                        -                            | -                                        |
+| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                         | 접근 | 기본값 |            범위            |      단위       |
+|  0   |     2      | [Model Number](#model-number)                |  R   | 1,050  |             -              |        -        |
+|  2   |     4      | [Model Information](#model-information)      |  R   |   -    |             -              |        -        |
+|  6   |     1      | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)        |  R   |   -    |             -              |        -        |
+|  7   |     1      | [ID](#id)                                    |  RW  |   1    |          0 ~ 253           |        -        |
+|  8   |     1      | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                      |  RW  |   1    |           0 ~ 7            |        -        |
+|  9   |     1      | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)      |  RW  |  250   |          0 ~ 254           |    2 [μsec]     |
+|  10  |     1      | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                    |  RW  |   0    |           0 ~ 1            |        -        |
+|  11  |     1      | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)            |  RW  |   3    |           0 ~ 16           |        -        |
+|  12  |     1      | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id) |  RW  |  255   |          0 ~ 252           |        -        |
+|  13  |     1      | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)        |  RW  |   2    |           1 ~ 2            |        -        |
+|  20  |     4      | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)              |  RW  |   0    | -1,044,479 ~ <br>1,044,479 |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  24  |     4      | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)        |  RW  |   10   |         0 ~ 1,023          | 0.229 [rev/min] |
+|  31  |     1      | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)      |  RW  |   80   |          0 ~ 100           |   1 [&deg;C]    |
+|  32  |     2      | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)      |  RW  |  300   |         110 ~ 300          |     0.1 [V]     |
+|  34  |     2      | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)      |  RW  |  110   |         110 ~ 300          |     0.1 [V]     |
+|  36  |     2      | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                      |  RW  |  885   |          0 ~ 885           |    0.113 [%]    |
+|  38  |     2      | [Current Limit](#current-limit)              |  RW  |  689   |          0 ~ 689           |    1.34 [mA]    |
+|  44  |     4      | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)            |  RW  |  230   |         0 ~ 1,023          | 0.229 [rev/min] |
+|  48  |     4      | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)    |  RW  | 4,095  |         0 ~ 4,095          |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  52  |     4      | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)    |  RW  |   0    |         0 ~ 4,095          |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  63  |     1      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                        |  RW  |   52   |             -              |        -        |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 | 범위                                                | 단위                                     |
+| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 |                        범위                         |                   단위                   |
-|  64  |     1      | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  65  |     1      | [LED](#led)                                       |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  68  |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                      0 ~ 2                          | -                                        |
-|  69  |     1      | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  70  |     1      | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  76  |     2      | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  | 1,920  |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  78  |     2      | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  100   |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  80  |     2      | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  82  |     2      | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  84  |     2      | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |  800   |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  88  |     2      | [Feedforward 2nd Gain](#feedforward-2nd-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  90  |     2      | [Feedforward 1st Gain](#feedforward-1st-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  98  |     1      | [Bus Watchdog](#bus-watchdog)                     |  RW  |   0    |                      1 ~ 127                        | 20 [μsec]                               |
-| 100  |     2      | [Goal PWM](#goal-pwm)                             |  RW  |   -    |         -PWM Limit(36) ~<br> PWM Limit(36)          | -                                        |
-| 102  |     2      | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     |  RW  |   -    |     -Current Limit(38) ~<br> Current Limit(38)      | 1.34 [mA]                                |
-| 104  |     4      | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   -    |    -Velocity Limit(44) ~<br> Velocity Limit(44)     | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 108  |     4      | [Profile Acceleration](#profile-acceleration)     |  RW  |   0    |            0 ~ 32,767 <br> 0 ~ 32,737               | 214.577 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] <br>1 [ms] |
-| 112  |     4      | [Profile Velocity](#profile-velocity)             |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 32,767                     | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 116  |     4      | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(52) ~<br> Max Position Limit(48) | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 120  |     2      | [Realtime Tick](#realtime-tick)                   |  R   |   -    |                      0 ~ 32,767                     | 1 [msec]                                 |
-| 122  |     1      | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-| 123  |     1      | [Moving Status](#moving-status)                   |  R   |   0    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 124  |     2      | [Present PWM](#present-pwm)                       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 126  |     2      | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1.34 [mA]                                |
-| 128  |     4      | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 132  |     4      | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 136  |     4      | [Velocity Trajectory](#velocity-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 140  |     4      | [Position Trajectory](#position-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 144  |     2      | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-| 146  |     1      | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [&deg;C]                               |
-| 168  |     2      | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  224   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 170  |     2      | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  225   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 172  |     2      | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  226   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| …   |     …     | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 218  |     2      | [Indirect Address 26](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  249   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 220  |     2      | [Indirect Address 27](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  250   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 222  |     2      | [Indirect Address 28](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  251   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 224  |     1      | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 225  |     1      | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 226  |     1      | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |    …      | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 249  |     1      | [Indirect Data 26](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 250  |     1      | [Indirect Data 27](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 251  |     1      | [Indirect Data 28](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 578  |     2      | [Indirect Address 29](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  634   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 580  |     2      | [Indirect Address 30](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  635   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 582  |     2      | [Indirect Address 31](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  636   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |     …     | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 628  |     2      | [Indirect Address 54](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  659   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 630  |     2      | [Indirect Address 55](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  660   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 632  |     2      | [Indirect Address 56](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  661   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 634  |     1      | [Indirect Data 29](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 635  |     1      | [Indirect Data 30](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 636  |     1      | [Indirect Data 31](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |    …      | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 659  |     1      | [Indirect Data 54](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 660  |     1      | [Indirect Data 55](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 661  |     1      | [Indirect Data 56](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
+|  64  |     1      | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  65  |     1      | [LED](#led)                                       |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  68  |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                        0 ~ 2                        |                    -                     |
+|  69  |     1      | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  70  |     1      | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+|  76  |     2      | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  | 1,920  |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  78  |     2      | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  100   |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  80  |     2      | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  82  |     2      | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  84  |     2      | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |  800   |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  88  |     2      | [Feedforward 2nd Gain](#feedforward-2nd-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  90  |     2      | [Feedforward 1st Gain](#feedforward-1st-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  98  |     1      | [Bus Watchdog](#bus-watchdog)                     |  RW  |   0    |                       1 ~ 127                       |                20 [μsec]                 |
+| 100  |     2      | [Goal PWM](#goal-pwm)                             |  RW  |   -    |         -PWM Limit(36) ~<br> PWM Limit(36)          |                    -                     |
+| 102  |     2      | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     |  RW  |   -    |     -Current Limit(38) ~<br> Current Limit(38)      |                1.34 [mA]                 |
+| 104  |     4      | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   -    |    -Velocity Limit(44) ~<br> Velocity Limit(44)     |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 108  |     4      | [Profile Acceleration](#profile-acceleration)     |  RW  |   0    |             0 ~ 32,767 <br> 0 ~ 32,737              | 214.577 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] <br>1 [ms] |
+| 112  |     4      | [Profile Velocity](#profile-velocity)             |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 32,767                      |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 116  |     4      | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(52) ~<br> Max Position Limit(48) |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 120  |     2      | [Realtime Tick](#realtime-tick)                   |  R   |   -    |                     0 ~ 32,767                      |                 1 [msec]                 |
+| 122  |     1      | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+| 123  |     1      | [Moving Status](#moving-status)                   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 124  |     2      | [Present PWM](#present-pwm)                       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 126  |     2      | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1.34 [mA]                 |
+| 128  |     4      | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 132  |     4      | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 136  |     4      | [Velocity Trajectory](#velocity-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 140  |     4      | [Position Trajectory](#position-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 144  |     2      | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                 0.1 [V]                  |
+| 146  |     1      | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [&deg;C]                |
+| 168  |     2      | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  224   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 170  |     2      | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  225   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 172  |     2      | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  226   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 218  |     2      | [Indirect Address 26](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  249   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 220  |     2      | [Indirect Address 27](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  250   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 222  |     2      | [Indirect Address 28](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  251   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 224  |     1      | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 225  |     1      | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 226  |     1      | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 249  |     1      | [Indirect Data 26](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 250  |     1      | [Indirect Data 27](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 251  |     1      | [Indirect Data 28](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 578  |     2      | [Indirect Address 29](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  634   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 580  |     2      | [Indirect Address 30](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  635   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 582  |     2      | [Indirect Address 31](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  636   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 628  |     2      | [Indirect Address 54](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  659   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 630  |     2      | [Indirect Address 55](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  660   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 632  |     2      | [Indirect Address 56](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  661   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 634  |     1      | [Indirect Data 29](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 635  |     1      | [Indirect Data 30](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 636  |     1      | [Indirect Data 31](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 659  |     1      | [Indirect Data 54](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 660  |     1      | [Indirect Data 55](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 661  |     1      | [Indirect Data 56](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
 **주의**: Address가 256보다 큰 경우 프로토콜 1.0으로 접근할 수 없습니다. 따라서 Indirect Address 29 ~ 56과 Indirect Data29~56은 프로토콜 2.0으로만 접근이 가능합니다.
 {: .notice--warning}
@@ -170,8 +172,8 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="current-limit"></a>**[Current Limit(38)](#current-limit38)**
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-|     단위     |  범위   |
+|     단위      |  범위   |
 | 약  1.34 [mA] | 0 ~ 689 |
 **주의**: Current Limit(38)은 장치 별로 다를 수 있으니 Control Table을 확인하시기 바랍니다.
@@ -218,8 +220,8 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="goal-current"></a>**[Goal Current(102)](#goal-current102)**
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-|    단위     |                  범위                  |
+|     단위     |                  범위                  |
 | 약 1.34 [mA] | -Current Limit(38) ~ Current Limit(38) |
 **주의**: 높은 전류를 장시간 사용할 경우, 모터가 손상될 수 있습니다.
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   title: XH430-V350
   nav: "xh430-v350"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
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-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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   title: XH430-W210
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+product_group: dxl_x
 > XH430-W210
-# [스펙](#스펙)
+# [주요 사양](#주요-사양)
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
-**주의**: 스톨 토크와 Performance Graph의 Max torque의 차이는 측정 방식에 기인합니다. 스톨 토크는 순간적인 최대토크를 측정하는 방식으로, 고전적인 RC Servo 제품에서 주로 사용하는 사양입니다. Performance Graph는 N-T Curve라고도 불리며, 부하(load)를 점진적으로 증가시키면서 측정됩니다. 모터 구동되는 환경은 스톨 토크 측정 방식보다는 Performance Graph 측정 방식에 가깝습니다. 이러한 이유로 Performance Graph가 산업전반에서 보다 폭넓게 사용됩니다. 일반적으로 Performance Graph의 Max torque는 스톨 토크보다 적게 측정됩니다.
-{: .notice}
-**WARNING** : 전원공급시, 안정적인 전원공급을 위해 로보티즈 제어기나 SMPS2DYNAMIXEL을 통한 전원공급을 권장드립니다. 전원이 꺼진 상태에서 장치와 전원을 연결하시고 스위치로 On/Off 해주세요.
-{: .notice--warning}
-# [컨트롤 테이블](#컨트롤-테이블)
-Control Table은 장치 내부에 존재하는 Data의 집합체입니다. 사용자는 Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서(READ Instruction) 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있고, Data를 변경함으로써(WRITE Instruction) 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다.
-## [컨트롤 테이블, 데이터, 주소](#컨트롤-테이블-데이터-주소)
-Control Table은 장치의 상태와 제어를 위한 다수의 Data 필드로 구성된 집합체입니다. 사용자는 READ Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 읽어서 장치의 상태를 파악할 수 있습니다. 또한 WRITE Instruction Packet을 통해 Control Table의 특정 Data를 변경함으로써 장치를 제어할 수 있습니다. Address는 Instruction Packet으로 Control Table의 특정 Data를 접근할 때 사용하는 고유값입니다. 장치의 Data를 읽거나 쓰기 위해서는 Instruction Packet에 해당 Data의 Address를 지정해 주어야 합니다. Packet에 대한 자세한 내용은 e-Manual의 프로토콜을 참고해주세요.
-**주의**: 음수의 표현 방법은 2의 보수(Two’s complement) 규칙을 따릅니다. 2의 보수에 대한 자세한 설명은 위키피디아를 참고하세요. [Two's complement]
-{: .notice}
-### Area (EEPROM, RAM)
-Control Table은 2가지 영역으로 구분됩니다. RAM Area에 위치한 Data는 전원이 인가될 때마다 다시 기본값으로 설정됩니다(Volatile). 반면 EEPROM Area에 위치한 Data는 값을 변경하면 전원이 꺼져도 그 값이 보존됩니다(Non-Volatile). EEPROM Area에 위치한 모든 Data는 Torque Enable(64)의 값이 ‘0’일 때만 변경할 수 있습니다.
-### Size
-Data의 Size는 용도에 따라 1, 2, 4[byte]로 정해져 있습니다. Instruction Packet을 통해 Data를 변경할 때는 해당 Data의 Size를 확인하시기 바랍니다.
-### Access
-Control Table의 Data는 2가지 접근 속성을 갖습니다. ‘RW’는 읽기와 쓰기 접근이 모두 가능합니다. 반면 ‘R’은 읽기 전용(Read Only) 속성을 갖습니다. 읽기 전용 속성의 Data는 WRITE Instruction으로 값이 변경되지 않습니다. 읽기 전용 속성(‘R’)은 주로 측정 또는 모니터링 용도로 사용되고, 읽기쓰기 속성(‘RW’)은 장치의 제어 용도로 사용됩니다.
-### Initial Value
-장치에 전원이 인가될 때, Control Table의 각 Data는 기본값으로 설정됩니다. 매뉴얼에 표기된 EEPROM 영역의 Default Value는 제품의 초기 설정값(공장 출하 설정값)입니다. 사용자가 변경한 경우, 기본값은 사용자가 변경한 값으로 적용됩니다. RAM 영역의 Default Value 값은 전원이 인가되었을 때 설정되는 값입니다.
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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   title: XH430-W350
   nav: "xh430-w350"
+product_group: dxl_x
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 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 | 범위                                                | 단위                                     |
-|  0   |     2      | [Model Number](#model-number)                     |  R   | 1,000  |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  2   |     4      | [Model Information](#model-information)           |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  6   |     1      | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  7   |     1      | [ID](#id)                                         |  RW  |   1    |                      0 ~ 253                        | -                                        |
-|  8   |     1      | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                           |  RW  |   1    |                      0 ~ 7                          | -                                        |
-|  9   |     1      | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)           |  RW  |  250   |                      0 ~ 254                        | 2 [μsec]                                |
-|  10  |     1      | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                         |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  11  |     1      | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)                 |  RW  |   3    |                      0 ~ 16                         | -                                        |
-|  12  |     1      | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id)      |  RW  |  255   |                      0 ~ 252                        | -                                        |
-|  13  |     1      | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)             |  RW  |   2    |                      1 ~ 2                          | -                                        |
-|  20  |     4      | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)                   |  RW  |   0    |             -1,044,479 ~ <br>1,044,479              | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  24  |     4      | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)             |  RW  |   10   |                      0 ~ 1,023                      | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-|  31  |     1      | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)           |  RW  |   80   |                      0 ~ 100                        | 1 [&deg;C]                               |
-|  32  |     2      | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |  160   |                     95 ~ 160                        | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-|  34  |     2      | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)           |  RW  |   95   |                     95 ~ 160                        | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-|  36  |     2      | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                           |  RW  |  885   |                      0 ~ 885                        | 0.113 [%]                                |
-|  38  |     2      | [Current Limit](#current-limit)                   |  RW  |  648   |                      0 ~ 648                        | 2.69 [mA]                                |
-|  44  |     4      | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)                 |  RW  |  130   |                      0 ~ 1,023                      | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-|  48  |     4      | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)         |  RW  | 4,095  |                      0 ~ 4,095                      | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  52  |     4      | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)         |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 4,095                      | 1 [pulse]                                |
-|  63  |     1      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                             |  RW  |   52   |                        -                            | -                                        |
+| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                         | 접근 | 기본값 |            범위            |      단위       |
+|  0   |     2      | [Model Number](#model-number)                |  R   | 1,000  |             -              |        -        |
+|  2   |     4      | [Model Information](#model-information)      |  R   |   -    |             -              |        -        |
+|  6   |     1      | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)        |  R   |   -    |             -              |        -        |
+|  7   |     1      | [ID](#id)                                    |  RW  |   1    |          0 ~ 253           |        -        |
+|  8   |     1      | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                      |  RW  |   1    |           0 ~ 7            |        -        |
+|  9   |     1      | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)      |  RW  |  250   |          0 ~ 254           |    2 [μsec]     |
+|  10  |     1      | [Drive Mode](#drive-mode)                    |  RW  |   0    |           0 ~ 1            |        -        |
+|  11  |     1      | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)            |  RW  |   3    |           0 ~ 16           |        -        |
+|  12  |     1      | [Secondary(Shadow) ID](#secondary-shadow-id) |  RW  |  255   |          0 ~ 252           |        -        |
+|  13  |     1      | [Protocol Version](#protocol-version)        |  RW  |   2    |           1 ~ 2            |        -        |
+|  20  |     4      | [Homing Offset](#homing-offset)              |  RW  |   0    | -1,044,479 ~ <br>1,044,479 |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  24  |     4      | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)        |  RW  |   10   |         0 ~ 1,023          | 0.229 [rev/min] |
+|  31  |     1      | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)      |  RW  |   80   |          0 ~ 100           |   1 [&deg;C]    |
+|  32  |     2      | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)      |  RW  |  160   |          95 ~ 160          |     0.1 [V]     |
+|  34  |     2      | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)      |  RW  |   95   |          95 ~ 160          |     0.1 [V]     |
+|  36  |     2      | [PWM Limit](#pwm-limit)                      |  RW  |  885   |          0 ~ 885           |    0.113 [%]    |
+|  38  |     2      | [Current Limit](#current-limit)              |  RW  |  648   |          0 ~ 648           |    2.69 [mA]    |
+|  44  |     4      | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)            |  RW  |  130   |         0 ~ 1,023          | 0.229 [rev/min] |
+|  48  |     4      | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)    |  RW  | 4,095  |         0 ~ 4,095          |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  52  |     4      | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)    |  RW  |   0    |         0 ~ 4,095          |    1 [pulse]    |
+|  63  |     1      | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                        |  RW  |   52   |             -              |        -        |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 | 범위                                                | 단위                                     |
+| 주소 | 크기(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 접근 | 기본값 |                        범위                         |                   단위                   |
-|  64  |     1      | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  65  |     1      | [LED](#led)                                       |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  68  |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                      0 ~ 2                          | -                                        |
-|  69  |     1      | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-|  70  |     1      | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-|  76  |     2      | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  | 1,920  |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  78  |     2      | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  100   |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  80  |     2      | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  82  |     2      | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  84  |     2      | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |  900   |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  88  |     2      | [Feedforward 2nd Gain](#feedforward-2nd-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  90  |     2      | [Feedforward 1st Gain](#feedforward-1st-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 16,383                     | -                                        |
-|  98  |     1      | [Bus Watchdog](#bus-watchdog)                     |  RW  |   0    |                      1 ~ 127                        | 20 [μsec]                               |
-| 100  |     2      | [Goal PWM](#goal-pwm)                             |  RW  |   -    |         -PWM Limit(36) ~<br> PWM Limit(36)          | -                                        |
-| 102  |     2      | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     |  RW  |   -    |     -Current Limit(38) ~<br> Current Limit(38)      | 2.69 [mA]                                |
-| 104  |     4      | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   -    |    -Velocity Limit(44) ~<br> Velocity Limit(44)     | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 108  |     4      | [Profile Acceleration](#profile-acceleration)     |  RW  |   0    |            0 ~ 32,767 <br> 0 ~ 32,737               | 214.577 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] <br>1 [ms] |
-| 112  |     4      | [Profile Velocity](#profile-velocity)             |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 32,767                     | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 116  |     4      | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(52) ~<br> Max Position Limit(48) | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 120  |     2      | [Realtime Tick](#realtime-tick)                   |  R   |   -    |                      0 ~ 32,767                     | 1 [msec]                                 |
-| 122  |     1      | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   0    |                      0 ~ 1                          | -                                        |
-| 123  |     1      | [Moving Status](#moving-status)                   |  R   |   0    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 124  |     2      | [Present PWM](#present-pwm)                       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 126  |     2      | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 2.69 [mA]                                |
-| 128  |     4      | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 132  |     4      | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 136  |     4      | [Velocity Trajectory](#velocity-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.229 [rev/min]                          |
-| 140  |     4      | [Position Trajectory](#position-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [pulse]                                |
-| 144  |     2      | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 0.1 [V]                                  |
-| 146  |     1      | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                        -                            | 1 [&deg;C]                               |
-| 168  |     2      | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  224   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 170  |     2      | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  225   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 172  |     2      | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  226   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| …   |     …     | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 218  |     2      | [Indirect Address 26](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  249   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 220  |     2      | [Indirect Address 27](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  250   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 222  |     2      | [Indirect Address 28](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  251   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 224  |     1      | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 225  |     1      | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 226  |     1      | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |    …      | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 249  |     1      | [Indirect Data 26](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 250  |     1      | [Indirect Data 27](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 251  |     1      | [Indirect Data 28](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 578  |     2      | [Indirect Address 29](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  634   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 580  |     2      | [Indirect Address 30](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  635   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 582  |     2      | [Indirect Address 31](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  636   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |     …     | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 628  |     2      | [Indirect Address 54](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  659   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 630  |     2      | [Indirect Address 55](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  660   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 632  |     2      | [Indirect Address 56](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  661   |                     64 ~ 661                        | -                                        |
-| 634  |     1      | [Indirect Data 29](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 635  |     1      | [Indirect Data 30](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 636  |     1      | [Indirect Data 31](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-|  …  |    …      | …                                                |  …  |   …   |                        -                            | -                                        |
-| 659  |     1      | [Indirect Data 54](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 660  |     1      | [Indirect Data 55](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
-| 661  |     1      | [Indirect Data 56](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                      0 ~ 255                        | -                                        |
+|  64  |     1      | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  65  |     1      | [LED](#led)                                       |  RW  |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  68  |     1      | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       |  RW  |   2    |                        0 ~ 2                        |                    -                     |
+|  69  |     1      | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) |  R   |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+|  70  |     1      | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+|  76  |     2      | [Velocity I Gain](#velocity-i-gain)               |  RW  | 1,920  |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  78  |     2      | [Velocity P Gain](#velocity-p-gain)               |  RW  |  100   |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  80  |     2      | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  82  |     2      | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  84  |     2      | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               |  RW  |  900   |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  88  |     2      | [Feedforward 2nd Gain](#feedforward-2nd-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  90  |     2      | [Feedforward 1st Gain](#feedforward-1st-gain)     |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 16,383                      |                    -                     |
+|  98  |     1      | [Bus Watchdog](#bus-watchdog)                     |  RW  |   0    |                       1 ~ 127                       |                20 [μsec]                 |
+| 100  |     2      | [Goal PWM](#goal-pwm)                             |  RW  |   -    |         -PWM Limit(36) ~<br> PWM Limit(36)          |                    -                     |
+| 102  |     2      | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     |  RW  |   -    |     -Current Limit(38) ~<br> Current Limit(38)      |                2.69 [mA]                 |
+| 104  |     4      | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   |  RW  |   -    |    -Velocity Limit(44) ~<br> Velocity Limit(44)     |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 108  |     4      | [Profile Acceleration](#profile-acceleration)     |  RW  |   0    |             0 ~ 32,767 <br> 0 ~ 32,737              | 214.577 [rev/min<sup>2</sup>] <br>1 [ms] |
+| 112  |     4      | [Profile Velocity](#profile-velocity)             |  RW  |   0    |                     0 ~ 32,767                      |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 116  |     4      | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   |  RW  |   -    | Min Position Limit(52) ~<br> Max Position Limit(48) |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 120  |     2      | [Realtime Tick](#realtime-tick)                   |  R   |   -    |                     0 ~ 32,767                      |                 1 [msec]                 |
+| 122  |     1      | [Moving](#moving)                                 |  R   |   0    |                        0 ~ 1                        |                    -                     |
+| 123  |     1      | [Moving Status](#moving-status)                   |  R   |   0    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 124  |     2      | [Present PWM](#present-pwm)                       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 126  |     2      | [Present Current](#present-current)               |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                2.69 [mA]                 |
+| 128  |     4      | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 132  |     4      | [Present Position](#present-position)             |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 136  |     4      | [Velocity Trajectory](#velocity-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |             0.229 [rev/min]              |
+| 140  |     4      | [Position Trajectory](#position-trajectory)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [pulse]                 |
+| 144  |     2      | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                 0.1 [V]                  |
+| 146  |     1      | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       |  R   |   -    |                          -                          |                1 [&deg;C]                |
+| 168  |     2      | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  224   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 170  |     2      | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  225   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 172  |     2      | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)           |  RW  |  226   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 218  |     2      | [Indirect Address 26](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  249   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 220  |     2      | [Indirect Address 27](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  250   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 222  |     2      | [Indirect Address 28](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  251   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 224  |     1      | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 225  |     1      | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 226  |     1      | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 249  |     1      | [Indirect Data 26](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 250  |     1      | [Indirect Data 27](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 251  |     1      | [Indirect Data 28](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 578  |     2      | [Indirect Address 29](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  634   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 580  |     2      | [Indirect Address 30](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  635   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 582  |     2      | [Indirect Address 31](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  636   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 628  |     2      | [Indirect Address 54](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  659   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 630  |     2      | [Indirect Address 55](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  660   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 632  |     2      | [Indirect Address 56](#indirect-address)          |  RW  |  661   |                      64 ~ 661                       |                    -                     |
+| 634  |     1      | [Indirect Data 29](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 635  |     1      | [Indirect Data 30](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 636  |     1      | [Indirect Data 31](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+|  …   |     …      | …                                                 |  …   |   …    |                          -                          |                    -                     |
+| 659  |     1      | [Indirect Data 54](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 660  |     1      | [Indirect Data 55](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
+| 661  |     1      | [Indirect Data 56](#indirect-data)                |  RW  |   0    |                       0 ~ 255                       |                    -                     |
 **주의**: Address가 256보다 큰 경우 프로토콜 1.0으로 접근할 수 없습니다. 따라서 Indirect Address 29 ~ 56과 Indirect Data29~56은 프로토콜 2.0으로만 접근이 가능합니다.
 {: .notice--warning}
@@ -217,8 +219,8 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="goal-current"></a>**[Goal Current(102)](#goal-current102)**
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
-|     단위     |                  범위                  |
+|     단위      |                  범위                  |
 | 약  2.69 [mA] | -Current Limit(38) ~ Current Limit(38) |
 **주의**: 높은 전류를 장시간 사용할 경우, 모터가 손상될 수 있습니다.
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [성능 그래프](#성능-그래프)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
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@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ permalink: /docs/kr/platform/rh_p12_rn/
   title: RH-P12-RN
   nav: "rh_p12_rn"
+product_group: dxl_pro
 # [개요](#개요)
@@ -28,12 +29,12 @@ sidebar:
 | 통신 속도           | 9,600 bps ~ 10.5 Mbps                                                                          |
 | 제어 알고리즘       | PID Control                                                                                    |
 | 정밀도              | 0.088&deg;                                                                                     |
-| 동작 모드           | 전류제어 모드<br />전류기반 위치제어 모드                                                |
+| 동작 모드           | 전류제어 모드<br />전류기반 위치제어 모드                                                      |
 | 무게                | 500g                                                                                           |
 | 스트로크            | 0 ~ 109mm                                                                                      |
 | 감속비              | 1295.7 : 1                                                                                     |
 | 최대 파지력         | 170N                                                                                           |
-| 권장 가반하중       | 5kg                                                                                            |
+| 권장 가반하중       | 5kg                                                                                            |
 | 동작 온도           | -5&deg;C ~ 55&deg;C                                                                            |
 | 사용 전압           | 24V                                                                                            |
 | Command Signal      | Digital Packet                                                                                 |
@@ -45,73 +46,73 @@ sidebar:
 | Standby Current     | 30mA                                                                                           |
 | Peak Current        | 3.33A                                                                                          |
-{% include kr/dxl/ %}
+{% include kr/dxl/ %}
 ## [EEPROM 영역](#eeprom-영역)
-| 주소     | 크기<br>(Byte)  | 명칭                                         | 설명                                       | 접근    | 기본값              |
-|    0    |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)               | Model Number                              |   R    |       35073        |
-|    2    |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)     | Model Information                         |   R    |         -          |
-|    6    |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)       | Firmware Version                          |   R    |         -          |
-|    7    |       1        | [ID](#id)                                   | DYNAMIXEL ID                              |   RW   |         1          |
-|    8    |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                     | Communication Speed                       |   RW   |         1          |
-|    9    |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)     | Response Delay Time                       |   RW   |        250         |
-|   11    |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)           | Operating Mode                            |   RW   |         5          |
-|   17    |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)       | Velocity Threshold for Movement Detection |   RW   |         10         |
-|   21    |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)     | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit        |   RW   |         80         |
-|   22    |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)     | Maximum Input Voltage Limit               |   RW   |        400         |
-|   24    |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)     | Minimum Input Voltage Limit               |   RW   |        150         |
-|   26    |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)   | Maximum Accleration Limit                 |   RW   |        255         |
-|   30    |       2        | [Current Limit](#current-limit)             | Maximum Current Limit                     |   RW   |        820         |
-|   32    |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)           | Maximum Velocity Limit                    |   RW   |        100         |
-|   36    |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)   | Maximum Position Limit                    |   RW   |        1150        |
-|   40    |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)   | Minimum Position Limit                    |   RW   |         0          |
-|   44    |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 1                      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   45    |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 2                      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   46    |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 3                      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   47    |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 4                      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   48    |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                       | Shutdown Error Information                |   RW   |         48         |
-|   49    |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 1                        |   RW   |        634         |
-|   51    |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 2                        |   RW   |        635         |
-|   53    |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 3                        |   RW   |        636         |
-|   ...   |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address N                        |   RW   |        ...         |
-|   559   |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)   | Indirect Address 256                      |   RW   |        889         |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                        | 설명                                      | 접근 | 기본값 |
+|  0   |       2        | [Model Number](#model-number)               | Model Number                              |  R   | 35073  |
+|  2   |       4        | [Model Information](#model-information)     | Model Information                         |  R   |   -    |
+|  6   |       1        | [Firmware Version](#firmware-version)       | Firmware Version                          |  R   |   -    |
+|  7   |       1        | [ID](#id)                                   | DYNAMIXEL ID                              |  RW  |   1    |
+|  8   |       1        | [Baud Rate](#baud-rate)                     | Communication Speed                       |  RW  |   1    |
+|  9   |       1        | [Return Delay Time](#return-delay-time)     | Response Delay Time                       |  RW  |  250   |
+|  11  |       1        | [Operating Mode](#operating-mode)           | Operating Mode                            |  RW  |   5    |
+|  17  |       4        | [Moving Threshold](#moving-threshold)       | Velocity Threshold for Movement Detection |  RW  |   10   |
+|  21  |       1        | [Temperature Limit](#temperature-limit)     | Maximum Internal Temperature Limit        |  RW  |   80   |
+|  22  |       2        | [Max Voltage Limit](#max-voltage-limit)     | Maximum Input Voltage Limit               |  RW  |  400   |
+|  24  |       2        | [Min Voltage Limit](#min-voltage-limit)     | Minimum Input Voltage Limit               |  RW  |  150   |
+|  26  |       4        | [Acceleration Limit](#acceleration-limit)   | Maximum Accleration Limit                 |  RW  |  255   |
+|  30  |       2        | [Current Limit](#current-limit)             | Maximum Current Limit                     |  RW  |  820   |
+|  32  |       4        | [Velocity Limit](#velocity-limit)           | Maximum Velocity Limit                    |  RW  |  100   |
+|  36  |       4        | [Max Position Limit](#max-position-limit)   | Maximum Position Limit                    |  RW  |  1150  |
+|  40  |       4        | [Min Position Limit](#min-position-limit)   | Minimum Position Limit                    |  RW  |   0    |
+|  44  |       1        | [External Port Mode 1](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 1                      |  RW  |   0    |
+|  45  |       1        | [External Port Mode 2](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 2                      |  RW  |   0    |
+|  46  |       1        | [External Port Mode 3](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 3                      |  RW  |   0    |
+|  47  |       1        | [External Port Mode 4](#external-port-mode) | External Port Mode 4                      |  RW  |   0    |
+|  48  |       1        | [Shutdown](#shutdown)                       | Shutdown Error Information                |  RW  |   48   |
+|  49  |       2        | [Indirect Address 1](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 1                        |  RW  |  634   |
+|  51  |       2        | [Indirect Address 2](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 2                        |  RW  |  635   |
+|  53  |       2        | [Indirect Address 3](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address 3                        |  RW  |  636   |
+| ...  |       2        | [Indirect Address N](#indirect-address)     | Indirect Address N                        |  RW  |  ...   |
+| 559  |       2        | [Indirect Address 256](#indirect-address)   | Indirect Address 256                      |  RW  |  889   |
 ## [RAM 영역](#ram-영역)
-| 주소     | 크기<br>(Byte)  | 명칭                                               | 설명                            | 접근    | 기본값              |
-|   562   |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   | Motor Torque On/Off            |   RW   |         0          |
-|   563   |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               | Red LED Intensity Value        |   RW   |         0          |
-|   564   |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           | Green LED Intensity Value      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   565   |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             | Blue LED Intensity Value       |   RW   |         0          |
-|   590   |       2        | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               | D Gain of Position             |   RW   |         -          |
-|   592   |       2        | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               | I Gain of Position             |   RW   |         -          |
-|   594   |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               | P Gain of Position             |   RW   |         -          |
-|   596   |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   | Target Position Value          |   RW   |         -          |
-|   600   |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   | Target Velocity Value          |   RW   |         0          |
-|   604   |       2        | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     | Target Current Value           |   RW   |         0          |
-|   606   |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           | Target Acceleration Value      |   RW   |         0          |
-|   610   |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 | Movement Status                |   R    |         -          |
-|   611   |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             | Present Position Value         |   R    |         -          |
-|   615   |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             | Present Velocity Value         |   R    |         -          |
-|   621   |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               | Present Current Value          |   R    |         -          |
-|   623   |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   | Present Input Voltage          |   R    |         -          |
-|   625   |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       | Present Internal Temperature   |   R    |         -          |
-|   626   |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 1           |  R/RW  |         0          |
-|   628   |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 2           |  R/RW  |         0          |
-|   630   |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 3           |  R/RW  |         0          |
-|   632   |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 4           |  R/RW  |         0          |
-|   634   |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 1                |   RW   |         0          |
-|   635   |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 2                |   RW   |         0          |
-|   636   |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 3                |   RW   |         0          |
-|   ...   |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data N                |   RW   |         0          |
-|   889   |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               | Indirect Data 256              |   RW   |         0          |
-|   890   |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) | Check Reception of Instruction |   R    |         0          |
-|   891   |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       | Select Types of Status Return  |   RW   |         2          |
-|   892   |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   | Hardware Error Status          |   R    |         0          |
+| 주소 | 크기<br>(Byte) | 명칭                                              | 설명                           | 접근 | 기본값 |
+| 562  |       1        | [Torque Enable](#torque-enable)                   | Motor Torque On/Off            |  RW  |   0    |
+| 563  |       1        | [LED Red](#led-red)                               | Red LED Intensity Value        |  RW  |   0    |
+| 564  |       1        | [LED Green](#led-green)                           | Green LED Intensity Value      |  RW  |   0    |
+| 565  |       1        | [LED Blue](#led-blue)                             | Blue LED Intensity Value       |  RW  |   0    |
+| 590  |       2        | [Position D Gain](#position-d-gain)               | D Gain of Position             |  RW  |   -    |
+| 592  |       2        | [Position I Gain](#position-i-gain)               | I Gain of Position             |  RW  |   -    |
+| 594  |       2        | [Position P Gain](#position-p-gain)               | P Gain of Position             |  RW  |   -    |
+| 596  |       4        | [Goal Position](#goal-position)                   | Target Position Value          |  RW  |   -    |
+| 600  |       4        | [Goal Velocity](#goal-velocity)                   | Target Velocity Value          |  RW  |   0    |
+| 604  |       2        | [Goal Current](#goal-current)                     | Target Current Value           |  RW  |   0    |
+| 606  |       4        | [Goal Acceleration](#goal-acceleration)           | Target Acceleration Value      |  RW  |   0    |
+| 610  |       1        | [Moving](#moving)                                 | Movement Status                |  R   |   -    |
+| 611  |       4        | [Present Position](#present-position)             | Present Position Value         |  R   |   -    |
+| 615  |       4        | [Present Velocity](#present-velocity)             | Present Velocity Value         |  R   |   -    |
+| 621  |       2        | [Present Current](#present-current)               | Present Current Value          |  R   |   -    |
+| 623  |       2        | [Present Input Voltage](#present-input-voltage)   | Present Input Voltage          |  R   |   -    |
+| 625  |       1        | [Present Temperature](#present-temperature)       | Present Internal Temperature   |  R   |   -    |
+| 626  |       2        | [External Port Data 1](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 1           | R/RW |   0    |
+| 628  |       2        | [External Port Data 2](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 2           | R/RW |   0    |
+| 630  |       2        | [External Port Data 3](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 3           | R/RW |   0    |
+| 632  |       2        | [External Port Data 4](#external-port-data)       | External Port Data 4           | R/RW |   0    |
+| 634  |       1        | [Indirect Data 1](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 1                |  RW  |   0    |
+| 635  |       1        | [Indirect Data 2](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 2                |  RW  |   0    |
+| 636  |       1        | [Indirect Data 3](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data 3                |  RW  |   0    |
+| ...  |       1        | [Indirect Data N](#indirect-data)                 | Indirect Data N                |  RW  |   0    |
+| 889  |       1        | [Indirect Data 256](#indirect-data)               | Indirect Data 256              |  RW  |   0    |
+| 890  |       1        | [Registered Instruction](#registered-instruction) | Check Reception of Instruction |  R   |   0    |
+| 891  |       1        | [Status Return Level](#status-return-level)       | Select Types of Status Return  |  RW  |   2    |
+| 892  |       1        | [Hardware Error Status](#hardware-error-status)   | Hardware Error Status          |  R   |   0    |
 ## [컨트롤 테이블 설명](#컨트롤-테이블-설명)
@@ -122,9 +123,9 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="model-number"></a>**[Model Number(0)](#model-number0)**
 장치의 모델 번호입니다.
-| 모델명 | 모델 번호 |
-| :--------: | :----------: |
-|RH-P12-RN | 35073 (0x8901) |
+|  모델명   |   모델 번호    |
+| RH-P12-RN | 35073 (0x8901) |
 ### <a name="firmware-version"></a>**[Firmware Version(6)](#firmware-version6)**
 장치의 펌웨어 버전입니다.
@@ -141,11 +142,11 @@ sidebar:
 ### <a name="operating-mode"></a>**[Operating Mode(11)](#operating-mode11)**
 장치의 제어 모드를 설정합니다. 각 제어 모드마다 특성이 다르기 때문에, 구현하려는 시스템에 적합한 제어 모드를 설정하시기 바랍니다.
-| Value      | Operating Mode         | Description                                           |
-| 0          | 전류제어 모드            | 속도와 위치는 제어하지 않고, 전류를 제어합니다.            |
-| 1 ~ 4      | Reserved               | -                                                     |
-| 5(Default) | 전류기반 위치제어 모드    | 위치와 전류를 제어합니다.                                |
+| Value      | Operating Mode         | Description                                     |
+| 0          | 전류제어 모드          | 속도와 위치는 제어하지 않고, 전류를 제어합니다. |
+| 1 ~ 4      | Reserved               | -                                               |
+| 5(Default) | 전류기반 위치제어 모드 | 위치와 전류를 제어합니다.                       |
 ### <a name="moving-threshold"></a>**[Moving Threshold(17)](#moving-threshold17)**
 {% include kr/dxl/ %}
@@ -171,16 +172,16 @@ Goal Acceleration(606)은 전류 제어 모드를 제외한 모든 제어 모드
 Goal Current(604)은 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓸 수 없습니다.  
 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓰려 하면, 값이 써지지 않고, Status packet의 error 에 Limit error bit가 set 됩니다.
-|     단위      | 값의 범위 |
-| 약 4.02 mA |   0 ~ 820   |
+|    단위    | 값의 범위 |
+| 약 4.02 mA |  0 ~ 820  |
 ### <a name="velocity-limit"></a>**[Velocity Limit(32)](#velocity-limit32)**
 목표 속도 값의 한계 값입니다.  
 Goal Velocity(600)은 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓸 수 없습니다.  
 이 값보다 큰 값을 쓰려 하면, 값이 써지지 않고, Status packet의 error 에 Limit error bit가 set 됩니다.
-|   단위    |     값의 범위      |
+|   단위    |     값의 범위     |
 | 0.114 RPM | 0 ~ 2,147,483,647 |
@@ -197,19 +198,19 @@ Goal Position(596)에 Max Position Limit(36)과 Min Position Limit(40)의 범위
 장치는 다용도로 사용 가능한 External Port 를 제공합니다.  
 External Port 의 용도는 External Port Mode (44, 45, 46, 47) 에 의해서 결정되고, External Port 의 신호는 External Port Data (626, 628, 630, 632) 에 의해 제어됩니다.
-|External Port Mode|명칭|상세|
-| :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|0(초기값)|AI(Analogue Input)|External Port 신호를 12[bit] Digital로 변환|
-|1|DO_PP(Digital Output Push-Pull)|External Port를 0[V] 또는 3.3[V]로 출력|
-|2|DI_PU(Digital Input Pull-Up)|External Port 신호를 ‘0’ 또는 ‘1’의 Digital 신호로 변경<br />External Port에 신호가 연결되어 있지 않을 경우 ‘1’|
-|3|DI_PD(Digital Input Pull-Down)|External Port 신호를 0 또는 1의 Digital 신호로 변경<br />External Port에 신호가 연결되어 있지 않을 경우 ‘0’|
+| External Port Mode |              명칭               |                                                      상세                                                       |
+|     0(초기값)      |       AI(Analogue Input)        |                                   External Port 신호를 12[bit] Digital로 변환                                   |
+|         1          | DO_PP(Digital Output Push-Pull) |                                     External Port를 0[V] 또는 3.3[V]로 출력                                     |
+|         2          |  DI_PU(Digital Input Pull-Up)   | External Port 신호를 ‘0’ 또는 ‘1’의 Digital 신호로 변경<br />External Port에 신호가 연결되어 있지 않을 경우 ‘1’ |
+|         3          | DI_PD(Digital Input Pull-Down)  |   External Port 신호를 0 또는 1의 Digital 신호로 변경<br />External Port에 신호가 연결되어 있지 않을 경우 ‘0’   |
-|External Port Mode|접근|기능|상세|
-| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
-|Common|-|-|0 ~ 3.3[V], 0 ~ 5[mA]<br />VESD(HBM) : 2[kV]|
-|0(AI)|Read|External Port 신호(signal)를 Digital로 변환<br />External Data = signal x (4,095 / 3.3)|Resolution : 12[bit] (0 ~ 4,095)|
-|1(DO_PP)|Write|0 : External Port의 출력을 0[V]로 변경<br />1 : External Port의 출력을 3.3[V]로 변경|Output High level(VOH) : 2.4 [V] (min)<br />Output Low level(VOL) : 0.5 [V] (max)|
-|2(DI_PU)<br />3 (DI_PD)|Read|0 : External Port의 입력이 0[V]<br />1 : External Port의 입력이 3.3[V]|Input High level(VIH) : 2.3 [V] (min)<br />Input Low level(VIL) : 1.0 [V] (max)<br />Pull-Up/Down : 40 [kΩ] (typ)|
+|   External Port Mode    | 접근  |                                          기능                                           |                                                       상세                                                        |
+|         Common          |   -   |                                            -                                            |                                   0 ~ 3.3[V], 0 ~ 5[mA]<br />VESD(HBM) : 2[kV]                                    |
+|          0(AI)          | Read  | External Port 신호(signal)를 Digital로 변환<br />External Data = signal x (4,095 / 3.3) |                                         Resolution : 12[bit] (0 ~ 4,095)                                          |
+|        1(DO_PP)         | Write |  0 : External Port의 출력을 0[V]로 변경<br />1 : External Port의 출력을 3.3[V]로 변경   |                 Output High level(VOH) : 2.4 [V] (min)<br />Output Low level(VOL) : 0.5 [V] (max)                 |
+| 2(DI_PU)<br />3 (DI_PD) | Read  |         0 : External Port의 입력이 0[V]<br />1 : External Port의 입력이 3.3[V]          | Input High level(VIH) : 2.3 [V] (min)<br />Input Low level(VIL) : 1.0 [V] (max)<br />Pull-Up/Down : 40 [kΩ] (typ) |
 ※ VESD(HBM) : ESD(Electrostatic Discharge) Voltage(human body model)
@@ -231,9 +232,9 @@ External Port 의 용도는 External Port Mode (44, 45, 46, 47) 에 의해서 
-|Pin 1|Pin 2|Pin 3|Pin 4|Pin 5|Pin 6|
-| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
+| Pin 1 | Pin 2 | Pin 3 | Pin 4 | Pin 5 | Pin 6 |
+|  GND  | 3.3V  | PORT1 | PORT2 | PORT3 | PORT4 |
 ### <a name="shutdown"></a>**[Shutdown(48)](#shutdown48)**
@@ -243,16 +244,16 @@ External Port 의 용도는 External Port Mode (44, 45, 46, 47) 에 의해서 
 위험상황이 감지된 후에는 REBOOT을 하지 않는 한, Torque Enable(562)을 ‘1’(Torque ON)로 설정할 수 없습니다.  
 [Shutdown(48)]에서 감지할 수 있는 위험 상황은 아래 표와 같습니다. [Shutdown(48)]의 초기값은 0x30 (2진수 : 0011,0000) 입니다.
-|Bit   | 명칭     | 상세 설명     |
-| :-------------: | :-------------: | :------------- |
-|Bit 7|-|미사용, 항상 0|
-|Bit 6|-|미사용, 항상 0|
-|Bit 5|Overload Error(기본값)|최대 출력으로 제어할 수 없는 하중이 지속적으로 발생한 경우|
-|Bit 4|Electrical Shock Error(기본값)|전기적으로 회로가 충격을 받거나, 입력 전력이 부족해서 모터가 정상동작하지 못하는 경우.|
-|Bit 3|Motor Encoder Error|모터의 엔코더가 동작하지 않을 경우|
-|Bit 2|OverHeating Error|내부 온도가 설정된 동작 온도 범위를 벗어난 경우|
-|Bit 1|-|미사용, 항상 0|
-|Bit 0|Input Voltage Error|인가된 전압이 설정된 동작 전압 범위를 벗어났을 경우|
+|  Bit  |              명칭              | 상세 설명                                                                              |
+| Bit 7 |               -                | 미사용, 항상 0                                                                         |
+| Bit 6 |               -                | 미사용, 항상 0                                                                         |
+| Bit 5 |     Overload Error(기본값)     | 최대 출력으로 제어할 수 없는 하중이 지속적으로 발생한 경우                             |
+| Bit 4 | Electrical Shock Error(기본값) | 전기적으로 회로가 충격을 받거나, 입력 전력이 부족해서 모터가 정상동작하지 못하는 경우. |
+| Bit 3 |      Motor Encoder Error       | 모터의 엔코더가 동작하지 않을 경우                                                     |
+| Bit 2 |       OverHeating Error        | 내부 온도가 설정된 동작 온도 범위를 벗어난 경우                                        |
+| Bit 1 |               -                | 미사용, 항상 0                                                                         |
+| Bit 0 |      Input Voltage Error       | 인가된 전압이 설정된 동작 전압 범위를 벗어났을 경우                                    |
 {% capture rh_p12_rn_01 %}
 **참고**: Shutdown 이 발생하면 다음과 같은 방법으로 장치를 REBOOT 시킬 수 있습니다.
@@ -297,17 +298,17 @@ K<sub>P</sub>D, K<sub>P</sub>I, K<sub>P</sub>P 는 각각 Position D Gain, Posit
 이동시키고자 하는 곳의 위치 값입니다.  
 값의 범위는 Min Position Limit(40) ~ Max Position Limit(36) 이며, 초기값은 0 ~ 1,150 (0x47E) 입니다.
-|모델명|Goal Position = 0|Goal Position = 740|
-| :-------: | :--------: | :--------: |
+|  모델명   |                         Goal Position = 0                          |                         Goal Position = 740                         |
+| RH-P12-RN | ![](/assets/images/platform/rh_p12_rn/rh_p12_rn_position_open.png) | ![](/assets/images/platform/rh_p12_rn/rh_p12_rn_position_close.png) |
 ### <a name="goal-velocity"></a>**[Goal Velocity(600)](#goal-velocity600)**
 전류기반 위치 제어 모드에서만 사용되며, Profile 의 최대 속도를 설정합니다.  
 Goal Velocity(600)가 ‘0’인 경우, Profile 은 비활성화 되며, 속도를 제한하지 않고 모터의 최대 RPM 을 사용합니다.
-|단위|값의 범위|
-| :---: | :---: |
+|     단위     |                값의 범위                 |
 | 약 0.114 RPM | -Velocity Limit(32) ~ Velocity Limit(32) |
 **참고**: 해당 모델의 최대 RPM을 확인하시기 바랍니다. Goal Velocity(600)를 최대 RPM 이상으로 설정해도 모터는 최대 RPM 이상의 속도를 낼 수 없습니다.
@@ -316,23 +317,23 @@ Goal Velocity(600)가 ‘0’인 경우, Profile 은 비활성화 되며, 속도
 ### <a name="goal-current"></a>**[Goal Current(604)](#goal-current604)**
 Operating Mode(11) 에 따라 다른 의미로 사용됩니다.
-| Operating Mode          | Goal Current                                 |
-| 0 (전류제어 모드)         | Goal Current(604)값이 목표 전류값으로 사용됩니다.|
-| 5 (전류기반 위치제어 모드) | Goal Current(604)값이 최대 전류값으로 사용됩니다.|
+| Operating Mode             | Goal Current                                      |
+| 0 (전류제어 모드)          | Goal Current(604)값이 목표 전류값으로 사용됩니다. |
+| 5 (전류기반 위치제어 모드) | Goal Current(604)값이 최대 전류값으로 사용됩니다. |
 Goal Current(604)는 Current Limit(30) 보다 큰 값을 사용할 수 없습니다.
-|     단위    |                값의 범위                |
-| :--------: | :------------------------------------: |
+|    단위    |               값의 범위                |
 | 약 4.02 mA | -Current Limit(30) ~ Current Limit(30) |
 ### <a name="goal-acceleration"></a>**[Goal Acceleration(606)](#goal-acceleration606)**
 전류기반 위치 제어 모드에서만 사용되며, Profile 의 가속도를 설정합니다.  
 Goal Velocity(600)가 ‘0’인 경우, Profile 이 비활성화 되어 Goal Acceleration(606)은 적용되지 않습니다.
-|단위|값의 범위|
-| :---: | :---: |
+|            단위             |         값의 범위          |
 | 214.577 Rev/min<sup>2</sup> | 0 ~ Acceleration Limit(26) |
 ### <a name="moving"></a>**[Moving(610)](#moving610)**
@@ -341,9 +342,9 @@ Goal Velocity(600)가 ‘0’인 경우, Profile 이 비활성화 되어 Goal Ac
 ### <a name="present-position"></a>**[Present Position(611)](#present-position611)**
 장치의 현재 위치 값입니다.
-|Model|Goal Position = 0|Goal Position = 740|
-| :-------: | :--------: | :--------: |
+|   Model   |                         Goal Position = 0                          |                         Goal Position = 740                         |
+| RH-P12-RN | ![](/assets/images/platform/rh_p12_rn/rh_p12_rn_position_open.png) | ![](/assets/images/platform/rh_p12_rn/rh_p12_rn_position_close.png) |
 ### <a name="present-velocity"></a>**[Present Velocity(615)](#present-velocity615)**
 현재 이동하는 속도입니다.  
@@ -387,14 +388,14 @@ Goal Velocity(600)가 ‘0’인 경우, Profile 이 비활성화 되어 Goal Ac
 ## [커넥터 정보](#커넥터-정보)
-|핀 번호|`1` GND<br>`2` VDD<br>`3` DATA+<br>`4` DATA-|`1` GND<br>`2` VDD<br>`3` PORT 1<br>`4` PORT 2<br>`5` PORT 3<br>`6` PORT 4|
-|하우징|![](/assets/images/dxl/JST_EHR-4.png)<br />[JST EHR-04]|![](/assets/images/dxl/molex_510210600.png)<br />[MOLEX 51021-0600]|
-|PCB 헤더|![](/assets/images/dxl/jst_b4beha.png)<br />[JST B4B-EH-A]|![](/assets/images/dxl/molex_530470610.png)<br />[MOLEX 53047-0610]|
-|Crimp 터미널|[JST SEH-001T-P0.6]|[MOLEX 50079-8100]|
-|Wire Gauge|21 AWG|21 AWG|
+|     항목     |                           RS-485                           |                                  외부포트                                  |
+|   핀 번호    |        `1` GND<br>`2` VDD<br>`3` DATA+<br>`4` DATA-        | `1` GND<br>`2` VDD<br>`3` PORT 1<br>`4` PORT 2<br>`5` PORT 3<br>`6` PORT 4 |
+|  다이어그램  |       ![](/assets/images/dxl/jst_b4beha_diagram.png)       |             ![](/assets/images/dxl/molex_5304706_diagram.png)              |
+|    하우징    |  ![](/assets/images/dxl/JST_EHR-4.png)<br />[JST EHR-04]   |    ![](/assets/images/dxl/molex_510210600.png)<br />[MOLEX 51021-0600]     |
+|   PCB 헤더   | ![](/assets/images/dxl/jst_b4beha.png)<br />[JST B4B-EH-A] |    ![](/assets/images/dxl/molex_530470610.png)<br />[MOLEX 53047-0610]     |
+| Crimp 터미널 |                    [JST SEH-001T-P0.6]                     |                             [MOLEX 50079-8100]                             |
+|  Wire Gauge  |                           21 AWG                           |                                   21 AWG                                   |
 [JST EHR-04]:
 [JST B4B-EH-A]: