Releases: RIVM-bioinformatics/juno-assembly
Releases · RIVM-bioinformatics/juno-assembly
- Added an argument --prefix where you can choose the path to download conda environments or singularity images.
- Updated base_juno to 0.2.6 that includes reservation of memory when sending a bjob
Updated pip and base_juno
Updated the pip version and base_juno version in the yaml file for the master environment.
Juno-assembly v2.0
- Steps in containers instead of conda environments
- Automated testing
- Species identification step
- Filtering and trimming performed with FastP instead of trimmomatic
- Python wrapper
- Use of base_juno_pipeline library
- Filtering by number of lines of input files
- More explicit errors
Properly allocate memory when calling drmaa
Merge pull request #6 from AleSR13/dev Dev merge refactoring and allocation of resources
use default queue
Merge pull request #5 from AleSR13/irodsconfiguredqueue Irodsconfiguredqueue
Fixed some memory fails
- Allocating memory per job
- Restart if job fails
- Logging the juno call
- Renaming files and rules to have consistent small letters
Fixed error in onsuccess rule when providing a genus_file
fix activate master environment form