SAFE is written in Scala and uses a (mostly) off-the shelf implementation of SafeSets based on Riak key-value store.
The best way to understand how Riak is installed is to inspect the Riak Dockerfile. Riak is a stand-in for a cooperative key-value store (e.g., a DHT) required by SAFE.
Most of the details are similarly contained in the SAFE Dockerfile. A brief summary:
Install bundled prerequisites:
apt-get install -y gdb default-jdk python git curl make htop wget libssl1.0.0 libpam0g-dev libssl-dev python-crypto
Install SBT version 1.2.8
wget${SBT_VERSION}/sbt-${SBT_VERSION}.tgz && cd ~/ && tar -zxvf sbt-${SBT_VERSION}.tgz
export PATH=/wherever/sbt/bin:$PATH
Install SAFE
git clone
Update /etc/riak/riak.conf to use your host's IP address:
listener.http.internal = ${internal_ip}:8098
listener.protobuf.internal = ${internal_ip}:8087
Initialize Riak
riak start
riak ping
riak-admin bucket-type create safesets '{"props":{"n_val":1, "w":1, "r":1, "pw":1, "pr":1}}'
riak-admin bucket-type activate safesets
riak-admin bucket-type update safesets '{"props":{"allow_mult":false}}'
Test Riak
RIAK_IP=`hostname -i`
curl -XPUT http://${RIAK_IP}:8098/types/safesets/buckets/safe/keys/b5SCs-dUqRWMvs1GbwvwRC9Pi9yHYuSVj6oxLSU8wXs -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' -d 'herzlich willkommen'
curl http://${RIAK_IP}:8098/types/safesets/buckets/safe/keys/b5SCs-dUqRWMvs1GbwvwRC9Pi9yHYuSVj6oxLSU8wXs
Expected response: herzlich willkommen
Compile SAFE
$ cd SAFE/
$ sbt "project safe-server" "compile"
Generate principal identities
$ mkdir principalkeys
$ utility/ key- 10 principalkeys/
Configure to talk to SafeSets/Riak by modifying safe-server/src/main/resources/application.conf
url = "http://${RIAK_IP}:8098/types/safesets/buckets/safe/keys
Run SAFE shell
sbt “project safe-lang” “run”
or run SAFE server
export SLANG_SCRIPT="strong/strong-client.slang"
sbt "project safe-server" "run -f safe-apps/${SLANG_SCRIPT} -r safeService -kd principalkeys/"