January 14, 2021
- Create a wishilist
- Add the ability to add to a wishlist Back End
- Create a new Collection in MongoDB for Wishlist
- Collection will have UserId and MovieID
- Validate the user
- We need to create a route for Wishlist
- We can post to wishlist
- Get from the wishlist
- Needs to be a private route (Only the person who owns that wihlist can access it)
- Optional - Delete from wishlist
- Return wihlist response Front End
- Button to add to wishlist
- Show wishlist as a category
- Add it inside the category
- Fetch the wishlist data from API
Dec 3, 2020
- Keep the user logged in
- Create a Register Page
- Complete the API for Registration
Nov 26, 2020
- Create a Login Form
- Grab the data
- Hash a password
- Keep the user logged in
October 29
- Fix the issue with the iframe
- Add genres to netflix clone
--- Grab all genre titles and loop though them --- Use the same API as we used before --- Grab the movies for each genre
October 22
- Show the trailer for the user when they select a movie
- Find a way to grab the movie (YouTube, Movie Database API, IMDB)
- If we can't find the trailer, we need to Tell The user "Can't find trailer"
- Open a modal on click of a movie
- Disable user interation
- Show the movie in the modal (LOAD youtube video)
- Show background black
October 1
Horizontal scroll for movies DONE
Retreive the other movies from the API DONE
Add the hover effect to individual movies
PARTY in the house
Create a Header
Finish up the movies section
Understand Promises, APIs, Fetch..
Pull in movies from API
Create HTML Structure -> DONE
Create header -> DONE
Style header
Create featured section
Create Netflix Originals
Create Movies List
Create Trending now
Technology: HTML, JS CSS
Icons: font awesome