A Rust Application to turn off hue lights when you start a Movie in Plex and turn them back on after.
- download the latest Version from releases.
- on your plex server go to settings/webhooks and insert if plexhue will run on the same computer. else insert <plexhuePcIp>:8000
- open the folder with plexhue.exe in terminal.
- run
.\plexhue.exe getuuid
then start a video on the player you want to set up - plexhue should now output the id of that player copy that for later then press ctrl + C to end execution
- next run
.\plexhue.exe setup
and follow the instructions. - you should now have a config.json in the same folder.
Congratulations you are now done with the setup.
you can now run .\plexhue.exe server
and leave this running and your hue lights should turn on or off with play/pause events from your configured player.
if you want an icon to start plexhue on your desktop instead of using the command line do the following:
- after setup right click on plexhue.exe and click create shortcut.
- now right click on the shortcut and go to properties
- in the target field add a space followed by server to the end.
your shortcut will now start you server sit back and enjoy your movies.