So, what's all this about? Apart from being a bunch of grammatical horrors and nonsense. This is (I hope) a serie of tutorials about the development of a 2D game, from scratch to something big (I hope again), in the Godot Engine.
There are so many topics of which caught my interest and I will be (trying to) writing about them once a week. They go from basic asset creation, passing by useful tricks and ideas, up to some crazy stuff that I myself have not implemented yet.
Now, the game. Ok, there is no game. Not yet. I will be developing it at the same time I will be writing this tutorials, and uploading it to github, so everyone can access the code and use it. I will be trying to tag each "tutorial checkpoint" commit so it will be easy to see the progress in the tutorial.
There is no plot, just some random hilarant ideas and a name which I like. The game will be 2D, because 3D still intimidates me, and it will be a platformer. I actually like isometric 2D games a lot more but sometimes one have to choose something and continue to the end. I will be trying to turn it some rpg like game with fast paced combat and I have actually played a little with some pixel art and I foud this simple sprites easy for almost everything.
They are simple to animate, simple to draw, simple to make content. There is only one drawback that is they are too simple and the pixels are too big so somethimes its not easy to represent some things. Like a scar for example. But that's not our problem by now and it actually exersises creativity. If you do not want to make a pixelated game you just have to change the sprites and adjust some sizes and scales.
The next thing in my unfinishable list of tutorials is how to make the sprites and animations for this game. I will be using Graphics Gale, although I do not like it, but it's free and it works well for pixeled things.
After that I will make the environment and some tilesets using Pyxel Edit and put it all together inside the Godot Engine to give them life.