diff --git a/.commitlintrc.json b/.commitlintrc.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0df1d2536 --- /dev/null +++ b/.commitlintrc.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "extends": [ + "@commitlint/config-conventional" + ] +} diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c333cce6d --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintignore @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +node_modules +dist +build +.svelte diff --git a/.eslintrc.cjs b/.eslintrc.cjs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ef98c460 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +module.exports = { + root: true, + parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', + plugins: [ + '@typescript-eslint', + 'svelte3' + ], + 'extends': [ + 'eslint:recommended', + 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended', + 'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended' + ], + parserOptions: { + ecmaVersion: 2019, + sourceType: 'module' + }, + env: { + es6: true, + browser: true + }, + overrides: [ + { + files: [ + '*.svelte' + ], + processor: 'svelte3/svelte3', + } + ], + settings: { + 'svelte3/typescript': require('typescript'), + 'svelte3/ignore-styles': () => true + }, +} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e812aa1a --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ + +# Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/node,vscode,jetbrains+all,windows,macos,linux +# Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=node,vscode,jetbrains+all,windows,macos,linux + +### JetBrains+all ### +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider +# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 + +# User-specific stuff +.idea/**/workspace.xml +.idea/**/tasks.xml +.idea/**/usage.statistics.xml +.idea/**/dictionaries +.idea/**/shelf + +# Generated files +.idea/**/contentModel.xml + +# Sensitive or high-churn files +.idea/**/dataSources/ +.idea/**/dataSources.ids +.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml +.idea/**/sqlDataSources.xml +.idea/**/dynamic.xml +.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml +.idea/**/dbnavigator.xml + +# Gradle +.idea/**/gradle.xml +.idea/**/libraries + +# Gradle and Maven with auto-import +# When using Gradle or Maven with auto-import, you should exclude module files, +# since they will be recreated, and may cause churn. Uncomment if using +# auto-import. +# .idea/artifacts +# .idea/compiler.xml +# .idea/jarRepositories.xml +# .idea/modules.xml +# .idea/*.iml +# .idea/modules +# *.iml +# *.ipr + +# CMake +cmake-build-*/ + +# Mongo Explorer plugin +.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml + +# File-based project format +*.iws + +# IntelliJ +out/ + +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin +.idea_modules/ + +# JIRA plugin +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml + +# Cursive Clojure plugin +.idea/replstate.xml + +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml +crashlytics.properties +crashlytics-build.properties +fabric.properties + +# Editor-based Rest Client +.idea/httpRequests + +# Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file +.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser + +### JetBrains+all Patch ### +# Ignores the whole .idea folder and all .iml files +# See https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186 and https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/360 + +.idea/ + +# Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-249601023 + +*.iml +modules.xml +.idea/misc.xml +*.ipr + +# Sonarlint plugin +.idea/sonarlint + +### Linux ### +*~ + +# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file +.fuse_hidden* + +# KDE directory preferences +.directory + +# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk +.Trash-* + +# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed +.nfs* + +### macOS ### +# General +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride + +# Icon must end with two \r +Icon + + +# Thumbnails +._* + +# Files that might appear in the root of a volume +.DocumentRevisions-V100 +.fseventsd +.Spotlight-V100 +.TemporaryItems +.Trashes +.VolumeIcon.icns +.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent + +# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share +.AppleDB +.AppleDesktop +Network Trash Folder +Temporary Items +.apdisk + +### Node ### +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed +*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage +*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) +build/Release + +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# TypeScript v1 declaration files +typings/ + +# TypeScript cache +*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm cache directory +.npm + +# Optional eslint cache +.eslintcache + +# Optional stylelint cache +.stylelintcache + +# Microbundle cache +.rpt2_cache/ +.rts2_cache_cjs/ +.rts2_cache_es/ +.rts2_cache_umd/ + +# Optional REPL history +.node_repl_history + +# Output of 'npm pack' +*.tgz + +# Yarn Integrity file +.yarn-integrity + +# dotenv environment variables file +.env +.env.test +.env*.local + +# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) +.cache +.parcel-cache + +# Next.js build output +.next + +# Nuxt.js build / generate output +.nuxt +dist + +# Storybook build outputs +.out +.storybook-out +storybook-static + +# rollup.js default build output +dist/ + +# Gatsby files +.cache/ +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js +# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support +# public + +# vuepress build output +.vuepress/dist + +# Serverless directories +.serverless/ + +# FuseBox cache +.fusebox/ + +# DynamoDB Local files +.dynamodb/ + +# TernJS port file +.tern-port + +# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions +.vscode-test + +# Temporary folders +tmp/ +temp/ + +### vscode ### +.vscode/* +!.vscode/settings.json +!.vscode/tasks.json +!.vscode/launch.json +!.vscode/extensions.json +*.code-workspace + +### Windows ### +# Windows thumbnail cache files +Thumbs.db +Thumbs.db:encryptable +ehthumbs.db +ehthumbs_vista.db + +# Dump file +*.stackdump + +# Folder config file +[Dd]esktop.ini + +# Recycle Bin used on file shares +$RECYCLE.BIN/ + +# Windows Installer files +*.cab +*.msi +*.msix +*.msm +*.msp + +# Windows shortcuts +*.lnk + +# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/node,vscode,jetbrains+all,windows,macos,linux + +/.svelte +/build +/functions +/.graphqlconfig +/schema.graphql +/graphql.schema.json diff --git a/.husky/.gitignore b/.husky/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31354ec13 --- /dev/null +++ b/.husky/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +_ diff --git a/.husky/commit-msg b/.husky/commit-msg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d4c08eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.husky/commit-msg @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/sh +. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh" + +pnpx commitlint -e $1 diff --git a/.husky/pre-commit b/.husky/pre-commit new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ded808c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/.husky/pre-commit @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/sh +. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh" + +pnpm lint && pnpx svelte-check --ignore build,.svelte diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2acc3eb4a --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + smr-frontend, satisfactory modding website + Copyright (C) 2021 Vilsol + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + smr-frontend Copyright (C) 2021 Vilsol + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65627dde0 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# SMR Frontend + +## Development + +### Setup + +This project uses [pnpm](https://pnpm.js.org/): + +```shell +pnpm install +``` + +### Running + +The `dev` script executes several processes: + +* Development Server +* Svelte Checker +* ESLint + +```shell +pnpm dev +``` diff --git a/codegen.yml b/codegen.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99148335e --- /dev/null +++ b/codegen.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +overwrite: true +schema: "https://api.ficsit.app/v2/query" +documents: "src/**/*.graphql" +generates: + ./src/generated/graphql.ts: + plugins: + - add: + content: '/* eslint-disable */' + - "typescript" + - "typescript-operations" + - "typed-document-node" + config: + useTypeImports: true + ./src/generated/graphql.schema.urql.json: + plugins: + - "urql-introspection" + config: + module: commonjs + ./graphql.schema.json: + plugins: + - "introspection" + diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2a9fffcd --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +{ + "name": "smr-next", + "version": "0.0.1", + "scripts": { + "adapt": "svelte-kit adapt", + "build": "run-s build:static build:node", + "build:node": "rimraf .svelte build/node && cross-env SVELTE_ADAPTER=node svelte-kit build", + "build:static": "rimraf .svelte build/static && svelte-kit build", + "check": "svelte-check --ignore build,.svelte", + "check:dev": "svelte-check --ignore build,.svelte --watch", + "dev": "run-p -r dev:serve check:dev lint:dev", + "dev:serve": "svelte-kit dev", + "graphql-codegen:prod": "graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml", + "graphql-codegen:prod:watch": "graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml --watch", + "lint": "eslint . --ext .ts,.svelte", + "lint:dev": "chokidar -c \"eslint . --ext .ts,.svelte --cache\" --silent --initial \"src/**/*.svelte\" \"src/**/*.ts\"", + "prepare": "husky install", + "start": "svelte-kit start" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "@commitlint/cli": "^12.1.1", + "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^12.1.1", + "@graphql-codegen/add": "^2.0.2", + "@graphql-codegen/cli": "1.21.3", + "@graphql-codegen/introspection": "1.18.1", + "@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node": "^1.18.4", + "@graphql-codegen/typescript": "1.21.1", + "@graphql-codegen/typescript-document-nodes": "1.17.10", + "@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-files-modules": "1.18.1", + "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "1.17.15", + "@graphql-codegen/typescript-urql": "^2.0.5", + "@graphql-codegen/urql-introspection": "1.0.0", + "@graphql-typed-document-node/core": "^3.1.0", + "@iconify/core": "^1.0.0-rc.5", + "@iconify/icons-mdi": "^1.1.13", + "@iconify/svelte": "^1.0.4", + "@sveltejs/adapter-node": "next", + "@sveltejs/adapter-static": "^1.0.0-next.4", + "@sveltejs/kit": "next", + "@tailwindcss/jit": "^0.1.18", + "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.20.0", + "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.20.0", + "@urql/core": "^2.0.0", + "@urql/exchange-graphcache": "^4.0.0", + "@urql/exchange-multipart-fetch": "^0.1.11", + "@urql/exchange-persisted-fetch": "^1.3.0", + "@urql/introspection": "^0.2.0", + "@urql/svelte": "^1.2.1", + "autoprefixer": "^10.2.5", + "chokidar-cli": "^2.1.0", + "cross-env": "^7.0.3", + "cssnano": "^4.1.10", + "cz-conventional-changelog": "^3.3.0", + "eslint": "^7.23.0", + "eslint-plugin-svelte3": "^3.1.2", + "graphql": "^15.5.0", + "graphql-tag": "^2.11.0", + "husky": "^6.0.0", + "npm-run-all": "^4.1.5", + "postcss": "^8.2.9", + "postcss-load-config": "^3.0.1", + "postcss-preset-env": "^6.7.0", + "rimraf": "^3.0.2", + "svelte": "^3.37.0", + "svelte-check": "^1.3.0", + "svelte-preprocess": "^4.7.0", + "tailwindcss": "^2.0.4", + "tslib": "^2.1.0", + "typescript": "^4.2.3", + "urql": "^2.0.2", + "vite": "^2.1.5", + "wonka": "^4.0.15" + }, + "type": "module", + "engines": { + "node": ">= 12.17.0" + } +} diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8044b5e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,8238 @@ +devDependencies: + '@commitlint/cli': 12.1.1 + '@commitlint/config-conventional': 12.1.1 + '@graphql-codegen/add': 2.0.2_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/cli': 1.21.3_graphql@15.5.0+typescript@4.2.3 + '@graphql-codegen/introspection': 1.18.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript': 1.21.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-document-nodes': 1.17.10_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-files-modules': 1.18.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations': 1.17.15_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-urql': 2.0.5_28a65ed17e5509be3f9314a464678e80 + '@graphql-codegen/urql-introspection': 1.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-typed-document-node/core': 3.1.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@iconify/core': 1.0.0-rc.5 + '@iconify/icons-mdi': 1.1.13 + '@iconify/svelte': 1.0.4 + '@sveltejs/adapter-node': 1.0.0-next.12 + '@sveltejs/adapter-static': 1.0.0-next.4 + '@sveltejs/kit': 1.0.0-next.71_svelte@3.37.0+vite@2.1.5 + '@tailwindcss/jit': 0.1.18_postcss@8.2.9+tailwindcss@2.0.4 + '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': 4.20.0_7448dc1756632cc6400f187319207d38 + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 4.20.0_eslint@7.23.0+typescript@4.2.3 + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/exchange-graphcache': 4.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/exchange-multipart-fetch': 0.1.11_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/exchange-persisted-fetch': 1.3.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/introspection': 0.2.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/svelte': 1.2.1_graphql@15.5.0+svelte@3.37.0 + autoprefixer: 10.2.5_postcss@8.2.9 + chokidar-cli: 2.1.0 + cross-env: 7.0.3 + cssnano: 4.1.10 + cz-conventional-changelog: 3.3.0 + eslint: 7.23.0 + eslint-plugin-svelte3: 3.1.2_eslint@7.23.0+svelte@3.37.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-tag: 2.11.0_graphql@15.5.0 + husky: 6.0.0 + npm-run-all: 4.1.5 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-load-config: 3.0.1 + 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sha512-+qGH+s2Lo6qwacV2X3/ZypZwaAI84ift+1HBjXdXtI/q0F5NtmXucV3lcQOTviMTNiJhq4qWON2fjci2NItASw== + /@csstools/convert-colors/1.4.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5a6wqoJV/xEdbRNKVo6I4hO3VjyDq//8q2f9I6PBAvMesJHFauXDorcNCsr9RzvsZnaWi5NYCcfyqP1QeFHFbw== + /@cyberalien/redundancy/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+ZvuwtVXzyxX1CWnP+X5XgDelseU9KSYgmPu3/DSraR7Qyi/vLZwuRRX0sYO24M/gZaChNXRBEK6RHRe3uBndw== + /@endemolshinegroup/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader/3.0.2_b28d37000a23a49eed16b94a450ac09d: + dependencies: + cosmiconfig: 6.0.0 + lodash.get: 4.4.2 + make-error: 1.3.6 + ts-node: 9.1.1_typescript@4.2.3 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10.0.0' + peerDependencies: + cosmiconfig: '>=6' + typescript: '*' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QRVtqJuS1mcT56oHpVegkKBlgtWjXw/gHNWO3eL9oyB5Sc7HBoc2OLG/nYpVfT/Jejvo3NUrD0Udk7XgoyDKkA== + /@eslint/eslintrc/0.4.0: + dependencies: + ajv: 6.12.6 + debug: 4.3.1 + espree: 7.3.1 + globals: 12.4.0 + ignore: 4.0.6 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2ZPCc+uNbjV5ERJr+aKSPRwZgKd2z11x0EgLvb1PURmUrn9QNRXFqje0Ldq454PfAVyaJYyrDvvIKSFP4NnBog== + /@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss/3.1.3: + dependencies: + purgecss: 3.1.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kwOXw8fZ0Lt1QmeOOrd+o4Ibvp4UTEBFQbzvWldjlKv5n+G9sXfIPn1hh63IQIL8K8vbvv1oYMJiIUbuy9bGaA== + /@graphql-codegen/add/2.0.2_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-0X1ofeSvAjCNcLar2ZR1EOmm5dvyKJMFbgM+ySf1PaHyoi3yf/xRI2Du81ONzQ733Lhmn3KTX1VKybm/OB1Qtg== + /@graphql-codegen/cli/1.21.3_graphql@15.5.0+typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/core': 1.17.9_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader': 6.2.5_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/code-file-loader': 6.3.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/git-loader': 6.2.6_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/github-loader': 6.2.5_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader': 6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/json-file-loader': 6.2.6_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/load': 6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/prisma-loader': 6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/url-loader': 6.8.2_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + ansi-escapes: 4.3.2 + chalk: 4.1.0 + change-case-all: 1.0.12 + chokidar: 3.5.1 + common-tags: 1.8.0 + cosmiconfig: 7.0.0 + debounce: 1.2.1 + dependency-graph: 0.11.0 + detect-indent: 6.0.0 + glob: 7.1.6 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-config: 3.2.0_graphql@15.5.0+typescript@4.2.3 + indent-string: 4.0.0 + inquirer: 7.3.3 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + json-to-pretty-yaml: 1.2.2 + latest-version: 5.1.0 + listr: 0.14.3 + listr-update-renderer: 0.5.0_listr@0.14.3 + log-symbols: 4.1.0 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + mkdirp: 1.0.4 + string-env-interpolation: 1.0.1 + ts-log: 2.2.3 + tslib: 2.1.0 + valid-url: 1.0.9 + wrap-ansi: 7.0.0 + yaml: 1.10.2 + yargs: 16.2.0 + dev: true + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + typescript: '*' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jwg0mKhseg0QI4/T4IQcttTBCZgnahiTWqnYWIK+E8nrbXCE9o2hxvaYin/Kq9+5oFtxDePED56cjVs/ESRw6g== + /@graphql-codegen/core/1.17.9_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/merge': 6.2.11_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 6.2.4_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7nwy+bMWqb0iYJ2DKxA9UiE16meeJ2Ch2XWS/N/ZnA0snTR+GZ20USI8z6YqP1Fuist7LvGO1MbitO2qBT8raA== + /@graphql-codegen/introspection/1.18.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-M8kLUYF+YA/oj378RHh7BN5hO2wdplBfL2oyRL9sxjtNY30iYGn7To3TRijDCNoXaak5jLwgwUURZ0BZgX6IJA== + /@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers/1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + common-tags: 1.8.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + import-from: 3.0.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dpfhUmn9GOS8ByoOPIN3V4Nn9HX7sl9NR7Hf26TgN6Clg7cQvkT6XjHdS2e56Q3kWrxZT1zJ1sEa67D3tj9ZtQ== + 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sha512-0xKilL6J7QeBwE7lH86RkTcHRU1Z49nEMVMU0n3o9u4Yf+757GoaGhliYboVZFXHgE8n16HbNBxIO+oIN6hJAA== + /@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-files-modules/1.18.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-u2X2YrnqachkUQmFZ+XhutzveDlUTFbPmizR05IRe12Lbbo15rw5cTnT4VGmkhub9N6JROgJl1T+fJKt0311kw== + /@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations/1.17.15_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript': 1.21.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common': 1.19.1_graphql@15.5.0 + auto-bind: 4.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-HStWj3mUe+0ir2J0jqgjegrvcO1DIe2gzsoBBo9RHIYwyaxedUivxXvWY9XBfKpHv6sLa/ST1iYGeedrJELPtw== + /@graphql-codegen/typescript-urql/2.0.5_28a65ed17e5509be3f9314a464678e80: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common': 1.19.1_graphql@15.5.0 + auto-bind: 4.0.0 + change-case-all: 1.0.12 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-tag: 2.11.0_graphql@15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + graphql-tag: ^2.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-D0uiKSDgKKJC+X5Fmrb882wSyNBo5C46YqAd3pYEGEFgaWkpTrvmSakQGrezJH0zflPTaqMBv8RJ4wyonuYYLA== + /@graphql-codegen/typescript/1.21.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common': 1.19.1_graphql@15.5.0 + auto-bind: 4.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JF6Vsu5HSv3dAoS2ca3PFLUN0qVxotex/+BgWw/6SKhtd83MUPnzJ/RU3lACg4vuNTCWeQSeGvg8x5qrw9Go9w== + /@graphql-codegen/urql-introspection/1.0.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@urql/introspection': 0.1.2_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-0iaIeV9um8N69T/IuiFZu5Zc28BCSqVUWyH/cWHkBodo8KzDf9Q0z5onHKlyj4KpmTEXKjub/gtteeKbwr04Sg== + /@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common/1.19.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers': 1.18.4_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/optimize': 1.0.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/relay-operation-optimizer': 6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0 + array.prototype.flatmap: 1.2.4 + auto-bind: 4.0.0 + change-case-all: 1.0.12 + dependency-graph: 0.11.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-tag: 2.11.0_graphql@15.5.0 + parse-filepath: 1.0.2 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MJZXe5vXxV6PLOgHhQoz93gnjzJtbnVQXQKqVEcbyB9W8ImoKuTHsEf/eJ6yCL79f7X/2dnOOM84d5Osh1eaKg== + /@graphql-tools/apollo-engine-loader/6.2.5_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + cross-fetch: 3.0.6 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CE4uef6PyxtSG+7OnLklIr2BZZDgjO89ZXK47EKdY7jQy/BQD/9o+8SxPsgiBc+2NsDJH2I6P/nqoaJMOEat6g== + /@graphql-tools/batch-execute/7.1.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + dataloader: 2.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + is-promise: 4.0.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Yb4QRpHZqDk24+T4K3ARk/KFU26Dyl30XcbYeVvIrgIKcmeON/p3DfSeiB0+MaxYlsv+liQKvlxNbeC2hD31pA== + /@graphql-tools/code-file-loader/6.3.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck': 6.5.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ZJimcm2ig+avgsEOWWVvAaxZrXXhiiSZyYYOJi0hk9wh5BxZcLUNKkTp6EFnZE/jmGUwuos3pIjUD3Hwi3Bwhg== + /@graphql-tools/delegate/7.1.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@ardatan/aggregate-error': 0.0.6 + '@graphql-tools/batch-execute': 7.1.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/schema': 7.1.3_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + dataloader: 2.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + is-promise: 4.0.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+uV0KZPI070sEykf3uxy+AhirHOqZnqbVqTqcfhH8/97+vdoLPE5oVceCTvMQsC7bDapbcbNiwcpYd8T6OQ4KQ== + /@graphql-tools/git-loader/6.2.6_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck': 6.5.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ooQTt2CaG47vEYPP3CPD+nbA0F+FYQXfzrB1Y1ABN9K3d3O2RK3g8qwslzZaI8VJQthvKwt0A95ZeE4XxteYfw== + /@graphql-tools/github-loader/6.2.5_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck': 6.5.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + cross-fetch: 3.0.6 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DLuQmYeNNdPo8oWus8EePxWCfCAyUXPZ/p1PWqjrX/NGPyH2ZObdqtDAfRHztljt0F/qkBHbGHCEk2TKbRZTRw== + /@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader/6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/import': 6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5k2SNz0W87tDcymhEMZMkd6/vs6QawDyjQXWtqkuLTBF3vxjxPD1I4dwHoxgWPIjjANhXybvulD7E+St/7s9TQ== + /@graphql-tools/graphql-tag-pluck/6.5.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/parser': 7.12.16 + '@babel/traverse': 7.12.13 + '@babel/types': 7.12.13 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7qkm82iFmcpb8M6/yRgzjShtW6Qu2OlCSZp8uatA3J0eMl87TxyJoUmL3M3UMMOSundAK8GmoyNVFUrueueV5Q== + /@graphql-tools/import/6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + resolve-from: 5.0.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zmaVhJ3UPjzJSb005Pjn2iWvH+9AYRXI4IUiTi14uPupiXppJP3s7S25Si3+DbHpFwurDF2nWRxBLiFPWudCqw== + /@graphql-tools/json-file-loader/6.2.6_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CnfwBSY5926zyb6fkDBHnlTblHnHI4hoBALFYXnrg0Ev4yWU8B04DZl/pBRUc459VNgO2x8/mxGIZj2hPJG1EA== + /@graphql-tools/load/6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/merge': 6.2.11_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + globby: 11.0.2 + graphql: 15.5.0 + import-from: 3.0.0 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + p-limit: 3.1.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + unixify: 1.0.0 + valid-url: 1.0.9 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b1qWjki1y/QvGtoqW3x8bcwget7xmMfLGsvGFWOB6m38tDbzVT3GlJViAC0nGPDks9OCoJzAdi5IYEkBaqH5GQ== + /@graphql-tools/merge/6.2.11_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/schema': 7.1.3_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-temQABWkDTZb/qJwcIdrEbyJ5WkhaWZQeYxiuxGqZWlIOoFkYfqzfAP2qKl2Ry+ZkN+Q/Yozr1/ap//xjpwAlA== + /@graphql-tools/optimize/1.0.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cRlUNsbErYoBtzzS6zXahXeTBZGPVlPHXCpnEZ0XiK/KY/sQL96cyzak0fM/Gk6qEI9/l32MYEICjasiBQrl5w== + /@graphql-tools/prisma-loader/6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/url-loader': 6.8.2_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@types/http-proxy-agent': 2.0.2 + '@types/js-yaml': 4.0.0 + '@types/json-stable-stringify': 1.0.32 + '@types/jsonwebtoken': 8.5.1 + chalk: 4.1.0 + debug: 4.3.1 + dotenv: 8.2.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-request: 3.4.0_graphql@15.5.0 + http-proxy-agent: 4.0.1 + https-proxy-agent: 5.0.0 + isomorphic-fetch: 3.0.0 + js-yaml: 4.0.0 + json-stable-stringify: 1.0.1 + jsonwebtoken: 8.5.1 + lodash: 4.17.21 + replaceall: 0.1.6 + scuid: 1.1.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + yaml-ast-parser: 0.0.43 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9V3W/kzsFBmUQqOsd96V4a4k7Didz66yh/IK89B1/rrvy9rYj+ULjEqR73x9BYZ+ww9FV8yP8LasWAJwWaqqJQ== + /@graphql-tools/relay-operation-optimizer/6.3.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + relay-compiler: 10.1.0_graphql@15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Or3UgRvkY9Fq1AAx7q38oPqFmTepLz7kp6wDHKyR0ceG7AvHv5En22R12mAeISInbhff4Rpwgf6cE8zHRu6bCw== + /@graphql-tools/schema/7.1.3_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ZY76hmcJlF1iyg3Im0sQ3ASRkiShjgv102vLTVcH22lEGJeCaCyyS/GF1eUHom418S60bS8Th6+autRUxfBiBg== + /@graphql-tools/url-loader/6.8.2_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/delegate': 7.1.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/wrap': 7.0.5_graphql@15.5.0 + '@types/websocket': 1.0.2 + cross-fetch: 3.1.1 + eventsource: 1.1.0 + extract-files: 9.0.0 + form-data: 4.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + graphql-upload: 11.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql-ws: 4.2.2_graphql@15.5.0 + is-promise: 4.0.0 + isomorphic-ws: 4.0.1_ws@7.4.4 + sse-z: 0.3.0 + sync-fetch: 0.3.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + valid-url: 1.0.9 + ws: 7.4.4 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YzsXSCOwlSj8UqOMhQThPzgEChgS/MonyWV7f0WKmN9gAT/f3fPaUcYhVamsH0vGbvTkfNM4JdoZO/39amRs5Q== + /@graphql-tools/utils/6.2.4_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@ardatan/aggregate-error': 0.0.6 + camel-case: 4.1.1 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ybgZ9EIJE3JMOtTrTd2VcIpTXtDrn2q6eiYkeYMKRVh3K41+LZa6YnR2zKERTXqTWqhobROwLt4BZbw2O3Aeeg== + /@graphql-tools/utils/7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@ardatan/aggregate-error': 0.0.6 + camel-case: 4.1.2 + graphql: 15.5.0 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-SFT4/dTfrwWer1wSOLU+jqgv3oa/xTR8q+MiNbE9nCH2FXyMsqIOaXKm9wHfKIWFWHozqBdcnwFkQZrdD7H2TQ== + /@graphql-tools/wrap/7.0.5_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-tools/delegate': 7.1.1_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/schema': 7.1.3_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 7.7.1_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + is-promise: 4.0.0 + tslib: 2.0.3 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-KCWBXsDfvG46GNUawRltJL4j9BMGoOG7oo3WEyCQP+SByWXiTe5cBF45SLDVQgdjljGNZhZ4Lq/7avIkF7/zDQ== + /@graphql-typed-document-node/core/3.1.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.8.0 || ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wYn6r8zVZyQJ6rQaALBEln5B1pzxb9shV5Ef97kTvn6yVGrqyXVnDqnU24MXnFubR+rZjBY9NWuxX3FB2sTsjg== + /@iarna/toml/2.2.5: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-trnsAYxU3xnS1gPHPyU961coFyLkh4gAD/0zQ5mymY4yOZ+CYvsPqUbOFSw0aDM4y0tV7tiFxL/1XfXPNC6IPg== + /@iconify/core/1.0.0-rc.5: + dependencies: + '@cyberalien/redundancy': 1.1.0 + '@iconify/types': 1.0.6 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1VFvNlBqsX/pMRI3nd00UzEqAS7weayJ/CyCD18b8+kFa9PvoVcGAmob1bTTm++v+QKVqQs+8iQaBFl/DrrsvA== + /@iconify/icons-mdi/1.1.13: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-R3EI5eXXrdhlY+x0M4VLJSPWC7Wb252JwZbTsn+6kSXVedQlt7euWZfurI70SUKfjviuVbJqLXWZCAAREjwQoA== + /@iconify/svelte/1.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Bjr4UMJUsMCra1lpMYIijLZJustalA7FuBldV9B7IsaeKGZ06rcmgeVUYJqrKJ/0bhRg/chcKasLjUlFqWIoMQ== + /@iconify/types/1.0.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eG74WPaqjBGnZ3Xy36X4LRDA/ZlhCK6T0zbsAAIYObY2Qija/379iXx+e2wWwEIXS46B62nGaUcuI0MpUnTSrg== + /@nodelib/fs.scandir/2.1.4: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.4 + run-parallel: 1.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-33g3pMJk3bg5nXbL/+CY6I2eJDzZAni49PfJnL5fghPTggPvBd/pFNSgJsdAgWptuFu7qq/ERvOYFlhvsLTCKA== + /@nodelib/fs.stat/2.0.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-IYlHJA0clt2+Vg7bccq+TzRdJvv19c2INqBSsoOLp1je7xjtr7J26+WXR72MCdvU9q1qTzIWDfhMf+DRvQJK4Q== + /@nodelib/fs.walk/1.2.6: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.scandir': 2.1.4 + fastq: 1.11.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8Broas6vTtW4GIXTAHDoE32hnN2M5ykgCpWGbuXHQ15vEMqr23pB76e/GZcYsZCHALv50ktd24qhEyKr6wBtow== + /@rollup/pluginutils/4.1.0: + dependencies: + estree-walker: 2.0.2 + picomatch: 2.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8.0.0' + peerDependencies: + rollup: ^1.20.0||^2.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-TrBhfJkFxA+ER+ew2U2/fHbebhLT/l/2pRk0hfj9KusXUuRXd2v0R58AfaZK9VXDQ4TogOSEmICVrQAA3zFnHQ== + /@samverschueren/stream-to-observable/0.3.1_rxjs@6.6.7: + dependencies: + any-observable: 0.3.0 + rxjs: 6.6.7 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + peerDependencies: + rxjs: '*' + zen-observable: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + rxjs: + optional: true + zen-observable: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-c/qwwcHyafOQuVQJj0IlBjf5yYgBI7YPJ77k4fOJYesb41jio65eaJODRUmfYKhTOFBrIZ66kgvGPlNbjuoRdQ== + /@sindresorhus/is/0.14.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9NET910DNaIPngYnLLPeg+Ogzqsi9uM4mSboU5y6p8S5DzMTVEsJZrawi+BoDNUVBa2DhJqQYUFvMDfgU062LQ== + /@sveltejs/adapter-node/1.0.0-next.12: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DGP3dT5ijsTV0zmLDmZP8wI4RjZlifGGzA0y4HLoWNEKhZJLDjFDJnNcA+O5S9QBxQOVaYUlAY2z19r+skBVjA== + /@sveltejs/adapter-static/1.0.0-next.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Atri/5jyiVmAklqDKb/5czmLkHos6LQOag61k/C6qWozMb8UopvL3bTm62hFQXGKvGnuSRq2xIueDOKWHM/7rA== + /@sveltejs/kit/1.0.0-next.71_svelte@3.37.0+vite@2.1.5: + dependencies: + '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte': 1.0.0-next.5_svelte@3.37.0+vite@2.1.5 + cheap-watch: 1.0.3 + sade: 1.7.4 + svelte: 3.37.0 + vite: 2.1.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 12.17.0' + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + svelte: ^3.32.1 + vite: ^2.1.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9oZEKtuFpmJanL0u7oJPWIoC4kWMtNSuN1SN7xKo+g54xI6JcsoH2J15OkTU89Hsd9Ctp4/OTh9j6/vgq9J7gw== + /@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte/1.0.0-next.5_svelte@3.37.0+vite@2.1.5: + dependencies: + '@rollup/pluginutils': 4.1.0 + chalk: 4.1.0 + debug: 4.3.2 + hash-sum: 2.0.0 + require-relative: 0.8.7 + slash: 3.0.0 + source-map: 0.7.3 + svelte: 3.37.0 + svelte-hmr: 0.13.3_svelte@3.37.0 + vite: 2.1.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=12.0.0' + peerDependencies: + svelte: ^3.35.0 + vite: ^2.1.2 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RVjafsqziWwnQm8VEy2y0qNaugNDvRd8tTaCt9rjgQkqaS/BDiyDCluXxA28PRC+ddZjvwUeq9k+0EfbLVObfg== + /@szmarczak/http-timer/1.1.2: + dependencies: + defer-to-connect: 1.1.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XIB2XbzHTN6ieIjfIMV9hlVcfPU26s2vafYWQcZHWXHOxiaRZYEDKEwdl129Zyg50+foYV2jCgtrqSA6qNuNSA== + /@tailwindcss/jit/0.1.18_postcss@8.2.9+tailwindcss@2.0.4: + dependencies: + chokidar: 3.5.1 + dlv: 1.1.3 + fast-glob: 3.2.5 + lodash.topath: 4.5.2 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + object-hash: 2.1.1 + parse-glob: 3.0.4 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.4 + quick-lru: 5.1.1 + tailwindcss: 2.0.4_0bca15301caac8bc71ea0ad94045571f + dev: true + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.2.6 + tailwindcss: ^2.0.3 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WNSEiwbggtO9n6+ok2fFdYmhqY20oqLmB82H23nY8P5WzijZbIshojoY3s/OvPD7cmvzkweZ6LLKGWuDS1/vLA== + /@tootallnate/once/1.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RbzJvlNzmRq5c3O09UipeuXno4tA1FE6ikOjxZK0tuxVv3412l64l5t1W5pj4+rJq9vpkm/kwiR07aZXnsKPxw== + /@types/http-proxy-agent/2.0.2: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 14.14.37 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2S6IuBRhqUnH1/AUx9k8KWtY3Esg4eqri946MnxTG5HwehF1S5mqLln8fcyMiuQkY72p2gH3W+rIPqp5li0LyQ== + /@types/js-yaml/4.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-4vlpCM5KPCL5CfGmTbpjwVKbISRYhduEJvvUWsH5EB7QInhEj94XPZ3ts/9FPiLZFqYO0xoW4ZL8z2AabTGgJA== + /@types/json-schema/7.0.7: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cxWFQVseBm6O9Gbw1IWb8r6OS4OhSt3hPZLkFApLjM8TEXROBuQGLAH2i2gZpcXdLBIrpXuTDhH7Vbm1iXmNGA== + /@types/json-stable-stringify/1.0.32: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-q9Q6+eUEGwQkv4Sbst3J4PNgDOvpuVuKj79Hl/qnmBMEIPzB5QoFRUtjcgcg2xNUZyYUGXBk5wYIBKHt0A+Mxw== + /@types/jsonwebtoken/8.5.1: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 14.14.37 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-rNAPdomlIUX0i0cg2+I+Q1wOUr531zHBQ+cV/28PJ39bSPKjahatZZ2LMuhiguETkCgLVzfruw/ZvNMNkKoSzw== + /@types/minimist/1.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-fZQQafSREFyuZcdWFAExYjBiCL7AUCdgsk80iO0q4yihYYdcIiH28CcuPTGFgLOCC8RlW49GSQxdHwZP+I7CNg== + /@types/node/14.14.37: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XYmBiy+ohOR4Lh5jE379fV2IU+6Jn4g5qASinhitfyO71b/sCo6MKsMLF5tc7Zf2CE8hViVQyYSobJNke8OvUw== + /@types/normalize-package-data/2.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-f5j5b/Gf71L+dbqxIpQ4Z2WlmI/mPJ0fOkGGmFgtb6sAu97EPczzbS3/tJKxmcYDj55OX6ssqwDAWOHIYDRDGA== + /@types/parse-json/4.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-//oorEZjL6sbPcKUaCdIGlIUeH26mgzimjBB77G6XRgnDl/L5wOnpyBGRe/Mmf5CVW3PwEBE1NjiMZ/ssFh4wA== + /@types/pug/2.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-h3L80EGOPNLMFxVV1zAHQVBR9LI= + /@types/q/1.5.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1HcDas8SEj4z1Wc696tH56G8OlRaH/sqZOynNNB+HF0WOeXPaxTtbYzJY2oEfiUxjSKjhCKr+MvR7dCHcEelug== + /@types/sass/1.16.0: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 14.14.37 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2XZovu4NwcqmtZtsBR5XYLw18T8cBCnU2USFHTnYLLHz9fkhnoEMoDsqShJIOFsFhn5aJHjweiUUdTrDGujegA== + /@types/websocket/1.0.2: + dependencies: + '@types/node': 14.14.37 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-B5m9aq7cbbD/5/jThEr33nUY8WEfVi6A2YKCTOvw5Ldy7mtsOkqRvGjnzy6g7iMMDsgu7xREuCzqATLDLQVKcQ== + /@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin/4.20.0_7448dc1756632cc6400f187319207d38: + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils': 4.20.0_eslint@7.23.0+typescript@4.2.3 + '@typescript-eslint/parser': 4.20.0_eslint@7.23.0+typescript@4.2.3 + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 4.20.0 + debug: 4.3.1 + eslint: 7.23.0 + functional-red-black-tree: 1.0.1 + lodash: 4.17.21 + regexpp: 3.1.0 + semver: 7.3.5 + tsutils: 3.21.0_typescript@4.2.3 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + peerDependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^4.0.0 + eslint: ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sw+3HO5aehYqn5w177z2D82ZQlqHCwcKSMboueo7oE4KU9QiC0SAgfS/D4z9xXvpTc8Bt41Raa9fBR8T2tIhoQ== + /@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils/4.20.0_eslint@7.23.0+typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + '@types/json-schema': 7.0.7 + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/types': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree': 4.20.0_typescript@4.2.3 + eslint: 7.23.0 + eslint-scope: 5.1.1 + eslint-utils: 2.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + peerDependencies: + eslint: '*' + typescript: '*' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sQNlf6rjLq2yB5lELl3gOE7OuoA/6IVXJUJ+Vs7emrQMva14CkOwyQwD7CW+TkmOJ4Q/YGmoDLmbfFrpGmbKng== + /@typescript-eslint/parser/4.20.0_eslint@7.23.0+typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/types': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree': 4.20.0_typescript@4.2.3 + debug: 4.3.1 + eslint: 7.23.0 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + peerDependencies: + eslint: ^5.0.0 || ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-m6vDtgL9EABdjMtKVw5rr6DdeMCH3OA1vFb0dAyuZSa3e5yw1YRzlwFnm9knma9Lz6b2GPvoNSa8vOXrqsaglA== + /@typescript-eslint/scope-manager/4.20.0: + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 4.20.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/zm6WR6iclD5HhGpcwl/GOYDTzrTHmvf8LLLkwKqqPKG6+KZt/CfSgPCiybshmck66M2L5fWSF/MKNuCwtKQSQ== + /@typescript-eslint/types/4.20.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: ^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cYY+1PIjei1nk49JAPnH1VEnu7OYdWRdJhYI5wiKOUMhLTG1qsx5cQxCUTuwWCmQoyriadz3Ni8HZmGSofeC+w== + /@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree/4.20.0_typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys': 4.20.0 + debug: 4.3.1 + globby: 11.0.3 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + semver: 7.3.5 + tsutils: 3.21.0_typescript@4.2.3 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + peerDependencies: + typescript: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + typescript: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Knpp0reOd4ZsyoEJdW8i/sK3mtZ47Ls7ZHvD8WVABNx5Xnn7KhenMTRGegoyMTx6TiXlOVgMz9r0pDgXTEEIHA== + /@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys/4.20.0: + dependencies: + '@typescript-eslint/types': 4.20.0 + eslint-visitor-keys: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^8.10.0 || ^10.13.0 || >=11.10.1 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NXKRM3oOVQL8yNFDNCZuieRIwZ5UtjNLYtmMx2PacEAGmbaEYtGgVHUHVyZvU/0rYZcizdrWjDo+WBtRPSgq+A== + /@urql/core/2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@graphql-typed-document-node/core': 3.1.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Qj24CG8ullqZZsYmjrSH0JhH+nY7kj8GbVbA9si3KUjlYs75A/MBQU3i97j6oWyGldDBapyis2CfaQeXKbv8rA== + /@urql/exchange-graphcache/4.0.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-UuLyR2tuy28KFmcMzD0aU3hWEa62H8Yfo9rBVAaXPxvGUD8g0Bq3NXUGLBvXxKMZcodn7AjYeVBlfPCHth9awA== + /@urql/exchange-multipart-fetch/0.1.11_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + extract-files: 8.1.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bL42HxTVLISvOpgzQvXB4ukGLJGFQA9uCidFejiDw5uOKhhx0y0BdiasA1kGu6rsQ3eBmGdEIL7fDjxy9XLqDQ== + /@urql/exchange-persisted-fetch/1.3.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pP73iVeh8qKGm94oTf+cRLdxrB7fKeQpru76ANKi4EVw9PxvfWUb9zAWnfBXXham2MlWrGxIoBO6h8C+IZ3Qxw== + /@urql/introspection/0.1.2_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-neUWngizFD2ajCrHJLT/KmkhB6dcJTvMn7cE3c2KB2Hk0y+bSXK/1KBQffaekAacHUwxgoLvYEL9Z68HkCuFvQ== + /@urql/introspection/0.2.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wA3zsEbMOhfivUtUibEaguYs+QqT9SaJ+hPhXBLyXJkml4dbDlmBJnhLq+nCoduP8Gy8Saksxh0UzMoUEM9JzA== + /@urql/svelte/1.2.1_graphql@15.5.0+svelte@3.37.0: + dependencies: + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + svelte: 3.37.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + svelte: ^3.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8LJG8fSEwJZoxN2tw21SHEsTOIXlvb8GalzoeM4Pyh/KqPnOIiB70AaUJz+PnyzYm6GKy017hYPxjJPzyZPrKw== + /JSONStream/1.3.5: + dependencies: + jsonparse: 1.3.1 + through: 2.3.8 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-E+iruNOY8VV9s4JEbe1aNEm6MiszPRr/UfcHMz0TQh1BXSxHK+ASV1R6W4HpjBhSeS+54PIsAMCBmwD06LLsqQ== + /acorn-jsx/5.3.1_acorn@7.4.1: + dependencies: + acorn: 7.4.1 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + acorn: ^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0 || ^8.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-K0Ptm/47OKfQRpNQ2J/oIN/3QYiK6FwW+eJbILhsdxh2WTLdl+30o8aGdTbm5JbffpFFAg/g+zi1E+jvJha5ng== + /acorn-node/1.8.2: + dependencies: + acorn: 7.4.1 + acorn-walk: 7.2.0 + xtend: 4.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8mt+fslDufLYntIoPAaIMUe/lrbrehIiwmR3t2k9LljIzoigEPF27eLk2hy8zSGzmR/ogr7zbRKINMo1u0yh5A== + /acorn-walk/7.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OPdCF6GsMIP+Az+aWfAAOEt2/+iVDKE7oy6lJ098aoe59oAmK76qV6Gw60SbZ8jHuG2wH058GF4pLFbYamYrVA== + /acorn/7.4.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.4.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nQyp0o1/mNdbTO1PO6kHkwSrmgZ0MT/jCCpNiwbUjGoRN4dlBhqJtoQuCnEOKzgTVwg0ZWiCoQy6SxMebQVh8A== + /agent-base/6.0.2: + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RZNwNclF7+MS/8bDg70amg32dyeZGZxiDuQmZxKLAlQjr3jGyLx+4Kkk58UO7D2QdgFIQCovuSuZESne6RG6XQ== + /ajv/6.12.6: + dependencies: + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + fast-json-stable-stringify: 2.1.0 + json-schema-traverse: 0.4.1 + uri-js: 4.4.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-j3fVLgvTo527anyYyJOGTYJbG+vnnQYvE0m5mmkc1TK+nxAppkCLMIL0aZ4dblVCNoGShhm+kzE4ZUykBoMg4g== + /ajv/8.0.5: + dependencies: + fast-deep-equal: 3.1.3 + json-schema-traverse: 1.0.0 + require-from-string: 2.0.2 + uri-js: 4.4.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RkiLa/AeJx7+9OvniQ/qeWu0w74A8DiPPBclQ6ji3ZQkv5KamO+QGpqmi7O4JIw3rHGUXZ6CoP9tsAkn3gyazg== + /alphanum-sort/1.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-l6ERlkmyEa0zaR2fn0hqjsn74KM= + /ansi-colors/4.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JoX0apGbHaUJBNl6yF+p6JAFYZ666/hhCGKN5t9QFjbJQKUU/g8MNbFDbvfrgKXvI1QpZplPOnwIo99lX/AAmA== + /ansi-escapes/3.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cBhpre4ma+U0T1oM5fXg7Dy1Jw7zzwv7lt/GoCpr+hDQJoYnKVPLL4dCvSEFMmQurOQvSrwT7SL/DAlhBI97RQ== + /ansi-escapes/4.3.2: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.21.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gKXj5ALrKWQLsYG9jlTRmR/xKluxHV+Z9QEwNIgCfM1/uwPMCuzVVnh5mwTd+OuBZcwSIMbqssNWRm1lE51QaQ== + /ansi-regex/2.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-w7M6te42DYbg5ijwRorn7yfWVN8= + /ansi-regex/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-7QMXwyIGT3lGbAKWa922Bas32Zg= + /ansi-regex/4.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1apePfXM1UOSqw0o9IiFAovVz9M5S1Dg+4TrDwfMewQ6p/rmMueb7tWZjQ1rx4Loy1ArBggoqGpfqqdI4rondg== + /ansi-regex/5.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bY6fj56OUQ0hU1KjFNDQuJFezqKdrAyFdIevADiqrWHwSlbmBNMHp5ak2f40Pm8JTFyM2mqxkG6ngkHO11f/lg== + /ansi-styles/2.2.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-tDLdM1i2NM914eRmQ2gkBTPB3b4= + /ansi-styles/3.2.1: + dependencies: + color-convert: 1.9.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VT0ZI6kZRdTh8YyJw3SMbYm/u+NqfsAxEpWO0Pf9sq8/e94WxxOpPKx9FR1FlyCtOVDNOQ+8ntlqFxiRc+r5qA== + /ansi-styles/4.3.0: + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zbB9rCJAT1rbjiVDb2hqKFHNYLxgtk8NURxZ3IZwD3F6NtxbXZQCnnSi1Lkx+IDohdPlFp222wVALIheZJQSEg== + /any-observable/0.3.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/FQM1EDkTsf63Ub2C6O7GuYFDsSXUwsaZDurV0np41ocwq0jthUAYCmhBX9f+KwlaCgIuWyr/4WlUQUBfKfZog== + /anymatch/3.1.1: + dependencies: + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + picomatch: 2.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mM8522psRCqzV+6LhomX5wgp25YVibjh8Wj23I5RPkPppSVSjyKD2A2mBJmWGa+KN7f2D6LNh9jkBCeyLktzjg== + /arg/4.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-58S9QDqG0Xx27YwPSt9fJxivjYl432YCwfDMfZ+71RAqUrZef7LrKQZ3LHLOwCS4FLNBplP533Zx895SeOCHvA== + /argparse/1.0.10: + dependencies: + sprintf-js: 1.0.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-o5Roy6tNG4SL/FOkCAN6RzjiakZS25RLYFrcMttJqbdd8BWrnA+fGz57iN5Pb06pvBGvl5gQ0B48dJlslXvoTg== + /argparse/2.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8+9WqebbFzpX9OR+Wa6O29asIogeRMzcGtAINdpMHHyAg10f05aSFVBbcEqGf/PXw1EjAZ+q2/bEBg3DvurK3Q== + /arr-diff/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-1kYQdP6/7HHn4VI1dhoyml3HxSA= + /arr-flatten/1.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-L3hKV5R/p5o81R7O02IGnwpDmkp6E982XhtbuwSe3O4qOtMMMtodicASA1Cny2U+aCXcNpml+m4dPsvsJ3jatg== + /arr-union/3.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-45sJrqne+Gao8gbiiK9jkZuuOcQ= + /array-ify/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-nlKHYrSpBmrRY6aWKjZEGOlibs4= + /array-union/2.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-HGyxoOTYUyCM6stUe6EJgnd4EoewAI7zMdfqO+kGjnlZmBDz/cR5pf8r/cR4Wq60sL/p0IkcjUEEPwS3GFrIyw== + /array-unique/0.3.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-qJS3XUvE9s1nnvMkSp/Y9Gri1Cg= + /array.prototype.flatmap/1.2.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + es-abstract: 1.18.0 + function-bind: 1.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-r9Z0zYoxqHz60vvQbWEdXIEtCwHF0yxaWfno9qzXeNHvfyl3BZqygmGzb84dsubyaXLH4husF+NFgMSdpZhk2Q== + /arrify/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-iYUI2iIm84DfkEcoRWhJwVAaSw0= + /asap/2.0.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-5QNHYR1+aQlDIIu9r+vLwvuGbUY= + /assign-symbols/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-WWZ/QfrdTyDMvCu5a41Pf3jsA2c= + /astral-regex/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Z7tMw1ytTXt5jqMcOP+OQteU1VuNK9Y02uuJtKQ1Sv69jXQKKg5cibLwGJow8yzZP+eAc18EmLGPal0bp36rvQ== + /asynckit/0.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-x57Zf380y48robyXkLzDZkdLS3k= + /at-least-node/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+q/t7Ekv1EDY2l6Gda6LLiX14rU9TV20Wa3ofeQmwPFZbOMo9DXrLbOjFaaclkXKWidIaopwAObQDqwWtGUjqg== + /atob/2.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4.5.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Wm6ukoaOGJi/73p/cl2GvLjTI5JM1k/O14isD73YML8StrH/7/lRFgmg8nICZgD3bZZvjwCGxtMOD3wWNAu8cg== + /auto-bind/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Hdw8qdNiqdJ8LqT0iK0sVzkFbzg6fhnQqqfWhBDxcHZvU75+B+ayzTy8x+k5Ix0Y92XOhOUlx74ps+bA6BeYMQ== + /autoprefixer/10.2.5_postcss@8.2.9: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001207 + colorette: 1.2.2 + fraction.js: 4.0.13 + normalize-range: 0.1.2 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-value-parser: 4.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14 + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + postcss: ^8.1.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7H4AJZXvSsn62SqZyJCP+1AWwOuoYpUfK6ot9vm0e87XD6mT8lDywc9D9OTJPMULyGcvmIxzTAMeG2Cc+YX+fA== + /autoprefixer/9.8.6: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001207 + colorette: 1.2.2 + normalize-range: 0.1.2 + num2fraction: 1.2.2 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 4.1.0 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XrvP4VVHdRBCdX1S3WXVD8+RyG9qeb1D5Sn1DeLiG2xfSpzellk5k54xbUERJ3M5DggQxes39UGOTP8CFrEGbg== + /babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node/2.3.3: + dependencies: + object.assign: 4.1.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jZVI+s9Zg3IqA/kdi0i6UDCybUI3aSBLnglhYbSSjKlV7yF1F/5LWv8MakQmvYpnbJDS6fcBL2KzHSxNCMtWSQ== + /babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas/7.0.0-beta.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Xj9XuRuz3nTSbaTXWv3itLOcxyF4oPD8douBBmj7U9BBC6nEBYfyOJYQMf/8PJAFotC62UY5dFfIGEPr7WswzQ== + /babel-preset-fbjs/3.3.0_@babel+core@7.13.14: + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread': 7.13.8_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-syntax-flow': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread': 7.8.3_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-classes': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-for-of': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-function-name': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-literals': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs': 7.13.8_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-object-super': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-parameters': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-property-literals': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx': 7.13.12_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties': 7.12.13_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-spread': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + '@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals': 7.13.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas: 7.0.0-beta.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7QTLTCd2gwB2qGoi5epSULMHugSVgpcVt5YAeiFO9ABLrutDQzKfGwzxgZHLpugq8qMdg/DhRZDZ5CLKxBkEbw== + /balanced-match/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-ibTRmasr7kneFk6gK4nORi1xt2c= + /base/0.11.2: + dependencies: + cache-base: 1.0.1 + class-utils: 0.3.6 + component-emitter: 1.3.0 + define-property: 1.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + mixin-deep: 1.3.2 + pascalcase: 0.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5T6P4xPgpp0YDFvSWwEZ4NoE3aM4QBQXDzmVbraCkFj8zHM+mba8SyqB5DbZWyR7mYHo6Y7BdQo3MoA4m0TeQg== + /base64-js/1.5.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-AKpaYlHn8t4SVbOHCy+b5+KKgvR4vrsD8vbvrbiQJps7fKDTkjkDry6ji0rUJjC0kzbNePLwzxq8iypo41qeWA== + /binary-extensions/2.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jDctJ/IVQbZoJykoeHbhXpOlNBqGNcwXJKJog42E5HDPUwQTSdjCHdihjj0DlnheQ7blbT6dHOafNAiS8ooQKA== + /boolbase/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-aN/1++YMUes3cl6p4+0xDcwed24= + /brace-expansion/1.1.11: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.0 + concat-map: 0.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-iCuPHDFgrHX7H2vEI/5xpz07zSHB00TpugqhmYtVmMO6518mCuRMoOYFldEBl0g187ufozdaHgWKcYFb61qGiA== + /braces/2.3.2: + dependencies: + arr-flatten: 1.1.0 + array-unique: 0.3.2 + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + fill-range: 4.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + repeat-element: 1.1.3 + snapdragon: 0.8.2 + snapdragon-node: 2.1.1 + split-string: 3.1.0 + to-regex: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-aNdbnj9P8PjdXU4ybaWLK2IF3jc/EoDYbC7AazW6to3TRsfXxscC9UXOB5iDiEQrkyIbWp2SLQda4+QAa7nc3w== + /braces/3.0.2: + dependencies: + fill-range: 7.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b8um+L1RzM3WDSzvhm6gIz1yfTbBt6YTlcEKAvsmqCZZFw46z626lVj9j1yEPW33H5H+lBQpZMP1k8l+78Ha0A== + /browserslist/4.16.3: + dependencies: + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001207 + colorette: 1.2.2 + electron-to-chromium: 1.3.707 + escalade: 3.1.1 + node-releases: 1.1.71 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^6 || ^7 || ^8 || ^9 || ^10 || ^11 || ^12 || >=13.7 + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-vIyhWmIkULaq04Gt93txdh+j02yX/JzlyhLYbV3YQCn/zvES3JnY7TifHHvvr1w5hTDluNKMkV05cs4vy8Q7sw== + /bser/2.1.1: + dependencies: + node-int64: 0.4.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gQxTNE/GAfIIrmHLUE3oJyp5FO6HRBfhjnw4/wMmA63ZGDJnWBmgY/lyQBpnDUkGmAhbSe39tx2d/iTOAfglwQ== + /buffer-equal-constant-time/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-+OcRMvf/5uAaXJaXpMbz5I1cyBk= + /buffer-from/1.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MQcXEUbCKtEo7bhqEs6560Hyd4XaovZlO/k9V3hjVUF/zwW7KBVdSK4gIt/bzwS9MbR5qob+F5jusZsb0YQK2A== + /buffer/5.7.1: + dependencies: + base64-js: 1.5.1 + ieee754: 1.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EHcyIPBQ4BSGlvjB16k5KgAJ27CIsHY/2JBmCRReo48y9rQ3MaUzWX3KVlBa4U7MyX02HdVj0K7C3WaB3ju7FQ== + /busboy/0.3.1: + dependencies: + dicer: 0.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.5.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-y7tTxhGKXcyBxRKAni+awqx8uqaJKrSFSNFSeRG5CsWNdmy2BIK+6VGWEW7TZnIO/533mtMEA4rOevQV815YJw== + /bytes/3.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zauLjrfCG+xvoyaqLoV8bLVXXNGC4JqlxFCutSDWA6fJrTo2ZuvLYTqZ7aHBLZSMOopbzwv8f+wZcVzfVTI2Dg== + /cache-base/1.0.1: + dependencies: + collection-visit: 1.0.0 + component-emitter: 1.3.0 + get-value: 2.0.6 + has-value: 1.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + set-value: 2.0.1 + to-object-path: 0.3.0 + union-value: 1.0.1 + unset-value: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-AKcdTnFSWATd5/GCPRxr2ChwIJ85CeyrEyjRHlKxQ56d4XJMGym0uAiKn0xbLOGOl3+yRpOTi484dVCEc5AUzQ== + /cacheable-request/6.1.0: + dependencies: + clone-response: 1.0.2 + get-stream: 5.2.0 + http-cache-semantics: 4.1.0 + keyv: 3.1.0 + lowercase-keys: 2.0.0 + normalize-url: 4.5.0 + responselike: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Oj3cAGPCqOZX7Rz64Uny2GYAZNliQSqfbePrgAQ1wKAihYmCUnraBtJtKcGR4xz7wF+LoJC+ssFZvv5BgF9Igg== + /cachedir/2.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VvxA0xhNqIIfg0V9AmJkDg91DaJwryutH5rVEZAhcNi4iJFj9f+QxmAjgK1LT9I8OgToX27fypX6/MeCXVbBjQ== + /call-bind/1.0.2: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.1.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7O+FbCihrB5WGbFYesctwmTKae6rOiIzmz1icreWJ+0aA7LJfuqhEso2T9ncpcFtzMQtzXf2QGGueWJGTYsqrA== + /caller-callsite/2.0.0: + dependencies: + callsites: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-hH4PzgoiN1CpoCfFSzNzGtMVQTQ= + /caller-path/2.0.0: + dependencies: + caller-callsite: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Ro+DBE42mrIBD6xfBs7uFbsssfQ= + /callsites/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-BuuE8A7qQT2oav/vrL/7Ngk7PFA= + /callsites/3.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-P8BjAsXvZS+VIDUI11hHCQEv74YT67YUi5JJFNWIqL235sBmjX4+qx9Muvls5ivyNENctx46xQLQ3aTuE7ssaQ== + /camel-case/4.1.1: + dependencies: + pascal-case: 3.1.2 + tslib: 1.14.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7fa2WcG4fYFkclIvEmxBbTvmibwF2/agfEBc6q3lOpVu0A13ltLsA+Hr/8Hp6kp5f+G7hKi6t8lys6XxP+1K6Q== + /camel-case/4.1.2: + dependencies: + pascal-case: 3.1.2 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gxGWBrTT1JuMx6R+o5PTXMmUnhnVzLQ9SNutD4YqKtI6ap897t3tKECYla6gCWEkplXnlNybEkZg9GEGxKFCgw== + /camelcase-css/2.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QOSvevhslijgYwRx6Rv7zKdMF8lbRmx+uQGx2+vDc+KI/eBnsy9kit5aj23AgGu3pa4t9AgwbnXWqS+iOY+2aA== + /camelcase-keys/6.2.2: + dependencies: + camelcase: 5.3.1 + map-obj: 4.2.0 + quick-lru: 4.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YrwaA0vEKazPBkn0ipTiMpSajYDSe+KjQfrjhcBMxJt/znbvlHd8Pw/Vamaz5EB4Wfhs3SUR3Z9mwRu/P3s3Yg== + /camelcase/5.3.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-L28STB170nwWS63UjtlEOE3dldQApaJXZkOI1uMFfzf3rRuPegHaHesyee+YxQ+W6SvRDQV6UrdOdRiR153wJg== + /caniuse-api/3.0.0: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001207 + lodash.memoize: 4.1.2 + lodash.uniq: 4.5.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bsTwuIg/BZZK/vreVTYYbSWoe2F+71P7K5QGEX+pT250DZbfU1MQ5prOKpPR+LL6uWKK3KMwMCAS74QB3Um1uw== + /caniuse-lite/1.0.30001207: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-UPQZdmAsyp2qfCTiMU/zqGSWOYaY9F9LL61V8f+8MrubsaDGpaHD9HRV/EWZGULZn0Hxu48SKzI5DgFwTvHuYw== + /capital-case/1.0.4: + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + upper-case-first: 2.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ds37W8CytHgwnhGGTi88pcPyR15qoNkOpYwmMMfnWqqWgESapLqvDx6huFjQ5vqWSn2Z06173XNA7LtMOeUh1A== + /chalk/1.1.3: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 2.2.1 + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + has-ansi: 2.0.0 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + supports-color: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-qBFcVeSnAv5NFQq9OHKCKn4J/Jg= + /chalk/2.4.2: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 3.2.1 + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + supports-color: 5.5.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Mti+f9lpJNcwF4tWV8/OrTTtF1gZi+f8FqlyAdouralcFWFQWF2+NgCHShjkCb+IFBLq9buZwE1xckQU4peSuQ== + /chalk/4.1.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + supports-color: 7.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qwx12AxXe2Q5xQ43Ac//I6v5aXTipYrSESdOgzrN+9XjgEpyjpKuvSGaN4qE93f7TQTlerQQ8S+EQ0EyDoVL1A== + /change-case-all/1.0.12: + dependencies: + change-case: 4.1.2 + is-lower-case: 2.0.2 + is-upper-case: 2.0.2 + lower-case: 2.0.2 + lower-case-first: 2.0.2 + sponge-case: 1.0.1 + swap-case: 2.0.2 + title-case: 3.0.3 + upper-case: 2.0.2 + upper-case-first: 2.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zdQus7R0lkprF99lrWUC5bFj6Nog4Xt4YCEjQ/vM4vbc6b5JHFBQMxRPAjfx+HJH8WxMzH0E+lQ8yQJLgmPCBg== + /change-case/4.1.2: + dependencies: + camel-case: 4.1.2 + capital-case: 1.0.4 + constant-case: 3.0.4 + dot-case: 3.0.4 + header-case: 2.0.4 + no-case: 3.0.4 + param-case: 3.0.4 + pascal-case: 3.1.2 + path-case: 3.0.4 + sentence-case: 3.0.4 + snake-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bSxY2ws9OtviILG1EiY5K7NNxkqg/JnRnFxLtKQ96JaviiIxi7djMrSd0ECT9AC+lttClmYwKw53BWpOMblo7A== + /chardet/0.7.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mT8iDcrh03qDGRRmoA2hmBJnxpllMR+0/0qlzjqZES6NdiWDcZkCNAk4rPFZ9Q85r27unkiNNg8ZOiwZXBHwcA== + /cheap-watch/1.0.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xC5CruMhLzjPwJ5ecUxGu1uGmwJQykUhqd2QrCrYbwvsFYdRyviu6jG9+pccwDXJR/OpmOTOJ9yLFunVgQu9wg== + /chokidar-cli/2.1.0: + dependencies: + chokidar: 3.5.1 + lodash.debounce: 4.0.8 + lodash.throttle: 4.1.1 + yargs: 13.3.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8.10.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6n21AVpW6ywuEPoxJcLXMA2p4T+SLjWsXKny/9yTWFz0kKxESI3eUylpeV97LylING/27T/RVTY0f2/0QaWq9Q== + /chokidar/3.5.1: + dependencies: + anymatch: 3.1.1 + braces: 3.0.2 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + is-binary-path: 2.1.0 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + readdirp: 3.5.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8.10.0' + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.2 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9+s+Od+W0VJJzawDma/gvBNQqkTiqYTWLuZoyAsivsI4AaWTCzHG06/TMjsf1cYe9Cb97UCEhjz7HvnPk2p/tw== + /class-utils/0.3.6: + dependencies: + arr-union: 3.1.0 + define-property: 0.2.5 + isobject: 3.0.1 + static-extend: 0.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qOhPa/Fj7s6TY8H8esGu5QNpMMQxz79h+urzrNYN6mn+9BnxlDGf5QZ+XeCDsxSjPqsSR56XOZOJmpeurnLMeg== + /cli-cursor/2.1.0: + dependencies: + restore-cursor: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-s12sN2R5+sw+lHR9QdDQ9SOP/LU= + /cli-cursor/3.1.0: + dependencies: + restore-cursor: 3.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-I/zHAwsKf9FqGoXM4WWRACob9+SNukZTd94DWF57E4toouRulbCxcUh6RKUEOQlYTHJnzkPMySvPNaaSLNfLZw== + /cli-truncate/0.2.1: + dependencies: + slice-ansi: 0.0.4 + string-width: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-nxXPuwcFAFNpIWxiasfQWrkN1XQ= + /cli-width/2.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-GRMWDxpOB6Dgk2E5Uo+3eEBvtOOlimMmpbFiKuLFnQzYDavtLFY3K5ona41jgN/WdRZtG7utuVSVTL4HbZHGkw== + /cli-width/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FxqpkPPwu1HjuN93Omfm4h8uIanXofW0RxVEW3k5RKx+mJJYSthzNhp32Kzxxy3YAEZ/Dc/EWN1vZRY0+kOhbw== + /cliui/5.0.0: + dependencies: + string-width: 3.1.0 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + wrap-ansi: 5.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-PYeGSEmmHM6zvoef2w8TPzlrnNpXIjTipYK780YswmIP9vjxmd6Y2a3CB2Ks6/AU8NHjZugXvo8w3oWM2qnwXA== + /cliui/6.0.0: + dependencies: + string-width: 4.2.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + wrap-ansi: 6.2.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-t6wbgtoCXvAzst7QgXxJYqPt0usEfbgQdftEPbLL/cvv6HPE5VgvqCuAIDR0NgU52ds6rFwqrgakNLrHEjCbrQ== + /cliui/7.0.4: + dependencies: + string-width: 4.2.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + wrap-ansi: 7.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OcRE68cOsVMXp1Yvonl/fzkQOyjLSu/8bhPDfQt0e0/Eb283TKP20Fs2MqoPsr9SwA595rRCA+QMzYc9nBP+JQ== + /clone-response/1.0.2: + dependencies: + mimic-response: 1.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-0dyXOSAxTfZ/vrlCI7TuNQI56Ws= + /coa/2.0.2: + dependencies: + '@types/q': 1.5.4 + chalk: 2.4.2 + q: 1.5.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-q5/jG+YQnSy4nRTV4F7lPepBJZ8qBNJJDBuJdoejDyLXgmL7IEo+Le2JDZudFTFt7mrCqIRaSjws4ygRCTCAXA== + /code-point-at/1.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-DQcLTQQ6W+ozovGkDi7bPZpMz3c= + /collection-visit/1.0.0: + dependencies: + map-visit: 1.0.0 + object-visit: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-S8A3PBZLwykbTTaMgpzxqApZ3KA= + /color-convert/1.9.3: + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QfAUtd+vFdAtFQcC8CCyYt1fYWxSqAiK2cSD6zDB8N3cpsEBAvRxp9zOGg6G/SHHJYAT88/az/IuDGALsNVbGg== + /color-convert/2.0.1: + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=7.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ== + /color-name/1.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-p9BVi9icQveV3UIyj3QIMcpTvCU= + /color-name/1.1.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA== + /color-string/1.5.5: + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + simple-swizzle: 0.2.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jgIoum0OfQfq9Whcfc2z/VhCNcmQjWbey6qBX0vqt7YICflUmBCh9E9CiQD5GSJ+Uehixm3NUwHVhqUAWRivZg== + /color/3.1.3: + dependencies: + color-convert: 1.9.3 + color-string: 1.5.5 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xgXAcTHa2HeFCGLE9Xs/R82hujGtu9Jd9x4NW3T34+OMs7VoPsjwzRczKHvTAHeJwWFwX5j15+MgAppE8ztObQ== + /colorette/1.2.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MKGMzyfeuutC/ZJ1cba9NqcNpfeqMUcYmyF1ZFY6/Cn7CNSAKx6a+s48sqLqyAiZuaP2TcqMhoo+dlwFnVxT9w== + /combined-stream/1.0.8: + dependencies: + delayed-stream: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FQN4MRfuJeHf7cBbBMJFXhKSDq+2kAArBlmRBvcvFE5BB1HZKXtSFASDhdlz9zOYwxh8lDdnvmMOe/+5cdoEdg== + /commander/6.2.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U7VdrJFnJgo4xjrHpTzu0yrHPGImdsmD95ZlgYSEajAn2JKzDhDTPG9kBTefmObL2w/ngeZnilk+OV9CG3d7UA== + /commitizen/4.2.3: + dependencies: + cachedir: 2.2.0 + cz-conventional-changelog: 3.2.0 + dedent: 0.7.0 + detect-indent: 6.0.0 + find-node-modules: 2.0.0 + find-root: 1.1.0 + fs-extra: 8.1.0 + glob: 7.1.4 + inquirer: 6.5.2 + is-utf8: 0.2.1 + lodash: 4.17.21 + minimist: 1.2.5 + strip-bom: 4.0.0 + strip-json-comments: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pYlYEng7XMV2TW4xtjDKBGqeJ0Teq2zyRSx2S3Ml1XAplHSlJZK8vm1KdGclpMEZuGafbS5TeHXIVnHk8RWIzQ== + /common-tags/1.8.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6P6g0uetGpW/sdyUy/iQQCbFF0kWVMSIVSyYz7Zgjcgh8mgw8PQzDNZeyZ5DQ2gM7LBoZPHmnjz8rUthkBG5tw== + /compare-func/2.0.0: + dependencies: + array-ify: 1.0.0 + dot-prop: 5.3.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zHig5N+tPWARooBnb0Zx1MFcdfpyJrfTJ3Y5L+IFvUm8rM74hHz66z0gw0x4tijh5CorKkKUCnW82R2vmpeCRA== + /component-emitter/1.3.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Rd3se6QB+sO1TwqZjscQrurpEPIfO0/yYnSin6Q/rD3mOutHvUrCAhJub3r90uNb+SESBuE0QYoB90YdfatsRg== + /concat-map/0.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2Klr13/Wjfd5OnMDajug1UBdR3s= + /constant-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + upper-case: 2.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-I2hSBi7Vvs7BEuJDr5dDHfzb/Ruj3FyvFyh7KLilAjNQw3Be+xgqUBA2W6scVEcL0hL1dwPRtIqEPVUCKkSsyQ== + /conventional-changelog-angular/5.0.12: + dependencies: + compare-func: 2.0.0 + q: 1.5.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5GLsbnkR/7A89RyHLvvoExbiGbd9xKdKqDTrArnPbOqBqG/2wIosu0fHwpeIRI8Tl94MhVNBXcLJZl92ZQ5USw== + /conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits/4.5.0: + dependencies: + compare-func: 2.0.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + q: 1.5.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-buge9xDvjjOxJlyxUnar/+6i/aVEVGA7EEh4OafBCXPlLUQPGbRUBhBUveWRxzvR8TEjhKEP4BdepnpG2FSZXw== + /conventional-commit-types/3.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-SmmCYnOniSsAa9GqWOeLqc179lfr5TRu5b4QFDkbsrJ5TZjPJx85wtOr3zn+1dbeNiXDKGPbZ72IKbPhLXh/Lg== + /conventional-commits-parser/3.2.1: + dependencies: + JSONStream: 1.3.5 + is-text-path: 1.0.1 + lodash: 4.17.21 + meow: 8.1.2 + split2: 3.2.2 + through2: 4.0.2 + trim-off-newlines: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OG9kQtmMZBJD/32NEw5IhN5+HnBqVjy03eC+I71I0oQRFA5rOgA4OtPOYG7mz1GkCfCNxn3gKIX8EiHJYuf1cA== + /convert-source-map/1.7.0: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.1.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-4FJkXzKXEDB1snCFZlLP4gpC3JILicCpGbzG9f9G7tGqGCzETQ2hWPrcinA9oU4wtf2biUaEH5065UnMeR33oA== + /copy-descriptor/0.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Z29us8OZl8LuGsOpJP1hJHSPV40= + /cosmiconfig-toml-loader/1.0.0: + dependencies: + '@iarna/toml': 2.2.5 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-H/2gurFWVi7xXvCyvsWRLCMekl4tITJcX0QEsDMpzxtuxDyM59xLatYNg4s/k9AA/HdtCYfj2su8mgA0GSDLDA== + /cosmiconfig/5.2.1: + dependencies: + import-fresh: 2.0.0 + is-directory: 0.3.1 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + parse-json: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-H65gsXo1SKjf8zmrJ67eJk8aIRKV5ff2D4uKZIBZShbhGSpEmsQOPW/SKMKYhSTrqR7ufy6RP69rPogdaPh/kA== + /cosmiconfig/6.0.0: + dependencies: + '@types/parse-json': 4.0.0 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + parse-json: 5.2.0 + path-type: 4.0.0 + yaml: 1.10.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xb3ZL6+L8b9JLLCx3ZdoZy4+2ECphCMo2PwqgP1tlfVq6M6YReyzBJtvWWtbDSpNr9hn96pkCiZqUcFEc+54Qg== + /cosmiconfig/7.0.0: + dependencies: + '@types/parse-json': 4.0.0 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + parse-json: 5.2.0 + path-type: 4.0.0 + yaml: 1.10.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pondGvTuVYDk++upghXJabWzL6Kxu6f26ljFw64Swq9v6sQPUL3EUlVDV56diOjpCayKihL6hVe8exIACU4XcA== + /create-require/1.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dcKFX3jn0MpIaXjisoRvexIJVEKzaq7z2rZKxf+MSr9TkdmHmsU4m2lcLojrj/FHl8mk5VxMmYA+ftRkP/3oKQ== + /cross-env/7.0.3: + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10.14' + npm: '>=6' + yarn: '>=1' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+/HKd6EgcQCJGh2PSjZuUitQBQynKor4wrFbRg4DtAgS1aWO+gU52xpH7M9ScGgXSYmAVS9bIJ8EzuaGw0oNAw== + /cross-fetch/3.0.6: + dependencies: + node-fetch: 2.6.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-KBPUbqgFjzWlVcURG+Svp9TlhA5uliYtiNx/0r8nv0pdypeQCRJ9IaSIc3q/x3q8t3F75cHuwxVql1HFGHCNJQ== + /cross-fetch/3.1.1: + dependencies: + node-fetch: 2.6.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eIF+IHQpRzoGd/0zPrwQmHwDC90mdvjk+hcbYhKoaRrEk4GEIDqdjs/MljmdPPoHTQudbmWS+f0hZsEpFaEvWw== + /cross-fetch/3.1.4: + dependencies: + node-fetch: 2.6.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1eAtFWdIubi6T4XPy6ei9iUFoKpUkIF971QLN8lIvvvwueI65+Nw5haMNKUwfJxabqlIIDODJKGrQ66gxC0PbQ== + /cross-spawn/6.0.5: + dependencies: + nice-try: 1.0.5 + path-key: 2.0.1 + semver: 5.7.1 + shebang-command: 1.2.0 + which: 1.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eTVLrBSt7fjbDygz805pMnstIs2VTBNkRm0qxZd+M7A5XDdxVRWO5MxGBXZhjY4cqLYLdtrGqRf8mBPmzwSpWQ== + /cross-spawn/7.0.3: + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + shebang-command: 2.0.0 + which: 2.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w== + /css-blank-pseudo/0.1.4: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LHz35Hr83dnFeipc7oqFDmsjHdljj3TQtxGGiNWSOsTLIAubSm4TEz8qCaKFpk7idaQ1GfWscF4E6mgpBysA1w== + /css-color-names/0.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gIrcLnnPhHOAabZGyyDsJ762KeA= + /css-declaration-sorter/4.0.1: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + timsort: 0.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BcxQSKTSEEQUftYpBVnsH4SF05NTuBokb19/sBt6asXGKZ/6VP7PLG1CBCkFDYOnhXhPh0jMhO6xZ71oYHXHBA== + /css-has-pseudo/0.10.0: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-selector-parser: 5.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Z8hnfsZu4o/kt+AuFzeGpLVhFOGO9mluyHBaA2bA8aCGTwah5sT3WV/fTHH8UNZUytOIImuGPrl/prlb4oX4qQ== + /css-prefers-color-scheme/3.1.1: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MTu6+tMs9S3EUqzmqLXEcgNRbNkkD/TGFvowpeoWJn5Vfq7FMgsmRQs9X5NXAURiOBmOxm/lLjsDNXDE6k9bhg== + /css-select-base-adapter/0.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jQVeeRG70QI08vSTwf1jHxp74JoZsr2XSgETae8/xC8ovSnL2WF87GTLO86Sbwdt2lK4Umg4HnnwMO4YF3Ce7w== + /css-select/2.1.0: + dependencies: + boolbase: 1.0.0 + css-what: 3.4.2 + domutils: 1.7.0 + nth-check: 1.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Dqk7LQKpwLoH3VovzZnkzegqNSuAziQyNZUcrdDM401iY+R5NkGBXGmtO05/yaXQziALuPogeG0b7UAgjnTJTQ== + /css-tree/1.0.0-alpha.37: + dependencies: + mdn-data: 2.0.4 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DMxWJg0rnz7UgxKT0Q1HU/L9BeJI0M6ksor0OgqOnF+aRCDWg/N2641HmVyU9KVIu0OVVWOb2IpC9A+BJRnejg== + /css-tree/1.1.3: + dependencies: + mdn-data: 2.0.14 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tRpdppF7TRazZrjJ6v3stzv93qxRcSsFmW6cX0Zm2NVKpxE1WV1HblnghVv9TreireHkqI/VDEsfolRF1p6y7Q== + /css-unit-converter/1.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-IiJwMC8rdZE0+xiEZHeru6YoONC4rfPMqGm2W85jMIbkFvv5nFTwJVFHam2eFrN6txmoUYFAFXiv8ICVeTO0MA== + /css-what/3.4.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ACUm3L0/jiZTqfzRM3Hi9Q8eZqd6IK37mMWPLz9PJxkLWllYeRf+EHUSHYEtFop2Eqytaq1FizFVh7XfBnXCDQ== + /cssdb/4.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LsTAR1JPEM9TpGhl/0p3nQecC2LJ0kD8X5YARu1hk/9I1gril5vDtMZyNxcEpxxDj34YNck/ucjuoUd66K03oQ== + /cssesc/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MsCAG1z9lPdoO/IUMLSBWBSVxVtJ1395VGIQ+Fc2gNdkQ1hNDnQdw3YhA71WJCBW1vdwA0cAnk/DnW6bqoEUYg== + /cssesc/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/Tb/JcjK111nNScGob5MNtsntNM1aCNUDipB/TkwZFhyDrrE47SOx/18wF2bbjgc3ZzCSKW1T5nt5EbFoAz/Vg== + /cssnano-preset-default/4.0.7: + dependencies: + css-declaration-sorter: 4.0.1 + cssnano-util-raw-cache: 4.0.1 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-calc: 7.0.5 + postcss-colormin: 4.0.3 + postcss-convert-values: 4.0.1 + postcss-discard-comments: 4.0.2 + postcss-discard-duplicates: 4.0.2 + postcss-discard-empty: 4.0.1 + postcss-discard-overridden: 4.0.1 + postcss-merge-longhand: 4.0.11 + postcss-merge-rules: 4.0.3 + postcss-minify-font-values: 4.0.2 + postcss-minify-gradients: 4.0.2 + postcss-minify-params: 4.0.2 + postcss-minify-selectors: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-charset: 4.0.1 + postcss-normalize-display-values: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-positions: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-repeat-style: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-string: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-timing-functions: 4.0.2 + postcss-normalize-unicode: 4.0.1 + postcss-normalize-url: 4.0.1 + postcss-normalize-whitespace: 4.0.2 + postcss-ordered-values: 4.1.2 + postcss-reduce-initial: 4.0.3 + postcss-reduce-transforms: 4.0.2 + postcss-svgo: 4.0.2 + postcss-unique-selectors: 4.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-x0YHHx2h6p0fCl1zY9L9roD7rnlltugGu7zXSKQx6k2rYw0Hi3IqxcoAGF7u9Q5w1nt7vK0ulxV8Lo+EvllGsA== + /cssnano-util-get-arguments/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-7ToIKZ8h11dBsg87gfGU7UnMFQ8= + /cssnano-util-get-match/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wOTKB/U4a7F+xeUiULT1lhNlFW0= + /cssnano-util-raw-cache/4.0.1: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qLuYtWK2b2Dy55I8ZX3ky1Z16WYsx544Q0UWViebptpwn/xDBmog2TLg4f+DBMg1rJ6JDWtn96WHbOKDWt1WQA== + /cssnano-util-same-parent/4.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WcKx5OY+KoSIAxBW6UBBRay1U6vkYheCdjyVNDm85zt5K9mHoGOfsOsqIszfAqrQQFIIKgjh2+FDgIj/zsl21Q== + /cssnano/4.1.10: + dependencies: + cosmiconfig: 5.2.1 + cssnano-preset-default: 4.0.7 + is-resolvable: 1.1.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5wny+F6H4/8RgNlaqab4ktc3e0/blKutmq8yNlBFXA//nSFFAqAngjNVRzUvCgYROULmZZUoosL/KSoZo5aUaQ== + /csso/4.2.0: + dependencies: + css-tree: 1.1.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wvlcdIbf6pwKEk7vHj8/Bkc0B4ylXZruLvOgs9doS5eOsOpuodOV2zJChSpkp+pRpYQLQMeF04nr3Z68Sta9jA== + /cz-conventional-changelog/3.2.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + commitizen: 4.2.3 + conventional-commit-types: 3.0.0 + lodash.map: 4.6.0 + longest: 2.0.1 + word-wrap: 1.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10' + optionalDependencies: + '@commitlint/load': 12.1.1 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yAYxeGpVi27hqIilG1nh4A9Bnx4J3Ov+eXy4koL3drrR+IO9GaWPsKjik20ht608Asqi8TQPf0mczhEeyAtMzg== + /cz-conventional-changelog/3.3.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + commitizen: 4.2.3 + conventional-commit-types: 3.0.0 + lodash.map: 4.6.0 + longest: 2.0.1 + word-wrap: 1.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10' + optionalDependencies: + '@commitlint/load': 12.1.1 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U466fIzU5U22eES5lTNiNbZ+d8dfcHcssH4o7QsdWaCcRs/feIPCxKYSWkYBNs5mny7MvEfwpTLWjvbm94hecw== + /dargs/7.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2iy1EkLdlBzQGvbweYRFxmFath8+K7+AKB0TlhHWkNuH+TmovaMH/Wp7V7R4u7f4SnX3OgLsU9t1NI9ioDnUpg== + /dataloader/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YzhyDAwA4TaQIhM5go+vCLmU0UikghC/t9DTQYZR2M/UvZ1MdOhPezSDZcjj9uqQJOMqjLcpWtyW2iNINdlatQ== + /date-fns/1.30.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hBSVCvSmWC+QypYObzwGOd9wqdDpOt+0wl0KbU+R+uuZBS1jN8VsD1ss3irQDknRj5NvxiTF6oj/nDRnN/UQNw== + /debounce/1.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XRRe6Glud4rd/ZGQfiV1ruXSfbvfJedlV9Y6zOlP+2K04vBYiJEte6stfFkCP03aMnY5tsipamumUjL14fofug== + /debug/2.6.9: + dependencies: + ms: 2.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bC7ElrdJaJnPbAP+1EotYvqZsb3ecl5wi6Bfi6BJTUcNowp6cvspg0jXznRTKDjm/E7AdgFBVeAPVMNcKGsHMA== + /debug/4.3.1: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0' + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-doEwdvm4PCeK4K3RQN2ZC2BYUBaxwLARCqZmMjtF8a51J2Rb0xpVloFRnCODwqjpwnAoao4pelN8l3RJdv3gRQ== + /debug/4.3.2: + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0' + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mOp8wKcvj7XxC78zLgw/ZA+6TSgkoE2C/ienthhRD298T7UNwAg9diBpLRxC0mOezLl4B0xV7M0cCO6P/O0Xhw== + /decamelize-keys/1.1.0: + dependencies: + decamelize: 1.2.0 + map-obj: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-0XGoeTMlKAfrPLYdwcFEXQeN8tk= + /decamelize/1.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-9lNNFRSCabIDUue+4m9QH5oZEpA= + /decode-uri-component/0.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-6zkTMzRYd1y4TNGh+uBiEGu4dUU= + /decompress-response/3.3.0: + dependencies: + mimic-response: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gKTdMjdIOEv6JICDYirt7Jgq3/M= + /dedent/0.7.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-JJXduvbrh0q7Dhvp3yLS5aVEMmw= + /deep-extend/0.6.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LOHxIOaPYdHlJRtCQfDIVZtfw/ufM8+rVj649RIHzcm/vGwQRXFt6OPqIFWsm2XEMrNIEtWR64sY1LEKD2vAOA== + /deep-is/0.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-s2nW+128E+7PUk+RsHD+7cNXzzQ= + /defer-to-connect/1.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-0ISdNousHvZT2EiFlZeZAHBUvSxmKswVCEf8hW7KWgG4a8MVEu/3Vb6uWYozkjylyCxe0JBIiRB1jV45S70WVQ== + /define-properties/1.1.3: + dependencies: + object-keys: 1.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3MqfYKj2lLzdMSf8ZIZE/V+Zuy+BgD6f164e8K2w7dgnpKArBDerGYpM46IYYcjnkdPNMjPk9A6VFB8+3SKlXQ== + /define-property/0.2.5: + dependencies: + is-descriptor: 0.1.6 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-w1se+RjsPJkPmlvFe+BKrOxcgRY= + /define-property/1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-descriptor: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-dp66rz9KY6rTr56NMEybvnm/sOY= + /define-property/2.0.2: + dependencies: + is-descriptor: 1.0.2 + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jwK2UV4cnPpbcG7+VRARKTZPUWowwXA8bzH5NP6ud0oeAxyYPuGZUAC7hMugpCdz4BeSZl2Dl9k66CHJ/46ZYQ== + /defined/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-yY2bzvdWdBiOEQlpFRGZ45sfppM= + /delayed-stream/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-3zrhmayt+31ECqrgsp4icrJOxhk= + /depd/1.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-m81S4UwJd2PnSbJ0xDRu0uVgtak= + /dependency-graph/0.11.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JeMq7fEshyepOWDfcfHK06N3MhyPhz++vtqWhMT5O9A3K42rdsEDpfdVqjaqaAhsw6a+ZqeDvQVtD0hFHQWrzg== + /detect-file/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-8NZtA2cqglyxtzvbP+YjEMjlUrc= + /detect-indent/6.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-oSyFlqaTHCItVRGK5RmrmjB+CmaMOW7IaNA/kdxqhoa6d17j/5ce9O9eWXmV/KEdRwqpQA+Vqe8a8Bsybu4YnA== + /detective/5.2.0: + dependencies: + acorn-node: 1.8.2 + defined: 1.0.0 + minimist: 1.2.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6SsIx+nUUbuK0EthKjv0zrdnajCCXVYGmbYYiYjFVpzcjwEs/JMDZ8tPRG29J/HhN56t3GJp2cGSWDRjjot8Pg== + /dicer/0.3.0: + dependencies: + streamsearch: 0.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.5.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MdceRRWqltEG2dZqO769g27N/3PXfcKl04VhYnBlo2YhH7zPi88VebsjTKclaOyiuMaGU72hTfw3VkUitGcVCA== + /didyoumean/1.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-6S7f2tplN9SE1zwBcv0eugxJdv8= + /diff/4.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.3.1' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-58lmxKSA4BNyLz+HHMUzlOEpg09FV+ev6ZMe3vJihgdxzgcwZ8VoEEPmALCZG9LmqfVoNMMKpttIYTVG6uDY7A== + /dir-glob/3.0.1: + dependencies: + path-type: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WkrWp9GR4KXfKGYzOLmTuGVi1UWFfws377n9cc55/tb6DuqyF6pcQ5AbiHEshaDpY9v6oaSr2XCDidGmMwdzIA== + /dlv/1.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+HlytyjlPKnIG8XuRG8WvmBP8xs8P71y+SKKS6ZXWoEgLuePxtDoUEiH7WkdePWrQ5JBpE6aoVqfZfJUQkjXwA== + /doctrine/3.0.0: + dependencies: + esutils: 2.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yS+Q5i3hBf7GBkd4KG8a7eBNNWNGLTaEwwYWUijIYM7zrlYDM0BFXHjjPWlWZ1Rg7UaddZeIDmi9jF3HmqiQ2w== + /dom-serializer/0.2.2: + dependencies: + domelementtype: 2.2.0 + entities: 2.2.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2/xPb3ORsQ42nHYiSunXkDjPLBaEj/xTwUO4B7XCZQTRk7EBtTOPaygh10YAAh2OI1Qrp6NWfpAhzswj0ydt9g== + /domelementtype/1.3.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BSKB+TSpMpFI/HOxCNr1O8aMOTZ8hT3pM3GQ0w/mWRmkhEDSFJkkyzz4XQsBV44BChwGkrDfMyjVD0eA2aFV3w== + /domelementtype/2.2.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DtBMo82pv1dFtUmHyr48beiuq792Sxohr+8Hm9zoxklYPfa6n0Z3Byjj2IV7bmr2IyqClnqEQhfgHJJ5QF0R5A== + /domutils/1.7.0: + dependencies: + dom-serializer: 0.2.2 + domelementtype: 1.3.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Lgd2XcJ/NjEw+7tFvfKxOzCYKZsdct5lczQ2ZaQY8Djz7pfAD3Gbp8ySJWtreII/vDlMVmxwa6pHmdxIYgttDg== + /dot-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Kv5nKlh6yRrdrGvxeJ2e5y2eRUpkUosIW4A2AS38zwSz27zu7ufDwQPi5Jhs3XAlGNetl3bmnGhQsMtkKJnj3w== + /dot-prop/5.3.0: + dependencies: + is-obj: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QM8q3zDe58hqUqjraQOmzZ1LIH9SWQJTlEKCH4kJ2oQvLZk7RbQXvtDM2XEq3fwkV9CCvvH4LA0AV+ogFsBM2Q== + /dotenv/8.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8sJ78ElpbDJBHNeBzUbUVLsqKdccaa/BXF1uPTw3GrvQTBgrQrtObr2mUrE38vzYd8cEv+m/JBfDLioYcfXoaw== + /duplexer3/0.1.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-7gHdHKwO08vH/b6jfcCo8c4ALOI= + /ecdsa-sig-formatter/1.0.11: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nagl3RYrbNv6kQkeJIpt6NJZy8twLB/2vtz6yN9Z4vRKHN4/QZJIEbqohALSgwKdnksuY3k5Addp5lg8sVoVcQ== + /electron-to-chromium/1.3.707: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BqddgxNPrcWnbDdJw7SzXVzPmp+oiyjVrc7tkQVaznPGSS9SKZatw6qxoP857M+HbOyyqJQwYQtsuFIMSTNSZA== + /elegant-spinner/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2wQ1IcldfjA/2PNFvtwzSc+wcp4= + /emoji-regex/7.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CwBLREIQ7LvYFB0WyRvwhq5N5qPhc6PMjD6bYggFlI5YyDgl+0vxq5VHbMOFqLg7hfWzmu8T5Z1QofhmTIhItA== + /emoji-regex/8.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MSjYzcWNOA0ewAHpz0MxpYFvwg6yjy1NG3xteoqz644VCo/RPgnr1/GGt+ic3iJTzQ8Eu3TdM14SawnVUmGE6A== + /end-of-stream/1.4.4: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+uw1inIHVPQoaVuHzRyXd21icM+cnt4CzD5rW+NC1wjOUSTOs+Te7FOv7AhN7vS9x/oIyhLP5PR1H+phQAHu5Q== + /enquirer/2.3.6: + dependencies: + ansi-colors: 4.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yjNnPr315/FjS4zIsUxYguYUPP2e1NK4d7E7ZOLiyYCcbFBiTMyID+2wvm2w6+pZ/odMA7cRkjhsPbltwBOrLg== + /entities/2.2.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-p92if5Nz619I0w+akJrLZH0MX0Pb5DX39XOwQTtXSdQQOaYH03S1uIQp4mhOZtAXrxq4ViO67YTiLBo2638o9A== + /error-ex/1.3.2: + dependencies: + is-arrayish: 0.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7dFHNmqeFSEt2ZBsCriorKnn3Z2pj+fd9kmI6QoWw4//DL+icEBfc0U7qJCisqrTsKTjw4fNFy2pW9OqStD84g== + /es-abstract/1.18.0: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + es-to-primitive: 1.2.1 + function-bind: 1.1.1 + get-intrinsic: 1.1.1 + has: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + is-callable: 1.2.3 + is-negative-zero: 2.0.1 + is-regex: 1.1.2 + is-string: 1.0.5 + object-inspect: 1.9.0 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + object.assign: 4.1.2 + string.prototype.trimend: 1.0.4 + string.prototype.trimstart: 1.0.4 + unbox-primitive: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LJzK7MrQa8TS0ja2w3YNLzUgJCGPdPOV1yVvezjNnS89D+VR08+Szt2mz3YB2Dck/+w5tfIq/RoUAFqJJGM2yw== + /es-to-primitive/1.2.1: + dependencies: + is-callable: 1.2.3 + is-date-object: 1.0.2 + is-symbol: 1.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QCOllgZJtaUo9miYBcLChTUaHNjJF3PYs1VidD7AwiEj1kYxKeQTctLAezAOH5ZKRH0g2IgPn6KwB4IT8iRpvA== + /esbuild/0.9.7: + dev: true + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VtUf6aQ89VTmMLKrWHYG50uByMF4JQlVysb8dmg6cOgW8JnFCipmz7p+HNBl+RR3LLCuBxFGVauAe2wfnF9bLg== + /escalade/3.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-k0er2gUkLf8O0zKJiAhmkTnJlTvINGv7ygDNPbeIsX/TJjGJZHuh9B2UxbsaEkmlEo9MfhrSzmhIlhRlI2GXnw== + /escape-string-regexp/1.0.5: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-G2HAViGQqN/2rjuyzwIAyhMLhtQ= + /eslint-plugin-svelte3/3.1.2_eslint@7.23.0+svelte@3.37.0: + dependencies: + eslint: 7.23.0 + svelte: 3.37.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + peerDependencies: + eslint: '>=6.0.0' + svelte: ^3.2.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+aGgYFC/yjhGXmBevzwICFVif8tu++C9/lRg8cE6TTS45Hw8qZ6t5wItSXVNPqnxJ212ik+bad1F0Y9A3Swo0Q== + /eslint-scope/5.1.1: + dependencies: + esrecurse: 4.3.0 + estraverse: 4.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2NxwbF/hZ0KpepYN0cNbo+FN6XoK7GaHlQhgx/hIZl6Va0bF45RQOOwhLIy8lQDbuCiadSLCBnH2CFYquit5bw== + /eslint-utils/2.1.0: + dependencies: + eslint-visitor-keys: 1.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-w94dQYoauyvlDc43XnGB8lU3Zt713vNChgt4EWwhXAP2XkBvndfxF0AgIqKOOasjPIPzj9JqgwkwbCYD0/V3Zg== + /eslint-visitor-keys/1.3.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6J72N8UNa462wa/KFODt/PJ3IU60SDpC3QXC1Hjc1BXXpfL2C9R5+AU7jhe0F6GREqVMh4Juu+NY7xn+6dipUQ== + /eslint-visitor-keys/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QudtT6av5WXels9WjIM7qz1XD1cWGvX4gGXvp/zBn9nXG02D0utdU3Em2m/QjTnrsk6bBjmCygl3rmj118msQQ== + /eslint/7.23.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/code-frame': 7.12.11 + '@eslint/eslintrc': 0.4.0 + ajv: 6.12.6 + chalk: 4.1.0 + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + debug: 4.3.1 + doctrine: 3.0.0 + enquirer: 2.3.6 + eslint-scope: 5.1.1 + eslint-utils: 2.1.0 + eslint-visitor-keys: 2.0.0 + espree: 7.3.1 + esquery: 1.4.0 + esutils: 2.0.3 + file-entry-cache: 6.0.1 + functional-red-black-tree: 1.0.1 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + globals: 13.7.0 + ignore: 4.0.6 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + imurmurhash: 0.1.4 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify: 1.0.1 + levn: 0.4.1 + lodash: 4.17.21 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + natural-compare: 1.4.0 + optionator: 0.9.1 + progress: 2.0.3 + regexpp: 3.1.0 + semver: 7.3.5 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + strip-json-comments: 3.1.1 + table: 6.0.9 + text-table: 0.2.0 + v8-compile-cache: 2.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kqvNVbdkjzpFy0XOszNwjkKzZ+6TcwCQ/h+ozlcIWwaimBBuhlQ4nN6kbiM2L+OjDcznkTJxzYfRFH92sx4a0Q== + /espree/7.3.1: + dependencies: + acorn: 7.4.1 + acorn-jsx: 5.3.1_acorn@7.4.1 + eslint-visitor-keys: 1.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-v3JCNCE64umkFpmkFGqzVKsOT0tN1Zr+ueqLZfpV1Ob8e+CEgPWa+OxCoGH3tnhimMKIaBm4m/vaRpJ/krRz2g== + /esprima/4.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eGuFFw7Upda+g4p+QHvnW0RyTX/SVeJBDM/gCtMARO0cLuT2HcEKnTPvhjV6aGeqrCB/sbNop0Kszm0jsaWU4A== + /esquery/1.4.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cCDispWt5vHHtwMY2YrAQ4ibFkAL8RbH5YGBnZBc90MolvvfkkQcJro/aZiAQUlQ3qgrYS6D6v8Gc5G5CQsc9w== + /esrecurse/4.3.0: + dependencies: + estraverse: 5.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-KmfKL3b6G+RXvP8N1vr3Tq1kL/oCFgn2NYXEtqP8/L3pKapUA4G8cFVaoF3SU323CD4XypR/ffioHmkti6/Tag== + /estraverse/4.3.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-39nnKffWz8xN1BU/2c79n9nB9HDzo0niYUqx6xyqUnyoAnQyyWpOTdZEeiCch8BBu515t4wp9ZmgVfVhn9EBpw== + /estraverse/5.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BxbNGGNm0RyRYvUdHpIwv9IWzeM9XClbOxwoATuFdOE7ZE6wHL+HQ5T8hoPM+zHvmKzzsEqhgy0GrQ5X13afiQ== + /estree-walker/2.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Rfkk/Mp/DL7JVje3u18FxFujQlTNR2q6QfMSMB7AvCBx91NGj/ba3kCfza0f6dVDbw7YlRf/nDrn7pQrCCyQ/w== + /esutils/2.0.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kVscqXk4OCp68SZ0dkgEKVi6/8ij300KBWTJq32P/dYeWTSwK41WyTxalN1eRmA5Z9UU/LX9D7FWSmV9SAYx6g== + /eventsource/1.1.0: + dependencies: + original: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.12.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VSJjT5oCNrFvCS6igjzPAt5hBzQ2qPBFIbJ03zLI9SE0mxwZpMw6BfJrbFHm1a141AavMEB8JHmBhWAd66PfCg== + /expand-brackets/2.1.4: + dependencies: + debug: 2.6.9 + define-property: 0.2.5 + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + posix-character-classes: 0.1.1 + regex-not: 1.0.2 + snapdragon: 0.8.2 + to-regex: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-t3c14xXOMPa27/D4OwQVGiJEliI= + /expand-tilde/2.0.2: + dependencies: + homedir-polyfill: 1.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-l+gBqgUt8CRU3kawK/YhZCzchQI= + /extend-shallow/2.0.1: + dependencies: + is-extendable: 0.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Ua99YUrZqfYQ6huvu5idaxxWiQ8= + /extend-shallow/3.0.2: + dependencies: + assign-symbols: 1.0.0 + is-extendable: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Jqcarwc7OfshJxcnRhMcJwQCjbg= + /external-editor/3.1.0: + dependencies: + chardet: 0.7.0 + iconv-lite: 0.4.24 + tmp: 0.0.33 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hMQ4CX1p1izmuLYyZqLMO/qGNw10wSv9QDCPfzXfyFrOaCSSoRfqE1Kf1s5an66J5JZC62NewG+mK49jOCtQew== + /extglob/2.0.4: + dependencies: + array-unique: 0.3.2 + define-property: 1.0.0 + expand-brackets: 2.1.4 + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + fragment-cache: 0.2.1 + regex-not: 1.0.2 + snapdragon: 0.8.2 + to-regex: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Nmb6QXkELsuBr24CJSkilo6UHHgbekK5UiZgfE6UHD3Eb27YC6oD+bhcT+tJ6cl8dmsgdQxnWlcry8ksBIBLpw== + /extract-files/8.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: 10 - 12 || >= 13.7 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-PTGtfthZK79WUMk+avLmwx3NGdU8+iVFXC2NMGxKsn0MnihOG2lvumj+AZo8CTwTrwjXDgZ5tztbRlEdRjBonQ== + /extract-files/9.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.17.0 || ^12.0.0 || >= 13.7.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CvdFfHkC95B4bBBk36hcEmvdR2awOdhhVUYH6S/zrVj3477zven/fJMYg7121h4T1xHZC+tetUpubpAhxwI7hQ== + /fast-deep-equal/3.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-f3qQ9oQy9j2AhBe/H9VC91wLmKBCCU/gDOnKNAYG5hswO7BLKj09Hc5HYNz9cGI++xlpDCIgDaitVs03ATR84Q== + /fast-glob/3.2.5: + dependencies: + '@nodelib/fs.stat': 2.0.4 + '@nodelib/fs.walk': 1.2.6 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + merge2: 1.4.1 + micromatch: 4.0.2 + picomatch: 2.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2DtFcgT68wiTTiwZ2hNdJfcHNke9XOfnwmBRWXhmeKM8rF0TGwmC/Qto3S7RoZKp5cilZbxzO5iTNTQsJ+EeDg== + /fast-json-stable-stringify/2.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-lhd/wF+Lk98HZoTCtlVraHtfh5XYijIjalXck7saUtuanSDyLMxnHhSXEDJqHxD7msR8D0uCmqlkwjCV8xvwHw== + /fast-levenshtein/2.0.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-PYpcZog6FqMMqGQ+hR8Zuqd5eRc= + /fastq/1.11.0: + dependencies: + reusify: 1.0.4 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7Eczs8gIPDrVzT+EksYBcupqMyxSHXXrHOLRRxU2/DicV8789MRBRR8+Hc2uWzUupOs4YS4JzBmBxjjCVBxD/g== + /fb-watchman/2.0.1: + dependencies: + bser: 2.1.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DkPJKQeY6kKwmuMretBhr7G6Vodr7bFwDYTXIkfG1gjvNpaxBTQV3PbXg6bR1c1UP4jPOX0jHUbbHANL9vRjVg== + /fbjs-css-vars/1.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b2XGFAFdWZWg0phtAWLHCk836A1Xann+I+Dgd3Gk64MHKZO44FfoD1KxyvbSh0qZsIoXQGGlVztIY+oitJPpRQ== + /fbjs/3.0.0: + dependencies: + cross-fetch: 3.1.4 + fbjs-css-vars: 1.0.2 + loose-envify: 1.4.0 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + promise: 7.3.1 + setimmediate: 1.0.5 + ua-parser-js: 0.7.27 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dJd4PiDOFuhe7vk4F80Mba83Vr2QuK86FoxtgPmzBqEJahncp+13YCmfoa53KHCo6OnlXLG7eeMWPfB5CrpVKg== + /figures/1.7.0: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + object-assign: 4.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-y+Hjr/zxzUS4DK3+0o3Hk6lwHS4= + /figures/2.0.0: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-OrGi0qYsi/tDGgyUy3l6L84nyWI= + /figures/3.2.0: + dependencies: + escape-string-regexp: 1.0.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yaduQFRKLXYOGgEn6AZau90j3ggSOyiqXU0F9JZfeXYhNa+Jk4X+s45A2zg5jns87GAFa34BBm2kXw4XpNcbdg== + /file-entry-cache/6.0.1: + dependencies: + flat-cache: 3.0.4 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7Gps/XWymbLk2QLYK4NzpMOrYjMhdIxXuIvy2QBsLE6ljuodKvdkWs/cpyJJ3CVIVpH0Oi1Hvg1ovbMzLdFBBg== + /fill-range/4.0.0: + dependencies: + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + is-number: 3.0.0 + repeat-string: 1.6.1 + to-regex-range: 2.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-1USBHUKPmOsGpj3EAtJAPDKMOPc= + /fill-range/7.0.1: + dependencies: + to-regex-range: 5.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qOo9F+dMUmC2Lcb4BbVvnKJxTPjCm+RRpe4gDuGrzkL7mEVl/djYSu2OdQ2Pa302N4oqkSg9ir6jaLWJ2USVpQ== + /find-node-modules/2.0.0: + dependencies: + findup-sync: 3.0.0 + merge: 1.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8MWIBRgJi/WpjjfVXumjPKCtmQ10B+fjx6zmSA+770GMJirLhWIzg8l763rhjl9xaeaHbnxPNRQKq2mgMhr+aw== + /find-root/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NKfW6bec6GfKc0SGx1e07QZY9PE99u0Bft/0rzSD5k3sO/vwkVUpDUKVm5Gpp5Ue3YfShPFTX2070tDs5kB9Ng== + /find-up/3.0.0: + dependencies: + locate-path: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1yD6RmLI1XBfxugvORwlck6f75tYL+iR0jqwsOrOxMZyGYqUuDhJ0l4AXdO1iX/FTs9cBAMEk1gWSEx1kSbylg== + /find-up/4.1.0: + dependencies: + locate-path: 5.0.0 + path-exists: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-PpOwAdQ/YlXQ2vj8a3h8IipDuYRi3wceVQQGYWxNINccq40Anw7BlsEXCMbt1Zt+OLA6Fq9suIpIWD0OsnISlw== + /find-up/5.0.0: + dependencies: + locate-path: 6.0.0 + path-exists: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-78/PXT1wlLLDgTzDs7sjq9hzz0vXD+zn+7wypEe4fXQxCmdmqfGsEPQxmiCSQI3ajFV91bVSsvNtrJRiW6nGng== + /findup-sync/3.0.0: + dependencies: + detect-file: 1.0.0 + is-glob: 4.0.1 + micromatch: 3.1.10 + resolve-dir: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YbffarhcicEhOrm4CtrwdKBdCuz576RLdhJDsIfvNtxUuhdRet1qZcsMjqbePtAseKdAnDyM/IyXbu7PRPRLYg== + /flat-cache/3.0.4: + dependencies: + flatted: 3.1.1 + rimraf: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.12.0 || >=12.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dm9s5Pw7Jc0GvMYbshN6zchCA9RgQlzzEZX3vylR9IqFfS8XciblUXOKfW6SiuJ0e13eDYZoZV5wdrev7P3Nwg== + /flatted/3.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zAoAQiudy+r5SvnSw3KJy5os/oRJYHzrzja/tBDqrZtNhUw8bt6y8OBzMWcjWr+8liV8Eb6yOhw8WZ7VFZ5ZzA== + /flatten/1.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dVsPA/UwQ8+2uoFe5GHtiBMu48dWLTdsuEd7CKGlZlD78r1TTWBvDuFaFGKCo/ZfEr95Uk56vZoX86OsHkUeIg== + /for-in/1.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gQaNKVqBQuwKxybG4iAMMPttXoA= + /form-data/3.0.1: + dependencies: + asynckit: 0.4.0 + combined-stream: 1.0.8 + mime-types: 2.1.30 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RHkBKtLWUVwd7SqRIvCZMEvAMoGUp0XU+seQiZejj0COz3RI3hWP4sCv3gZWWLjJTd7rGwcsF5eKZGii0r/hbg== + /form-data/4.0.0: + dependencies: + asynckit: 0.4.0 + combined-stream: 1.0.8 + mime-types: 2.1.30 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ETEklSGi5t0QMZuiXoA/Q6vcnxcLQP5vdugSpuAyi6SVGi2clPPp+xgEhuMaHC+zGgn31Kd235W35f7Hykkaww== + /fraction.js/4.0.13: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-E1fz2Xs9ltlUp+qbiyx9wmt2n9dRzPsS11Jtdb8D2o+cC7wr9xkkKsVKJuBX0ST+LVS+LhLO+SbLJNtfWcJvXA== + /fragment-cache/0.2.1: + dependencies: + map-cache: 0.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-QpD60n8T6Jvn8zeZxrxaCr//DRk= + /fs-capacitor/6.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nKcE1UduoSKX27NSZlg879LdQc94OtbOsEmKMN2MBNudXREvijRKx2GEBsTMTfws+BrbkJoEuynbGSVRSpauvw== + /fs-extra/8.1.0: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.6 + jsonfile: 4.0.0 + universalify: 0.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6 <7 || >=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yhlQgA6mnOJUKOsRUFsgJdQCvkKhcz8tlZG5HBQfReYZy46OwLcY+Zia0mtdHsOo9y/hP+CxMN0TU9QxoOtG4g== + /fs-extra/9.1.0: + dependencies: + at-least-node: 1.0.0 + graceful-fs: 4.2.6 + jsonfile: 6.1.0 + universalify: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hcg3ZmepS30/7BSFqRvoo3DOMQu7IjqxO5nCDt+zM9XWjb33Wg7ziNT+Qvqbuc3+gWpzO02JubVyk2G4Zvo1OQ== + /fs.realpath/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-FQStJSMVjKpA20onh8sBQRmU6k8= + /fsevents/2.3.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0 + optional: true + os: + - darwin + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xiqMQR4xAeHTuB9uWm+fFRcIOgKBMiOBP+eXiyT7jsgVCq1bkVygt00oASowB7EdtpOHaaPgKt812P9ab+DDKA== + /function-bind/1.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yIovAzMX49sF8Yl58fSCWJ5svSLuaibPxXQJFLmBObTuCr0Mf1KiPopGM9NiFjiYBCbfaa2Fh6breQ6ANVTI0A== + /functional-red-black-tree/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-GwqzvVU7Kg1jmdKcDj6gslIHgyc= + /gensync/1.0.0-beta.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3hN7NaskYvMDLQY55gnW3NQ+mesEAepTqlg+VEbj7zzqEMBVNhzcGYYeqFo/TlYz6eQiFcp1HcsCZO+nGgS8zg== + /get-caller-file/2.0.5: + dev: true + engines: + node: 6.* || 8.* || >= 10.* + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DyFP3BM/3YHTQOCUL/w0OZHR0lpKeGrxotcHWcqNEdnltqFwXVfhEBQ94eIo34AfQpo0rGki4cyIiftY06h2Fg== + /get-intrinsic/1.1.1: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + has: 1.0.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kWZrnVM42QCiEA2Ig1bG8zjoIMOgxWwYCEeNdwY6Tv/cOSeGpcoX4pXHfKUxNKVoArnrEr2e9srnAxxGIraS9Q== + /get-stdin/8.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sY22aA6xchAzprjyqmSEQv4UbAAzRN0L2dQB0NlN5acTTK9Don6nhoc3eAbUnpZiCANAMfd/+40kVdKfFygohg== + /get-stream/4.1.0: + dependencies: + pump: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-GMat4EJ5161kIy2HevLlr4luNjBgvmj413KaQA7jt4V8B4RDsfpHk7WQ9GVqfYyyx8OS/L66Kox+rJRNklLK7w== + /get-stream/5.2.0: + dependencies: + pump: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nBF+F1rAZVCu/p7rjzgA+Yb4lfYXrpl7a6VmJrU8wF9I1CKvP/QwPNZHnOlwbTkY6dvtFIzFMSyQXbLoTQPRpA== + /get-value/2.0.6: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-3BXKHGcjh8p2vTesCjlbogQqLCg= + /git-raw-commits/2.0.10: + dependencies: + dargs: 7.0.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + meow: 8.1.2 + split2: 3.2.2 + through2: 4.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sHhX5lsbG9SOO6yXdlwgEMQ/ljIn7qMpAbJZCGfXX2fq5T8M5SrDnpYk9/4HswTildcIqatsWa91vty6VhWSaQ== + /glob-base/0.3.0: + dependencies: + glob-parent: 2.0.0 + is-glob: 2.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-27Fk9iIbHAscz4Kuoyi0l98Oo8Q= + /glob-parent/2.0.0: + dependencies: + is-glob: 2.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gTg9ctsFT8zPUzbaqQLxgvbtuyg= + /glob-parent/5.1.2: + dependencies: + is-glob: 4.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-AOIgSQCepiJYwP3ARnGx+5VnTu2HBYdzbGP45eLw1vr3zB3vZLeyed1sC9hnbcOc9/SrMyM5RPQrkGz4aS9Zow== + /glob/7.1.4: + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hkLPepehmnKk41pUGm3sYxoFs/umurYfYJCerbXEyFIWcAzvpipAgVkBqqT9RBKMGjnq6kMuyYwha6csxbiM1A== + /glob/7.1.6: + dependencies: + fs.realpath: 1.0.0 + inflight: 1.0.6 + inherits: 2.0.4 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + once: 1.4.0 + path-is-absolute: 1.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LwaxwyZ72Lk7vZINtNNrywX0ZuLyStrdDtabefZKAY5ZGJhVtgdznluResxNmPitE0SAO+O26sWTHeKSI2wMBA== + /global-dirs/0.1.1: + dependencies: + ini: 1.3.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-sxnA3UYH81PzvpzKTHL8FIxJ9EU= + /global-modules/1.0.0: + dependencies: + global-prefix: 1.0.2 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + resolve-dir: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sKzpEkf11GpOFuw0Zzjzmt4B4UZwjOcG757PPvrfhxcLFbq0wpsgpOqxpxtxFiCG4DtG93M6XRVbF2oGdev7bg== + /global-prefix/1.0.2: + dependencies: + expand-tilde: 2.0.2 + homedir-polyfill: 1.0.3 + ini: 1.3.8 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + which: 1.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2/dDxsFJklk8ZVVoy2btMsASLr4= + /globals/11.12.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WOBp/EEGUiIsJSp7wcv/y6MO+lV9UoncWqxuFfm8eBwzWNgyfBd6Gz+IeKQ9jCmyhoH99g15M3T+QaVHFjizVA== + /globals/12.4.0: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.8.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BWICuzzDvDoH54NHKCseDanAhE3CeDorgDL5MT6LMXXj2WCnd9UC2szdk4AWLfjdgNBCXLUanXYcpBBKOSWGwg== + /globals/13.7.0: + dependencies: + type-fest: 0.20.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Aipsz6ZKRxa/xQkZhNg0qIWXT6x6rD46f6x/PCnBomlttdIyAPak4YD9jTmKpZ72uROSMU87qJtcgpgHaVchiA== + /globby/11.0.2: + dependencies: + array-union: 2.1.0 + dir-glob: 3.0.1 + fast-glob: 3.2.5 + ignore: 5.1.8 + merge2: 1.4.1 + slash: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2ZThXDvvV8fYFRVIxnrMQBipZQDr7MxKAmQK1vujaj9/7eF0efG7BPUKJ7jP7G5SLF37xKDXvO4S/KKLj/Z0og== + /globby/11.0.3: + dependencies: + array-union: 2.1.0 + dir-glob: 3.0.1 + fast-glob: 3.2.5 + ignore: 5.1.8 + merge2: 1.4.1 + slash: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ffdmosjA807y7+lA1NM0jELARVmYul/715xiILEjo3hBLPTcirgQNnXECn5g3mtR8TOLCVbkfua1Hpen25/Xcg== + /got/9.6.0: + dependencies: + '@sindresorhus/is': 0.14.0 + '@szmarczak/http-timer': 1.1.2 + cacheable-request: 6.1.0 + decompress-response: 3.3.0 + duplexer3: 0.1.4 + get-stream: 4.1.0 + lowercase-keys: 1.0.1 + mimic-response: 1.0.1 + p-cancelable: 1.1.0 + to-readable-stream: 1.0.0 + url-parse-lax: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-R7eWptXuGYxwijs0eV+v3o6+XH1IqVK8dJOEecQfTmkncw9AV4dcw/Dhxi8MdlqPthxxpZyizMzyg8RTmEsG+Q== + /graceful-fs/4.2.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nTnJ528pbqxYanhpDYsi4Rd8MAeaBA67+RZ10CM1m3bTAVFEDcd5AuA4a6W5YkGZ1iNXHzZz8T6TBKLeBuNriQ== + /graphql-config/3.2.0_graphql@15.5.0+typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + '@endemolshinegroup/cosmiconfig-typescript-loader': 3.0.2_b28d37000a23a49eed16b94a450ac09d + '@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader': 6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/json-file-loader': 6.2.6_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/load': 6.2.7_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/merge': 6.2.11_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/url-loader': 6.8.2_graphql@15.5.0 + '@graphql-tools/utils': 6.2.4_graphql@15.5.0 + cosmiconfig: 6.0.0 + cosmiconfig-toml-loader: 1.0.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + string-env-interpolation: 1.0.1 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10.0.0' + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + typescript: '*' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ygEKDeQNZKpm4137560n2oY3bGM0D5zyRsQVaJntKkufWdgPg6sb9/4J1zJW2y/yC1ortAbhNho09qmeJeLa9g== + /graphql-request/3.4.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + cross-fetch: 3.1.4 + extract-files: 9.0.0 + form-data: 3.0.1 + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: 14.x || 15.x + resolution: + integrity: sha512-acrTzidSlwAj8wBNO7Q/UQHS8T+z5qRGquCQRv9J1InwR01BBWV9ObnoE+JS5nCCEj8wSGS0yrDXVDoRiKZuOg== + /graphql-tag/2.11.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.9.0 || ^0.10.0 || ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VmsD5pJqWJnQZMUeRwrDhfgoyqcfwEkvtpANqcoUG8/tOLkwNgU9mzub/Mc78OJMhHjx7gfAMTxzdG43VGg3bA== + /graphql-upload/11.0.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + busboy: 0.3.1 + fs-capacitor: 6.2.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + http-errors: 1.8.0 + isobject: 4.0.0 + object-path: 0.11.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10.13.0 || ^12.0.0 || >= 13.7.0 + peerDependencies: + graphql: 0.13.1 - 15 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zsrDtu5gCbQFDWsNa5bMB4nf1LpKX9KDgh+f8oL1288ijV4RxeckhVozAjqjXAfRpxOHD1xOESsh6zq8SjdgjA== + /graphql-ws/4.2.2_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + graphql: 15.5.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + peerDependencies: + graphql: '>=0.11 <=15' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b6TLtWLAmKunD72muL9EeItRGpio9+V3Cx4zJsBkRA+3wxzTWXDvQr9/3qSwJ3D/2abz0ys2KHTM6lB1uH7KIQ== + /graphql/15.5.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10.x' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OmaM7y0kaK31NKG31q4YbD2beNYa6jBBKtMFT6gLYJljHLJr42IqJ8KX08u3Li/0ifzTU5HjmoOOrwa5BRLeDA== + /hard-rejection/2.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VIZB+ibDhx7ObhAe7OVtoEbuP4h/MuOTHJ+J8h/eBXotJYl0fBgR72xDFCKgIh22OJZIOVNxBMWuhAr10r8HdA== + /has-ansi/2.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 2.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-NPUEnOHs3ysGSa8+8k5F7TVBbZE= + /has-bigints/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LSBS2LjbNBTf6287JEbEzvJgftkF5qFkmCo9hDRpAzKhUOlJ+hx8dd4USs00SgsUNwc4617J9ki5YtEClM2ffA== + /has-flag/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-tdRU3CGZriJWmfNGfloH87lVuv0= + /has-flag/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EykJT/Q1KjTWctppgIAgfSO0tKVuZUjhgMr17kqTumMl6Afv3EISleU7qZUzoXDFTAHTDC4NOoG/ZxU3EvlMPQ== + /has-symbols/1.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-chXa79rL/UC2KlX17jo3vRGz0azaWEx5tGqZg5pO3NUyEJVB17dMruQlzCCOfUvElghKcm5194+BCRvi2Rv/Gw== + /has-value/0.3.1: + dependencies: + get-value: 2.0.6 + has-values: 0.1.4 + isobject: 2.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-ex9YutpiyoJ+wKIHgCVlSEWZXh8= + /has-value/1.0.0: + dependencies: + get-value: 2.0.6 + has-values: 1.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-GLKB2lhbHFxR3vJMkw7SmgvmsXc= + /has-values/0.1.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-bWHeldkd/Km5oCCJrThL/49it3E= + /has-values/1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-number: 3.0.0 + kind-of: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-lbC2P+whRmGab+V/51Yo1aOe/k8= + /has/1.0.3: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-f2dvO0VU6Oej7RkWJGrehjbzMAjFp5/VKPp5tTpWIV4JHHZK1/BxbFRtf/siA2SWTe09caDmVtYYzWEIbBS4zw== + /hash-sum/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WdZTbAByD+pHfl/g9QSsBIIwy8IT+EsPiKDs0KNX+zSHhdDLFKdZu0BQHljvO+0QI/BasbMSUa8wYNCZTvhslg== + /header-case/2.0.4: + dependencies: + capital-case: 1.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-H/vuk5TEEVZwrR0lp2zed9OCo1uAILMlx0JEMgC26rzyJJ3N1v6XkwHHXJQdR2doSjcGPM6OKPYoJgf0plJ11Q== + /hex-color-regex/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-l9sfDFsuqtOqKDsQdqrMRk0U85RZc0RtOR9yPI7mRVOa4FsR/BVnZ0shmQRM96Ji99kYZP/7hn1cedc1+ApsTQ== + /homedir-polyfill/1.0.3: + dependencies: + parse-passwd: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eSmmWE5bZTK2Nou4g0AI3zZ9rswp7GRKoKXS1BLUkvPviOqs4YTN1djQIqrXy9k5gEtdLPy86JjRwsNM9tnDcA== + /hosted-git-info/2.8.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-f/wzC2QaWBs7t9IYqB4T3sR1xviIViXJRJTWBlx2Gf3g0Xi5vI7Yy4koXQ1c9OYDGHN9sBy1DQ2AB8fqZBWhUg== + /hosted-git-info/4.0.2: + dependencies: + lru-cache: 6.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-c9OGXbZ3guC/xOlCg1Ci/VgWlwsqDv1yMQL1CWqXDL0hDjXuNcq0zuR4xqPSuasI3kqFDhqSyTjREz5gzq0fXg== + /hsl-regex/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-1JMwx4ntgZ4nakwNJy3/owsY/m4= + /hsla-regex/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wc56MWjIxmFAM6S194d/OyJfnDg= + /html-comment-regex/1.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-P+M65QY2JQ5Y0G9KKdlDpo0zK+/OHptU5AaBwUfAIDJZk1MYf32Frm84EcOytfJE0t5JvkAnKlmjsXDnWzCJmQ== + /html-tags/3.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1qYz89hW3lFDEazhjW0yVAV87lw8lVkrJocr72XmBkMKsoSVJCQx3W8BXsC7hO2qAt8BoVjYjtAcZ9perqGnNg== + /http-cache-semantics/4.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-carPklcUh7ROWRK7Cv27RPtdhYhUsela/ue5/jKzjegVvXDqM2ILE9Q2BGn9JZJh1g87cp56su/FgQSzcWS8cQ== + /http-errors/1.8.0: + dependencies: + depd: 1.1.2 + inherits: 2.0.4 + setprototypeof: 1.2.0 + statuses: 1.5.0 + toidentifier: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-4I8r0C5JDhT5VkvI47QktDW75rNlGVsUf/8hzjCC/wkWI/jdTRmBb9aI7erSG82r1bjKY3F6k28WnsVxB1C73A== + /http-proxy-agent/4.0.1: + dependencies: + '@tootallnate/once': 1.1.2 + agent-base: 6.0.2 + debug: 4.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-k0zdNgqWTGA6aeIRVpvfVob4fL52dTfaehylg0Y4UvSySvOq/Y+BOyPrgpUrA7HylqvU8vIZGsRuXmspskV0Tg== + /https-proxy-agent/5.0.0: + dependencies: + agent-base: 6.0.2 + debug: 4.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EkYm5BcKUGiduxzSt3Eppko+PiNWNEpa4ySk9vTC6wDsQJW9rHSa+UhGNJoRYp7bz6Ht1eaRIa6QaJqO5rCFbA== + /husky/6.0.0: + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-SQS2gDTB7tBN486QSoKPKQItZw97BMOd+Kdb6ghfpBc0yXyzrddI0oDV5MkDAbuB4X2mO3/nj60TRMcYxwzZeQ== + /iconv-lite/0.4.24: + dependencies: + safer-buffer: 2.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-v3MXnZAcvnywkTUEZomIActle7RXXeedOR31wwl7VlyoXO4Qi9arvSenNQWne1TcRwhCL1HwLI21bEqdpj8/rA== + /ieee754/1.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dcyqhDvX1C46lXZcVqCpK+FtMRQVdIMN6/Df5js2zouUsqG7I6sFxitIC+7KYK29KdXOLHdu9zL4sFnoVQnqaA== + /ignore/4.0.6: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cyFDKrqc/YdcWFniJhzI42+AzS+gNwmUzOSFcRCQYwySuBBBy/KjuxWLZ/FHEH6Moq1NizMOBWyTcv8O4OZIMg== + /ignore/5.1.8: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BMpfD7PpiETpBl/A6S498BaIJ6Y/ABT93ETbby2fP00v4EbvPBXWEoaR1UBPKs3iR53pJY7EtZk5KACI57i1Uw== + /immutable/3.7.6: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-E7TTyxK++hVIKib+Gy665kAHHks= + /import-cwd/3.0.0: + dependencies: + import-from: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-4pnzH16plW+hgvRECbDWpQl3cqtvSofHWh44met7ESfZ8UZOWWddm8hEyDTqREJ9RbYHY8gi8DqmaelApoOGMg== + /import-fresh/2.0.0: + dependencies: + caller-path: 2.0.0 + resolve-from: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2BNVwVYS04bGH53dOSLUMEgipUY= + /import-fresh/3.3.0: + dependencies: + parent-module: 1.0.1 + resolve-from: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-veYYhQa+D1QBKznvhUHxb8faxlrwUnxseDAbAp457E0wLNio2bOSKnjYDhMj+YiAq61xrMGhQk9iXVk5FzgQMw== + /import-from/3.0.0: + dependencies: + resolve-from: 5.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CiuXOFFSzkU5x/CR0+z7T91Iht4CXgfCxVOFRhh2Zyhg5wOpWvvDLQUsWl+gcN+QscYBjez8hDCt85O7RLDttQ== + /imurmurhash/0.1.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.19' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-khi5srkoojixPcT7a21XbyMUU+o= + /indent-string/3.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Sl/W0nzDMvN+VBmlBNu4NxBckok= + /indent-string/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EdDDZu4A2OyIK7Lr/2zG+w5jmbuk1DVBnEwREQvBzspBJkCEbRa8GxU1lghYcaGJCnRWibjDXlq779X1/y5xwg== + /indexes-of/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-8w9xbI4r00bHtn0985FVZqfAVgc= + /inflight/1.0.6: + dependencies: + once: 1.4.0 + wrappy: 1.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Sb1jMdfQLQwJvJEKEHW6gWW1bfk= + /inherits/2.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-k/vGaX4/Yla3WzyMCvTQOXYeIHvqOKtnqBduzTHpzpQZzAskKMhZ2K+EnBiSM9zGSoIFeMpXKxa4dYeZIQqewQ== + /ini/1.3.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JV/yugV2uzW5iMRSiZAyDtQd+nxtUnjeLt0acNdw98kKLrvuRVyB80tsREOE7yvGVgalhZ6RNXCmEHkUKBKxew== + /inquirer/6.5.2: + dependencies: + ansi-escapes: 3.2.0 + chalk: 2.4.2 + cli-cursor: 2.1.0 + cli-width: 2.2.1 + external-editor: 3.1.0 + figures: 2.0.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + mute-stream: 0.0.7 + run-async: 2.4.1 + rxjs: 6.6.7 + string-width: 2.1.1 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + through: 2.3.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cntlB5ghuB0iuO65Ovoi8ogLHiWGs/5yNrtUcKjFhSSiVeAIVpD7koaSU9RM8mpXw5YDi9RdYXGQMaOURB7ycQ== + /inquirer/7.3.3: + dependencies: + ansi-escapes: 4.3.2 + chalk: 4.1.0 + cli-cursor: 3.1.0 + cli-width: 3.0.0 + external-editor: 3.1.0 + figures: 3.2.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + mute-stream: 0.0.8 + run-async: 2.4.1 + rxjs: 6.6.7 + string-width: 4.2.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + through: 2.3.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JG3eIAj5V9CwcGvuOmoo6LB9kbAYT8HXffUl6memuszlwDC/qvFAJw49XJ5NROSFNPxp3iQg1GqkFhaY/CR0IA== + /is-absolute-url/2.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-UFMN+4T8yap9vnhS6Do3uTufKqY= + /is-absolute/1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-relative: 1.0.0 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dOWoqflvcydARa360Gvv18DZ/gRuHKi2NU/wU5X1ZFzdYfH29nkiNZsF3mp4OJ3H4yo9Mx8A/uAGNzpzPN3yBA== + /is-accessor-descriptor/0.1.6: + dependencies: + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-qeEss66Nh2cn7u84Q/igiXtcmNY= + /is-accessor-descriptor/1.0.0: + dependencies: + kind-of: 6.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-m5hnHTkcVsPfqx3AKlyttIPb7J+XykHvJP2B9bZDjlhLIoEq4XoK64Vg7boZlVWYK6LUY94dYPEE7Lh0ZkZKcQ== + /is-arrayish/0.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-d8mYQFJ6qOyxqLppe4BkWnqSap0= + /is-arrayish/0.3.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eVRqCvVlZbuw3GrM63ovNSNAeA1K16kaR/LRY/92w0zxQ5/1YzwblUX652i4Xs9RwAGjW9d9y6X88t8OaAJfWQ== + /is-bigint/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-J0ELF4yHFxHy0cmSxZuheDOz2luOdVvqjwmEcj8H/L1JHeuEDSDbeRP+Dk9kFVk5RTFzbucJ2Kb9F7ixY2QaCg== + /is-binary-path/2.1.0: + dependencies: + binary-extensions: 2.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ZMERYes6pDydyuGidse7OsHxtbI7WVeUEozgR/g7rd0xUimYNlvZRE/K2MgZTjWy725IfelLeVcEM97mmtRGXw== + /is-boolean-object/1.1.0: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-a7Uprx8UtD+HWdyYwnD1+ExtTgqQtD2k/1yJgtXP6wnMm8byhkoTZRl+95LLThpzNZJ5aEvi46cdH+ayMFRwmA== + /is-buffer/1.1.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NcdALwpXkTm5Zvvbk7owOUSvVvBKDgKP5/ewfXEznmQFfs4ZRmanOeKBTjRVjka3QFoN6XJ+9F3USqfHqTaU5w== + /is-callable/1.2.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-J1DcMe8UYTBSrKezuIUTUwjXsho29693unXM2YhJUTR2txK/eG47bvNa/wipPFmZFgr/N6f1GA66dv0mEyTIyQ== + /is-color-stop/1.1.0: + dependencies: + css-color-names: 0.0.4 + hex-color-regex: 1.1.0 + hsl-regex: 1.0.0 + hsla-regex: 1.0.0 + rgb-regex: 1.0.1 + rgba-regex: 1.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-z/9HGu5N1cnhWFmPvhKWe1za00U= + /is-core-module/2.2.0: + dependencies: + has: 1.0.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XRAfAdyyY5F5cOXn7hYQDqh2Xmii+DEfIcQGxK/uNwMHhIkPWO0g8msXcbzLe+MpGoR951MlqM/2iIlU4vKDdQ== + /is-data-descriptor/0.1.4: + dependencies: + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-C17mSDiOLIYCgueT8YVv7D8wG1Y= + /is-data-descriptor/1.0.0: + dependencies: + kind-of: 6.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jbRXy1FmtAoCjQkVmIVYwuuqDFUbaOeDjmed1tOGPrsMhtJA4rD9tkgA0F1qJ3gRFRXcHYVkdeaP50Q5rE/jLQ== + /is-date-object/1.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-USlDT524woQ08aoZFzh3/Z6ch9Y/EWXEHQ/AaRN0SkKq4t2Jw2R2339tSXmwuVoY7LLlBCbOIlx2myP/L5zk0g== + /is-descriptor/0.1.6: + dependencies: + is-accessor-descriptor: 0.1.6 + is-data-descriptor: 0.1.4 + kind-of: 5.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-avDYr0SB3DwO9zsMov0gKCESFYqCnE4hq/4z3TdUlukEy5t9C0YRq7HLrsN52NAcqXKaepeCD0n+B0arnVG3Hg== + /is-descriptor/1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-accessor-descriptor: 1.0.0 + is-data-descriptor: 1.0.0 + kind-of: 6.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2eis5WqQGV7peooDyLmNEPUrps9+SXX5c9pL3xEB+4e9HnGuDa7mB7kHxHw4CbqS9k1T2hOH3miL8n8WtiYVtg== + /is-directory/0.3.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-YTObbyR1/Hcv2cnYP1yFddwVSuE= + /is-dotfile/1.0.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-pqLzL/0t+wT1yiXs0Pa4PPeYoeE= + /is-extendable/0.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-YrEQ4omkcUGOPsNqYX1HLjAd/Ik= + /is-extendable/1.0.1: + dependencies: + is-plain-object: 2.0.4 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-arnXMxT1hhoKo9k1LZdmlNyJdDDfy2v0fXjFlmok4+i8ul/6WlbVge9bhM74OpNPQPMGUToDtz+KXa1PneJxOA== + /is-extglob/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-rEaBd8SUNAWgkvyPKXYMb/xiBsA= + /is-extglob/2.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-qIwCU1eR8C7TfHahueqXc8gz+MI= + /is-fullwidth-code-point/1.0.0: + dependencies: + number-is-nan: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-754xOG8DGn8NZDr4L95QxFfvAMs= + /is-fullwidth-code-point/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-o7MKXE8ZkYMWeqq5O+764937ZU8= + /is-fullwidth-code-point/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zymm5+u+sCsSWyD9qNaejV3DFvhCKclKdizYaJUuHA83RLjb7nSuGnddCHGv0hk+KY7BMAlsWeK4Ueg6EV6XQg== + /is-glob/2.0.1: + dependencies: + is-extglob: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-0Jb5JqPe1WAPP9/ZEZjLCIjC2GM= + /is-glob/4.0.1: + dependencies: + is-extglob: 2.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5G0tKtBTFImOqDnLB2hG6Bp2qcKEFduo4tZu9MT/H6NQv/ghhy30o55ufafxJ/LdH79LLs2Kfrn85TLKyA7BUg== + /is-lower-case/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bVcMJy4X5Og6VZfdOZstSexlEy20Sr0k/p/b2IlQJlfdKAQuMpiv5w2Ccxb8sKdRUNAG1PnHVHjFSdRDVS6NlQ== + /is-negative-zero/2.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2z6JzQvZRa9A2Y7xC6dQQm4FSTSTNWjKIYYTt4246eMTJmIo0Q+ZyOsU66X8lxK1AbB92dFeglPLrhwpeRKO6w== + /is-number-object/1.0.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zohwelOAur+5uXtk8O3GPQ1eAcu4ZX3UwxQhUlfFFMNpUd83gXgjbhJh6HmB6LUNV/ieOLQuDwJO3dWJosUeMw== + /is-number/3.0.0: + dependencies: + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-JP1iAaR4LPUFYcgQJ2r8fRLXEZU= + /is-number/7.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.12.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-41Cifkg6e8TylSpdtTpeLVMqvSBEVzTttHvERD741+pnZ8ANv0004MRL43QKPDlK9cGvNp6NZWZUBlbGXYxxng== + /is-obj/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-drqDG3cbczxxEJRoOXcOjtdp1J/lyp1mNn0xaznRs8+muBhgQcrnbspox5X5fOw0HnMnbfDzvnEMEtqDEJEo8w== + /is-observable/1.1.0: + dependencies: + symbol-observable: 1.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NqCa4Sa2d+u7BWc6CukaObG3Fh+CU9bvixbpcXYhy2VvYS7vVGIdAgnIS5Ks3A/cqk4rebLJ9s8zBstT2aKnIA== + /is-plain-obj/1.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-caUMhCnfync8kqOQpKA7OfzVHT4= + /is-plain-object/2.0.4: + dependencies: + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-h5PpgXkWitc38BBMYawTYMWJHFZJVnBquFE57xFpjB8pJFiF6gZ+bU+WyI/yqXiFR5mdLsgYNaPe8uao6Uv9Og== + /is-promise/2.2.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+lP4/6lKUBfQjZ2pdxThZvLUAafmZb8OAxFb8XXtiQmS35INgr85hdOGoEs124ez1FCnZJt6jau/T+alh58QFQ== + /is-promise/4.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hvpoI6korhJMnej285dSg6nu1+e6uxs7zG3BYAm5byqDsgJNWwxzM6z6iZiAgQR4TJ30JmBTOwqZUw3WlyH3AQ== + /is-regex/1.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-axvdhb5pdhEVThqJzYXwMlVuZwC+FF2DpcOhTS+y/8jVq4trxyPgfcwIxIKiyeuLlSQYKkmUaPQJ8ZE4yNKXDg== + /is-relative/1.0.0: + dependencies: + is-unc-path: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Kw/ReK0iqwKeu0MITLFuj0jbPAmEiOsIwyIXvvbfa6QfmN9pkD1M+8pdk7Rl/dTKbH34/XBFMbgD4iMJhLQbGA== + /is-resolvable/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qgDYXFSR5WvEfuS5dMj6oTMEbrrSaM0CrFk2Yiq/gXnBvD9pMa2jGXxyhGLfvhZpuMZe18CJpFxAt3CRs42NMg== + /is-stream/1.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-EtSj3U5o4Lec6428hBc66A2RykQ= + /is-string/1.0.5: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-buY6VNRjhQMiF1qWDouloZlQbRhDPCebwxSjxMjxgemYT46YMd2NR0/H+fBhEfWX4A/w9TBJ+ol+okqJKFE6vQ== + /is-svg/3.0.0: + dependencies: + html-comment-regex: 1.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gi4iHK53LR2ujhLVVj+37Ykh9GLqYHX6JOVXbLAucaG/Cqw9xwdFOjDM2qeifLs1sF1npXXFvDu0r5HNgCMrzQ== + /is-symbol/1.0.3: + dependencies: + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OwijhaRSgqvhm/0ZdAcXNZt9lYdKFpcRDT5ULUuYXPoT794UNOdU+gpT6Rzo7b4V2HUl/op6GqY894AZwv9faQ== + /is-text-path/1.0.1: + dependencies: + text-extensions: 1.9.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Thqg+1G/vLPpJogAE5cgLBd1tm4= + /is-unc-path/1.0.0: + dependencies: + unc-path-regex: 0.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mrGpVd0fs7WWLfVsStvgF6iEJnbjDFZh9/emhRDcGWTduTfNHd9CHeUwH3gYIjdbwo4On6hunkztwOaAw0yllQ== + /is-unicode-supported/0.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-knxG2q4UC3u8stRGyAVJCOdxFmv5DZiRcdlIaAQXAbSfJya+OhopNotLQrstBhququ4ZpuKbDc/8S6mgXgPFPw== + /is-upper-case/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-44pxmxAvnnAOwBg4tHPnkfvgjPwbc5QIsSstNU+YcJ1ovxVzCWpSGosPJOZh/a1tdl81fbgnLc9LLv+x2ywbPQ== + /is-utf8/0.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Sw2hRCEE0bM2NA6AeX6GXPOffXI= + /is-windows/1.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eXK1UInq2bPmjyX6e3VHIzMLobc4J94i4AWn+Hpq3OU5KkrRC96OAcR3PRJ/pGu6m8TRnBHP9dkXQVsT/COVIA== + /isarray/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-u5NdSFgsuhaMBoNJV6VKPgcSTxE= + /isexe/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-6PvzdNxVb/iUehDcsFctYz8s+hA= + /isobject/2.1.0: + dependencies: + isarray: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-8GVWEJaj8dou9GJy+BXIQNh+DIk= + /isobject/3.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-TkMekrEalzFjaqH5yNHMvP2reN8= + /isobject/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-S/2fF5wH8SJA/kmwr6HYhK/RI/OkhD84k8ntalo0iJjZikgq1XFvR5M8NPT1x5F7fBwCG3qHfnzeP/Vh/ZxCUA== + /isomorphic-fetch/3.0.0: + dependencies: + node-fetch: 2.6.1 + whatwg-fetch: 3.6.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qvUtwJ3j6qwsF3jLxkZ72qCgjMysPzDfeV240JHiGZsANBYd+EEuu35v7dfrJ9Up0Ak07D7GGSkGhCHTqg/5wA== + /isomorphic-ws/4.0.1_ws@7.4.4: + dependencies: + ws: 7.4.4 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + ws: '*' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BhBvN2MBpWTaSHdWRb/bwdZJ1WaehQ2L1KngkCkfLUGF0mAWAT1sQUQacEmQ0jXkFw/czDXPNQSL5u2/Krsz1w== + /js-tokens/4.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RdJUflcE3cUzKiMqQgsCu06FPu9UdIJO0beYbPhHN4k6apgJtifcoCtT9bcxOpYBtpD2kCM6Sbzg4CausW/PKQ== + /js-yaml/3.14.1: + dependencies: + argparse: 1.0.10 + esprima: 4.0.1 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-okMH7OXXJ7YrN9Ok3/SXrnu4iX9yOk+25nqX4imS2npuvTYDmo/QEZoqwZkYaIDk3jVvBOTOIEgEhaLOynBS9g== + /js-yaml/4.0.0: + dependencies: + argparse: 2.0.1 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pqon0s+4ScYUvX30wxQi3PogGFAlUyH0awepWvwkj4jD4v+ova3RiYw8bmA6x2rDrEaj8i/oWKoRxpVNW+Re8Q== + /jsesc/2.5.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OYu7XEzjkCQ3C5Ps3QIZsQfNpqoJyZZA99wd9aWd05NCtC5pWOkShK2mkL6HXQR6/Cy2lbNdPlZBpuQHXE63gA== + /json-buffer/3.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Wx85evx11ne96Lz8Dkfh+aPZqJg= + /json-parse-better-errors/1.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mrqyZKfX5EhL7hvqcV6WG1yYjnjeuYDzDhhcAAUrq8Po85NBQBJP+ZDUT75qZQ98IkUoBqdkExkukOU7Ts2wrw== + /json-parse-even-better-errors/2.3.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xyFwyhro/JEof6Ghe2iz2NcXoj2sloNsWr/XsERDK/oiPCfaNhl5ONfp+jQdAZRQQ0IJWNzH9zIZF7li91kh2w== + /json-schema-traverse/0.4.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-xbbCH5dCYU5T8LcEhhuh7HJ88HXuW3qsI3Y0zOZFKfZEHcpWiHU/Jxzk629Brsab/mMiHQti9wMP+845RPe3Vg== + /json-schema-traverse/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NM8/P9n3XjXhIZn1lLhkFaACTOURQXjWhV4BA/RnOv8xvgqtqpAX9IO4mRQxSx1Rlo4tqzeqb0sOlruaOy3dug== + /json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-nbe1lJatPzz+8wp1FC0tkwrXJlE= + /json-stable-stringify/1.0.1: + dependencies: + jsonify: 0.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-mnWdOcXy/1A/1TAGRu1EX4jE+a8= + /json-to-pretty-yaml/1.2.2: + dependencies: + remedial: 1.0.8 + remove-trailing-spaces: 1.0.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.2.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-9M0L0KXo/h3yWq9boRiwmf2ZLVs= + /json5/2.2.0: + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.5 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-f+8cldu7X/y7RAJurMEJmdoKXGB/X550w2Nr3tTbezL6RwEE/iMcm+tZnXeoZtKuOq6ft8+CqzEkrIgx1fPoQA== + /jsonfile/4.0.0: + dev: true + optionalDependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.6 + resolution: + integrity: sha1-h3Gq4HmbZAdrdmQPygWPnBDjPss= + /jsonfile/6.1.0: + dependencies: + universalify: 2.0.0 + dev: true + optionalDependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.6 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5dgndWOriYSm5cnYaJNhalLNDKOqFwyDB/rr1E9ZsGciGvKPs8R2xYGCacuf3z6K1YKDz182fd+fY3cn3pMqXQ== + /jsonify/0.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-LHS27kHZPKUbe1qu6PUDYx0lKnM= + /jsonparse/1.3.1: + dev: true + engines: + '0': node >= 0.2.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha1-P02uSpH6wxX3EGL4UhzCOfE2YoA= + /jsonwebtoken/8.5.1: + dependencies: + jws: 3.2.2 + lodash.includes: 4.3.0 + lodash.isboolean: 3.0.3 + lodash.isinteger: 4.0.4 + lodash.isnumber: 3.0.3 + lodash.isplainobject: 4.0.6 + lodash.isstring: 4.0.1 + lodash.once: 4.1.1 + ms: 2.1.3 + semver: 5.7.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + npm: '>=1.4.28' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XjwVfRS6jTMsqYs0EsuJ4LGxXV14zQybNd4L2r0UvbVnSF9Af8x7p5MzbJ90Ioz/9TI41/hTCvznF/loiSzn8w== + /jwa/1.4.1: + dependencies: + buffer-equal-constant-time: 1.0.1 + ecdsa-sig-formatter: 1.0.11 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qiLX/xhEEFKUAJ6FiBMbes3w9ATzyk5W7Hvzpa/SLYdxNtng+gcurvrI7TbACjIXlsJyr05/S1oUhZrc63evQA== + /jws/3.2.2: + dependencies: + jwa: 1.4.1 + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YHlZCB6lMTllWDtSPHz/ZXTsi8S00usEV6v1tjq8tOUZzw7DpSDWVXjXDre6ed1w/pd495ODpHZYSdkRTsa0HA== + /keyv/3.1.0: + dependencies: + json-buffer: 3.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9ykJ/46SN/9KPM/sichzQ7OvXyGDYKGTaDlKMGCAlg2UK8KRy4jb0d8sFc+0Tt0YYnThq8X2RZgCg74RPxgcVA== + 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'>= 0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+bT2uH4E5LGE7h/n3evcS/sQlJXCpIp6ym8OWJ5eV6+67Dsql/LaaT7qJBAt2rzfoa/5QBGBhxDix1dMt2kQKQ== + /lines-and-columns/1.1.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-HADHQ7QzzQpOgHWPe2SldEDZ/wA= + /listr-silent-renderer/1.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-kktaN1cVN3C/Go4/v3S4u/P5JC4= + /listr-update-renderer/0.5.0_listr@0.14.3: + dependencies: + chalk: 1.1.3 + cli-truncate: 0.2.1 + elegant-spinner: 1.0.1 + figures: 1.7.0 + indent-string: 3.2.0 + listr: 0.14.3 + log-symbols: 1.0.2 + log-update: 2.3.0 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + peerDependencies: + listr: ^0.14.2 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tKRsZpKz8GSGqoI/+caPmfrypiaq+OQCbd+CovEC24uk1h952lVj5sC7SqyFUm+OaJ5HN/a1YLt5cit2FMNsFA== + /listr-verbose-renderer/0.5.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + cli-cursor: 2.1.0 + date-fns: 1.30.1 + figures: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-04PDPqSlsqIOaaaGZ+41vq5FejI9auqTInicFRndCBgE3bXG8D6W1I+mWhk+1nqbHmyhla/6BUrd5OSiHwKRXw== + /listr/0.14.3: + dependencies: + '@samverschueren/stream-to-observable': 0.3.1_rxjs@6.6.7 + is-observable: 1.1.0 + is-promise: 2.2.2 + is-stream: 1.1.0 + listr-silent-renderer: 1.1.1 + listr-update-renderer: 0.5.0_listr@0.14.3 + listr-verbose-renderer: 0.5.0 + p-map: 2.1.0 + rxjs: 6.6.7 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RmAl7su35BFd/xoMamRjpIE4j3v+L28o8CT5YhAXQJm1fD+1l9ngXY8JAQRJ+tFK2i5njvi0iRUKV09vPwA0iA== + /load-json-file/4.0.0: + dependencies: + graceful-fs: 4.2.6 + parse-json: 4.0.0 + pify: 3.0.0 + strip-bom: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-L19Fq5HjMhYjT9U62rZo607AmTs= + /locate-path/3.0.0: + dependencies: + p-locate: 3.0.0 + path-exists: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7AO748wWnIhNqAuaty2ZWHkQHRSNfPVIsPIfwEOWO22AmaoVrWavlOcMR5nzTLNYvp36X220/maaRsrec1G65A== + 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sha1-YLuYqHy5I8aMoeUTJUgzFISfVT8= + /lodash.isboolean/3.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-bC4XHbKiV82WgC/UOwGyDV9YcPY= + /lodash.isinteger/4.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-YZwK89A/iwTDH1iChAt3sRzWg0M= + /lodash.isnumber/3.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-POdoEMWSjQM1IwGsKHMX8RwLH/w= + /lodash.isplainobject/4.0.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-fFJqUtibRcRcxpC4gWO+BJf1UMs= + /lodash.isstring/4.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-1SfftUVuynzJu5XV2ur4i6VKVFE= + /lodash.map/4.6.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-dx7Hg540c9nEzeKLGTlMNWL09tM= + /lodash.memoize/4.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-vMbEmkKihA7Zl/Mj6tpezRguC/4= + /lodash.once/4.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-DdOXEhPHxW34gJd9UEyI+0cal6w= + /lodash.template/4.5.0: + dependencies: + lodash._reinterpolate: 3.0.0 + lodash.templatesettings: 4.2.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-84vYFxIkmidUiFxidA/KjjH9pAycqW+h980j7Fuz5qxRtO9pgB7MDFTdys1N7A5mcucRiDyEq4fusljItR1T/A== + /lodash.templatesettings/4.2.0: + dependencies: + lodash._reinterpolate: 3.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-stgLz+i3Aa9mZgnjr/O+v9ruKZsPsndy7qPZOchbqk2cnTU1ZaldKK+v7m54WoKIyxiuMZTKT2H81F8BeAc3ZQ== + /lodash.throttle/4.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wj6RtxAkKscMN/HhzaknTMOb8vQ= + /lodash.toarray/4.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-JMS/zWsvuji/0FlNsRedjptlZWE= + /lodash.topath/4.5.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-NhY1Hzu6YZlKCTGYlmC9AyVP0Ak= + /lodash.truncate/4.4.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-WjUNoLERO4N+z//VgSy+WNbq4ZM= + /lodash.uniq/4.5.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-0CJTc662Uq3BvILklFM5qEJ1R3M= + /lodash/4.17.21: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-v2kDEe57lecTulaDIuNTPy3Ry4gLGJ6Z1O3vE1krgXZNrsQ+LFTGHVxVjcXPs17LhbZVGedAJv8XZ1tvj5FvSg== + /log-symbols/1.0.2: + dependencies: + chalk: 1.1.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-N2/3tY6jCGoPCfrMdGF+ylAeGhg= + /log-symbols/4.1.0: + dependencies: + chalk: 4.1.0 + is-unicode-supported: 0.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8XPvpAA8uyhfteu8pIvQxpJZ7SYYdpUivZpGy6sFsBuKRY/7rQGavedeB8aK+Zkyq6upMFVL/9AW6vOYzfRyLg== + /log-update/2.3.0: + dependencies: + ansi-escapes: 3.2.0 + cli-cursor: 2.1.0 + wrap-ansi: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-iDKP19HOeTiykoN0bwsbwSayRwg= + /longest/2.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-eB4YMpaqlPbU2RbcM10NF676I/g= + /loose-envify/1.4.0: + dependencies: + js-tokens: 4.0.0 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-lyuxPGr/Wfhrlem2CL/UcnUc1zcqKAImBDzukY7Y5F/yQiNdko6+fRLevlw1HgMySw7f611UIY408EtxRSoK3Q== + /lower-case-first/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EVm/rR94FJTZi3zefZ82fLWab+GX14LJN4HrWBcuo6Evmsl9hEfnqxgcHCKb9q+mNf6EVdsjx/qucYFIIB84pg== + /lower-case/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7fm3l3NAF9WfN6W3JOmf5drwpVqX78JtoGJ3A6W0a6ZnldM41w2fV5D490psKFTpMds8TJse/eHLFFsNHHjHgg== + /lowercase-keys/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-G2Lj61tXDnVFFOi8VZds+SoQjtQC3dgokKdDG2mTm1tx4m50NUHBOZSBwQQHyy0V12A0JTG4icfZQH+xPyh8VA== + /lowercase-keys/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tqNXrS78oMOE73NMxK4EMLQsQowWf8jKooH9g7xPavRT706R6bkQJ6DY2Te7QukaZsulxa30wQ7bk0pm4XiHmA== + /lru-cache/6.0.0: + dependencies: + yallist: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Jo6dJ04CmSjuznwJSS3pUeWmd/H0ffTlkXXgwZi+eq1UCmqQwCh+eLsYOYCwY991i2Fah4h1BEMCx4qThGbsiA== + /make-error/1.3.6: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-s8UhlNe7vPKomQhC1qFelMokr/Sc3AgNbso3n74mVPA5LTZwkB9NlXf4XPamLxJE8h0gh73rM94xvwRT2CVInw== + /map-cache/0.2.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wyq9C9ZSXZsFFkW7TyasXcmKDb8= + /map-obj/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2TPOuSBdgr3PSIb2dCvcK03qFG0= + /map-obj/4.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NAq0fCmZYGz9UFEQyndp7sisrow4GroyGeKluyKC/chuITZsPyOyC1UJZPJlVFImhXdROIP5xqouRLThT3BbpQ== + /map-visit/1.0.0: + dependencies: + object-visit: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-7Nyo8TFE5mDxtb1B8S80edmN+48= + /mdn-data/2.0.14: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dn6wd0uw5GsdswPFfsgMp5NSB0/aDe6fK94YJV/AJDYXL6HVLWBsxeq7js7Ad+mU2K9LAlwpk6kN2D5mwCPVow== + /mdn-data/2.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-iV3XNKw06j5Q7mi6h+9vbx23Tv7JkjEVgKHW4pimwyDGWm0OIQntJJ+u1C6mg6mK1EaTv42XQ7w76yuzH7M2cA== + /memorystream/0.3.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-htcJCzDORV1j+64S3aUaR93K+bI= + /meow/8.1.2: + dependencies: + '@types/minimist': 1.2.1 + camelcase-keys: 6.2.2 + decamelize-keys: 1.1.0 + hard-rejection: 2.1.0 + minimist-options: 4.1.0 + normalize-package-data: 3.0.2 + read-pkg-up: 7.0.1 + redent: 3.0.0 + trim-newlines: 3.0.0 + type-fest: 0.18.1 + yargs-parser: 20.2.7 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-r85E3NdZ+mpYk1C6RjPFEMSE+s1iZMuHtsHAqY0DT3jZczl0diWUZ8g6oU7h0M9cD2EL+PzaYghhCLzR0ZNn5Q== + /merge/1.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VjFo4P5Whtj4vsLzsYBu5ayHhoHJ0UqNm7ibvShmbmoz7tGi0vXaoJbGdB+GmDMLUdg8DpQXEIeVDAe8MaABvQ== + /merge2/1.4.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg== + /micromatch/3.1.10: + dependencies: + arr-diff: 4.0.0 + array-unique: 0.3.2 + braces: 2.3.2 + define-property: 2.0.2 + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + extglob: 2.0.4 + fragment-cache: 0.2.1 + kind-of: 6.0.3 + nanomatch: 1.2.13 + object.pick: 1.3.0 + regex-not: 1.0.2 + snapdragon: 0.8.2 + to-regex: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MWikgl9n9M3w+bpsY3He8L+w9eF9338xRl8IAO5viDizwSzziFEyUzo2xrrloB64ADbTf8uA8vRqqttDTOmccg== + /micromatch/4.0.2: + dependencies: + braces: 3.0.2 + picomatch: 2.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-y7FpHSbMUMoyPbYUSzO6PaZ6FyRnQOpHuKwbo1G+Knck95XVU4QAiKdGEnj5wwoS7PlOgthX/09u5iFJ+aYf5Q== + /mime-db/1.47.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QBmA/G2y+IfeS4oktet3qRZ+P5kPhCKRXxXnQEudYqUaEioAU1/Lq2us3D/t1Jfo4hE9REQPrbB7K5sOczJVIw== + /mime-types/2.1.30: + dependencies: + mime-db: 1.47.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-crmjA4bLtR8m9qLpHvgxSChT+XoSlZi8J4n/aIdn3z92e/U47Z0V/yl+Wh9W046GgFVAmoNR/fmdbZYcSSIUeg== + /mimic-fn/1.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jf84uxzwiuiIVKiOLpfYk7N46TSy8ubTonmneY9vrpHNAnp0QBt2BxWV9dO3/j+BoVAb+a5G6YDPW3M5HOdMWQ== + /mimic-fn/2.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OqbOk5oEQeAZ8WXWydlu9HJjz9WVdEIvamMCcXmuqUYjTknH/sqsWvhQ3vgwKFRR1HpjvNBKQ37nbJgYzGqGcg== + /mimic-response/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-j5EctnkH7amfV/q5Hgmoal1g2QHFJRraOtmx0JpIqkxhBhI/lJSl1nMpQ45hVarwNETOoWEimndZ4QK0RHxuxQ== + /min-indent/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-I9jwMn07Sy/IwOj3zVkVik2JTvgpaykDZEigL6Rx6N9LbMywwUSMtxET+7lVoDLLd3O3IXwJwvuuns8UB/HeAg== + /minimatch/3.0.4: + dependencies: + brace-expansion: 1.1.11 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yJHVQEhyqPLUTgt9B83PXu6W3rx4MvvHvSUvToogpwoGDOUQ+yDrR0HRot+yOCdCO7u4hX3pWft6kWBBcqh0UA== + /minimist-options/4.1.0: + dependencies: + arrify: 1.0.1 + is-plain-obj: 1.1.0 + kind-of: 6.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Q4r8ghd80yhO/0j1O3B2BjweX3fiHg9cdOwjJd2J76Q135c+NDxGCqdYKQ1SKBuFfgWbAUzBfvYjPUEeNgqN1A== + /minimist/1.2.5: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FM9nNUYrRBAELZQT3xeZQ7fmMOBg6nWNmJKTcgsJeaLstP/UODVpGsr5OhXhhXg6f+qtJ8uiZ+PUxkDWcgIXLw== + /mixin-deep/1.3.2: + dependencies: + for-in: 1.0.2 + is-extendable: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WRoDn//mXBiJ1H40rqa3vH0toePwSsGb45iInWlTySa+Uu4k3tYUSxa2v1KqAiLtvlrSzaExqS1gtk96A9zvEA== + /mkdirp/0.5.5: + dependencies: + minimist: 1.2.5 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NKmAlESf6jMGym1++R0Ra7wvhV+wFW63FaSOFPwRahvea0gMUcGUhVeAg/0BC0wiv9ih5NYPB1Wn1UEI1/L+xQ== + /mkdirp/1.0.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-vVqVZQyf3WLx2Shd0qJ9xuvqgAyKPLAiqITEtqW0oIUjzo3PePDd6fW9iFz30ef7Ysp/oiWqbhszeGWW2T6Gzw== + /modern-normalize/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1lM+BMLGuDfsdwf3rsgBSrxJwAZHFIrQ8YR61xIqdHo0uNKI9M52wNpHSrliZATJp51On6JD0AfRxd4YGSU0lw== + /mri/1.1.6: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-oi1b3MfbyGa7FJMP9GmLTttni5JoICpYBRlq+x5V16fZbLsnL9N3wFqqIm/nIG43FjUFkFh9Epzp/kzUGUnJxQ== + /ms/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-VgiurfwAvmwpAd9fmGF4jeDVl8g= + /ms/2.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w== + /ms/2.1.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6FlzubTLZG3J2a/NVCAleEhjzq5oxgHyaCU9yYXvcLsvoVaHJq/s5xXI6/XXP6tz7R9xAOtHnSO/tXtF3WRTlA== + /mute-stream/0.0.7: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-MHXOk7whuPq0PhvE2n6BFe0ee6s= + /mute-stream/0.0.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nnbWWOkoWyUsTjKrhgD0dcz22mdkSnpYqbEjIm2nhwhuxlSkpywJmBo8h0ZqJdkp73mb90SssHkN4rsRaBAfAA== + /nanoid/3.1.22: + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10 || ^12 || ^13.7 || ^14 || >=15.0.1 + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/2ZUaJX2ANuLtTvqTlgqBQNJoQO398KyJgZloL0PZkC0dpysjncRUPsFe3DUPzz/y3h+u7C46np8RMuvF3jsSQ== + /nanomatch/1.2.13: + dependencies: + arr-diff: 4.0.0 + array-unique: 0.3.2 + define-property: 2.0.2 + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + fragment-cache: 0.2.1 + is-windows: 1.0.2 + kind-of: 6.0.3 + object.pick: 1.3.0 + regex-not: 1.0.2 + snapdragon: 0.8.2 + to-regex: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-fpoe2T0RbHwBTBUOftAfBPaDEi06ufaUai0mE6Yn1kacc3SnTErfb/h+X94VXzI64rKFHYImXSvdwGGCmwOqCA== + /natural-compare/1.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Sr6/7tdUHywnrPspvbvRXI1bpPc= + /nice-try/1.0.5: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-1nh45deeb5olNY7eX82BkPO7SSxR5SSYJiPTrTdFUVYwAl8CKMA5N9PjTYkHiRjisVcxcQ1HXdLhx2qxxJzLNQ== + /no-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + lower-case: 2.0.2 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-fgAN3jGAh+RoxUGZHTSOLJIqUc2wmoBwGR4tbpNAKmmovFoWq0OdRkb0VkldReO2a2iBT/OEulG9XSUc10r3zg== + /node-emoji/1.10.0: + dependencies: + lodash.toarray: 4.4.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Yt3384If5H6BYGVHiHwTL+99OzJKHhgp82S8/dktEK73T26BazdgZ4JZh92xSVtGNJvz9UbXdNAc5hcrXV42vw== + /node-fetch/2.6.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: 4.x || >=6.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-V4aYg89jEoVRxRb2fJdAg8FHvI7cEyYdVAh94HH0UIK8oJxUfkjlDQN9RbMx+bEjP7+ggMiFRprSti032Oipxw== + /node-int64/0.4.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-h6kGXNs1XTGC2PlM4RGIuCXGijs= + /node-releases/1.1.71: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zR6HoT6LrLCRBwukmrVbHv0EpEQjksO6GmFcZQQuCAy139BEsoVKPYnf3jongYW83fAa1torLGYwxxky/p28sg== + /normalize-package-data/2.5.0: + dependencies: + hosted-git-info: 2.8.8 + resolve: 1.20.0 + semver: 5.7.1 + validate-npm-package-license: 3.0.4 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/5CMN3T0R4XTj4DcGaexo+roZSdSFW/0AOOTROrjxzCG1wrWXEsGbRKevjlIL+ZDE4sZlJr5ED4YW0yqmkK+eA== + /normalize-package-data/3.0.2: + dependencies: + hosted-git-info: 4.0.2 + resolve: 1.20.0 + semver: 7.3.5 + validate-npm-package-license: 3.0.4 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6CdZocmfGaKnIHPVFhJJZ3GuR8SsLKvDANFp47Jmy51aKIr8akjAWTSxtpI+MBgBFdSMRyo4hMpDlT6dTffgZg== + /normalize-path/2.1.1: + dependencies: + remove-trailing-separator: 1.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-GrKLVW4Zg2Oowab35vogE3/mrtk= + /normalize-path/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6eZs5Ls3WtCisHWp9S2GUy8dqkpGi4BVSz3GaqiE6ezub0512ESztXUwUB6C6IKbQkY2Pnb/mD4WYojCRwcwLA== + /normalize-range/0.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-LRDAa9/TEuqXd2laTShDlFa3WUI= + /normalize-url/3.3.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U+JJi7duF1o+u2pynbp2zXDW2/PADgC30f0GsHZtRh+HOcXHnw137TrNlyxxRvWW5fjKd3bcLHPxofWuCjaeZg== + /normalize-url/4.5.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2s47yzUxdexf1OhyRi4Em83iQk0aPvwTddtFz4hnSSw9dCEsLEGf6SwIO8ss/19S9iBb5sJaOuTvTGDeZI00BQ== + /npm-run-all/4.1.5: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 3.2.1 + chalk: 2.4.2 + cross-spawn: 6.0.5 + memorystream: 0.3.1 + minimatch: 3.0.4 + pidtree: 0.3.1 + read-pkg: 3.0.0 + shell-quote: 1.7.2 + string.prototype.padend: 3.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Oo82gJDAVcaMdi3nuoKFavkIHBRVqQ1qvMb+9LHk/cF4P6B2m8aP04hGf7oL6wZ9BuGwX1onlLhpuoofSyoQDQ== + /nth-check/1.0.2: + dependencies: + boolbase: 1.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WeBOdju8SnzPN5vTUJYxYUxLeXpCaVP5i5e0LF8fg7WORF2Wd7wFX/pk0tYZk7s8T+J7VLy0Da6J1+wCT0AtHg== + /nullthrows/1.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2vPPEi+Z7WqML2jZYddDIfy5Dqb0r2fze2zTxNNknZaFpVHU3mFB3R+DWeJWGVx0ecvttSGlJTI+WG+8Z4cDWw== + /num2fraction/1.2.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-b2gragJ6Tp3fpFZM0lidHU5mnt4= + /number-is-nan/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-CXtgK1NCKlIsGvuHkDGDNpQaAR0= + /object-assign/4.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-IQmtx5ZYh8/AXLvUQsrIv7s2CGM= + /object-copy/0.1.0: + dependencies: + copy-descriptor: 0.1.1 + define-property: 0.2.5 + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-fn2Fi3gb18mRpBupde04EnVOmYw= + /object-hash/2.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VOJmgmS+7wvXf8CjbQmimtCnEx3IAoLxI3fp2fbWehxrWBcAQFbk+vcwb6vzR0VZv/eNCJ/27j151ZTwqW/JeQ== + /object-inspect/1.9.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-i3Bp9iTqwhaLZBxGkRfo5ZbE07BQRT7MGu8+nNgwW9ItGp1TzCTw2DLEoWwjClxBjOFI/hWljTAmYGCEwmtnOw== + /object-keys/1.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NuAESUOUMrlIXOfHKzD6bpPu3tYt3xvjNdRIQ+FeT0lNb4K8WR70CaDxhuNguS2XG+GjkyMwOzsN5ZktImfhLA== + /object-path/0.11.5: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10.12.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jgSbThcoR/s+XumvGMTMf81QVBmah+/Q7K7YduKeKVWL7N111unR2d6pZZarSk6kY/caeNxUDyxOvMWyzoU2eg== + /object-visit/1.0.1: + dependencies: + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-95xEk68MU3e1n+OdOV5BBC3QRbs= + /object.assign/4.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + object-keys: 1.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ixT2L5THXsApyiUPYKmW+2EHpXXe5Ii3M+f4e+aJFAHao5amFRW6J0OO6c/LU8Be47utCx2GL89hxGB6XSmKuQ== + /object.getownpropertydescriptors/2.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + es-abstract: 1.18.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WtxeKSzfBjlzL+F9b7M7hewDzMwy+C8NRssHd1YrNlzHzIDrXcXiNOMrezdAEM4UXixgV+vvnyBeN7Rygl2ttQ== + /object.pick/1.3.0: + dependencies: + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-h6EKxMFpS9Lhy/U1kaZhQftd10c= + /object.values/1.1.3: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + es-abstract: 1.18.0 + has: 1.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nkF6PfDB9alkOUxpf1HNm/QlkeW3SReqL5WXeBLpEJJnlPSvRaDQpW3gQTksTN3fgJX4hL42RzKyOin6ff3tyw== + /once/1.4.0: + dependencies: + wrappy: 1.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-WDsap3WWHUsROsF9nFC6753Xa9E= + /onetime/2.0.1: + dependencies: + mimic-fn: 1.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-BnQoIw/WdEOyeUsiu6UotoZ5YtQ= + /onetime/5.1.2: + dependencies: + mimic-fn: 2.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kbpaSSGJTWdAY5KPVeMOKXSrPtr8C8C7wodJbcsd51jRnmD+GZu8Y0VoU6Dm5Z4vWr0Ig/1NKuWRKf7j5aaYSg== + /optionator/0.9.1: + dependencies: + deep-is: 0.1.3 + fast-levenshtein: 2.0.6 + levn: 0.4.1 + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + type-check: 0.4.0 + word-wrap: 1.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-74RlY5FCnhq4jRxVUPKDaRwrVNXMqsGsiW6AJw4XK8hmtm10wC0ypZBLw5IIp85NZMr91+qd1RvvENwg7jjRFw== + /original/1.0.2: + dependencies: + url-parse: 1.5.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hyBVl6iqqUOJ8FqRe+l/gS8H+kKYjrEndd5Pm1MfBtsEKA038HkkdbAl/72EAXGyonD/PFsvmVG+EvcIpliMBg== + /os-tmpdir/1.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-u+Z0BseaqFxc/sdm/lc0VV36EnQ= + /p-cancelable/1.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-s73XxOZ4zpt1edZYZzvhqFa6uvQc1vwUa0K0BdtIZgQMAJj9IbebH+JkgKZc9h+B05PKHLOTl4ajG1BmNrVZlw== + /p-limit/2.3.0: + dependencies: + p-try: 2.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-//88mFWSJx8lxCzwdAABTJL2MyWB12+eIY7MDL2SqLmAkeKU9qxRvWuSyTjm3FUmpBEMuFfckAIqEaVGUDxb6w== + /p-limit/3.1.0: + dependencies: + yocto-queue: 0.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-TYOanM3wGwNGsZN2cVTYPArw454xnXj5qmWF1bEoAc4+cU/ol7GVh7odevjp1FNHduHc3KZMcFduxU5Xc6uJRQ== + /p-locate/3.0.0: + dependencies: + p-limit: 2.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-x+12w/To+4GFfgJhBEpiDcLozRJGegY+Ei7/z0tSLkMmxGZNybVMSfWj9aJn8Z5Fc7dBUNJOOVgPv2H7IwulSQ== + /p-locate/4.1.0: + dependencies: + p-limit: 2.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-R79ZZ/0wAxKGu3oYMlz8jy/kbhsNrS7SKZ7PxEHBgJ5+F2mtFW2fK2cOtBh1cHYkQsbzFV7I+EoRKe6Yt0oK7A== + /p-locate/5.0.0: + dependencies: + p-limit: 3.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LaNjtRWUBY++zB5nE/NwcaoMylSPk+S+ZHNB1TzdbMJMny6dynpAGt7X/tl/QYq3TIeE6nxHppbo2LGymrG5Pw== + /p-map/2.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-y3b8Kpd8OAN444hxfBbFfj1FY/RjtTd8tzYwhUqNYXx0fXx2iX4maP4Qr6qhIKbQXI02wTLAda4fYUbDagTUFw== + /p-try/2.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-R4nPAVTAU0B9D35/Gk3uJf/7XYbQcyohSKdvAxIRSNghFl4e71hVoGnBNQz9cWaXxO2I10KTC+3jMdvvoKw6dQ== + /package-json/6.5.0: + dependencies: + got: 9.6.0 + registry-auth-token: 4.2.1 + registry-url: 5.1.0 + semver: 6.3.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-k3bdm2n25tkyxcjSKzB5x8kfVxlMdgsbPr0GkZcwHsLpba6cBjqCt1KlcChKEvxHIcTB1FVMuwoijZ26xex5MQ== + /param-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + dot-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-RXlj7zCYokReqWpOPH9oYivUzLYZ5vAPIfEmCTNViosC78F8F0H9y7T7gG2M39ymgutxF5gcFEsyZQSph9Bp3A== + /parent-module/1.0.1: + dependencies: + callsites: 3.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-GQ2EWRpQV8/o+Aw8YqtfZZPfNRWZYkbidE9k5rpl/hC3vtHHBfGm2Ifi6qWV+coDGkrUKZAxE3Lot5kcsRlh+g== + /parse-filepath/1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-absolute: 1.0.0 + map-cache: 0.2.2 + path-root: 0.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-pjISf1Oq89FYdvWHLz/6x2PWyJE= + /parse-glob/3.0.4: + dependencies: + glob-base: 0.3.0 + is-dotfile: 1.0.3 + is-extglob: 1.0.0 + is-glob: 2.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-ssN2z7EfNVE7rdFz7wu246OIORw= + /parse-json/4.0.0: + dependencies: + error-ex: 1.3.2 + json-parse-better-errors: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-vjX1Qlvh9/bHRxhPmKeIy5lHfuA= + /parse-json/5.2.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/code-frame': 7.12.13 + error-ex: 1.3.2 + json-parse-even-better-errors: 2.3.1 + lines-and-columns: 1.1.6 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ayCKvm/phCGxOkYRSCM82iDwct8/EonSEgCSxWxD7ve6jHggsFl4fZVQBPRNgQoKiuV/odhFrGzQXZwbifC8Rg== + /parse-passwd/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-bVuTSkVpk7I9N/QKOC1vFmao5cY= + /pascal-case/3.1.2: + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-uWlGT3YSnK9x3BQJaOdcZwrnV6hPpd8jFH1/ucpiLRPh/2zCVJKS19E4GvYHvaCcACn3foXZ0cLB9Wrx1KGe5g== + /pascalcase/0.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-s2PlXoAGym/iF4TS2yK9FdeRfxQ= + /path-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + dot-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qO4qCFjXqVTrcbPt/hQfhTQ+VhFsqNKOPtytgNKkKxSoEp3XPUQ8ObFuePylOIok5gjn69ry8XiULxCwot3Wfg== + /path-exists/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-zg6+ql94yxiSXqfYENe1mwEP1RU= + /path-exists/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: 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dependencies: + pify: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-T2ZUsdZFHgA3u4e5PfPbjd7HDDpxPnQb5jN0SrDsjNSuVXHJqtwTnWqG0B1jZrgmJ/7lj1EmVIByWt1gxGkWvg== + /path-type/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gDKb8aZMDeD/tZWs9P6+q0J9Mwkdl6xMV8TjnGP3qJVJ06bdMgkbBlLU8IdfOsIsFz2BW1rNVT3XuNEl8zPAvw== + /picomatch/2.2.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-q0M/9eZHzmr0AulXyPwNfZjtwZ/RBZlbN3K3CErVrk50T2ASYI7Bye0EvekFY3IP1Nt2DHu0re+V2ZHIpMkuWg== + /pidtree/0.3.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qQbW94hLHEqCg7nhby4yRC7G2+jYHY4Rguc2bjw7Uug4GIJuu1tvf2uHaZv5Q8zdt+WKJ6qK1FOI6amaWUo5FA== + /pify/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-5aSs0sEB/fPZpNB/DbxNtJ3SgXY= + /posix-character-classes/0.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-AerA/jta9xoqbAL+q7jB/vfgDqs= + 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+ integrity: sha512-acwJY95edP762e++00Ehq9L4sZCEcOPyaHwoaFOhIwWCDfik6YvqsYNxckee65JHLKzuNSSmAdxwD2Cud1Z54A== + /postcss-normalize-unicode/4.0.1: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-od18Uq2wCYn+vZ/qCOeutvHjB5jm57ToxRaMeNuf0nWVHaP9Hua56QyMF6fs/4FSUnVIw0CBPsU0K4LnBPwYwg== + /postcss-normalize-url/4.0.1: + dependencies: + is-absolute-url: 2.1.0 + normalize-url: 3.3.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-p5oVaF4+IHwu7VpMan/SSpmpYxcJMtkGppYf0VbdH5B6hN8YNmVyJLuY9FmLQTzY3fag5ESUUHDqM+heid0UVA== + /postcss-normalize-whitespace/4.0.2: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tO8QIgrsI3p95r8fyqKV+ufKlSHh9hMJqACqbv2XknufqEDhDvbguXGBBqxw9nsQoXWf0qOqppziKJKHMD4GtA== + 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/postcss-preset-env/6.7.0: + dependencies: + autoprefixer: 9.8.6 + browserslist: 4.16.3 + caniuse-lite: 1.0.30001207 + css-blank-pseudo: 0.1.4 + css-has-pseudo: 0.10.0 + css-prefers-color-scheme: 3.1.1 + cssdb: 4.4.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-attribute-case-insensitive: 4.0.2 + postcss-color-functional-notation: 2.0.1 + postcss-color-gray: 5.0.0 + postcss-color-hex-alpha: 5.0.3 + postcss-color-mod-function: 3.0.3 + postcss-color-rebeccapurple: 4.0.1 + postcss-custom-media: 7.0.8 + postcss-custom-properties: 8.0.11 + postcss-custom-selectors: 5.1.2 + postcss-dir-pseudo-class: 5.0.0 + postcss-double-position-gradients: 1.0.0 + postcss-env-function: 2.0.2 + postcss-focus-visible: 4.0.0 + postcss-focus-within: 3.0.0 + postcss-font-variant: 4.0.1 + postcss-gap-properties: 2.0.0 + postcss-image-set-function: 3.0.1 + postcss-initial: 3.0.2 + postcss-lab-function: 2.0.1 + postcss-logical: 3.0.0 + postcss-media-minmax: 4.0.0 + postcss-nesting: 7.0.1 + postcss-overflow-shorthand: 2.0.0 + postcss-page-break: 2.0.0 + postcss-place: 4.0.1 + postcss-pseudo-class-any-link: 6.0.0 + postcss-replace-overflow-wrap: 3.0.0 + postcss-selector-matches: 4.0.0 + postcss-selector-not: 4.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eU4/K5xzSFwUFJ8hTdTQzo2RBLbDVt83QZrAvI07TULOkmyQlnYlpwep+2yIK+K+0KlZO4BvFcleOCCcUtwchg== + /postcss-pseudo-class-any-link/6.0.0: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-selector-parser: 5.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-lgXW9sYJdLqtmw23otOzrtbDXofUdfYzNm4PIpNE322/swES3VU9XlXHeJS46zT2onFO7V1QFdD4Q9LiZj8mew== + /postcss-reduce-initial/4.0.3: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + caniuse-api: 3.0.0 + has: 1.0.3 + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gKWmR5aUulSjbzOfD9AlJiHCGH6AEVLaM0AV+aSioxUDd16qXP1PCh8d1/BGVvpdWn8k/HiK7n6TjeoXN1F7DA== + /postcss-reduce-transforms/4.0.2: + dependencies: + cssnano-util-get-match: 4.0.0 + has: 1.0.3 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-EEVig1Q2QJ4ELpJXMZR8Vt5DQx8/mo+dGWSR7vWXqcob2gQLyQGsionYcGKATXvQzMPn6DSN1vTN7yFximdIAg== + /postcss-replace-overflow-wrap/3.0.0: + dependencies: + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2T5hcEHArDT6X9+9dVSPQdo7QHzG4XKclFT8rU5TzJPDN7RIRTbO9c4drUISOVemLj03aezStHCR2AIcr8XLpw== + /postcss-selector-matches/4.0.0: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LgsHwQR/EsRYSqlwdGzeaPKVT0Ml7LAT6E75T8W8xLJY62CE4S/l03BWIt3jT8Taq22kXP08s2SfTSzaraoPww== + /postcss-selector-not/4.0.1: + dependencies: + balanced-match: 1.0.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YolvBgInEK5/79C+bdFMyzqTg6pkYqDbzZIST/PDMqa/o3qtXenD05apBG2jLgT0/BQ77d4U2UK12jWpilqMAQ== + /postcss-selector-parser/3.1.2: + dependencies: + dot-prop: 5.3.0 + indexes-of: 1.0.1 + uniq: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-h7fJ/5uWuRVyOtkO45pnt1Ih40CEleeyCHzipqAZO2e5H20g25Y48uYnFUiShvY4rZWNJ/Bib/KVPmanaCtOhA== + /postcss-selector-parser/5.0.0: + dependencies: + cssesc: 2.0.0 + indexes-of: 1.0.1 + uniq: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-w+zLE5Jhg6Liz8+rQOWEAwtwkyqpfnmsinXjXg6cY7YIONZZtgvE0v2O0uhQBs0peNomOJwWRKt6JBfTdTd3OQ== + /postcss-selector-parser/6.0.4: + dependencies: + cssesc: 3.0.0 + indexes-of: 1.0.1 + uniq: 1.0.1 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gjMeXBempyInaBqpp8gODmwZ52WaYsVOsfr4L4lDQ7n3ncD6mEyySiDtgzCT+NYC0mmeOLvtsF8iaEf0YT6dBw== + /postcss-svgo/4.0.2: + dependencies: + is-svg: 3.0.0 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + svgo: 1.3.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-C6wyjo3VwFm0QgBy+Fu7gCYOkCmgmClghO+pjcxvrcBKtiKt0uCF+hvbMO1fyv5BMImRK90SMb+dwUnfbGd+jw== + /postcss-unique-selectors/4.0.1: + dependencies: + alphanum-sort: 1.0.2 + postcss: 7.0.35 + uniqs: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-+JanVaryLo9QwZjKrmJgkI4Fn8SBgRO6WXQBJi7KiAVPlmxikB5Jzc4EvXMT2H0/m0RjrVVm9rGNhZddm/8Spg== + /postcss-value-parser/3.3.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pISE66AbVkp4fDQ7VHBwRNXzAAKJjw4Vw7nWI/+Q3vuly7SNfgYXvm6i5IgFylHGK5sP/xHAbB7N49OS4gWNyQ== + /postcss-value-parser/4.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-97DXOFbQJhk71ne5/Mt6cOu6yxsSfM0QGQyl0L25Gca4yGWEGJaig7l7gbCX623VqTBNGLRLaVUCnNkcedlRSQ== + /postcss-values-parser/2.0.1: + dependencies: + flatten: 1.0.3 + indexes-of: 1.0.1 + uniq: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.14.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2tLuBsA6P4rYTNKCXYG/71C7j1pU6pK503suYOmn4xYrQIzW+opD+7FAFNuGSdZC/3Qfy334QbeMu7MEb8gOxg== + /postcss/6.0.23: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + supports-color: 5.5.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-soOk1h6J3VMTZtVeVpv15/Hpdl2cBLX3CAw4TAbkpTJiNPk9YP/zWcD1ND+xEtvyuuvKzbxliTOIyvkSeSJ6ag== + /postcss/7.0.35: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + supports-color: 6.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3QT8bBJeX/S5zKTTjTCIjRF3If4avAT6kqxcASlTWEtAFCb9NH0OUxNDfgZSWdP5fJnBYCMEWkIFfWeugjzYMg== + /postcss/8.2.9: + dependencies: + colorette: 1.2.2 + nanoid: 3.1.22 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: ^10 || ^12 || >=14 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b+TmuIL4jGtCHtoLi+G/PisuIl9avxs8IZMSmlABRwNz5RLUUACrC+ws81dcomz1nRezm5YPdXiMEzBEKgYn+Q== + /prelude-ls/1.2.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-vkcDPrRZo1QZLbn5RLGPpg/WmIQ65qoWWhcGKf/b5eplkkarX0m9z8ppCat4mlOqUsWpyNuYgO3VRyrYHSzX5g== + /prepend-http/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-6SQ0v6XqjBn0HN/UAddBo8gZ2Jc= + /pretty-hrtime/1.0.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-t+PqQkNaTJsnWdmeDyAesZWALuE= + /progress/2.0.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.4.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7PiHtLll5LdnKIMw100I+8xJXR5gW2QwWYkT6iJva0bXitZKa/XMrSbdmg3r2Xnaidz9Qumd0VPaMrZlF9V9sA== + /promise/7.3.1: + dependencies: + asap: 2.0.6 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nolQXZ/4L+bP/UGlkfaIujX9BKxGwmQ9OT4mOt5yvy8iK1h3wqTEJCijzGANTCCl9nWjY41juyAn2K3Q1hLLTg== + /pump/3.0.0: + dependencies: + end-of-stream: 1.4.4 + once: 1.4.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LwZy+p3SFs1Pytd/jYct4wpv49HiYCqd9Rlc5ZVdk0V+8Yzv6jR5Blk3TRmPL1ft69TxP0IMZGJ+WPFU2BFhww== + /punycode/2.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XRsRjdf+j5ml+y/6GKHPZbrF/8p2Yga0JPtdqTIY2Xe5ohJPD9saDJJLPvp9+NSBprVvevdXZybnj2cv8OEd0A== + /purgecss/3.1.3: + dependencies: + commander: 6.2.1 + glob: 7.1.6 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.4 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hRSLN9mguJ2lzlIQtW4qmPS2kh6oMnA9RxdIYK8sz18QYqd6ePp4GNDl18oWHA1f2v2NEQIh51CO8s/E3YGckQ== + /q/1.5.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.6.0' + teleport: '>=0.2.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-fjL3W0E4EpHQRhHxvxQQmsAGUdc= + /querystringify/2.2.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FIqgj2EUvTa7R50u0rGsyTftzjYmv/a3hO345bZNrqabNqjtgiDMgmo4mkUjd+nzU5oF3dClKqFIPUKybUyqoQ== + /queue-microtask/1.2.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NuaNSa6flKT5JaSYQzJok04JzTL1CA6aGhv5rfLW3PgqA+M2ChpZQnAC8h8i4ZFkBS8X5RqkDBHA7r4hej3K9A== + /quick-lru/4.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ARhCpm70fzdcvNQfPoy49IaanKkTlRWF2JMzqhcJbhSFRZv7nPTvZJdcY7301IPmvW+/p0RgIWnQDLJxifsQ7g== + /quick-lru/5.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WuyALRjWPDGtt/wzJiadO5AXY+8hZ80hVpe6MyivgraREW751X3SbhRvG3eLKOYN+8VEvqLcf3wdnt44Z4S4SA== + /rc/1.2.8: + dependencies: + deep-extend: 0.6.0 + ini: 1.3.8 + minimist: 1.2.5 + 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2.0.4 + string_decoder: 1.3.0 + util-deprecate: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BViHy7LKeTz4oNnkcLJ+lVSL6vpiFeX6/d3oSH8zCW7UxP2onchk+vTGB143xuFjHS3deTgkKoXXymXqymiIdA== + /readdirp/3.5.0: + dependencies: + picomatch: 2.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cMhu7c/8rdhkHXWsY+osBhfSy0JikwpHK/5+imo+LpeasTF8ouErHrlYkwT0++njiyuDvc7OFY5T3ukvZ8qmFQ== + /redent/3.0.0: + dependencies: + indent-string: 4.0.0 + strip-indent: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6tDA8g98We0zd0GvVeMT9arEOnTw9qM03L9cJXaCjrip1OO764RDBLBfrB4cwzNGDj5OA5ioymC9GkizgWJDUg== + /reduce-css-calc/2.1.8: + dependencies: + css-unit-converter: 1.1.2 + postcss-value-parser: 3.3.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8liAVezDmUcH+tdzoEGrhfbGcP7nOV4NkGE3a74+qqvE7nt9i4sKLGBuZNOnpI4WiGksiNPklZxva80061QiPg== + /regenerator-runtime/0.13.7: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-a54FxoJDIr27pgf7IgeQGxmqUNYrcV338lf/6gH456HZ/PhX+5BcwHXG9ajESmwe6WRO0tAzRUrRmNONWgkrew== + /regex-not/1.0.2: + dependencies: + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + safe-regex: 1.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-J6SDjUgDxQj5NusnOtdFxDwN/+HWykR8GELwctJ7mdqhcyy1xEc4SRFHUXvxTp661YaVKAjfRLZ9cCqS6tn32A== + /regexpp/3.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ZOIzd8yVsQQA7j8GCSlPGXwg5PfmA1mrq0JP4nGhh54LaKN3xdai/vHUDu74pKwV8OxseMS65u2NImosQcSD0Q== + /registry-auth-token/4.2.1: + dependencies: + rc: 1.2.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6gkSb4U6aWJB4SF2ZvLb76yCBjcvufXBqvvEx1HbmKPkutswjW1xNVRY0+daljIYRbogN7O0etYSlbiaEQyMyw== + /registry-url/5.1.0: + dependencies: + rc: 1.2.8 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8acYXXTI0AkQv6RAOjE3vOaIXZkT9wo4LOFbBKYQEEnnMNBpKqdUrI6S4NT0KPIo/WVvJ5tE/X5LF/TQUf0ekw== + /relay-compiler/10.1.0_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/core': 7.13.14 + '@babel/generator': 7.13.9 + '@babel/parser': 7.13.13 + '@babel/runtime': 7.13.10 + '@babel/traverse': 7.13.13 + '@babel/types': 7.13.14 + babel-preset-fbjs: 3.3.0_@babel+core@7.13.14 + chalk: 4.1.0 + fb-watchman: 2.0.1 + fbjs: 3.0.0 + glob: 7.1.6 + graphql: 15.5.0 + immutable: 3.7.6 + nullthrows: 1.1.1 + relay-runtime: 10.1.0 + signedsource: 1.0.0 + yargs: 15.4.1 + dev: true + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^15.0.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-HPqc3N3tNgEgUH5+lTr5lnLbgnsZMt+MRiyS0uAVNhuPY2It0X1ZJG+9qdA3L9IqKFUNwVn6zTO7RArjMZbARQ== + /relay-runtime/10.1.0: + dependencies: + '@babel/runtime': 7.13.10 + fbjs: 3.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bxznLnQ1ST6APN/cFi7l0FpjbZVchWQjjhj9mAuJBuUqNNCh9uV+UTRhpQF7Q8ycsPp19LHTpVyGhYb0ustuRQ== + /remedial/1.0.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/62tYiOe6DzS5BqVsNpH/nkGlX45C/Sp6V+NtiN6JQNS1Viay7cWkazmRkrQrdFj2eshDe96SIQNIoMxqhzBOg== + /remove-trailing-separator/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wkvOKig62tW8P1jg1IJJuSN52O8= + /remove-trailing-spaces/1.0.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-O3vsMYfWighyFbTd8hk8VaSj9UAGENxAtX+//ugIst2RMk5e03h6RoIS+0ylsFxY1gvmPuAY/PO4It+gPEeySA== + /repeat-element/1.1.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ahGq0ZnV5m5XtZLMb+vP76kcAM5nkLqk0lpqAuojSKGgQtn4eRi4ZZGm2olo2zKFH+sMsWaqOCW1dqAnOru72g== + /repeat-string/1.6.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-jcrkcOHIirwtYA//Sndihtp15jc= + /replaceall/0.1.6: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8.x' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gdgax663LX9cSUKt8ml6MiBojY4= + /require-directory/2.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-jGStX9MNqxyXbiNE/+f3kqam30I= + /require-from-string/2.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Xf0nWe6RseziFMu+Ap9biiUbmplq6S9/p+7w7YXP/JBHhrUDDUhwa+vANyubuqfZWTveU//DYVGsDG7RKL/vEw== + /require-main-filename/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NKN5kMDylKuldxYLSUfrbo5Tuzh4hd+2E8NPPX02mZtn1VuREQToYe/ZdlJy+J3uCpfaiGF05e7B8W0iXbQHmg== + /require-relative/0.8.7: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-eZlTn8ngR6N5KPoZb44VY9q9Nt4= + /requires-port/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-kl0mAdOaxIXgkc8NpcbmlNw9yv8= + /resolve-dir/1.0.1: + dependencies: + expand-tilde: 2.0.2 + global-modules: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-eaQGRMNivoLybv/nOcm7U4IEb0M= + /resolve-from/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-six699nWiBvItuZTM17rywoYh0g= + /resolve-from/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-pb/MYmXstAkysRFx8piNI1tGFNQIFA3vkE3Gq4EuA1dF6gHp/+vgZqsCGJapvy8N3Q+4o7FwvquPJcnZ7RYy4g== + /resolve-from/5.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qYg9KP24dD5qka9J47d0aVky0N+b4fTU89LN9iDnjB5waksiC49rvMB0PrUJQGoTmH50XPiqOvAjDfaijGxYZw== + /resolve-global/1.0.0: + dependencies: + global-dirs: 0.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-zFa12V4OLtT5XUX/Q4VLvTfBf+Ok0SPc1FNGM/z9ctUdiU618qwKpWnd0CHs3+RqROfyEg/DhuHbMWYqcgljEw== + /resolve-url/0.2.1: + deprecated: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-LGN/53yJOv0qZj/iGqkIAGjiBSo= + /resolve/1.20.0: + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.2.0 + path-parse: 1.0.6 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wENBPt4ySzg4ybFQW2TT1zMQucPK95HSh/nq2CFTZVOGut2+pQvSsgtda4d26YrYcr067wjbmzOG8byDPBX63A== + /responselike/1.0.2: + dependencies: + lowercase-keys: 1.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-kYcg7ztjHFZCvgaPFa3lpG9Loec= + /restore-cursor/2.0.0: + dependencies: + onetime: 2.0.1 + signal-exit: 3.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-n37ih/gv0ybU/RYpI9YhKe7g368= + /restore-cursor/3.1.0: + dependencies: + onetime: 5.1.2 + signal-exit: 3.0.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-l+sSefzHpj5qimhFSE5a8nufZYAM3sBSVMAPtYkmC+4EH2anSGaEMXSD0izRQbu9nfyQ9y5JrVmp7E8oZrUjvA== + /ret/0.1.15: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.12' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-TTlYpa+OL+vMMNG24xSlQGEJ3B/RzEfUlLct7b5G/ytav+wPrplCpVMFuwzXbkecJrb6IYo1iFb0S9v37754mg== + /reusify/1.0.4: + dev: true + engines: + iojs: '>=1.0.0' + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U9nH88a3fc/ekCF1l0/UP1IosiuIjyTh7hBvXVMHYgVcfGvt897Xguj2UOLDeI5BG2m7/uwyaLVT6fbtCwTyzw== + /rgb-regex/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-wODWiC3w4jviVKR16O3UGRX+rrE= + /rgba-regex/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-QzdOLiyglosO8VI0YLfXMP8i7rM= + /rimraf/3.0.2: + dependencies: + glob: 7.1.6 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JZkJMZkAGFFPP2YqXZXPbMlMBgsxzE8ILs4lMIX/2o0L9UBw9O/Y3o6wFw/i9YLapcUJWwqbi3kdxIPdC62TIA== + /rollup/2.44.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10.0.0' + hasBin: true + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.2 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-rGSF4pLwvuaH/x4nAS+zP6UNn5YUDWf/TeEU5IoXSZKBbKRNTCI3qMnYXKZgrC0D2KzS2baiOZt1OlqhMu5rnQ== + /run-async/2.4.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.12.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tvVnVv01b8c1RrA6Ep7JkStj85Guv/YrMcwqYQnwjsAS2cTmmPGBBjAjpCW7RrSodNSoE2/qg9O4bceNvUuDgQ== + /run-parallel/1.2.0: + dependencies: + queue-microtask: 1.2.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-5l4VyZR86LZ/lDxZTR6jqL8AFE2S0IFLMP26AbjsLVADxHdhB/c0GUsH+y39UfCi3dzz8OlQuPmnaJOMoDHQBA== + /rxjs/6.6.7: + dependencies: + tslib: 1.14.1 + dev: true + engines: + npm: '>=2.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hTdwr+7yYNIT5n4AMYp85KA6yw2Va0FLa3Rguvbpa4W3I5xynaBZo41cM3XM+4Q6fRMj3sBYIR1VAmZMXYJvRQ== + /sade/1.7.4: + dependencies: + mri: 1.1.6 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-y5yauMD93rX840MwUJr7C1ysLFBgMspsdTo4UVrDg3fXDvtwOyIqykhVAAm6fk/3au77773itJStObgK+LKaiA== + /safe-buffer/5.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Gd2UZBJDkXlY7GbJxfsE8/nvKkUEU1G38c1siN6QP6a9PT9MmHB8GnpscSmMJSoF8LOIrt8ud/wPtojys4G6+g== + /safe-buffer/5.2.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-rp3So07KcdmmKbGvgaNxQSJr7bGVSVk5S9Eq1F+ppbRo70+YeaDxkw5Dd8NPN+GD6bjnYm2VuPuCXmpuYvmCXQ== + /safe-regex/1.1.0: + dependencies: + ret: 0.1.15 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-QKNmnzsHfR6UPURinhV91IAjvy4= + /safer-buffer/2.1.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YZo3K82SD7Riyi0E1EQPojLz7kpepnSQI9IyPbHHg1XXXevb5dJI7tpyN2ADxGcQbHG7vcyRHk0cbwqcQriUtg== + /sax/1.2.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NqVDv9TpANUjFm0N8uM5GxL36UgKi9/atZw+x7YFnQ8ckwFGKrl4xX4yWtrey3UJm5nP1kUbnYgLopqWNSRhWw== + /scuid/1.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-MuCAyrGZcTLfQoH2XoBlQ8C6bzwN88XT/0slOGz0pn8+gIP85BOAfYa44ZXQUTOwRwPU0QvgU+V+OSajl/59Xg== + /semver/5.7.1: + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-sauaDf/PZdVgrLTNYHRtpXa1iRiKcaebiKQ1BJdpQlWH2lCvexQdX55snPFyK7QzpudqbCI0qXFfOasHdyNDGQ== + /semver/6.3.0: + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-b39TBaTSfV6yBrapU89p5fKekE2m/NwnDocOVruQFS1/veMgdzuPcnOM34M6CwxW8jH/lxEa5rBoDeUwu5HHTw== + /semver/7.3.5: + dependencies: + lru-cache: 6.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-PoeGJYh8HK4BTO/a9Tf6ZG3veo/A7ZVsYrSA6J8ny9nb3B1VrpkuN+z9OE5wfE5p6H4LchYZsegiQgbJD94ZFQ== + /sentence-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + no-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + upper-case-first: 2.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-8LS0JInaQMCRoQ7YUytAo/xUu5W2XnQxV2HI/6uM6U7CITS1RqPElr30V6uIqyMKM9lJGRVFy5/4CuzcixNYSg== + /set-blocking/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-BF+XgtARrppoA93TgrJDkrPYkPc= + /set-value/2.0.1: + dependencies: + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + is-extendable: 0.1.1 + is-plain-object: 2.0.4 + split-string: 3.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-JxHc1weCN68wRY0fhCoXpyK55m/XPHafOmK4UWD7m2CI14GMcFypt4w/0+NV5f/ZMby2F6S2wwA7fgynh9gWSw== + /setimmediate/1.0.5: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-KQy7Iy4waULX1+qbg3Mqt4VvgoU= + /setprototypeof/1.2.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-E5LDX7Wrp85Kil5bhZv46j8jOeboKq5JMmYM3gVGdGH8xFpPWXUMsNrlODCrkoxMEeNi/XZIwuRvY4XNwYMJpw== + /shebang-command/1.2.0: + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 1.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-RKrGW2lbAzmJaMOfNj/uXer98eo= + /shebang-command/2.0.0: + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA== + /shebang-regex/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2kL0l0DAtC2yypcoVxyxkMmO/qM= + /shebang-regex/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A== + /shell-quote/1.7.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mRz/m/JVscCrkMyPqHc/bczi3OQHkLTqXHEFu0zDhK/qfv3UcOA4SVmRCLmos4bhjr9ekVQubj/R7waKapmiQg== + /signal-exit/3.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VUJ49FC8U1OxwZLxIbTTrDvLnf/6TDgxZcK8wxR8zs13xpx7xbG60ndBlhNrFi2EMuFRoeDoJO7wthSLq42EjA== + /signedsource/1.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-HdrOSYF5j5O9gzlzgD2A1S6TrWo= + /simple-swizzle/0.2.2: + dependencies: + is-arrayish: 0.3.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-pNprY1/8zMoz9w0Xy5JZLeleVXo= + /slash/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-g9Q1haeby36OSStwb4ntCGGGaKsaVSjQ68fBxoQcutl5fS1vuY18H3wSt3jFyFtrkx+Kz0V1G85A4MyAdDMi2Q== + /slice-ansi/0.0.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-7b+JA/ZvfOL46v1s7tZeJkyDGzU= + /slice-ansi/4.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + astral-regex: 2.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qMCMfhY040cVHT43K9BFygqYbUPFZKHOg7K73mtTWJRb8pyP3fzf4Ixd5SzdEJQ6MRUg/WBnOLxghZtKKurENQ== + /snake-case/3.0.4: + dependencies: + dot-case: 3.0.4 + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LAOh4z89bGQvl9pFfNF8V146i7o7/CqFPbqzYgP+yYzDIDeS9HaNFtXABamRW+AQzEVODcvE79ljJ+8a9YSdMg== + /snapdragon-node/2.1.1: + dependencies: + define-property: 1.0.0 + isobject: 3.0.1 + snapdragon-util: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-O27l4xaMYt/RSQ5TR3vpWCAB5Kb/czIcqUFOM/C4fYcLnbZUc1PkjTAMjof2pBWaSTwOUd6qUHcFGVGj7aIwnw== + /snapdragon-util/3.0.1: + dependencies: + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mbKkMdQKsjX4BAL4bRYTj21edOf8cN7XHdYUJEe+Zn99hVEYcMvKPct1IqNe7+AZPirn8BCDOQBHQZknqmKlZQ== + /snapdragon/0.8.2: + dependencies: + base: 0.11.2 + debug: 2.6.9 + define-property: 0.2.5 + extend-shallow: 2.0.1 + map-cache: 0.2.2 + source-map: 0.5.7 + source-map-resolve: 0.5.3 + use: 3.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FtyOnWN/wCHTVXOMwvSv26d+ko5vWlIDD6zoUJ7LW8vh+ZBC8QdljveRP+crNrtBwioEUWy/4dMtbBjA4ioNlg== + /source-map-resolve/0.5.3: + dependencies: + atob: 2.1.2 + decode-uri-component: 0.2.0 + resolve-url: 0.2.1 + source-map-url: 0.4.1 + urix: 0.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Htz+RnsXWk5+P2slx5Jh3Q66vhQj1Cllm0zvnaY98+NFx+Dv2CF/f5O/t8x+KaNdrdIAsruNzoh/KpialbqAnw== + /source-map-support/0.5.19: + dependencies: + buffer-from: 1.1.1 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Wonm7zOCIJzBGQdB+thsPar0kYuCIzYvxZwlBa87yi/Mdjv7Tip2cyVbLj5o0cFPN4EVkuTwb3GDDyUx2DGnGw== + /source-map-url/0.4.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cPiFOTLUKvJFIg4SKVScy4ilPPW6rFgMgfuZJPNoDuMs3nC1HbMUycBoJw77xFIp6z1UJQJOfx6C9GMH80DiTw== + /source-map/0.5.7: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-igOdLRAh0i0eoUyA2OpGi6LvP8w= + /source-map/0.6.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g== + /source-map/0.7.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-CkCj6giN3S+n9qrYiBTX5gystlENnRW5jZeNLHpe6aue+SrHcG5VYwujhW9s4dY31mEGsxBDrHR6oI69fTXsaQ== + /spdx-correct/3.1.1: + dependencies: + spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1 + spdx-license-ids: 3.0.7 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cOYcUWwhCuHCXi49RhFRCyJEK3iPj1Ziz9DpViV3tbZOwXD49QzIN3MpOLJNxh2qwq2lJJZaKMVw9qNi4jTC0w== + /spdx-exceptions/2.3.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/tTrYOC7PPI1nUAgx34hUpqXuyJG+DTHJTnIULG4rDygi4xu/tfgmq1e1cIRwRzwZgo4NLySi+ricLkZkw4i5A== + /spdx-expression-parse/3.0.1: + dependencies: + spdx-exceptions: 2.3.0 + spdx-license-ids: 3.0.7 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cbqHunsQWnJNE6KhVSMsMeH5H/L9EpymbzqTQ3uLwNCLZ1Q481oWaofqH7nO6V07xlXwY6PhQdQ2IedWx/ZK4Q== + /spdx-license-ids/3.0.7: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U+MTEOO0AiDzxwFvoa4JVnMV6mZlJKk2sBLt90s7G0Gd0Mlknc7kxEn3nuDPNZRta7O2uy8oLcZLVT+4sqNZHQ== + /split-string/3.1.0: + dependencies: + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-NzNVhJDYpwceVVii8/Hu6DKfD2G+NrQHlS/V/qgv763EYudVwEcMQNxd2lh+0VrUByXN/oJkl5grOhYWvQUYiw== + /split2/3.2.2: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 3.6.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-9NThjpgZnifTkJpzTZ7Eue85S49QwpNhZTq6GRJwObb6jnLFNGB7Qm73V5HewTROPyxD0C29xqmaI68bQtV+hg== + /sponge-case/1.0.1: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dblb9Et4DAtiZ5YSUZHLl4XhH4uK80GhAZrVXdN4O2P4gQ40Wa5UIOPUHlA/nFd2PLblBZWUioLMMAVrgpoYcA== + /sprintf-js/1.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-BOaSb2YolTVPPdAVIDYzuFcpfiw= + /sse-z/0.3.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jfcXynl9oAOS9YJ7iqS2JMUEHOlvrRAD+54CENiWnc4xsuVLQVSgmwf7cwOTcBd/uq3XkQKBGojgvEtVXcJ/8w== + /stable/0.1.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ji9qxRnOVfcuLDySj9qzhGSEFVobyt1kIOSkj1qZzYLzq7Tos/oUUWvotUPQLlrsidqsK6tBH89Bc9kL5zHA6w== + /static-extend/0.1.2: + dependencies: + define-property: 0.2.5 + object-copy: 0.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-YICcOcv/VTNyJv1eC1IPNB8ftcY= + /statuses/1.5.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-Fhx9rBd2Wf2YEfQ3cfqZOBR4Yow= + /streamsearch/0.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-gIudDlb8Jz2Am6VzOOkpkZoanxo= + /string-env-interpolation/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-78lwMoCcn0nNu8LszbP1UA7g55OeE4v7rCeWnM5B453rnNr4aq+5it3FEYtZrSEiMvHZOZ9Jlqb0OD0M2VInqg== + /string-width/1.0.2: + dependencies: + code-point-at: 1.1.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 1.0.0 + strip-ansi: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-EYvfW4zcUaKn5w0hHgfisLmxB9M= + /string-width/2.1.1: + dependencies: + is-fullwidth-code-point: 2.0.0 + strip-ansi: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-nOqH59deCq9SRHlxq1Aw85Jnt4w6KvLKqWVik6oA9ZklXLNIOlqg4F2yrT1MVaTjAqvVwdfeZ7w7aCvJD7ugkw== + /string-width/3.1.0: + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 7.0.3 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 2.0.0 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-vafcv6KjVZKSgz06oM/H6GDBrAtz8vdhQakGjFIvNrHA6y3HCF1CInLy+QLq8dTJPQ1b+KDUqDFctkdRW44e1w== + /string-width/4.2.2: + dependencies: + emoji-regex: 8.0.0 + is-fullwidth-code-point: 3.0.0 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XBJbT3N4JhVumXE0eoLU9DCjcaF92KLNqTmFCnG1pf8duUxFGwtP6AD6nkjw9a3IdiRtL3E2w3JDiE/xi3vOeA== + /string.prototype.padend/3.1.2: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + es-abstract: 1.18.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/AQFLdYvePENU3W5rgurfWSMU6n+Ww8n/3cUt7E+vPBB/D7YDG8x+qjoFs4M/alR2bW7Qg6xMjVwWUOvuQ0XpQ== + /string.prototype.trimend/1.0.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-y9xCjw1P23Awk8EvTpcyL2NIr1j7wJ39f+k6lvRnSMz+mz9CGz9NYPelDk42kOz6+ql8xjfK8oYzy3jAP5QU5A== + /string.prototype.trimstart/1.0.4: + dependencies: + call-bind: 1.0.2 + define-properties: 1.1.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jh6e984OBfvxS50tdY2nRZnoC5/mLFKOREQfw8t5yytkoUsJRNxvI/E39qu1sD0OtWI3OC0XgKSmcWwziwYuZw== + /string_decoder/1.3.0: + dependencies: + safe-buffer: 5.2.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hkRX8U1WjJFd8LsDJ2yQ/wWWxaopEsABU1XfkM8A+j0+85JAGppt16cr1Whg6KIbb4okU6Mql6BOj+uup/wKeA== + /strip-ansi/3.0.1: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 2.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-ajhfuIU9lS1f8F0Oiq+UJ43GPc8= + /strip-ansi/4.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-qEeQIusaw2iocTibY1JixQXuNo8= + /strip-ansi/5.2.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 4.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DuRs1gKbBqsMKIZlrffwlug8MHkcnpjs5VPmL1PAh+mA30U0DTotfDZ0d2UUsXpPmPmMMJ6W773MaA3J+lbiWA== + /strip-ansi/6.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-regex: 5.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-AuvKTrTfQNYNIctbR1K/YGTR1756GycPsg7b9bdV9Duqur4gv6aKqHXah67Z8ImS7WEz5QVcOtlfW2rZEugt6w== + /strip-bom/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-IzTBjpx1n3vdVv3vfprj1YjmjtM= + /strip-bom/4.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3xurFv5tEgii33Zi8Jtp55wEIILR9eh34FAW00PZf+JnSsTmV/ioewSgQl97JHvgjoRGwPShsWm+IdrxB35d0w== + /strip-indent/3.0.0: + dependencies: + min-indent: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-laJTa3Jb+VQpaC6DseHhF7dXVqHTfJPCRDaEbid/drOhgitgYku/letMUqOXFoWV0zIIUbjpdH2t+tYj4bQMRQ== + /strip-json-comments/2.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-PFMZQukIwml8DsNEhYwobHygpgo= + /strip-json-comments/3.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-VTyMAUfdm047mwKl+u79WIdrZxtFtn+nBxHeb844XBQ9uMNTuTHdx2hc5RiAJYqwTj3wc/xe5HLSdJSkJ+WfZw== + /strip-json-comments/3.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-6fPc+R4ihwqP6N/aIv2f1gMH8lOVtWQHoqC4yK6oSDVVocumAsfCqjkXnqiYMhmMwS/mEHLp7Vehlt3ql6lEig== + /stylehacks/4.0.3: + dependencies: + browserslist: 4.16.3 + postcss: 7.0.35 + postcss-selector-parser: 3.1.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6.9.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7GlLk9JwlElY4Y6a/rmbH2MhVlTyVmiJd1PfTCqFaIBEGMYNsrO/v3SeGTdhBThLg4Z+NbOk/qFMwCa+J+3p/g== + /supports-color/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-U10EXOa2Nj+kARcIRimZXp3zJMc= + /supports-color/5.5.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QjVjwdXIt408MIiAqCX4oUKsgU2EqAGzs2Ppkm4aQYbjm+ZEWEcW4SfFNTr4uMNZma0ey4f5lgLrkB0aX0QMow== + /supports-color/6.1.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 3.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qe1jfm1Mg7Nq/NSh6XE24gPXROEVsWHxC1LIx//XNlD9iw7YZQGjZNjYN7xGaEG6iKdA8EtNFW6R0gjnVXp+wQ== + /supports-color/7.2.0: + dependencies: + has-flag: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qpCAvRl9stuOHveKsn7HncJRvv501qIacKzQlO/+Lwxc9+0q2wLyv4Dfvt80/DPn2pqOBsJdDiogXGR9+OvwRw== + /svelte-check/1.3.0_fa8d64e4f515eee295d8f0f45fceadd2: + dependencies: + chalk: 4.1.0 + chokidar: 3.5.1 + glob: 7.1.6 + import-fresh: 3.3.0 + minimist: 1.2.5 + source-map: 0.7.3 + svelte: 3.37.0 + svelte-preprocess: 4.7.0_fc2d2a618a441a41a9a2c144648e9105 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + postcss: '*' + postcss-load-config: '*' + svelte: ^3.24.0 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FMLZr/wv9S0MzCALo9BlHYyu1wlgXRdHWSjXDiknhraL9Igm0EVb00/tR6CMJ7j4q2kphRIEYcSRQJ7AtXHk+g== + /svelte-hmr/0.13.3_svelte@3.37.0: + dependencies: + svelte: 3.37.0 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + svelte: '>=3.19.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-gagW62pLQ2lULmvNA3pIZu9pBCYOaGu3rQikUOv6Nokz5VxUgT9/mQLfMxj9phDEKHCg/lgr3i6PkqZDbO9P2Q== + /svelte-preprocess/4.7.0_fc2d2a618a441a41a9a2c144648e9105: + dependencies: + '@types/pug': 2.0.4 + '@types/sass': 1.16.0 + detect-indent: 6.0.0 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-load-config: 3.0.1 + strip-indent: 3.0.0 + svelte: 3.37.0 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 9.11.2' + peerDependencies: + '@babel/core': ^7.10.2 + coffeescript: ^2.5.1 + less: ^3.11.3 + node-sass: '*' + postcss: ^7 || ^8 + postcss-load-config: ^2.1.0 || ^3.0.0 + pug: ^3.0.0 + sass: ^1.26.8 + stylus: ^0.54.7 + sugarss: ^2.0.0 + svelte: ^3.23.0 + typescript: ^3.9.5 || ^4.0.0 + peerDependenciesMeta: + '@babel/core': + optional: true + coffeescript: + optional: true + less: + optional: true + node-sass: + optional: true + postcss: + optional: true + postcss-load-config: + optional: true + pug: + optional: true + sass: + optional: true + stylus: + optional: true + sugarss: + optional: true + typescript: + optional: true + requiresBuild: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-iNrY4YGqi0LD2e6oT9YbdSzOKntxk8gmzfqso1z/lUJOZh4o6fyIqkirmiZ8/dDJFqtIE1spVgDFWgkfhLEYlw== + /svelte/3.37.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-TRF30F4W4+d+Jr2KzUUL1j8Mrpns/WM/WacxYlo5MMb2E5Qy2Pk1Guj6GylxsW9OnKQl1tnF8q3hG/hQ3h6VUA== + /svgo/1.3.2: + dependencies: + chalk: 2.4.2 + coa: 2.0.2 + css-select: 2.1.0 + css-select-base-adapter: 0.1.1 + css-tree: 1.0.0-alpha.37 + csso: 4.2.0 + js-yaml: 3.14.1 + mkdirp: 0.5.5 + object.values: 1.1.3 + sax: 1.2.4 + stable: 0.1.8 + unquote: 1.1.1 + util.promisify: 1.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.0.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yhy/sQYxR5BkC98CY7o31VGsg014AKLEPxdfhora76l36hD9Rdy5NZA/Ocn6yayNPgSamYdtX2rFJdcv07AYVw== + /swap-case/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-kc6S2YS/2yXbtkSMunBtKdah4VFETZ8Oh6ONSmSd9bRxhqTrtARUCBUiWXH3xVPpvR7tz2CSnkuXVE42EcGnMw== + /symbol-observable/1.2.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-e900nM8RRtGhlV36KGEU9k65K3mPb1WV70OdjfxlG2EAuM1noi/E/BaW/uMhL7bPEssK8QV57vN3esixjUvcXQ== + /sync-fetch/0.3.0: + dependencies: + buffer: 5.7.1 + node-fetch: 2.6.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-dJp4qg+x4JwSEW1HibAuMi0IIrBI3wuQr2GimmqB7OXR50wmwzfdusG+p39R9w3R6aFtZ2mzvxvWKQ3Bd/vx3g== + /table/6.0.9: + dependencies: + ajv: 8.0.5 + is-boolean-object: 1.1.0 + is-number-object: 1.0.4 + is-string: 1.0.5 + lodash.clonedeep: 4.5.0 + lodash.flatten: 4.4.0 + lodash.truncate: 4.4.2 + slice-ansi: 4.0.0 + string-width: 4.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-F3cLs9a3hL1Z7N4+EkSscsel3z55XT950AvB05bwayrNg5T1/gykXtigioTAjbltvbMSJvvhFCbnf6mX+ntnJQ== + /tailwindcss/2.0.4_0bca15301caac8bc71ea0ad94045571f: + dependencies: + '@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss': 3.1.3 + autoprefixer: 10.2.5_postcss@8.2.9 + bytes: 3.1.0 + chalk: 4.1.0 + color: 3.1.3 + detective: 5.2.0 + didyoumean: 1.2.1 + fs-extra: 9.1.0 + html-tags: 3.1.0 + lodash: 4.17.21 + modern-normalize: 1.0.0 + node-emoji: 1.10.0 + object-hash: 2.1.1 + postcss: 8.2.9 + postcss-functions: 3.0.0 + postcss-js: 3.0.3 + postcss-nested: 5.0.5_postcss@8.2.9 + postcss-selector-parser: 6.0.4 + postcss-value-parser: 4.1.0 + pretty-hrtime: 1.0.3 + reduce-css-calc: 2.1.8 + resolve: 1.20.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=12.13.0' + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + autoprefixer: ^10.0.2 + postcss: ^8.0.9 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-WhgR0oiBxGOZ9jY0yVfaJCHnckR7U74Fs/BMsYxGdwGJQ5Hd/HlaKD26bEJFZOvYScJo0QcUj2ImldzedsG7Bw== + /text-extensions/1.9.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wiBrwC1EhBelW12Zy26JeOUkQ5mRu+5o8rpsJk5+2t+Y5vE7e842qtZDQ2g1NpX/29HdyFeJ4nSIhI47ENSxlQ== + /text-table/0.2.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-f17oI66AUgfACvLfSoTsP8+lcLQ= + /through/2.3.8: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-DdTJ/6q8NXlgsbckEV1+Doai4fU= + /through2/4.0.2: + dependencies: + readable-stream: 3.6.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-iOqSav00cVxEEICeD7TjLB1sueEL+81Wpzp2bY17uZjZN0pWZPuo4suZ/61VujxmqSGFfgOcNuTZ85QJwNZQpw== + /timsort/0.3.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-QFQRqOfmM5/mTbmiNN4R3DHgK9Q= + /title-case/3.0.3: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-e1zGYRvbffpcHIrnuqT0Dh+gEJtDaxDSoG4JAIpq4oDFyooziLBIiYQv0GBT4FUAnUop5uZ1hiIAj7oAF6sOCA== + /tmp/0.0.33: + dependencies: + os-tmpdir: 1.0.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.6.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-jRCJlojKnZ3addtTOjdIqoRuPEKBvNXcGYqzO6zWZX8KfKEpnGY5jfggJQ3EjKuu8D4bJRr0y+cYJFmYbImXGw== + /to-fast-properties/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-3F5pjL0HkmW8c+A3doGk5Og/YW4= + /to-object-path/0.3.0: + dependencies: + kind-of: 3.2.2 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-KXWIt7Dn4KwI4E5nL4XB9JmeF68= + /to-readable-stream/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Iq25XBt6zD5npPhlLVXGFN3/gyR2/qODcKNNyTMd4vbm39HUaOiAM4PMq0eMVC/Tkxz+Zjdsc55g9yyz+Yq00Q== + /to-regex-range/2.1.1: + dependencies: + is-number: 3.0.0 + repeat-string: 1.6.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-fIDBe53+vlmeJzZ+DU3VWQFB2zg= + /to-regex-range/5.0.1: + dependencies: + is-number: 7.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-65P7iz6X5yEr1cwcgvQxbbIw7Uk3gOy5dIdtZ4rDveLqhrdJP+Li/Hx6tyK0NEb+2GCyneCMJiGqrADCSNk8sQ== + /to-regex/3.0.2: + dependencies: + define-property: 2.0.2 + extend-shallow: 3.0.2 + regex-not: 1.0.2 + safe-regex: 1.1.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FWtleNAtZ/Ki2qtqej2CXTOayOH9bHDQF+Q48VpWyDXjbYxA4Yz8iDB31zXOBUlOHHKidDbqGVrTUvQMPmBGBw== + /toidentifier/1.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-yaOH/Pk/VEhBWWTlhI+qXxDFXlejDGcQipMlyxda9nthulaxLZUNcUqFxokp0vcYnvteJln5FNQDRrxj3YcbVw== + /trim-newlines/3.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-C4+gOpvmxaSMKuEf9Qc134F1ZuOHVXKRbtEflf4NTtuuJDEIJ9p5PXsalL8SkeRw+qit1Mo+yuvMPAKwWg/1hA== + /trim-off-newlines/1.0.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-n5up2e+odkw4dpi8v+sshI8RrbM= + /ts-log/2.2.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XvB+OdKSJ708Dmf9ore4Uf/q62AYDTzFcAdxc8KNML1mmAWywRFVt/dn1KYJH8Agt5UJNujfM3znU5PxgAzA2w== + /ts-node/9.1.1_typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + arg: 4.1.3 + create-require: 1.1.1 + diff: 4.0.2 + make-error: 1.3.6 + source-map-support: 0.5.19 + typescript: 4.2.3 + yn: 3.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10.0.0' + hasBin: true + peerDependencies: + typescript: '>=2.7' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hPlt7ZACERQGf03M253ytLY3dHbGNGrAq9qIHWUY9XHYl1z7wYngSr3OQ5xmui8o2AaxsONxIzjafLUiWBo1Fg== + /tslib/1.14.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Xni35NKzjgMrwevysHTCArtLDpPvye8zV/0E4EyYn43P7/7qvQwPh9BGkHewbMulVntbigmcT7rdX3BNo9wRJg== + /tslib/2.0.3: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-uZtkfKblCEQtZKBF6EBXVZeQNl82yqtDQdv+eck8u7tdPxjLu2/lp5/uPW+um2tpuxINHWy3GhiccY7QgEaVHQ== + /tslib/2.1.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hcVC3wYEziELGGmEEXue7D75zbwIIVUMWAVbHItGPx0ziyXxrOMQx4rQEVEV45Ut/1IotuEvwqPopzIOkDMf0A== + /tsutils/3.21.0_typescript@4.2.3: + dependencies: + tslib: 1.14.1 + typescript: 4.2.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + peerDependencies: + typescript: '>=2.8.0 || >= 3.2.0-dev || >= 3.3.0-dev || >= 3.4.0-dev || >= 3.5.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-dev || >= 3.6.0-beta || >= 3.7.0-dev || >= 3.7.0-beta' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-mHKK3iUXL+3UF6xL5k0PEhKRUBKPBCv/+RkEOpjRWxxx27KKRBmmA60A9pgOUvMi8GKhRMPEmjBRPzs2W7O1OA== + /type-check/0.4.0: + dependencies: + prelude-ls: 1.2.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 0.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-XleUoc9uwGXqjWwXaUTZAmzMcFZ5858QA2vvx1Ur5xIcixXIP+8LnFDgRplU30us6teqdlskFfu+ae4K79Ooew== + /type-fest/0.18.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-OIAYXk8+ISY+qTOwkHtKqzAuxchoMiD9Udx+FSGQDuiRR+PJKJHc2NJAXlbhkGwTt/4/nKZxELY1w3ReWOL8mw== + /type-fest/0.20.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Ne+eE4r0/iWnpAxD852z3A+N0Bt5RN//NjJwRd2VFHEmrywxf5vsZlh4R6lixl6B+wz/8d+maTSAkN1FIkI3LQ== + /type-fest/0.21.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-t0rzBq87m3fVcduHDUFhKmyyX+9eo6WQjZvf51Ea/M0Q7+T374Jp1aUiyUl0GKxp8M/OETVHSDvmkyPgvX+X2w== + /type-fest/0.6.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-q+MB8nYR1KDLrgr4G5yemftpMC7/QLqVndBmEEdqzmNj5dcFOO4Oo8qlwZE3ULT3+Zim1F8Kq4cBnikNhlCMlg== + /type-fest/0.8.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-4dbzIzqvjtgiM5rw1k5rEHtBANKmdudhGyBEajN01fEyhaAIhsoKNy6y7+IN93IfpFtwY9iqi7kD+xwKhQsNJA== + /typescript/4.2.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4.2.0' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-qOcYwxaByStAWrBf4x0fibwZvMRG+r4cQoTjbPtUlrWjBHbmCAww1i448U0GJ+3cNNEtebDteo/cHOR3xJ4wEw== + /ua-parser-js/0.7.27: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-eXMaRYK2skomGocoX0x9sBXzx5A1ZVQgXfrW4mTc8dT0zS7olEcyfudAzRC5tIIRgLxQ69B6jut3DI+n5hslPA== + /unbox-primitive/1.0.1: + dependencies: + function-bind: 1.1.1 + has-bigints: 1.0.1 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + which-boxed-primitive: 1.0.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tZU/3NqK3dA5gpE1KtyiJUrEB0lxnGkMFHptJ7q6ewdZ8s12QrODwNbhIJStmJkd1QDXa1NRA8aF2A1zk/Ypyw== + /unc-path-regex/0.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-5z3T17DXxe2G+6xrCufYxqadUPo= + /union-value/1.0.1: + dependencies: + arr-union: 3.1.0 + get-value: 2.0.6 + is-extendable: 0.1.1 + set-value: 2.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tJfXmxMeWYnczCVs7XAEvIV7ieppALdyepWMkHkwciRpZraG/xwT+s2JN8+pr1+8jCRf80FFzvr+MpQeeoF4Xg== + /uniq/1.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-sxxa6CVIRKOoKBVBzisEuGWnNP8= + /uniqs/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-/+3ks2slKQaW5uFl1KWe25mOawI= + /universalify/0.1.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 4.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-rBJeI5CXAlmy1pV+617WB9J63U6XcazHHF2f2dbJix4XzpUF0RS3Zbj0FGIOCAva5P/d/GBOYaACQ1w+0azUkg== + /universalify/2.0.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 10.0.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hAZsKq7Yy11Zu1DE0OzWjw7nnLZmJZYTDZZyEFHZdUhV8FkH5MCfoU1XMaxXovpyW5nq5scPqq0ZDP9Zyl04oQ== + /unixify/1.0.0: + dependencies: + normalize-path: 2.1.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-OmQcjC/7zk2mg6XHDwOkYpQMIJA= + /unquote/1.1.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-j97XMk7G6IoP+LkF58CYzcCG1UQ= + /unset-value/1.0.0: + dependencies: + has-value: 0.3.1 + isobject: 3.0.1 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-g3aHP30jNRef+x5vw6jtDfyKtVk= + /upper-case-first/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-514ppYHBaKwfJRK/pNC6c/OxfGa0obSnAl106u97Ed0I625Nin96KAjttZF6ZL3e1XLtphxnqrOi9iWgm+u+bg== + /upper-case/2.0.2: + dependencies: + tslib: 2.1.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-KgdgDGJt2TpuwBUIjgG6lzw2GWFRCW9Qkfkiv0DxqHHLYJHmtmdUIKcZd8rHgFSjopVTlw6ggzCm1b8MFQwikg== + /uri-js/4.4.1: + dependencies: + punycode: 2.1.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-7rKUyy33Q1yc98pQ1DAmLtwX109F7TIfWlW1Ydo8Wl1ii1SeHieeh0HHfPeL2fMXK6z0s8ecKs9frCuLJvndBg== + /urix/0.1.0: + deprecated: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2pN/emLiH+wf0Y1Js1wpNQZ6bHI= + /url-parse-lax/3.0.0: + dependencies: + prepend-http: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-FrXK/Afb42dsGxmZF3gj1lA6yww= + /url-parse/1.5.1: + dependencies: + querystringify: 2.2.0 + requires-port: 1.0.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-HOfCOUJt7iSYzEx/UqgtwKRMC6EU91NFhsCHMv9oM03VJcVo2Qrp8T8kI9D7amFf1cu+/3CEhgb3rF9zL7k85Q== + /urql/2.0.2_graphql@15.5.0: + dependencies: + '@urql/core': 2.0.0_graphql@15.5.0 + graphql: 15.5.0 + wonka: 4.0.15 + dev: true + peerDependencies: + graphql: ^0.11.0 || ^0.12.0 || ^0.13.0 || ^14.0.0 || ^15.0.0 + react: '>= 16.8.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-ku5lT0vq7Efpd6Mg1r40C/z39GbGxFtuK2+le26+v125cQL7OVGzE2XzG3jSiHa5m6abCoZO9xS6N2QIfoJ/gg== + /use/3.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-cwESVXlO3url9YWlFW/TA9cshCEhtu7IKJ/p5soJ/gGpj7vbvFrAY/eIioQ6Dw23KjZhYgiIo8HOs1nQ2vr/oQ== + /util-deprecate/1.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-RQ1Nyfpw3nMnYvvS1KKJgUGaDM8= + /util.promisify/1.0.1: + dependencies: + define-properties: 1.1.3 + es-abstract: 1.18.0 + has-symbols: 1.0.2 + object.getownpropertydescriptors: 2.1.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-g9JpC/3He3bm38zsLupWryXHoEcS22YHthuPQSJdMy6KNrzIRzWqcsHzD/WUnqe45whVou4VIsPew37DoXWNrA== + /v8-compile-cache/2.3.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-l8lCEmLcLYZh4nbunNZvQCJc5pv7+RCwa8q/LdUx8u7lsWvPDKmpodJAJNwkAhJC//dFY48KuIEmjtd4RViDrA== + /valid-url/1.0.9: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-HBRHm0DxOXp1eC8RXkCGRHQzogA= + /validate-npm-package-license/3.0.4: + dependencies: + spdx-correct: 3.1.1 + spdx-expression-parse: 3.0.1 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-DpKm2Ui/xN7/HQKCtpZxoRWBhZ9Z0kqtygG8XCgNQ8ZlDnxuQmWhj566j8fN4Cu3/JmbhsDo7fcAJq4s9h27Ew== + /vendors/1.0.4: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-/juG65kTL4Cy2su4P8HjtkTxk6VmJDiOPBufWniqQ6wknac6jNiXS9vU+hO3wgusiyqWlzTbVHi0dyJqRONg3w== + /vite/2.1.5: + dependencies: + esbuild: 0.9.7 + postcss: 8.2.9 + resolve: 1.20.0 + rollup: 2.44.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=12.0.0' + hasBin: true + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.2 + resolution: + integrity: sha512-tYU5iaYeUgQYvK/CNNz3tiJ8vYqPWfCE9IQ7K0iuzYovWw7lzty7KRYGWwV3CQPh0NKxWjOczAqiJsCL0Xb+Og== + /whatwg-fetch/3.6.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bJlen0FcuU/0EMLrdbJ7zOnW6ITZLrZMIarMUVmdKtsGvZna8vxKYaexICWPfZ8qwf9fzNq+UEIZrnSaApt6RA== + /which-boxed-primitive/1.0.2: + dependencies: + is-bigint: 1.0.1 + is-boolean-object: 1.1.0 + is-number-object: 1.0.4 + is-string: 1.0.5 + is-symbol: 1.0.3 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-bwZdv0AKLpplFY2KZRX6TvyuN7ojjr7lwkg6ml0roIy9YeuSr7JS372qlNW18UQYzgYK9ziGcerWqZOmEn9VNg== + /which-module/2.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-2e8H3Od7mQK4o6j6SzHD4/fm6Ho= + /which/1.3.1: + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + dev: true + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-HxJdYWq1MTIQbJ3nw0cqssHoTNU267KlrDuGZ1WYlxDStUtKUhOaJmh112/TZmHxxUfuJqPXSOm7tDyas0OSIQ== + /which/2.0.2: + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 8' + hasBin: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-BLI3Tl1TW3Pvl70l3yq3Y64i+awpwXqsGBYWkkqMtnbXgrMD+yj7rhW0kuEDxzJaYXGjEW5ogapKNMEKNMjibA== + /wonka/4.0.15: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-U0IUQHKXXn6PFo9nqsHphVCE5m3IntqZNB9Jjn7EB1lrR7YTDY3YWgFvEvwniTzXSvOH/XMzAZaIfJF/LvHYXg== + /word-wrap/1.2.3: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.10.0' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Hz/mrNwitNRh/HUAtM/VT/5VH+ygD6DV7mYKZAtHOrbs8U7lvPS6xf7EJKMF0uW1KJCl0H701g3ZGus+muE5vQ== + /wrap-ansi/3.0.1: + dependencies: + string-width: 2.1.1 + strip-ansi: 4.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=4' + resolution: + integrity: sha1-KIoE2H7aXChuBg3+jxNc6NAH+Lo= + /wrap-ansi/5.1.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 3.2.1 + string-width: 3.1.0 + strip-ansi: 5.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-QC1/iN/2/RPVJ5jYK8BGttj5z83LmSKmvbvrXPNCLZSEb32KKVDJDl/MOt2N01qU2H/FkzEa9PKto1BqDjtd7Q== + /wrap-ansi/6.2.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + string-width: 4.2.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-r6lPcBGxZXlIcymEu7InxDMhdW0KDxpLgoFLcguasxCaJ/SOIZwINatK9KY/tf+ZrlywOKU0UDj3ATXUBfxJXA== + /wrap-ansi/7.0.0: + dependencies: + ansi-styles: 4.3.0 + string-width: 4.2.2 + strip-ansi: 6.0.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-YVGIj2kamLSTxw6NsZjoBxfSwsn0ycdesmc4p+Q21c5zPuZ1pl+NfxVdxPtdHvmNVOQ6XSYG4AUtyt/Fi7D16Q== + /wrappy/1.0.2: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha1-tSQ9jz7BqjXxNkYFvA0QNuMKtp8= + /ws/7.4.4: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8.3.0' + peerDependencies: + bufferutil: ^4.0.1 + utf-8-validate: ^5.0.2 + peerDependenciesMeta: + bufferutil: + optional: true + utf-8-validate: + optional: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Qm8k8ojNQIMx7S+Zp8u/uHOx7Qazv3Yv4q68MiWWWOJhiwG5W3x7iqmRtJo8xxrciZUY4vRxUTJCKuRnF28ZZw== + /xtend/4.0.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=0.4' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-LKYU1iAXJXUgAXn9URjiu+MWhyUXHsvfp7mcuYm9dSUKK0/CjtrUwFAxD82/mCWbtLsGjFIad0wIsod4zrTAEQ== + /y18n/4.0.1: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-wNcy4NvjMYL8gogWWYAO7ZFWFfHcbdbE57tZO8e4cbpj8tfUcwrwqSl3ad8HxpYWCdXcJUCeKKZS62Av1affwQ== + /y18n/5.0.5: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-hsRUr4FFrvhhRH12wOdfs38Gy7k2FFzB9qgN9v3aLykRq0dRcdcpz5C9FxdS2NuhOrI/628b/KSTJ3rwHysYSg== + /yallist/4.0.0: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3wdGidZyq5PB084XLES5TpOSRA3wjXAlIWMhum2kRcv/41Sn2emQ0dycQW4uZXLejwKvg6EsvbdlVL+FYEct7A== + /yaml-ast-parser/0.0.43: + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-2PTINUwsRqSd+s8XxKaJWQlUuEMHJQyEuh2edBbW8KNJz0SJPwUSD2zRWqezFEdN7IzAgeuYHFUCF7o8zRdZ0A== + /yaml/1.10.2: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>= 6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-r3vXyErRCYJ7wg28yvBY5VSoAF8ZvlcW9/BwUzEtUsjvX/DKs24dIkuwjtuprwJJHsbyUbLApepYTR1BN4uHrg== + /yargs-parser/13.1.2: + dependencies: + camelcase: 5.3.1 + decamelize: 1.2.0 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-3lbsNRf/j+A4QuSZfDRA7HRSfWrzO0YjqTJd5kjAq37Zep1CEgaYmrH9Q3GwPiB9cHyd1Y1UwggGhJGoxipbzg== + /yargs-parser/18.1.3: + dependencies: + camelcase: 5.3.1 + decamelize: 1.2.0 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-o50j0JeToy/4K6OZcaQmW6lyXXKhq7csREXcDwk2omFPJEwUNOVtJKvmDr9EI1fAJZUyZcRF7kxGBWmRXudrCQ== + /yargs-parser/20.2.7: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-FiNkvbeHzB/syOjIUxFDCnhSfzAL8R5vs40MgLFBorXACCOAEaWu0gRZl14vG8MR9AOJIZbmkjhusqBYZ3HTHw== + /yargs/13.3.2: + dependencies: + cliui: 5.0.0 + find-up: 3.0.0 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + require-main-filename: 2.0.0 + set-blocking: 2.0.0 + string-width: 3.1.0 + which-module: 2.0.0 + y18n: 4.0.1 + yargs-parser: 13.1.2 + dev: true + resolution: + integrity: sha512-AX3Zw5iPruN5ie6xGRIDgqkT+ZhnRlZMLMHAs8tg7nRruy2Nb+i5o9bwghAogtM08q1dpr2LVoS8KSTMYpWXUw== + /yargs/15.4.1: + dependencies: + cliui: 6.0.0 + decamelize: 1.2.0 + find-up: 4.1.0 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + require-main-filename: 2.0.0 + set-blocking: 2.0.0 + string-width: 4.2.2 + which-module: 2.0.0 + y18n: 4.0.1 + yargs-parser: 18.1.3 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=8' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-aePbxDmcYW++PaqBsJ+HYUFwCdv4LVvdnhBy78E57PIor8/OVvhMrADFFEDh8DHDFRv/O9i3lPhsENjO7QX0+A== + /yargs/16.2.0: + dependencies: + cliui: 7.0.4 + escalade: 3.1.1 + get-caller-file: 2.0.5 + require-directory: 2.1.1 + string-width: 4.2.2 + y18n: 5.0.5 + yargs-parser: 20.2.7 + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-D1mvvtDG0L5ft/jGWkLpG1+m0eQxOfaBvTNELraWj22wSVUMWxZUvYgJYcKh6jGGIkJFhH4IZPQhR4TKpc8mBw== + /yn/3.1.1: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=6' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-Ux4ygGWsu2c7isFWe8Yu1YluJmqVhxqK2cLXNQA5AcC3QfbGNpM7fu0Y8b/z16pXLnFxZYvWhd3fhBY9DLmC6Q== + /yocto-queue/0.1.0: + dev: true + engines: + node: '>=10' + resolution: + integrity: sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q== +specifiers: + '@commitlint/cli': ^12.1.1 + '@commitlint/config-conventional': ^12.1.1 + '@graphql-codegen/add': ^2.0.2 + '@graphql-codegen/cli': 1.21.3 + '@graphql-codegen/introspection': 1.18.1 + '@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node': ^1.18.4 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript': 1.21.1 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-document-nodes': 1.17.10 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-files-modules': 1.18.1 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations': 1.17.15 + '@graphql-codegen/typescript-urql': ^2.0.5 + '@graphql-codegen/urql-introspection': 1.0.0 + '@graphql-typed-document-node/core': ^3.1.0 + '@iconify/core': ^1.0.0-rc.5 + '@iconify/icons-mdi': ^1.1.13 + '@iconify/svelte': ^1.0.4 + '@sveltejs/adapter-node': next + '@sveltejs/adapter-static': ^1.0.0-next.4 + '@sveltejs/kit': next + '@tailwindcss/jit': ^0.1.18 + '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': ^4.20.0 + '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^4.20.0 + '@urql/core': ^2.0.0 + '@urql/exchange-graphcache': ^4.0.0 + '@urql/exchange-multipart-fetch': ^0.1.11 + '@urql/exchange-persisted-fetch': ^1.3.0 + '@urql/introspection': ^0.2.0 + '@urql/svelte': ^1.2.1 + autoprefixer: ^10.2.5 + chokidar-cli: ^2.1.0 + cross-env: ^7.0.3 + cssnano: ^4.1.10 + cz-conventional-changelog: ^3.3.0 + eslint: ^7.23.0 + eslint-plugin-svelte3: ^3.1.2 + graphql: ^15.5.0 + graphql-tag: ^2.11.0 + husky: ^6.0.0 + npm-run-all: ^4.1.5 + postcss: ^8.2.9 + postcss-load-config: ^3.0.1 + postcss-preset-env: ^6.7.0 + rimraf: ^3.0.2 + svelte: ^3.37.0 + svelte-check: ^1.3.0 + svelte-preprocess: ^4.7.0 + tailwindcss: ^2.0.4 + tslib: ^2.1.0 + typescript: ^4.2.3 + urql: ^2.0.2 + vite: ^2.1.5 + wonka: ^4.0.15 diff --git a/postcss.config.cjs b/postcss.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd0e3e907 --- /dev/null +++ b/postcss.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env'); +const tailwindCSS = require('@tailwindcss/jit'); +// ^ Just for now, will merge to tailwindcss. Check https://blog.tailwindcss.com/just-in-time-the-next-generation-of-tailwind-css +const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'); + +module.exports = { + plugins: [ + postcssPresetEnv({ + stage: 4, + features: { + 'nesting-rules': true + } + }), + + tailwindCSS(), + autoprefixer, + ], +}; diff --git a/src/app.html b/src/app.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35b87c143 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + %svelte.head% + + +
+ + diff --git a/src/core/graphql.ts b/src/core/graphql.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a04b6c69d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/graphql.ts @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import schema from '../generated/graphql.schema.urql.json'; +import {initClient} from '@urql/svelte'; +import {cacheExchange} from '@urql/exchange-graphcache'; +import {persistedFetchExchange} from './persisted-query/persistedFetchExchange'; +import {multipartFetchExchange} from '@urql/exchange-multipart-fetch'; + +export const initializeGraphQLClient = (): void => { + initClient({ + url: 'https://api.ficsit.app/v2/query', + exchanges: [ + cacheExchange({ + schema, + keys: { + GetMods: () => null + } + }), + persistedFetchExchange({ + preferGetForPersistedQueries: true, + }), + multipartFetchExchange, + ] + }); +} diff --git a/src/core/index.ts b/src/core/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acae838cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from './graphql'; diff --git a/src/core/persisted-query/persistedFetchExchange.ts b/src/core/persisted-query/persistedFetchExchange.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4efa63584 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/persisted-query/persistedFetchExchange.ts @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +// TAKEN FROM https://github.com/FormidableLabs/urql/blob/main/exchanges/persisted-fetch/src/persistedFetchExchange.ts + +/* eslint-disable */ +import { + fromValue, + fromPromise, + filter, + merge, + mergeMap, + pipe, + share, + onPush, + takeUntil, +} from 'wonka'; + +import type {Source} from 'wonka'; + +import { + makeOperation, +} from '@urql/core'; + +import type { + CombinedError, + ExchangeInput, + Exchange, + Operation, + OperationResult, +} from '@urql/core'; + +import { + makeFetchBody, + makeFetchURL, + makeFetchOptions, + makeFetchSource, +} from '@urql/core/internal'; + +import type {FetchBody} from '@urql/core/internal'; + +import type { DocumentNode } from 'graphql'; + +import { hash } from './sha256'; + +interface PersistedFetchExchangeOptions { + preferGetForPersistedQueries?: boolean; + enforcePersistedQueries?: boolean; + generateHash?: (query: string, document: DocumentNode) => Promise; +} + +export const persistedFetchExchange = ( + options?: PersistedFetchExchangeOptions +): Exchange => ({ forward, dispatchDebug }) => { + if (!options) options = {}; + + const preferGetForPersistedQueries = !!options.preferGetForPersistedQueries; + const enforcePersistedQueries = !!options.enforcePersistedQueries; + const hashFn = options.generateHash || hash; + let supportsPersistedQueries = true; + + return ops$ => { + const sharedOps$ = share(ops$); + const fetchResults$ = pipe( + sharedOps$, + filter(operation => operation.kind === 'query'), + mergeMap(operation => { + const { key } = operation; + const teardown$ = pipe( + sharedOps$, + filter(op => op.kind === 'teardown' && op.key === key) + ); + + const body = makeFetchBody(operation); + if (!supportsPersistedQueries) { + // Runs the usual non-persisted fetchExchange query logic + return pipe( + makePersistedFetchSource(operation, body, dispatchDebug, false), + takeUntil(teardown$) + ); + } + + const query: string = body.query!; + + return pipe( + // Hash the given GraphQL query + fromPromise(hashFn(query, operation.query)), + mergeMap(sha256Hash => { + // if the hashing operation was successful, add the persisted query extension + if (sha256Hash) { + // Attach SHA256 hash and remove query from body + body.query = undefined; + body.extensions = { + persistedQuery: { + version: 1, + sha256Hash, + }, + }; + } + return makePersistedFetchSource( + operation, + body, + dispatchDebug, + !!(preferGetForPersistedQueries && sha256Hash) + ); + }), + mergeMap(result => { + if (!enforcePersistedQueries) { + if (result.error && isPersistedUnsupported(result.error)) { + // Reset the body back to its non-persisted state + body.query = query; + body.extensions = undefined; + // Disable future persisted queries if they're not enforced + supportsPersistedQueries = false; + return makePersistedFetchSource( + operation, + body, + dispatchDebug, + false + ); + } else if (result.error && isPersistedMiss(result.error)) { + // Add query to the body but leave SHA256 hash intact + body.query = query; + return makePersistedFetchSource( + operation, + body, + dispatchDebug, + false + ); + } + } + + return fromValue(result); + }), + takeUntil(teardown$) + ); + }) + ); + + const forward$ = pipe( + sharedOps$, + filter(operation => operation.kind !== 'query'), + forward + ); + + return merge([fetchResults$, forward$]); + }; +}; + +const makePersistedFetchSource = ( + operation: Operation, + body: FetchBody, + dispatchDebug: ExchangeInput['dispatchDebug'], + useGet: boolean +): Source => { + const newOperation = makeOperation(operation.kind, operation, { + ...operation.context, + preferGetMethod: useGet || operation.context.preferGetMethod, + }); + + const url = makeFetchURL( + newOperation, + body.query ? body : { ...body, query: '' } + ); + + const fetchOptions = makeFetchOptions(newOperation, body); + + dispatchDebug({ + type: 'fetchRequest', + message: !body.query + ? 'A fetch request for a persisted query is being executed.' + : 'A fetch request is being executed.', + operation: newOperation, + data: { + url, + fetchOptions, + }, + }); + + return pipe( + makeFetchSource(newOperation, url, fetchOptions), + onPush(result => { + const persistFail = + result.error && + (isPersistedMiss(result.error) || isPersistedUnsupported(result.error)); + const error = !result.data ? result.error : undefined; + + dispatchDebug({ + // TODO: Assign a new name to this once @urql/devtools supports it + type: persistFail || error ? 'fetchError' : 'fetchSuccess', + message: persistFail + ? 'A Persisted Query request has failed. A non-persisted GraphQL request will follow.' + : `A ${ + error ? 'failed' : 'successful' + } fetch response has been returned.`, + operation, + data: { + url, + fetchOptions, + value: persistFail ? result.error! : error || result, + }, + }); + }) + ); +}; + +const isPersistedMiss = (error: CombinedError): boolean => + error.graphQLErrors.some(x => x.message === 'PersistedQueryNotFound'); + +const isPersistedUnsupported = (error: CombinedError): boolean => + error.graphQLErrors.some(x => x.message === 'PersistedQueryNotSupported'); diff --git a/src/core/persisted-query/sha256.ts b/src/core/persisted-query/sha256.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e373a158 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/persisted-query/sha256.ts @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// TAKEN AND MODIFIED FROM https://github.com/FormidableLabs/urql/blob/main/exchanges/persisted-fetch/src/sha256.ts + +/* eslint-disable */ +const jsCrypto = + typeof window !== 'undefined' + ? window.crypto || (window as any).msCrypto + : undefined; +const cryptoSubtle = + jsCrypto && (jsCrypto.subtle || (jsCrypto as any).webkitSubtle); +const isIE = !!(jsCrypto && (window as any).msCrypto); + +const sha256Browser = (bytes: Uint8Array): Promise => { + const hash = cryptoSubtle!.digest({ name: 'SHA-256' }, bytes); + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + if (isIE) { + // IE11 + (hash as any).oncomplete = function onComplete(event: any) { + resolve(new Uint8Array(event.target.result)); + }; + (hash as any).onerror = function onError(error: Error) { + reject(error); + }; + } else { + // Standard promise-based + Promise.resolve(hash) + .then(function (result) { + resolve(new Uint8Array(result)); + }) + .catch(function (error) { + reject(error); + }); + } + }); +}; + +const nodeCrypto = + typeof window === 'undefined' ? (typeof require === 'undefined' ? null : eval("require('crypto')")) : null; + +export const hash = async (query: string): Promise => { + if ( + typeof window === 'undefined' + ? !nodeCrypto || !nodeCrypto.createHash + : !cryptoSubtle + ) { + // if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { + // console.warn( + // '[@urql/exchange-persisted-fetch]: The ' + + // (typeof window === 'undefined' + // ? 'Node Crypto' + // : 'window.crypto.subtle') + + // ' API is not available.\n' + + // 'This is an unexpected error. Please report it by filing a GitHub Issue.' + // ); + // } + + return Promise.resolve(''); + } + + // Node.js support + if (typeof window === 'undefined') { + return Promise.resolve( + '' + nodeCrypto.createHash('sha256').update(query).digest('hex') + ); + } + + let buf: Uint8Array; + if (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined') { + buf = new TextEncoder().encode(query); + } else { + buf = new Uint8Array(query.length); + for (let i = 0, l = query.length; i < l; i++) { + // NOTE: We assume that the input GraphQL Query only uses UTF-8 at most + // since GraphQL mostly consists of ASCII, this is completely fine + buf[i] = query.charCodeAt(i); + } + } + + const out = await sha256Browser(buf); + + let hash = ''; + for (let i = 0, l = out.length; i < l; i++) { + const hex = out[i].toString(16); + hash += '00'.slice(0, Math.max(0, 2 - hex.length)) + hex; + } + + return hash; +}; diff --git a/src/generated/.gitignore b/src/generated/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bbc7c5f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/generated/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +graphql.schema.urql.json +graphql.ts diff --git a/src/generated/index.ts b/src/generated/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acae838cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/generated/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export * from './graphql'; diff --git a/src/global.d.ts b/src/global.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5024a5f33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/global.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +/// +/// +/// + +/* eslint-disable */ +declare module "*.json" { + const value: any; + export default value; +} + +declare module '@iconify/svelte'; diff --git a/src/gql/home/mods.graphql b/src/gql/home/mods.graphql new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0afd5db29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/gql/home/mods.graphql @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +query GetMods ($offset: Int!, $limit: Int!) { + getMods(filter: { limit: $limit, offset: $offset }) { + count + mods { + id + name + logo + views + downloads + short_description + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lib/home/NotableCard.svelte b/src/lib/home/NotableCard.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..edda95f32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/home/NotableCard.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + + +
+ { title } +
+ + + diff --git a/src/lib/mods/ModCard.svelte b/src/lib/mods/ModCard.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c176f3e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mods/ModCard.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + + +
+ +
+ {mod.views} + {mod.downloads} +
+ + +
+ + diff --git a/src/lib/mods/ModGrid.svelte b/src/lib/mods/ModGrid.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27dc83dc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/mods/ModGrid.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ + + +{#if totalMods} +
+ +
+{/if} + +{#if $mods.fetching} +


+{:else if $mods.error} +

Oh no... {$mods.error.message}

+{:else} +
+ {#each $mods.data.getMods.mods as mod} + + {/each} +
+{/if} + +{#if totalMods} +
+ +
+{/if} diff --git a/src/lib/utils/PageControls.svelte b/src/lib/utils/PageControls.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91f23ab23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/utils/PageControls.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + +{#if $currentPage > startPage} + + +{/if} + +{#if $currentPage > startPage + 1} +
+{/if} + +{#if $currentPage > startPage} + +{/if} + + + +{#if $currentPage < totalPages} + +{/if} + +{#if $currentPage < totalPages - 1} +
+{/if} + +{#if $currentPage < totalPages} + + +{/if} + + diff --git a/src/routes/$layout.svelte b/src/routes/$layout.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34f9cc2d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/routes/$layout.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + SMR + + + + +
+ +
diff --git a/src/routes/_global.postcss b/src/routes/_global.postcss new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f228fc5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/routes/_global.postcss @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +@tailwind base; +@tailwind components; +@tailwind utilities; + +body { + @apply antialiased text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300 bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-900; + @apply leading-normal tracking-normal text-base font-normal break-words; + @apply text-base lg:text-xl; + font-family: Roboto, Helvetica Neue, sans-serif; +} + +main { + @apply p-8 pt-32 md:pt-24 mx-auto; +} diff --git a/src/routes/index.svelte b/src/routes/index.svelte new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c7015937 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/routes/index.svelte @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + diff --git a/static/assets/android-chrome-192x192.png b/static/assets/android-chrome-192x192.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ea50d023 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/android-chrome-192x192.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/android-chrome-512x512.png b/static/assets/android-chrome-512x512.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1292c45e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/android-chrome-512x512.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/apple-touch-icon.png b/static/assets/apple-touch-icon.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c965dcd34 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/apple-touch-icon.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/browserconfig.xml b/static/assets/browserconfig.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21e6cbc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/assets/browserconfig.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + + + #da8517 + + + diff --git a/static/assets/favicon-16x16.png b/static/assets/favicon-16x16.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7ba0a961 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/favicon-16x16.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/favicon-32x32.png b/static/assets/favicon-32x32.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1042c5f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/favicon-32x32.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/favicon.ico b/static/assets/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f61384d23 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/static/assets/mstile-150x150.png b/static/assets/mstile-150x150.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53254db43 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/assets/mstile-150x150.png differ diff --git a/static/assets/safari-pinned-tab.svg b/static/assets/safari-pinned-tab.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5412ec044 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/assets/safari-pinned-tab.svg @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + + Created by potrace 1.11, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2013 + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/static/favicon.ico b/static/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d75d248ef Binary files /dev/null and b/static/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/static/images/no_image.png b/static/images/no_image.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31786b1b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/images/no_image.png differ diff --git a/static/manifest.json b/static/manifest.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62928c127 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/manifest.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "name": "Satisfactory Mod Repo", + "short_name": "SMR", + "theme_color": "#da8517", + "background_color": "#da8517", + "display": "standalone", + "scope": "/", + "start_url": "/", + "icons": [ + { + "src": "/assets/android-chrome-192x192.png?v=69P26YMB35", + "sizes": "192x192", + "type": "image/png" + }, + { + "src": "/assets/android-chrome-512x512.png?v=69P26YMB35", + "sizes": "512x512", + "type": "image/png" + } + ] +} diff --git a/static/robots.txt b/static/robots.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9e57dc4d --- /dev/null +++ b/static/robots.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html +User-agent: * +Disallow: diff --git a/svelte.config.cjs b/svelte.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4eed451f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/svelte.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess'); +const adapterNode = require('@sveltejs/adapter-node'); +const adapterStatic = require('@sveltejs/adapter-static'); + +/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */ +module.exports = { + // Consult https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte-preprocess + // for more information about preprocessors + preprocess: sveltePreprocess({ + postcss: true + }), + kit: { + // By default, `npm run build` will create a standard Node app. + // You can create optimized builds for different platforms by + // specifying a different adapter + adapter: process.env.SVELTE_ADAPTER === 'node' ? adapterNode({ + out: 'build/node' + }) : adapterStatic({ + pages: 'build/static', + assets: 'build/static' + }), + + ssr: process.env.SVELTE_ADAPTER === 'node', + + // hydrate the
element in src/app.html + target: '#svelte', + + vite: { + ssr: { + noExternal: ['node-fetch'] + }, + optimizeDeps: { + exclude: ["@urql/svelte"] + } + } + } +}; diff --git a/tailwind.config.cjs b/tailwind.config.cjs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15a12c710 --- /dev/null +++ b/tailwind.config.cjs @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +const { tailwindExtractor } = require('tailwindcss/lib/lib/purgeUnusedStyles'); +const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors'); + +module.exports = { + purge: { + content: [ + './src/**/*.html', + './src/**/*.svelte' + ], + options: { + defaultExtractor: (content) => [ + ...tailwindExtractor(content), + // Match Svelte class: directives (https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss/discussions/1731) + ...[...content.matchAll(/(?:class:)*([\w\d-/:%.]+)/gm)].map(([_match, group, ..._rest]) => group), + ], + keyframes: true, + }, + }, + darkMode: 'class', + theme: { + colors: { + gray: colors.trueGray, + } + }, + variants: { + extend: {}, + }, + plugins: [], +}; diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d2e2894a --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "moduleResolution": "node", + "target": "es2018", + /** + svelte-preprocess cannot figure out whether you have a value or a type, so tell TypeScript + to enforce using \`import type\` instead of \`import\` for Types. + */ + "importsNotUsedAsValues": "error", + "isolatedModules": true, + /** + To have warnings/errors of the Svelte compiler at the correct position, + enable source maps by default. + */ + "sourceMap": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "skipLibCheck": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, + "baseUrl": ".", + "allowJs": true, + "checkJs": true, + "paths": { + "$app/*": [".svelte/dev/runtime/app/*", ".svelte/build/runtime/app/*"], + "$lib/*": ["src/lib/*"] + } + }, + "include": ["src/**/*.d.ts", "src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.svelte"] +}