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OI Connectivity Monitor

Daniele Grandini edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 1 revision

OI Workspace Connectivity Monitor


The monitor check for SearchAPI reachability. It executes a simple query using the defined credentials for the tenant the workspace is in. If the monitor raises an alert it basically means monitoring is suspended since you cannot access the ARM API used by the management pack.

What can I do?

There are three known causes of errors:

  1. OMS endpoints are having troubles (this can happen, but it is unlikey for an extended time)
  2. Your having problems with connectivity from the Pool members to the cloud
  3. The runas account used for connecting is no longer valid (for example has benn disbaled or has an expired password)

The alert context should report a detailed error message if any, start troubleshooting form there and check the known errors first


Option Definition Default
Interval seconds Amount of time in seconds between checks for connectivity!3611 seconds
Sync Time Optional time within the hour to sync the check execution to
Timeout Seconds Amount of time in seconds to wait for script execution and hance for API Search response 30 seconds
TraceLevel Debugging level (0-5) anything above 2 will log clear text password in eventlog 2