Releases: QUARK-framework/QUARK
QUARK 2.1.4
QUARK 2.1.3
Streamlined installation and environment management (by @GreshmaShaji and @BenjaminDecker): QUARK installation process and switching between custom QUARK self-managed environments is now faciliated by using uv.
Graph visualization (by @BenjaminDecker): Added the automatic generation of the resulting graph in all exisitng graph problem kernels (MIS, TSP, PVC).
Minor changes, mainly on the docker setup (by @BenjaminDecker and @philross).
Full changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3
QUARK 2.1.2
Integration of Qrisp-based QIRO solver for MIS (by @Nik-SteinFraunh from Fraunhofer FOKUS): Integration of the Quantum-Informed Recursive Optimization Algorithms applied to the maximum indepent set problem using Qrisp.
Unit Testing Enhancements (by @GreshmaShaji): Updated Test Files for optimization and QML modules to improve test coverage.
Upgrade to Python 3.12 (by @GreshmaShaji): Including updated versions of all dependencies for better compatibility and performance.
Full changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2
QUARK 2.1.1
QML Architecture Update (by @GreshmaShaji and Florian Kiwit): Architecture restructuring for future QML applications. Introduced new abstract base classes (DataHandler, Model, Circuit, Training) to ensure scalability and modularity.
Implement PEP8-Standard Code Style (by @GreshmaShaji and @Marvmann): In order to improve readibility and harmonize the style of the code, we implement changes towards the PEP 8 coding guideline.
Full changelog: v2.1...v2.1.1
- Library Update, including qiskit 1.1 and all connected packages (#139, authored by @GreshmaShaji)
- Usage of Git LFS for storaging large files (#137, authored by @Marvmann)
- Added set cover problem kernel (f93b53c, authored by Zijing Yao)
- Minor changes, including updated versions of IonQ and Rigetti interfaces (#138, authored by @chsowinski)
Full changelog: v2.0.5...v2.1
QUARK 2.0.6
Package update
- Hotfix: potential security vulnerability in torch, fixed by upgrading to 2.2
- Sync of packages required in ACL and QML branches
QUARK 2.0.5
- Auto-carrier loading (ACL) problem implementation (by Christian Jäck and @Marvmann in #126): Optimization submodule with three problem scenarios based on a shared vehicle data set
- Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (QGANs) (by Florian Kiwit in #128): QML submodule for the generative modelling application, including Pennylane library for circuit generation and necessary adjustments in other QML submodules
- Minor code refinements in QML module and its submodules, including the noise simulation modules
Full changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.5
QUARK 2.0.4
What's Changed
- Noise Module (by @[email protected] in Commit from May 13, 2024): Brings noise simulation features from IBM Qiskit.
- Rollback of IBM Eagle Acces (#116) because of unresolvable dependency issues with new noise module. These issues will be adressed in the upcoming major update in which this feature will be included again. Until then, if you want to use this feature, please move to version 2.0.3
- Maximum Independent Set (MIS) Application (by @chris-van-den-oetelaar, Hans Kattouw from Capgemini in #120): Implementation of full benchmarking pipeline for the MIS use case, including a mapping, interface and solver for neutral-atom devices
- Minor changes: Debugging of RandomClassicPVC (#124), added unit test for MIS application and fixed linting errors
Full changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4
QUARK 2.0.3
What's Changed
- Interrupt/Resume feature (by @jusschwitalla in #113): allows to interrupt benchmarking runs and resume later using stored information from interrupted run
- IBM Eagle access (by @chsowinski in #116): interface to IBM's quantum computing device "Eagle"
- Minor improvements: updated linting (#110), adjust sphinx config (#115), bugfixing (#117)
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
QUARK 2.0.2
What's Changed
- Timer Decorator (by @jusschwitalla in #105): facilitates time measurements
- End-to-End Testing Implementation (by @philross in #108): first basic version to build upon in future releases
- Run Container Build Action on Release (by @philross in #108)
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2