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ajs99778 edited this page Nov 9, 2019 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the ChimAARON wiki!


ChimAARON is a plugin for UCSF Chimera that is built on our Python implementation of AaronTools. ChimAARON aims to add features that simplify setting up AARON jobs, as well as features that are useful for modifying and representing transition metal-catalyzed systems.


The GitHub wiki gives an overview of the ChimAARON plugin.

Much of the ChimAARON documentation can be accessed through Chimera (use the help command on a ChimAARON command or the 'Help' button on ChimAARON dialogs). You can also open up the HTML files in ChimAARON/helpdir. Using HTML rather than the GitHub wiki allows for more formatting options to convey detailed instructions about navigating menus and dialogs in Chimera.