Apollo is the great tool to get a fast waether forecast for your city.
With Apollo, you can get many weather details for your city. For example:
- wind
- weather condition
- humidity
Apollo is written in Python, an easy and powerful language for powerful tools.
Follow this step for use Apollo correctly:
to install all dependencies -
and add your name and surname. Also, you need to add a default city value. E.g.:{ "City": "New York", "Api_Key": "1fad2670e91546ebd6f280e185b23732", "Name": "John", "Surname": "Smith" }
and add next city name -
Apollo.py help
to print all the available commands
The project is dependent on third-party modules:
- pyowm for OWM Api
- simplejson for load and modify config.json
Do you want to contribute? Great!
Fork Apollo: click the Fork button in the header of the repository.
You’ve successfully forked the Apollo repository, but so far, you will need to clone it to your computer:
git clone [email protected]:<your_username>/Apollo.git
When you’re ready to propose changes to the main project, make a pull request.
- Dellaquila Francesco Paolo