{% hint style="danger" %} Just because a rule is not listed here does not mean it doesn't exist. Generally, don't be a detriment to other players and you'll be fine. If you are going out of your way to be annoying, you will be removed from the server. {% endhint %}
- No griefing, stealing, or generally being a detriment to other players. At all. Period. If you are caught doing this you will be permanently banned with no appeal process. Bans do not reset on season resets.
- Treat all players and staff with respect. I.e.: do not repeatedly ask for free stuff, don't constantly ask questions that can be easily answered on your own, don't pester staff or players to do things for you, etc.
- Do not spam blocks all over community spaces, this includes but is not limited to: spawn, end island, nether hubs, etc.
- Do not be needlessly toxic to other members of the community.
- No hacking of any kind, this includes x-ray, baritone, macros, etc.
- No racist or anti-LGBTQIA+ behavior, keep this space is as inclusive as possible.
- No abusing exploits. THIS INCLUDES: abusing unintended server mechanics for personal gain, god-mode exploits, dupe glitches, etc. If you see an exploit, report it to staff, DO NOT ABUSE IT, as this may result in punishment.
- PvP is allowed, but if a player has PvP toggled off and you go out of your way to kill them, this will be considered an exploit and you will be dealt with as needed.
- If you unintentionally destroy something, or a creeper destroys something someone else made, leave a quick sign saying that it was an accident if the player is offline! Most people are fine with accidents!