My personal TODO notes
- ugly retroarch ui in app, a bit unresponsive
- Retroarch core options not showing up
- Mednafen FDS sometimes crashes on load (it worked then it didn't)
- Mednafen loads Famicom Disks but gets stuck on bios
- Opening roms from md5/siri search doesn't work (Claude had good sample code)
- Artwork ratios are wrong
- Share on old UI crashes app (realm threading issue)
- Checking Import UI is hanging (removed for now)
- fix public func addImportedGames(to spotlightIndex: CSSearchableIndex, database: RomDatabase) async
- Fix layout, layout button and touch controls of Desmume2015 or remove
- Partially done WIP
- Native scale on mupen shows in wrong area on ipad
- Flycast crashes with error
NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MetalView naturalDrawableSizeMVK]: unrecognized selector sent
- Try downgrading MoltenVK.xcframework to fix dolphin, flycast others
- (Lite) Intellivision (PVBliss) audio crashes on button press
- (Lite) Intellivision video is glitched
- (Lite) Odyssey2 needs a way to enter game number 1,2 (3,4)?
- (Lite) SuperVision video dimensions wrong
- (Lite) Turbo GFX 16 no video for some roms
- (Lite) Sega CD is borked
- Atari 2600 not using our controller for retroarch
- Spotlight no worky, crashes
- archive extraction HUD doens't show % progress updates
- Screensots for retroarch cores is the wrong space (3ds too)
- BIOS importer should work when multiple systems match the same bios
- Dark mode toggle doens't refresh all views if theme set to auto
- Box art is clipped in swift ui -- need better aspect ratios
- Game Info in swift ui crashes on next game scroll
- Mupen CoreOptions code is trash
- N64 onscreen controls are kind of high
- Add a way to delete a bios
- Add core option for mGBA low pass filter
- See if psx mednafen has more options
- Should add loading screen for starting emulator
- Spotlignt/extensions can't build with spm modules (this is working now? was an xcode bug?)
- SwiftUI game long press menu missing item
- View save states
- Share
- Hide
- Choose disc
- Microphone input for cores that support it
- Swift UI should open on home and be scrollable to systems
- When switching from SwiftUI to old UI, the game lib is zoomed way too much, need to change how it uses Scaling Factor Defaults[.gameLibraryScale]
- should store last page view for next open
- theme switching doesn't update nav bar color
- Themes are ugly on old UI
- Fix default no-artwork background
- Fix section header colors
- Top bar not themed
- Main background not themed
- Game text not themed
- New import indicator not themed
- Make GameMoreInfoVC and it's equivlant PageViewController into native swifttUI with editing of properties
- App Group containers in Catalyst "public class var appGroupContainer"
- look at the displaylink thing in retroarch
- GameImportQueue
- Pause/play on game start/stop
- clicking an item should import it
- indicator, pause/start in queue UI
- Inidicator, pause/start in main UI
- Add an option to use AppGroups
- Gamepad navigation in swiftUI
- Partially implimented
- iCloud sync
- Save state share in savestate manager swift ui view
- Add more artwork lookups
- New save states management page
- Gearcoloco
- Video bad
- PVEP128
- PVVecX
- Flycast / Reicast
- PVFreeIntV
- Duckstation
- PCSXRearmed
- Mupen retroarch no video
- holani
Holani is a cycle-stepped Atari Lynx video game system emulator that can be used as a libretro core. Holani's primary goal is to get closer to the Lynx hardware and provide a better emulation experience.
- puae & puea 2021 Amiga
- bsnes-hd-beta
- neocd
- melondsds
- [] Update screenshots without copyright material
- Add app rating with SiruisRating
- Finish themes
- Add Shiragame