The room.location column is in SRID 4326.
To find the SRID from the project file, load the file to
Import the shapefile using PgAdminIII.
Create an index:
CREATE INDEX gis_nyc_borough_gix ON gis_nyc_borough USING GIST (geom);
To set the SRID:
select UpdateGeometrySRID('Schema Name', 'mytable', 'the_geom', newSRID)
After setting the SRID of the imported shapefile properly:
select count(*) from room r, gis_nyc_borough b where survey_id = 105 and st_contains(b.geom, st_transform(r.location, 2263)) = true;
And this:
select b.boroname as borough, count(*) listings, sum(reviews) visits, sum(reviews * price)/1000.0 relative_income from room r, gis_nyc_borough b where survey_id = 105 and st_contains(b.geom, st_transform(r.location, 2263)) = true group by b.boroname order by 3 desc;