A curated list of awesome Neo4j resources.
Inspired by the awesome-*
trend on GitHub.
The goal is to build a categorized community-driven collection of very well-known resources.
Sharing, suggestions and contributions are always welcome!
Thanks to all contributors.
- neo4j-jdbc - Neo4j JDBC driver
- neo4j-ogm - Object-Graph Mapping Library for Neo4j
- spring-data-neo4j - Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using the neo4j graph database
- neo4jrb - An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby
- neography - A thin Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API
- py2neo - Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
- neomodel - An Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for the neo4j graph database, built on the awesome py2neo.
- neo4jphp - PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface
- NeoEloquent - A Neo4j ORM - Based on Eloquent
- NeoClient - A PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with MultiDB Support
- node-neo4j - Neo4j graph database driver (REST API client) for Node.js
- Neo4jClient - .NET client binding for Neo4j
- neoism - Neo4j client for Golang
- neocons - A feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API
- RNeo4j - Neo4j Driver for R
- cycli - A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
- neo4j-shell-tools - A bunch of import/export tools for the neo4j-shell
- neoprofiler - Neo4J database profiling utility
- docker-neo4j-cluster - Up & Running Neo4j cluster in no time
- docker-neo4j - Container for Neo4j 2.2 Community Edition
- neo4j-java-driver - [ALPHA] Java driver for Neo4j binary protocol
- neo4j-python-driver - [ALPHA] Python driver for Neo4j binary protocol
- neo4j-javascript-driver - [ALPHA] JavaScript driver for Neo4j binary protocol
- neo4j-php-driver - [ALPHA] PHP driver for Neo4j binary protocol
- structr - Graph Application Platform based on Neo4j
- GraphAware Neo4j Framework- GraphAware Framework speeds up development with Neo4j by providing a platform for building useful generic as well as domain-specific functionality, analytical capabilities, (iterative) graph algorithms, etc.
- cypher-dsl - A Java DSL for the Cypher Query Language and an optional Query DSL mode
- cypher-vim-syntax - Very basic Vim syntax for Cypher
- spatial - Neo4j Spatial is a library of utilities for Neo4j that faciliates the enabling of spatial operations on data.
- graphify - Graphify is a Neo4j unmanaged extension used for document and text classification using graph-based hierarchical pattern recognition.
- neo4j-warmup - Simple library that warms up Neo4j caches with a single REST call
- neo4j-uuid - GraphAware Runtime Module that assigns a UUID to all nodes in the graph transparently
- neo4j-timetree - Java and REST APIs for working with time-representing tree in Neo4j
- neo4j-reco - Neo4j-based recommendation engine module with real-time and pre-computed recommendations.
- neo4j-noderank - GraphAware Timer-Driven Runtime Module that executes PageRank-like algorithm on the graph
- neo4j-algorithms - Custom graph algorithms for Neo4j with own Java and REST APIs
- neo4j-changefeed - A GraphAware Framework Runtime Module allowing users to find out what were the latest changes performed on the graph
- neo4j-tx-participation - This is a Neo4j Server Extension to make Neo4j REST-API participate in transactions started by the transactional Cypher endpoint.
- neoclipse - Neoclipse is a tool to view, edit and explore Neo4j databases.
- Graphgen - Graph Generation engine based on the Cypher DSL
- Getting Started with Neo4j
- Neo4j in Production
- Neo4j Koans - A koan-style tutorial in Java for Neo4j
- bolt-howto - How to Build a Neo4j Bolt Protocol Driver
- Graph Databases - The Definitive Book on Graph Databases and Introduction to Neo4j
- A Programmatic Introduction to Neo4j - [NOT YET BEEN RELEASED]
- Neo4j High Performance
- Learning Neo4j - Run blazingly fast queries on complex graph datasets with the power of the Neo4j graph database
To the extent possible under law, Dmitry Vrublevsky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.