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Releases: ProgrammingLife2017/Desoxyribonucleinezuur

Sprint 3

19 May 16:04
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Sprint 3 Pre-release
Merge pull request #137 from ProgrammingLife2017/IwanHoogenboom-patch-1

Retrospective 3

Milestone 2

19 May 09:57
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Milestone 2 Pre-release
  • Bookmarks added (first open a file).
  • Console toggleable file File menu.
  • MapDB for GFA file caching.
  • Improved usability for new users (see Help -> Instructions).
  • To discard cache, remove gfafilename.db.
  • Unfortunately, drawing lots of nodes seems to be broken. Please first try ten nodes before scaling up.

Sprint 2

12 May 16:58
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Sprint 2 Pre-release
  • Visualization
  • Sprint documents
  • Static analysis

Run using java -jar ProgrammingLife.jar.
Use File -> Open to open a GFA file.
Enter an origin node ('Center node') and a number of children ('Max depth') and click 'Draw' to draw the specified portion of the graph.
Enter a number of children ('Max depth') and click 'Surprise me!' to pick a random origin node and draw.
Zoom and transpose by using the buttons on the sidebar.
Transpose by holding alt and dragging a node.

Milestone 1

12 May 10:20
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Milestone 1 Pre-release

alt+drag on a node for scrolling

  • Graph vizualization
  • Console window
  • Improved parsing

Final version of the product planning and product vision

11 May 16:51
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Merge pull request #60 from ProgrammingLife2017/product-vision

added product vision

Architecture Design Draft

05 May 16:17
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This tag shows that we put an architecture design draft in the documents folder

Drafts of the product vision and planning

04 May 16:52
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first backlog

28 Apr 16:43
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first backlog Pre-release

This tag has our first vague version of a backlog document added.