The module ps_mbo is the PrestaShop modules marketplace within your shop Backoffice.
It is responsible for :
- Displaying the modules catalogue
- Actions on modules : install, uninstall, upgrade, ...
- Linking your backoffice to Addons
MBO is integrated by default on PrestaShop Edition versions.
You can install it manually by downloading the latest release on and uploading it through the Module manager page of your Backoffice.
Note : An admin user (Prestashop Marketplace) is created when installing the module. This user is mandatory to allow the module to be callable by the external API.
To be fully functional, MBO requires
- ps_accounts
- Your server must be callable by external referrers. This is needed to perform actions on modules in your backoffice (install, upgrade, auto-upgrade, ...)
You can report issues in the module's repository. Click here to report an issue.
This module is compatible with the multistore ✔️
Once installed it's available whatever the shop context
MBO provides some tools for developers to gather informations on modules
MBO is a closed-source software own by the PrestaShop company.
But everyone is welcome and even encouraged to contribute with their own improvements!
PrestaShop company is the only decision maker to integrate or not a contribution.
Just make sure to follow our contribution guidelines.
To contribute, you'll need to run the project locally :
- Fork this repository
- Create a branch from the version of MBO you want to patch
- You are a PrestaShop employee :
- Install MBO API and Vue server and follow instructions in the readme
- On MBO root folder, copy .env.dist to .env and replace the values to the ones matching your environment
- You are an external contributor :
- Get the .env file from the last released module.
- You are a PrestaShop employee :
- Package and install your module to your PrestaShop local shop
- Make your changes and push to the branch on your fork
- Create a pull request on the module's project (target the patched branch)
- Wait for one of the core developers either to include your change in the codebase, or to comment on possible improvements you should make to your code.
Please respect the coding standards
TIPS : To ease your development phase, you can modify the module directly on the shop sources and then copy modifications to your fork.
This module is released under the Academic Free License 3.0