diff --git a/.config/tsaoptions.json b/.config/tsaoptions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2a6a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/tsaoptions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+    "instanceUrl": "https://msazure.visualstudio.com",
+    "projectName": "One",
+    "areaPath": "One\\MGMT\\Compute\\Powershell\\Powershell\\PowerShell Core",
+    "notificationAliases": [
+        "adityap@microsoft.com",
+        "dongbow@microsoft.com",
+        "pmeinecke@microsoft.com",
+        "tplunk@microsoft.com"
+    ]
diff --git a/.pipelines/PowerShell-Snap-Official.yml b/.pipelines/PowerShell-Snap-Official.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d81bb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/PowerShell-Snap-Official.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+- name: release
+  type: string
+  displayName: |
+    Use `stable` to release by default.
+    Use `private` if you want to create a branch on the store to test the package.
+    This will create a branch under the edge branch automatically that are difficult, but not impossible to find.
+    `candidate`, `beta`, and `edge` are public but we don't have any existing meaning for these channels.
+  values:
+      - private
+      - stable
+      - candidate
+      - beta
+      - edge
+  default: stable
+trigger: none
+    value: $[counter('', 0)] # needed for onebranch.pipeline.version task 
+  - name: LinuxContainerImage
+    value: mcr.microsoft.com/onebranch/cbl-mariner/build:2.0 # Docker image which is used to build the project 
+    value: noninteractive
+  - group: poolNames
+  repositories:
+    - repository: templates
+      type: git
+      name: OneBranch.Pipelines/GovernedTemplates
+      ref: refs/heads/main
+  template: v2/OneBranch.Official.CrossPlat.yml@templates
+  parameters:
+    git:
+      fetchDepth: 1
+      # windows only feature
+      #longpaths: true
+      retryCount: 3
+      # we don't use this and some of our agents doesn't have the feature installed
+      lfs: false
+    cloudvault: 
+      enabled: false # set to true to enable cloudvault
+      runmode: stage # linux can run CloudVault upload as a separate stage
+      dependsOn: linux_build
+      artifacts:
+        - drop_linux_stage_linux_job
+    customTags: 'ES365AIMigrationTooling'
+    globalSdl:
+      disableLegacyManifest: true
+      # disabled Armorty as we dont have any ARM templates to scan. It fails on some sample ARM templates.
+      armory:
+        enabled: false
+      sbom:
+        enabled: true
+      compiled:
+          enabled: false
+      credscan:
+        enabled: true
+        scanFolder:  $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      cg:
+        enabled: true
+      asyncSdl: # https://aka.ms/obpipelines/asyncsdl
+        enabled: true
+        forStages: [scan_lts, scan_stable, scan_preview]
+        credscan:
+          enabled: true
+          scanFolder:  $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+          #suppressionsFile: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\PowerShell\.config\suppress.json
+        binskim:
+          enabled: false
+        # APIScan requires a non-Ready-To-Run build
+        apiscan:
+          enabled: false
+        tsaOptionsFile: .config\tsaoptions.json
+    stages:
+    - template: /.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml@self
+      parameters:
+        channel: stable
+        release: ${{ parameters.release }}
+    - template: /.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml@self
+      parameters:
+        channel: preview
+        release: ${{ parameters.release }}
+    - template: /.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml@self
+      parameters:
+        channel: lts
+        release: ${{ parameters.release }}
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/Approval.yml b/.pipelines/templates/Approval.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9d476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/Approval.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+    - name: displayName
+      type: string
+    - name: instructions
+      type: string
+    - name: jobName
+      type: string
+    - name: timeoutInMinutes
+      type: number
+      # 2 days
+      default: 2880
+    - name: onTimeout
+      type: string
+      default: 'reject'
+      values:
+          - resume
+          - reject
+    - job: ${{ parameters.jobName }}
+      displayName: ${{ parameters.displayName }}
+      pool:
+        type: agentless
+      timeoutInMinutes: 4320 # job times out in 3 days
+      steps:
+      - task: ManualValidation@0
+        displayName: ${{ parameters.displayName }}
+        timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
+        inputs:
+          instructions: ${{ parameters.instructions }}
+          onTimeout: ${{ parameters.onTimeout }}
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/InstallSnapd.yml b/.pipelines/templates/InstallSnapd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ed4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/InstallSnapd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  - bash: |
+        sudo apt update
+    displayName: Apt Update
+    condition: succeeded()
+  - bash: |
+        sudo apt-get -y install snapd
+    displayName: Install snapd
+    condition: succeeded()
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/createOutputDirectory-linux.yml b/.pipelines/templates/createOutputDirectory-linux.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f00b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/createOutputDirectory-linux.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - bash: |
+        mkdir -p -m a=rwx $(ob_outputDirectory)
+    displayName: Create $(ob_outputDirectory)
+    condition: succeeded()
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/pushJob.yml b/.pipelines/templates/pushJob.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcd3151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/pushJob.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  - name: channel
+    type: string
+  - name: release
+    default: 'private'
+- job: push
+  displayName: Push to ${{ parameters.release }}
+  pool:
+    type: linux
+    isCustom: true
+    name: $(ubuntuPool)
+    demands:
+      - ImageOverride -equals PSMMSUbuntu20.04-Secure
+  variables:
+    - name: ReleaseTag
+      value: edge/default
+    - group: SnapLogin
+    - name: channel
+      value: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+    - name: ob_outputDirectory
+      value: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/out'
+      value: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/down'
+  steps:
+    - checkout: self
+      lfs: false
+    - template: ./createOutputDirectory-linux.yml
+    - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+      displayName: 'Download build files'
+      inputs:
+        targetPath: $(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY)
+        artifact: drop_build_$(channel)_build_$(channel)
+    - pwsh: |
+        $snaps = Get-ChildItem $(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY)/*.snap -recurse -File
+        if($snaps.Count -gt 1)
+        {
+          $snaps | out-string -width 100 | Write-Verbose -verbose
+          Write-Error "***More than one snap found***" -errorAction stop
+        }
+      displayName: Verify that only one snap was downloaded
+    - pwsh: |
+        [string]$Branch=$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH
+        $branchOnly = $Branch -replace '^refs/heads/';
+        $branchOnly = $branchOnly -replace '[_\-]'
+        if('${{ parameters.release }}' -eq 'private') {
+          if($branchOnly -eq 'master' -or $branchOnly -like '*dailytest*')
+          {
+              Write-verbose "release branch: $branchOnly" -verbose
+              $generatedBranch = ([guid]::NewGuid()).ToString().Replace('-','')
+              $releaseTag = "edge/$generatedBranch"
+          }
+          else
+          {
+              Write-verbose "non-release branch" -verbose
+              # Branch is named <previewname>
+              $releaseTag = "edge/$branchOnly"
+              $releaseTag += ([guid]::NewGuid()).ToString().Replace('-','')
+          }
+        } 
+        else {
+          $releaseTag = "${{ parameters.release }}"
+        }
+        $vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=ReleaseTag]$releaseTag"
+        Write-Verbose -Message "setting ReleaseTag to $releaseTag" -Verbose
+        Write-Host -Object "##$vstsCommandString"
+      displayName: Set ReleaseTag Variable
+    - pwsh: |
+          sudo chown root:root /
+      displayName: 'Make sure root owns root'
+      condition: succeeded()
+    - template: ./InstallSnapd.yml
+    - pwsh: |
+          $channel = (Get-Content ./snapcraftConfig.json | ConvertFrom-Json).channel
+          Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "using Channel $channel"
+          sudo snap install snapcraft --classic "--channel=$channel"
+      condition: succeeded()
+      displayName: 'Install snapcraft'
+      retryCountOnTaskFailure: 2
+    - pwsh: |
+        $track = 'latest'
+        if('$(channel)' -eq 'lts')
+        {
+          $track = 'lts'
+        }
+        $snaps = Get-ChildItem $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/*.snap -recurse -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
+        foreach($snap in $snaps)
+        {
+          Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Uploading $snap to $track/$(ReleaseTag)"
+          snapcraft upload --release "$track/$(ReleaseTag)" $snap
+        }
+      displayName: 'snapcraft upload'
+      retryCountOnTaskFailure: 1
+      env:
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml b/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..203bb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildAndPushStage.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+  - name: channel
+    default: ''
+  - name: release
+    default: 'private'
+- stage: build_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  displayName: Build - ${{ parameters.channel }}
+  dependsOn: []
+  jobs:
+  - template: ./releaseBuildJob.yml
+    parameters:
+      channel: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+- stage: scan_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  displayName: SDL - ${{ parameters.channel }}
+  dependsOn: build_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  jobs:
+  - template: ./scanJob.yml
+    parameters:
+      channel: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+- stage: Push_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  displayName: Push - ${{ parameters.channel }} to ${{ parameters.release }}
+  dependsOn: scan_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  jobs:
+  - template: ./pushJob.yml
+    parameters:
+      channel: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+      release: ${{ parameters.release }}
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildJob.yml b/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildJob.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3d81a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/releaseBuildJob.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+  - name: channel
+    default: 'stable'
+  - name: test
+    default: Yes
+- job: build_${{ parameters.channel }}
+  displayName: Build ${{ parameters.channel }}
+  variables:
+    - name: channel
+      value: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+    - name: ob_outputDirectory
+      value: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/out'
+    - name: SNAP_MOUNT
+      value: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/pwshSnap
+    - name: SNAP_COPY
+      value: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/pwshSnapCopy
+    - name: SNAP_TARGZ
+      value: $(Agent.TempDirectory)/pwshSnap.tar.gz
+  pool:
+    type: linux
+    isCustom: true
+    name: $(ubuntuPool)
+    demands:
+      - ImageOverride -equals PSMMSUbuntu20.04-Secure
+  steps:
+    - checkout: self
+      lfs: false
+    - template: ./createOutputDirectory-linux.yml
+    - powershell: |
+          sudo chown root:root /
+      displayName: 'Make sure root owns root'
+      condition: succeeded()
+    - template: ./InstallSnapd.yml
+    - powershell: 'dir env:'
+      displayName: 'Capture Environment'
+    - powershell: |
+          $channel = (Get-Content ./snapcraftConfig.json | ConvertFrom-Json).channel
+          Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "using Channel $channel"
+          sudo snap install snapcraft --classic "--channel=$channel"
+      displayName: Install snapcraft
+      condition: succeeded()
+      retryCountOnTaskFailure: 2
+    - powershell: |
+        switch('$(channel)') {
+          'stable' {
+              cd stable
+              $message = "vso[task.setvariable variable=PS_SNAP_EXEC;]powershell"
+              Write-Host $message
+              Write-Host "##$message"
+            }
+            'lts' {
+              cd lts
+              $message = "vso[task.setvariable variable=PS_SNAP_EXEC;]powershell"
+              Write-Host $message
+              Write-Host "##$message"
+            }
+            'preview' {
+              cd preview
+              $message = "vso[task.setvariable variable=PS_SNAP_EXEC;]powershell-preview"
+              Write-Host $message
+              Write-Host "##$message"
+            }
+          default {
+            throw "Unknown channel: '$(channel)'"
+          }
+        }
+        Write-Host "Building snap..."
+        # destructive-mode leaves files and packages on the machine
+        # This is okay because Azure DevOps Hosted machines are ephemeral.
+        Write-Verbose "snapcraft version: $(snapcraft --version)" -Verbose
+        snapcraft snap --debug --destructive-mode
+        Write-Host "finding snap..."
+        $snap = Get-ChildItem "*.snap" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fullname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+        if(!$snap)
+        {
+          throw "snap build failed"
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          $message = "vso[task.setvariable variable=PS_SNAP_PATH;]$snap"
+          Write-Host $message
+          Write-Host "##$message"
+        }
+      displayName: Build snap $(channel)
+      condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['$(channel)'],'no'))
+    - powershell: |
+        Get-ChildItem env:
+      displayName: Capture env
+      condition: always()
+    - powershell: |
+        Get-ChildItem $env:HOME/.local/state/snapcraft/log/*.log | foreach-object {
+          $name = $_.fullname
+          Write-Verbose -Verbose "uploading '$name'"
+          Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=$(channel)-logs;artifactname=$(channel)-log]$name"
+        }
+      displayName: 'Upload $(channel) build log'
+      condition: always()
+    - powershell: |
+          sudo snap install $(PS_SNAP_PATH) --classic --dangerous
+      displayName: 'Install $(channel) snap'
+      condition: succeeded()
+    - powershell: |
+          &"$(PS_SNAP_EXEC)" -nologo -c '$psversiontable'
+      displayName: 'Test $(channel) snap'
+      condition: and(succeeded(), eq('${{ parameters.test }}','Yes'))
+    # This is what we would need to do if this wasn't a custom job
+    - powershell: |
+        Copy-Item $(PS_SNAP_PATH) -Destination $(ob_outputDirectory)/ -verbose
+        $artifactName = "drop_build_$(channel)_build_$(channel)"
+        Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=${artifactName};artifactname=${artifactName}]$(ob_outputDirectory)"
+      displayName: Copy Artifact to OneBranch Job output directory and publish - $(channel)
+      condition: succeeded()
+      continueOnError: true
+    - pwsh: |
+        $snap = '$(PS_SNAP_PATH)'
+        $mount = $env:SNAP_MOUNT
+        $null = new-item -Path $mount -ItemType Directory -Force
+        Write-Verbose -Verbose "sudo mount -t squashfs -o ro $snap $mount"
+        sudo mount -t squashfs -o ro $snap $mount
+        Write-Verbose -Verbose "get-childitem -recurse $mount"
+        get-childitem -recurse $mount
+      displayName: Unsquash Snap and capture contents
+    # Copy to read write filesystem because scan tries to write back to this folder.
+    - pwsh: |
+        $mount = $env:SNAP_MOUNT
+        $readWriteCopy = $env:SNAP_COPY
+        Write-Verbose -Verbose "mount: $mount; copy: $readWriteCopy"
+        $null = new-item -Path $readWriteCopy -ItemType Directory -Force
+        $filesToExclude = Get-ChildItem -Path $mount -Recurse | Where-Object Attributes -match reparsepoint
+        $exclude = @()
+        $exclude += $filesToExclude | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Name)" + "*" }
+        Copy-Item -Path $mount -Destination $readWriteCopy\ -Exclude $exclude -Force -Recurse -Verbose
+        Write-Verbose -Verbose "get-childitem -recurse $readWriteCopy"
+        get-childitem -recurse $readWriteCopy
+      displayName: Copy to read/write fs
+    - pwsh: |
+        Write-Verbose "tar -czf ${env:SNAP_TARGZ} ${env:SNAP_COPY}" -Verbose
+        tar -czf ${env:SNAP_TARGZ} ${env:SNAP_COPY}
+        copy-item ${env:SNAP_TARGZ} -destination $(ob_outputDirectory)/ -verbose
+      displayName: tar the snap contents from the r/w copy
+    # Uploads any packages as an artifact
+    - powershell: |
+        $artifactName = "drop_build_$(channel)_build_$(channel)_targz"
+        Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=${artifactName};artifactname=${artifactName}]${env:SNAP_TARGZ}"
+      displayName: Publish tar.gz Artifact - $(channel)
+      condition: succeeded()
+      continueOnError: true
diff --git a/.pipelines/templates/scanJob.yml b/.pipelines/templates/scanJob.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d40e3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/templates/scanJob.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  - name: channel
+    type: string
+- job: scan
+  displayName: Scan ${{ parameters.channel }}
+  pool:
+    type: linux
+  variables:
+    - name: channel
+      value: ${{ parameters.channel }}
+    - name: ob_outputDirectory
+      value: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/out'
+      value: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/down'
+  steps:
+    - template: ./createOutputDirectory-linux.yml
+    - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
+      displayName: 'Download targz files'
+      inputs:
+        targetPath: $(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY)
+        artifact: drop_build_$(channel)_build_$(channel)_targz
+    - pwsh: |
+        $targzs = Get-ChildItem $(DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY)/*.tar.gz -recurse -File | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
+        foreach($targz in $targzs)
+        {
+            Write-Verbose -Verbose "Extracting $targz"
+            $target = '$(ob_outputDirectory)'
+            tar -xvf $targz -C $target
+        }
+      displayName: 'Extract Tar.Gz'