- Please note your website needs to have the{' '}
- PostHog snippet or at least version 1.81.1 of{' '}
- posthog-js
- {' '}
- directly installed. For more details, check out our{' '}
- docs
- .
Get notified whenever a survey result is submitted
diff --git a/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/surveyLogic.tsx b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/surveyLogic.tsx
index 69de63ea251d1..ee04556074003 100644
--- a/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/surveyLogic.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/surveyLogic.tsx
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import {
import { defaultSurveyAppearance, defaultSurveyFieldValues, NEW_SURVEY, NewSurvey } from './constants'
import type { surveyLogicType } from './surveyLogicType'
import { surveysLogic } from './surveysLogic'
-import { sanitizeHTML } from './utils'
+import { sanitizeHTML, sanitizeSurveyAppearance, validateColor } from './utils'
export enum SurveyEditSection {
Steps = 'steps',
@@ -645,6 +645,8 @@ export const surveyLogic = kea([
// When errors occur, scroll to the error, but wait for errors to be set in the DOM first
if (hasFormErrors(values.flagPropertyErrors) || values.urlMatchTypeValidationError) {
+ } else if (hasFormErrors(values.survey.appearance)) {
+ actions.setSelectedSection(SurveyEditSection.Customization)
} else {
@@ -1220,42 +1222,57 @@ export const surveyLogic = kea([
forms(({ actions, props, values }) => ({
survey: {
defaults: { ...NEW_SURVEY } as NewSurvey | Survey,
- errors: ({ name, questions }) => ({
- // NOTE: When more validation errors are added, the submitSurveyFailure listener should be updated
- // to scroll to the right error section
- name: !name && 'Please enter a name.',
- questions: questions.map((question) => {
- const questionErrors = {
- question: !question.question && 'Please enter a question label.',
- }
- if (question.type === SurveyQuestionType.Rating) {
- return {
- ...questionErrors,
- display: !question.display && 'Please choose a display type.',
- scale: !question.scale && 'Please choose a scale.',
- lowerBoundLabel: !question.lowerBoundLabel && 'Please enter a lower bound label.',
- upperBoundLabel: !question.upperBoundLabel && 'Please enter an upper bound label.',
+ errors: ({ name, questions, appearance }) => {
+ const sanitizedAppearance = sanitizeSurveyAppearance(appearance)
+ return {
+ name: !name && 'Please enter a name.',
+ questions: questions.map((question) => {
+ const questionErrors = {
+ question: !question.question && 'Please enter a question label.',
- } else if (
- question.type === SurveyQuestionType.SingleChoice ||
- question.type === SurveyQuestionType.MultipleChoice
- ) {
- return {
- ...questionErrors,
- choices: question.choices.some((choice) => !choice.trim())
- ? 'Please ensure all choices are non-empty.'
- : undefined,
+ if (question.type === SurveyQuestionType.Rating) {
+ return {
+ ...questionErrors,
+ display: !question.display && 'Please choose a display type.',
+ scale: !question.scale && 'Please choose a scale.',
+ lowerBoundLabel: !question.lowerBoundLabel && 'Please enter a lower bound label.',
+ upperBoundLabel: !question.upperBoundLabel && 'Please enter an upper bound label.',
+ }
+ } else if (
+ question.type === SurveyQuestionType.SingleChoice ||
+ question.type === SurveyQuestionType.MultipleChoice
+ ) {
+ return {
+ ...questionErrors,
+ choices: question.choices.some((choice) => !choice.trim())
+ ? 'Please ensure all choices are non-empty.'
+ : undefined,
+ }
- }
- return questionErrors
- }),
- // release conditions controlled using a PureField in the form
- targeting_flag_filters: values.flagPropertyErrors,
- // controlled using a PureField in the form
- urlMatchType: values.urlMatchTypeValidationError,
- }),
+ return questionErrors
+ }),
+ // release conditions controlled using a PureField in the form
+ targeting_flag_filters: values.flagPropertyErrors,
+ // controlled using a PureField in the form
+ urlMatchType: values.urlMatchTypeValidationError,
+ appearance: sanitizedAppearance && {
+ backgroundColor: validateColor(sanitizedAppearance.backgroundColor, 'background color'),
+ borderColor: validateColor(sanitizedAppearance.borderColor, 'border color'),
+ ratingButtonActiveColor: validateColor(
+ sanitizedAppearance.ratingButtonActiveColor,
+ 'rating button active color'
+ ),
+ ratingButtonColor: validateColor(sanitizedAppearance.ratingButtonColor, 'rating button color'),
+ submitButtonColor: validateColor(sanitizedAppearance.submitButtonColor, 'button color'),
+ submitButtonTextColor: validateColor(
+ sanitizedAppearance.submitButtonTextColor,
+ 'button text color'
+ ),
+ },
+ }
+ },
submit: (surveyPayload) => {
if (values.hasCycle) {
@@ -1265,12 +1282,17 @@ export const surveyLogic = kea([
+ const payload = {
+ ...surveyPayload,
+ appearance: sanitizeSurveyAppearance(surveyPayload.appearance),
+ }
// when the survey is being submitted, we should turn off editing mode
if (props.id && props.id !== 'new') {
- actions.updateSurvey(surveyPayload)
+ actions.updateSurvey(payload)
} else {
- actions.createSurvey(surveyPayload)
+ actions.createSurvey(payload)
diff --git a/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.test.ts b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2b2a52162dbef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import { SurveyAppearance } from '~/types'
+import { sanitizeColor, sanitizeSurveyAppearance, validateColor } from './utils'
+describe('survey utils', () => {
+ beforeAll(() => {
+ // Mock CSS.supports
+ global.CSS = {
+ supports: (property: string, value: string): boolean => {
+ // Basic color validation - this is a simplified version
+ if (property === 'color') {
+ // Helper to validate RGB/HSL number ranges
+ const isValidRGBNumber = (n: string): boolean => {
+ const num = parseInt(n)
+ return !isNaN(num) && num >= 0 && num <= 255
+ }
+ const isValidAlpha = (n: string): boolean => {
+ const num = parseFloat(n)
+ return !isNaN(num) && num >= 0 && num <= 1
+ }
+ // Hex colors (3, 4, 6 or 8 digits)
+ if (value.match(/^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}){1,2}$/) || value.match(/^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}){1,2}$/)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // RGB colors
+ const rgbMatch = value.match(/^rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)$/)
+ if (rgbMatch) {
+ return (
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbMatch[1]) &&
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbMatch[2]) &&
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbMatch[3])
+ )
+ }
+ // RGBA colors
+ const rgbaMatch = value.match(/^rgba\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*([\d.]+)\s*\)$/)
+ if (rgbaMatch) {
+ return (
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbaMatch[1]) &&
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbaMatch[2]) &&
+ isValidRGBNumber(rgbaMatch[3]) &&
+ isValidAlpha(rgbaMatch[4])
+ )
+ }
+ // HSL colors
+ if (value.match(/^hsl\(\s*\d+\s*,\s*\d+%\s*,\s*\d+%\s*\)$/)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // HSLA colors
+ if (value.match(/^hsla\(\s*\d+\s*,\s*\d+%\s*,\s*\d+%\s*,\s*[\d.]+\s*\)$/)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // Named colors - extend the list with more common colors
+ return ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'transparent', 'black', 'white'].includes(value)
+ }
+ return false
+ },
+ } as unknown as typeof CSS
+ })
+ describe('validateColor', () => {
+ it('returns undefined for valid colors in different formats', () => {
+ // Hex colors
+ expect(validateColor('#ff0000', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(validateColor('#f00', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(validateColor('#ff000080', 'test')).toBeUndefined() // With alpha
+ // RGB/RGBA colors
+ expect(validateColor('rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(validateColor('rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ // HSL/HSLA colors
+ expect(validateColor('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(validateColor('hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5)', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ // Named colors
+ expect(validateColor('red', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(validateColor('transparent', 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ })
+ it('returns error message for invalid colors', () => {
+ expect(validateColor('not-a-color', 'test')).toBe(
+ 'Invalid color value for test. Please use a valid CSS color.'
+ )
+ })
+ it('returns undefined for undefined input', () => {
+ expect(validateColor(undefined, 'test')).toBeUndefined()
+ })
+ })
+ describe('sanitizeColor', () => {
+ it('returns undefined for falsy values', () => {
+ expect(sanitizeColor(undefined)).toBeUndefined()
+ expect(sanitizeColor('')).toBeUndefined()
+ })
+ it('adds # prefix to valid hex colors without it', () => {
+ expect(sanitizeColor('ff0000')).toBe('#ff0000')
+ expect(sanitizeColor('123456')).toBe('#123456')
+ })
+ it('returns original value for already valid colors', () => {
+ expect(sanitizeColor('#ff0000')).toBe('#ff0000')
+ expect(sanitizeColor('rgb(255, 0, 0)')).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)')
+ expect(sanitizeColor('red')).toBe('red')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('sanitizeSurveyAppearance', () => {
+ it('returns null for null input', () => {
+ expect(sanitizeSurveyAppearance(null)).toBeNull()
+ })
+ it('sanitizes all color fields in the appearance object', () => {
+ const input: SurveyAppearance = {
+ backgroundColor: 'ff0000',
+ borderColor: '00ff00',
+ ratingButtonActiveColor: '0000ff',
+ ratingButtonColor: 'ffffff',
+ submitButtonColor: '000000',
+ submitButtonTextColor: 'cccccc',
+ // Add other required fields from SurveyAppearance type as needed
+ }
+ const result = sanitizeSurveyAppearance(input)
+ expect(result?.backgroundColor).toBe('#ff0000')
+ expect(result?.borderColor).toBe('#00ff00')
+ expect(result?.ratingButtonActiveColor).toBe('#0000ff')
+ expect(result?.ratingButtonColor).toBe('#ffffff')
+ expect(result?.submitButtonColor).toBe('#000000')
+ expect(result?.submitButtonTextColor).toBe('#cccccc')
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.ts b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.ts
index 4493e1ac943e6..0bd730d8ff35e 100644
--- a/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/scenes/surveys/utils.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,47 @@
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'
+import { SurveyAppearance } from '~/types'
const sanitizeConfig = { ADD_ATTR: ['target'] }
export function sanitizeHTML(html: string): string {
return DOMPurify.sanitize(html, sanitizeConfig)
+export function sanitizeColor(color: string | undefined): string | undefined {
+ if (!color) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ // test if the color is valid by adding a # to the beginning of the string
+ if (!validateColor(`#${color}`, 'color')) {
+ return `#${color}`
+ }
+ return color
+export function validateColor(color: string | undefined, fieldName: string): string | undefined {
+ if (!color) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ // Test if the color value is valid using CSS.supports
+ const isValidColor = CSS.supports('color', color)
+ return !isValidColor ? `Invalid color value for ${fieldName}. Please use a valid CSS color.` : undefined
+export function sanitizeSurveyAppearance(appearance: SurveyAppearance | null): SurveyAppearance | null {
+ if (!appearance) {
+ return null
+ }
+ return {
+ ...appearance,
+ backgroundColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.backgroundColor),
+ borderColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.borderColor),
+ ratingButtonActiveColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.ratingButtonActiveColor),
+ ratingButtonColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.ratingButtonColor),
+ submitButtonColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.submitButtonColor),
+ submitButtonTextColor: sanitizeColor(appearance.submitButtonTextColor),
+ }
diff --git a/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.test.ts b/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c3ac0031d6076..0000000000000
--- a/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-import { FEATURE_FLAGS } from '~/lib/constants'
-import { BaseMathType } from '~/types'
-import { filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags, MathCategory, MathDefinition } from './mathsLogic'
-describe('mathsLogic', () => {
- it('should filter out math types that are not enabled', () => {
- const mathDefinitions: Record = {
- test: { name: 'test', category: MathCategory.EventCount, shortName: 'test', description: 'test' },
- [BaseMathType.FirstTimeForUser]: {
- name: 'test',
- category: MathCategory.EventCount,
- shortName: 'test',
- description: 'test',
- },
- }
- expect(
- filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(mathDefinitions, {
- })
- ).toEqual(mathDefinitions)
- const res = filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(mathDefinitions, {
- })
- expect(res).not.toHaveProperty(BaseMathType.FirstTimeForUser)
- expect(res).toHaveProperty('test', mathDefinitions.test)
- })
diff --git a/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.tsx b/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.tsx
index 18ce6ad0fce1a..e041fc96f627b 100644
--- a/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.tsx
+++ b/frontend/src/scenes/trends/mathsLogic.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { connect, kea, path, selectors } from 'kea'
-import { FEATURE_FLAGS } from 'lib/constants'
import { groupsAccessLogic } from 'lib/introductions/groupsAccessLogic'
import { featureFlagLogic } from 'lib/logic/featureFlagLogic'
@@ -37,8 +36,8 @@ export const FUNNEL_MATH_DEFINITIONS: Record = {
shortName: 'first event',
description: (
- Only the first time the user performed this event will count towards the funnel, and only if it matches
- the event filters.
+ Matches only the first time the user performed this event type. If this event does not match the event
+ filters, or is outside the selected date range, the user will be excluded from the funnel.
@@ -54,8 +53,9 @@ export const FUNNEL_MATH_DEFINITIONS: Record = {
shortName: 'first matching event',
description: (
- The first time the user performed this event that matches the event filters will count towards the
- funnel.
+ Matches only the first time the user performed this event type with the selected filters. If this event
+ is outside the selected date range, or the user never performed the event with the selected filters, the
+ user will be excluded from the funnel.
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ export const BASE_MATH_DEFINITIONS: Record = {
shortName: 'first time',
description: (
- Only the first time the user performed this event will count, and only if it matches the event filters.
+ Matches only the first time the user performed this event type. If this event does not match the event
+ filters, or is outside the selected date range, the user will be excluded from the insight.
@@ -161,7 +162,9 @@ export const BASE_MATH_DEFINITIONS: Record = {
shortName: 'first matching event',
description: (
- The first time the user performed this event that matches the event filters will count.
+ Matches only the first time the user performed this event type with the selected filters. If this event
+ is outside the selected date range, or the user never performed the event with the selected filters, the
+ user will be excluded from the insight.
@@ -388,8 +391,8 @@ export const mathsLogic = kea([
mathDefinitions: [
- (s) => [s.groupsMathDefinitions, s.featureFlags],
- (groupsMathDefinitions, featureFlags): Record => {
+ (s) => [s.groupsMathDefinitions],
+ (groupsMathDefinitions): Record => {
const allMathDefinitions: Record = {
@@ -397,27 +400,27 @@ export const mathsLogic = kea([
- return filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(allMathDefinitions, featureFlags)
+ return allMathDefinitions
funnelMathDefinitions: [
- (s) => [s.featureFlags],
- (featureFlags): Record => {
+ () => [],
+ (): Record => {
const funnelMathDefinitions: Record = {
- return filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(funnelMathDefinitions, featureFlags)
+ return funnelMathDefinitions
// Static means the options do not have nested selectors (like math function)
staticMathDefinitions: [
- (s) => [s.groupsMathDefinitions, s.needsUpgradeForGroups, s.featureFlags],
- (groupsMathDefinitions, needsUpgradeForGroups, featureFlags): Record => {
+ (s) => [s.groupsMathDefinitions, s.needsUpgradeForGroups],
+ (groupsMathDefinitions, needsUpgradeForGroups): Record => {
const staticMathDefinitions: Record = {
...(!needsUpgradeForGroups ? groupsMathDefinitions : {}),
- return filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(staticMathDefinitions, featureFlags)
+ return staticMathDefinitions
staticActorsOnlyMathDefinitions: [
@@ -462,14 +465,3 @@ export const mathsLogic = kea([
-export function filterMathTypesUnderFeatureFlags(
- mathDefinitions: Record,
- featureFlags: Record
-): Record {
- const copy = { ...mathDefinitions }
- delete copy[BaseMathType.FirstTimeForUser]
- }
- return copy
diff --git a/frontend/src/types.ts b/frontend/src/types.ts
index 0997ee58623bf..a1b9358c6cdfd 100644
--- a/frontend/src/types.ts
+++ b/frontend/src/types.ts
@@ -842,6 +842,7 @@ export interface CohortPropertyFilter extends BasePropertyFilter {
value: number
/** @default 'in' */
operator: PropertyOperator
+ cohort_name?: string
export interface GroupPropertyFilter extends BasePropertyFilter {
@@ -2348,6 +2349,7 @@ export interface StickinessFilterType extends FilterType {
show_legend?: boolean // used to show/hide legend next to insights graph
hidden_legend_keys?: Record // used to toggle visibilities in table and legend
show_values_on_series?: boolean
+ show_multiple_y_axes?: boolean
// persons only
stickiness_days?: number
diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml
index ec77db9f83121..28fa38383152d 100644
--- a/pnpm-lock.yaml
+++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml
@@ -15180,8 +15180,8 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-hAZsKq7Yy11Zu1DE0OzWjw7nnLZmJZYTDZZyEFHZdUhV8FkH5MCfoU1XMaxXovpyW5nq5scPqq0ZDP9Zyl04oQ==}
engines: {node: '>= 10.0.0'}
- unlayer-types@1.219.0:
- resolution: {integrity: sha512-hMjlu7cQqZF8CdPggPJ3kfl/djDOhS+YM7R8Y+NLqfqtFxNtejr5ym9NcG94wL3wVnXgTYy07NFS9ICxHqVZYQ==}
+ unlayer-types@1.221.0:
+ resolution: {integrity: sha512-/HcJ4yFRESZrtfdFLbKCuzg/sPPmxjGv1az13IQKXdTHLqJimTFrZhLYNPl+dgmDADbulIFwfh9hgZcI8JY6ZA==}
resolution: {integrity: sha512-pjy2bYhSsufwWlKwPc+l3cN7+wuJlK6uz0YdJEOlQDbl6jo/YlPi4mb8agUkVC8BF7V8NuzeyPNqRksA3hztKQ==}
@@ -32684,7 +32684,7 @@ snapshots:
react: 18.2.0
- unlayer-types: 1.219.0
+ unlayer-types: 1.221.0
@@ -34751,7 +34751,7 @@ snapshots:
universalify@2.0.0: {}
- unlayer-types@1.219.0: {}
+ unlayer-types@1.221.0: {}
unpipe@1.0.0: {}
diff --git a/posthog/api/feature_flag.py b/posthog/api/feature_flag.py
index 2a98af4711595..481b84f904b5e 100644
--- a/posthog/api/feature_flag.py
+++ b/posthog/api/feature_flag.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from typing import Any, Optional, cast
from datetime import datetime
-from django.db.models import QuerySet, Q, deletion
+from django.db.models import QuerySet, Q, deletion, Prefetch
from django.conf import settings
from drf_spectacular.utils import OpenApiParameter
from drf_spectacular.types import OpenApiTypes
@@ -457,6 +457,41 @@ def get_status(self, feature_flag: FeatureFlag) -> str:
flag_status, _ = checker.get_status()
return flag_status.name
+ def to_representation(self, instance):
+ representation = super().to_representation(instance)
+ filters = representation.get("filters", {})
+ groups = filters.get("groups", [])
+ # Get all cohort IDs used in the feature flag
+ cohort_ids = set()
+ for group in groups:
+ for property in group.get("properties", []):
+ if property.get("type") == "cohort":
+ cohort_ids.add(property.get("value"))
+ # Use prefetched cohorts if available
+ if hasattr(instance.team, "available_cohorts"):
+ cohorts = {
+ str(cohort.id): cohort.name
+ for cohort in instance.team.available_cohorts
+ if str(cohort.id) in map(str, cohort_ids)
+ }
+ else:
+ # Fallback to database query if cohorts weren't prefetched
+ cohorts = {
+ str(cohort.id): cohort.name
+ for cohort in Cohort.objects.filter(id__in=cohort_ids, team__project_id=self.context["project_id"])
+ }
+ # Add cohort names to the response
+ for group in groups:
+ for property in group.get("properties", []):
+ if property.get("type") == "cohort":
+ property["cohort_name"] = cohorts.get(str(property.get("value")))
+ representation["filters"] = filters
+ return representation
def _create_usage_dashboard(feature_flag: FeatureFlag, user):
from posthog.helpers.dashboard_templates import create_feature_flag_dashboard
@@ -559,6 +594,13 @@ def safely_get_queryset(self, queryset) -> QuerySet:
+ .prefetch_related(
+ Prefetch(
+ "team__cohort_set",
+ queryset=Cohort.objects.filter(deleted=False).only("id", "name"),
+ to_attr="available_cohorts",
+ )
+ )
survey_targeting_flags = Survey.objects.filter(
diff --git a/posthog/api/test/test_feature_flag.py b/posthog/api/test/test_feature_flag.py
index bcbdfd1f9dda2..09f93776a938e 100644
--- a/posthog/api/test/test_feature_flag.py
+++ b/posthog/api/test/test_feature_flag.py
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@ def test_getting_flags_is_not_nplus1(self) -> None:
- with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(14, 15)):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(16, 17)):
response = self.client.get(f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ def test_getting_flags_is_not_nplus1(self) -> None:
- with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(14, 15)):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(16, 17)):
response = self.client.get(f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ def test_getting_flags_with_no_creator(self) -> None:
name="Flag role access",
- with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(14, 15)):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(FuzzyInt(16, 17)):
response = self.client.get(f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
self.assertEqual(len(response.json()["results"]), 2)
@@ -4705,6 +4705,40 @@ def test_cant_create_flag_with_group_data_that_fails_to_query(self):
+ def test_feature_flag_includes_cohort_names(self):
+ cohort = Cohort.objects.create(
+ team=self.team,
+ name="test_cohort",
+ groups=[{"properties": [{"key": "email", "value": "@posthog.com", "type": "person"}]}],
+ )
+ response = self.client.post(
+ f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags/",
+ {
+ "name": "Alpha feature",
+ "key": "alpha-feature",
+ "filters": {
+ "groups": [{"properties": [{"key": "id", "type": "cohort", "value": cohort.pk}]}],
+ },
+ },
+ format="json",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
+ # Get the flag
+ response = self.client.get(
+ f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags/{response.json()['id']}/",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.json()["filters"]["groups"][0]["properties"][0],
+ {
+ "key": "id",
+ "type": "cohort",
+ "value": cohort.pk,
+ "cohort_name": "test_cohort",
+ },
+ )
class TestCohortGenerationForFeatureFlag(APIBaseTest, ClickhouseTestMixin):
def test_creating_static_cohort_with_deleted_flag(self):
diff --git a/posthog/api/test/test_survey.py b/posthog/api/test/test_survey.py
index 38626ede897ce..e1068046b3830 100644
--- a/posthog/api/test/test_survey.py
+++ b/posthog/api/test/test_survey.py
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ def test_used_in_survey_is_populated_correctly_for_feature_flag_list(self) -> No
- with self.assertNumQueries(20):
+ with self.assertNumQueries(22):
response = self.client.get(f"/api/projects/{self.team.id}/feature_flags")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
result = response.json()
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/error_tracking_query_runner.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/error_tracking_query_runner.py
index 5921c5b4ef9e9..5fb2cbe4ec831 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/error_tracking_query_runner.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/error_tracking_query_runner.py
@@ -218,12 +218,6 @@ def results(self, columns: list[str], query_results: list):
"aggregations": self.extract_aggregations(result_dict),
- else:
- logger.error(
- "error tracking issue not found",
- issue_id=result_dict["id"],
- exc_info=True,
- )
return results
@@ -256,12 +250,14 @@ def properties(self):
return self.query.filterGroup.values[0].values if self.query.filterGroup else None
def error_tracking_issues(self, ids):
+ status = self.query.status
queryset = ErrorTrackingIssue.objects.select_related("assignment").filter(team=self.team, id__in=ids)
- queryset = (
- queryset.filter(id=self.query.issueId)
- if self.query.issueId
- else queryset.filter(status__in=[ErrorTrackingIssue.Status.ACTIVE])
- )
+ if self.query.issueId:
+ queryset = queryset.filter(id=self.query.issueId)
+ elif status and not status == "all":
+ queryset = queryset.filter(status=status)
if self.query.assignee:
queryset = (
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/funnels/test/test_funnel_aggregation_operations.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/funnels/test/test_funnel_aggregation_operations.py
index 5cfef9b468674..d2402a7d2675e 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/funnels/test/test_funnel_aggregation_operations.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/funnels/test/test_funnel_aggregation_operations.py
@@ -172,12 +172,24 @@ def test_first_time_for_user_aggregation_query_having(self):
query = cast(ast.SelectQuery, query.select_from.table)
assert query.having is not None
- assert isinstance(query.having, ast.CompareOperation)
- assert query.having.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.Eq
- assert isinstance(query.having.left, ast.Field)
- assert query.having.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
- assert isinstance(query.having.right, ast.Field)
- assert query.having.right.chain == ["min_timestamp_with_condition"]
+ assert isinstance(query.having, ast.And)
+ assert len(query.having.exprs) == 2
+ first = query.having.exprs[0]
+ assert isinstance(first, ast.CompareOperation)
+ assert first.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.Eq
+ assert isinstance(first.left, ast.Field)
+ assert first.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
+ assert isinstance(first.right, ast.Field)
+ assert first.right.chain == ["min_timestamp_with_condition"]
+ second = query.having.exprs[1]
+ assert isinstance(second, ast.CompareOperation)
+ assert second.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.NotEq
+ assert isinstance(second.left, ast.Field)
+ assert second.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
+ assert isinstance(second.right, ast.Call)
def test_first_time_for_user_aggregation_query_sampling_factor(self):
funnels_query = FunnelsQuery(
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/breakdown.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/breakdown.py
index b1fba204f44b7..f21ed00eeb170 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/breakdown.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/breakdown.py
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ def get_actors_query_where_filter(self, lookup_values: str | int | list[int | st
actors_filter = self._get_actors_query_where_expr(
+ normalize_url=breakdown.normalize_url,
), # numeric values are only in cohorts, so it's a safe convertion here
@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ def get_actors_query_where_filter(self, lookup_values: str | int | list[int | st
), # all other value types were excluded already
+ normalize_url=self._breakdown_filter.breakdown_normalize_url,
), # numeric values are only in cohorts, so it's a safe convertion here
@@ -265,6 +267,7 @@ def _get_actors_query_where_expr(
breakdown_value: str,
breakdown_type: BreakdownType | MultipleBreakdownType | None,
lookup_value: str,
+ normalize_url: bool | None = None,
histogram_bin_count: int | None = None,
group_type_index: int | None = None,
@@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ def _get_actors_query_where_expr(
raise ValueError("Breakdown value must be a valid JSON array if the the bin count is selected.")
return ast.CompareOperation(
- left=self.get_replace_null_values_transform(left),
+ left=self._get_breakdown_values_transform(left, normalize_url=normalize_url),
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/test/test_trends_query_runner.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/test/test_trends_query_runner.py
index b17a0e1d4f395..14ad8b5105817 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/test/test_trends_query_runner.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/test/test_trends_query_runner.py
@@ -5026,41 +5026,49 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user(self):
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-06T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- )
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
- )
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
- )
- _create_event(
+ _create_person(
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-10T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
+ distinct_ids=["p2"],
+ properties={},
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
+ distinct_id=f"p1",
+ timestamp="2020-01-06T12:00:00Z",
properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-10T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
+ )
response = self._run_trends_query(
@@ -5081,7 +5089,7 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user(self):
assert response.results[0]["count"] == 1
assert response.results[0]["data"] == [0, 0, 1, 0]
- def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
+ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown_and_filter_being_the_same(self):
@@ -5092,45 +5100,20 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
- # these events outside date range should be ignored
- _create_event(
+ _create_person(
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-06T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
+ distinct_ids=["p3"],
+ properties={},
- distinct_id="p2",
+ distinct_id=f"p1",
properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-06T13:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- )
- # only this event for p1 should be included
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
- )
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
- )
@@ -5139,7 +5122,6 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- # only this event for p2 should be included
@@ -5147,14 +5129,6 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- _create_event(
- team=self.team,
- event="$pageview",
- distinct_id="p1",
- timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
- properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
- )
@@ -5163,6 +5137,22 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
properties={"$browser": "Firefox"},
+ for i in range(1, 4):
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome"},
+ )
response = self._run_trends_query(
@@ -5173,23 +5163,92 @@ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown(self):
+ properties=[EventPropertyFilter(key="$browser", operator=PropertyOperator.EXACT, value="Firefox")],
BreakdownFilter(breakdown_type=BreakdownType.EVENT, breakdown="$browser"),
- # one for each breakdown value
+ assert len(response.results) == 1
+ # firefox
+ assert response.results[0]["breakdown_value"] == "Firefox"
+ assert response.results[0]["count"] == 1
+ # match on 10th (p2) for third day in time range
+ assert response.results[0]["data"] == [0, 0, 1, 0]
+ def test_trends_aggregation_first_matching_event_for_user_with_breakdown_and_filter_being_different(self):
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p1"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p2"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ for i in range(1, 3):
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "breakdown_prop": i},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-10T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "breakdown_prop": i},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "breakdown_prop": i},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "breakdown_prop": i},
+ )
+ flush_persons_and_events()
+ response = self._run_trends_query(
+ "2020-01-08",
+ "2020-01-11",
+ IntervalType.DAY,
+ [
+ EventsNode(
+ event="$pageview",
+ properties=[EventPropertyFilter(key="$browser", operator=PropertyOperator.EXACT, value="Firefox")],
+ )
+ ],
+ TrendsFilter(display=ChartDisplayType.ACTIONS_LINE_GRAPH),
+ BreakdownFilter(breakdown_type=BreakdownType.EVENT, breakdown="breakdown_prop"),
+ )
+ response.results.sort(key=lambda x: x["breakdown_value"])
assert len(response.results) == 2
- # chrome
- assert response.results[0]["breakdown_value"] == "Chrome"
+ # 1
+ assert response.results[0]["breakdown_value"] == "1"
assert response.results[0]["count"] == 1
- # match on 8th (p1) for first day in time range
- assert response.results[0]["data"] == [1, 0, 0, 0]
+ # match on 10th (p2) for third day in time range
+ assert response.results[0]["data"] == [0, 0, 1, 0]
- # firefox
- assert response.results[1]["breakdown_value"] == "Firefox"
+ # 2
+ assert response.results[1]["breakdown_value"] == "2"
assert response.results[1]["count"] == 1
# match on 10th (p2) for third day in time range
assert response.results[1]["data"] == [0, 0, 1, 0]
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/trends_actors_query_builder.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/trends_actors_query_builder.py
index c7baa7cd837f5..e18329a5bfeab 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/trends_actors_query_builder.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/trends/trends_actors_query_builder.py
@@ -206,9 +206,15 @@ def _get_events_query(self) -> ast.SelectQuery:
- filters=self._events_where_expr(with_date_range_expr=False, with_event_or_action_expr=False),
+ filters=self._events_where_expr(
+ with_date_range_expr=False, with_event_or_action_expr=False, with_breakdown_expr=False
+ ),
+ filters_with_breakdown=self._events_where_expr(
+ with_date_range_expr=False, with_event_or_action_expr=False
+ ),
+ is_first_matching_event=self.trends_aggregation_operations.is_first_matching_event(),
query_builder.extend_select(columns, aggregate=True)
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/aggregations.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/aggregations.py
index 3c453c79c4616..b8a8e8eba6d9c 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/aggregations.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/aggregations.py
@@ -69,20 +69,32 @@ def __init__(
event_or_action_filter: ast.Expr | None = None,
ratio: ast.RatioExpr | None = None,
is_first_matching_event: bool = False,
+ filters_with_breakdown: ast.Expr | None = None,
- query.select = self._select_expr(date_from, filters, is_first_matching_event)
+ self._filters = filters
+ self._filters_with_breakdown = filters_with_breakdown
+ self._is_first_matching_event = is_first_matching_event
+ query.select = self._select_expr(date_from)
query.select_from = self._select_from_expr(ratio)
query.where = self._where_expr(date_to, event_or_action_filter)
query.group_by = self._group_by_expr()
query.having = self._having_expr()
- def _select_expr(self, date_from: ast.Expr, filters: ast.Expr | None = None, is_first_matching_event: bool = False):
- aggregation_filters = date_from if filters is None else ast.And(exprs=[date_from, filters])
+ def _select_expr(self, date_from: ast.Expr):
+ min_timestamp_with_condition_filters = (
+ self._filters_with_breakdown if self._filters_with_breakdown is not None else self._filters
+ )
+ aggregation_filters = (
+ date_from
+ if min_timestamp_with_condition_filters is None
+ else ast.And(exprs=[date_from, min_timestamp_with_condition_filters])
+ )
min_timestamp_expr = (
ast.Call(name="min", args=[ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"])])
- if not is_first_matching_event
- else ast.Call(name="minIf", args=[ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"]), aggregation_filters])
+ if not self._is_first_matching_event or self._filters is None
+ else ast.Call(name="minIf", args=[ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"]), self._filters])
return [
@@ -118,16 +130,27 @@ def _group_by_expr(self) -> list[ast.Expr]:
return [ast.Field(chain=["person_id"])]
def _having_expr(self) -> ast.Expr:
- return ast.CompareOperation(
+ left = ast.CompareOperation(
+ right = ast.CompareOperation(
+ op=ast.CompareOperationOp.NotEq,
+ left=ast.Field(chain=["min_timestamp"]),
+ right=ast.Call(name="fromUnixTimestamp", args=[ast.Constant(value=0)]),
+ )
+ return ast.And(exprs=[left, right])
def _transform_column(self, column: ast.Expr):
- return ast.Call(
- name="argMin",
- args=[column, ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"])],
+ return (
+ ast.Call(name="argMin", args=[column, ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"])])
+ if not self._is_first_matching_event or self._filters is None
+ else ast.Call(
+ name="argMinIf",
+ args=[column, ast.Field(chain=["timestamp"]), self._filters],
+ )
def append_select(self, expr: ast.Expr, aggregate: bool = False):
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/test/test_aggregations.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/test/test_aggregations.py
index 4f84afabc0dcc..9498487315b01 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/test/test_aggregations.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/insights/utils/test/test_aggregations.py
@@ -98,12 +98,24 @@ def test_query(self):
assert isinstance(query.group_by[0], ast.Field)
assert query.group_by[0].chain == ["person_id"]
- assert isinstance(query.having, ast.CompareOperation)
- assert query.having.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.Eq
- assert isinstance(query.having.left, ast.Field)
- assert query.having.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
- assert isinstance(query.having.right, ast.Field)
- assert query.having.right.chain == ["min_timestamp_with_condition"]
+ assert isinstance(query.having, ast.And)
+ assert len(query.having.exprs) == 2
+ first = query.having.exprs[0]
+ assert isinstance(first, ast.CompareOperation)
+ assert first.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.Eq
+ assert isinstance(first.left, ast.Field)
+ assert first.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
+ assert isinstance(first.right, ast.Field)
+ assert first.right.chain == ["min_timestamp_with_condition"]
+ second = query.having.exprs[1]
+ assert isinstance(second, ast.CompareOperation)
+ assert second.op == ast.CompareOperationOp.NotEq
+ assert isinstance(second.left, ast.Field)
+ assert second.left.chain == ["min_timestamp"]
+ assert isinstance(second.right, ast.Call)
def test_query_with_filters(self):
query = ast.SelectQuery(select=[])
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/__snapshots__/test_error_tracking_query_runner.ambr b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/__snapshots__/test_error_tracking_query_runner.ambr
index ea980f1b28059..cd7310750a8de 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/__snapshots__/test_error_tracking_query_runner.ambr
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/__snapshots__/test_error_tracking_query_runner.ambr
@@ -325,6 +325,126 @@
# ---
+# name: TestErrorTrackingQueryRunner.test_status
+ '''
+ SELECT if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID')) AS id,
+ count(DISTINCT events.uuid) AS occurrences,
+ count(DISTINCT nullIf(events.`$session_id`, '')) AS sessions,
+ count(DISTINCT events.distinct_id) AS users,
+ max(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS last_seen,
+ min(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS first_seen,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('hour', toStartOfHour(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfHour(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(24))) AS volumeDay,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('day', toStartOfDay(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfDay(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(31))) AS volumeMonth
+ FROM events
+ (SELECT argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.issue_id, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version) AS issue_id,
+ error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint AS fingerprint
+ FROM error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides
+ WHERE equals(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.team_id, 99999)
+ GROUP BY error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint
+ HAVING ifNull(equals(argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.is_deleted, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version), 0), 0) SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS events__exception_issue_override ON equals(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_fingerprint'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), events__exception_issue_override.fingerprint)
+ WHERE and(equals(events.team_id, 99999), equals(events.event, '$exception'), isNotNull(if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))), 1)
+ GROUP BY if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))
+ LIMIT 101
+ OFFSET 0 SETTINGS readonly=2,
+ max_execution_time=60,
+ allow_experimental_object_type=1,
+ format_csv_allow_double_quotes=0,
+ max_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_expanded_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_bytes_before_external_group_by=0
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: TestErrorTrackingQueryRunner.test_status.1
+ '''
+ SELECT if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID')) AS id,
+ count(DISTINCT events.uuid) AS occurrences,
+ count(DISTINCT nullIf(events.`$session_id`, '')) AS sessions,
+ count(DISTINCT events.distinct_id) AS users,
+ max(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS last_seen,
+ min(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS first_seen,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('hour', toStartOfHour(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfHour(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(24))) AS volumeDay,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('day', toStartOfDay(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfDay(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(31))) AS volumeMonth
+ FROM events
+ (SELECT argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.issue_id, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version) AS issue_id,
+ error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint AS fingerprint
+ FROM error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides
+ WHERE equals(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.team_id, 99999)
+ GROUP BY error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint
+ HAVING ifNull(equals(argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.is_deleted, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version), 0), 0) SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS events__exception_issue_override ON equals(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_fingerprint'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), events__exception_issue_override.fingerprint)
+ WHERE and(equals(events.team_id, 99999), equals(events.event, '$exception'), isNotNull(if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))), 1)
+ GROUP BY if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))
+ LIMIT 101
+ OFFSET 0 SETTINGS readonly=2,
+ max_execution_time=60,
+ allow_experimental_object_type=1,
+ format_csv_allow_double_quotes=0,
+ max_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_expanded_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_bytes_before_external_group_by=0
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: TestErrorTrackingQueryRunner.test_status.2
+ '''
+ SELECT if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID')) AS id,
+ count(DISTINCT events.uuid) AS occurrences,
+ count(DISTINCT nullIf(events.`$session_id`, '')) AS sessions,
+ count(DISTINCT events.distinct_id) AS users,
+ max(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS last_seen,
+ min(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS first_seen,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('hour', toStartOfHour(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfHour(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(24))) AS volumeDay,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('day', toStartOfDay(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfDay(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(31))) AS volumeMonth
+ FROM events
+ (SELECT argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.issue_id, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version) AS issue_id,
+ error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint AS fingerprint
+ FROM error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides
+ WHERE equals(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.team_id, 99999)
+ GROUP BY error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint
+ HAVING ifNull(equals(argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.is_deleted, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version), 0), 0) SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS events__exception_issue_override ON equals(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_fingerprint'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), events__exception_issue_override.fingerprint)
+ WHERE and(equals(events.team_id, 99999), equals(events.event, '$exception'), isNotNull(if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))), 1)
+ GROUP BY if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))
+ LIMIT 101
+ OFFSET 0 SETTINGS readonly=2,
+ max_execution_time=60,
+ allow_experimental_object_type=1,
+ format_csv_allow_double_quotes=0,
+ max_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_expanded_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_bytes_before_external_group_by=0
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: TestErrorTrackingQueryRunner.test_status.3
+ '''
+ SELECT if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID')) AS id,
+ count(DISTINCT events.uuid) AS occurrences,
+ count(DISTINCT nullIf(events.`$session_id`, '')) AS sessions,
+ count(DISTINCT events.distinct_id) AS users,
+ max(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS last_seen,
+ min(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')) AS first_seen,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('hour', toStartOfHour(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfHour(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(24))) AS volumeDay,
+ reverse(arrayMap(x -> countEqual(groupArray(dateDiff('day', toStartOfDay(toTimeZone(events.timestamp, 'UTC')), toStartOfDay(now64(6, 'UTC')))), x), range(31))) AS volumeMonth
+ FROM events
+ (SELECT argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.issue_id, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version) AS issue_id,
+ error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint AS fingerprint
+ FROM error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides
+ WHERE equals(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.team_id, 99999)
+ GROUP BY error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.fingerprint
+ HAVING ifNull(equals(argMax(error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.is_deleted, error_tracking_issue_fingerprint_overrides.version), 0), 0) SETTINGS optimize_aggregation_in_order=1) AS events__exception_issue_override ON equals(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_fingerprint'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), events__exception_issue_override.fingerprint)
+ WHERE and(equals(events.team_id, 99999), equals(events.event, '$exception'), isNotNull(if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))), 1)
+ GROUP BY if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID'))
+ LIMIT 101
+ OFFSET 0 SETTINGS readonly=2,
+ max_execution_time=60,
+ allow_experimental_object_type=1,
+ format_csv_allow_double_quotes=0,
+ max_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_expanded_ast_elements=4000000,
+ max_bytes_before_external_group_by=0
+ '''
+# ---
# name: TestErrorTrackingQueryRunner.test_user_assignee
SELECT if(not(empty(events__exception_issue_override.issue_id)), events__exception_issue_override.issue_id, accurateCastOrNull(replaceRegexpAll(nullIf(nullIf(JSONExtractRaw(events.properties, '$exception_issue_id'), ''), 'null'), '^"|"$', ''), 'UUID')) AS id,
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_actors_query_runner.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_actors_query_runner.py
index 889896ae239a5..7791341b45229 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_actors_query_runner.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_actors_query_runner.py
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
from posthog.models.utils import UUIDT
from posthog.schema import (
+ BaseMathType,
+ BreakdownFilter,
+ BreakdownType,
+ EventPropertyFilter,
@@ -18,6 +22,7 @@
+ TrendsQuery,
from posthog.test.base import (
@@ -267,3 +272,157 @@ def test_persons_query_grouping(self):
response = runner.calculate()
# Should show a single person despite multiple distinct_ids
self.assertEqual(len(response.results), 1)
+ def test_actors_query_for_first_matching_event(self):
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p1"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p2"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p3"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p4"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id="p3",
+ timestamp="2020-01-02T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "breakdown_prop": 3},
+ )
+ for i in range(1, 5):
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "breakdown_prop": f"{i if i == 3 else 1}"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "breakdown_prop": f"{i if i == 3 else 1}"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-10T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "breakdown_prop": f"{i if i == 3 else 1}"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "breakdown_prop": f"{i if i == 3 else 1}"},
+ )
+ flush_persons_and_events()
+ source_query = TrendsQuery(
+ dateRange=DateRange(date_from="2020-01-08", date_to="2020-01-11"),
+ interval=IntervalType.DAY,
+ series=[
+ EventsNode(
+ event="$pageview",
+ properties=[EventPropertyFilter(key="$browser", operator=PropertyOperator.EXACT, value="Firefox")],
+ )
+ ],
+ breakdownFilter=BreakdownFilter(breakdown_type=BreakdownType.EVENT, breakdown="breakdown_prop"),
+ )
+ runner = self._create_runner(
+ ActorsQuery(source=InsightActorsQuery(source=source_query, day="2020-01-10T00:00:00Z", breakdown="3"))
+ )
+ response = runner.calculate()
+ assert len(response.results) == 1
+ def test_actors_query_url_normalization(self):
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p1"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ _create_person(
+ team=self.team,
+ distinct_ids=["p2"],
+ properties={},
+ )
+ for i in range(1, 4):
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-08T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "current_url": "https://example.com/"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-09T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Chrome", "current_url": "https://example.com/"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-10T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "current_url": "https://example.com/"},
+ )
+ _create_event(
+ team=self.team,
+ event="$pageview",
+ distinct_id=f"p{i}",
+ timestamp="2020-01-11T12:00:00Z",
+ properties={"$browser": "Firefox", "current_url": "https://example.com/"},
+ )
+ flush_persons_and_events()
+ source_query = TrendsQuery(
+ dateRange=DateRange(date_from="2020-01-08", date_to="2020-01-11"),
+ interval=IntervalType.DAY,
+ series=[
+ EventsNode(
+ event="$pageview",
+ properties=[EventPropertyFilter(key="$browser", operator=PropertyOperator.EXACT, value="Firefox")],
+ )
+ ],
+ breakdownFilter=BreakdownFilter(
+ breakdown_type=BreakdownType.EVENT, breakdown="current_url", breakdown_normalize_url=True
+ ),
+ )
+ runner = self._create_runner(
+ ActorsQuery(
+ source=InsightActorsQuery(
+ source=source_query, day="2020-01-10T00:00:00Z", breakdown="https://example.com"
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ response = runner.calculate()
+ assert len(response.results) == 3
diff --git a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_error_tracking_query_runner.py b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_error_tracking_query_runner.py
index 1762db668fe10..a3775e2e2a550 100644
--- a/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_error_tracking_query_runner.py
+++ b/posthog/hogql_queries/test/test_error_tracking_query_runner.py
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ def override_fingerprint(self, fingerprint, issue_id, version=1):
team_id=self.team.pk, fingerprint=fingerprint, issue_id=issue_id, version=version
- def create_issue(self, issue_id, fingerprint):
- issue = ErrorTrackingIssue.objects.create(id=issue_id, team=self.team)
+ def create_issue(self, issue_id, fingerprint, status=ErrorTrackingIssue.Status.ACTIVE):
+ issue = ErrorTrackingIssue.objects.create(id=issue_id, team=self.team, status=status)
ErrorTrackingIssueFingerprintV2.objects.create(team=self.team, issue=issue, fingerprint=fingerprint)
return issue
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ def setUp(self):
- self.issue_one = self.create_events_and_issue(
+ self.create_events_and_issue(
distinct_ids=[self.distinct_id_one, self.distinct_id_two],
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ def _calculate(
+ status=None,
return (
@@ -289,6 +290,7 @@ def _calculate(
+ status=status,
@@ -484,6 +486,24 @@ def test_ordering(self):
results = self._calculate(orderBy="first_seen")["results"]
self.assertEqual([r["id"] for r in results], [self.issue_id_one, self.issue_id_two, self.issue_id_three])
+ @snapshot_clickhouse_queries
+ def test_status(self):
+ resolved_issue = ErrorTrackingIssue.objects.get(id=self.issue_id_one)
+ resolved_issue.status = ErrorTrackingIssue.Status.RESOLVED
+ resolved_issue.save()
+ results = self._calculate(status="active")["results"]
+ self.assertEqual([r["id"] for r in results], [self.issue_id_three, self.issue_id_two])
+ results = self._calculate(status="resolved")["results"]
+ self.assertEqual([r["id"] for r in results], [self.issue_id_one])
+ results = self._calculate()["results"]
+ self.assertEqual([r["id"] for r in results], [self.issue_id_three, self.issue_id_one, self.issue_id_two])
+ results = self._calculate(status="all")["results"]
+ self.assertEqual([r["id"] for r in results], [self.issue_id_three, self.issue_id_one, self.issue_id_two])
def test_overrides_aggregation(self):
self.override_fingerprint(self.issue_three_fingerprint, self.issue_id_one)
results = self._calculate(orderBy="occurrences")["results"]
diff --git a/posthog/queries/base.py b/posthog/queries/base.py
index 907b741eafc76..6822cf07ab757 100644
--- a/posthog/queries/base.py
+++ b/posthog/queries/base.py
@@ -131,9 +131,12 @@ def compute_exact_match(value: ValueT, override_value: Any) -> bool:
return str(value).lower() not in str(override_value).lower()
if operator in ("regex", "not_regex"):
+ pattern = sanitize_regex_pattern(str(value))
- pattern = re.compile(str(value))
- match = pattern.search(str(override_value))
+ # Make the pattern more flexible by using DOTALL flag to allow . to match newlines
+ # Added IGNORECASE for more flexibility
+ compiled_pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ match = compiled_pattern.search(str(override_value))
if operator == "regex":
return match is not None
@@ -513,3 +516,51 @@ def sanitize_property_key(key: Any) -> str:
# This is because we don't want to overwrite the value of key1 when we're trying to read key2
hash_value = hashlib.sha1(string_key.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:15]
return f"{substitute}_{hash_value}"
+def sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern: str) -> str:
+ # If it doesn't look like a property match pattern, return it as-is
+ if not ('"' in pattern or "'" in pattern or ":" in pattern):
+ return pattern
+ # First, temporarily replace escaped quotes with markers
+ pattern = pattern.replace(r"\"", "__ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE__")
+ pattern = pattern.replace(r"\'", "__ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE__")
+ # Replace unescaped quotes with a pattern that matches either quote type
+ pattern = pattern.replace('"', "['\"]")
+ # Add optional whitespace around colons to handle Python dict format
+ pattern = pattern.replace(":", r"\s*:\s*")
+ # Now restore the escaped quotes, but convert them to also match either quote type
+ pattern = pattern.replace("__ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE__", "['\"]")
+ pattern = pattern.replace("__ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE__", "['\"]")
+ # If the pattern looks like a property match (key:value), convert it to use lookaheads
+ if "['\"]" in pattern:
+ # Split the pattern if it's trying to match multiple properties
+ parts = pattern.split("[^}]*")
+ converted_parts = []
+ for part in parts:
+ if "['\"]" in part:
+ # Extract the key and value from patterns like ['"]key['"]\s*:\s*['"]value['"]
+ try:
+ # Use a non-capturing group for quotes and match the exact key name
+ # This ensures we don't match partial keys or keys that are substrings of others
+ key = re.search(r'\[\'"\]((?:[^\'"\s:}]+))\[\'"\]\\s\*:\\s\*\[\'"\](.*?)\[\'"\]', part)
+ if key:
+ key_name, value = key.groups()
+ # Escape special regex characters in the key name
+ escaped_key_name = re.escape(key_name)
+ # Convert to a positive lookahead that matches the exact key-value pair
+ converted = f"(?=.*['\"]?{escaped_key_name}['\"]?\\s*:\\s*['\"]?{value}['\"]?)"
+ converted_parts.append(converted)
+ except Exception:
+ # If we can't parse it, use the original pattern
+ converted_parts.append(part)
+ else:
+ converted_parts.append(part)
+ pattern = "".join(converted_parts)
+ return pattern
diff --git a/posthog/queries/test/test_base.py b/posthog/queries/test/test_base.py
index a363b26ce19bc..50cf47d8b229e 100644
--- a/posthog/queries/test/test_base.py
+++ b/posthog/queries/test/test_base.py
@@ -11,7 +11,12 @@
from posthog.models.filters.path_filter import PathFilter
from posthog.models.property.property import Property
-from posthog.queries.base import match_property, relative_date_parse_for_feature_flag_matching, sanitize_property_key
+from posthog.queries.base import (
+ match_property,
+ relative_date_parse_for_feature_flag_matching,
+ sanitize_property_key,
+ sanitize_regex_pattern,
from posthog.test.base import APIBaseTest
@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ def test_match_properties_regex(self):
mock_compile.return_value = pattern
self.assertTrue(match_property(property_e, {"key": "5"}))
- mock_compile.assert_called_once_with("5")
+ mock_compile.assert_called_once_with("5", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
def test_match_properties_math_operators(self):
property_a = Property(key="key", value=1, operator="gt")
@@ -361,7 +366,10 @@ def test_none_property_value_with_all_operators(self):
self.assertTrue(match_property(property_d, {"key": None}))
property_d_lower_case = Property(key="key", value="no", operator="regex")
- self.assertFalse(match_property(property_d_lower_case, {"key": None}))
+ self.assertTrue(match_property(property_d_lower_case, {"key": None}))
+ property_d_non_matching = Property(key="key", value="xyz", operator="regex")
+ self.assertFalse(match_property(property_d_non_matching, {"key": None}))
property_e = Property(key="key", value=1, operator="gt")
self.assertTrue(match_property(property_e, {"key": None}))
@@ -555,3 +563,163 @@ def test_year_parsing(self):
assert relative_date_parse_for_feature_flag_matching("8y") == datetime.datetime(
2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 20, 134000, tzinfo=tz.gettz("UTC")
+class TestSanitizeRegexPattern(TestCase):
+ def test_basic_property_matching(self):
+ test_cases = [
+ # Simple key-value matches
+ ('"key":"value"', "{'key': 'value'}", True),
+ # Quote style variations
+ ("'key':'value'", "{'key': 'value'}", True),
+ (r"\"key\":\"value\"", "{'key': 'value'}", True),
+ # Whitespace handling
+ ('"key" : "value"', "{'key':'value'}", True),
+ ('"key":"value"', "{'key': 'value'}", True),
+ # Case sensitivity
+ ('"LANG":"EN"', "{'lang': 'en'}", True),
+ ('"lang":"en"', "{'LANG': 'EN'}", True),
+ # Basic non-matching cases
+ ('"key":"value"', "{'key': 'different'}", False),
+ ('"key":"value"', "{'different': 'value'}", False),
+ ]
+ for pattern, test_string, should_match in test_cases:
+ sanitized = sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern)
+ match = re.search(sanitized, test_string, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ bool(match),
+ should_match,
+ f"Failed for pattern: {pattern}\nSanitized to: {sanitized}\nTesting against: {test_string}\nExpected match: {should_match}",
+ )
+ def test_property_name_patterns(self):
+ test_cases = [
+ # Special characters in property names
+ ('"user-id":"123"', "{'user-id': '123'}", True),
+ ('"@timestamp":"2023-01-01"', "{'@timestamp': '2023-01-01'}", True),
+ ('"$ref":"#/definitions/user"', "{'$ref': '#/definitions/user'}", True),
+ ('"special.key":"value"', "{'special.key': 'value'}", True),
+ ('"snake_case_key":"value"', "{'snake_case_key': 'value'}", True),
+ # Unicode and emoji
+ ('"über":"value"', "{'über': 'value'}", True),
+ ('"emoji🔑":"value"', "{'emoji🔑': 'value'}", True),
+ # Empty or special-only names
+ ('"-":"value"', "{'-': 'value'}", True),
+ ('"_":"value"', "{'_': 'value'}", True),
+ # Multiple special characters
+ ('"$special@key.name-here":"value"', "{'$special@key.name-here': 'value'}", True),
+ # Partial matches should not work
+ ('"user-id":"123"', "{'different-id': '123'}", False),
+ ('"lang":"en"', "{'language': 'en'}", False),
+ ]
+ for pattern, test_string, should_match in test_cases:
+ sanitized = sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern)
+ match = re.search(sanitized, test_string, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ bool(match),
+ should_match,
+ f"Failed for pattern: {pattern}\nSanitized to: {sanitized}\nTesting against: {test_string}\nExpected match: {should_match}",
+ )
+ def test_nested_structures(self):
+ test_cases = [
+ # Simple nested dictionary
+ ('"key":"value"', "{'parent': {'key': 'value'}}", True),
+ # Multiple levels of nesting
+ ('"a":{"b":{"c":"value"}}', '{"a":{"b":{"c":"value"}}}', True),
+ # Array values
+ ('"array":["value1","value2"]', '{"array":["value1","value2"]}', True),
+ # Mixed nesting with arrays and objects
+ ('"data":{"items":[{"id":"123"}]}', '{"data":{"items":[{"id":"123"}]}}', True),
+ # Multiple properties with nesting
+ (
+ '"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"',
+ "{'id': 123, 'data': {'lang': 'en', 'meta': {'slug': 'web'}, 'active': true}}",
+ True,
+ ),
+ # Incorrect nesting level should not match
+ (
+ '"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"',
+ "{'data': {'lang': 'en'}, 'slug': 'mobile'}",
+ False,
+ ),
+ # Nested structures with whitespace and newlines
+ (
+ '"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"',
+ """
+ {
+ 'data': {
+ 'lang': 'en',
+ 'slug': 'web'
+ }
+ }
+ """,
+ True,
+ ),
+ ]
+ for pattern, test_string, should_match in test_cases:
+ sanitized = sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern)
+ match = re.search(sanitized, test_string, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ bool(match),
+ should_match,
+ f"Failed for pattern: {pattern}\nSanitized to: {sanitized}\nTesting against: {test_string}\nExpected match: {should_match}",
+ )
+ def test_multiple_properties(self):
+ test_cases = [
+ # Multiple properties in any order
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'slug': 'web', 'lang': 'en'}", True),
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'lang': 'en', 'slug': 'web'}", True),
+ # Properties with other data in between
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'name': 'test', 'lang': 'en', 'other': 123, 'slug': 'web'}", True),
+ # Missing required property
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'lang': 'en', 'url': 'web'}", False),
+ # Wrong property values
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'lang': 'es', 'slug': 'web'}", False),
+ ('"lang":"en"[^}]*"slug":"web"', "{'lang': 'en', 'slug': 'mobile'}", False),
+ ]
+ for pattern, test_string, should_match in test_cases:
+ sanitized = sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern)
+ match = re.search(sanitized, test_string, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ bool(match),
+ should_match,
+ f"Failed for pattern: {pattern}\nSanitized to: {sanitized}\nTesting against: {test_string}\nExpected match: {should_match}",
+ )
+ def test_simple_regex_patterns(self):
+ test_cases = [
+ # Basic regex patterns
+ (r"^test$", "test", True),
+ (r"^test$", "test123", False),
+ (r"test\d+", "test123", True),
+ (r"test\d+", "test", False),
+ # Wildcards and character classes
+ (r".*\.com$", "example.com", True),
+ (r".*\.com$", "example.org", False),
+ (r"[a-z]+", "abc", True),
+ (r"[a-z]+", "123", False),
+ # Groups and alternation
+ (r"(foo|bar)", "foo", True),
+ (r"(foo|bar)", "bar", True),
+ (r"(foo|bar)", "baz", False),
+ # Common patterns (email, URL)
+ (r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", "test@example.com", True),
+ (r"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", "invalid-email", False),
+ (r"^https?://[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", "https://example.com", True),
+ (r"^https?://[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", "not-a-url", False),
+ ]
+ for pattern, test_string, should_match in test_cases:
+ sanitized = sanitize_regex_pattern(pattern)
+ match = re.search(sanitized, test_string, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ bool(match),
+ should_match,
+ f"Failed for pattern: {pattern}\nSanitized to: {sanitized}\nTesting against: {test_string}\nExpected match: {should_match}",
+ )
diff --git a/posthog/schema.py b/posthog/schema.py
index c6aa92d4bac1a..0df08f9e9ff9b 100644
--- a/posthog/schema.py
+++ b/posthog/schema.py
@@ -657,6 +657,21 @@ class OrderBy(StrEnum):
SESSIONS = "sessions"
+class Status1(StrEnum):
+ ARCHIVED = "archived"
+ ACTIVE = "active"
+ RESOLVED = "resolved"
+ PENDING_RELEASE = "pending_release"
+ ALL = "all"
+class Status2(StrEnum):
+ ARCHIVED = "archived"
+ ACTIVE = "active"
+ RESOLVED = "resolved"
+ PENDING_RELEASE = "pending_release"
class Interval(StrEnum):
MINUTE = "minute"
HOUR = "hour"
@@ -1352,6 +1367,7 @@ class StickinessFilterLegacy(BaseModel):
display: Optional[ChartDisplayType] = None
hidden_legend_keys: Optional[dict[str, Union[bool, Any]]] = None
show_legend: Optional[bool] = None
+ show_multiple_y_axes: Optional[bool] = None
show_values_on_series: Optional[bool] = None
@@ -1996,6 +2012,7 @@ class CohortPropertyFilter(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(
+ cohort_name: Optional[str] = None
key: Literal["id"] = "id"
label: Optional[str] = None
operator: Optional[PropertyOperator] = PropertyOperator.IN_
@@ -2111,7 +2128,7 @@ class ErrorTrackingRelationalIssue(BaseModel):
first_seen: AwareDatetime
id: str
name: Optional[str] = None
- status: Status
+ status: Status2
class ErrorTrackingSparklineConfig(BaseModel):
@@ -2631,6 +2648,7 @@ class StickinessFilter(BaseModel):
display: Optional[ChartDisplayType] = None
hiddenLegendIndexes: Optional[list[int]] = None
showLegend: Optional[bool] = None
+ showMultipleYAxes: Optional[bool] = None
showValuesOnSeries: Optional[bool] = None
stickinessCriteria: Optional[StickinessCriteria] = None
@@ -6670,6 +6688,7 @@ class ErrorTrackingQuery(BaseModel):
orderBy: Optional[OrderBy] = None
response: Optional[ErrorTrackingQueryResponse] = None
searchQuery: Optional[str] = None
+ status: Optional[Status1] = None
class EventsQuery(BaseModel):
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/__init__.py b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/__init__.py
index e7faa8de79583..53991e760ee2d 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/__init__.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/__init__.py
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ def sql_table(
metadata: Optional[MetaData] = None,
incremental: Optional[dlt.sources.incremental[Any]] = None,
chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
- backend: TableBackend = "sqlalchemy",
+ backend: TableBackend = "pyarrow",
detect_precision_hints: Optional[bool] = None,
reflection_level: Optional[ReflectionLevel] = "full",
defer_table_reflect: Optional[bool] = None,
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/arrow_helpers.py b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/arrow_helpers.py
index 8fa110b3a56f9..1feb778955271 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/arrow_helpers.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/arrow_helpers.py
@@ -121,6 +121,15 @@ def row_tuples_to_arrow(rows: Sequence[RowAny], columns: TTableSchemaColumns, tz
[None if x is not None and math.isnan(x) else x for x in columnar_known_types[field.name]]
+ if issubclass(py_type, bytes) or issubclass(py_type, str):
+ # For bytes/str columns, ensure any dict values are serialized to JSON strings
+ # Convert to numpy array after processing
+ processed_values = [
+ None if x is None else json_dumps(x) if isinstance(x, dict | list) else x
+ for x in columnar_known_types[field.name]
+ ]
+ columnar_known_types[field.name] = np.array(processed_values, dtype=object)
# If there are unknown type columns, first create a table to infer their types
if columnar_unknown_types:
new_schema_fields = []
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/test/test_arrow_helpers.py b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/test/test_arrow_helpers.py
index 978fb8770fd65..5e5264eb3b692 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/test/test_arrow_helpers.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/data_imports/pipelines/sql_database/test/test_arrow_helpers.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import pytest
import pyarrow as pa
-from posthog.temporal.data_imports.pipelines.sql_database.arrow_helpers import json_dumps
+from posthog.temporal.data_imports.pipelines.sql_database.arrow_helpers import json_dumps, row_tuples_to_arrow
from dlt.common.json import json
@@ -20,3 +20,18 @@ def test_handle_large_integers():
json_str_array = pa.array([None if s is None else json_dumps(s) for s in [{"a": -(2**64)}]])
loaded = json.loads(json_str_array[0].as_py())
assert loaded["a"] == float(-(2**64))
+def test_row_tuples_to_arrow_string_column_with_dict():
+ # Test that row_tuples_to_arrow properly serializes dictionaries in string columns
+ test_dict = {"key": "value"}
+ rows = [("",), (test_dict,)]
+ columns = {"string_col": {"name": "string_col", "data_type": "text", "nullable": True}}
+ # This should now succeed and serialize the dictionary to JSON
+ table = row_tuples_to_arrow(rows, columns, "UTC") # type: ignore
+ # Verify the results
+ assert table.column("string_col")[0].as_py() == ""
+ # The dictionary should be serialized to a JSON string
+ assert json.loads(table.column("string_col")[1].as_py()) == test_dict
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_bigquery_batch_export_workflow.py b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_bigquery_batch_export_workflow.py
index 23f6a1e663fbb..0f8860ce971eb 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_bigquery_batch_export_workflow.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_bigquery_batch_export_workflow.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
pytestmark = [SKIP_IF_MISSING_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, pytest.mark.asyncio, pytest.mark.django_db]
-TEST_TIME = dt.datetime.now(dt.UTC)
+TEST_TIME = dt.datetime.now(dt.UTC).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
@@ -1239,9 +1239,9 @@ async def test_bigquery_export_workflow_without_events(
- # This is hardcoded relative to the `data_interval_end` used in all or most tests, since that's also
- # passed to `generate_test_data` to determine the timestamp for the generated data.
- [dt.datetime(2023, 4, 24, 15, 0, 0, tzinfo=dt.UTC)],
+ # This is set to 24 hours before the `data_interval_end` to ensure that the data created is outside the batch
+ # interval.
+ [TEST_TIME - dt.timedelta(hours=24)],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("interval", ["hour"], indirect=True)
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_postgres_batch_export_workflow.py b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_postgres_batch_export_workflow.py
index 30d184462a221..0007d43ba55a1 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_postgres_batch_export_workflow.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_postgres_batch_export_workflow.py
@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ async def test_postgres_export_workflow_without_events(
- # This is hardcoded relative to the `data_interval_end` used in all or most tests, since that's also
- # passed to `generate_test_data` to determine the timestamp for the generated data.
+ # This is set to 24 hours before the `data_interval_end` to ensure that the data created is outside the batch
+ # interval.
[dt.datetime.now(tz=dt.UTC).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - dt.timedelta(hours=24)],
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_s3_batch_export_workflow.py b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_s3_batch_export_workflow.py
index 3c589bbe0272a..1e0b08856edb4 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_s3_batch_export_workflow.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_s3_batch_export_workflow.py
@@ -978,8 +978,8 @@ async def test_s3_export_workflow_with_minio_bucket(
- # This is hardcoded relative to the `data_interval_end` used in all or most tests, since that's also
- # passed to `generate_test_data` to determine the timestamp for the generated data.
+ # This is set to 24 hours before the `data_interval_end` to ensure that the data created is outside the batch
+ # interval.
[dt.datetime.now(tz=dt.UTC).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - dt.timedelta(hours=24)],
diff --git a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_snowflake_batch_export_workflow.py b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_snowflake_batch_export_workflow.py
index d5921078a4b5e..2991b3480eb1c 100644
--- a/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_snowflake_batch_export_workflow.py
+++ b/posthog/temporal/tests/batch_exports/test_snowflake_batch_export_workflow.py
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@
+TEST_TIME = dt.datetime.now(dt.UTC).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
class FakeSnowflakeCursor:
"""A fake Snowflake cursor that can fail on PUT and COPY queries."""
@@ -1459,9 +1462,9 @@ async def test_snowflake_export_workflow_with_many_files(
- # This is hardcoded relative to the `data_interval_end` used in all or most tests, since that's also
- # passed to `generate_test_data` to determine the timestamp for the generated data.
- [dt.datetime(2023, 4, 24, 15, 0, 0, tzinfo=dt.UTC)],
+ # This is set to 24 hours before the `data_interval_end` to ensure that the data created is outside the batch
+ # interval.
+ [TEST_TIME - dt.timedelta(hours=24)],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("interval", ["hour"], indirect=True)