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Ross Bencina edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 5 revisions

Ticket wrangling: Tickets, Labels and Milestones

The list of all open PortAudio development tickets is here:

Tickets that might be good for new contributing developers to tackle are tagged with "good first issue". See TasksForNewContributors for details.

Tickets that need discussion and/or review by the mailing list are tagged with LIST-REVIEW. See AboutListReviewTickets for more details.


We use labels to help contributors and users locate tickets that are relevant to them.

Click here to view every label, its description, and associated tickets and pull requests.

Code Area

Every ticket should be labeled according to the code area that it applies to. This is important, as different code areas have different maintainers.

Code Area Labels


Tickets may also be labeled with platform. Some maintainers only work on a single platform.

Platforms Labels


Tickets are assigned priorities to help organise our work. "P0" is the highest priority, and should only be used for issues that would block a release.

Priority Labels

Open issues at each priority level:

Open issues with no assigned priority


Add annotations to help people see key information at a glance. "good first issue" is discussed at TasksForNewContributors. "QA" and "audit" relate to reviewing the quality of our implementation.

Annotation Labels

Close Reason

Use one of the following close reasons to indicate why an issue was closed:

Close Reason Labels


"META" tickets compile lists of related tickets. "LIST-REVIEW" and "IN-REVIEW" labels are for tagging design discussions and are discussed further at AboutListReviewTickets.

Administration Labels


Each milestone has a specific goal, listed in the descriptions here:

Open issues with no assigned milestone

The milestone names can be interpreted according to the following guidelines:

Milestone Description
Not assigned... all tickets that havn't been assigned a milestone. unscheduled work.
V19-SS* next stable snapshot
V19-M* development milestones towards next major release
V19 Next major release.
V20 n+1 major release. Stuff we're committed to tackling once V19 is out the door.

See the V19ReleasePlan for further discussion.

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